Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, August 12, 1898, Image 3

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    i .r . r X.
Health for Everybody !
When the Kidney, IViadrlcr and Urinary Organs nre In
healthy state, a person is practically disease-proof. Sick
ness can hardly find a foothold when those organs are
well and strong. The Kidneys sift and strain from the
blood poisonous and waste matter. hen they
n are weak and diseased, the poisonous particles
do not pass off, but remain In the system. They
catse pain in the small of the back. Stone
In the Bladder, and Briht's Disease.
It l'j easy to tell if yonr Kidneys are
disordered. Tut some urino in a bottle or
glass for S4 hours. If there is a sediment,
you have Kidney disease. Other signs are
a desire to urinate often, particularly at
night, nd a smarting, scalding sensation
in passing water.
Nothing Is o good for curing diseases of the Kidneys, Bladder and Urinary
Organs as Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy, that grand medicine
which has been before the public for ovef 30 years. It should be taken without
delay by men and' women who have any of the above symptoms, as the disease
is apt to prove fatal if ot attended to.
From the Convent of the Good Shepherd, Troy, N. Y., comes this short but
pointed endorsement, signed by the sisters of that famed and pious institution:
" We have used Dr. David Kennedy's
Favorite Remedy for Kidney trouble, and have
found it very efficacious."
Sample Bctttc Free i
If you wish to test Favorite Remedy before
buying It, send your full postoflice address to the
Dr. David Kennedy Corporation, Ronduut, N.Y.,
and mention this paper. You will then
receive a sample bottle, free, and circulars
giving full directions for its use. You can
depend upon the genuineness of this offer,
and all suiferers should take advantage of it
at once. The regular size is sold by all druggists
for $1.00 a bottlo, and it is well worth the price.
A Mnratae Rrrnrr Trill of ! glrt-
Orlizled old "Hill" Clark, the head
morgue-keeper at 22 Adams street,
Chicago, ha been so many years en- ,
gaged In the care of the doad he al
most feels more at home In their com
pany than In that of the living, at 1
Strange Contortion of a Whlta Cat With
a lnre;liirs Ufa.
"It's no secret that I've been In the
penitentiary," said the old man. "It
was a white cat that took me there,
and a white cat that saved me and
made me a better man.
One winter, a good many years ago,
whom he looks askance as a rule, but r was In Houston, -sick and dead broke.
occasionally he will unbend Into so- old pal of mine meeting me on the
clabtllty and at such times will draw street took pity on me and soon helped
from the storehouse of his memory ' me out 0f rny troubles. But not for
weird and ghastly experiences which nnthlner. As soon as I recovered he
All Baking Records broken, 278
Loaves of Bread Baked in Seven Hours
with but 18 Pounds of Coal.
SWINTON & CO., port jervis.
T. Armstrong & Co., &
S Successors to BROWN & ARMSTRONG. bJ
We off or n line of new Spring; Goods,
Our point is tlint you need not go nwny from homo to
supjily nil your needs, or to eeuro bargains. Wo oxnoQt
to siitisfy you in both inrticuluv.
DRY GOODS, new nn.l stylish. GROCERIES, fresh'
ING. Any thin? in nny lino nt bottom prices.
To uceoniplish this end yo have adopted a new system.
All our prices nre fixed on n bii-da of cash payment. This
obviates, tlio necessity to allow a mnrpin for bad debts and
interest. To nccominodiitu responsible parties we cheer
fully own monthly accounts, and expect prompt payment
monthly, as our prices will not enable us to carry accounts
Statements rendered the first of every month, and if
paid within three days from date of bill, a cash discount of
2 is allowed. The same discounts given on all cash pur
chases exceeding 1. 00. Goods sent out will be C. O. D.
unless otherwise previously urrmiKod.
Brown's Building. Milford, Pa.
Stoves and Rang
Round Oak
For Wood and Coal.
Best Heater and Fuel Saver in the
Now Era Radiators,
Two First In On.
llAltmVAKE. ( I Tl
Jobbing promptly attended to.
T. R. Julius Klein,
mm &
cause- the new hands at the morgue to
oppn their eyes in wonder. I
NO one, however, Tentures at any
time to express even a grain of unbe
lief In any of the venerable morgue
keeper'B entire accuracy of recollection
and truth of narrative. "Old Bill" wag
never known to tell a He In all his life
and he cherishes his reputation for
veracity as the very apple of his eye.
The other night he fold a strange
tnle about the headless peregrinations
of the body of Marie Orlgnovlti, which
the police found floating In a box In the
Chicago river Just north of the forks.
The corps was that of a girl of 18 or
thereabouts and, though It was maimed
and hacked with knives, traces of Its
unusual beauty remained perceptible
to the moBt unobservant of the hun
dreds who were attracted by the curios
ity or duty to view the body. Hwasnude
when found and the absence of the
head seemed to add ao Insuperable ob
stacle to the difficulties of Identifica
tion. Officials despaired and even the
most ardent of new-fledged reporters
butted their heads In vain against this
stone wall of mystery. Everyone had
given up hope and It had been deter
mined to Inter the poor headless corpse
next day when strangely enough, out
of nowhere, unheralded and by a route
unknown then and eq laily undiscov
ered now, the head appeared at the
morgue, exciting the wonder of all and
the superstitious fears ol thousands.
"I never did know how that head
came to rejoin Its body, and I don't
suppose I ever will," said Olark, "but
what I do know Is Just this' I was on
guard at the old morgue t.iat night.
There might have been Hire or four
bodies on the slabs, I can't exi-cily say,
one of them being, of course, tl.is head
less girl Grlgnovltz. There had been a
good many visitors early, but after
awhile things got quiet, midnight
came on and I sort of made myself
comfortable in a tilted chair and, with
a bit of a pipe, and leaned back, think
ing. "It may be my eyes closed for just a
second or so, but, anyway, a quick rush
of fresh air and the shutting of the
door sent me on to my feet with a
start. I glanced around quickly and
ran to the door and looked out. No
one was In sight and all would have
been still except that I heard a bell
tolling midnight. Then I stepped back
in doors, feeling a bit queer, somehow.
turned up the lights and the first
thing I saw was that the body of the
headless girl was gone. The naked
slab lay there before me, but Its late
occupant had vanished as entirely as
If she had become a spirit of air.
"Well, now, I needn't assure you this
took my breath away completely. All
the time I knew the body hadn't been
stolen or hadn't disappeared by natural
means and this made me feel more
peculiar than ever. There wasn't any
telephones In those days and I could
do nothing by leaving the morgue, so
Bat down in my chair again, feeling
a little Blilvery. I'd been there about
a minute, I guess, when I felt the same
peculiar rush of damp air over my legs
and I knew the door was open again.
Soft footsteps came toward me. I
didn't dare raise my eyes, but the tail
of my glance fell on the floor and I
saw stalk past me the wet, naked feet
of a woman. Then I Bank down In my
chair and closed my eyes with my
The old man stopped and with great
deliberation filled his pipe from a can
vas sack.
"Well?" queried his youngest audi
tor. "Well," said Clark, slowly, "JuBt then
the sergeant came In and together we
went over to where the bodies lay.
Lying on the breast of the headless
girl, with her two hands holding It,
was the stony, staring-eyed head she
had loBt, with Its long yellow hair all
dabbled In bipod. The lips were parted
and the white teeth were clenched up
on a bit of parchment. It had red let
ters on it, printed in English capitals.
which said:
'This Is the Head of Marie Grlgnovltx
"And we never found out a single
thing more about the matter," conclud
ed Clark. 'Nor could we persuade him
to add a word more to what be had
Mark In Little.
It Is Impossible to run at an altitude
of 17,000 feet above the Bea.
The finest shops in a Chinese city
are those devoted to the sale of coffins.
It cost 10,000 for coal to take the
British cruiser Powerful out to China.
An English woolen manufacturer has
begun making clothes from old ropes.
Five ounces and a half of grapes are
required to make one glass of good'
A veritable curiosity exists In Swit
zerland In the shape of a telegraph line
with stone poles.
Chocolate is still used in the Inter
ior oT South America for a currency,
as are cocoanuta and eggs.
wanted me to Join him In some bur-J
glarles that he bad planned. At first
I refused indignantly, for I had some
rough notions of honestyr but a little
talking he, was a fine talker and a
few drinks Bid the work and I agreed
to go In with him.
"Conscience makes cowards of us
all, and I guess that was why Ed
trembled like a leaf when he saw a
white cat. flash past ub as we stood
shivering In the garden of a house on
Harris street that night. It was an
easy matter to break In, and we Boon
had all there waa worth taking. In a
little room at the end of the hall a
child was sleeping. The dim light of
a lamp showed the pretty cot, the fair
flushed face of a little girl, her golden
hair streaming over the snowy pillow,
and crouching by her Bide a white cat,
whose pink eyes glittered like stars.
We had to pass through thlB room, and
1 could not for the life of me help bend
ing down and touching that beautiful
hair with my lips It looked so like
the hair of my darling who died only
the year before. . It was her death that
drove me to drink and trouble," and
the old man wiped away a tear.
"Well, I don't know exactly how it
happened, but the cat gave a terrific
squall, and I had only Just time to
seize it and stuff It In my bag when a
bullet came whistling by my head. I
got out of the house somehow, still
carrying my bag of plunder, and ran
down the road, out of town, finally tak
ing refuge In an old barn. I was badly
wounded, and, to make a long story
short, they arrested me and took me to
Jail. My partner was dead.
"They told me afterwards that in
my delirium I o.- -I continually for the
white cat, and f..!n they brought the
animal Into my i:ell for they found it
unhurt In my bag I nursed it and was
quiet. It was a strange fancy of a sick
man, but It led me back to health. The
story was told at the house which we
had robbed, and the little girl and her
father came to see me. He was a
good man, and she was an angel God
bless her for her Innocent prattle and
sweet eyes of pity.
"The penitentiary was a rough
place In those days, and I believe
would have died In a few months if
the child had not sent me a tiny white
kitten, which I was allowed to keep,
and it saved me from despair and
death. Every time I looked at it 1
thought oli the little angel that gave
it, and of that other little angel my
dead child and made a new resolve
to be a better man.
"Two frail atoms of life a kitten
and a child hut they were strong
enough to raise me out of the very
depths of hell."
I Thrn lie Wna nh-I,- to Other 1,111-
Iernnlft nt a troflt.
Of course Webster was In demand by
thoBe who could afford to pay for his
services. A sharp Nantucket man is
said to have got the better of the great
defender of the constitution In an
amusing way, however. He had a
email case which was to be tried at
Nnntucket, one week In June, end he
posted to Webster's office In great
haste. It was a contest with a neighbor
over a matter of considerable local In
terest, and his pride as a litigant was
at stake. He told Webster the particu
lars and asked what he would charge
to conduct the case.
'Why," said Webster, "you can't af
ford to hire me. I should have to stay
down there the whole week and my fee
would be more than the whole case is
worth. I couldn't go down there for
less than 1,000. I could try every
case on the docket as well as one, and
It Wouldn't cost any more, for one case
would take my time for the entire week
'All right, Mr. Webster," quickly
responded the - Nantucketer. "Here's
your $1,000. Vou come down and I'll
fix It so you can try every case."
Webster was. so amused over this
proposition that he kept his word. He
spent the entire week In Nantucket,
ond appeared on one side or the other
In every case that came up for a hear
ing. The shrewd Nantucketer hired
Daniel Webster out to all his Mends
who were In litigation and received In
return about $1,500, bo that he got
Wibster's services for nothing and
made a good profit to boot.
Street Cnr Ilrlrer!! Plillonnplir.
"It's not so easy as you'd s'pese," re
marked the driver with a Jerk of the
reins and a chuck that urged his team
to a livelier pace. "These car horses
has all the feelings of any other kind
of a horse. They has to get use to
their work, an' you'd be s'prlsed to Bee
how the young ones '11 shy at a
The ear Just then approached a part
ing of tracks. Apparently there was
no suggestion by reins or voice. The
horses of their own accord bore off
sharply to one side. There was a mu
sical clonklng of Iron as the hoofs of
the outside horse struck a metal plate
In the pavement. Then horses and cnr
proceeded on their appointed way.
"That's the way the old ones does
ft," commented the driver. "They know
what they're up to. But sometimes
green horse can't be made to take the
switch as he should. He'll shy and
dance around It, like It was a hole In a
bridge, an' you've got to eddicate him
to it.
"How do we lcnrn him wot to do?
We hitch him up along of an old re
liable that knows the trick an' will
crowd him out onto the switch plate
every time, the youngster 11 start an
Jump an' either tremble or try to run
But somehow, after awhile, he comes
to understand that It's all right, an'
there you are. No more swearln' and
ullln' the reins for you. The anlmal'd
rather take the switch than not. It'
a change from the plain tracks an'
'pose It occupies his mind."
"lioth my Mile and myaelfbavebrrn
ulii C'A!5t'AKh.'i .S ttitU llity me lh bi-ai
Ditdu'ine we bave ever hail In the house. Lft
week my tvife w:ia frunLio wilh headache for
twodiis. she tritMl aoineof yom CASCAKETS,
and tluy relieved the paia In her head almost
tinmedlaioly. we othreeiiitnenacuacareb
Chab. S'! fci,KroKi.
rutibura Sato a Duoobii. Ca, 1'uuburg, l'
Nl jv- thaos mask ttwnno igr
An Vnfortanlite Llniraljit.
John was an ambitious Chinaman.
He had made money in Chinatown,
Ban Francisco, but had devoted him
self to business so thoroughly that he
remained totally ignorant of English.
He came to New York determined to
avoid his fellow-Chinamen, bo that he
might learn to speak English during
his six months' stay In the metropolis.
He took a room in an East Side
house, paid promptly, made himself
agreeable to his landlord, who allowed
him to wait on customers in his little
grocery store, and he never went near
Pell or Mott street. After several
months' residence In New York and
many hours or study, the Chinaman
ventured forth among his people,
where he proceeded to give an exhib!-'
tlon of his proficiency lu the English
language. What he said Bounded
strange to the other Chinamen, and the
ambitious one nearly swooned when he
discovered that he had learned Ger
man by mlstnke.
His New York home wag in the Ger
man part of the city where English la
an unknown tongue, and the poor fel
low had to begin his linguistic work
over again.
l'Rpr Floor In Oermnny.
Taper floors are enjoying a steadily
increasing popularity in Germany,
which Is readily explained by the
many advantages they possess over
wooden flooring. An Important ad
vantage consists In the absence of
Joints, whereby accumulations of dust,
vermin, and fungi, dangerous to
health, nre done away with. The new
paper floors nre bad conductors of
heat and sound, and In spite of their
hardness have a linoleum-like, soft
feel to the foot The costs are con
slilernlily lower than those of floors
made) of hard wood. The paper mRS
receives a smnll addition of cement
as binder, and Is shipped In bags, in
powder form. The mass is Btirred Into
a stiff paste, spread out on the floors
pressed down by means of rollers, and
painted with oakwood, nutwood, or
mahogany color, after drying.
In a New England patent oil ia va
porized and the gas used with an in
candescent mantle for lighting purposes,
the reservoir being suspended at the
top of the lamp with a feed pipe, which
extends in close proximity to the flame
to transform the oil into gas.
PTeaaant. la!atahlo. Potent. Tast Goed. TW
Uuud, vver biukvu. eaueu. or Uri(.a. 1UC, 'ijc, Ual.
BftrlUff M..4r t-Mp.j, lhl.( UuvtrtU, h T.r. xif
K3-T0-EA8 S21SII'
BoM and guaranteed br ill dr
NOTICE AUhun ting, flailing or other
trespjiaslng ou the premises of the under
signed, in Dingumu Township, on Kay-
mondskill and Dwarfbkill Crocks, is for-
blndeu uudur penalty of the lw.
Chas. J. Uoileau,
Dingmun Twp., N. BoiLKAU,
May 17, 1MW. JocEi-u V. lioiLEAii
No-To-Ilao lor Fifty Cents.
Guaranteed uibuixo habit t"ra, urnuea weak
mea auuui, blood purs. o0e, II, All drutigui
Notable Centennials of tb Year.
The following centennial celebra.
Hons will be held this year: The
100th anniversary of Vasco da Gama's
iiscovery of the way to India by way
)f the Cape of Good Hope, at Lisbon,
n May; the burning of Savonarola, at
Florence, in May; the birth of Hoi
eln, at Basle, In June; Montpelier will
celebrate the 100th birthday of Augus
Comte; Ancona that of Leopardl,
ind Paris that of Mlchelet, the hlstor-
A regular slave mart (till exists in
m&nv country districts of Finland.
Once a year such paupers, lunatics an
aged people of each parish aa cannot
support themselves are put up at public
auction and consigned to those laniiuei
or farmers who will board them at the
lowest price offered by tha parish
authorities. The helpless creatures are
made to work aa much aa possible by
their owners, who bav the right to
chastli them,
Reliable War News
Ftiriifhffl hy Rppclnl f orreiinn1ftnts M the
j will cimt.lii nil hnportnnt wnr nrwn of tlio dully oil It Inn.
Siirri.-il licmmtrlU'S llli tn thr Lniir of imuiicnuon
Cari-fiil Httrntiun will In' (jiven to Knrm mill Kmnlly Topics, Foreign
' ('nrnspmult nee, Mnrkct Hi 'put in, itnd all gciu-rnl news of tlio World and 1
Wo furnish tlio Now York Weekly Tribune nnd your fnTorito lioinn
I paper,
Doth one year for 1.65.
Sonil nil order tn Til K rKKSS,
Mil, I 1)111), PA.
and SOU,
and dealers in all
of Lumber,
Contractors and Builders.
Estimates made ; personal atten
tion given and work guaranteed.
OFFICE, Brown's Building, Milford, Pa.
Staled In a Sentence.
The game of chess Is taught In all
the Austrian schools.
Bank of England notes are numbered
backward from 10,000, bence the fig
ures 000,01.
One out of every six Inhabitants In
France has an account at the stata
savings banks.
The customs authorities have decld
ed that the Chinese tom-tom Is a must
cal instrument.
There are said to be fewer suicides
among miners than among any other
class of workmen.
The average length of human life In
the sixteenth century was only eigh
teen 10 twenty years.
Thirty million oysters are annually
sent to England from the basin of
Archachon, In the liay of Biscay.
A single plate of armor for the tur
ret of the battleship Kearsarge weigh
ed thirty-three and one-third tons.
It takes, It la said the tusks of ".",-
000 elephants a year to supply t'ae
world's piano keys, billiard balls and
knife handles.
The moon revolvc3 from one poii t
In the heavens to the same point In
twenty-seven days, seven hours and
forty-three minutes.
The school children of Newark, N.
J., have voted In favor of the maple
as their favorite for state tree, giving
It 6.927 votes.
A Goofl l:(!nnienlation.
Counsel What is your age, madamT
Witness Forty-seven, sir.
Counsel Married or single?
Witness Single. I never had an of
fer of marriage In my life, and if It Is
of any interest to the court, I don t
mind saying that I have worn false
balr for nearly 30 years.
Counsel Hem! That Is all, madam.
There Is no ute trying to shake the
direct testimony of so truthful a wo
man as you are.
Certainly Truthful.
Here U a "character" given to a ser
vant on leaving her last situation:
"The bearer has been In my house a
year, less 11 months. During this time
she has shown herself diligent at the
house dooi. frugal in work, mindful of
herself, prompt In excuses, friendly to
ward men, faithful to her lovers and
honest when everything waa out of tha
Groceries, Hardware, Paints and Oils.
Lister's and the Great Eastern Fertilizers.
Agents for the New Gasoline Stove.
potato planters
ft ft
Wl-35 t6uc.J
Both Planters have n record
of over 4. Acres I9,36Q
hills) In 10 hours.
They make the hole, drop the seed and
cover all at One Operation. They deposit
the seed In moist soil at uniform depth.
jax? SA7i inn. tas? sriss rAiioua.
They work In any fil suitable for potato
arowinflf. No stfx,iinir: hence no b.iclt.iche.
I'..iat-x.-a ttius p. it in withstand drouth better.
Ivtat'e9 ol uu.turui Bie, practically all mer
chantable. fl"s4 fer frM tiffltWe.
Mard hy " Trtattti E:w c fuel Ilium."
New Harness
Whips, Robes, Blankets
And everything which pertains to
to nn outfit for
Huo my Htock before purchasing,
The Price is Right.
Harford St., Milford, Pa.
i-l Mill
Doa't Tubacfo $iit iud Smoke lour Life Auy.
To quit ttbavo easily and forever, be
Detic. lull ot life, nerve and v'tfor, take No-'lo-Bic,
the wondor-wmicer, that makes weal; men
strong. A1 druggists, WW or l. Curo L'uur.m-let-d.
Booklet utid sample tree. AUilres
Sterling Keiuedy la, Chicago or New VorlL
Something new. a spring tooth
hn r row with wh ivla. Hy rn cuse
plows ami "Planet, jr.," cultivators
at W & O. Mitchell's,
Trade Marks
rftlli Copyrights Ac.
Anvona nenrtlng a al.etrh and (Varrtr.tloti may
quickly nai-ir;iiii rmr opim-m lue wliiMln-r u
Invention in pr. hnl.lr p:iunt fihle. ..mmumca
ttims Ptrictly ''.nitl.U iitial. IliuwilMrok cm I'lin-ms
1 1 1 Tree. Utit.-at :.L.'in-y fur scrunini paUMii.
I'ntciitw takt-u thn.UL'h Munn to. rutiulva
tftrri-ii imtiU, wtf ii iul ch iruo, lu the
Scfettffllc flnisricam
A handsomely tHi)!TraM weekly. J.nwmt rlr
cuWlU'ii of iiy itcifiititu! Journal. T .-rni.-. f a
y.-ir- four month, L Sold by all nww.1'lr.
MUNN & Co.36,BfMdwa'' New York
Urauch Otllw), Ui5 Y Ht., Waahmmuii, V. '
In order to introduce our fln custom
made harness, we have decided to offer
a limited number of seta at a price that
will interest you.
3 in. Saddle, i In. trace, 3-4 In. I S flft
aide straps, . . , tplO.UU
3 I -a In. saddle, 1 1-8 in. trace, 4 Q Cfl
7-8 in. side straps, . . lQ.UU
"."! 19.53
4 ia. saddle, i 1-4 in,
ia. aiuc aurajja,
Nickel er Davis Rubber trimmings.
Ksw Bedford Harness Factory,
G2 Newton Street,
Ropniring donn in tin or iron, unil
Elui'trii'itl tin.liis furn-isl;(-l
to onler.
Prompt utt'uition : iveu to build
ing jiriviito trli'iilionn lines ; mttinf;
in electric dour bells; cull bell.t :
bnrjjlar alarms ; electric alarm
clocks ; house ciill.er hotel imnmici.i
tors ; nnd the u'enenil keeping in or
der of electrical upiHimtus.
5 Caveats, and 'l'rade-Mart obtained and all iu-t
cut bumes conducted ior MODERATE FEES. J
f OurOfficc isOppositc U. 8. PTCNTOrnct
I j.u i we clam.- mo p.tLcnl ax lia. Uuo Uuui Uau
! remote irora Viibhiiij,'ma, r
fecad model, drawing or photo., with descrip-j
tiun. Wo advise, it patentable or Dot, lrc ul j
Uurge. Our fee not due tul Da tent is secured. i
A Pamphlet, How to Obtain Patent," withf
L-ot ut knuue mth U. S and turcica cuuhumiaJ;
Op, patent Office, Washington. O. C.