"7 Y One Cent a Vord. Put Icnh Imfcrtltm . No ilrrtl!niiirnt taken Tor Imii tlmn in rnt.. CASH miMl Mtwnipany ll orilor. . t , A .1.1 ! PIKE COI NTT "I'll !!"," MII.FOHI), rA. HOt'SR TO LF.T mi liiwiir lliirf.ird HtriTt, contnlnlnK ten rooms No oruuiiliil h Mm Di'i kt r K.ir tvirHi'tihim itiqulreof JAUUH McUAHT Y, MuutiiHW-, N. J. ' ' TKKSPAPH NOTICK. Notice In lictolij Riven Mint trespassing nn the promt uuciijiirtl tr the ninlrHliiiil In IMiikiiwii township, known s the Itiulmtnin fnnn for huntliiK, Ashing, bt-rryltiir or liny iithm purpose whatever Is forlililileii tituler (x-n HltTof tho liiw. Any ix-rnoii or pewmi illwilM-ylnit this not ire will lie dealt with In tho severest law fill liiniiner. OBOiuiK IL H:CARTT, July 1, 197. ', lessee. TRESPASS NOTICE. Notice Is hereby (liven thnt trespassing on til premises of tho iititlerstpneil In lMiiKinim township tii'iir the Delaware brldim. for hniittnir, ltshiiift, berrying or for but other purpose whatever, Is foihlililen miller penalty ol the liiw. Any person or ihtsohs ilisoliey lne this notice will lw dealt w ith In such n iiuiiiner as may 1e most effectual to pre vent ft repetition. H. Stubksooff, April 27, 1SSI7. TRESPASS NOTICK.- Notice fs hereby pivin that trfp9sinir upon the south, ern half of the trai t of land known us the William Denny, No. HI, In Wmhola lovni hip, for hiuiilwr, fishing, or, any other purpose, also trespas-ung on Sawklll jiond III l)ilinill township, or, Ushlng 111 it Ik forbidden under penalty of I hu law. SI. lil.EILAND MjLlR. Aprlfrlm , Attorney lor owner. TRESPASS NOTICR. Notion is hereby given that trespassing, upon the. pro ixirty of the Forest Luke Axaficlatlou In LnckHwaxeu township, l,ikBeuiuvv(.l'ii., for the purpose of hunting and fishing, oi any other purpose, is strictly forbidden un der penalty of the law. ALEXANUF.i1 HAIIDKN, . No. 23, 18116. President. T TRESPASS NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that trespassing on the preniisi of the undersigned, situated 1" IMiigman township, fiir liny purpose whatever is strictly forbidden, and all offenders will Ix promptly prosecuted. lUA 11. Case. Oct. 8J4, mm. ,10R SALE. A small farm located near l Matamoras, known as the Hensel or Kctnhardt place, containing zl acres. Finely located, well watered. House and barn. Fruit of all kinds. Part Improved. Title clear. For terms, price, etc., address bock box U Antrum, fit. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondents are particularly requested to send in nil news in tended for publication not later than Wednesday in eacn week to in sure insertion. LAYTON. Gaston Clifford has received the np pol utmcnt ns under keeper-In the Htate's Prison, nt Trenton, nnd took his position at once. Tho Hudson River Telephono Co. toot no horns, nor waste any time misrepre senting rival companies, but they (ret there nil tho same. You aro sure to like them for they expect to compel business simply by rendering superior service, and by a gentlemanly treatment of tho pub 11c. The township nnd school elections hnve passed off very nleoly in Sandyston this Spring. 80 much rotten wood has- been gotten rid of that thorc Is much to encour age the belief that wo aro on tho eve of n bettor ndnilnlstratioii of public affairs Uf course the Commltteeinan-elect mnde a fool of himself nnd catspnws of his friends but that Is 0110 of Ills falling, and ho Hover falls to do It. Otherwise everything Is lovely, nnd we nre qulto satisfied, nnd highly delighted. ' Tho prices . of fresh' milch cows still range high. At tho salo of A. H Stoll nnd John J. Van .Sick lo last Wednesday cows sold as high as (50.03. Several were old, nnd prices averaged satisfactorily. The Board of Education organized im uedintly nftor their oleotlou last Tuesday, J. W. Johnson was re-elected President, nnd Madison Shay, Clerk. On motion it was ordered that evory teacher should nt the close of their term make oat a fill list of the text books belonging to the Town- hip, ud to the President or Clerk of the . The mlto nt Tim Shays last .Wednesday uight was n success, nnd tho young folk had lots of fun. You may bet one of those 63-ocnt dollars, though, that the crowd that weut about live miles In a big wagon to attend it, "will never do to nuy more," especially if thoy have to ride on the edge of the body to g,t thoro. The ladies especially bave our sincere sym pathy. At the regular numud school election Inst Tuesday, John J. Vau fickle man elected lu place of Francis Lnyton, for throe years. Benjamin 11. Hursb and Madison Shay were re-elected for the full term also. - One kind act should beget another, and old friends should not be forgotten. This Is good Christian dootriuo, too, but It does not always work that wny. Four years KW William O Drake was elected, or ap pointed rather, to succeed James 11. Fuller a Collector. When Drake qualified, Ful ler, as has always been the enstom in this town, paid ovor the school moneys In his hands to the amount of 9170U.OO. Perhaps Fuller did not have to do It, but the sym pathy racket was workiug at that time, an d I suppose his sympathies were touched too. This 11700 00 was worth fi of one per cent, to whoever paid It out to the teach ers, and therefore weut to Fuller's suo oessor. This Spring the bituution was re versed, and Fuller was elected to succm-d Drake, as Collector. Iuutead of paying over those moneys to Fuller, as has been the cusl o n, and as Fuller did to him, he will hold It, nnd pay wit to Juno go, Mid thereby rutalu the perquisite of the ollloe of Collector that baa heretofore always gone to tiie Incoming Collector at the time bequaliStd Perhaps tbl Is all correct Uudera strict intorprcUitlou of the law, but none the less, oue kiud act should be got another nnd old friomU shutild uot Lo forgotten. . , . t . .--.- " ' Cb'jmlnto soHal in the Chapel nt He vans this 'I'hiirslay night. Attend the soelitt, l.sik at the new iiionn over your right shoulder and be in lin k for n whole mouth. It was developed at the 1at ni.s'ttng of the Hoard of Kdiinntlon (hat of nil the hundreds of dollars worth of books bought nnil placed In mil suhuuls by the Town ship there Is. Jin data to show where they may bu lot kvfl for when wanted, ami no resiKmsfbrmy lifts Ij.vii placjd on any one for their caro or protection. This Is not pleasant news for the people who bave footed tlKi blllU, ,-' The CliibIome nt 11 vans will rKlikd anew with shingles, cnlorert ptvrn, iiml niitiimh'il with ureusuto as u premrvn til vt. Ua hniH" nnd (iiiUniililin-t will mIm) Ik? froshly p!ntH thU Spring. If ft Trushf iHfonii's tlrvtt nf tfm Incrn UveolHcn, mny hv tint resign f Why, cer tainly he nmy. : Thfn If he rcciills his rt'ttitfimdnn Just boforv Mention, would jroti draw tin Inform- that ho wns !n fttifiKM'd, or only that he was fh-klo mlntl- ttl ? I nltiipty ask for Inrormatloti. K'lirar Kltilr uml hU mother will move about April t to n farm noar Kaiuhnr. I'ho SandysNiu Irlnwlll miss Kdfxnr find no mlHtakc. Martin CltfTnnl, of Mount PJih, has lwm wHoumIv til for roiiio thnw past. Dr. 1 1 ill of Hranchvlllt, Is In attt'tidanco TlirtUl"fc son of R iborfc a. Prifvi, of MorristowM, dit-d at his Fiomo on March Uth of cniMumpt I'm. n)fd about 17 yoars Inturnu'iit lu thu Hratifhilh U.mii 'tcry. He was n pro!iilirif? youiis man, iirnl .tin family hjis tho heartfelt sympatliy of all (n their.tfreat Joss. Mr. Wlliinm Vrnn Nss, rcsldinn near Haini'.svlllit, wivm found dead In htd lait Thursday, presumably from heart dU eftsc. Mr- Van Ness was one of those fr men who -have the happy faeulty of she.l Uitx miiiHhine around thnui always, and possessed a jovial ami goo. I nat ureil pres :nro that madejlht of, and put to route many or tho ordin-iry Ills of lif . His leath will be mourned by his nelhhors ol evpry ilen'O. Tin; funeral s -rvld'S wore held Sunday forenoou. with lnUrm :nt In the Hainesvlllo cennstery. Tho electrical disturbrmen of Snturdav last was something quite unusual b, March. The annoyance to thoso needing N use the telephones was quite Pcrion, sperlally to warder veiling. We won't have that trouble with Hie Hudson River phones. Henry I. Wilson is get tin? out a frame Tor a new barn on the premises he ocre ties at Hainesvllle. Mr. Wilson. W.i -h Depne, and Daniel H. Hosenkrans ha. -nil Invested (inite a good many dollj -s in im proving this part of this villas .. Peth Shay was home from N v ir!t tvt r Sunday to attend the funeral uf his rela tive, William VanXess II BRICK HOUSE. Now how Is It? Hero wo nre havlni; thunderstorms already, and yet some p"o pie say we nre behind the times. No, sir, wo nro right nlong with tho procession; nil we lnck Is n brass bai.d. That annual school meeting rather took sonio people by surprise, whileothers were prepared for the outcome, whatever It might have been. Fifty-one votes were cast; three rejected. Frank Kerr, Jacob Hnniage and Jacob Nearpass were elected trustees j tko sum of HV) was voted for fuel, books, etc. But tho JS7.2!I, there Is where tho fun cam.) In. It only caught two votes, which in tant : U.Mitleiueu of the Hoard of E location, don't you get so Hip nnd buy thlugs without nsklng tho people when you have uo money to buy with. Oscar !. Vaiiaiikcn was elected President and J H. Lu-hvlg, - District Clerk for tho coming year. The Township Committee held their meeting at Tappnntown yesterday and lip pointed seventeen road overseers, and ap portioned tho road money. How wisely ttino will tell. Last year the devil was to pny in a certain quarter nud only by n narrow margin our Committee kept out of trouble ' Peter Peach, tho uowly elected member of Mm Commissioners of Appenl, declined the olli jo; so nil appointment will have to bo mnde. Henry Merrlng qualified and took the oath of office and is now Constable. Henry Ludvvig also renewed his bond, so the old saying misery loves company Is verified. , The Carswell lulu wal well attended. PikeConnty us usual was well represented. TheL. A. S of tho Reformed Church will hold their nnntml Foster Supper In the Church, on Thursday evening, April 7. If stormy, the next fair, evening. Save your change and help the ladies along. Howsoevof wo are a very quiet people over here nt present, of course in a few days it number of changes will take place and some of us will have new neighbors, maybe ill some cases the old ones would be preferable, but. novor, never borrow trouble, as Its time enough to battle with tho critter when it comes. (ioorgo-M. Mo Carty is getting proud. He is having his dwelling house painted Mrs. Ida Sargeaut of New York, Is visit lug her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Jloyt. William Decker is at present very happy. It's a girl and arrived on St Pat rick's day. Some Port Jervis smarties are fixing to outou a dose of Jersey law, some of these nice days. The sooner their practico of violating our laws Is broken up, the better for all. Some miscreant full of something more tbau lovo, shotdco. Armstrong's shepherd tog and trlisi to bide lit to but failed. If tbe guilty cus is found out, he may leeelve more thuu hu bargained for. DINGMANS FEKEY. WUlism Ben;-Ley Is treating his house to a now ooat of palut. W. F. tiiuley is tho color artist. Kliuer ItoweH. of Harmony, N. J., la visiting friends in this place. Caesar seems to crave uotrlety, as did E. P. U. If they are uot one and the sanio person, they are euough alike to be twins, and urith ir are worthy of serious uot'.co Jaiuos Ilepew hiis completed the bridge at Deep Hollow. Jnuios Angle, of Ceu're, is reu-.o lelliug his house. A social roeently held at J. C. Tltman's for tilt) benefit f tbe pastor, netted IH and ono at 1-uk.te Sinllh's, til). Mm. Harriet North went to Urooklyu, N. Y., last 8at urday, cul'ed thei-e by tho UlilSis of her mother. C. MATAMORAS. Mr. I). . Allen nnd Mr. Aire MulT of M.-ttanioras have a livery ami hoarding stahle In o!H vlllairn. They are Ideated where the late Mr. Mlllott hud his livery and hoiirdlng sfuhln. 'I'll ' gentlemen por chased some uf the hes( hornesand ooaehes and light rarrhiufs, nt. Mis. Mllltilt'n satn last Friday, and also new ones They will do well by (heir friend when they rail upon Diem for a goml ho mo and earrhige at reasoimhle prlees. MIsr lluttlr Allen left town on Monday for WeMtown She will vlnlt friends at t'nionvHIe, and Newton, N J Im fore ri' turiitng home All h Mary Squires, Miss Imlu llltlman, and Miffl Majiio Hoer meuiliers of the IVisellla ( p'ra t.'oinpnny go with t he other members of lite Otimpauy to Moii tleello, on Kriiiay evening Tito perform ance will lw given at Murray's Mnnle Hall. The Kins' Dnutfhter s held their meet ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Paines. The younif ladles report, having l very pleasant time. Mr. and Mrs Daniel Huirsheo, of this vilingt1, celehrated their tenth anniversary it their home on Main St, Monday evening. Ahout IV friends assembled to tender their congratulations to Mr and Mrs Hugshee. A number of henutif ul presents wen nre-eiited to them During the evening very cholee refreshments were served. The evening was passed In a very pleasant manner. Their friends trust t hey may enjoy many more pleasmit anniversaries. A delegation of Matamoras railroad men from the Air Drake school of this village went to the home of their Instructor, Mr. Clark Caskcy, mi Kingston Ave. Port Jervis Tuesday, and presented htm with n raudsome writing desk, In hehalf of the vhool, and- Mrs. Caskey, with a center table. Mr. (.'has. Sampson made the pre. filiation speeeh, and Mr. Caskey made a ra;eful response. Mrs. Millott's sale took plaee at the 1 Intel last Friday and Saturday. Mr. Hot-ton, of Mrlford, was the auctioneer. Vearly everything was sold. Wo regret hat, Mrs. Mlllott leaves the Hotel, and 'jope she will meet with good sueeoss In her lew home. The Ladies' Aid society eonncted with thoKpworth church, Matnmorns, gave a ,'aricty -'.io e;- ;it (lie f.hureh (Hi Krlday vetdo:: Tic tnl)!es .vcie lllled with np ):iii.!:r viands Sirioer wns ready at six 'el ick and at ci-r'tt o'clock thoro was an v ei i il ii tii'tit consisting of selections by !i choir, recitations and rendings and i t b it' ii'it leas), tin oltl fashioned choir i ten ;l some flue selections Mr. Fred Vi klium Impersonated the old fashioned iinlter anil five young ladles of the hurch represented tho old fashioned holr. Dressed in old fashioned dresses and iats It was a novel and interestlngaffatr. Everyone enjoyed the entertainment and supi)cr. The evi-nlng passed very pleas mtly an 1 quite u sum was added to the treasury of the. church. A social under tho auspices of tho C K. of Hope church was held at Mr. Victor funis' pleasant home on Washington St. last night. A very pleasing program was rendered. Mrs. Spiedel and Frank Wil kin played duets and instrumental solos, M rs. Coon rod of Port Jervis recit ed ono of her fatuous pieces, "Tho Toboggan " ami neatly pleased thn largo audience present. The pictures from the Ladies' Home Jour nal wi'ro on sale. A considerable Bum was realized from the pictures. i?. GEEELEY. A veay sad accident occurred at this place lavt Thursday at the home of Mr. Hipp. While Mis. Hipp and son I'eter were attending the funeral of Louis Thielr ashort distance from tho former's homo, old Mr. Hipp wandered from his house to :i small hro:k near by and fell In and was drowned. It Is not known whether it was accidental or intentionally, as lie had been very feeble for a long time. He was .71 years of nge and leaves to mourn his loss a wife and three children, one son,(i.iorge, and one daughter lived in tho city and fetor lives at home. Ho was taken to N'evv York last Saturday for burial in their family plot. Mr. Jack Unrulier spent Sunday at the jlen with his brother and sister. W. K. Hartwell spent a few days last week with his filends at Kldred, Sullivan county. N. Y. Dr. Howard nnd wifu made a call at Uureher's Glen last Sunday. Mr. und Mrs. K. Klinert gavo ft reception last Saturday night at their home, In hon or of John Newman and wife. Aliout i!0 of their friends were with them and had a jolly good time. A bran new boarder came to tho homo of Uiish Knoedler's last week. Helng a young farmer It wus a welcome guest, All are doing well. Ross Kosem-raiise Is driving team for Mr. Uuruher this week lu his brother's place while bo is attending court as a juryman. Daisy Bell. LETTERS FROM TIIE PEOPLE. Tinier t his head wo will insert, comniiinl catiolis on current, and political topics without lieing responsible for the senti ments expn-sed, and invite such discus sion as may lie proper ami of general in terest lo ttie people. Kurroit I'kkss. KlilTOH PiiKss 1 take much interest Jn your editorials, particularly so in the one on unequal taxation, in your last issue. Wo know that tho farmer pays too great a share of the tax, and we think it unju.it. hut there is auother point to which I would call your attention. If I understand aright, one man may invest a sum of money in a farm, and pay a heavy tax thereon, while auother may invest the sitmesum in a mercantile business, groceries for in stance, and pay but a small sum for li cense. If this is so, is it just? The man In business derives much profit from the farmers' labor, and thus adds uuother bur den for the poor hayseed to carry . W. Tho prt'sijunt of MuuuliuMor As sociation of Enineors, who litis re cently boon in this country, in le.akiiigof our iron and steel inanti fucuru.s, says : "Tho United States, with her boundless natural resources counled with tho energy of her Hviiiln, is destined to becomoThe woi k-shop of the world. " Ho might al.s ) havenddel that her pr..tootiva sysU'tn is tha cause of tho prore-ss she has made in this lino- our repuhr pfjindrird Pifiliciee is J. HMYtVOfili, A.M.. rrefewr of Val!.'-:. ut: -s, ( it rheln Uni ver'i'y, V. e-levv'l! ', (I. lULr-Sin r .TTl.t S, poc. Anecdote of President Mo Klnley. lohn Itowe, who has: been n res idi'iit of Topeka for forty years, but wlio formerly lived in Ohio, relates tin following nneedote of President McKinley : . . "t have known Willinni McKinley sinee he was a small boy. Ho won a horse race for me at Younp-'town when he was only 14 yours old. At that time I was dealing a little in fust horses) and had n runner nt tho YouiiRstown fair. I offered young M'-Kinley tl to ride my horse, and promised to give him ." if ho won tho raoo. "Thn boy was willing to ride, but before ho would do so he went to his father and askod per mission. 'The father said lie could do ns ho pleased, and so tho lad ac cepted my olTer. He won thoraco," said Mr. Hoiso in conclusion, "and ho has won every race lie has enter ed sinee." Thoso "debt-ridden" and "mirt age.eit'.iu" farmers of Nsbrtskti must have found a very rapid im provement in their condition since tho rejection of free silver and free tra To, and tho a lojiti on of a protec tive tariff with a sound money sys tem. La to reports from that State show that a movement is on foot for the ofaui. ir.i m of co-ooerative beet sugar factories in various parts of the State and that the area to be planted to beefs this year will be te'i thousand ncres in excess of that of last, and this, too, in die face of tho threat by the factories now ex ist ing of n reduction in the price to be paid for beets in case of tho annex ation of Hawaii. Washington Hotels. RIGG3 H0U32. The hotel par excellence of tbe capital, located within one block of !h.i While House and directly opposite the Tieusurv. Finest table in the city. WILLARD'3 HOTEL. A famous holelry. retieirk-iMe for Its historical asso. i;otons and lonrr sar-.taiaed p iptilurity. H"- -ntly renovate.'!, repainted and partially refurnished. NATIONAL H3TEL A landmark anioiu; the hotels nf Wash iiiirt'in, patronied in former vears bv presidints and oHieials. Always ii prime favorite. Hccelllly nuuoileleil ' and rendered belter th ei ever. Opii. l'a. H K. dep. WAI.'I Kit JilUTON, It'cs. Mgr. These hotels are tho principal political rendezvous of the e-e.it-il Mt tine's. They are tbe best stopping places at rea sonable rates. O. O. STAPLES. Proprietor. O. DEWIfT, Manager. EXECUTOR'S SALE OF Real Estate ! The undersigned will sell the following real estate, of which Marv Martens, late of th i Borough of Milford, in the County of I'ike, died, selaed, by I'ublio Vendue or outcry, on FKIDAY, MARCH 18, ls:, at two o'clock In the afternoon, In the hall of the Court House, in the Borough of-Mlliord, viz : Two town lots In said llorongh, on Seventh Street, Nos. T.'i" and :H. Each lot 10 leet wine anil lsl teet III depth. Terms made known on day of sale bv . WlM.IAM MlTVMKI.L, Kxecutorof will, etc., of Mary Miuicus, Jec. Milf ird, Mar. H, 'H. THE EICYCLE REPAIRER, will sell this year C dumbia Bicycles . . ?T to 155. Barkloy Bicycles, iy. Elmore Bicycle., :?,;.". Pacema'ier UioyeVs, . . . i?'.'.") Good second h i;id wheels, . i18. A stock cf new sundries and Tires. Repairing done at reasonable prices. Broad St., . mi!o d, Pa NOTICE. All ptTM.n am hon-fiv nutlfiiil that pruhitjilfd. Ity o"1"' nf Tin totvn runfH. i'rinl-rir, iro U ih. MuI'orU, Mixy u, lvt. Dr. David Kennedys hivcHfe Remedy CUfES A!L HIDNCY.&TOMACH ' -AN U 'IV I. H TROUBLES. Reduction Sale Great Bargains. BIG CUT. "Hang cut our banner oil the outer wall," with "Re ductions" on it. Wo wish to proclaim to the people of Mil. ford that we nre making sweeping reductions on our entire stock of Winter cloth ing. 'I his is a soft snap nt this season of the year, when allot tho coldest weather is yet before us but. we must dispose of our Winter stock of suits for men nnd boys before tho season is over. $15 Suits now - - - $11 $14 Ulslers now - - $10 $9 " " - - $ 6 GUNNIES FLANAGAN, Cor, Front, and Sussex streets, 1'ORT Jl'.KYIS, N. Y. Have You Small Foot ? If you have you can take ad vantage of n misjudgement in nirchasiuK we bought too many two and a half. 8eventy-Fiv3 Psirs Women's Shapely Shoes size TWO AND ONE-HALF ONLY but in all widths from A to LB, and in either lace or button, wo olTer at a bargain. A lew were built to sell at i.UKi, but the bulk nre con sistent !?3.00 shoes. YOUR CHOICE FOR $1.25! Look at 'em in the window. TITTER OF FEET, Port Jervis, N. Y. WALL PAPER. Wo have it to jileaso tho most fastidious. All colors, styles, fig ures and price-!. It cannot be described; come and inspect for yourselves. Other seasonable goods, stylish and cheap. Wo beat tho band on groceries. RYMAN -:--:- & WELLS. TIME TABLE. Corrected to Date. Solid riillnian truins to HulTalo. N'iatf. ara Kali.-.. ( liautii'Kpia Lake, t'li.-velalld, Cliii-atfo ami t iiicinnal i. 'I'ieki ls on Mite at Port .TervU lo all lolnu in tin- Wr.,i ami .-'outliwei.at lower fltlert tbau ta any oilier lir.it-class lillu. TitAiNs Now Leave Tout Jkkvis ah r oi.i.ow s, KASrWAKI). V; N"o. 1-J, Daily Express. 4 IDA M " lo. li.iiiy ''.x,i-(-H 5 en o " li. I).. liy I'xc-pl Sunday . . H :io 11 " -N, " " " 7 4.'. " o lioti, Soiidev Onlv .... 7 4.1 " " I. ilv h'.X'-cia Sunday.. In 11 " " ii, Daily Way Train IJ la p. m " an. " " 3.;i " " 'J. Daily Kxpres 4 -.'a " ti:Jo. .-ae;iay Duly 4 ;(ij u " s. Daily K.uexi i eo o .aii'Iay io:iy 5 :ia o ' Daiiv Kxccjit Sunday . Ii la " " 14, Dally '. . . lo. w W i:.Vl'WARD. No. 3, Daily KxpresH U'Ol A. M. " 17, Dailv Mlik Train S 05 " " 1, Daily K press 11 : " " 1 1, Daily I-x. cpt Sunday . . 1J 10 r. m. ". . 5. I :i i ly 1- xjio srf ....... . 6 mi " " 7, Dai.y Kcept Siimlay . II sr " " 7, Daily Kxpri'as Ill la " Trains l'ave Cliainlii-rs Htreet, New York for lairt .Ier is on week days at 4 no, 7 4a, in", uia. lo :io a m. 1 no, aim, a so, 4 ;i, n ao, i i. s 4a p. m. uu Sun I'iyi, 4 ll, 7 la, U OO, U 1j u. m.; I-J ju. a.uo, 7 30 ,md 8 10 l'. it. II. I. Kubrrta, 4o-llt-ril I'ussliKr Ageut, Nrw Vurk, I. w. '..ok-, AMUlaiit Oviu-ral I'asseuuivr Atfeut, .Nt?w Vui-k. P3ew and new and ever new NEW SPRING Hero are tho newcomers. Thcv MAKEKS' ART, nnd wonders in the matter of PRICK. Thoy are Just what Ave have been wishing to offer you for some time. They will wear well. We recommend them to tho most FASTIDIOUS. We could fill a page descanting on our foot wear, bntsoneo is limited and life is short. Read these facts, g tods. LiAUlhS' t IN K VICI KID SHOES. Pennine hand.aoworl latest, toes lace or button, tan or black. B. C. D or E widths: FINE WILLOW CALF SHOES, genuine hand-sewed. woltd latest lasts, tan and black, in C. D. BOTH OF ABOVE! FOR $2.75. YOUNGSTERS. The kind that don't wear ont so easily, you will find here hi every desirable and correct fdiaj e nt Fntisfactory prices. CinLPREN'S pure Dongola Kid Shoes, sizes 6 to y for 590. YOUTHS' shoes in satin calf, up to 13, for 69o. INSPECTION INVITED. PARROW Successors 77 Pike Street, We have our oth year in Port Jervis and it has been f the most successful one of the lot. Our January Trade for 1898 is v nearly double that This gives us new give the people of Milford and vicinity a larger stock and still lower prices. In fact we expent to cut things all loose this spring and make We have about 7 carloads of All new and up to date. Look out for us this snring. New York Furniture Co. "92 Pike street, Port Jervis, It. Y. New York Millinery Parlors. New Millinery. New Firm. Old Established Store. Beautiful artistic millinery in all the prevailing styles. II EST OK WORK AT Also a complete line cf Infant's wear. Give us a call and we will endeavorto please. SALLEY & ENNIS, 73 Pike Street, Port Jervis, N. Y. A LITTLE HORSE SENSE. Applied to tlie qunHtion of a utove will demonstrate 1 the fact tlia r gootl stove in more of a conuiiloro l.i.tu thtn any other article of furniture. If you oon Biiler t Lis fact why exiMirimunt with souie untried stove wlicu you can buy the DOCKASH for the tuune money or less thun uny other utove in the market. There in but ono genuine. LUDLUM & PECK, A3 FRONT STREET, PORT JERVIS, N. Y. C FOOTWEAR nro mnstornireea of TTI51 RfTOtT. tnen come and feast vnnr oves mi t.lm in th MEN in t or E widths, worth 4 of) & FRANKS to L. Burnett. Port Jervis, N.Y. just closed of 1897. courage and we will goods on the way. SHORT NOTICK. I X 7 A 1