One Cent a Word. For l?h Innfirllon Ho iWrtlanmnt taken for 1m tlinn Iff ent. CAMII mnt Mftompanf all orclir. AilclreM I'lKI! COUWTT I'KKSS, MII.FIKI, PA. TRESPASS NOTICK. Nntliw Id hiwliy jrlvon tlmt tivspiuislntt on tht prtMiilw's occupied lir the umlnrniKiii'd In Dlnffiium tiiwiiHhln, knnwn bs the Huclmtmn fnrm for huntW, nliln. l'rryln or liny other pnrpnsn wluitPTttr 1h fnrbkUUn unilir pi'ii nltyof tho lnw. Any prrson or iiothoih illscilM-yliiK thin tuiMt-o will bo duiilt with In tho BovoreBt lnwfnl nmnnrr. Gboiiub II. McCauty, July 1, lSi7. LOBHIH3.. TRKSPAS8 NOTICK. Notlco In hcirl.y glvim tlmt trtwpiisslii(Hi!Hn tho wmtli eirn lmlf of the triurt o( liunl known as tho Wllllum Dnnnv, No. W, In Hhoholh town hip, for hunting, flailing, or, nny other r iirpimo, nlw) trespassing on Suwklll poml n I Hnunmn township, or, flxhin In It Is f orhlililuu under ponulty of the lnw. M. UI.EII.ANI) Mll.NOH, AprlWm Attorney for owner. TRESPASS NOTICK. Notloo If) hereby given tlmt trespassing upon tho pro perty of tho Forest Ijnke Association In Wknwttxcn township, Plko -county, Pu., for the purpose of limiting mul fishing, or liny other purpose la strletly forbidden un der penalty of the lnw. Alexander Hadhrw, Not. 23, 1896. President. TRESPASS NOTICK. Notice Is hereby given that trespassing on tho promises of the undersigned, situated In llpigniaii township, for any purpose, whatever is strletly forbidden, and all ofTomloin will be promptly prosecuted. IkA H. CASK. Out. 84, 1SU6. TOR SALK. A small farm loenfal nenr E Matamorns, known as tho Hoimel or Kelnhardt place, containing ai acres. Finely located, well watered. Hotiso and barn. Fruit of all kinds. Part Improved. Title clear. For terms, price, etc., address Look box O Milford, Pa. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondents are jmrtioulitrly roquested to sond in nil news in tondod for publication not Inter than Wednesday in ench wook to in sure insertion. MATAMORAS. The Sunday Schcxl of Epworth Church held Its annual picnic In Boll's Grove, a short distance from Matamoras, Thursday, Aug. 18. Tho ladles of the church had provldodan excellent dluuor, whloh w much enjoyed, after which tho children wore goncrously treated to choice loe croam. Owing to tho Inclement weather only about one hundred attendod, but notwithstanding the elements everyone had s pleasant time . Tho Rov. Mr. Morton has tendered his resignation, to tako elT.xit Sipt . 1 . We regrot to have him loavo Enworth church, ho Is tho right man in tho right place. Mr. Morton has made a great many friends In Matamoras. We trust at some future time ho may return. Rov. Mr. Sponcer from Pittsburg, Pa., Is to succeed Mr. Morton. Ho oomos well rocommcudod both as preaohor pnd pastor. Miss Grace Roedor of Middlotown, a for. mor resident of Matamoras, arrived In town a few days ago and Is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. N. Taft, on Pennsyl vania Ave. Miss Annie Tlee of Wurtsboro Is the guost of Miss Nellie Langton o'f Mata moras. It Is understood that Mr. Gustav Dmi ker has purchased the store and contents of J. St 3. Smith, of this plaoa, and will put his son, Gus, In ehargo. The Smith brothers came from Lackawaxcn two or throe yoars ago and oroctod tholr poncral grocery store on Washington St., and have since been actively eugaged In the. business. It is not known what tholr In tentions are for the present. Possession Is to be given the first of next wook. Orris Davoy is hauling ties to be used on the railroad bridge. Throo hundred are needed and when all arc hauled the old onos will bo roplaoed by the now. Aftor this has' boon douo tho bridge will bo com pleted. Mechanics have boon getting the con struction engine ready for service and It Is now ready to be run. Tho englnoors have bad to change the grade of the road just below this place and lowor it nearly a foot as the former engineer got it too high. Mrs, Sarah R9inoy is oomfortably lo cated in tho house of Mr. F. Oroe, along the river. Rov. J. A. Wlogand and R)v. Mr. Buck, with tholr fainillo?, and party, re turned last night from Pon Argyl, Pa., whoro they have boon for tou days at tending mooting. Tbolr turnout was a team of army mulos and a largo top wagon. They enjoyed the trip ImmDusoly . Dr. C. M Kelly, our now physician. Is meeting with flattering success as a dootor hero, aud is building up a flue practlo. Already he has drifted into politics and is a candidate on the Deinocratio ticket for Coroner. Miss Hazel Palmatiou, of Jorsoy City, Is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. James Brower, at this plaoa, and on Monday evening she was given a pleasant sur prise by about th irty-flve of her youug friends. The following porso ns took in the ex cursion on Wednesday: Mr. Oliver I) Squiers, Miss Mary Squlors, Miss Nellie Westfall, Miss Edith Snyder, Miss Lulu Billuian, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Billuiau, Mrs. Helen Bourne and son William. Mr. and Mrs. G. JTalstead, of Garfield, N. J., are visiting at Mrs. GllbertRainoy's, Mrs. Halstead's daughter. They were formerly residents of our village. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Haiscy,' of West town, have been spending the past week with their daughter, Mrs. D. B. Allen The Misses Slater, of Newark, are vis iting their cousin. Miss Kills Van Sickcl, of the Matamoras House. On Monday evening F rick's Grove, be tow Matamoras, was tho scene ot a very pleasaut event. The youug gentlemen of Bt. Joseph's Church had a piculo. Good iuubIo was furnished by CI u lie's orchestra. Over two huudred were in attoudauoo. Collier's wagons convoyed them to the Grove. Cake and oream were sold. The Indies of the church furnished very nice cake for the ocuanlon. Every oue had a plmuiuut time, aud everything passed off quietly. p Mimes lilllloand Annie Slater, of New ark, are visiting their coihIii Mis Hllln Van S'ckle. MUs Kato Keti Imyi, of Mfttam irns, has returned home a visit with friends and relatives at Paterson, Little Falls and N.Y. Mrs. AIM Huff, who lia boon visiting hor sister at Chicago for tho past three months returned home tho other evening . Mr. Chns. Garrabraut, of Jersey City, Is spending his vacation with his parents. Mrs. John Wannacott and dnughtor will spend tho noxt two weeks among rela tives and friends 111 Waymart, Pa. Miss Louise Mager who lias been visit ing friends and relatives In N. Y. City, PntOTSon nnd Poinpton, N.J., returned home Saturday after an absence of three weeks. At tho morning service Mr. Morton, the pastor of Kpwnrth church gavo an excell ent addressDu tho subj ot: Tho Saviour's parting words." Tho choir rendered some pretty selections. At the evening service the Chnutauquan vespers were Introduced which was very pleasing to tho audience. Miss Helen Quick gave n solo and also Mr. Morton both were very much enjoyed. Mr. Morton addressed the audience on tho "Influence of Companionship." Ho gave some very excellent advlco: "Thoro Is nothing that equals a conviction as a basis of character. Christ had no fears. Temptations lose their power when God's face Is visible to tho seeking soul." Tho choir snug some pretty selections at tho close of tho ser vice. S. LAYTON. Slnco this Is a Democratic County thoro is a vory natural feeling abroad among tho Democracy that tho nltlco of Surrogate should be filled by a Democrat. To that end, and with duo deference to tho candi dates now in the field, many true Demo crats suggest that the present oandldateH all withdraw, and simply ask that the delegates bo sent without further Instruc tions thau to Beloct tho vory best man they have. It Is conceded that Samuel Johnson, the present Incumbent, Is n good enough model for any party to pat tern nftor, and that any candidate with n fly speck on his reputation, or credited with being an office seeker, will not be ablo to secure tho Surrogate's office this year, as against tho admirable official who now orodltably fills that position. The bridge system, as applies to tin telephone, nocossarlly employs varloti patents. some of which are, or have boon. n controversy. One of thorn relating to the use of bells, as applied In this system, has boon passed upon by tho Supreme Court, and decided in favor ot the Hell Telephone Co. All who use it without consent nre therefore Infringing. Whether this effects the interests of the .Sussex Telephone Co., I am not Informed. The threshing machine of Elijah and Benjamin Uosonkraus Is on its rounds from farm to farm, as usual, aud every body Is anxious to got that seed rye threshed out In time for sowing. H. E. Montrojsand family eujoyod tho hospitality of Frauds Simpson, In Wal pack, on Sunday last. L'he Hudson River Central nt Newton gave tho patrons of that Company a splen did Band concert through the phones last Friday night, duo to tho kindness of B. D. Hursh, tho night operator. If tho business of the lino does not luterforo, a special instrument will be placed by him near the band stand, and the finest ren dering of the excellent muslo of tho New ton band will bo heard ovor the phones as has yot been listened to. Roiuemljor, tills Friday night. Quoit pitching is coming into favor again In this villugo, but they will nil take the usual rooess wheu tho candidates show up, and put up. Our schools open, I believe, on Sept. 5 aud tho time will noed bo put to good use to get thorn all in proper shape for the beginning of school. Dr. J. N. Miller and his accomplished wife ended tholr vacation at Layton on Thursday last hieing themselves to New York In time for the naval parade, and will probably speud a couple of weeks be tween that city aud Long Island, where he Is interested in real estate, LosterT. Smith, John V. Major, nnd John J. Van Siokle, all of Layton, attend ed the races at Port Jervls last wock. They report a fine list of entries, but woather conditions that haudlcappod tho management, made what promised to bean exceptionally good series of raoos, almost, or quite a failure. Ed. Westbtook and family, of N. Y., were at John A. Wostbrook's on Sunday. Ed . looks six feet and oyery inch a man. Ho is a tlckot agent in the offlous of the Grand Trunk Railway at tho Corner of Broadway aud Chambers Streets. Is not "I Sickles" a little rash to run up ogalust the Pikb County Press, or its editor, rather? Even in August editors are "hot stuff," you know, when It comes to slinging ink, and huve a faculty of uiuk tng a little of it go a long way. It is our humble opinion that IF Kessler's legisla tive record was olearor, and IF Hixon did not know it like the alphabet, (two pretty largo "ifs") "I. Sickles" would stand a bettor show of stevrlug clour of a thaw. The trespass law of lbyd. see pamphlet laws, page IDS, says that provided notices are posted In at least four conspicuous places at least throe months before the trespass takes place then any person hunt ing or fishing on such posted lands with out the cuuseut of the owner commits a misdemeanor, and U liable on conviction to a fine ot $100 or 10 days' imprisonment, or both, at the discretion of the Court. The family of Floyd P. Fuller and C. E. McCracken speut Suuday with Richard Layton at the potato farm, in Walpack. Alton J. Reasei, of Stroudsbur g, was in town on Sunday, Seems to me Alton J. is getting a little bald, but then it is said that all smart men get bald. H. To Car Conitlpatlon Forever. Take 5ueuiui Cuudy Catburlic. 10c ortlSe. U C. C C. tuii lo cure, arugtfuM net uud aujues. F&ICBS AT MILFOKD. Flour. $5.75. per bbl. Butter 23 " lb. Kg9 22 " doz. Feed 95 " cwt. Oats i'i " bu. Com ,.. ,S5 " DINGMANS FERRY. . W. F. Plnley has begun painting the Methodist Church here. A good field for nilsslonnry work Is In Coles' district, between Andrew Albright's nnd Slnley's, nnd within soventy-flvo yards of where Charles Busier lives, nnd In open sight of tho houses, thnro Is a mud hole about three feet deep, In which a lot of want-to-bo-called-gentlemen make n dally practice of bathing nude. There seems to bo an utter lack of decency among some of them. A good way to judge what kind of a man a cnmlhlntc Is, Is to see the majority lie gets In his own township afid where he Is best known. E.P. U's. vacation soonis to be a lengthy unc as his la7.y John has returned and It seems as If ho had crawled in a hole nnd pulled It In after him. We suppose after buy John takes to tho road again ho will enmn out and waste more Ink and mental labor. What Is tho matter with the painting of tho Silver Lake SchoM house? It cannot lie that the directors have ac cepted a Job done In that manner. The lHclflcntiiftis called for two ooats of paint and the work to bo done In a workmn.illke manner. The contractor substituted whiting mixed with water ns wo under stand and only one coat of that. Tho Job looks ns If the mixture had been thrown on with a basin and then swept ovor with a broom . Owen Brown and wife and Lilly Brown, of Summit, N.J, nre visiting Mrs. J. H. Emory of this township. A child of A. W. Hornbooks is very 111 at present. Dr. Hughs of Layton nttenOs It. '' "C (KUOM ANoTllltK COltUKSPONnKNT Wo are having n hot wavo just now. R. Vim Gordon Is recovering from his Inmonoss. Meadow Br.Kik Sabbath School will plc uio to day, (Friday.) J. W. Brown is to dothocarpontor work ou Irv Anglo's new house. J Some of our neighbors nre just finishing haying this week tho catchy woather de layed them. It Is to be hoped the war Is over for good and nil, and now wo can pay the bllls- The Cubans remind us of tho boy who gave his teacher some apples and when the term was ovor wanted thorn back ngiin. The Choice teemed with city boarders last week nnd the High Falls Hotel was 'hligcd to lodgo some elsewhoro. Mrs. Jacob Vandermark who broko hor arm sumo Woeks ago is nicely r cjver ing. Wednesday tho 17, a terrlflo th.vj.' r shower passed over parts of Lehman r.iid Delaware nnd tho lightning for a lj o was torriblo. During the storm noo. t 3 p m. tho barn on the Moses Van Gordon place In the locality of Depuos was strue'x fired and burned with Its contents. John Cuurtrlght who rents tho promises suc ceeded In saving his team but bis orops wore lost The building but not the orops was insured and the loss to the owner, who Is a deserving man In moderate cir cumstances Is very heavy. Voters should remember the last days on which they may bo assessed and regis tored In order to vote at the Nov. election are Sept' 5 & 6,. If a state or county tax has not been paid hero within two yoars one such must be paid at least 80 days be furo election. W. H.L By the toloscoping of a truin on the Now llavon road at Sbiirou, Muss., Inst Sundny night, twelve persona wore killed nnd several in jured. How'b This? ' We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Calar 'i that cunuot bo curcu by Mali s tJatarrn i;ure. F. J. CI1KNKY & CO .Props . Tol O Wo. tho undersiifiied. have known S. J. Cheney for the last fifteen years, a: d be lieve him perfectly honorable in all busi ness transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by the li rm. Wkst & TiiUAX, Wholosale Druggists, Toledo, O. Waliuno, Kinnan & Mahvin, Wholesale llrugglsts, Toledo, unlo. Pall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price 75o. ier bot tle. Sold by all druggists. Testimonials f 11 Ml. Hall's Family Pills are the best. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Edward Forirugnn. deccasod, In tliB Orphan's Court, of the County of Pike. Tho uii(lnrslKfitd hnvlng been appointed by the Orphan's Court of tho County of LJlke "to mnke distribution of 'money:) ii; bauds of Administrator, ainoug tho par tied entitled thereto and report the iwiiiio at the next Term," will attend to the duties of snld nppofhtmont nt his offioo In the Borough of Milford on the 14th day of September, A. D , 18: 8, fttj two o'clock in the afternoon, nt which time and place all persona interentod areJrequeaUnl to at tend and present their claim, or be for ever debarred from coming In and upon said fund. U. M. VAN AUKEN, Milford, Ph., Aug 18U8. Auditor. 4w. MAHKST iw,,C0BflllCH .. . Thirty-one yiri active practice. OpimYn ss to validity and patentability. Write lor book ct liMtrucrlonn and n-frreuee. EbSON bkOaCU F ttreat, Washington, ii. C HmiIi with too whether yoo continue tbe- DITTO-. 1111 Wlf lUUftu-U U1LHV-1U-U.L si Olit OrrvOU vlUlrM IpUiUlC--rjl ,1 1 I k llue, pun tie t'je tluoa, '-4fi 1 1 lTi',,T.."AV ton. )ual nia-nliiKxl.erf I I I bJpuai buzi-g P1ku,1.i'"11 iruaK-l2rlll4lru,d' O0.0W) luht-Hh.uro-v & U IFIS-a-te-ciirtiU 1)ut nti pucJttrfyv- kltaTOIlACfria t JLOour own tlruffisl, w.'io Vjsa 4 11 jilllTuut li for ui. Th it witb f H 'Lj will.pnti-Htijr, ptrBiaMKiiiiy Oqi L jk jL but. ftl, uuliy ujft); i boi. t iu, I K-uaVMitft-d to tii.'-, or ) rruaJ monny. mm rli. m Mhlj U, , UM, BemwtMl, !.. favorite i!cnicdy i n 411 MV.kl Tho Piili Thnt Will Tit. J. C. Ayer' Tills will prevent and cure biliousness. "Pot renn I haye thorntiB-hty iMtetl ATKR'S Plt.!j, both a prvnntiv nnd iir for bHtounneM. They nrn Ihe best medicine (or th purpuie and do all thnt ( elrtimerl for Ibem." J. B. (CO LB, Shark. A a. CiirQ mm m BiliousiSQSS Pennsylvania employs twine tlio number of hands nnd pays out double tlie ntnount of wngos of any state in tlio Union, and under pro tection the number has prently in creased. In March, 1895, thorn wore employed in this Btate nbnnt 4,1,618 and tho amount of wngos paid was fl, C52.370. 19. In March 1H9S, there wore employed 54,128 and they received $2,22,250.59. Thnt Is tho difference betworn the Wilson Free Trade blight and flm Dingley Protective blessing. Washington Hotels. RIG6S HOUSE. The hotel par excellence of tho cnnltnl. IoohUhI within ono block of the Vvhiti House nnd diroctly npnoslto tho Treasury. r most tame in mo city. WILLARD'S HOTEL A famous hotelry, remarkable for its historical associations nnd long-siistnined popularity. Recently renovated, repainted and partially refurnished. NATIONAL HOTEL. A landmark amittg the hotels of Wash Ington, patronized In former years by presidents nnd high nllielals. Always a prime favorite. Recently remodeled and rendered better than ever. Opp. Pn. R. R. dep. WALTKll BURTON, Res. Mgr. These hotels are tho principal political rendezvous of tho rnpltal nt all times. They aro tho best stopping plnoes at rea sonable rntos. O. O. STAPLES. Proprietor. O. DEWITT, Manager. AGENTS WANTED In Evttry County to Supply the groat popular demand for AMERICA'S WAR . FOR HUMAMITY. TOLD IN PICTURE AND STORY, COMPILED AND WRITTEN BY Senator John J. Ingalls, Of Kansas. Tho most brilliantly written, most pro family and artistically Illustrated, nnd most Intensely popular book on tho sub ject of the war with Spain. Nearly 200 Superb Illustrations from Phototographs. taken specially for this great work. Agents aro making toO to (100 a week selling It. A verltablo bonanza for live oanvassers. Apply for description, tonus and territory at ouce to N. B. Thompson Publishing Co., ST. LOUIS, MO., Or N-V. City. ARMSTRONG'S Sarsaparilla The Spring Medicine Is Strong Enough, Pure Enough, Good Enough and (11 T? t- J?j 65c. per bottle; 3 rje bottles for $1.75 made ? ."' 7 by r v C. 0. ARMSTRONG, Q LV Druggist, Milford Pharmacy. SOUVENIER CHINA. PHOTOGRAPHIC REPRODUCTION Of the Sawkill Falls and Upper Sawkill Falls On fine imported China ware in 'many pleasing shapes can be had at ARMSTRONG'S DRUG STORE. Dua'l Tubacrs 8(,ll tui Smiiss I oar Ufa iw.j. To quit tobacco easily and forever, bs mag netic lull of life, serve and vior, t&Ue No-To-liuo, the wimdur-worlier, that uiakes uduk mea itrunif. All drugtrmu. Wo or tl. Curegunruu teeit llooklei aud sample fren Address etrtUDj itvmd lo. ,' Viwa.o Now Vailfc A new line of DRY GOODS NOVELTIES In Dress Goods, LADIES' WAISTS AND WRAPPERS. A Choice Selection of Ladies' and Men's Neckwear. Finost assortment evor shown in town. RYMAN -:--: & WELLS. $RUTAN,$ THE BICYCLE REPAIRER, has a well equipped REPAIR SHOP Everything for a Bicycle. Wheels to Sell and Rent. Lessons given to beginners Wheels cleaned and crat ed for cyclists. Locks repaired and keys fitted to locks. Broad St., . Milford, Pa T. Armstrong & Co. Sccessors to BROWN & ARMSTRONG, Dealers in GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Milford, Pa. THE "BUNION" SHOE. Plonty of room for enlarged joints olose ly fitting elsewhere. This describes shoes made on tho "Bun Ion Lasts." The foot with the bunion was very much like other foot before tho bunion grew, It needs a sliix) having more room In cer tain points. It has been Impossible to obtain a satis factory fit in ready made shoo. The nearest approach to It was obtained by buying a shoo which was ;two or thrcu sizes too long or too wide. Tho "ciiBtoiu shoe maker"has frequently failed to give a satisfactory fit simply bo- cause he had no last of proper shape to work on. He put on A Ininuh here aud a bunch Micro, but tho outline was wrong and tne shoe didn't fit. Tho"Huulon Shoe" Is the only shoo that will fit tho foot with a bunion or an en larged joint. Tho words "Bunion Shoe' and "Buulon Last" registered as trade mark, May 71 1893. JOHNSON, FITTER OF-FEET, Port Jervis, N. Y, that everyone does not un derstand is Low to dross com fortably nnd handsomely at tho samo time. If you ex amine our up-to-date stock of clothing you will find that we have solocted the coolest and most elegant frabrics for the summer, and we have them in all the leading styles at prices that will surprise you. Crash Suits 2 40 and up Duck Pants 1 00 " Serge Coats 3 00 " Alpaca Coats 1 90 " Cotton Coats 60 " Gauze Under wear 25 " Outing Shirts B0 " Crash Hats 25 Straw Hats.. 25 " Wash Suits 50 " Crush Pants 1 50 " Crash Vest 85 ' GUNNING & FLANAGAN, Cor, Front and Sussex streets, PORT JERVIS, N. Y. tuDAviD Favorite The one sure cure for The ridneyIiver and DloocJ A Ii) C A . I H-oemi- Annual r Trade 5a le of M Paid Purchases of B or more will be sent FREIGHT PREPAID to any railroad station In MAIM t. WEW HAMPSHIRE, VERMONT, MASSACHUSETTS, RHODE it.. LAND, CONNECTICUT, HI 4 YORK, PENNSYLVANIA, nnd NEW JERSEY. Only Twenty Days More To dispose of the balance of our stock, if you wish to avail of the opportunity of a lifetime, You must do it soon. Three very special lots of fine f ootwe ar, which must be disposed of at cost. I OT NO I, 48 pairs Ladies fine shoes, black and tan, sizes 2 1-2 and 3 only, most of the $2.00 value, and some of them $2.50 and $3.00 grades, while theylast. Your chOicefor $1.75. I OT NO 2 Nine pairs Ladies' Top Bicycle Boots in following sizes, two pairs 3, two 3 1-2, two 4. two 4 1-2, 1 5, regular value, $4.00; Your choice for $2.25. OT NO 3i7 pairs Men's Patent Calf Shoes, In three different styles, regular $4.00 and $5.00 grade. Your choice for $3.00. SPARROW & FRANKS, Successors to L. Burnett. 77 Pike Street, Port Jervis, N. Y. FIXTURES FOR SALE. OUR SUMHER CLOSING-OUT SALE. la now going on. We must m:ile room for new full goods. Cut prices is the order in ev ery department. Furniture, Carpets, and Crockery.-- You can save money. This is not idle talk. Call at once at the largest House Furnishing Establishment in Orange County. New York Furniture Co. 92 Pike street, Port Jervis, N. Y. N. B. Two '07 Orange County Express Bicycles, ,$C. last year, reduced to ,3,, anil a $,10 last "year's re duced to $30. New York Millinery Parlors. New Millinery. New Firm. , Old Established Store. Beautiful artistic millinery in all the prevailing styles. BEST OK VTOKK AT SHORT NOTICE. Also a complete line cf Infant's wear Give us a call and we will endeavorto please. SALLEY & ENNIS, 79 Pike Street, Port Jervis, N. Y. A LITTLE HORSE SENSE. . Applied to tlia question of a stove will demonstrate the fact tlin c a good stove ia morn of a considera tion than any other article of furniture. If you con sider this fact why experiment with some untried stove when you can buy thelXHJKASH for tho same money or less than any other stove in the market. There ia but ono genuine. LUDLUM & PECK, 43 FRONT STREET, PORT JERVIS. N.Y. l n wTin fWk m rs V; ti rm mi' EGELRaOFKlCQ. NEW V(RK