V PIKE COUNTY PRESS. Friday, apiiii 8, PUBLISHKD KVKHY FRIDAY. OFFICE, BHOWH'8 BLII.I.IHU, BROAD ST. Entered at the post ollico ol Milfonl, like county, Pennsylvania, as weond-elims mutter, Novemlier twenty-first, lbUu. Advertising Rates, One flqunrr(Htfht linos), nnr Insert Ion - f 1 . Kach mitmequtMit inwrtion .61 KviIuiwhI rnt-es will Im) furnished on tip pllcjUton, will be hIIowih! yearly adve; Legal Advertising. Court Prciolinnntlim, Jury anil Trlnl List for several courts (mt term, $l.m Admi ulst rutor s nnd Kxeoutor a nntloos Auditors nntloos -------- llivureo m.tleos - -- -- -- - Sheriffs null's, Orplinns' court, Count v Tn'iwiiri'r's sules, f'niintv 8.(vi 4. Ill 5.(l Milt ment and election proelnmution churned toy tne square. J. H. Van tilpn, Pt'DI.IFHKIl, Milfurd, Piko County, Pn. EDITORIAL. PROSPECTS IN TI1E EIGHTH. Tub Philadelphia Press says re paruing: mutters in the District The Democratic) situation in tin liiKhth Coiitfi-esHiotvil District, non represented ly Judge Kirkpiitrick Is such tli'it though it is naturnllv Democratic, there is reasonable hon tlmt a republican will again be elec ted. The Alutchler element ii Nortlinmiiton is refusing the request of the other counties for a conference and agreement, upon the rotation ol can liiluti'S and thereby intensifying ruo reeling winch in a measuro win responsible for the Demnemtie los of the District, two venrs airo. liad never before cone Kentibliean It is not so very long ago that every one of tho four counties comprising its territory was strongly Demo crane, but for some years, Carboi has been a goou deal in the Itepub ncan column, and under tho influ enceof our insiiirinij State eainiiaisn Northampton is pretty certain ti turn that way. Tho District wil go Republican this year unless tin party is handi-capped by tho action oi mo coming Ftate convenion. Bad work there will throir away n number of Congressional districts that otherwise will lo saved. The Press would bo quite right if it said thisDistrict was naturally demo cratic a few yours a;?o. 81nce th advent of newer po itieians, and newer mothods, it is not naturally bo any longer. In 189a William Mutehlor carried if, by 6214 plur ality, in IWi our own Joseph J. by unit of hard work, shrewd manage mont, and his uubounded popularity though handi-capped by ill health which prevontod much speech making, secured it by 197, and in 1896 Mr. Barber flnishod up the her culoau task of reversing tho dem ocratio majority of thousands, by losing the District by 329 plurality Pike gave Mr. Mutehlor in 1892, 679 majority and In 1894 she gave her own Jos. 321, which was not changed in 1896, for she gave Barber just that exactly. Now tako some dem ocrat with loss popularity than eithor Mr. Hart or Mr. Barber, if such a one can be found, and why may not Pike bo safely classed in. the Republican column? One more supreme effort on the part of our Democratic neighbor will do the business effectually, and we stand roady to pledge him all the assist ance in our power. FAITH IN THE PRESIDENT. Events in the Cuban matter have pressed rapidly on each othor in the past few days. No doubt existed in the mind of any one here as to how the Maine was blown up, and the facts in regard to Spanish rule in the unhappy island of Cuba, and the condition of her starving people, were only conflrniod by the reports or impartial eye witnesses. He fully appreciated what a conflict with i foreign nation meant in its destruc tion to life and property, and dis- lurbance to our commerce. He understood the whole situation and know that his administration would be held to a strict accountability, not only by the careful and consid. era to minds of our people, but also by those who with hot bonded im peiuoBity. wore urging premature action. He has by his course gained the confidence of the nation. He has maintained the dignity of the great country he represents, and his action during the critical and trying period through which we are passing commands the respect of his people, and of foreign powers. It is a tower of strength for any nation, to feel that its ruler is wise, conserv ative, cautious, but determined and with the ability to fully protect and maintain its honor when the occasion demands. Tho people may trust their President and await with every confidence his conclusions. Rock ci.ndy drips and pure maple tiyrup at Mitchell's. TREASURER'S SALE Of Unseated Lands in Pike County for Taxes of 1896, 1897 and School 1898 Nmlre 1 lierelir Riven tnnt wtreenbljr to 1111 Act of the (ionernl Assembly of the Common wciil th of lVnnvlvnnl entitled An Act to Amend the Aot pntltli'il All Act dlrectlns tho Mode of Soiling Uuseiited Lttlula for tuxes and for other purposed, passed Mitrch 13th, A. D., 1HIB, by a Pup. plement to an Act lo amend the Act en titled. An Act directing the mode of sell ing Unwonted IjmhIs for tuxes and for ol her purposes, passed March 17, A. D., IHlfl, and by further supplement to lasi recited Aot passed March S9, 1824, by Act entitled An Act In relation to tho sales of I'nsented Lands In tho several counties of this Commonwealth passed March ttlli, IHI7, and supplements thereto. The following described tracts of land (doscrllied In the Warrantee Name) will bi sold on the Second Monday in June Next, (being tho thirteenth day of said month) commencing at two o'clock in the after noon of saiiWlny, at public vendue, at the Court House in Mliford, in the County of Pike, for nrreapos of taxes duo and cost accrued on each lol respectively. lllnoinliig Grove Townntilp. Quantity. No. Warrantee nnmes. Tax fininner, Peter 415 i 5 r. 28 8 7fi Howhanan, Theodore 188 Kail, itlnckall 4 in 4:19 14 tH 28 8! ill 21 3' 20 41 28 7:. 20 117 211 ' 7 4; 14 4! 14 25 4-; H2 2(1 41 14 0 20 14 II' 114' HI 41 14 IM 14 4! 2 0 (I ti es it 21 0 i: 211 0! a 21 5 14 4 a 5. 7 8 (SO Heverlilgo, Iliivld Chapman, Abagail Crosby, John lf.il 1170 " 4'BJ :m 40S 4I0 am 401 IM 887 115 403 415 414 4 in 41 HI 250 415 401 511 170 4:!0 SXiB 17 8l 105 40-, 4d . UN) IM 9 m 3d I'rnlg, William 111 iiil Craig, Thomas 178 Chapman, .Tames ill! 3d Depuy, Daniel 118 Depuy, Klennor 1115 Hoover, Isaac blrt Hurt, Frederick 188 Hicks, Daniel 1H0 Knouse, John (HI Kleiniinns, Horace, I'.H Lehman, Joseph 187 Mouse, John ll4 Meyer, Frederick M Moliriile, James Molt, OH Jill Place. Peleg H'dgwnv, Richard 171) Hloho, Thomas e:i Hotter, John HH Stoeker, Margaret 80 Stoeker, Margaret 113 2d Simpson, Andrew 112 Sd Simpson, John 8'i Towns, John is:) Wvckoif. Peter 108 Wills, Hetsev 118 Wigton, Jolin 85 WykolT, Isaac 70 Volie, Adam 113 Delaware Township. 15 Hrodhead, Luke 150 17 Hrodhead. Anil 443 18 Iirodhead. Marv 85 Hrodhead, Luke Hrodhead. Ann Brodhead, Mary Carney, Thomas Hartzell, Jonas Measo, HolHTt Mease, John Mease, IsalH-lln Philips, William Dinginan Tom Brodhead, Samuel 8 01 87 51 125 80 491 148 Carney, Thomas 250 1(1 Hartzell, Jonas 4ir 107 Measo, Koliort 140 108 Mease, John 138 100 Mease, IsalH-lln 8X li U Philips, William 804 14 80 83 3 8 06 H IK 24 12 OH U72 nslilp. 412 105 117 UK 140 141 2:18 101 140 188 101 150 6 00 142 104 104 180 150 100 ltCI Wl 145 144 151 140 80 U0 H 46 llrown, Kobert Hnxlliead, Hichard HnMlheatt Irarrei ilrodlicad, Jane Hurley, Daniel R Hrodhead, Hannah Hrodhead, John Jr Brotlhcntl. Jolm Jr Brink, Monus, Brodhead, John Sr Co, Jacob Cottinger, Garret Connartl, Mary Delaney, William Kyerley, Jacob (ianzalier, Samuel Jones, John Legliman, Joseph iA-slie, Peter Neleigh, Nicholas Nicliolson, John Ogilell, Uabriel Kolnirts, Mordecnl Kolwrts. Mordocal 117 401 I3S 4:t3 200 8n0 41 Kl 47 8:10 25 415 150 IW 412 253 81 144 442 415 807 87 415 428 8 I 27 03 9 29 81 13 78 20 08 27 83 80 80 15 83 '130 88 80 48 15 71 SO 15 81 75 8 24 21 06 1 73 28 58 10 31 4 10 28 411 940 5 78 9 93 80 4' 28 01 22 85 5 97 28 03 10 18 89 49 4 00 8 45 90 Huston, Thomas Jr 183 Smith, William 50 23 Singer, John 2o8 14 84 134 Vuudurmark, Ludwlg 80 Greene Township. 6 61 200 Arndt, Jacob 00 Arndt, Jacob Harnet, John Hoveridge, David 4 88 201 Harnet, John H30 271 Hoveridge, David 429 279 Crosby. John 2i3 254 Craig, William 201 23 Davis, Benjamin 4:10 24 32 loo 100 114 100 45 100 loo 100 85 81 40 00 20 42 17 07 i'i3 Foil Ike, Adam l:io 73 Frazior, Walbro 415 9 51 80 24 372 Oniy, Orrlson 4:18 ' 258 lhrie, ConriMl 100 85 74 8 14 209 Lynch, John 439 470 Kluase, John 439 53 55 85 83 830 88 Martin, John 40 307 M unlock, John 60 4 07 407 86 83 85 88 85 83 19 55 27 80 3ii9 Paschal, Thomas 5o 20 Primer, SUipheu 4:19 loo 100 100 100 80 100 100 Plnnkcuhorn, John 4: 10 274 Plickey, John 439 270 Huberts, Hugh Jr 39 275 Roberts, Kobert 830 203 Tittermary, Jolm 841 29 92 87 13 31 Wain, William 838 283 Walu, William 439 204 Wills, William ) 85 83 80 85 est brook, lliraiu 150 12 21 Uvluwuea Township. 189 Balliet, Joseph 10 IM Hal on, Mahalah Bl5 40 103 09 47 84 03 88 80 93 Cro.icr, Kolntrt 419 3 Condell, William, 2"U 29 Conner, Mlchiu-l 8im 28 Cottinger Uan't 107 78 Greenfield, Jesse 20 Gallagher, James 414 32 Howes, Kobert, Pt 447 18 52 87 77 4 88 83 88 88 32 41 88 40 140 30 70 150 128 Howell. Kichard 211 17,0 Howell, AlUiin 414 14 1 88 80 78 2d Jennings, Johu 873 77 McCollum, Johu 4ti3 20 Miehliu, Philp 419 18 Philips, Johu 424 74 Philips, Jolm SiU 93 KoU-rui, Kllfhtt 2O0 00 Slice, Ann 187 84 44 41 8.) 41 67 89 25 120 IX) 80 ly 18 53 17 81 103 Shields. John 8o3 84 10 Slii.-lds, Johu t4 19 Seoley, Samuel ;7 17 Willing, Tliumiw 73 40 130 80 1,3 23 Ml 0 77 87 12 80 50 95 Waluir, P('tor 401 bo Wluuiu, Phebe 8s)4 80 LeLnmu Township. 231 230 3.4 Bell, Joseph Brotziuau, John Baker, Geo A, Pt. Chentuor, Juntos Dal lev, Charles Dills, RacLml F.'gart, George Kills, Benjamin F.hrenzellcr, liilk-r Guo, Robert Gue, KoU-ris Grier, John . Hoover, Manuel, Jr Hi-lster, Johu llelhl-or, Daniel Klunear, William Kling, Kaehul Myer, Henry Sliimlie, Peter Suville, Sauiuul 81 0 810 81 204 79 889 141 216 60 150 811 4110 43 118 10 198 loO 200 417 433 18 07 IS 23 10 1 91 18 8U 4 00 84 30 b 75 13 38 8 48 10 01 19 43 12 00 87 70 1 83 93 12 30 8 15 14 bo 10 41 80 31 4 120 11 207 140 337 3d 1 a."5 40 .H3 (3 101 (3 .17 J9 143 144 66 101 MlUord Township. JO Buruhuiu, Asell 181 684 8 M 10 32 10 03 16 uu 111 Branhttm. Kljeuezur 89 Church, H S 211 108 (ialbniilh.Jteiiih 383 114 Mucker, John C 8ww 00 Pnloiyrft Township. 1?8 Austin, Stephen 2!ll 90 01 127 Maion, lleiijauiln 4:i0 110 8s r:i 129 Philips, William 430 100 Rs 5.1 l: Philips, Kellcooa 134 12 13 83 Stewart, liolx-rt 110 13 20 Porter Township hi Alexander, (4eorgo 100 Als'reronilile, Jaiui 90 Hrodhead, Kichard 87 Hovi!, Clinrlcs 30 Beei nor, David 30 Bingham, Ann 87 Biiigliiim, William 80 HriMlheaii, Garret 14 Brown, Daniel 310 Barton, Daniel 319 Caldwell, James 85 CiHillmiiKli, A brain V 133 Cross. John T 93 Dills, Jacob 03 Dilloiau, (Ttstrge 93 Dills, Aliiaham 00 Kdsall, Di-.vid Ml F.rwln, Hubert (10 Green, Elizabeth 131 Harrison, tTeorge 83 Heller, Mlehm-i 64 Hoi-ton, Kiehard 70 Harrison, Gisirgo l!l 11,-rU', Toliins 100 Heinberg, Tlnnnag PCI 2d Jean, isaiio JI8 Jones, Absalom 18:1 Joyeo, Dnminlck 81 Lackey, James 194 Lewis, olehard 03 Jjolig, Ht'nry 01 Lolleli, .1 ill ii 00 Miller, William 177 Miller, Alexander HS Martin, .John 111 McLaughlin, J no, Pt 04 Sd Oneal, James 63 Ogdou, Sarali Imi Ufiilcu. David 71 Ogden, (iilbert 99 Ovciileld, William 109 Overlleld, William l8 Overlleld, William 55 Place, Itetlben 70 Philips, John 1(0 Philips, Hehecca 18i) i uHdm, Thomas 01 Singer, Abraham 188 Stoeker, Margaret Hill HhiMjk, John 150 Sellers, Samuel 183 Van Why, Henry 59 Whltehill, nolMirt, pt. 51 Willing, Thomas J r 178 Wlkotl, Isaac 8n0 79 17 Ho 414 00 24 07 H78 . 23 63 800 ll 10 O.t.' Ill 0 0. 1"0 5 91 .n 81 83 07 89) 83 25 B28 10 61 8KI 130 10 7 93 5 4si 2ll flan 20 133 1 3f. 431 125 12 81 433 130 25 2-1 403 04 84 (M 4O0 0 II 46 415 15 84 7ii 413 184 18 09 Hi 13 18 01 850 14 91 415 10 84 70 4i3 181 84 04 860 80 87 135 8 80 413 140 84 08 8(10 II 403 73 88 07 805 83 15 82 100 6 9l 417 100 84 9;; 415 15 84 7(1 819 110 10 08 13 131 8( 113 439 99 20 23 60 g (is 871 10 10 415 15 84 70 800 17 80 150 7 75 430 85 04 800 07 15 02 410 117 2151 415 15 84 70 417 133 84 93 439 140 17 88 160 4 06 412 140. 84 04 210 135 12 58 258 163 15 40 115 0 80 810 12 52 50 298 151 8 23 800 0 20 p.. 437 81 85 45 809 88 84 88 8S3 15 80 92 85 8 50 278 18 82 49 418 18 83 50 830 87 85 92 400 25 10 50 897 90 24 80 410 93 80 29 410 18 1090 100 8 11 390 81 57 249 03 80 10 100 14 62 400 121 83 47 71 80 5 77 237 19 18 100 60 8 50 75 0 07 437 08 85 38 415 15 83 03 203 80 19 51 813 81 (II 18S 80 15 83 HIiohulM Township. 153 Burr, Joseph 1 17 Bnvlev, Francis 107 Brink, Henry 33 Kiirtholonietv, Honj. 130 t'ralg. John, pt 151 Connelly, 'John 152 Carey, Matthew 14 Connor, ( hin les 140 Chapman, James 37 Cniiuin ro. Thomas 38 Currie. .luaiina 130 Com;,.-i, John, Pt I'll D pill. Ami. it 100 Doiuinlck. Dun !i:l Denny. i 1 1 i:iiu 33 Hugh, Thomas 1 19 lnsc-o, Samuel 1 ci Liikeus. Abraham pt 150 Lester. John f. pt 8:1 Neleiuli, Mariiu '.; Neleigh, John 10 1 Ku-itnu, Mary 78 Itussell. Andrew 13 Smith. Frauois 113 Wells, James, Jr. West tall Tywnshlp 20 Jones, Isnao 140 83 9 30 25 Measo, John 431 25 87 16 54 Mason, Thomas 40) 150 20 81 75 Slice, John 400 20 77 43 Smith, F.llznbeth 180 80 12 08 74 Shoo, Haohol 803 123 18 47 45 Smith, Francis 441 6 89 52 44 Smith, itachel 403 84 80 14 73 Smith, Klizuljeth 805 15 83 19 Of Sale of Seated Lands for Arrearages of Taxes. The following is tho list of taxes return ed by tho Collectors for the several Town ships for the years 1895 and 1891, and tho school year 1897, with costs, which land will bo sold agreeably to the Aot of the 10th of February, A. D , 1870, at the same time and place ns the above and foregoing Unseated Lands: llloomlng Grove Township. Tax and cost. Clenry, Sarah, la, linpd, 127a lininipd house No. 97; D.Kidgwayadj lauds M. Hennessey & V. Smcntzlu I 4 03 Donnally, Charles, 195a, iiulmp, No. 184, nilj lauds of Nun. 183 and 185 . 15 28 Hazen, Margaret, 82a unimpd, No. 181; ndj. lauds of L. Anderson nud others 76 Lusthotf, George, 60a uunltnpd, house, No. 103, ndj lands of Geo. Kocklino nud R. Vvouzlo 9 12 O' Ron rko, Thus , 100a, unlmp; adj." lands J. .Mc Hoth est anil M. Mad don 7 81 Smith, John, 100a, No. 184, ndj lands of C. Donnally and P. Miller 7 81 Uelnwnre Township. Barnard, Win. H , 80Dn unimpd. No. 144. adj. No. 145. and others I a in iDiirmgut.isiuio n r, 88 unimpd, mlj. Chtttlllon, Lewis, 16 tmpd. 188 a unimpd, adj lands of W Hiismer nud others 714 no 144 and 115 a in i;nuus, m. w., est, 8a linpd. 50a unimpd. No. 133 01 Hazeldine, Ann u r, 80a. unlmud tit.. A . Hulf, ndj. lands of W. McPhorson fl NO n.rauso. I'niiip, win unimpd, 110. 144, ndj. No. 146 and W. H. Barnard . Lndds, Junius N. R. la! linoil. Kin 43 uiiimpil, house No. 84, mlj. lauds of O. liosler and others 8 42 8 69 Laing. John W., est , loon, unimpd, Pt. of No. 148 McPhorson, William. N K ,8a IiuimI. i.w minium; iNo. ta, mlj. lauds ot C. B Pioor and others 81 18 Ottonheilner, Jacob, N R , 8a, un improved, nuj lauus 01 ttiiltt and Saudersoil in Petors, K IT , 50a unimpd. formerly Henrv Purdv d R iblnson, W. A., N. R., 50a. uniriiDii No. 183. ndi. lands of K. Sht.ohenl 11 iu Vostbrisjk, Hiram, 2oo, uuimiKl. mlj lands of D. W. Diugmau uud others 0 31 lliiKiiittn Township. Brady, Peter, 5n, linprovd, 807n un- liupd; nilj. lauds ol K. T. Riviere and J. Pitiot 7 13 Cherry, Millard K., N R., lol.i uu- lmKl., ailj lands of U. U. D. Piu chot and M. Lulhiioiig 8 71 Farley Terence, Km imnd, 3:44a unim proved, house nud baru, No. 85; ailj I'iihIs of K A. Groeiilng and K. Tainuler 83 98 LeiithgiMis, Minn 1, Jf R.. 877a un- liiinl, house. No. loo, mlj lands of ai. nerry anil 01 Hers 15 83 Rivi.te, E T.N K..2-la. unliiiral No. 181. ndj lauds of T. Sykus nud I . 1 looi 17 98 Stoprun. A. W . X It.. 2 imod 9,-si unimpd, ailj lauds of J. Barber and L Chaitilliin u bo Taylor. S. 11.. S. K , Smn unimiid . No. 180 and No. IM, aoj lands of J. t loot and K. 1. Kiviero 18 12 roor -in., F.ruest., N. It.. 15a lliind l8oa uiiiiupd, house and burn, No. 137. ailj liiiids of W. U. Vouugs nud K. KobS 14 40 Groeus Towaahlp. Collingwoofl & Co , N. R , 8nta uu- linpd, No 17, ailj lot 2i7, 430a, 11 11 linpd. No 10,1; 439 uulinpd, uo 107 udj uo 170 fi 65 French, James, NH, 80 1 11, unimpd 110 l"7, adj lands ol (J Bins and J Wliltuikor 40 B8 Holiiliiy, l.liza, 611 linpd, I0;a unlin- holise barn, no 279, J. Crosby 7 80 Joloii, Jules, N. It , 4i.ia uiiimpil, no ii lulj. lands ol D. Wise and O. Moosetle 11 85 Mouseite. Mlver, N .lt. 183a unimpd house nod barn, a;tj lauds ol F. Aliller ami h; l,owo 9 47 Poller, iewH, N. II.. looa unimpd ailj lauds ol R. Lluck nud L Shaw 6 81 Lfieknwaxen Townslilp. Boughee, Fred, N.H. 110 1, 25a, no lo, isin, uo 18 6on, uuuopd uua liO, 13 6 88 Blackmore, Marie, N K, la linpd, 2n uuuupd, house, aoj luiuls ii G Pm-K Associaiiou, nuu J . aioiltl. .. 1 04 Bramer, N W, est 4 lol-S lu Mast II mie, Barn, adj lands ol J ShatU and 1'. D. nay 87 Clark, Mai-iln 0 iMattituw, lona un impd nuj lauds ol lUclX-nuuit Bun. mm Goo I'rnucis 8 87 Crisbiiiao, lianh, 60a unimpd mlj lauds of D. McluMru nud J. Sei dell 8 88 Deiulng, Hurrv, N K, lot In Mast Hope ntj latms ol D be.Uou uud Coacliiuoycr 70 tOicluor, H.-iiiy, N R, 62 a unimpU 110 130 nud 2oa unimpd no 167 1 01 Frey, rtdward, N It, 't a unimpd mlj Greeley lauds 1 01 Glaily, MichiKil, N K, 78 n ununHl mlj lauds J slcCabo, uud J Moiaii. 8 80 llooser, itonb., N R, 0.11 uuuupd 111 1 J lauds D. liuxiou uud L Row land 05 JiiKger. William. 03a uulmpil mlj lots no 184 and 187 8 84 Liudalo, Cliarles, 5Ja uiiiiupd mlj lauds rierzog and A t-Vllon 7 78 Morau, Jaiiiea, u r, &m unimpd lot uo 1 ndj lauds J Mcilule 1 63 Newell, air and Mis 80a unimpd adj lands of Mrs Dodge and .1. L. Unr ulier 8 14 Perry, Kllell, Hon uiiiiupd mlj land ot J Di gront and Maxwell 8 87 Perry. Lsivl, 2a linpd, house, mlj lands ot J . N . ciiiitu 8 07 tVtors, .IjcwIs, N R. 88a unimpd, house, sluule, uu 167 mlj lands of Jj. Uouu 90 fiilahl, rliiiile, N R, 50a unlinpd house, pt ot uo 130 88 Revlere, iii 1', N R, 60n uiiiiupd mlj lauds P Davis 11 ml ii, Daley 6 88 itevlero, K T, N K, 9a impd 35 a 11 11 liup.l, liou.-.o lorinui'ly T. Gatiney. 6 01 Hiclit r, Kroderick, NH, 75a unim proved, part 110 ln7 4 21 Schenck, Henry, N It, 60 n unimpd ndj lands ot vV P Hogau uud L Rowland 6 88 Holiday, James, X R, 5a uiiiiupd mlj lauds ot W 1 ut ile nud J Case est 47 Tigue, Martin, est, house uud lot adj lands K Shaier 7 73 Y aideil, James, N H, 6O0n unimpd Hdj lauds ol no 85 and no 77 80 98 esLUrooii, Latayetui, N R, 100a uu- in10.1l, uo 101 mlj loo nod 90 6 08 Wilson, Gooige, NR, looa iiiiIiiim1 mlj lauds ol Win I lol holt uud JJ Melinl.e ianr, August, boa unimpd, uo 130 J Musgruve 6 30 Lllilinn Township. Bogart, David, est, la impd, 8.1a un impd, house adj lands ol J Otteu- hoiuiei- and A Lederer 1 58 ooiiuUTinan, John, 8a Impd, Ilia 1111 llnpd, mlj liuiiis A .'sliooinakur and P Pierce 8 15 uiiuoi d, cm limine, Mi, 4a linpd 38a unimpd mlj lauds of J Gould uud G. VV. Chamberlain 1 89 Garriss, Abruliain, est, 4a finpd, ba unimpd adj lands of J Oticlieimer and D Jlogart, est 1 14 Hauiicr, Joan NR. l.KIa unimpd adj lands 01 G Brmlshaw, nud b Selinylcr 1 05 klelnert, Henry, NR, 7a unimpd mlj lauds of J Ottenhclmcr nud K Knoll 41 Lodorer, Arthur, NR, 4a linpd 803 uulinpdmlj lands J Olteiinoimcr . . 13 40 Mccarty, Arthur, u r, 6a uuuupd mlj lands H Cook and A Gnrris 17 Roberts, H K, n r, 8n Impel 144a un impd, mlj lands ot Mrs Kshlack and 11 Smith 5 pi Smith, James, est loaluipd, 10 n un impd, mlj lnndi of J Cuurtrlght and J Counterman 8 88 Turner, William, 131a unimpd, mlj landsof H Snyder aud 11 11 Sun deisoii g 88 w uiiauis, Johu, 0a Impd. 79n uulm pil mlj lands of K Hornlieck nud others 13 83 Mliford Towusblp. Mott. Bull & Doollttlo, 2.11a no 113 J Mease ndj lauds of P A L Quick 16 40 Palmyra Township, Buckingham, Jumes, n r, 15u Impd mlj lands of A Buckingham nud C Stephens Finiiiii, Thomas, est 1 lot mlj S Sheirer nud A riheoley Maxwell & Co stone dock along N V, L K & W K R at Cromell towo Mcllale. Mary, est, 03a Uliimod mil 6 62 8 80 8 19 C Dlmou est and F 'Mauley 8 87 Nowburgor, Klli-n, 40,i Impd, 60a un impd, house, 8 barns mlj lauds of C W Down 18 lu Ross, Reuls'ii, est 442a unimpd, uo 81 ndj lands of J Souley nud F. Kimble 16 25 Ross, Ruubim ost 427a unimpd, uu23 ndj no 21 nud Paupavk River 16 60 Ross, Rouuen, est, 9(a uiiiiupd, Phil. Asafellomlj T Asafi'llo and others 8 81 Ross, Reuben, est 440a unimpd uo 180 wlj W Philips and others 18 17 Ross, Reuben est 808u unimpd no 133 mlj J Philips uud others 7 04 Ross, Houbeu est 220a uninrpd uo 131 mlj lands of Union Tuunery Co nud others 8 JO Ross, Reuben, est, 439a unimpd no 140 mlj lands of A Mnsuu nud I) Joyce : 16 15 Ross, Heulsm.eat 270a unimpd known ns the Knnpp lot 0 89 Ross, RcuImmi est, 1019a uiiiiupd no 98 mlj lauds of Levi Shuw and 11 Clark Ml 4i tvoss ttcuben est 1uih1 saw mill nud oilier biddings 55 la cuuipijeii.jamea A,n r. 427n unlinpd no 78 mlj lands uos 00, (ij aud Por ter's Lake 439n unimpd nu 83 ndj nos 8), 81, 83, Bo, 8i) uud 03 9 10 v ostorook, Jacob H, u r, 8a impd, 27a unimpd mlj lauds uos 310, 839 and 10 1 83 Hhohoin Township. Hart, Margaret A, 290a, unimpd liouse nud lot ailj lauds of G W Hurt aud Miliord Turniiike. 11 fin aiutvcau, 17IIISOU, est, 4a linpd, 38,i uuuupd no 160 mlj lauds ol ll Mc Kiuin and i Me Kt-au Jr 1 5 Meiis:hing, C. j, u r, 4a 1iiihI, 40 a unlinpd, bouse, barn, mlj laiuls of J Haas, Sr Shadier, F.dwiil'd, 3a impd, 47a miini proed, uo It ailj iauua ul J oc N Hess 3 60 9 44 Westfull Townslilp. Kiting, Philip, 3 lots bounded on the nonh by Mliford rood, west by C llewiti 2 29 Heiisell, lx-wis, 0a I111p.il, loa uTiiinpd bounded on liorlu by W Slleppaid, Kaat by W J Bell 8 08 Lawrenc.) Ac Walts, 30a, tiuimpd. hounded on norld by lands of Vr .1 U.-II, west by F Hurst 10 00 Molt, M D, ur, lot uo 3.V r nulug on ooksou St, unj lot 110 .Vvs. aud ll Van lnwi-geu est 2 49 1111.110I, joiiu, 11 r. 21a linpd, luo n uuuupd. house, baru, mlj lauds ot J Daniels aud A DeUz 48 06 ' l loiixt, Juliette, 48n, Impd, 3isi un impd, l'-ju iinpd, 12a uuillipd, 3 houses, baru, 2 sllunu.-s, uo 117 mlj lauds of B Vaiinuy uud M y linn 40 SO 4liaw, Hauuu B, lot uu 838 uortti side M:kIuo.i &t mlj luls uoab3j, ts 8 4J GEORGE DAUMANN, JR., Treasurer. Treasurer's Ollico, Milfonl, Pa, March 30lh, Is'.n. nr Li liuxly 11 V 8re the seat or the starting point of ninny r.miudios, all of thorn stTioua, all more or leas painful, and all of them tending, unless cured, to a fatal end. No organs of the body are more delieatt or more sensitive than the kiilnoys. When symp toms of disease appear in them not a moment is to be lost if health is to be restored. The best way to treat the kidneys is through the blood, cleansing it from the poison ous matter which is usually nt the bottom of kidney complaints. For this purpose there is no remedy equal to For mnnv years I have been a constant sufferer from kiilney trouble, and have tried a nnmhpr of lnrgeiy advertise'! kidnev cures without benefit. At Inst a friend ad vised me to try Aypr's SarsapariHa. The nse of eiht bottles of this remedy entirely cured my malady." Mart Miller, 1238 Hancock Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. "50 YEARS ILIPROVE&IENTS IN FARftliriG," Publislioilby the New York Tribune. SECOND EDITION. 32 rn-rc-s IS by 12 1-2 Inches. A general review of tho ndvances nud linpiovonuiits iniulo In the lending branch es of farm industry during tho last half century. Special articles by the best agricultural writers, on topics which they have made their life study. Illustrations of the old fashioned Imple ments. A vast amount of practical Information A valuable aid to farmers who deslra to stimulate production nud profit. Kxtivniely interesiing aud instructive. Only 15 cents a copy, iiy mail. SKN'I) YOUK oilDKll TO THE PIKE COUNTY PRESS, P.lilford, Pa. Bjiding-Loan Trust Fund. REALTY CORPORATION of -:- NEW JERSEY, -:- fiKXKHAL AGKNT 800 Hroad Strti't, Newark, N. J. 0000 What it will do for you for n monthly payment of $8 per 81,000 tb of which applies on principal, 3 is inter est. First Tt will buy for you nnv house de sired or build you a house iicconling to you own pbms, for a payment of not less than lu', down. Second It will assume any mortgage on your property, and ndviinee you more mutiny, if desired, not to exceed 0o of its vuluiilion At above rates you would own your properly free anil cl-iar in just as) months; von can pay as much more as yon wish, anil rod. ice tho time in pr portion, or the full am, unit will be received nt nnv time, ' Iho first proposition ennbles you to ain vert voiic ni. ,.,,.. i..... .i , ..' .v iiv ,uq uwnorsiiip 1 ho second proposiiion enables yon to ...". .. .ii. w.it on your morrgage and nt the kiiiiii tiino Is) paying on" the For further information call or address J. H. Van Etten, Attorney, Milford, Pa. New Harness Whips, Robes, Blankets And everything which pertains to to an outfit for HORSES and CARRIAGES REPAIRING PROMPTLY DONE. Soo my stock before pnrclinsing, The Price is Right. L. F. HAFNER, flnrfi.nl .St., Milfoiil, Pa W I 0 . FOR HIGHEST PRICE sinul your furs to Piiwtuckct Fur Company, Pawtuckot, R. I. Prioo list on Hiiliiutiai. dec213tn UWSJ Caveats, and Trade-NUrki obtained and aU kit- ent DuiaecouUuctd io MoDCHATK FEES. OuNOrFiCK t OpPoaiTi o. S. Patcnt Omcti rca'ota iiuui Wtut.iiik'tt'a. i . bewi model, drawing or photo with descrip-l uu. no Rutue, u p;cnuiUi OT out, lfc i iurgt, Our Ice nut due nil tent ia oecured. A Pamphli;!, w t Obiiin 1'atcuu," with) out vt tjiiiuc lu th LJ. S. And iuccu-a c.A.Gnovv&co Opi, Patch t Opicc. Washinoton. D. C &e?SQparlna 1 nut Stoves and Ranges. THE Round Oak For Wood and Coal. Bi-st Heater nnd Ftml Sever in the Country. New Era Radiators, Two Flrn In One HARDWARE, CI'Tl.RRV, Tiff, AGATE WAKE, ETC. TIN ROOFINO AND PLUMBING A SPECIALTY. Jobbing promptly attended to. T. R. Julius Klein, BROAD STREET, MILFORD, PA. TIME AND SIGHT. Watches, Diamonds, and Solid Silverware. WATCH REPAIRING A SPECIALTY, 0 Eyes examined free by a skilled Optician. Glasses Filled in Gold or Any Other Kind of'Frames. We are pleased to show Goods E. Van Sickle, 72 Pike Street, PortJervis, N. Y FOR & & & & Your Stomach's Sake CHEW wmtmm GUM "There is nothing to good for the Stomach as Soda and Peppermint; Each tablet of Soda Mint Gum contains two grains of chemically pure soda combined with peppermint. STRICTLY HIGH GRADE. BEST CUM MADE The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating. ' TRY SODA Is Antiseptic Refines the Breath. Retains Flavor Forever. FOB SALE BY ALL ItKALEXS, V 9 w t W V 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Tsinf U i.K a i. -j'i Designs rttlll Copyrights 4c. AnTonenflnrttnst a tiketoh and dpucrlpiton mar flntfkly aacertain our opinion free whether an Invention m prohshly pfttentrihle. rommuntra tlnnnRtrirtlyconlldPiithil. Handbook on Patent aeiit frne. (Hi1f ncenry fi.r nef-uriinf ptnt, I'atontu taken tlirouvb Munn A Co. reoelro tpertat nofice, without clmre. In the Scientific American. A hnnrtomely IllnMmted wApkly. T,RTfrrt etr culrion of any taclentirlo journal. Terms, fa a your ; fnur months, tU Sola by all newarioalers, MUNN & Co.36""""- New York BrnDub Ollloe, SB t Bt, Waabluloa, D. C. B. D. HURSH. Repiiiring done in tin or iron, and Electricnl supplies furn ished to order. ELECTKICAL WOKK A SPKCIAr.Ty. Prompt attention . ivon to build ing privHte telephone lines ; putting in electric dour bells ; cull bells : burelar alarms; electrio alarm ebxiks; house call, or hotel annuncia tors ; and the frenerar koepinir in or iler of electrical apparatus. LAYTON, N. J, 000 0 000000000 0 ...... 0 0 0 I1UV7 IS titilii I 0 0 0 0 0 0 When baby gets aick remember that Hunmfll'm H hitr Drop ta worth its weight in gold. RUSSELL'S WHITE CHOPS Por such ills as Wind Colic, C holera Infantum. Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Griping Pains, Steep, lcssneas, and oiher dis-saea in cident to babyhood, especially during Teething. PERFECTLY HARMLESS. It ia made for babies, from pura vegetable remedies. Contain so opiates in any form. IT IS S00THIN3 and healing to the nerves, and at the same time atrengthens and invigorates the whole system, rcatoring a healthful color to ths check, producing Refreshing Sleep Strong Narvc, Cheerful Dbpositiosu Prlci 25 cents per bottla. Por sal by all tfruggiata Prepared by 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 s 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RUSSELL KEOICiHE C3.f PROVIDENCE, R. I. 1 I i ooooooooooooo BUSINESS CARDS. F. W. DEST. M.D., IO Bali; Street, PORT JEnviS, N. Y. DISEASES OF THE EYE AND EAR. 9 to II A. M. 2 to P. M. 7 to 8 P. M. OfYloe Hours WILLIAM B. KENWORTHY, M.D Physician nnd Surgeon. Ofllce nnd ri-slilrnoo Harford Rtm-t In home lutply uceiiplcd hy Dr K. H. VVon ncr MILKOKI), PA. Dr. von der Heydo, DENTIST, nn.wn'n HulliliiiB. cirnrr lnml nnd ,.'"""'r,"n stni'ts, iMIlfnril, Ph. OH-KK K HOI KS: 8 ti. 1U n. 1,,.; , ft ?. "L. 1' '"'!""'" Pi-rry, iippuslte M h. ( iMirch ovi.ry siiul niuHtli WVdm. any in ouch mouth. H. E. Emerson, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. OFFICE in Drug Store on Broad Street. J. H. VAN ETTEN, Attorney- at- Law, OFFICE, Brown's Building, Milfork, Pike Co., Pa. John A. Kipp, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, OFFICE, opposite Court House MlLKOKI), Pikr Co., Pa. CHUECH DIRECTORY MILFORD. First Phkshytfkian Cihihch. Mliford; Mtl.liiitli wn ii-i- nt Ki wi a. M. mid 7 IKI p M. Siihl.Hth si hiMil lmmi.,,,trlv nfti-r the morning wrviic. Pmyrr imi-i inir Wd n,.H,l,,y at 7. UU p. m. A eorilinl woU'o.ne will ho oxtrnilcd to nil. Tliose not nt tiiclii'il to othiT chiirchrB nrp rspcclnlly in vlted. Hkv. Thomas Ni holh, PKi"or. rm'Bi H of tiik oon Shkphkhi., Mil rord: MTvnfn Smidny nt 10 Wl a. m. nnd 4 i) p m. MiiHlny Bi hoo nt 11.45 p. M. VVwk-ilny wrviiTS, TIiiiimIiiv, 4 m P m rriilny, 4.u I". M. .S ins fn-iv All wi lcon.o.' B. LAKiiiiKK, Kfitor. M. K. Cmih';H. Scrvl.-i's nt tho M. K. Church Sundnys: Pn-iu-lilng at 10 80 nt m. nnd nt ;.;! p. m. Siindny school at 8 p. in. Kpworlh Ii-hkiiu t H.45 p. in. Wivkly p,115,(.r m.tlllK WiHlm'Rdnvs nt imi p. in. Clnss imviinir rondiicti'd hy Win. AnKleon KridnjH nt 7..KI p. in. An enrui'st Iiivimtlon. H i-iiriidcil to anyone J ...n.,.. .... n.ur.iiKp Wll.l US. MATAIM0RAS. Epwortii M. K. rHimcH, Matnmonm. .-MTvicos every Snlitmth at lll.Hna. m. and 7 p. ni. Snhlmtli school nt 2 :fi V K incctiiiB Moiulny vvcnlnir nt 7.H0. Class incctniK Tncsilny evcniiiK- nt 7.80. Prnvcr niiH.tiiiK WwliiiKday evening at 781) kvoryono wclcomii. Kkv. F. G. Cuhtis, Pastor. Hl.PK F.VANOKI.ICAL Ciiphoh, Mnta moras, Pa. Scrviia-s next .Sunday as follows: PrcacliinB nt 1(1.80 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sun lay schiH.l at 8 p. m. Junior (J. K. before iindC. K. prayer nu-eting after tho even ing service. Mid week prayer lnoetliiff overy Wwliiesday evening at, 7.311. Scuta tree. A conlial welcome to all. Come. Hkv. J. A. Wikgani., Pnstor. Secret Societies. Mn.roHD Ixiprm, Xo. 844, F. & A. M : Loiltre moots WedneBilnys on or h-fore V nil Moon nt tho Snwkill House, Mliford, Pa. N. Kmery, Jr.. Seeri'lnry, Milford. (rudfn.-ld Wielnnd, W. M.. Milfonl, Pa VA"a I1VU Af.lIU Tnr,.,c VTn c.lo T I). V: Moots every Thursday owning nt ...(.ui1,iiu.niiii OIHIOIIIff. liCO. IJllli man, Jr., Soc'y. (ieorno K. guiek, N. U. Prudknor Rkbkkah Un,un, 17, 1 O. K. Mr,.lufl,...m..,. I I r I. O- , . .-...'...1 wm i.ruiiii rri. daysin oiu h monih In Odd Fellows' Hull, Kri. " u iiiiiuiinif. Airs. Alien iliirnbotk, N. (i. Miss hnlio Klein, Soc'y. LIVERY STABLES. If you want a stylish sin gle or double rig, safe horses, good harness and clean, comfortable carriages at reasona ble prices call on J. B. Van Tassel, Corner Ann nnd Fourth street., MILFOULf, PA. STANDARD OUR WATCHWORD. "The best is none too good." HAROMAN. MEHLIN. KNABE and STANDARD PIANOS. FAR R A N D and VOTE Y ORGANS. DOMESTIC. NEW HOME SEWING MACHINES. For sale for cn.sh or on easy terms. Nee Uo aud all parts for all iiiH.tliii.es, R.'PAIRlNli A SPKCIALTY Tiinlr.gr ,-t PIA MIS ami nm.ivl,. . oompeteiit tvuer, B. S. MARSH. OPERA HOL'.SK BLOCK, HORT JCRVI9, N.Y. P3.CAVI3 EivoHtc KWRemedv TT)C one sure cure for Tbe l!dnqir and Blood