PIKE COUNTY PRESS. Friday, July 8, 1SP8. PUHUHHED EVERY FRIDAY. OFFICE, BROWN'S BUILDING, BROAD ST. Entered nt tho post otlico of Milford, Pike county, Pennsylvania, as Bocond-clnsa ninttor, Novemlier twenty-first, 1895. Advertising Rates. One squnrcfelfjht lines), one Insertion - tl .00 Kueh subsequent insertion .50 Reduced rate will lie furnished on ap plication, will bu allowed yearly mlvur ttscra. Legal Advertising. Court Proclamation. Jury nnd Trial List for several courts per tvrm, 24.1X1 Administrator's nnd Kxccutor's notices 8.00 Auditor's notices 4.it Divorce notices 5.00 Sheriff's sales, Orphans' court sales, County Tnwmrer'ii sales. County state ment nnd election proclamation charge,! by the square. J. II. Van Ktlvn, PlHUSIIKH, Milford, Pike County, Pn. REPUBLICAN TICKET. State. For Governor, WILLIAM A. STONE, of Allegheny County. For Lieutenant Governor, J. P. S. GOBIN, of Lebanon County. Secretary of Internal Affairs, JAMES W. LATTA, ' of Philadjlphia. Judge of Superior Court, WILLIAM W. POUTER, of Philadelphia. Congressmen-nt-Largo, GALUSHA A, GROW, of Susquehanna County. SAMUEL A. DAVENPORT, of Erie County. County Ticket. For Representative. WILLIAM B. KENWORTHEY, of Milford. For Sheriff, JOSEPH D. BROOKS, of Delaware. For Coroner, ALFRED T. SEELEY, of Milford. EDITORIAL. DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET. HOSE Democrats who fondly hoped their State Convention would grasp the situation and havo tho political sagacity to tako full ad vantage of the internal dissensions of thoir political opponents, will be disappointed. The Convention was dominated by the free silver ele ment, and while thore Is nothing in the platform directly assorting this heresy, yet the candidate for Gov ernor, Geo. A. Jouks, who was prominont In the Bryan campaign of 1896, stands as representing the silvoritos, and the silence of the platform on the question presum ably will embrace the hard monoy wing, i hat is, the nomination of fors nothing to what is assumed to bo the large class of independent Republicans who might have votod the ticket had some man not so glaringly idontiflod with tho silvor theory boon at its head. That it will command the united Demo cratic support thore is no great doubt, but that it will not attract anything beyond is equally settled. Hence it is doomed to overwhelming dofeat, and the only consolation left tho Democrats is, that thoy will be able, under this surface harmony, to approximately moasuro the ad hesive strength of their effort. It is not an aggressive ticket and will take nothing from the Republicans, but will rather serve as induce ment for them to unite more close ly on what will be the winning one by the usual large majority. It is another case of Domocratio failure to grasp an opportunity and profit by tho division of their old time enemies. - A PERNICTUOS HABIT. THERE have boon a number of in stances recently of fast driving on our streets. The offenders seem to be mainly from out of town. Our alert special policeman has had some experiences with these violators of the Borough Ordinance, while in the performanoe of his duty and has very properly attmpted to check all such infractions, . Of oourse the horse suffer most generally in this wanton display of recklessness, but the wonder is more people are not injured. Liverymen do not hire animals for the purpose of hav ing them raced and over driven by foolhardy persons who regard their own safety with apparent in difference and look with contempt pu the rights of others. The Jiracticp Is osppclally tlangor oua on villairo at rents in the evening and la nt nil times so on nineh traveled ronds, nnd highways, and there ia no excuse whatever for It. Tho ordin ance will be onforcod horo, and unless moro care Is exercised by some of these individuals they will have tho pleasure of an Interview with our worthy burgess, nnd per haps an opportunity to spond a lit t lo titno in reflection in the lockup which ia now in good condition for their accommodation. Loss of the Mains. Tho Gormnn 'Nnvnl Commander Gercke publishes in tho current number of the official Marino Rund- shnu an extremely interesting ar- ticloon tho loss of the "Maine." He comes to tho following conclusion "It is difficult, if not impossible, to irivo a definite nnswer to tho ques tion as to what, tho cnuao of the ex plosion on board tho Maine mny have been. There is much proba bility for the assumption that gos was generated from conl or fresh point, and, becoming in somo way ignited, caused an explosion in the magazine ; thnt only.ono explosion took place, and that no mine played any part in tho affair." Comman der Goreke continues by svying that if it should be proved that a mine was cnpablo of inflicting such dam age as that suffered by the "Maine" extensivo changes must in future bo mode in naval construction, such ;v strengthening of ships' bottoms and tho changing of ammunition spaces. For our own part wo con not coineido with his views that there is tho leost probability of the explosion being due either to gases generated from "fresh p:iintorcool." To our miuda, after the most careful perusal of tho evidence given beforo tho United States Naval Court and a minute examination of tho drawings attached to the report, it is only possible to arrive nt tho conclusion that the explosion came from tho outsidO. The evi dence and report generally appears to ns to finally dispose of any elmmv of the explosion having occurred on the Inside and from causes suggested by Horr Gorcko. As to the changes suggested by (his gentleman in regard to tho strengthening of ships' bottoms, we cannot think that any strengthen ing within reasonable limits would protect a ship from the effect of the explosion of such a mine as, in all probability, has been tho onuso of the destruction of tho "Maine" nnd the loss of some two hundred and fifty gallant men. Industries and Iron, of London. An Ungrateful Cad. "Yes," said a young man about town, "thore are a number of fel lows in good society who never think of making any return for the entertainment given thorn by their irl friends. You see, they don't have to. They aro in demand bo cause nice society fellows are so do cidodly scarce. A girl has to cud gel hor brains to think up enough nice fellows to fill out an evening party. That's right. You see tho same names of young fellows in the society columns time after time. Well, it's just because they are the only ones to bo had. And that's the reason thoy get enre losa about returning favors. They think to themselves, 'Oh, the girls can't got along without mo, and my presence is sufficient return for all the favors I receive.' But they can rost assurod the girls don't think so. "I know one young follow who has been tho guo.-t of a certain Cloveland girl a groat many times teas and parties and dinners and all thnt sort of thing. And one day I jokingly said to him, 'Things seem to be getting a little confidential for you at Miss Blank's. ' What do you suppose he answered? ' " 'Nonsense,' he said. 'You have no cause to say so. I nover took her anywhere.' "What do you think of that?" Cleveland Plain Deaier. Sheep For Family Use. Every farmer should have a small flock of sheep to furnish him a supply of fresh meat, if no other purpose. The sheep is not muoh more trouble to kill and dress than a chicken. Its flesh is as whole some as beef. Almost any farmers family can dispose of a mutton while it is fresh. The mutton killed on a farm is bettej than that bought in the market and killed after tho worry of shipment and days in a orowdod pen. Of oourso there are other values to the farmer in a flock of sheep, each one of which would, under ordinury circumstan ces, make the sheep a profitable animal on the farm, but the value mentioned above is one larely mentioned, though it is one that has an important bearing on the health and comfort of the family. Educate Your Boweli Vltb Cunnll. CunUy CiuhnrlU". curw coiimiIimiioq forever. Iw, few, 21 C C (J. full, rf gtc.t j wluuJ uiuui. The Game at Monte Carlo If Monto Carlo is making million it is not due to loaded roulettes or double zeros or prepared enrds. Every player hns as muoh chance to win as the Banker, and tho reason the individual does not got as weal thy as the Bank would willingly let him is beeauso ho returns again nnd again to tho table until every cent ia gono. Tho bank knows this full well, that all comes again back into its safe. The success is also partly duo to tho fact that tho owners of tho cas ino do not play in person against tho gamblers. If on their side the Ramblers wanted to do the same ns the company nnd engage agents to piny for them the chances would then bo equal. Rememlier, these bonkers or croupiers do not receive ono franc moro if they win, noil her is a franc deducted if thoy lose. Their salary is on established and unvarying af fair. Therefore they aro indiffer out. That indiftronco broods cool ness, does away with nil feverish excitement. If nnyono tries to break the bank, thoy do not oppose ; if ho succeeds, they send calmly to the office for new funds. These croupiers play liko intelli gent machines, and they win in tho long run, as that kind of man al ways does, over the impetuous and excited. The individual gets crazy with success or melancholy over loss. Ho tries every combination that is suggested to him by friend or stranger, listens to all ndvico. g 'ts mixed up, and plays liko a fool. Philadelphia Press. Mollle's Resignation. "Yes," declared Mollio Cranshaw, "I havo m ule up my mind to go to war if my husband must go. I shall be n nurse. If will bo no worse for me than for him and I would much r il her endure tho hardships of eamn I it'i- thou suffer the anxiety that I v.Muld not bo able to oscopo if ho were at tho front and I woro left at homo." Asthoswoet little woman finished speaking there enmo a blood curd ling yell from tho direction of tho kitchen, and Mrs. Cranshaw turned polo. What if those a wf ul Spaniards had But just than tho cook tore niadlv through the dining room, yelling ; Oil, murdor, murder! I.m kill ed! Mollie Cranshaw took ono look at tho half sovo.tod thumb which the cook was waving at hor and than thero was a thud. Wrhon the doctor sucooedod in eot. ting the lady restored to conscious ness, sho feebly asked : "Whore am I? what has hannen- ed?" ' Tho cook nearly cut off ono of hor thumbs with thobntcher knife." said her husband "and you faint ed." "Alfred," said Mollio Cranshaw afterward, "you will not think" I don't love you just as doarly as I ever did if I tell you that I guoRs I shall not go as a nurse after all, will you?" Swine. Pigs intondod for early killing should bo kopt confined in cloon, comfortable pons and steadily push- ed for market. No nasturaae for tho early porkor. Every ounce of food must go to tho making of pork. early, tender pork. Heroin is tho path to profit. Pork raising should bo a part of the routine of every well conducted farm and consistently followed whether prioos bo high or ow. The experience gained in tho prac tice of economy in times of depress ion, should contribute toward mak. ing the profit still greater when prices tend upward. While the growing pig should have pasturage and ranee and sholud be industrious enough to take plenty of exercise to promote healthy digestion, it is not woll at all to force him to "rough it". The profit in raising them results only from raising them right. What is the best method of treating them depends much on local conditions. Pasturage in abundance, plonty of pure wuter, shelter from the sun in summer and from storms and cold, and clean, well ventilated sleeping quarters are essential every whore. If native grasses are not sufficient, cultivated pasturage should be supplied and tho pastur age should be" the most important faotor in developing thehog, Horticultural Hints. Give tho orchard all tho potash that it needs. Coarse, raw manure is not fit for the Garden. Toads, Frogs and Lizards are use ful in the garden. ' The Gem melon is the best seller in tho market. Prune tho quince tree and train it to a single stem. Extra work in getting a good saod bud pay in the gartleu work, oftfwjffair Is tndka'.ed by its condition. When the nMurzt secretions decrease ivhen the hriir becomes dry, splits at the ends and comes out inevmbing t ivhen tfe gloss disappears and the hair be comes gny or faded, the ill health of the hair is indicated. The success of AYER'S HAIR VIG0R is due to the fad that it restores the hair-producing organs to their natural vigor. It encourages and promotes the secre tions of the hair follicles, and thus pray or faded hair regains its original color, new gronvth begins, and lost lus tre is restored. 1 1 have used (ffor for fifteen yenra. Iteauos thp lfftir t keep Or miturul c '1-irnmHsnpositlvecure for bfilflncs." T. B. WEYANT, Wi-yant, Pa. Our Hopes on Thee. As, when the woory tra veler gains, The height of some commanding bill, His heart revives, if o'er tho plains Ho sees his home, though distant still. Thus, when tho Christian pilgrim views By faith his ma' sion in tho skies. Tho sight his fainting strength re views And wings his speed to win the prizo. Tho thought of ban von his spirit, eheors No moro ho grieves for troubles post, Nor any future trial fears, So ho may safe arrive at last. Jesus, on Tlieo our hopes wo stay To lead us on to Thine aborto, Assured Thy lovo will far o'erpay Tho hardest labors of tho road. Anonymous. Truo worth is in being, not seeing In doing, ench day that goes by, Somo little good not in the dream ing Of great things to do by and by, For whatever men say in blind ness, And in spito of the fancies of youth, Thore 'e nothing so kingly as kind ness, And nothing so royal s truth. Alico Carey. Flag Day Anniversary. Tho union of lakes tho union of lands Tho union of Stales nono con sever llio union of hearts the union of hands And tho flag of our union forevo I Goorgo P. Morris. Patrlotlo Hanoook. During the siego of Boston Gon orol Washington consulted congross upon the propriety of bombard ing tho town of Boston. Mr. Han. cock was thon president of oongross. After General Washington's lottor fwoB road a solomn silence ensued. This was broken by a member mak ing a motion that tho house should reoolve itself into a committee of tho wholo in order that Mr. Han cock might give bis opinion upon tho important subject, as he was deeply interested from having all his estate in Boston After he left the chair ho addressed the ohnirman of the committee of the whole in tho following words : "It is true, sir, nearly all tho proiiorty I have is in the town of Boston, but if the expulsion of the British army from it and the liborties ofYrar country require their being burned, issue tho order for that purposo immediately." Mexloan Customs. Thore aro no drays oa oxpre ss wag ons iu tho city of Mexico. The na tivos use a kind of curt with enor mous wheels, but for oaryiuiz around town tho "transportation"!) all done on tho bucks of nativos. If you want t ) have a trunk moved, you hire a "cargador," and for 1'5 cents ho will cary a 300 pound trunk on his back two miloji. Iu tho country evory thing is carried on tho backs of small mules. Droves of them oome into town with produce o n their backs. The seed of saeriflco brings forth the fragrant fruit of lovo, and love always has in its hourt the seed of new Boeriflco. Ha livos long that lives well, and time missK)iit is not lived, but loot. XL ma Buiding-Loan Trust Fund. (MM) REALTY CORPORATION of -:- NEW JERSEY, -:- OKNKKAL AGKNT 800 liroiul Stni't, Ninvnrk, N. .1. ()- What it will do for you for n monthly imyiiKHU nf fs per Jl.ooo f,-, of whkh iippllcn mi principal, 1 la Inter est. First It will buy for you nny homo de slnM or bulla you n house iiconnliiiK to you own phins, for n payment of not Ii'rs limn io"r uowtl. Kivoml It will imnmc nny nmrtirfiw on your property, nnd nilriincn too more money, if desired, nut to e.reeed" liO', or its valuation At nliove rates run would own y i ur property free, nnd ehvir in just 2oo months; yon enii pny ns mueh more ns von wish, nnd reduce the time in pr portion, or ine ntn nmount will bo received nt nny time, Tho first proposition pnnliles you to con vert vour rent money into tho ownership of n home. The second proposition cnnliles vou to rod mm the interest, rate on your mortniw find nt the same time bu paying oil the principal ench month. Kor further Information cnll or nddress J. H. Van Etten, Attorney, Milford, Pa. AGENTS WANTED In Evory County to Supply th great popular demand for AMERICA'S WAR FOR HUMAMITY. TOLD IN PICTUflE AND STORY, COMPILED AND WRITTEN BY Senator John J. Ingalls, Of Kansas. Tho most brilliantly written, most pro fusely nnd artistically Illustrated, nnd most Intensely popular book on tho sub ject of tho war with Spain. Nearly 200 Superb Illustrations from Phototographs. taken specially for this (Treat work. Af' Mits are Inakiuii J.V) to !O0 a week selling it. A veritablo bonanza for live oanviis-ers. Apply for description, tonus and territory at once to N. B. Thompson Publishing Co., ST. LOUIS, MO., Or N. Y. City. Washington Hotel RIGGS HOUSE. The hotel par excellence of the capital, located within one block of the White House and directly opposite the 'J'rensuiy. Finest table in the city. WILLARD'S HOTEL. A famous hoti liy. remarkable for Its historical nssoclat Ions nnd lonir-sustnined popularity. Recently renovntfd, repainted and partially refurnished. NATIONAL HOTEL. A lnndiunrk nmnng tho hotels of Wash inton, patronied in former years by presidents and hliih ollicials. Always ii prime favorite. Recently remodeled nnd rendered better than over. Opp. i'n. H It. dep. WALTKIt Hl'RTON, Ken. Mgr. These hotels nre the principal politic.nl rendezvous of the capital nt nil times. They are tho lwst stopping places at rea sonable rates. O. O. STAPLES. Proprietor. O. DEWITT, Manager. Notice of Application For Incorporation. Notico is hereby (riven that an npiillca tlon will be made to thelTovernorof IVnn sylvaninon MONDAY, T1IK KLKVKXTH DAY OK JULY, eighteen hundred nnd ninety-elKht, at two o'clock V M. of said day. by Thos. Armstrong, Joseph J. Hart, Lancelot W. Armstrong, Jameg 8. Gale, and Harry T. Baker, under the Aot of As sembly, entitled, "An Act to provide for tiie Incorporation and regulation of cer tain corporntlons," approved April sjdtli, 1H74, ami the supplements thereto, for the charter of an Intended corporation to be called TIIK M I Lfc'O R I ) (i A S COM PA N Y, the character and object of which la the manufacture and supply of Acetylene gas, or other gas for light, heat or power to the public of tho Korough of Milford, in the County of Piko, anil State of Pennsylva nia, and to such persons, partcrncrships and associations residing therein and nd- j;icent thereto, as may desire the same, and for these purposes to have, possess, and enjoy all the rights, benefits, and priv ileges oi saiu Aciui AssemDiy ana supple ments thereto. HY. T. ItAKKii, Milford, Pn., Solicitor. June 15, lsiM.-lw Tinn j. All persons are hereby notified that throwinior burning papers or rci'uso of uny kind iu the streets uf tho Horough If prohibited. . By order of the town council. J. C. CHAMBKRLAIN, President, pro teiu. Attest, D. H. HORNUKCK, ijcc'y. Milford, May 6, lt'.i. .V' BO YEARS' EXPERIENCI Ociona 'rfit Copyrights Ac Anyone tending a eketrh uid 4ecriptlin way quickly iwctrrtHin our i'iiuiii frati w (junior un Invtmtlun i prxbnhly puUmUMa '.iniiniitilra tit ma strictly coiiUduni laL 1 i uid tx trk un I'atwuL i-tit froe. ()!i1wt uu'iH-y for w:uruitf puUMitn. Hat futs tkun through Munn A Co. twxdrm tytruU nuttcc wit hum clmnttf. Ui the Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. largest cir culation of .vtiy ucienuiio Journal. Tonus, (3 a yt-ur; t mr month, 4U Bold tj ul) nuwwli-iUurft. KUNUCo.'B New York brtiitb OtUov, G& BC, M'ubUwluii, D. C Something new, a spring tooth hnrrow with wlmols. Byrnciise nlown nnd "l'liiuct, Jr.," cultivators ut W. & li. MitchullV TIME AMD SIGHT. Watchos, Diamonds, and Solid Silverware. WATCH REPAIRING A SPECIALTY, 0 Eyes examined free by a skilled Optician. Classes Filled in Gold or Any Other Kind of Frames. We are pleased to show Goods. E. Von Sickic, 72 Pike Street. Port Jervis, N. Y- "50 YEARS IMPROVEMENTS U FAR&llfJG," Published by the New York Tiihuiio. SECOND EDITION. 32 Pngos, 18 by 12 1-2 Inches. A general review of the advances and Improvements made in the leading branch es of farm Industry dining Ihe last halt century. Special articles by the best agricultural writers, on topics which they have made their life study. Illustrations of the old fashioned Imple ments. A vast amount of practical Information A valuable uid to fanners who desire to stimulate production and profit. Kxtremcly interesting nnd instructive. Only 15 cents a copy, by mail. SKNI) YOl'K OKDKH TO THE PIKE COUNTY PRESS, JVSilford, Pa. lIITED : FARM PRODUCTS IN EXCHANCE FOR BICYCLES OR v HARNESS. Money notft necessity. You produce what wf can UHe. We mtiku what you want. Mfirlo" Bicycle No. 1, ODe-pIc crank, lntHt model, the eiiial of the best Bifvlfl made, your own Hpoc ideation, $.). "Sfnrlo" Birjrel No. a, three-piece crank, your own Rix-uillcations, " Mario Rarer, a very line machine, $10. We sell Plnynlea for eah or on the monthly oaymnt plan, anywhere In the United States or C'antidn. Ve make very literal allowances for ola wheel. We also sell second-hand wheel ai from $3 to J0. iJon't fail to write us if you want a wheei or harness on the best terms ever offered. We allow ruling Buffalo prices for all kinds of farm product thnt can be shipped economically to Buffalo. THI uwhat you have to exchange and we will quote prices we can offer. Kncloe stamps for further information or fur price list of our Hand made Harness and Horse Collars. MARLO CYCLE CO., 61 Terrnce, BufTaro, N. Y. 'FOi-i 4 a & Your Stomach's Sake CHEW m.r. r9 Q U Til There is nothing; to goci for the Sto.n'Lch a Soda and Peppermint. Each tablrt of Soda Mint Gum coiiUinx two grains of chemically puic soia combined with peppermint. STRICTLY H1SH EHiCL BST CUM MADE The Proof of the Pudding i in the Eating. TRY 8O0A Is Antiseptic Refines the Breath. Retains Flavor Forever. f'Oll SALE UT ALL DKALEItS. UTABLISHC9 Ii6. Cavit. v LABELS. TKAoe ' - :if Dcsicns. Marks.'" '''copvrichts. Thirtyine ye :rs active pnwtioe. Opinion as to validity nnd U'ntul)ility. Write for lx)k of ii,-m.. 'L i,,n.l rvl,-reii.-.TL EDSON BKOi-2 4 F rert, Wuhlugtua, U. C rDr. David F.?nncdyS iravorite Remedy Cums all kiuNtv. Stomach S ' AND LiVfcR IROilBUS. To Cur CoDitlputloa Forever. Tnliu Ciacuiots t-'uutlv c'uliiunio. luo orSe. II C'. C. C. tail lu vui'v, uruggi.iA ii.luMa Uiuuuy. BUSINESS CARDS. F. W. BEST, M. D.. IS Ball Street, PORT JERVIS,- N. Y. DISEASES OF TIIE EYE AND EAR. S to II A. M. tMflco Hours ' ; to 6PM JS to ( 7 to S P. M. WILLIAM B. KENWORTHY, M.D. Physician anil Surpcon. Odin' nnd ivNiilcmv llnrfdid stn-cl In Inline Int. ly ncciiplcd l,y )r R jj. v, . MIIjKOKI). PA. Dr. von der Heyde, IliPArn'B IlulUliiift, crncr lire ,ui nnl ntliciiiic str.Tts, MilTonl, I'n OH-IC10 HOI KS: H to 13 n. ,.; 1 to 6 H. E.Emsrson, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. OFFICE in Drug Store on Broad Street. J. H. VAN TTEN, At torney- at- Law, OFFICE, 3ruvn's Building, Mii.kouii, Pikk Co., pA. John A. Kipp, ATTOKNLT-AT-LAW, OFFICE, oppesih Court Kcuse I'l U.K. lldi, 1'IKK (',,., J'A- CHQRCH DJEECTOKY MILFORD. . I'ltRSIlVTKKIAS fltrilCH, Milford; i i fi,l;rv";,'s " :n a. m. nnd r li!illl school Immediately ft.,,P t)1(. morning service. I'rnycr m,viii,K WecU :!-'u'i 7 A eenllnl weleomt ; ill lie ex ended u ,,11. Those not nt .i-lu-d to oilier i hurehes ni-e es, i.illv In- .ted. Kkv. 'J homas Nn.H(,i.s, 1'nstor. rn(;i:,i THK ,-,, S.,.:1IIEm Mj, ;" ,. 's''rv;"'s -''l.v nt Ki.lio a. m. and M- s"'y sehool iitnjsr m i. eek d::.v services, Wed nes,ly, 7 H'.t V i- Kkv. B. S. I,ashitk, Rector. M. K. Cituiii ii. Services ,it the M K il. lindi t i.KI p. in. SiMidnv Hel,l llt ... , lM.worlli IeKe at' (i.lfi ,,. ,. eekly ,.r,lyc,. l,.-, t i ,,y ,, V, dneFd!,vs ,lt ; I' in. ( lass liu'etiiiR eondueic'l .v . in. Anle on Hrid.iys at 7.:m ,,. m An .rne.stmvilMli,;,, Is extended to ,, Ho may desire to worslisj, with ns. Kkv. W. K. Nkkk. Piistor. IKATAMORAS. Kt-hontii ir. K Cmimxh, MatamoniR. p.m. Sn'iliath school at 2 ii (; h; ueelw.jr Monday eveni,,,? t, ;.:!n. (:'l,lS8 :".cc Una l iiesdayeveninpr at 7 ). Prnv.ir i .etyono welcome. Kkv. V. n. Cnrrm, Pastor. Mol'K EVANUKLICAI. CliKHCIT, Matft . oi-as I'n. Sen ie.es next Sunday as follows: 1 renciumr at ln.m.i a. ,. , 7 , s, I ,y school at :t p.m. Junior !;. K. l.cforo i .ill L. K. iirayei lni'etin;r after the even. VAiri-'T- ! ' W",'k l"'"y,,r -very , e.lncsday evening nr. 7.3(1. Seats fiTO. A conlial welcome to ,,11. (, Kkv . A. Wikuami, P,wtr. Secret Societies. Mn.Fimn lyiimu, Xn. .th y & A M r;o l; meets t ,esilavs oil or before nil Moon attht s:ivklli House, Milfonl I a. . K'nery, Jr.. Secrefirv Milford' 'iodfrciil Wiela.,,1, W. M.. Milord, pA . V.AN JJKK MAItK Uinui!, No. (8, I. O , J'".'ts "v,'ry Thursday oveniiiif, it ...top. in., rtimvn'H HuildiiiK. (ie. I)u- uan, Jr., Sec y, (ieoro B. Quick, N. U PVKNCB RkiIKKAH LtlllOR, 1!I7 I o- ). h . Meets every second and fourth Fri lays In each inoiul, in Odd Kellows' Hall lirown s nuildiiitf. Mrs. Alice Hornbook N. b. Miss Katto Klein, Sec'y. STANDARD OUR WATCHWORD. "Tho host, is nono too good." HARD MAN, M EH LIN, KNAHE and STANDARD PIANOS. FAR RAN D and VOTE Y ORGANS. DOMESTIC, NEW HOME and STANDARD 3EWING MACHINES, 'oi sulo for cash or on easy torm.i Needles and all parts for all machines, HJPAIKIXi; A SPECIALTY Tnninir of PIANOS and ORliA Vs In ."jompocent tuner, B. S. MARSH. OPKItA HOI'SK IiLOCK, HORT JCRVIS, N.V. LIVERY STABLES. if you want a stylish sin gle or double rig, safe horses, good harness and clean, comfortable carriages at reasona ble prices. call on J. B. Van Tassel, Corner Ann and Fourth streets, MILFOKD. PA. -Dr. David Kennedys favorite Hemedy Cukes all mnarv tmu AND LIVtR TROUBLES,