Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, June 24, 1898, Image 4

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    One Cent a Vord.
t o- Ki'rh l.ieri:n No mWeri i tptiifnt
ttkon for tfmn 15 root.
A.lilr- I'lKK COI NTV rilF.ON,
THK'PAfl NO'I'ICF,. Nollnp It hdvlijr
(.-veil tlml; l.vanmsimi on Hip im'inlMli
wriiii'iMl l)V Mm undi-riirli'il In liiK"in
town hip, Kmiwn an tlw Itnclmnnn fivrm
for ImntliiY, flshlnir. Iuti-tIhh or niiy other
purpose whatever is forliiilden uniler pen
alty o( the lnw. Any pei-son or m-morn
illsnlM-ylnir this notlen will lie dcnlt with
In the severest lnwful innnner.
Ueohok H. McCautt,
July 1, 1897. Lessee.
TRESPASS NOTICK. Notice Is hereby
Klven thirttrrapiwslniinniin the south
ern hulf of the traet of lnml known ns the
VM limit Ifcmny, No. In Shoholn tnwn
hip, for hunt-lnp, fishing, or, nny other
rurpose, nisi) ttvspnsslng uu Suwklll poml
n Dinirmnn township, or, fishing In it is
forbidden under peniiltr of the lnw.
M. t LKil.AND Mlt.Nnn,
Aprl5lm Attorney for owner.
TIIKSPASS NOTICR. Notice Is lien-by
friven tlmt t.n'spnsslnii upon the pro
perty of the Forest Ijiiko AssiMilntinu in
Liuikiiwnxen township, l'lke county, la.,
for the purpose of huntiiiK and flslunn. or
nny other purpose Is strictly forbidden un
der penally of the lnw.
Alk.xanpf.ii II Annus,
Nov. 23, ISiKj. President.
TRESPASS NOTICR. Notlco Is henby
tllven that trospxsslnft on the premises
of the undersiirned. situated in ltinu-mnn
townshln. for anv ininwisn whatever is
strictly forbidden, and nil offenders will lie
promptly pmsecutoa. ika a. uahk.
int. ii'..
FUlt SALE. A small farm l atiil near
Watamorivs, known ns tho llensel or
Relnhardt place, contalnini; 21 acri's.
Finely locatKl, well wati'red. House and
barn. Fruit of all kinds. Part Improved.
Title clear. For terms, price, etc., address
kock box (i Mlltord, 1'a.
Correspondents are particularly
requested to send in nil news in
tended for publication not later
than Wednesday in each week to in
sure insertion.
On Saturday evening last nt tho pnrRon
bro, by Hev. W. H. Hurley, Geo Stoll, of
Newton, and Miss Lizzie House of Handy.
ton, were united In tho holy bonds of
matrimony. All unite in wishing the
happy cmplo a pleasant and sucoossful
mat ited HCe.
Attorney General Oray, of N. J., says
member of the Boa'il of Kducation can
not lawfully Bm-vo on tho Town Com
mittee. Certainly that is good common
sense, and the"eroro a good law.
MIrs Sadie Hursh was home a couplo of
days this week from Newark, visiting her
parents and frieads. Sho was accnm-
panledby Miss Millie Whcaton, also of
that city.
Lafo Van F.tten, of whom wo wrote last
week, died on Friday. After go much Buf
fering tho prospect of rost cannot be other
wise than welcomo, even though It be
eternal. There Is a compensation In the
hope of a future life that soothes the pangs
of parting with this, and whother that
shall consist of a home In glory, or an
existence as tho life of a plant, or grain, or
forest, none the less It Is Boine satisfaction
to believe that It will be so'no form of that
mysterious entity which wo call llfo.
Wo have the telcphono with us, and now
strong hopes are entertained that a now
railroad will bo tho next link to bind us
to civilization outside the valley.
As the school at Lnyton Is now vacant,
and no teacher need apply who does not
suit a small but spiteful faction, we beg
to sugft-ost that ihe "Mickey" and the
"handsome mcchanio" get up apotltlou to
Install the Duke, the Duchess and the
l'atflnt Maid. It would suit a few, you
Know, ana as tor too ro3t, well, as Vaudei
bllt says, "thepubllo bo damned."
A Lafayette correspondent says but few
Bibles will be required for soldiers from
this sldo of tho mountain, as only two or
throe have as yet enlisted. What Is the
use oi it anywayr Bovonty-flve nor cent
of them are thrown away on the first hard
march and It seems about as conslsteut to
burden tho soldier with Blblog as It would
be to arm him with squirt guns and oat
nip tea.
The Farmers, Mechanics and Trades
men ninth annual plonio will bo held at
Uulvors Lato on Saturday, Aug. 13.
Tbesalo of privileges at tho Farmers,
Mechanics, and Tradesmen's picnic in
Crlsman's grovo, at Culver's Lake, will
take place on Saturday, Aug. 8, one week
before tho picnic. Thero wag s tremon
doua orowd last year, and local speakers
wore a drawing card. It Is hoped the
management will secure equally talented
peakors this year.
Pastor Von Glahn's gray horse is now
In tho oare of our jolly friend, I)e Alton
DUUston.of Branchvllle.and Al. Is trying to
give It the good Christian training, in the
way it should go, that the pastor so signol
ly failed to Instill into the pony.
Strawberries and loe cream were served
at the Chapel on Thursday evening of last
week to a numerous " gathering of the
friends of that church. Mrs. J. E. Span
genburg, Mrs. Ed. Lnyton, and Mrs. Jaoob
Kyte served the delicious fruit and gave
assiduous and kludly attention toull.
Keoelpta, $10.50.
Wa were troiiienjusly sca"ed last week.
TheMickey" talked he would give some
body a pair of twin bluck eyes fur saying
be pu'd 40 ceu for 8 quarts of oatsnt Geo.
Westbrooks, and we we-e awful afraid he
meant us. The ' Mlckey"told that he was
charged 40 oeuts for qua us. We weve
both In error. He was charged 40 cents for 4
qts. of oats, bay and bedding for his hy.-se,
aad why he mode big fuss ubout it is
mo.-e taan I can soo. I gave the item just
as I heerud !t" w'thout ev'.l intent, while
he, knowing !! tiie truth told part of it. j
' Which was most to bo condemned the
public w:'l judye. HI ut no consequence
however either way, only it looked Tku
making a mountain out of a mule hill to
the piejiidke of f -ii-nd Wcstbrook, and I
therofuea take tlrs oppoi tuuHy to set uim
ter iu liie'.r ti ns I'siit. Tb e'r g -ew so
blue lu the ''Mickey" vlciulty for a bit
hat I at onetime thought I would hare
to c-iiie up mid t-y to have the Kil't.n q
sue s Kit -a C't tion ea Iv '-t tho week to
S"ethe M 'el.ers w niMuli ,1 'jt'x-'lnl.. ' I
I" tvmnvtt fip-. Ii'-r, li-ut I did not. Iniftid
to cell Iviil R jn-; fililr a f:' ( lltlu-'e, qni'l'
a .IHferenee you see, fer n if a I r.nilld
nil, I S'lpiio:-ed to be hollow 'ns'de, nnd thr
other Isoutslde.and it'toetheron oneslile.
Illumed if I hardly know willed in; Is most
like after all. He eiin have it; either way
he wishes, for I do so w:iut liliu to Ik
pleased with hlinaeU, nnd w'th tne. Nfi
one else will ever know t o (lllTe.ence nny
way, even !f they Ret well ncqnal itel with
111 m.
The Fnrine.-s Plcnlo near Deekertown
will bo held August 17. and tho Lake
Grlnni-H Plrn'o on Aus 2(1. All come to
Bether this yea -.
A p!e:nn;it evetit will tnko plae this
Thursday oven'ngnt thehoineof mine host
J. A. Wesibroo'tof IJevans liithenmrvlaHe
of h's daughter Miss Valid to n Mr. liren
don of N. Y. City. Their future residence
will 'n n'l pr.ibnir.llty lie in N. Y.; If so,
fie home and soiijl Tfeof Levaus will lose
n valued lnenibe: f.om Its circle.
-The H. R. Te'c, 'lone Co., are pleased
wUh the lare nuinlier of phones they are
called on to iosl-all as their line reaches
each Town hamlet. The fame of their ex
cellent service ha evidently preceded
the n.
U. I). Tlnrsh Is on the II. R. line with
foreman Ryan wo-king from Newton to
ward Layton th's week.
A large number of coal mine owners bp
cotnlng tiiinl of thetiejtist and dlsrrlmln -ating
frelyht rntes e'lTorced nalust them
liy tho Railroads havo employed Chief
K.nplneer Je iks to take piellnilnnry nb
servatlons of tho mo' t priicticable roete
from Sci-nnton, via llushklll or Milford,
Culvers Gup and lirnnchvllln, dlivet to
New York, for an nil coal rond. Mr.
.Tenks isctpiiited th'iourh heix i'i a few
days, and if his judgment approves of
the route a cot psof en-'necrs will follow,
and lis the o' giinlzntlon tinspieuty of cap
ital it would In n'l probability be soon be
Imllt. Thoso in the confidence of the late
Win. H. Hell know that ho always had
this route In view for n t'-'unk line. Mr.
ilell was a man of no mean ability lit U.K.
matters, nnd tho roads he advocated in his
life have ninny of the n been built. Why
not this oneP
On account of a small faction who
set their personal spl'.o beforo pub
llo Interest, the teacher needed and di
sired nt Layton went elsewhere, rathe
than endure the perpetual nn'ng thai
one of the faction pave public nisur.iiice
would bo kept up In the District for a
year to come, If he was h'red. This allow
ing a vicious few to domlnnti) the schod
Interests here n:ialii5t tho wclfn -e of i-.ll
good citizens, who certainly urn In the
majority, Is most shnnieful. The people
will wake up soou to tlio bad elTect It Is
having on the' r child ren. whoare radua1
ly imbibing the sa-no vicious p inclple?
this faction seems boat on fostering,
Mrs. Rebecca Horulicckls lylug danner
onsly 111 at her homo near Tnttles Comoivt.
Her advanced age, Kii years, Is o;,a'nst her
recovery and her death may be expi'oted nt
almost any time. rho lion s her Illness
with commendable patience nnd l-cceivcs
tho liest of care and attention front her
dnuphter Lena, who devotos herself en
tirely to her mothei's welfa o.
Montague, N.
II Keg.
Mb. Editoh: It Is getting warm on
tho keg but we can stand it In the simile
pretty good. P.use Is home here now as all
Is busy what wants to bo. Goorgo Aim
slrong has sore tbront an cant smoke;Mlss
Edna Casterlln nnd Mrs. Carswoll Is both
flck. Do Sheriff was obor heretoseo some
body. Miss Idn Sargent has been tip to
N.Y. to v'sit her pa-ents Mr. nnd Mrs.
Koyt. Every boy nil girl is busy mit straw
berries; dot social by Mrs. Korrs was good
dey took In 25 do'lars. A ohap up iu the
clove stole something an Harry Moivlng
toon n 'in to iiewion to oool ott. Somo ins-
clo went on hurt Jako McCnrtyg dog bad.
I goo Mllford lg going to havo .1 band, dots
nice, we have one hero but dey only play
when somo folks gets married dey call em
do tiu pan band.
Relnehart boys took fifty bushel of straw
berres to Port one day . Dein carponters
finished dot job but who'll fo4 do bill In
doendf Every Sunday mornin we is to
hear Sunday skulo now by nine oclock lu
do old church(we will see a new one on
time If no one goes death before.) Mrs
Goo. Wells and son of P.J. was down here
last week to visit friends. Bennett Kuudle
is homo to stay whllo de wettor Is warm.
Some road wud bo betto If doro wasn't so
many lose stones. A Cuban flag is afloat
by our post office. Uuclo Sams colors are
floatln most evory whore an someday
wen we captures Cuba and glvo dem Span
ish out-throats one of tho blnmodost lick
ings dey ever had, wo'ro goln to cele
brate by havtn a chicken for dinner. Wen
you fellers over In Mtlford celebrates on
de Fourth, somo of us over here will come
over and help drink lemonade, so put lu a
good stock.
Dat "ere extra skulo moetln didn't bring
out Bo much of a orowd and votes were
east for and nouo against tho estermato of
$:io thought necessary by the Board for
insurance and transfers.
Dot loo cream and strawberry soshul at
the Rfd Church last nite netted fM.
Our friend Randle Pavre has clrcnb,t.,t
a notice to subscribe rs of the Rfd Church
Informing thom of the changes adopted by
Kim uioiuiiik coiHoiiLtee nu't at tne same
time Randle aiks a question that could be
bettor answered by one who knows. Mr.
Sayro has spent coosldernnle time and
some money out of his own i..
the effort to raise that une thim-mml
lollnrsandof course nu one libinn.j hi,,.
for feeling a little sore.
Tho Sussex Telenhone Co. wilt .,
look out and keen dere riiririn in r..,.l ....
de odder feller will kuoc. 'e u out.
The U llo of Sawklll m.j a.wi. ....... .
lait week. She whs ou her wav toH.,wi..v
Pu. Mrs. R. Jjoiulon Hint ,lMii..lt......f i ..i..'.
Como were here last week viuitlug MU1
ville millrr aud bis Irau.
Dan. Prodmore h:is a in!, nnrrfi,,n a .i......
of lumbagu. There is some talk ol a man
from Port coming lu re to run the black
smith shop. would rather soo it th- u
near cm talk uoout it. Nail Keg
Exourslon Tickets to Oma
ha, Neb.
On ac.uiitTran-'M
Iutcruutioiittl exucsitiiiii nt. tlnil,
Xub., tho Krie will sell sp.iL-.al ex-cui-dion
tickets from Port Jervia to
Omaha, Nob., daily until Oct. 13th
Kood to return on or liuforo Nov.
10, ISiS, at tho low rate of til50
for the round trip. jw
Tripp!. ! pin for y.'rfi. I cniil.l rrnt
w.-ilk. 1 1 1 i'd nmny 'hvnieifis v.-il h
out l'--;ie(il,. (In tiie uilvirrt of B
friend I tiicd your medicine. I
wan coniiiloteiy cured by three
bottles of
0. F. DOWN, Morton Summit, Pa,
.lune l'lth wns the fiftieth nnnlversaiy
of the mnt'tlngeot Mr. and Mrs. M. B.
Kllln-n, sn the children and fftnndehMdrcn
and nlso one great irniidcliHd. herbrothei .
Volney Rennet, of Canidc,), N. J , nnd
cousin, Stephen Bennett, of York State,
gathered at tho old homestead lu honor of
the occasion. NiiuiPtiina other f-'nils
called later In the fl y. They were the
recipient of several useful as well ns beau
tiful presents.
Snnfoid WllPti'ns, of Salem, with nn
aent for the improved maps of Pennsyl
vania, were callers In town on Monday.
S. Edfiar nnd rh'ld. en, of Scrnnton, nrp
boarders with Mr. Gerest for n time.
B F. Killam's family has come to the
farm for the summer.
Mr. and Mrs A.J. Kimble and family
n-v Invited to attend the wedding of Miss
Hetty Simons, of Salem, to Mr Cliuenco
Conrad Gunible died last week. He and
his wire were living nlono She has been
an In v did for yea n. up nnd'uroiind part
of the time. Saturday me. nlng they found
him nt, the foot of tin- cellar stairs line inn-ions.
They ca'led the doctor, but ho
died that evening. He leaves, besides his
wife, two daiiithters nnd several sons.
Funeral Tuesday at a 'oclock.
fienrpe, theyounsest sonol Chnr'cs Mar
tin, met with what nearly p lived it fatal
n -cl ient Inst Sunday n'ght. While plny
lnqon a hl:h porch hn slipped and fell
backwards, striking his bend on a stone,
rendering him unconscious for nen: ly half
an hour,
Liife Crone nnd LaTe Howcy have started
a small show with which they expect to
travel through Pike and m'joiulmr Coun
t es "Ivlnpr exhibitions or their skill with
the m-i','ic lantern and 111 handling rattle
At last tho school board of Delaware
lins consented to repair the house at Silver
Lake nnd put In patent Boats and also the
onoatCules Whllethey nromaklng these
Improvements would It not bo well tobnild
another out house nt CentruP Decency
should prompt this If no other reason.
Good g ackms! What kind of n Super
visor havo wo at Centre, nnywayP The
roads are not safe to drive over for four oi
breaking the Wilson, if It is a lifcbt one
One person did bivnlc a buggy wheel last
week when oinssini' a brd'je which hud
recently been built lietwecn E. Vander
mark's and the old tannery. C.
Wesley Wilson, n young man from
Philadelphia, died at the homo of B. F.
Kipp's, lit Greene Township. Friday
morning, June 17, of consumption. The
deceased came to Mr. Kipp's about April
1st, with the expectation that his health
would be Improved, which, however, at
first seemed somewhat better; But for
tho last few weckB Ills health gradually
failed. Mr. Klpp wrote his attending
physician at Phlliidolph'a nnd on Thurs
day, Juno 10, he minio to Greentown, In
tending to take him homo on tho follow
ing day. On Saturday morning his re
mains wore taken to his homo in Phila
delphia. S. R llazelton's steam portable sawmill
Is now on tho ground at B. F
... ,
Klpp 8
ready to bo sot up. As soon as tho stock
of logs Is sawed at Kipp's It will be removed
to Ed Grimms place In Greene Township-It
Is reported that a party of englnoors are
surveying lit Dark Hollow on the same
route surveyed about scventeon years ago
through Greono Township by tho N. Y.,
.Susquehanna & Western R R. Co.
A Choral Society.
A numbor of musically Inclined neoule
met Monday evening to perfect organiza
tion for a Social Singing Society. Mrs
I hos. Armstrong was elected President,
Miss Lizzie Bull Vice President and a
ooniniltteo consisting of the President,
Mrs. Bensell, Mrs. Williamson, Mrs. J.
H. Van Etten, Messrs. J. A. Myers and
F. B. Thrall was appointed to select the
music to be studied. Miss Lila Van Etten
was selected as accompanist.
Fromthe well-known talents of those
who have joined there can bo no doubt
tlmt the society will lie a musical success
and that it will bo able to afford much
pleasure on many occasions, especially
such Impromptu ones as frequently arise
when music is almost a slue-qua-non.
Grass Porch Cushions for the piazza,
- 10 cents.
White Toilet Sets,
177 sets - 11.27.
Odd Wash Bowls nnd
Pitchors - 4 0cts. each.
" A lot of White Snuca Dishes,
2c ; table tu'nblors 19o dozen.
Tho Best Tuing in Window
Screens hardwood f ratlin, plen
ty of screen all sizes, ti, 28
and 33 cents.
We want fresh ejjgs and
Turnip Heed, White or Yellow, 25
cunts pur pound.
Port Jervis, N. Y.
Teeth exirpcted positively -without pain
with Gas or Hale Method free for 2 weeks.
PLATES made to fit. All work
D R. F. W. LU D LU
27 & 29 Front Street,
The Spring Medicine
Is Strong Enough,
Pure Enough,
Good Enough and
Cheap Enough.
65c. per bottle; 3
bottles for $1.75 made
Milford Pnarmac
Plenty of room for enlarged joints ctoso
ly fitting elsewhere.
This describes shoes mndo on tho "Bun
ion Lasts."
The foot with tho bunion wns very much
like other feet before tho bunion grew.
It needs a shoe having moro room in cer
tain points.
It has been Impossible to obtain a setis
fnctory fit in ready made shoe.
The nearest approach to 1 1 was obtained
by buying a shoe which was two or threo
sizes too long or too wido.
Tho "custom shoo inaker"has frequently
fulled to give a satisfactory fit simply be
cause he had no last of proper shape to
work on.
Ho put on n bunch hero and a bunoh
there, but the outllno wns wron g nnd tne
shoo didn't fit.
Tho"Hunion Shoo" Is the only shoo that
will lit the foot with a bunion or nn en
larged joint. Tho words "Bunion Shoe"
nnd "Bunion Last" registered ns trado
mark, May 71 1WI3.
Port Jervis, N.
Corrected to Date.
I uiiuiiiit viiiiub iJ uiiuillil, lMflR-
am Kalis, Chautauqua Lake. Clevelanil.
Clileauo nnd Cincinnati.
lickets. on sale at Port. Jervis to all
points In the West and Southwest nt lower
rates than via nny other flrst-clitbs line.
Thains Now Lkavr Pout Jbuvis as
No. 12, Dally Kxpress 4.10A.M.
" 10, Dally Kxpress 5.20 "
" in, Dally Except Sunday. . 6 U0 '
7.45 "
" 60H, Sunday Only 7 45
88, Daily Kxoopt Sunday., 10.11 "
, uiuiy , ay iraiu la 16P.M.
" 8U, " " ' g.ai) "
" 2, Daily Exprnss 4 as "
" 61, Sunday Only ,,, 4 !jo "
" S, Daily Express 6. go "
" 1H, Sunday only B 35 "
" 8a, Dally Except Sunday . . 45 "
" U, Dally f. 10 W) .
No. S Dally Express 12.01a.m.
1 Drly Milk Train 06 "
" J . Dally Express 1183 "
" ! Df 'ly Except Sunduy . . 12 10 p. M.
" i. Daily Kxpn ss 6 OH "
" 97, Daily Except Sunday.. 8 27 "
" 7, Daily Express 10 15 "
Trains leave Chamtwrs stroi't, New
York for Port Jervis on week days at 4 l
7 45, KOI), 15, 10 M A. M . 1.IK), 2 uo
8 SO, 4 SO, 6 80, 7 80, S 45 P. m. On Sun
days, 4 uu, 7 45, y 00, y 15 a. nt.; W 30,
a HO, 7 80 and S 45 p. m.
1. I. Roberta,
Ceuerul I'ttHMeiiirir Agent,
New Vol k,
n. w. r.M.kc,
Assistant General FaMgeuger As;elit(
Mew York.
Repairing done in tin or iron, and
Electrical supplies turn-,
ihed to order.
:l KCTKrc.lL WOltK A 81'ECFAIl r.
Prompt attention t iven to hnilil
ing private telephone lines ; putting
in eloctrio doir bells ; cull bells :
burglar alarms ; electric alarm
clix-ks ; house call, or hotel annuncia
tors ; and the srnnerul kpiti in or
der ol elcdtieal aiHir;itus.
.Dr. David Hcnned
La vorite Remedy
Outing Goods.
L? 1 Biggest things ever offered
flin Bicycle Suits.
Wo luivo Hie entiro suits nt f :.49
and up.
Wo linvo the knoe pnnts nt $1.25
nnd up.
We linve tlio shirts nt f.ROnml up.
Wohnvo tho ptockiriKS nt f.2B nnd
We linvo the sweaters (wool) nt
tl.00 nnd tip.
Wo hnvo tho belts nt. f.25 nnd tip.
AVe hnve the cups nt . 25 mid up.
the line of Bicycle Cloth
ing at the Lowest Pos
sible Prices on Earth.
Cor, Front and Sussex stroots,
A new line of
In Dress Goods,
A Choice Selection of Ladies'
and Men's Neckwear.
Finost nssortmoEt over shown in
-:- & WELLS.
has a well equipped
Everything for a Bicycle.
Wheels to Sell and Rent.
Lessons given to beginners
Wheels cleaned and crat
ed for cyclists.
Locks repaired and keys
fitted to locks.
Broad St., . Milford, Pa
T. Armstrong & Co.
Sccessors to
Dealers in
Milford, pa.
Washington Hotels.
The hntj'l TtnP eT(..,ll..nna n t.n
located within one bl,n:k of the While
n'Hu ana uirectiy opposite tho Treasury.
i iuewt table In tho city.
A famoiia htllMlV ..,,,n..r..l.ln f..m
historleal assiKiat ions' and loiiK-sustnlned
popularity. Kecently renovated, repalnUd
uud partially refurnished.
A landmark amonir the hi.rj.ld
illLrli'll. Oulroiiii-il in f,,r,.., I...
tiresldeut and hlirb ollici.ils. Alwi.vs a
prime favorit-o. K,cenih- remodeled ami
reilllemi IK Ic r tiiau ever. ( Ipp 1'a
U. d -p. WALTKt Bt'KTOX. lies. M
1 hone hotels ar the prtneipal political
reiuiezvou of the capital at all times,
ihey are tho la-st stopping places lit n.
Hoiiaitie iau.s
O. O. TPLI8. Proprietor.
O. DCWITT, Msnsgsr,
ery 5tyiisii
have fancy prices tacked on to them sometimes
and maybe quality has been forgotten altogether.
We sell shoes in which
ly combined. Flexibility.
characteristics in even the
in tne store, borne especially pleasing lines go on sale
to-day. Even our usual low prices are cut into by such
Black, Very fashionable toe shnros, hand turned,
regular selling price, $2.51; Our Price, Si. 95.
and black, very flexible soles, some with vesting tops,
all up-to-date toe shapas, regular selling price, $2.50;
Our price, $1.95.
Men's Shoes, Tan or Black,
Russia, Willow nnd Piitopf C'nlf,
Hand Sewn and Welted, regular
sollinsf prire, if-5.H0 ; our prim, $;l.f,S).
Men's Slinos, Tun or !!!-ii-1;, Vici Kid
nnd Russia Calf, some willi Patent
Leather Tips rojrniur selling price,
tl.00; Our prieo, tl.Pfi.
77 Pike Street,
We have just closed
our 6th year in Port
Jervis and it has been
the most successful
one of the lot.
Our January Trade for 1898 is
nearly double that of 1897.
This gives us new courage and we will
give the people of Milford and vicinity a
larger stock and still lower prices.
In fact wa expeot to cut things all loose this spring and make
our prjes the cheapest, on ear'.a.
We have about 7 carloads of goods on the way.
All new ancl up to date.
Look out fjr us this soring.
P3ew York Furniture Co.
92 Pike street, Port Jervis, U. Y.
New York Millmery Parlors.
New Millinery. New Firm. Old Established Store.
Beautiful artistic millinery in all the nrevailing styles.
Also a complete line cf Infant's wear.
Give us a call and we
73 Pike Street,
ti m thnn anv othur
xhlc.r this f.u t why exix rinu-nt with some untried stove
when you can buy tlio 1KM'KASH for the same ruonpy
or 1-.--S tb:ta nny oM.ier srove in tho market. There is
bui uuo geuuiue.
quality and style are careful
Stoutness and durability are
very lightest appearing shoe
to L. Burnett.
Port Jervis, N.Y.
will endeavorto please.
Port Jervis. N. Y.
Alil,lied to the question of a stove will demonstrate
tho fiict thar n good stove is more of a considera-
article of fnrnfr.