( ii li 6bSo " taoty TAKE The Press IT Will Inform You. A Press Ad. Will Pay You. VOL. MILFOM), PIKE COUNTY, PA., FRIDAY, JULY 8, 181)8. NO. 36. Pike Co BRIEF MENTION. It was ft great Fourth tho Anier loans celebrated Monday. . L.W. Armstrong is president. and Tlioa. Armstrong Kcoy. nnl Trm. of tho Milford (Ins Co. Tlio bridge nt tho 'mwr mill ncress tho Sawkill is completed and opened for crossing. The machinery nf the battleship Pclayo is disabled nml she was com- polled to stop nt Ismalia. Tho B lrouih O Elector is sitting this week to reeoi vn t:ixiw. Yon rim pny now and cot r;, off. A few copjerhoad-i in tho Renati kept doing thoir host filibustering ng'in.st tho ndmission of 11a wnii. Cornell won tho bout nice nt Sara toga lust Saturday with Pomnyl va iiia nnd Columbia oven ns second. There nro some people missing it hy not advertising in tho Press. Am yon one of tho unfortunates? Tho Milford Chornl Society will assemble next Monday evening nt the home of Mrs. J. H. Vnn Ett en. Service may ho expected nt. ' the Sawkill schoolhouse, the weather permitting, Sunday, July 10, at 2.110 P. M. The fireworks display afforded by L. W. Armstrong was excellent, nnd enjoyed by tho whole population of the town. Over twenty persons were lost nt Beverly, Mass, July 4, by the sink ing of a steamer which was struck by a squall. Tho store of T. Armstrong & Co. is lighted with tho new gas, which makes a complete transformation of the interior. A tornado, July 4th, at Hampton Bench, N. H., demolished mnny bench houses, killed at least twelve persons and injured hundreds. Acotyleno gas street lamps have boon put up in front of the Presby terian and Mothodist Churches through the courtesy of the com pany. Charles Pndgett, of Mill Rift, and Howard T. Gillett, of Laekawoxen, have joined the 6th regiment light artillery and went to Tampa last Friday. Judge William D. Porter, of Pitts burg was appointed July 4th by Gov Hastings to fill the vacancy on tho Superior Court bench caused by the death of Judge Wiekham. A party of members of the Fenn sy vania Bar Association, now in session at tho Delaware Water 'Jap, has arranged a trip up tho valley, and will roach Milford to-morrow evening. Col. Charles A. Wikoff , of the 22d U. S. infantry, was one of those killed in the battle before Snntiago. Ho was a native of Enston, Pa., and was a nephew of the late William Davis, Esq., of Stroudsburg. The Fourth was not only general ly celebrated In this country, but Canada, and even England nnd Brazil, South America, unfurled the stars and stripes and joined. Tho eun will not sot on our territory iu much less than a year from now. Rev. W. R. Neff, in his address on the Fourth, commented on the additional responsibility a man feels when he becomes a father in his family. Schools, wars and the dairy question take on additional interest, which the dominie from a recent event now fully appreciates. Very large hail stones fell on Monday, many being; nearly two inches in diameter, but fiat and com posed of crystals, No damage was done, but had the quantity been at all proportioned to the Bizo of the stones the result would have been serious to the crops and fruit. Henry Canne is not like George Washington's father, (probably no oue ever thought he even re motely resembled either the father or tho son) for Washington for gave the boy for hacking down his cherry trej, while Henry threatened to sue the H. R. Telephone Co. for doing the same little trick to one of his. But then greatness Is hardly ever the same way alike. Fire broke out about 2 o'clock in the morning of July 4 in tho bot tling works of A.G. Rowland on upper Harford Street. The building was considerably injured hut the con tents were nearly all removed. The prompt and efficient work of the firemen was shown ty the manner in which the fire was controlled. There was no insurance on the building and no theory as to the cause of the tiro. Pillsbury's vitos at Mitchell's. Hobson and his men have been exchanged. Tho Sonnte by n vote of 43 to 21 pass ed the resolution to annex Hawaii. But one Republican and twenty D-Miioi-rnt!- voted nay. Tho election lo determine the question of bonding (he Borough to raise $:if(0 tor the purchase oi tlio Glen is advertised for tomorrow '.i it onlay.', Turnout and vote your sent itnent. Dining the thunder storm Mon day lightening struck a pear tree near the house on the premises of Gottfried Wielnnd in Montagm The inmates in tho building wov slightly shocked. Our efficient chief of police, wli somewhat, resembles in his new uni form a well known character in Puck, by his ubiquity on tho fourth repressed all incipient disorder nnd made the day very peaceable. A difference of opinion ns to tin- location of the school house at Ger mantown in Dingmnn Townshi occasioned an indefinite postpone ment of letting the contract for re building, which was to have taken place Inst Saturday. Pine Hill Farm at Lay ton, N. J., can supply thoso .who nro fond, of broilers, nnd who is not, with just tho right size and degustibns, at tho proper price. Dont take our word for this statement, try thorn. Your money hack if you return the goods and wish it. Gunning & Flannagan, of Port Jer.vis, are prewired to furnish clothes suitable to the sea-.on. Only Adam's neglige costume might seem comfortable some of tho days we had last week, but ns fashion prescribes such dress, they avoid such an extreme, but yet make you happy. The price corresponds. Adjourned Court. At tht Court held July 6 all the Judges present. The Trens. acknowledged several deeds forlands sold nt tux salo. In the mottorof P. A. I.. Quick vs. Milford Township. Rule to amend record, the court filed an opinion discharging snme. Petif on of Ralph L Ford minor for guardian. Frank R. Ford appointed to give bond in $30,000 Estate Conrad Grob petition of heirs to hnve money paid to non resident guardian. Granted Estate Stephen Cuddeback deed. petition of minors to mnko private sale of interest in lands for right of waytoM.,M. & N. Y. R.R.. sale ordered. Adjournmen t to August 1st. Possible Destitution. Two boys apparently 8 and 12 years old wore in Milford Saturday last asking aid. They gave their name as Goach. Trie smaller one was minus an arm. They stated the family walked from Dover, N J., and is now living in a house back of Cummings iu West fall, the father is sick and there are five children o whom the larger was the eldost. If this story is true it is n proper matter for the authorities to investigate. Arm Broken Last Friday evening as Mrs. J. F. Dooloy and son and Mrs J. A. Kipp were returning trom a visit to the Delaware Water Gap, when near Shawnee, having token the wrong road, in attempting to turn around tho wagon was overturned, throw ing the occupants out. Mrs. Dooloy 's left arm was broken between the elbow and shoulder, nnd Mrs. Kipp had her wrist Bomewhnt in jured. . Real Estate Tra nsfers. Stephen St. J ohu to Win. H. Lent, dated June SO lots 809 & 811 Mata moras ; consideration nominal. Alice C. Rodgers and husband to Leroj E. Kipp. dated June 7, 125 acres part of Ludwig Vaudormark ; consideration nominal. Jennie King, et.al. to Bate Wood, dated July 1,-4 acres in Lacka wax en ; con. 300. TEACHERS WANTED! Five teachers in the Iudependent School District of Milford, one each for the Grammar, Intermediate and first and second Primary, and one for Shooopee. Also Janitor for the Borough building. Applies, cations will be received until July , 1898. Address, H. E. Emkuson, Secy.. June 21, '98 Milford, Pa. PERSONAL. J. H. Ludwig, of Monte gue, en joyed the Milford celebration 0w M. Brink ft petit the 4th with his family onOonrgo St. Goorgj Beck, of Newark, is visit in friend-) here for a few days. Will Geigcr, of Newark, visited trietuls in town (luring the nation al holiday. Mary I)ako. of Scr.inton, is visit ing the- family of O. M. Brink on George street. Mis. Maria Klaer, of Stroudsburg, i-i visi fin tr her father R. C. Bull, on Broad Street. Mrs. Boyd of Washington is visit i og h-ird i lighter MrsTivu. NioH ! it. tli'.i parsonage. Miss Kirkbride, of Westchester, Pa., is visiting her friend Mi.s Brown at the Homestead. H. D. Van C.im;hm, of D.jckir town, spent the Fourth with the family of C. W. Bull, Esq. The six sons of Mrs. Rudolph, Edward, Frank. John, Alliert, Louis and George, visited her on the Fourth. Mrs. J. F. Dooley and son, of W.iymart, accompanied hy Miss Anna Kipp, left for homo Tuesday morning. HiramWestbrook, of Ridgowood, M.J. , and Howard Domott, of N. Y. visited Milford friends on the nat ional holiday. Miss Blanch Cross is visiting her friend Edna Fiske who is enjoying an outing with the family of Chas. Nobs in Dingman. Mrs. Emma T. Baker and son Fraloy, who is a student in Stove's Institute, Uoboken, are home at Milford for the Summer. Madam Fauchero celebrated her roth birthday last Sunday, July 3, with a small company which includ ed several relatives and friends. The whole family of L. W. Arm strong, with several friends made his handsome home on High Street i- very merry place during the tourtn. William Swononizer, of Greene. a son of our Burgess and William, son of D S. Lee, of Stroudsburg candidate for state Senator were vis iters at Milford Inst Friday. COMMUNICATED. Dinuman Twp., July 0, 1898. Last week nn interesting letter from W. W. Horner, our friend of tlio frozen feet, appeared Jin the newspaper published opposite Kooh- ler's barber shop, so I send this episode to the ono opposite the oth er barber shop, thinking that the wholo story may amuse and enter tain our taxpayers, nt least it has the novelty of nevor vet havini? been published. It is in the nature of a communication from ono of our Oversoers to the Township Auditors and while no especial terms of en dearment are invoked, tho dear part seems to bo quite evident. It is as follows : Dir.gman Twp. to John A. Fisher, Dr., ns Oversoer of Poor for 1897, To transporting W. W. Horner to Soldiers Home, Aug. 8, ISO? t 24 80 Street nnd cab fare and cable car 6 no Meals and Lodging 8 BO Helper and Refreshments... 2 50 One coat for Horner 1 60 Paid Joseph P. Burg 10 00 J. C. Olmsted 1 75 (54 05 Services for town Giving bond and servioe in office 42 00 Levying tax l 50 July 14, meeting J. West- brook and G. Swononizer. . 1 KO June 23, Transporting J. Westbrookand G. Swepen- izor 1 bo July 20, transporting West- brook and Swepenizer 1 50 July 26, meeting J. Hart and ii. bwoponizer 1 50 Aug. 9 to 14, taking Horner to boHliors Uome 10 00 Dec.21, Return unsoated lands 1 00 March 15, Settlement 1 50 122 00 Litt le Jack Horner lay up at Dorey ' mating nis i nucktown pie. He stuck in bis thumb, Ana pulled out a plum. But this rambling bum And the Johnny boy Make our f.ices wry. Tax-Payer. Milford Current Prloes. July 8th. Flour bbl. $8.00, feed 95o owt.. but ter 16, eggs doss. 16. sugar (7 lbs142. hams lb. 12, hams Oil. 10. An Evening With Gibson. Sawkill House, Saturday. Julv 10. at 7 o'clock. Benefit Presbyterian Church. Admission 25 cents. The M. E. Church fair Monday evening was well attended and net ted the comfortable little sum of 120. B8sfcW. This house was first oponed for boarders lust year under the man agement of Tol.ins Nelson. So great was its popularity that its accom modations have been largely in crcosod by additions during the past winter. It is 'most beautifully lo cated just across the Van Dermark Creek at, the extreme end of Broad WASHINGTON LETTEU. Washington, July 4, 1898 President McKinloy prohnbly, nil things considered, nevor passed n more satisfactory Fourth ot July than this one. Gon. Shnfter has justified all tho confldeiico reposed inhim by winning a series of glorious victories at Santiago,, victories in which Admiral Sampson nnd his gallant sailors won new honors for tho Amoriean navy, and which add no little to tho respect felt by tho world for the fighting qualities of Americans. There is only one draw back to tho general rejoicing and that is the large number killed nnd wounded on our side. Tho victories have bioa glorious, but they havo also been bloody. But such is war. The peans of victory nro with rare exceptions, such as the victory of Dowoy in Manila Bay, nlwnys min gled with mourning cries for the gallant dead and sympnt hetio tears for the brave men wounded. Shaf fer's victories were won by assaults upon an enemy strongly fortified and could not have otherwise than bloody. Notwithstanding the persistency with which statements to the con tra ry continue to lie circulated, Presi. dent McKinloy has npt even corsidor ed issuing another call for troops, ond unless there are some nnexpoct ad development he does not oxpoct to have to consider the mat t6r. Ho believes that we have enough men now undor nrms, to complete the job of thrashing the Spaniards, which lias been so gloriously conducted up to date. Alabama ought to be proud of her representatives in the TJ. S. Senate. Senator Morgan and Pettus aie dem ocrats, but not the obstructive kind. They are Americans first of all, and as such they have been strongly supporting the administration iu its conduct of tho war ; also in its efforts to bring about the annexation of Hawaii. In an ablospeach in favor of annexation, Senator Pettus re plied to the that annexation would cause us to build a largo navy hy saying:"! hoiie to God it will. I will welcome tho doy when our navy will be so powerful that no nation of the world will ever dare to offer us an insult " Interest iu the war has not made those who are interested in keeping the Government Printing O 11 ce under the civil servioe rules cease their efforts to prevent action hy the President that will take the office out of control of the civil servioo commission. Tho civil service com mission , which desires to hold on to the office, has submitted a plan for the apportionment of the employes of the office uniong the several states and territories, and prominent men are trying to influence the President BE00KSIDE VILLA. Street, a charming view of which it commands. In front of tho house is a small pond and the rippling water tumbling over the dam under the stone bridge makes soothing and retreshing music. A largo farm, mannged in connection, affords tho freshest vegetables and the purest milk. Tho picture shows tho wide to let the office remain under civil service rule. As soon ns ho car find time, President. McKinley will take up tho matter nnd settle it. It is still generally believed in Wash ington that it is to ho put Out side of the civil sitrvico. Tho stamp section of the War Rovennolnw has not been ns trouble some to put into effect ns many pre dicted. So far ns Washington is concerned, the new law, which went into effect on tho first of the pres ent month, has made more amuse ment than real tr uble. Paying tellers of banks were surprised at tho large number of thoir depositors who didn't know that a rovonue stamp had to be attached to their checks, but they didn't cash any un til the required stamp had been stuck on. About every other person who filed a tolegram registered a kick when informed that it would not be accepted until stamped, and wanted to know why the telegraph company did not stand this tax. Some dealers are trying to profit largely by tho stamp tax hy adding five or ton cents to the prico of ar ticles which aro taxe I something like one-eighth of ono cent, but their customers as a rule are calling them down. Tho opposition to annexation is dying hard, hut there is no doubt that it is dying. It is doubtful whether it has strength enough to keop up tho fight all this week. It is expected that a vote will bo taken in tho Senate on the annexation res olution this week. If tho resolution bo adopted by the middle of the week, this will probably be the last week of this session of Congress, as there is little else in tho wuy of ad journment. OUR CELEBRATION. Succeeding a record-breaking day for heat, the Fourth was ushered in by the ringing of bells with the noisy accompaniment of powder burning in all forms. Tlio town was fully aroused, and to add to tho interest, the ominous cry of fire sounded soon after midnight, which proved to be located in the bottling works up town. All Milford was astir and slumber did uotjngain visit the eyelids of many before the morning with its heat, and the racket of those who were bent on a day of full enjoyment brought the few restless sleepers out to begin the day's celebration with the many who had kept it up. The streets began to present an animated appearance, and the con fusion of preparation was every where evident. The firemen were busy furbishing up thoir carts, the decorations of which had been somewhat disturbed by use at the early morning fire, and the crowds began gathering toiwifness the pa rade. Soon the Emmet Baud of Port! 7 i I and well-shaded porches and charm ing surroundings. No more ideal spot can be found for rest and en joyment of the country than this home separated from and yet with in easy access to tho Borough, which, from its commanding situa tion, it overlooks. Jervis arrived, and enlivened the town with soul-stirring musio and Milford was filled with patriotism and ready for tho day's events. The parade wns formed on Centre Square, under the direction of Col A. E. Lewis, Chief Marshnl, assisted by J. C. Bull nnd A. S. Dingmnn. The order wns : Cnrringewith ora tors of the day, then came the Town Council nnd distinguished citizens, followed by the band nnd the chief nnd assistants of tho fire department with Van Dermark nnd Sawkill Hoso Companies nnd the Hook and and Ladder truck, and a company of amateur firemen "No. 3," con sisting of small boys who marched well and gave good promise of being worthy successors when the time arrives. A nondescript float fol. lowed, managed by a musical cou ple, who from their elevation were in difficulty with the numerous Wires which crossed their pathway and occasioned unfortunate breaks in their strains. Rutan showed a novel wheel nicely docornted, and VanTasscl had one of his gaily capar isoned steeds in line. A masked gen tleman officiated as captain and men to a flying battery of light artillery. Tho firemen all looked well and pre sented a very natty appearance in their neat uniforms The parade was orderly and reflected credit on tho individual menbers, and general management. Nothing occurred to distract or disturb the orderly ar rangement and all acquitted them selves satisfactorily. There were throe entries for the bicycle race John Aldrich, Henry Rosset and Goo. Smith. The course was to the Half Way Houso nnd return. The return was in the order named nnd the time 24 and 25 minutes. The distance is supposed to be a little more than seven miles total. Ominous, but welcome clouds, I gathered about noon, and it seemed as though the afternoon events would be superseded by the ele ments, but after the heavens had furnished a modicum of ice to those who had not previously supplied themselves, the sun partially as serted his supremacy, but with diminished fervor, and the crowd assembled at the ball grounds, and a greased polo performance took place in which Will Owens succeed ed in capturing the prize. Mr. Bayard Niohols read the Dec laration of Independence and Revs. Neff, Lassiter and Nichols each made brief addresses of a patriotic nature. The ball game followed, which was distinguished by the usual kicking, and finally ended at an in definite inning with an uncertain score, it being conceded, however, that the Dingmnn Dine had the most runs to its credit. The firemen's ball, in the even ing, attracted a crowd, and afforded a good time to the participants, while adding soie seventy-live dol Uirs to the funds of the Department.. THE U WITH SPAIN. - . . - ' Our Victorious Army and Navy. SKVKnr LOSSES ON IIOTH SIIIKR. fRR. VKKA'S KI.KET IlKKTItOVKI). 8AV TlAfiO Sl'IIItOt NDKI) BY TUB AIOIV. All last weok severe fighting 00. curred around Santiago, and grad ually, though with considerable loss, our ormy approached nearer its fortifications. July 3d General Shafter demand ed its surrender, which was refused, and at the request of tho foreign oonsuls, ho delayed action until noon of tho 5th. Saturday morning at 9.30 Admiral Cervera attempted with his fleet to escape from tho harbor nnd at 2 p.m. the last, tho Crista bal Colon, had run ashore sixty miles west of San tiago, and let down her colors. The Infanta Maria Teresa, Oqnando, nnd Vizcaya were forced ashore, burned and blown up within twenty miles of the harbor, and the Furor nnd Plnton were destroyed within four miles of the fort. But onemnn was lost on onr side, W. H. Ellis of the Brooklyn, and two wounded, while the enemy lost several hundred from gnnfiro. explosions and drown ing, nnd thirteen hundred, includ ing Cervera himself, wore taken prisoners. The American vessels were practically untouched. Admiral Dewey telegraphod July 1 that the throe transports nnd the Chatleston had arrived nt Manila, having captured oe the wny Guam, Lndrono Islnnds, June 21, nnd brought the six officers nnd fifty four men from the garrison. June 29 the Spanish gunboat Leyte enme out of a river nenr Ma nila and surrendered with fifty-four officers and ninety-four men. It hns been deemed ndvisnble to reinforce General Shafter beforo he attempts to storm Santiago, hence the bombardment has been doferred until the troops now being sent ar rive. This mny consume several days. Gen. Linares army has also been roin forced by 6,000 troops. In the sea fight Spain lost six ships, 300 Wiled, 150 wounded, and 1800 prisoners. Our loss in and around Santiago during the week of battle will reach in killed and wounded fully 1800. Our loss in commandors was largo, fully fifty having fallen. Admiral Camara's fleet is now passing through the Suez Canal. Electrlo Light In the Coun ty. C. N. Boilenn, ot N. Y., with his wife, nnd Joseph F. N. Boileau, of the same city, whose first Fourth of July visit it was to the old home, and John Rickert and wife.of Brook lyn, John Snbastior and wife of New York, and Jacques DePolier, of Brooklyn, visited the home of C. J. Boileau in Dingman Twp., over the holiday just past. During the evening they had a fine display of fireworks and a ball wns given, in which a large nuuibor of tho neigh borhood people participated. To add to the novelty of the occasion the house wns lighted by eloctricity. Tlio motive power is furnished by a small turbine wheel which drives a dynamo of forty candle power. The i plant was erected hy C. N. Boileau who is an electrician employed by tho Western Electric Co., of N. Y., and will remain permanently to fur nish light for the house. This, so far as we know, is the first utiliza tion of eloctricity for light in Pike County. Great Ooean Calamity. Tho French line steamship La Bonrgogne collided last Monday morning with tho British ship Cro martyshire in a denso fog about 60 miles south of the Sable Islands. There were 718 persons on board when the collision ocbnrred, and of these 549 were lost. Many were well known and residents of N. Y. LEDGEDALE. Mrs. Geo. Scbuffur unit children, of Washing-tun, Pa., are tukinx their vncn tion at hur old homu In Simouiiuvu. t B. and Ella Simons, Clara Frlubiu and Charlb Klllam utteudod tho fitlviU In Puuuao hut Thursday evening nt Mr. Uuest'. M A. Hvidy rhkss a new wheel. Juliikii Mom, of Scruuten, gouut Sun day with Ira Killam and family. Mr. A. H Spioer, of Holllnturvlll ,gpei t a few days lnut woek looktugafUirtbe bark that U Doing pooled ill thU plaoo. Hq Hopped with lin Killiiin