7 PIKE COUNTY PRESS. Fribat, Junk 3, 198. PUBLISHED EVERT FRIDAY. OFFICE, BROWH'S UUILDISO, BROAD ST. Entered nt tho post ollioo of Milford, Pike county, Pennsylvnnin, as second-class matter, Novemter twenty-first, 1S95. Advertising Rates. Onosqnnrc(clKhtlinos),ono Insert Ion - $1.(10 v.tw-h auliniimiMtt insertion .51 Reduced riits will bo furnished on up plication, will bo allowed yearly adver tisers. Legal Advertising. Court Proclamation, Jury And Trlivl List for several courts per term, Administrator's nnd Executor's notices - Auditor's notices - - ; Divorce notices Sheriff's sales, Orphans' court. n,r,t.w Treasurer's sales. County 34.00 8.00 4.W 6.00 sal state- ment and election proclamation charged by the square. J. II. Van Etten, Pl'nLISIIBR, , Milford, Pike County, Pa. EDITORIAL. OUR 'NOMINEES. The placed Republicans of Pike have in nomination their candi dates for tho several olreos to he filled at the Novembor election. While it is early to begin nn active canvass yet it is well for the people of the county to have ample oppor tunity to discuss and welch the merits and capacities of the nspir ants. It is for their own interests to do so, nnd if the voter would pay more attention on a man's fitness for the position he assumes to fill nnd less to his particular political propensities there might, nnd would bo far less reason for grumbling t high taxes nnd incompetency in office It is a matter of dollars nnd cents to taxpayers, and not a quos tion of tariff or sound money. Our nominees nre all men worthy of the positions to which they have been nominated, nnd would make officials creditable to the County and upon the people could rely to administer the affairs of tho respective offices with fidelity and ability. Keep them in mind and work steadily for their election. ROWLAND SNUBBED. No mention is made of the Hon.(?) Lafayette Rowland, State Senator of this District, in the report of the Committee on Resolutions nt the May meeting. That gontloman's connection with the Delaware Dam Bill is still fresh in the minds of his constituents. Daily Times. The cause given by the Times ex presses tho idoa succinctly. Mon roe Democrat. The statesman from tho Lacka waok may fool profoundly grateful that for any cause whatever his name was not oouplod with tho res olutions which that aggregation of Bryanitos ycleped the Monroe coun ty Democratic Convention disgorged at their meeting. Bettor to his everlasting credit bo oonnocted with any dam bill than have his name associated with that farrago of political olap trap. Some newspapers were loudly shouting ovor what they called the negligence of the authorities in not meeting and wiping out the Spanish fleet. Such forget that there is a wide waste of waters Alloa with in numerable islands, around and among which the Spaniards can dodge and hide. If they wish to be elusive and avoid an encounter un til they feel prepared or are ready, it is a diOicult task for our slower squadron to locate or overtake them j-ei tne carping caitics wait until the end crowns the work and thon if the result is adverse or shows . incompetency they will have ground for their strictures. Their dodge Is to sell papers by keeping up son Rational rumors and speculations as to events, which they rver ought to happen, and theu to blame some one because they do not. OCR neighbor last week gave nu excellent cut of the Conashaugh stone bridge, but its history was quite like guess work. It gave the name of Wm. Smith as one of the County Commissioners and stated that the bridge was built in the fall of 1858- The names of the Com missioners were Samuel Dimmick, W. T. Wilaon, and Anthony Van Auken. The oontract was signed March 16, the bridge paid for May 19, and was practically completed at that tiine- NOTTCE All hunting, fibbing or other trespiuwing on my premises in Milford Township, on Sawkill Creek is forbidden under penalty of me law. CatuakineHamilton. Milford, April 18, 'i)8. Pillsbury's vitos at MitcLell's. MEMORIAL SERMON. PREACHED IN THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. COL. JOHN NYCE. POST O. A. R. ATTENDS IN A BODY, AN AI1I.E SERMON BY THE PASTOR. Arrangements wore made by the Post, in pursuance of the general request made by tho Department, that a sermon be preached on n pa triotic topic, and tho larga congre gation which attended evidenced tho interest which is felt by the community at this time in the old soldiers, aroused, no doubt, in part by the fact that our young men are now going out- to suffer the priva tions and dangers of war. The church was tastefully decorated with flowers and the National Em blem. The Post assombled and the war worn veterans marched in a body to liston to tho patriotic and eloquent sermon which fell from the lips of the pastor, Rev. Thos. Nichols, who, after prayer by Rev. W. R. Neff, and sincine, "Shall We Moot?" by the choir, took bis text from Numbers, 32 chapter, 20, 21, and 22 verses and Luke I ; 71-75. Tho theme was the gain to Ameri can citizenship from the success of our armies. In the General Assom. hly, now in session at Winona, Ind., a motion was made to roquest that so far as possible battles be avoided on hunilny. me assertion was mnde that this was a holy war, and on a vote the motion was lost. The speaker assorted bis bolief in the everlasting rightoousness of the causo for which the Union soldiers fought. It was a war for liberty, the liberty of the slaves, as is tho present war one for the liber ty of tho Cubans. The success of our army saved to us our American citizenship, and that conveys more to us than it did to our fathers. It also established tho fact that the Union is stronger than tho individ ual State. T9ekson solved the ques rion ns to a single State, but tho war for the Union demonstrated it as to the number ot States smth. of Ma son's and Dixon's Lino. It also cre ated a dooponing of our sentiment of loyalty dovolopod tho material rosourcos of the Union and of the South. It broadened our humanity and our cry should not be "Remem ber tho Maine," but Remember the Cubans ; remember humanity Our siftscess caused tho sections to re spect each other, and established tho right, so well asserted by Presi. dent Cleveland, to put down insur rections no matter in what section of the country, if they become det rimental to National interests. As the war was instrumental in bring ing about theso gains he hoped it could bo said that it had brought greater accessions to tho church. It is hardening in its operations on the mind, blunts tho sensibilities to suffering and while it arouses pa triotism, awakens a keener love of liberty and broadens a sonse of right, but does not create religious im pulses, which tho spoakor hopod might como, and in oarnest words urged upon his hearers. Rogarding the prosont war, it is for tho prin ciple that all men should bo froo to throw off a yoke of tyranny and oppression, and for the same princi ple for which our forefathers fought. The .condition of the Cubans was intolerable, and we could not, as a Nation, look with indifference on their struggles. We are right in thus aiding them, and should render our moral support to the government whioh, after the failure of diplom acy, looked upon armed interven tion as a necessity, Not adhering to Decatur's words, "My Country! May My Country Always Ba in the Right 1 but. Right or Wrong, My Country ;" but giving our aid ar.d our prayers bocause we believe she is eternally in the right in her pres ent effort to aid an oppressed poo plo to enjoy tho. 'same froodom which the God of battles enabled our armies to win for us. As the Sun Sees Them. Tho Democrats of Monroe County, Pennsylvania, havo taken the trou ble to pass a resolution wherein they "deprecate the incompetency" of the Administration in the conduct of the war. It is surmised that this resolu tion was prepared in order to coun teract any impression that may exist anywhere that the Domocratio vote in Pennsylvania is likely to becomo unpleasantly and even offensively largo. That vote must be kept down no matter how many resolutions may have to be hurled in order to accomplish the generous purpose N. Y Sun (Ind). De Tocqueville's Vision. The Americans will bocome onoof the greatest people of tho world They will cover all North America , The continent which they inhabit is their domain. It cannot escape them. So, in the middt of tho uncertainty of the future, there is at leasfr one evont which is certain. At an epoch which we can call near the Autrlo- Americans will spread from the polar ice to tiie sou t.u seas. Alexis do Toc- queville, 1835. THEY WANT BRYAN. MONROE DEMOCRATS HAVE RKSOI.l'TED. There has been some little im patience manifested and perhaps nn occasional bit of profanity expressed at the unusual amount of wet weath er this spring. Somo said spots on the sun, others said our Cuban re lations, and wo have heard various other reasons, mora or loss trivial given ns tho cause, but it turns out that tha Monroe Democrats had something on their minds, nnd noth ing not even tho weather could be settlod until some relief was afford ed them. The turgid clouds whioh have rolled np from the south have been emblematical of the aforesaid democratic minds, and now that they have been pnnotuod with a con vention into which . they poured n lot of triple plated gilt edged griev ances, and endorsed By ran, harmony and pence must pervade tho spheres, and tho wet weather will likely like the Monroe Democrats dry up for a time. There has been a snenking notion among some democrats that MeKin- ley and his advisors wero making a great mistake in tho management of tho wnr. He mado the first mis take in being elected President, in stead of allowing Byran, the honor. If we only had tho "B y Orator" in tno Cnair, no could corner every Spanish son-of-a-gun, and talk them to death with 10 to 1 in a day or two. Ho could bombard tho fleets with froo trade thoories and out bombast tho bombastieal Captain Gonoral Angusti himself, and could have knocked "1" out of Manila with them quicker than Dowoy did with his big guns. mo Monroe Democrats ovinoo a high order of patriotism by thus in directly snarling nt tho hools of the bravo boys who have gono out, not inly irom their own, but other lountiosin this Commonwealth, and by trying to inject politics in the war. This, however, is only a repeti tion of what thny did in 1861, and tho lamp of experience ought to bo soma guide to their footstops. Not content with Jhoir arraign, ment of tho Republicans in Pennsyl vania and tho National administra tion, especially, those unterrifiod gentlemen of Monroe pay their re s poets to one of their own whilom loaders, and givo him a dose which may causo him some unrest and leave a bad taste in his month for minute or two if he swallows it Tho convention was held May 23 ami inero was do vaccination or hesitation on its part, whatever else might bo said of it. Here are the proceedings : The following wore elected to the State convention ns delogntos with out instructions, W. B'. Docker B. F Moroy nnd Jeremiah Eenthorman. - M.F. Coolhnugh was mado chair manon resolutions, who reported the following, which wore adoptod un animously : "Resolved, that tho Democracy of Monroe County in annual conven tion assembled, horoby arraign the Republican State Administration for its extravagance and jobbery and condomn its course in tho en aetmont of additional laws tend ing to mnko corporations and trusts lords and masters of the pooplo. We deprecate tho incom petency shown by the national Ad ministration in tho conduct of the Spanish-Ainorienn war, and deplore the hesitating, vaoillnting and nn certain wnr policy. "Resolved' that we approve of the action of the state Domocratio Com mittoe in its condemnation of the course and conduct of W. F. Harrity ns a member of the national Democrat ic Committee. That we reaffirm our faith in tho Domocratio pi tform adopted at Chicago in 198 and favor the nomination of W. J. Bryan in 1900. Growing Strawberries. Strawberries can bo raised on al most any good farm soil, but a rich sandy loam is preferable. P16w the ground in the fall, thon in the sprin roplow and pulverize thoroughly planting as soon as danger from frost in past. Cultivate throughout tho season, keeping a loose layer of earth on tho top to act as a mulch As soon as tho ground is frozen so mat it win bear np a team, cover with hay, straw or coarse manure of any kind. Leave this on until all danger of frost is past in the spring thon rake off the rows and let it re main betwoen them until the berrie are picked, after which cut off tho plants with a mower and when there is a brisk breeze, burn tne whole patch . XOTICK All hunting, flshiuR or oth tmiptw:,iiiir on the urtmilM, of tho untie 8)K"a, in Diiiirniiiii Township, on Kiiv iiiuiidakui ami Dwnrfhkill Creeks, U tor MuUeu under peuulty of the law. OlIAS J. liolLKAU, Dlnuman Twu., N. Hoilkau, May 17, lbwi. JortKi'il F. UolLEAU Pennsylvania's quota under tho new call is 6102 Jersey's 1778. of troops and Now Enriching Orchards. Orchards will in time exhaust, n t least partially, the fertility of the )il, and this exhaustion is especially noticeable on soils which wero not especially rich nt the time the trees worn planted. To mnko yonui? trees grow more rapidly, n fertilizer should bo used, containing a small per tr.uit. of nitrogen (ammonia) mixed with potash nnd phosphates. For oltW orchards the nitroixou is not so np"essary while phoshntos nd potn.-di should bo increased, especially the quantity of potash. It is frequently a pood plan to timnlnte top growth by sow ing tho orchard to crimson clover in Into ummor and turning it under in the spring. Webster's Apostrophe to tho Flag. When my eyes shnll bo turned or tho last time to tho sun in heav en, let their last teeblo and linger ing glance behold tho gorgeous en sign of the republic, now knnwi nd honored throughout, the earth, its arms and trophies streaming in their original lustre, not a strio erased or polluted, not a single star obscured, spread all over in char- cters of living light, blazing on nil its ample folds, ns tliey lloat ovor tho sea nnd over the land, nnd in every wind under the wholo henv- ens, the motto "Liberty nnd Union, now nnd forever, one and insrpar- blo." Daniel Webster's reply to Hayne, 1830. Mercantile Appraisement FOR 1898. Notliw Is hereby Blven -thut nil whole- Rnlo and retail denlorH engiietl In aolllnf? (ro(Mls, wares, merehandiso or other effects of whatsoever kind or nntnro, whether of the imjwth or product nnd manufacture ot the I nitett funics or or nny Ioreisrn stnte. nnd to nil brokers residing in the County of Pike nnd State of Ponnsylvn niiv, tlmt they ivro classified and assessed iiy the undersigned Appraiser of Mercan tile, Taxes in ssiid County for tho year A. u , tans, as 1 01 lows: Tnx Cliiss SnU'Soff limn nnd less than t Htm 7 IK) 14 " " wmo " " ' 1IKH) 1(1 () 1:1 " " 1II0 1MKHI 13 5') .15 " " 1 5. K H " " " 2HIKHI 15 ll 11 " " 20000 " " " annuo So no 10 " " 80000 4OO0O 25U0 11 Blllinrd nnd Bowling Pnloons and Ten Pin Alleys for one nlley or 1 alile, $10 nnd for ench nddltiotml Alley or Tnhic. H Mechanics and nmnuntcttircrs of nil kinds who sell merchandise to the amount of $500 uboye their own manufacture nn 14th class nnd nny 7. Sales of !() nnd less than $5,1)00 nre 18th class and pay $10. nutchrs who purchase cattle, hours, etc. killed nnd dressed nnd sell the ment nre linblo to tho payment of mercantile tnx. tutting houses, i-testnurants, Cales, mm Oyster Saloons where spirituous or mult liquors are not sold tiro taxed as follows: Tax Class Sales of t 500 nnd less than ?!0 V f 5 00 8 1000 ' " 50 'l (100 7 All dealers, brokers, butchers, mer chants, nnd eating house keep.us nnd ot it ers who nro required to pay mercanttlo taxes 111 tno uoiinty 01 r inc. nre ratett unit fcssessod ns will uppenr opposito their re spective nnmes, nnd they nre hereby notl- Uuit that tho any 01 upp.-ul will be on Monday, June 6, 1898, At the Commissioners' Office in the Bor ough of Milford, between tiie hours of H A. .',1 . ntm 4 P. M . , when nnd where they nmy attend if they see proper. DELAWARR. N A M K BUSINESS. CLASS.' TAX .1. H. Westbrnok, Store 14 17 75 Smith Dusenberry 14 7 75 11 u.. van hittun, Ulllinril Tublu 80 75 GHEENE. J & C. Houck, Store 14 7 75 7 75 7 75 7 75 F. . Ilamus " 14 C V. Scig " 11 Gilpin Bros. " 14 LACKA WAXEN. Admit Uhl Storo 14 J. Ii. Burcher " 14 . V. Rowlnnd & Co " 14 C. C .Shannon, Eating House 8 C. W. Slinnnon " 14 Samuel L. Vnn Akin " 14 Julius Sclinrtl " 14 J. S. Oliver, " 18 John Smith " 14 7 75 7 75 7 75 6 75 7 75 7 75 7 75 10 75 7 75 7 75 7 75 7 75 S. Uurnstein " 14 John Johnson " 14 Gtibhart&Wchinger Butchor 14 LEHMAN. M. C. & G. L. Nyoe Store ' 14 7 76 80 76 A Ledorer 1 Pool nnd 1 Uilllnrd Tnblo MILKORD BOROUGH. II. K Emerson, Druggist W. & G. Mitchell Store Kyman Ac Wells " T. Armstrong & Co. " T. K. J Klein Hardware J K. Hoyd, Uutchor E. 1j. & K. Gtimblo ' C. O. Armstrong, Druggist Heujnmin Kyte, Market Frank Crissmnn, Pool Tnhle Paul Houiniquc, billiard Table SIIOHOLA. 14 11 14 14 14 14 14 U 14 7 76 15 75 7 75 7 75 7 75 7 75 7 7 75 7 75 n 75 HO 75 S. St. John Gardner, Jacob Higliy II. Salznmn F. D. Muxwell Store 14 II 14 14 WESTFALL E. A Kessler. C. H. Islington Isnao Vnn Gordon A. W. Bali-h a Son J & S. Smith Miuhncl Ten 7 7 75 7 7i 10 75 7 7 Butcher Tho Appraiser nnd Treasurer's fees nre 75 cents in each ense, nnd to be paid In ml dition to license. All dealers in the nbove list are requested to take up their licenses nt the County Trenstirer'a otlice, on or iw foru the first day o; July next, I14IW, after which they will tie placed in tho hands of a justice 01 tne i'uu-ou tor collection, Robinson Shepherd, ' ' Memcantilk Apfkaiskh. yMy BO YEARS T EXPERIENC 4 T ex r sr Mbka .a A" DCSiGNS 'Mtf Copyrights Ac. Anyone t(ting ft iketch fd ttescnpltoD mity qulfKIy tu'rijtwi our opinion trmo wntiher an Invention ti probably ptttuntuhle. 'iininionlr. tioim alru'tlr ooiitliieiiitfii. Uuiil(Mok uu I'atcjit out frei. O Merit uiiui;i!y fur vwunuti patent. PattHiU tjtken through Munu A Co. ruuttlv tjKcial notice, without cbnrue, Ui tha Scientific American. A ha.rv.1rM.melT ItlUHtratfd wettklr. I.arvMt cir culmiuu of ttny bt-ifiitltlo li-urim!. Ti'ium. $.i a rt'.ir : fnur months, L guul by il new (Kit-alert. rlUNM & Co-8e,B", New York : D i Mr 7telp for 0 1 Is tphai a great many men and tvomen are looking for t help against approaching baldness; help against Iphitcning locks 1 help to restore the lost gloss to the hair t help against fading tresses help for the scalp attacked by dandruff. AVER'S HAIR VIGOR offers just sveh help. It restores gray or faded hair to its original color, gfaes it length, thickness and yloss, and removes dandruff. ' My hnlr wns rottsrli nnd broken ami hegan to full out. The use of but one bottle of AYEH'sHAIR Vigor both cliecliL-il tiie fulling out Htifl rendered my htir Binooth, Rlnssvana in pplenriid condition. It is the finest of dress. Ing a." Mus. K. L. SMITH, Silver Creek, Miss. "Sonit yenrs a?o my hnlr henn to fall out and 1 became quite bald, liy advice 1 tried and very soon my hair ceased to fall out and a new and viporous (rrov-'th mnde its nppearance. Wr hnir is now abundant ai d gl. ssy." THUS. DUNN, Hockvllie, Wis. Why do nil of us lose so many years in scorching after happiness but never inquiring into its nature. Just try a 10c box of Cascareta the finest liver and bowel regulator ovor mado. BuirJing-Loan Trust Fund. REALTY CORPORATION of :- NEW JERSEY, -:- GENERAL AGENT 800 Uiond Street, Newark, N. J. What it will do for you for n monthly payment-of H per ?l,0o() $5 01 wuicn applies on principal, is inter est. First It will buy for you nny house de sired or build you n house nccording to jim own piaus, tor a payment of fjot less than in",, down. Second it will nssume nny mortgage on your property, nnd advance von mnn- money, if desired, not to cxooed"(io''r of its vnliiatton At nbove rates you would own your properly free nnd cl.iar in just. 300 months; you can pay as much more ns yon wish, nnd reduce tho tlnui in pr portion, or tno lull amount will bo received at any time, Tho first proposition enables you to con vert your rent money into the ownership of n home. iho second proposition enables you to reduce the interest rate on your mortgage and nt the same titno bo paying oil the principal ench month. For further information call or address J. H. Van Etten, Attorney, Milford, Pa. SHERIFF SALE. By virtue of a writ of Venditioni Expon as, issued nut of the Court of Common Plena of Pike County to me directed, 1 will oxposo to public snle by vendue or outcry nt tho Sheriff s Olflco in the Bor ough of Milford on FKIDAY, JUNE 8, 1W8, at 8 o'clock P. M , nil that certain piece nnd parcel of land situate in the Township of Blooming (Trove, In tho County of Pike and Stnte of Pennsylvania, comprising parts of three tracts of laud surveyed in the warrantee names of Harry Tolautl, Jonas Sooly, ami .John C Westbrook, con taliiining in the whole nine hundred and fifty acres of land, moro or loss, about 35 acres of tho nltove Improved, balance tim lr and woodland, nnd has erected theroon three dwelling houses, barn, cow house, wagon shed nnd gristmill. Seized nnd taken ns the property of Mary A. Buskirk, nnd will be sold by mo for cash. Sheriff's Oflloe, J H. I. CORTRIRHT, May 7, 1WW. ( Sheriff. 8w. Dissolution Notice. The oo-partnershlp of Brown & Arm strong, of Milford, Ph., has been dissolved this day by mutual consent; all accounts nnd debts due to the said late Urn. aro to be settled mid adjusted with and paid to Thomas Armstrong, who is nuthorized nnd empowered to receive and receipt for the same with full eili-ct as could have boeu done by the said into firm. BROWN & ARMSTRONG. Milford, Ph., March 18, 1WW. The undersigned having acquired the intcivst in the business of the late firm of Brown & Annstr.uig. will continue the general merchandise business ns formerly conducted at the storo in Brown's Hall building, ii: Miiford, Pa. T. ARMSTRONG & CO. March 29, li! REGISTER'S NOTICE. The following accounts have been filed in the Register's ollice, and the same will bo presented to the Orphan's Court for coullruimion and allowance un THK SIXTH DAY OF JLNENKXT, Estate of Francis Mauley, deceased; first and final account of t'athaiino Mauley, Adminihtrltrix. Kstate of -Mary Martens, docoiised; sec ond and final account if William Mitchell, r.AeeuHir. .I.11 u. W 1V5 i tinwOh.. R -ulster's Olliiv. Register. 8w Alilfoi-d, 1'a j i All ixTrtona are hrnnhy notifltnl thut throwing or iurniii( piiiH-ra ur ivt'uso of any kind ia ihv btructii ui the iiuruuh it pruhibiu-il. By oiiUt of the town council, J. C. CHAM HKHLA1X, l'nitli-iit, pro tcm. Aftdt, D. II HOKNiiKCK, S.'y. MiUord, May 6, lbyb. the TIME AND SIGHT. Watches, Diamonds, and Solid Silvorvaro. WATCH REPAIRING A SPECIALTY, 0 Eyes examined free by a skilled Optician. Glasses Filled in Gold or Any Other Kind of Frames. We are pleased to show. Goods E. Van Sickle, 72 Pike Street, PortJervis, N.Y- "50 YEARS IMPROVEMENTS IN FARMING," Published by tho Now York Tribune SECOXD EDITION. 32 Pages, 18 by 12 1-2 Inches. A general review of tho ndvnnces and Improvements made in the lending branch es of farm Industry during tho Inst hnlf century. Special articles by tho best agricultural writers, on topics which they have mnde their life study. Illustrations of the old fashioned lmplo ments. A vast amount of practical Information A valuable aid to farmers who desire to stimulate production nnd profit. .Extremely interesting nnd Instructive. Only J 5 cents a copy, by mail. SF.ND YOl'R OKDKIt TO THE PIKE COUNTY PRESS, Milford, Pa. FOR Your Stomach's Sake CHEW OU M There is nothing so good (or the Stomach as Soda and Peppermint. Each tablet of Soda Mint Gum contains- two grains of chemically pure soda combined with peppermint. STRICTLY HIGH GRACE. BE3T CUM MADE The Proof of the Pudding is la the Eating. TRY SODA MINT. Is Antiseptic Refines the Breath. Retains Flavor Forever. TOJ SALE ST ALL DEALERS. B. D. HURSH. Roptiiring done in tin or iron, and Elootrical supplies furn ished to ordor. GLKCTRICAL WORK A SI'KCIALTV. Prompt nttonfion i-iven to build ing privnte telephone lines ; putting in oloctrio door bells; call bolls: burglar alarms; electric alarm clocks ; house call.or hotol annuncia tors ; and the general keeping in or dor of electrical apparatus. . LAYTON, N. J, 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 S how is baby? S When baby (rets nick remember 0' worth iU weight in gold. RUSSELL'S WHITE GRCPS 0 0 0 0 0 For iuch ills as Wind Colic, Cholera Infantum, Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Griping Pains, Sleep lessness, and other diseases in cident to babyhood, especially during Teething. PERFECTLY HARMLESS. It ia made for bal-ies, from pur vegetable remedies. Contains do opiates in any form. IT IS SOOTHED and healing to the nervea, and at the same time strengthens and Invigorates the whole system, restoring a healthful color to tha check, producing Refreshing Sleep, 5trosig Nerve. Cheerful Disposition. Price 25 cents per battle. For asvle by all druggists, Tre pared by RUSSELL MEE1CIHE CO., PROVIDENCE, R. I. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DUDAviD Eavorite a The one sure cure for J The KidneyiHjyer and Blood BUSINESS OAKDS. F. W. DEST, M. D.. I Ball Street, PORT JERVIS, N. Y. DISEASES OF THE EYE AND EAR. 9 to II A. M. 2 to 4 P. M. 7 to 8 P. M. Office Hours WILLIAM B. KENWORTHY, M.D riiysician anil Surgeon. Office nnd resltlenco Harford street. In home lately occupied by Dr. K. I). Won ner. MII.KOHtl PA Dr. von der Heyde, DENTIST, Brown's Huitdlng, corner Hniarl nnd ('atheiliip striata, Milford, Pa. OFFICE HOURS: 8 to 12 a. m.; 1 to S p. m. H. E.Emerson, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. OFFICE in Drug Store on Broad Street. J. H. VAN ETTEN, Atto rney- at- Law, OFFICE, Brown's Building, Milford, Pikr Co., Pa. John A. Kipp, ATTO RNEY-AT-LAW, OFFICE, opposite Court House MiLFoni), Pike Co., Pa. CHURCH DIRECTORY MILFORD. VlllST PHRVnVTDUTlun,mnn tf I,. . Snbbath services nt 10.8(1 A. M. nnd 7.U0 p. - mntn sciiool Immediately nfter tho morning service. Prayer meeting Wed-, nesdav nt 7. Mu p m a ..-.ii..i will lie extended to nil. Thoso not at tached to other churches nro especially In vited. Rev. Thomas Kinmn u ..,. . Clinitcil nn- tiiv -.. rord: Sen-ices Sunday nt 10.30 A. M. and 7. St) P. M. Sllndav school ,,t. 11 ak u Week-day services, Wedniwday, 7.80 P.M: Thursday, 7.80 P M. gents f reo. All nre welcome. Hkv. B. S. Lashitkh, Rector. Church Stindnys: Prenchimr at. in ho E. m. and at 7.30 p. m. Suniiay school at p. m. Kpwoith lengue nt 6.45 p. m. Weekly prayer moeting on Wednesdays at 7..I0 p m Class meeting conducted by Wm. Anglo on Frldnys at 7.80 n. in. An earnest invitation is extended to anyone who may desire to worshsp with us. Kkv. W. K. Nekk. Pastor. MATAMORAS. Kpworth M. K. Church, Mntmnorits. Services every Hnlihnth at 10.80 . in. and 7 p. 111. Snlibnth school at 8.D0. C. E. meeting Monday evening nt 7.30. Class mnotliif; Tuesday evening at 7.30. Prayer ineetiiiK Wednesday evening at 7.30. livery one welcome. Kkv. F. G. Cuutih, Pastor. Horn Evanoei.ical Church, Mata morns, Pa. IServioes next Sunday as follows : Preaching at 10.8U a. m. and 7 p. m. Sun day sciiool at 8 p. m. Junior C. K. before tHid C. K. prayei nKwting nftor the even ing service. A; id-week prayer moeting overy WtHlnesday evening at 7.80. Seats froo. A cordial wolcomo to all. Como. Rev. .. A. Wiegand, Pastor. Secret Societies. Mtl.Foan Lonf s. No. 344, V.- & A. M : Lodge inocts M Joesdays on or before H till Moon at tho wwkill Hotiso, Milford, Ea',.N,Km"ry' Jrj S'icretary, Milford. Godfreid Wlelaud, W. M.. Milford, Pa. Van Der Mark Lodge, No. 828, 1. O. O. F: Meets every Thursday evening at 7.80 p. m., Brown's Building. Goo. Dau man, Jr., Seo'y. George K. Quick, N. G PwnKNCR Rrbkkah Lodge, 197, I. O (). F. Meets every second and fourth Frl. days In oach month in Odd Fellows' Hall, Brown's building. Mrs. Alice Hornbook, N. G. Miss Katie Klein, Soo'y. LIVERY STABLES. If you want a stylish sin gle or double rig, safe horses, good harness and clean, comfortable carriages at reasona ble prices call on J. B. Van Tassel, Corner Ann and Fourth streets, MILFORD, PA. STANDARD OUR WATCHWORD. "The best is none too good. " HARD MAN, MECHLIN, KN ABC and STANDARD PIANOS. FARRAND and VOTEY ORGANS. DOMESTIC, NEW HOME and STANDARD SEWING MACHINES, Fo? sale for cash or on easy terms N 06 lies and all parts for all machines, REPAIRING A SPKCIALTY Tuning vt PIANOS and ORGANS by a oouipeteut tuner, B. S. MARSH, OPERA HOUSE BLOCK, HORT JERVIS, N.Y. aDr. David Kennedys mvontcllcmcdy Cukh au Kidney, !iuma('h ..AND UVIR TRVVOLta,