One Cent a Word. For F:h lnprtlnn Nrt m1rittlnmint Intern for M tlmn Iff rpntn. CASH miiftt reeonipnny all orrirrii, AililreM l-IKR COUNTY I'RESS, Mlt.FOHn, PA. nOtTRR TO 1,F,T on lnwnr Harford Btreot, containing t;n rooms Now m-ntinlmi ly Mm DcckiT For nirtlculiir inqutruof JACOB MuUARTY, Montague, N.J. TllKPPAPS NOTICE. Notice is horpby given that tn'ftpiiHhiff on the premlsi iM-cupiod hy the unilrrsluni'il In Dlnninim town.ihlp. known as the Buchanan farm for hunting, llhiiig, berrying or any oilier purpose whatever U forhhhh-n under pen ult v of tho hiw. Any person or perwuiH rtlsi)lH'ylii thin not iee will lie dealt with In tho severest lnwfnl manner. UKOKMK 11. MUCAHTT, July 1, 181)7. Uwseo. TRKSPAPS NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that trespassing on the premises of the imilersiiineil in Diniriimn township near the Delaware bridge, for hunting, llshiiig, lieirylng or for any other purpose whatever, Is forbidden under penalty of the law. Ant person or persons disobey lug this notice will ho dealt, with in sueh a manner aw may w most olTeetual to pre vent n repetition. II. PTI HKXIKIt F, April 27, 18117. TttKSPASS NOTICE. Notice, Is herehy given that, trespassing upon the south ern half of the tract of land known as the William Ileum-, No. tM. in Shoholu town ship, for hunting, fishing, or, any other rurpose, also t respassing on Sawkill pond n Dingiuan township, or, Ushlng In It is forbidden undur penalty of thu law. M. Cl.KlLANI) Mll.soit, AprlBIm Attorney for owner. TRESPASS NOTICE. Notice, is hereby given that trespassing upon the pro perty of the Forest Luke Association In Laokawaxen township, I'lke county, Pa., for the purpose of hunting and llshing, or any other purpose is st rictly forbidden un der penalty of the law. Albxandkk Hahiirn, Nov. 82, 1W0. President. TtRESPASS NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that trespassing on the premises of the undersigned, situated in Uingiimn township, for any purpose whatever is strictly forbidden, 'and ail oircndors will lie promptly prosecuted. lKA B. Cask. Oot. at, 18115. FOR SAI,R. A small farm located near Matamoras, known as the Hensel or Keinliardt place, containing 21 aorex Finely located, well watered. House and barn. Fruit of nil kinds. Part Improved. Title clear. For terms, price, etc., address Lock box ti Mllford, Pa. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondents are particularly requosted to Bond in all news in tended for publication not later than Wednesday in each week to in sure insertion. LAYTON. . Soheuck Morrill drives a good team and they know his touch on the ribbons. On Friday when he met John Young's on glne on thu road he decided to let the team stand while the engine went by. The tension became too great, however, ami they sprang to go by it, when the whlfflc tree broke. They might havo got away from him had tho engine not promptly stopped, and the men caught and quieted them. Schenck would have no doubt come out all right, though, without aid, If the whimetree had not broken. Tho contrastors delivering poles for the Hudson River Telopone Co., are laying down somo very nice polos. They are seveu Inches over at tho top. and either 85 or Si) feet long. Tho other oompany's poles will look cheap in comparison with those when they are set. The "Mickey's" roguo's gullory will be nearer complete wheu ho gets a snap shot of tho mug of tho man who sold so many trout to the Club and didn't own a trout brook as long as your finger. The kink that got into that man's back while hunt ing trout. In another's spring brook, took a year of doctoring to got out, but I fear It has klnkod his reputation beyond rem edy. John Youngs, of Trl States, passtd through hero with his traction onglne last Friday and will be engaged In crushing Btone for Col. K. L. Prloe, at his country plaoe, for some time to come. The Col onel will not only put crushed stone on the roads and walks In his private grounds but Intend to also build a section of true macadam on the public road by his place, as an object lesson. C1. Price Is an Es sex County man and knows exactly - what a true macadam road Is. Pastor Von Glahn, having sold his horse to Mr. Jason Youngs, of Halnesvllle, on certain representations as to his value and good qualities, when he left hero for his new pastorato, came back last Friday to lead the horso to fresh fields and pastures new. Reason: The animal failed to sus tain the guarantee. It Is intimated that tome of the brethren wore parties to the deception, but they Invariably assume ao Injured air, and strongly deny any com plicity in the deal. I believe myself that they were Innocent, and that the pastor was entirely equal to the occasion. John Snider has neatly trimmed and paiuted the poles of the Hudson River Telephone Co. along by this place. Now when tho Sussex Co. get theirs snudpapcr ed, we hopo John will go and hard-oil the whole lot of them. The whooping cough is prevalent In this neighborhood, and In a majority of cases it tuuuuies a severe form. The schools fuel Its baleful effects, and In several the Attendance has fallen .off materially on ccuunt of It. The sale of the Peter Drake property by the executor was postponed from April 83d to April 3oth, at the hotel of H. K. Houtross. The editor of the Sussex Register does nut.suein to be greatly impressed with the herculean labors that the Dcmocruiic Abseuiblyuiati from Kaudstoti has cai rled to a successful termination in tho legislative halls at Trenton this session Wo beg to suggest to Kditor Goodman that lie drop a gentle hint to our Sandy stou Solou to draw heitviiy on his carp pond this summer and probably we will gain better results another Winter. The artlulo tu the Regin r Intimates that our Assemblyman thought this Legislature corrupt, and wo are led to wonder how many of them would have carried a friend's ticket In their coat tall pockets until the time for voting was netoly past. Wo beg to suggest to tho clergy general ly, that thev opeu their regular servioes whenever collections are to be asked for, that that would be about every time, with the following quotation from Paul' 1st F,plstle to tho Corinthians. Chapter IX, vorne 9: "Thou shalt not mur.zle the mouth of the ox that tread'jth out the corn;" Verse It: "If we have gown unto yon spiritual things, Is It a gr at thing If wn reap your carnal thlngsf" Verso 83: "I am made all things to nil men that X might by all means save some." The inti mation to shell nut would be sufficiently strong, and would aim he received as from sufficiently good authority. Miss Kittle Judd, of Dingiuan, Pa., Is visiting among friends in Handyston for a brief season. Mrs. Rachel Ann Shay, of Hainesville, is reepverlng from a revere attack of pneu monia. Our letter hnvlng ponn astray In ome unaccountable manner last week, some Items will bo Included this week which should have appeared last. The 80 -foot flag polo at the Club House took about 25 pounds of white lead for the first coat. B. II. Hursh put it on. Superintendent Luther Hill, of Andover, visited schools In Hnndyston week before last. While Mr. Hill has a strict eye to business, he Is also a favorite of the chil dren nnd his visits nre enjoyed by thtm as well as by the teachers. Ho brims over with kindly counsel to tho teachers, nnd always leaves tho genus of some trite Ideas with the pupils that are calculated to bear good fruit hereafter and endear him to their memory. Our country is mnklng history thefe days, nnd the Influence this great nation may eiert for good or evil will 1 appar ent ere the strugglo ends. One of the sights of this county Is the great new barn of Col. K. L. Price, ad journlng tho Culvermero House of D. H. Fowler. The upper floors are as smooth as satin, and waxed. Tho billiard and pool rooms are beautifully finished on nat ural wood, and tho carving and ornamen tatlon nre probably n it surpassed by any dwelling lu the County. The conehiuan's rooms are also richly finished. Tho lava tory Is piped for hot nnd cold water, and tho water closets are fitted with the most complete and ui-to-dutb traps, with ample provision for flushing. The views from the different windows, and the observa tory aro not exceeded by any In tha County. Majors and Montross were out trou'ing Sat unlay, but they didn't have any "stuff" to give tho right, flavor when they spit on the bait, and of ooursethe ailment Is that they did not catch any. Trout aro worry pnrtlckeler about such little courtesies, sometimes. The surviving twin Is gone and lost hls- self again somewhere In the vicinity of Jersey City. Any information, as to his exaot wherealHiuts may be ont to his dis tracted parents by Sussex Telephone, so as to keep the matter secret. Heaven ha another Inmate and Para dise alloy I growing good goat pasture. I am terribly nfraid though that the Boss" will gut out there some night and tanglo it all np bofore It gets tltno to mow It. Rosenorans' now store opened for busi ness on Monday. It bright, neat fUtlngs, and fresh stock of goods are attractive to the oyo, and look very trim. John J. VanSlcklo has been In Orange and Sullivan Counties nevoral days buy ing stock. II. MATAMORAS. The Ladles of Hopo Church contom plate giving a Weight social on Thursday evening at Prescott's new hall. Every one Is anticipating a pleasant time. Mr. Van Sickle's new hotel is called the Matamoras Hotel. Ho ha boon renovat ing and fixing It up In first-class stylo. He Is ready now to receive tho patronage of tho public. Mr. Van Sickle had charge of a hotel In ITnle.nvlllo, N. Y., for a num ber of years, and understands tho busl now. Mr. John Proscott has taken upon him self to provide a new publio hall. The gentlemen of Hope Church held their first supper thore last Tuesday evening. The walls and celling were tastefully trimmed with flags and bunting, which made a very pretty appearcnoo. The supper was prepared by the ladles of Hope Church. Supper was served from 8 30 to 10 o'olock, and all passed an enjoyable evenln g. The proceeds amounted to 31. Mr. Presoott Is to bo coiumuuded for providing such a nice hall. A musical given by the members of Prof. BliKaard's singing class took place on Friday evening, at Mrs. S. Heidou- thal's, on .Washington St. Following Is the program that was rendered: Instrumental Solo C. Wilkin. Vocal Duet Lulu Billman and Alice Quick. Piano Solo Miss May Squires. Vocal Sulo Miss Nellie Hill. Piano Duett Miss Wcstfnll and Miss Laugton. Vocal Solo L-ma Blizzard. Vocal Trio Mr and Mrs. Blizzard and Lena Billiard. Chorus by the class. . At tho close of the program refreshments wore served by the gentlemen members of the class, consisting of cake and cream. Tho evening was spent very pleasantly by the members and their friends. We congratulate Prof. Blizzard upon the good success he had with his class In Mata moiiui, and trust he will succeed In getting up one again another season. The two year-old son of W. I.. Furpason of Bolton, Miss., bad whooping eoush. "Aftnr several physicians had prescribed for him, without giving aoliof," writes Mr. Kei'KtiHon, "I persuadud ray wife to try a 25 cunt bottle of Chamborluin's Cour,'h Remedy. Tho first doee had the deaired effect, and iu forty -eight hours ho wua entirely free from all rough. I consider your remedy the best in the market, especially for children, nnd recommend it at all times." The 25 aud 60 cent sizes for sale by (IruKgists and general merchants in Pike County EEICK HOUSE. This week we will hsve a new landlord. Petttbolie gees to Port Jervls. Sorry. Monro Warner ha left this town for Mllford Bad again. Jo. Hurling, after residing three weeks on tho Abo VanAuken farm, in Pandy ton, left it also for Mlltord. Worse yet. Now It i talked that Abe VanAuken, of Mllford, will again become a resident of Sandyston. Mrs. Ellen Westbrook moved from Port Jervls to her farm, near Hainesville, last Thursday. Tt Is a good Idea to give a laborer what wnges he asks, but not more. There Is likely to be a surprise party some time in June. The surprise inny reach a good ways What lieenmc of H. last week? He hasn't gone to Cuba? Four young ladles a-walklng went, from l,,.M, hi Ihn D'll.lo i.f Dll.n T1...0 safely without lielng bitten by any snakes. Poles nre on the ground for tho Hudson River Telephone W'onder where all the liars go when they dlef Newspaper liar, I mean. The Hon. Jacob Swnrtwont, of Wan tage, called over here last week. L. A. Marthl hns the fattest horse In town. His name Is Nigger, and ho is a nigger, too The sick about here have nearly all re covered; farmers have sowed their tints; there is preaching every Sabbath nfter niKin at 2.8) In the M. E. Chun h; pasture and winter grain are looking well; I'ncle Sam Is going to give Spalu a h 1 of n licking: someof our roads havo been grav eled and others have been re-dosed with gutter-mud. So what's the use of finding fault. FltlTS. Blographioal Record. 8. (Jr. Foist, agent for J. H. Beers & Company, of Chicago, which Arm purposes publishing a biographical record of persons in Susquehanna, Wayne, Pike and Monroo Counties, is employed in the work of 6curing data for the publication.. It will oompi iso a history of the families in the Comities named, and if carried out with the detail and accuracy pro posed, will he invaluable to the fu ture historian and will preserve many facts which aro fast becoming obscured by time. There is much in the lives of tho old settlers of this v illoy, wh ) underwent tho hard ships and privutions of frontier life, which should h treasured and hand ed down, and the days are rapidly pissing when much of this can be obtained. Tho work proposed will embody all that can be obtained in tho line of facts, or incidents, glean ed from oommon report, and -will make a valuable acquisition to our information concerning the fore fathers. Keep Informed. Farmers will be too busy to read daily papers even if they can obtain them, but ther will want to watch the progress of the war. The events will likely take place so faraway on the seas that daily news of a trust worthy oharacter cannot be obtained A good Weokly paper will furnish all that is reliable, and as rapidly as news can likely be obtained. The New York Woekly Tribune is a most excellont paper and will afford all the news whioh is found to be verified, so you would not read col umns of stuff which is only the surmise of a sensational reporter. Why not subscribe now for the Prkss and Tribune, only 11.65, and keep woli infortnod, and have all tho nowspaper reading yon will And time to do in the busy season ? Bond in your names. "I feel it my duty to give you a truthful statement of what Cham berlain's Colic, Cholora and Dia rrhoea Kemedy did," writes J. 8. Collins, of Moore, 8. C. "I had a child about two years old, that had the diarrhoea for two months. I triod the best known remedies, but nono gave the least relief. Whon this remedy came to hand, I gave it as directed, and in two days the child was complotly cured." Sold by druggists and general merchants iu Pike County. NOTICE All hunting, fishing or other tresimssing on my promises in Milford Township, on Sawkill Creek is forbidden under penalty of the law Catharine Hamilton. MJlford, April 18, '98. CHARTER NOTICE. Notice Is horelry given that an applica tion will bo made t ) tho Governor of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania on Tuos day, May at, M.ft, by A. V. Baleh. C. A. Snyder, II. L). Roseukrans, A. T. Porter, R. ti. Thorpe, and others, under the act of assembly approved April ii, 1K74, enti tled, "An act to provide for the incorpora tion and regulation of certain corpora tions" nnd the supplements thereto, for a ehartorofan Intended corporation to be railed. "The Matamoras Water Com pany" which corporation is to be formed for the purpose of supplying water for the nublic, in the village of Mauimoros, in the Township of Wcstfnll, Couuty of Plko, and Slate of Pennsylvania, and to persons, partnerships, and ossocintiouH, and corpo rations, residing therein, and mliaeent thereto, as may desire the same. And for these purposes to have, potwss, and eujoy all the rights, benefits, and privileges, of earn act oi asseiuoiy anti its supplements. Milford, Pa , ( April io, 18US ) Solicitor. NOTICE. The Stockholders of the Company for ereotlnga bridge over the River Delaware, near the town of Milford are hereby noti fied that an Election will be held at the oiUco of the Secretary In Brown's Buildlug In Milford on the FIRST MONDAY Ob' MAY NEXT, being May 8, at 8 o'clock P M. to choose one President, six managers, one treasurer, and sueh other otlloers as they think necessary to conduct tho business of said oompauy for one year, to be ohiweu by a majority of votes of said Stockholders, by ballot delivered iu per son, or proxy duly authorized. By order of the Board, J. H. VAN ETTKN, Mllford, Pa .Apr 83,'W Secretary. Tlsa Fffli Tisai IV Pr. t. C. Ayer's Pills will prevent and Cure biliousness. "Per ynrs I hart ttinrrniehly tited A VFR'S CII,';,"S' "th "s preventive nnd curs for nlllousnras. They nre the bef t medicine for the purpote and do alt the! is cl. imeel for em." J. R. KOLB, Shark, Ak. Cura mmm Dlliou&tssss It costs 110,000 to pay for the excess amount of gas nsed in London when the fog lasts all day, or enough to supply a town of ton to twenty thousand inhabitants for one year, ARMSTRONG'S Sarsaparilla The Spring Medicine Is Strong Enough, Pure Enough, Good Enough and Cheap Enough. 65c. per bottle; 3 bottles for $1.75 made ' by C. 0. ARMSTRONG, Druggist, Milford Pharmacy. Washington Hotels. RIGGS HOUSE. Tho hotel par excellence of the capital, located within one block of the White House nnd directly opposite the Treasury. Finest table lu the city. WILLARD'S HOTEL. A famous hotel ry, remarkable for Its historical associations and long-sustained popularity. Recently renovated, repainted and partially refurnished. NATIONAL HOTEL. A landmark among tho hotels of Wash ington, patronized In former years by presidents and high officials. Always a prime favorite. Recently remodeled ami rendered better than over. Opp. P. K R. dep. WALTER BURTON, Reg. Mgr. These hotels aro tho principal political rendezvous of the capital at all times. They are the best stopping places nt rea sonable rates. O.O. STAPLES. Proprietor. O. DEW! rT, Manlier. Dissolution Notice. The oo-pnrtnorshlp of Brown & Arm strong, of Mllford, Pa., has been dissolved this dav by mutual consent; all accounts and debts due to tho said late firm are to bo settled and adjusted with and paid- to Thomas Armstrong, who is authorized and empowered to receive and receipt for the same with full etfect as could have been done by the said late firm. BROWN & ARMSTRONG. Milford, Pa., March 18, J8H9. Tho undersigned having acquired the Interest In the business of the Into firm of Hrown & Armstrong, will ouutinuo the general merchandise business as formerly conducted nt tho store In Brown's Hall building, In Mllford, Pa. T. ARMSTRONG & CO. March 39, 1890. M All persons are horchv notified thm throwing or burning papers or refuse of any kiuu iu me streets ox tne .Borough It prohibited. I3y order of the town council, . J. C. CHAMBKRLAIN, President, pro tem. Attest, D. H. HORNBECK, Sec'y. Milford, May 6, 18SW. RAILROAD v. TIME TABLE. Corrected to Date. Solid Pullman trains to BufTalo, Niag ara Fulls, Chautauqua Lake, Cleveland, Chicago aud Cincinnati. Tickets on sale at Port Jervls to all points lu the West and Southwostnt lower rates than via any other first-class line. Thains Now Ieavk Pout Jervis as Follows. EASTWARD. No. 12, Daily Express 4. 10 AM " IU, Dally Kipr.-ns 5 30 " " In, Daily iiicept Sunday . H :) " " VJN, " " ' 7 44 " " 6ti, Sundav Only 7 4S " " U(t, Daily K.ioept Sunday. . 10 11 " H, Daily Way Train 13 15 p. u " 80, " " 8 ' " " a, Dally Kxpress 4 5 " " ft, Sundav Only 4 30 " ' H, Dally kxpress 6 a) " " 18, Sunday ouly 6 :j5 " " 2:3, Daily Kxocpt Suudny . . 11 46 " " 14, Dally 10. 00 WESTWARD No. 8, Daily Kxpress 13 01A.M. " 17, Daily Milk Train 8 06 " " 1, Daily Express 11 .13 " " 11, Daily Except Sunday. . 11 10 P.M. 6. Daily Express 6 on " " 87. Dally Except Sunday . . 8 XT " " 7, Daily Express 10 16 " Trains leave Chambers street, New York for Port Jervls on week days at 4 IJO, 7 46, 9 110, 9 16, 10 80 A M. 1 IX, 9 U), 3 ao. 4 an, 6 80, 7 8 45 p. u Ou Sun divs, 4 oil, 7 45, 9 00, 9 15 a. lu.; Vi 30, 00, 7 80 aud 8 46 f . u. 1. I, KufcerU, tlt-aerol PaMaeng-ttr Aeut, New Vui'k, l. W. Cooke, AwUtaut lieueral 4lkuM)Uer Ageut, vw York, Nnw ninthn; This is tho store for those nvho are pnrticulnr nhout their clothes. Wo're imrticulnr about tJioin our selves. None noecl fenr to got anything here that isn't right up to fashion's dictations. And the fancy prices are eliminated. The materials are always as represented. Men's Business Suits If you aim to be neat, drossy and in style, do not pnss us by, but stop and see those Mint we are offer ing at 18.00, 10.00, $13.00 and 14.00. SPECIAL Swell all wool covert cloth topcoat, at $4.08, worth 18.00. GUNNING & FLANAGAN, Cor, Front and Sussex streets, PORT JERVIS, N. Y. Have You Small Feet ? If you have you can tnko ad vantage of a misjudgement in purchasing we bought too many two and a half. Seventy-Five Pairs Women's Shapely Shoes size TWO AND ONE-HALF ONLY but in all widths from A to EE, and in either lnce or button, we offer at a bargain A few were built to sell at $2.00, but the bulk are con sistent $3.00 shoes. YOUR CHOICE FOR $1.25 ! Look at 'em in tho window. JOHNSON, FITTER OF FEET, Port Jervis, N. Y. A new line of DRY GOODS NOVELTIES In Dress Goods, LADIES' WAISTS AND WRAPPERS. and Men's Neckwear. Finest ossortniert ever shown in town. RYMAN -:- -:- & WELLS. $RUTAN, THE BICYCLE REPAIRER, will sell this year Columbia Bicycles . , $35 to $125. Batkley Bicycles, . . , , . $50. Elmore Bicycles, $35. Pacemaker Bicycles, ... $25 Good second-hand wheels, . $18. A stock of new sundries and Tires. Repairing done at reasonable prices. Broad St, . Milford, Pa T. Armstrong & Co, Sccessors to BROWN & ARMSTRONG, Dealers in GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Milford Pa, Dr. David Kennedys ravontc Ilcmcdy CUHt AIL KIUKEV. ilOMAtH S 1 ..AND TKOVULC9. Spring Necessities The warm weather brings a demand for lighter shoes. We have anticipated this, and are pre pared with a full line of LADIES', MEN'S, MISSES' and CHILDREN'S OXFORD AND IN BLACK, TAN, CHROME, AND ALL THE NEWEST SHADES AND STYLES. SIZES ARE COMPLETE AND EVERY KIND OF TOE IS REPRESENTED. ALL ARE OF EXCEL LENT QUALITY. NO BETTER MADE. There are shoes which will cost more money, but none which will give greater QUOTE! THIS ITEM. - 250 PAIRS of FINE D0NG0LA KID OXFORDS IN TAN, BLACK OR -CHROME, Kid Vest ing tops or without, for this week, $1.25 worth S2. 00. ' SPARROW Successors 77 Pike Street, We have just closed our 6th year in Port Jervis and it has been the most successful one of the lot. Our January Trade for 1898 is nearly double that of 1897. This gives us new courage and we will give the people of Milford and vicinity a larger stock and still lower prices. In fact we expert to cut thing? all loose this spring and make our prices the cheapest oa earth. We have about 7 carloads of goods ou the way. All new and up to date. Look out for us this swing. Wew York Furniture Go. 92 Pike street, Port Jervis, N. Y. New.York Millinery Parlors. New Millinery. New Firm. Old Established Store. Beautiful artistic millinery in all the prevailing styles. . 11KST OK WOKK AT 8HOKT NOTICE. A!soa complete line cf Infant's wear. Give us a call and we will endeavorto please. SALLEY S EfiNIS, 79 Pike Street, Port Jervis, N.Y. A LITTLE HORSE SENSE. Appliod to the question of a stove will demonstrate tho fact that a good stove is more of a considera tion than any other article of furniture. If you con sider this fact why experiment with some untried stove when you can buy the DtMJKASH for the same money or less than any other stove in the market. There ia but one genuine. LUDLUM & PECK, A3 FRONT STREET, PORT JERVIS, N. Y. LACE SHOES, satisfaction. to L. Durnett. Port Jervis, N.Y. 6 oyr7r X ' II - J FRANKS, J