ti t I The trouble with thousands of women Is not "female weakness," although many physicians suppose it is. The real Bladder. Iloctora of.en fail to effect a give the right remedy. Women as well selves if their Kidneys are diseased.- First Dr. I got AW a s i ft" WW? Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy is a perfect blood and nerve medicine. It restores the liver to a healthy condition and cures the worst cases of constipation. It is a certain cure for all diseases peculiar to females. Favorite Remedy is such a certain cure that the Dr. David Kennedy Conr-ORATiuN, Rondout, N. Y., will forward, prepaid, a free sample bottle to every sufferer who sends his or her full postoffice address and mentions this paper. The fact that our liberal offer appears in this paper is a guarantee of iu genuineness. All druggists sell Favorite Remedy at $1.00 a bottle. IMPERIAL QUICK TIME RANGE. All Baking Records broken, 278 Loaves of Bread Baked in Seven Hours with but 18 Pounds of Coal. SWINTON & CO., We try to anticipate the need of our customers. Now is the tims that you begin to need winter goods. We have just received A complete line of Medium and Heavy Weight Underwear, also Ladies, and Chil dren's Dress Goods Suitable for Winter. COME AND EXAMINE THESE GOODS THE QUALITY AND PRICES WILL SURPRISE YOU. OUR STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES IS UP TO DATE. CROCKERY AND HARDWARE IS COMPLETE. " " GROCERIES IS OF THE BEST PRICES RIGHT. DO YOU WANT SPORTING GOODS, GUNS, RE VOLVERS, HUNTING COATS, LEGGINGS, ETC., OR ANY KIND OF AMMUNITION ? WE HAVE A NEW LINE OF THESE GOODS. Wo can Rive you prions that will interest you. Co n't we do some business with you, ;BR0WN & ARMSTRONG, 5 Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all iat Cent busine&scoaducted for Moderate Fee. 5 Our Office is Opposite. U.S. Patent Office laitd wecanstvure putciiLia lei tuue tuaa Uut remote from Washington, j bead model, drawing or phnto., with desenp- ftion. We advise, if patentable or not. iiceot t diarge. Cur fee not due t.il natent is secured. , f A PAMPH LET, iii'W to ijt'tuin I a tents, with f fcost ot Miue in the U. S. and turcica cuuutntiai sent free. Address, iC.A.SfJOW&CO. Opp. Patent Office, Washington. D. C. 5 STANDARD OUR WATCHWORD. "The best is none too good." HARDMAN, MEHLIN, K N ABE and STANDARD PIANOS. FARRAND and VOTEY ORGANS. DOMESTIC NEW HOME and STANDARD .SEWING MACHINES, Foj sale for cnnii or on easy term s. Nee ties and all parts for nil in achltiea , KiTPAlKlNU A Sl'KCIALTY Tuning of PlANOti and OHOA.NS by A ociuptjujiit tuner, B. S. MARSH. OPERA HOUSK BLOCK. lOHT JtRVIS, N. V. trouble lies In the Kidneys, Liver and cure, simply because they don't as men can ascertain for them- Kimply fill a bottle or glass tum bler with urine and let it stand a day and a night. If there is a sediment at the bottom, something is wrong with the Kidneys. If there is a desire to urinate often if there is a 'pain in the small of the back if the urine stains linen look out! The Kidneys are diseased. Lndie3 can take Dr. David Ken- Ah nedy's Vayorite Remedy with perfect as surance of relief. It will cure them of Kidney, Liver and Bladder disorders just as certainly as it cures men. Mrs. G. W. Davfntort, of West Troy, N. Y., says: "I was troubled with my Kid neys, and suffered intense pain in my back and loins. The wife of Dr. Robinson, pastor of the Avenue Methodist Church, recommended David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy. some, and have used it ever since, with the result that I am greatly benefited. All prns have left me, and I am like another person." PORT JtZRVIS, N. Y. MILFORD, PA. fc-jythe Best? CI" . RAfJGE A RULE WILL TELL THE TALE Mi AHure and ehii i n otrn r miifrtea aud thu you wal buaUiUiiJi bl'i-t-X tlA.Sl.t. Kutlasd, Vt July W, 1897. 0. H. Oft'WH ft CO. C'f utt ;irn:x (Tivra me ytlras'irfttoTolnn tartly reru.uin.'ii't the vt. - of " 'ilie Uiimm bu-.-l Hiiiie" h Itutvo In Diyh"iis for the 1. ;u,t wVfii uti.uttiji. Wo th uk H (Iiki pt-rffi-t work, lb y ut crale, erniionil. al In furl, uud tlion-iiulily ommtrui-iftt. 1'n ti-tivt' nirt'lutM-r W til liiako Un liili-H'kt la bu nit.' a ' Otimin htool Kaiitfo." .ount truly, KAl.l'H HT"lhAKD. U lUi Uclt- . tiiKlujii JUk. Co, Write for eirrmiar and in- lurt at we a 11 direct. 4 3. IT. GU1M5I te CO. t ManufHiturera, Itutland, Vt, Dr. David HcnnedyS lavorifc Hentcdy Cuhii ail Money. &iomu h . " ... AW P UVfcA TKUUtiLES, THE SPRING ELECTION. f 'nniplcte Krturnn From nil the Ton,' m.OOMlNfJ GROVE. JikVp ttf KIrction, Hlrnni HnVr. r. 12 Knvln llnzi'ii, il. 81; Iiispcctor (if Klc olicm. r rmiK L. iiinvcil, r, 1 1, iimini J). Kcl il, 41, i n d, Ij. VcslhriHik, (1, 41, Siiinnci Vi'imif, .lr.. (I, 41, Milton, R RuIomhi, 1; Town Clerk, Diml. (4. lliitton, ,?r.( r. 15, hit. R llnzi ii, d, Sill; Auditor, VV J Coon r, l , Wlllliun H Westlirook. d. IB. As se.sf, (tcoio Reynolds, d, 117; OvorNtvr of I'oor, rniiiK c. Howell, r, in, Mimiiei Venule, .Jr. d, All; rVliool Director, .lnhn ii'in luiiiH, r, in, J' in ii K .Miller, il, m, .losepli A. Hiinvon. d, Hli: Townsliln Trea- suili-, W.J. Coon, r, HI, Kd. R. Hitzcu, d. ill. i DKI..A WARK. .Tiide nf Election, K J. DnrrnRli, d, 114 (J. A. Vim Anken. ind. 4: InHie'tor of f.leellon. Mlllltll I reliile, r. lit, .lolin w. Hrown, d. 07; Supervisor, Irving H. AnIe r, tm. Willhun (Jllinon-, d, 1IH, Henrv S AllirlL'lit, d. ins, Diinlel K. Van Klten, d. 1MI, IJmilel .hiKio-r, d, K: Town Clerk Herman Latin, r, 7(1, A L. Alliripht, d, 8 i; Auditor. Henry M. Courtiinflit, d, 111 Aa pesHtir, W. 11. liMvton, d, rJl: OverKeer of I'oor. Milm Wliilescll, r, lid, 1) O. Rrod lienil, d, 1Mi; School Director, J. R. Shoe maker, r. ill, Robertson Shi pherd, d, 81, R. Vim Uorden, d, nil; Justice of the Peace, Pierre M Nills, r, (HI, John W. Krnzler, d, 1 IK, O S. Lnkin, d, 81. DINKMAN. .Tieb-'e of Kleclion, Julius W. Klcscl. r, 4"i, hdwln DiMke, d, ll; Inspector of Elec tion. Arijlii'.c J. Dubois, r, 311 Jules E. I, oilcan, d, i.'ii, E. A. (Treening, Ind, 1; Sll- p'Tvlsol', .To .cpb .1 Dubois, r, 41, 1 homafl .1. Quick, d. IW, K. (). Roillolnt, r, 81, Jas. Hohii n. il.lt". Edward 11. Orben, d, 61, l.oui.4 (bivoiiic. d. 70, E. A. (irceniniT, ind, ill; Town iJleik. John E. Olinstcl, d, Hi); Auditor, (4cor(ieS Uhn-ted, r, 4n, llllam . Drake, u. To; Assess r. Alexander Ibirvoille, r, 51, David J. Newman, d, 6-", Dvciseer of 1. oor, John 11. McCurty, r, hi, Chrlsibui Scitz, d, 17; School Director, Siimucl Dcti-ick, r, 411, (Charles Rridc, r, nil. Christian E. Scitz, d, 41, Cornelius I b celling, d, ivJ GREENE. .Tiidiroof Election, Edward finnn, HR O. E. Hurrus. 'iS; Inspectors, Chas. Simon. Ivil E. r . tTiIpin, o:J; supervisors, .luenb nders. 84. .1. H. Rnrrus. 1(11, Krank Kri- bole, 115, J. P. Manhai t 12, Hcnson Cnrl ton, 111 I, S, Foulkrod, 7t, Wm. Carlon, 40, Felix Olsouler, Til, John Hoifrhter, B:, Town Clerk, S. J. Dickerson, 111. E. E. Corey. f8, Auditor, Jacob Simon lriil, l4eo. II. Hanks, 41; Assessor, .1. IV i arlton, is!, J. R. Gilpin, liT. Overseer J'oor, Peter, Hcrscbcr. Ill (4 H. Rolmcker, fil; School Director, John M. Smith, lib, S. Carliton. Ion, T. N. Cross it" W Able 57; Justice of Peace Peter Corey 81 (4. li Uortree W. LAC Iv AW A X E N . Jtlclifo of Election. O. (). WlieellllK, d, 1'2I: Insoeclor of Election. O..I. Klernnn, r, S. lv James, d, 115; Supervisor, W. V. ISurcher. r, 1-Jii, Wesley, Crillln, r, 81, Frank llurckhardl, r, !Hi, L. E. James, r, 74 .Vni. lilrdsall. f. 7H. W. II. Cmvirill, (I, 111, Albert llriirtr. d, 12ft. Lot Daniels, d, 114, '. Willbims. (1, l-.1i. John, Hotclis, d. 125; I'own Clerk. C. W. Sbiinnon, r. 87, Henry Hewitt, d, 11(1; Auditor, R. W. Kelly, r. Inn. C C. Shannon, r, (14, (4 W. Wood, d, ll'i. David Huxton, d, PI; Assessor, Almanzo, Griswold, r, 101, E M. (xoble, d, I'Hi; Overseer of Poor, C. A. Gillet t, r, III, W. K. Hutan, d, 1M; School Director, Wm. J. Iluirhes, r. 811, Ed Chandler, r, 85, w If. Ashur, d, l.'l), Michael Whalen, d, 109. LEHMAN. .Indue of Eleclion, Jnines Cole, r, !)7, Wm. Hineline. d, 8U; Inspectorof EliTtlou Romaln Wittaker, r, 42; Chas. H. Quick, d ,55; William Depue, ind., 80. Super visor. John Snyder, r. 58; Samuel Cort riKlit,, r, 40; Daniel Brodhend, d, (15; John Gould, d, 711; Samuel Ward, d, 68; E. R. Selioonovei' d, 81; Daniel Henslcy, ind, 1; Win. J- Depuo, ind, 1. Town Clerk, 44. E. Swartwood, d. 2; Wallace Hcnsley, Ind, 1; Palmer Warner, Ind, 1; Henry Gaiiss, ind, 1 Assessor, Rupert Nills, r, 42; S. Ij. Schoonover, d, 85. Oversser of Poor. lyponard Gariss, r, 81 ; Ira Heater, r. 28; John Lifts; d, 84; Henry Stewart, d, 81. School Director, David Iloueher, r, 8!l; George Iterjrstresser, r, 85; M. R. Swart wood, d, 58; Henry Schuyler, d, (17. MILFORD HOROUGH Judire of Election. Arthur U McCnrty.r Wi arren V. Choi, d, 8I(; Inspector of Election, Frank H Thrall, r, 58; Henjaniln Kyte, d,81; Auditor, Alfred S. DiiKrninn, r.'lH, .Tosiah F. Terw illitrer, d, 71, Robert Filldlay, Ind, 1; Assessor, George Slawfton, r, i5 Krank Van Cainpen, d, 75; Overseer of Poor, A. A. Van Anken, d, 1113, William Woolcoek, d, 185; Jouncilinan, Albert J. Rudolph, r, (0, William T. Strublo, r, 3j Nathan Fuller, d, 72, William H. Aimer, d, 75; iliith Constable. Gi-nrffo Smith, r, 71; Hritton Tlioinaa, d, (13, George Hnus, Ind, INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT OK MILFORD. School Director, John IL Ryder, r. 55; Charles Lattlmore, r, 5(1. Jacob Klaer. d. 87. . I. J. Hart, d ill: Auditor, Robert W. Flndlay, r, 57, Fn nk Schorr, d 81 MILFORD TOWNSHIP. Jiultre of election. Henry Mc.Carrv. d, 23, lnsnector of Election, Walter H Warner, d. II. John (4. Maier, d, 11; Supervisor, William Resor, d, 11. Christian Herman, d,' 18. Georjrc Peroz. ind, 211; Town Clerk, J. Chrissy Hull, d, SO; Auditor, Waller it. Warner, d, 17; Assessor, George M. Quick, d, 14, Ed. Gibbons, ind. 11; Justice of the Peace, Jack Nyce. d, 20, Edward Qiiinn, d. 20; Overseer of Poor, John Maier, d, 25, Ed Gihbrma, 1. . PALMYRA. Jndiw of Election, Edwin Kellam, d, 32, A. H. Down, ind, 40; Inspectorof Election John Zimmerinanii d. 35, Henry Masker, Ind, 88: Supervisor, John N. Di nroat, 'd, 33, Georie Anslcy, d, 34, Henry Gllmble, ind, 2li, Wesley ('ross, Ind. 40; Town Clerk C. C. Gullible, d, 211, C. E. Williams. Ind, 41; Auditor, Henry Von r rank, it, 32,, Ed win Ktl I in ii , d, ;Hi, Epliraim Kinibie. ind, 3d, Conrad (iiimiile, Jr., Ind, 20. Posten Cross. Ind, 1 ; Assessor. Emory Haleton, d. 85, PobIcii R tWoss, Ind, 47 A J. Kim ble, ind, 1; Overseer of Pour, Michael J Lvnii d. 2d, A.J Kimble, ind, 43. C. E Wil'iiiins, hid. 1; School 1 lircctor. Thomas DulTv. Sr., d, a", Frank Ilea, d, 511, U.K. Williams. Ind. 41. O. 10. Killiam, ind, 1, Con. Gullible, ind, 1 SHOHOLA. Judge of Election, C. Wand, r, 41. Frank Keller, d, 87; Inspector of Election, J. P. UwHiicr. r, 44, Joseph P Worzel, d, 85; Supervisor, Viilcniino lUpsiuun', r, 42, Thomas llradford, r, 46, Jacob Iiloom, d, 87, Stephen D. Wells, d, 85; Town Clerk, E R. Kalbfus, r, 44, Geo A KuealiliK, d, Nil; Auditor, Alex Klrkpatrick, r, 43, Chas. G. Worzel, d. 8li; Assessor. Gillicrt Sweezcy r. 41, G. A. KnealliiB. d, HI): Oveiwr Poor Win Van Hrauier, r, 45, David McKeau, d. 85; S 'hool Director, John Marquardt, r, 43, Cliai les M. t'wivzy, r, 41, Georo 8 Perrv, r, 48. Peter G. Hess, d, 8rt, David Mclvcaii, Sr , d, J, L. J. .Mlddauijli, d, 82, WKSTFALL. Judie of F".lection, Thoma J. Ketcham, r. 118. Alex Hunk, d, 2o0; lusiector of KKiclliill. Eraslll. L Hatch, r, 133, Wlll- Uiin C Com triicht, d, 1811, C. T. l.nn(lon, ind, 1; Supervisor, Henry Van Horn, r, 118, A inzic Strait, r, 130, Calvin C. Saw yer, d, 2rJ, Isaac Labar, d, 105; Town ( Jlerk. John S. Durant, r, lliii, E. A. Sny der, d, 173: Auditor. Jessy W. Palmer, r, 12li, John Aldrleh, d, 188; Assessor, Ben1 Jiimin T. Durant, r, 1111, Find Dreyer, d, 2o8, Clint West brook, Ind, 1; Overseer of Poor, Juuies C Rose, r, 131, Ma' thew Cur tis, d, 1115; School 1 i rector, Ambrose O. ValidiTvort, r, 151, William S. Percival, r, 118, Fred K.ciiiiK, d, 174, Alfred, Devlin d. 1S5; Juslice.of the Pcaeo, Auvustua W. IJali.ll, sr., r, 13'J, Jclro Vau Gulden, d, 180. VALUATIONS AND TAXABLES OF TIKE COUNTY FOR 1897 AND 1S97. Township. Taxahles. Val. Rkai, Estatb. Hohsks. & mplrh Catti. HloomlnR Grove , 155 t 82 .135 100 18S Delaware, 811 1C8.H5S S1H 181 Dlnsrnmn 2"H 81 1113 m ,15 Greene , 881 (13 .37(1 . ar.3 874 Lackawaxcn 581 J1II.7U1 Js3 .y Lelimnii !'3 (17,180 p.,, Milfonl Hiiro 850 102 150 H', p) MilfordTwp. 83 83 r 51 Palmvra ' BIS 74,iH) : 17,, Porter 21) 41.231 15 o Phoholn 850 B4.4W pr, jpi West Fall 705 151,132 lou do I 8,22 I 1,053,78 j Till j vm 1S9R. ninoinlng Grove 153 $ 85 853 ( Pr? Delaware 844 107 313 228 Ik:) Dinunian 2:14 85 783 l.vi 147 tirmill 880 W.'Wl 2M 874 Laxawaxcn f27 120. 1(11 j;im Lehman 808 (Ki.285 Jk:I 1m7 Milford Horo 873 103.471 115 20 Mllford Twp. 81 83.803 . 00 58 Palmyra S07 73,158 17 if,s Porter SO 41.18(1 15 (j Shohola S43 (M.755 ( (15 West Fall i7 151,115 11(1 D8 i mri i To5!l,52 j 1507 j 174U Value of Improved real estate, 1807, Value of improved real estate, 18H8 Value In horses and mules, 18H7,. " " cattlo ' . . ' 5t.il25 Value In horses and mnlcs, 181)9, 3I,k5 " ' cattlo, " 18,355 153,211 Decrease, 11.024. The total valuation In 18(17 for taxation was ijl.222,518 ) T o The total valuation In 18W for taxation Is 1,230,(118 ! increase, J8, 100 The valuation of unseated lauds is added to make the above totals PORTER. Judire of Eleetlon, Jeffrey W. Smith, d, 15; Inspector of Election, Martin Van Why, d,ll. Georne T. Smith, d, 13; Su pervisor, W. C. Van Vliet, d, 11, K. M. Van Why, d, 13, Town Clark, Philip R. Clark, d, 13, Auditor. Cha. W. Cotirt riKht, d, IS, Assessor, Philip B. Clark, d, 13, Overseer of Poor, Philip B. Clark, d, 13. School Directors, Martin Van Why, d, 13, William J. Smith, d, 13, Constable, George T. Smith, d. 13 COURTS OF A1TEALS. Notice Is hereby Riven that tho County Commissioners will hold the Courts of Ap peals on the following dates and places, to wit : Blooming Grove Township, March 15. houso of M. C. Westbrook. Delaware Township, March 28 and 29, at election house. Dlnginnn Township, Man-h 1, Commls sinner's office. Green Township, March 16 and 17, r.t eleetlon house. Lackawaxcn Township, March Sandllnt house of Godfrey Wielund. Porter and Lehman Townships, Manh 30, at house of Martin L. Bach. Milford Borough, March 3 and 4, at Con -mlsslnner's office. Milford Township, March 2, at Com missioners office. Palmyra Township, March 18, at house of Americas Down. Shohola Township, March 10, at house of John Vogt, Jr. Wostfall Township, March 11 and 12, at house of John F. Engelhart. Sessions will begin at 9 o'clock A. M. and continue until 5 P.M. By ordor of the Board, Geo. A. Swkpeniser, Coinmrs.' Clerk. Commissioners' Office, Feb. 10, 1898. 2w SALE OF COUNTY BONDS. The County of Pike, Pa , will soil eighty t801 bonds of one hundred dollars ($100) each, dated March 7, 181. payablo, twenty (30 bonds) In 1809, thirty (30) In each of the years 11)00 and 11101, with interest at five percent, per annum payable semi-annually- Written sealed bids will be received at the Commissioners office until Dine o'clock A. M., March 7, 1808, at which time bids will be opened and bonds awarded to the highest and best bidders at the Commis sioner's office. No bids will be considered at less than par. The commissioners reserve the right to reject all bids. All acc-pted bids not paid forln five days will be cancelled. Address bids to Geo. A. Swkpkniser, Clerk, Commissioner's Office, 2w. Milford, Ptt A Monster Engine. The Scion tiflo American illustrates and gives details of the largest loco motive engine ever built. It has roccntly been constructed by tho Brooks works for the usa of the great Norh Pacific railway over its mountain route. It weighs lOCi tons and 750 pounds. The cylinders are 21x31, the pull on the drawhar i 23 tons, capable of hauling a land . f 7,700 tons on the level. The boiler at its largest diameter is 87 inches and tho area of the fire box is 235 square feet. The working pressure is 210 lbs. to the square inch. The horsepower of the machine equals 2,640. I have given Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a fair tost and consi der it one of the very best remedies fir croup that I have ever found. One dose has always been sufficient, although I use it freely. Any cold of my children yields ve y readily to this medicine. I can conscientious ly recommend it for croup and colds in children. Oko. E. Wolfic, Clerk of the Circuit Court, Feruandinu, Fla. Sold by Druggist & Oeneral Merchants in Pike county. Kvcrrkody 8a. Cusr.nreta Candy Cathartic, the most won derful iiudicul discovery of the bt-'e. p.e&9 aut and rurivsinuir to the laste, act gently aud positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, cleansing the entire syab 111, diti-l colds, cure lieuiliiohe, fever, huhiuia! consllpalioa and biliousness. Please buy aud try a box of C C C. to-day ; 10, '5, 50 cents, bold and guftrtuittted to cure by all druggist. 1898. t, 053.780) T ,, 1,05H,525 j "'CTPasP. ,7JH. 135, 175 1 11,000 iW, TRADE , MARK. 4. i & ELECTRIC CLEANSER g S : rA VA All good Jiounekeeper if. m Removes all dust and dirt from car 2 pets and Rugs. P Removes all grease spots, fruit stains m and coal soot. i Restores colors and raises the nap. W. The work Is simple and can be per 4 formed by any person, R Warranted to be free from such sub m stances as Alkali, Acid, Benzine, Resin and Ammonia, which are injurious to Ya carpets and fabrics, v One can cleans yards of carpet, bf We also manufacture the 4. ELECTRIC WALL PAPER f. AND FRESCO CLEANER w Best In the market. & "TH8 ELECTRIC" 5 Bicycle Chain Lubricant speaks for itself. V. Why not buy the best when It costs A no more than the cheap worthless stuff now on the market 7 'A Bend for circulars. PREPARED ONLY BY J THB ELECTRIC CLEANSER CO., l77777777WVWWvW77W7ro7W77W SELF-LOCKING HAND ..... ? POTATO PLANTERS i.r-.ocnia uo nnwt Vu pwmo nmu sack. Both Planter have a record of over A Acrea 1 9.36Q hills) In IO hours. They mak th. hole, drop th teed and cover all at Ona Operation. They deposit the aeed la moist toll at a uniform depth. thzt Bin inra. ira cpxbi m:su& They work In any vil suitable for potato RTowing. No stoopini; ; hence no backache. Potatoes thus put in withstand drouth better. Potatoes of uniform size, practically all mer chantable, gni ft, tnt jampklet : Munfd by " JoUtwi Bow to flut Xiea." THE GREENVILLE PLANTER CO. GREENVILLE, MICH. ' i LAB ttf. I MADE, r Marks? Thirtyone yenrs active practice. Opinion aa tn validity and patentability, Write tor liook ol Iniitructions and references. EDSON BROS., 925 F trect, Washington, D. C. Washington Hotels. RIGGS HOUSE. Th.hnlln.pa.n.,llU.n, tlm .....I, .. 1 located wltiiin one block of the While House and directly opposite the Treasury. Fiuest table In the city. WILLARD'S HOTEL. A famous hotelry,' remarkable for Its historical assiH iations aud long-sustained popularity. Keceutly renovated, repainted aud partially rufurulshed. NATIONAL HOTEL A landmark among the hotels of Wtuh Ingtoii, patronized lu former years by prebidenU and bih olticiala. Always a prime favorite. Jieceutly rumodohid and reudertxl beiu-r than ever. Opp. Pa. H. H. dep. WALTKH Bl KTON. Kt. Mgr. These hotels arw the principal political ivriduzvolia of the capital at ail timea. They are the beat atop pi tig place at rett fco liable ratea. O. O. STAPLES. Proprietor, O. OK WITT, MniBsr. V vrfif . 1 .tur-LocKim MT THE NEW YORK DOTH One Year for $1.65. Send all orders to The PRESS. THE N. Y. Tl!Illi;M0 ALMANAC. WJ!M (tovernnicntnl and political iiilnriimtion. Contains the Constitution of the United State, the Constitution of the Stntcof NTew York, tho Dinftley Tariff Bill, with a comparison of old nndiiew rates; President McKinley's Cahinet and nppolntws, Am- ..,. '' -,"-ji-iv m-i - ri in vviiiress, iiiuiiesoi principal oincors oi tne ilitlerent States. coniinaTTninir officers of the Army and Navy, with their salaries: Tab les of Public Statistics, Klectinu lictnrns. Party Platforms and Committees, complet artlcles on the Currency, Hold and Silver, and a vast amount of other valuable infor mation. The standard American almnnac. authoritative and complete, correspond ing iu rank with Whlttaker's Almanac in Europe. I IIHIS Xli 1'KSJ.H, Send 10 LliiU S3Tj" a. Q)AMDY CATHARTIC XNCURtCOnsriPATIOII 2550 mjM DRUGGISTS ABSOLUTELY GTTARflNTKF.n J? nn myt "innstlon. frr-t .rr th Unl Lm- , . 1. . "UanttlUDDU tivc nerrr rrip or trips. bnt rso easr natural rewlta. Sim plranil hooltli-t fr-. Ad. STFRI.INO ItEMKtlY 0.. hiM.o, Mnntrral. f an., orlSow York. in To Hew and Old Subscribers ! A Special Offer. FARM NEWS. Rcfrular siibsci'iiitiiui price, i0 ccnls Kami News now reaches more tlrui s'i.(i:. .families. It holds this l.-irire ami lnv.-il ful lowinff of suliscrihers, ln-c-itisc tlcy ren d it as one of the chief essentials of t'hci:-success iu farmliur. It keeps in touch with He most progressive airricnll ure of the day, it Is scieniillcin itssiiirit, and at, the same time-Is never obscure In its lueaninpr, nor stilted In its style. It's the kind of a paper rile fanner values in his every day work, because in it he finds what other successful farmers are lining, and how they do it. Its Id pajres contain no " deail wciirlit " no "fillers." Kvery line counts. If yon know anything about the farm and farm life, examine Kami News and you will under stand how much its subscribers appreciate it. And if, arrows better every numlh-r. Compare It with any other farm paper.and it stands altoad In practicability and real value. We will send ono of the abovo papers (take your choice) la Tfrco for 0110 yRnr to evory person paying rip his subscrip- I I CiCr0" HKS8 ono yel,r in advance. We are sure you wwill he jileiiKod with either papor. We selected them' be. ause we know you would like them. 0 OUR PREMIUM BOOKS. "BUTTER MAKING." A series of prize essays In which farmers' wives and dsugh ters, who are in tho habit of getting the top prices in the markets, tell how they make their butter. It is a most valuablo book. 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A hull some 20-pn.fto magazine containing stories pieins.sketches, bits of travel, and such jronoral literary matter as appeals most strongly to the average reader, who wants pure and wholesome literature of the en tertaining kind. Its practical departments devoted to tho kitchen, the flower garden, the caro of childien, dressmaking, home decorations, etc., nro greatly valued by every woman who has ever read them. Ex tensive Improvements have been mado in Womankind during the past year, and as a result its circulation has been Increased from 20,l to tl,K a growth that could only possibly be obtained by giving the peoiilo what they want. We invito com parison of Womankind with other papers of its kind. worth actual dollars to you. 0ITCHELL, V