One Cent a Word. Tot Klch Inwrtloa Ko llmllitit tnken for less than IS rrnl. CASH mint rnraipmr nil orders. Address VI K B COUNTY rRKM, Mll.roRIt, PA. HOITKK TO liKT on lower Hnrfnrrt sMiiA, oontnliilim ton rcmms Now iKXMipht! I it Mm iKrki-r For p irticMilnrs inqiilroof JACOB MuUART Y, Miin Uigue, N.J. THKSPASfl NOTK'E. Not Ira- In hereby given thnt tresjiiMislnK on the premise .urcnpipd liy the umlersiKiied In DiiiKinnii township, known as the Htulmiuin fiirin for hunting, n-lilnji, lie rrrlim or nnjr oilier purpose whatever Is forhlddeii nndi r pi'ii nltvof the Inw. Any person or persons (lisnhrrliifr this notieo will lie ileHlt with in the severest Inwful ninnner. Ukoiiub H. Mi.CAUTT, July 1, 18l7. lessee. mHF.SPAPS NOTICK. NWleo Is hereby J. (jlven thnt trespiisslng on the premises vt the iindersiniied ill DiiiKiiiim township nenr the Dehiwiire lirldue, for hunt Inn, fishing, lierrylii( or for nny other purpose whatever, Is forbidden under penalty ol thn Inw. AllV Ocrsoll or IHTSons dlsolM'T- I lift thin iintlee will be dealt with In such a manner as may do most) eueeiuai to pre vent ft repetition. H. HTUIIENIIOFF, April 87, im. TRESPASS NOTICK. Nntlee Is hereby given that trespassing upon tlie south ern half of tho tract, of land known as the William IH-nnr, No. in Shoholn toy. n- shln. for hunt mi, fishing, or, any ol purpose, also trespassing on iawklll pontl In Kingman township, or, llshing In It i forhlddeu under penalty of the law. M. Cl.KII.ANI) Mil.Ntm, Aprl&lin Attorney for owner. fTltK.SPASS NOTICE. Notieo Is hereby X given tliat trtspasKlng upon the pro perly of tho Forest JjnKe Association in Lackawaxen township, lJiko county. Pa.. for the purpose of hunting and llshing, oi any other purpose Is strictly forbidden un- uor penalty ol tno law. ALKXANPEIt HADIIKN, Piesident. Nov. 23, 18l. TRESPASS NOTICK. NoMeo Is hereby given that trespassing on tho premise) of tho undersigned, situated in I)ngmati township, for any purpose whatever b strictly fortiidden, nrul nil olTenders will 1m promptly prosecuted. IltA 11. Cask. Oct. m, mm. 1?OH SALE. A small farm located neni ; Matamoras, known as the Hcnscl ut Kelnhanlt plm:e, containing Bl acres Finely locnted, well watered. House an! barn. Fruit of nil kinds. Part Improved Tltlo clear. For terms, price, etc., addros: Lock box O Mllford, Pa. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondents are particularly requested to Bond in all news in tended for publication not later than Wednesday in each week to in sure insertion. LAYTO N. One of our Justices Issued A warrant Inst week, to briug a culprit to book, fin assault nnd battery. The alleged culprit was battered too, to some extout, but that has nothing to do with this ense. The Poor-mnstor slipped tho culprit to another Justice and got n commitment to the Alms Houso, and landed his man there before the constable and the warrant got around. He done his job neatly and ex pedlllmsly, nnd further developments are awaited with much Interest. Thero are two riniirt young men nlong the River, or nt least they have a good opinion of themselves, who by their man ners whon they nre out you would know their names nro Slglar nnd Bell. They could not well change their names, but could easily, and Bhould promptly im prove their manners. Win. P. F.llett and family of Brnnch vllle spout Sunday nmortg friends In Snndyston. William- is the only mer chant In his town thnt does a strictly grocery business, nnd has a steadily grow ing trade. Peter U Drake whose Illness we noted recently continues to grow worse, aud Is lying In artioulo mortis. Mrs. Win. Crone's vend no laist Satur day drew peoplo from widely distant points For Instance Lew Murthls nnd Jacob Mo Carty of Montague. II Irani Hanklns the funny man of tho Gazette who knows so much about trout, of Bevnus. Tho ii.o presslule DeAlton Dlllistin and others from Branchvlllo; Aud Lewis Chattillun of Chucktown. Only a portion of the pii J porty was old, nnd prices ranged fair, The d. nee at the Normnnovk Inn lust Friday night was a complete tuccc&s. A 'wut one hundred people were present, and nil seemed to thoroughly enjoj them selves. Thorough order, nnd the utmost good fueling prevailed. The imisio by Boll aud Drake of Brauchvlllo was excel lent, and the oysters ditto. Dancing con tinued with little intermission up to 2 o' olook a. in. All tho participants deelaro It the host danoe they ever attended. Our Pooruiuster moved A person to the Alms House some tlmo ago, end received the pay Incident to such service from tl e Town committee. It is now claimed that the person In question had some household goods of which tho poormastor took charge and from which nothing has been heard siuoe. If this be true the committee should at their next meeting in March iustitute the proper inquiries into tho mattor. A bill that is approved by tho Statu Commissioner of Roads is likely to be pressed at th e present session of the Legi lature. This bill directs towu commit tees to allow a rebate from the rood tax of every owner of a heavy draft wagon, hnv- iug inches width of tire or over, used on the public rojulj of $3 00 for each wheel And all such wide tired wagons as shall have the front nxle enough shorter thnt tho wheels do not run In the snnfe trAck, when drawn In a straight line, A further ' rebate of $1 00 for each vehicle. Aud furth er, that tho assessor shall enquire for, aud lUstiKS all heavy -wagons having leas limn S'j liiehes width of tire, and the same shall be subject to a special tax of fifty cents for im h wheel, which shall be collected a other taxes, aud be applied to the roa 1 fund within sueb township. This act would be of great benefit to all ruuds, and as It Is understood to be in charge of the leader on the Uoor of the house from Sandyston, its pas igu U assured. The Dominie read thu discipline to bis flock last Sabbath uioiuiug. He should have told them that the Mulhodinta ate the only suit left that forbids dancing In their discipline. InsUutd he told them that If they bclluvod They could ditnru tlpmisrlvps Into forglveneis of Wod, then dance seven days In a week. Well breth ren mid slsteren If you never do Anything worse than to (vnjoy n quiet, civil danoe, th.m you noiil not worry much aliout your eternal mil vat Ion People will pend a little moni'y at a danoe now and then and gome dominies ar so selfish . The 2nd of Feb. the sun shone brightly In the forenoon. Hid anybody wath the groundhog to see what he decided to do for the next six weeks? The following old saw seems more sensible. "The second of February Is Candlemas day, thon yon should have half your meat, and half your hay." Did you have It? We were pleased to receive an Invitation to tho Farmers Institute to lie held in Mil ford ou Monday Feb. 14. The program will no doubt Include subjeots that are both Instructive and entertaining, and w,o hope to participate In the Intellectual feast. A handsome mechanic of our town who delights to spit tobacco jiiloo through Itls moustache, and has other reprehenslhlo habits to match, seems to have a pain, a periodic pain and I fear It Is going to be come vhrnnlc. It Is nothing however to what It might lie If tho knot happened to stav under his left car. No hurry It will get there soon enough withoutadoubt the typhoid scare some tlmo ao at thu Bi'anchville creamery has let down the de mand for cows in. tills section, and the prices have weakened somewhat too. .Suppose a brute should bribe his way Into the public crib, should neglect his mate and scatter his Innocent and helpless offspring. Should drink ruin and dote on vice. Distil slander upon all that is good and pure, and forget the hand that gave him favors. That should hug tho merry-go-rouud to his bosom, and drag down nil within his roach to carry tlioin Into the same awful vortox Into which he Is him sdf sinking. Whore is the man who would not grasp club or gun to rid the earth of such an animal. Yet all this It seems a man can do and be received well not exactly received, but toloratjd In society. Dranchvlllo Is In the throes of lucorpo; -atlon. Tho villagers It Is said generously offer to buy lanterns for the farmers if tho hayseeds will vote an appropriation for electric lights on the streets. At present the streets are without electric lighting. Wo suggest to boarding house koepors genorally the Importance of having a capacious refrigerator. This call bo built In the cellar If proper drainage can bo had, otherwiso In a side room, or lean-to. It can be built by any carpenter, with drain age plpo and pans from tlietinner. at nr.iijli loss expenso than ono of like size cm l) bought. In this whole sidos, or cut;hi,v can bo hung, and become better H4 they hang Tho economy In meat bilM will soon be vory apparent to Its ownor. For cooling wines, beer, aud holding vari ms eatables In hot weather thoy contribute vastly to the profit of thu proprietor, aud the comfort of tho guests. Thero will bo a cake party aud dance at tho home of Mrs. Magglo Coss mmr Oovans this Friday night and n flno time Is antici pated by the young folks. H. PAUPAC. Mrs. Annie, wlfo of Samuel Sample, died of apoplexy Jan. 311th. She was ill only a few hours. Funeral was held at tho Catholic Church, near Lcdgcdale, con duoted by the Rev. Father Judge, of Haw- ley, Interment in the cemetery by the church. Mr. Davenport, of Moosio,wa9 a guest At the Kimble Houso fur the past few days Rather unpleasant weather for fishermen Mrs, B. F. Killain, of scranton. was a visitor In town week before last. Miss Emclene Klllam, of Scranton, Is tho guest of her grandfather, M. Klllam. Last Friday night a party started out for a slclghrlde. Ledgedale was their dl tlnatlon. Thoy took refreshments with them, knowing nftor such a ride in tho cold they would neod something to cheer and warm tho inner man. When they Ar rived there they took possession of the house of Mrs. Ira Klllam, even gulug so far ns to tako up a carpet, whore the youngsters tripped the light fnntnstlo toe as well as some of the elders. Later the ladies spread the table and whnt thoy did not have, they found In Mrs. Klllnin's larder. The hours passed all too quickly swoll did they enjoy themselves. Miss Eunice Kimble returned to Scran ton this week . ' Miss Anna Jacob bos boon visiting hor father. She goes to New York this week to attend school. Miss Yotta, ber sister, will go a few days later. Miss Sybil Pellott has gone to Fatorson to visit ber aunt, Mrs. Pellott. Paiipao, Jan. 81..18D8. (Received too late for publication last week ) DINGMAN'S FERRY. Good sleighiug last week and grain well covered with snow. Ed. Cooper and wlfo, of Montague, vis lted a few dnys rueeutly At the home of Garret B rod head In Centre. Plenty of sickness in this section at pres ent which takes a new form of grippe, Also lumbago And sciatic rheumatism. The two parties have caucussed and am sorry the Republicans did not noiuln atr Charles Person as he would have made one of the mot active and enterprising supervisors of the lot Perhaps rather too much so to be satisfactory to the slow coaches. People around Dingmans generally felt A3 if they had taken a chilly bath In l.e river which would not have so severely af fected their minds as did the news that Dr Keuworthy hi tended leaving us. It may be his gidu but we regret our loss. The tie buslnes Is dull here but very brisk at Bushkill. The new bridge there seems to have infused new life in that tiwn The removal of the big hill may help too. If that town keeps prospering It will soou rival this place aud Milford.- The Dispatch last week read quite at In teresting lecture to Deinocratio vuters It tH)k the form of A poetical Illustration as to how the roads should be worked by tak ii.g a rest, and what class of men to vote for to attain that object. It IllustraWi Pike couuty scenery to attract summer guests, and prints articles ndvUiug druues not to do anything for their comfort or pleasure. , ' Your correspondent doe not for get that there is no provision for frej bridges across the Delnwaro, but hua all idea that such could be made and that the mnxiiu of the greatest good to the greatest number dues not apply lu this case unless the under victim gets a good slice of the 10 to 1 controversy, We deplore thnt fact that at a funeral held in one of the churches hero lately the heating was so Insufficient that the people suffered greatly. C'.BSAH. (FIM)M ANOTIIKH cohkksponprkt.) Iast week was one of the coldest of the winter bring for Ave dnys from four to ten degrees Ixdow ero. - Dnvld and Joe Snider recently killed two wildcats, the largest measuring five feet III length. The Republicans of this plnoehitve nom inated a strong ticket comMised of honora ble and Intelligent men and we hope to see elected In spite of the so-called combine of Dingmans. If no undue Influence Is used we feel assured that the Republican cmi didatc for school director will In? elected by a safe majority as the sentiment has been gaining ground here for somo time that tho school board heretofore has been com posed, If not In substance still In spirit, of one of two .retrogressive members, and the people Irrespective of party are anxious to see A live man on the board who will look after the welfare of the schools nnd who will not be afraid to grnce with his pre sence the Interior of a school house once 111 a while. FliOM ANOTHER COIlllKSI'ONtlENT. Don't forget the Farmers' Institute at Dlngiiians, next Tuesday afternoon nnd evening, Feb. 15th, but glvo It encourage ment by your presence, both the male and female citizens of this locality. It costs you nothing, Is pure iu tono, Is Intended for your benefit, and a cordial Invitation Is extended to all . Ernest Browno expects to remove to old Sussex this spring. A son was born to Rev. Oeorgo White head last Saturday. Tho reverend gentle man and his estimable wife are congratu lated by nil their many friends. A genernl regret Is expressed ovor the d-.iparturo of Dr. Kenworthey. Ho Is cnl ciliated to make warm friends wherever he goes. It Is said that the mnrrlage of an estima ble youint couple of this placo will occur In tho notr futtiro. It Is reported that a Mr. Treiblo will move upon tiie Jacob O. Brown place in tho spring. Tiie public roods In Delnwaro wero all badly drifted last week, but were soon opened by tho clti.ous. . MONTAGUE. Montague, Feb. 7. Small favors thaiiksfiilly received nnd larger ones in proportion. This towu can show young chickens hntchod by the mother hen. A good blacksmith wishing a good lo cation after April 1st, should call nt tho Mlllvlllo grist mill, or nddress L. II Crono, Montngtio. It takes ovor fifteen hundred dollars per year to run the four schools in this town ship. The four teachers receive (1,230. the rest goes for fuel, repairs, Incidentals, etc Is there a town which enn show a better (?) record fur a school term of nine months f Parents should send their children to school clean. Tho Montague school board reooived a complaint from n teacher at their last meeting which was n corker, the complaint I mean. - Soft soap Is slippery, but not as slippery ns some people's tongues. O, for another wny for Jersey people to get to Port Jervls then to pass through tho East Main street culvert. Some of these days thero will be a glorious smash up there nnd a little bill to pay. Then yon will hear Damn the trolley. (Why not Bay something caustlo about the r.rle not being willing to widen culvert. El). Pliiiss.) Miss Birdie Block, after successfully teaching the Shoholn, Pike county, school, has returned to her Montague home. Birdie is a graduate of the Brick House school. Those Port Jervls chaps who made ar rangements for an oyster supper for fifty for an evening last week and failed to show up must think they nro sinnrt. Some one else don't think bo. Peter i s mourning the loss of his pet dog. He the dog died Gathering Ice is In full blast now over here. Our mall carrier Oscar Bnle makes good times in spito of blizzards and snow banks Anniversary of the L. A. S. of the Re formed church at the residence of Raudle Snyre oh Thursday nfternoou-Feb. 17. Fox hunter's luck, throe days tramp through the snow, and got one white skunk. To-morrow our towu comnifttoe will meet to make out their annual statement, pay snow bills If there Is nionoy enough etc. Those who have failed to pay their taxes will have their names published free of charge What action our committer will take lu cases of delinquent pull taxes remains to be seen. Mr. and Mrs. George Y. Hornbeck spent to-day In Port Jerv is, most every one is sleighing aud so is Dick. matamoras; The Hop of the C. L C , at Millers Hall, Matamoras on Tuesday evening wns a very pleasant affair. Clunes full Orches tra furnished the music. We congratu late the social upon their pleasant hop and trust At some future time; their friends may have another luvitatlon to speud a pleasant evening. Prof. H. H. Dunn gave a very pleasant hop at Decksr's Hall, Sparrowbush on last Friday evening. Miss Mary Squires of Matamortts was the pianUt agisted by Prof. Dunn ajid Yrarreu Heldeuthall, and the music was excellent. The Prof, is doing good work iu the orchestra this sea sou. ' The King's Daughters, connected with Kpworth Church, were very yluabnutly en tort allied ou lut Friday evening at the re sidence of Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Totteu. The entertainment at Kpworth Church on Weduesday eveuing bids fuir to be a very pleasant eutcrtuluuient. Prof. C. Hlggius In his musical tour of the world will render the most pleasing melodies of nil uatious, with legends of the same. Price of admission lu oetits- Ttie gentlemen of Kpworth Church will give their nuuual supper nt the church on Thursday nud Friday eveuings. Full particulars later. Audrew liloker, youngest son of Engi neer Hloker, a Delaware, division braki inau,luul his right arm caught while mak ing A coupling at liouecdnle at 816p. Ill 9 Trying to the patipnee to kppp on taking medicine that does not cure. I!ut it is trying that leads to success. If you are suffering from eczema, boils, eruptions, etc., you will begin your cure the day you begin trying Apr's orseporllla. Monday, and suffered a fracture of the arm. nnd ellow joint. The Injuries were dressed nt the Port Jervls hospital. He is now nt his homo In this place, nnd Is ns comfortable hs could be expected. Master Ixniis Lttekey was very pleasantly surprised at his home on Pennsylvania avenue on last Friday evening. His young friends entortaliied him nicely with gnmes and music, nnd nice refreshments weie served. Louis wishes his friends would come again soon nnd pay him n visit. The Matamoras singing class visited the Tri States chis on Tuesday evening. Prof. Blizzard Is the instructor of both classes. A Vert pleasing programme was rendered and before returning home sev eral Indulged In dancing. Tho mombers enjoyed the evening by music. The Mntn- mnrns class closes on Saturday evening with a very pleasing programme. Will publish it in next week's-issue. GREELEY. Filling Ice houses seems to bo tho lend ing business In this vicinity. 1. B. Kos- encrance filled Harry Hart's last week at Sholinla Palls nnd now Is filling his own from Ilurcher's Lake. Tho Ice Is of a first- rate quality ou the lakes hero. Hurchoi's men and teams helped fill the Sylvnnla ice houso Inst week . Gilbert Rosencrance went to Wayne county Saturday nnd brought a team of horses from V. V. Hurdler's farm for him to tho glen with which to do some lumbering. Miss Tine Hurdler, who Is visiting nt her brother's, hnd tho misfortune to fall and hurt herself quite badly. Or. Howard was called on Tuesday to attend her. J. L. Hurcber called on his brother twice last week. Wllllnin Courtriglit, of Lncknwnxen, called nt Ilurcher's last Sunday. I. B. Rosoncranoe's young folks came out last Sunday with a brnu now- pair of light sleighs and went to the valley to meeting in the Afternoon. We did not hear how the masqtiorade ball came ofT last Sunday night nt the Greeley club house. Charles Davis Is taking It stock of fine logs to liu rclier's mill this winter. He must contemplates getting tho cage before he gets the bird. Wise plan, Jhnrles. Daisy Bum.. LEDOEDALE. Mr. aUd Mrs. A. J. Klmblo, of Faupnc, were guests of F. B. Simons ou Saturday. Mrs. John Hose died at the homo of her daughter, Mrs. Ehrgood In Moscow, Sat urday night. The funeral nnd interment will be In this placo. A slelghride party wns entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Klpp in Klpptown Kridny evening, Feb. 4th, It being Mrs. Klpp'B 87th .birthday. A nice supper wns served by Indies' nnd nil hi d good appetites nfter the long cold ride. Among those present were: Messrs Jno. Philip nnd Willie Krclger, her brothers; nnd Mrs. WMIlinm Stcrmer nnd Mrs. Vhil Ip Rolse, her sisters; Mrs. Philip Krelger, Miss Nettle Schrmler,EUn Simons, Messis. Jacob Schrader, Henry Olosmiier' Mrs. Kellnm and son, Fred. Waynb Co. Accurate Scales. Port Jervis boasts many .wily lurors of the finny dimi.ons, nnd a number of nitnrods before whose unerring aim tua birds or the air nud beasts of the forests succumb and nre baggod to grace the markets, or give taste to some masnntes table. There has nlwaya been some mystery as to how they calculated eize, and ascertained the exact avoirdupois of the results of the hunt or the killing with the rod. We have for some time known the man ner in whioh Port Jervis scribes wrote Pike county history, and the medium through which they made observations while rounding c ut their veracious sentences for city papers, and now the secret of thei r large cntches comes to us from one who though living several hundred miles away hns caught on to thei r art. The following illustrates it : A man by the name of Baker, who lives in Pout Jervis says he catches enormous sized fish, aud he always takes with him whenever he goes fishing a pair of scales and weighs his '(tab as soon as caught. The other day Mrs. Baker presented her husband with A tine large unby boy and Baker of course wanted to know how much the new baby weighed, accordingly h got out his scales, (iho one he takes when ho goes fish ing and proceeded to weigh the baby and what do you think? that haby weighed just 39 pounds on those scales. A few months ago, Mr. Byron Every, of Wood, Mich., was badly afhidted with rheumatism. His right leg was swollen the full length, oitvisiug him great suffering He was advised to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm. The first bottle of it helped him considerably and the second bottle effected a cure. The 25 and 50 cent sizes are for sale by Druggist & General Merchants, in Pike county. Everybody Bays So. . Caw.irets Candv Cathartic, the tnotl won derful in. oicul tliseovtrv iif tl.e uive. p cis am and refit sliiUK to I lie tasle, ui I iveiilly ami positively on kitinexs, liver uid liott Is, cleaitsiiiif tlie entire svst in, tfisi'tt coUIh. cure iiettilnohe, feeei-, linMtiml i enstipatioo and biliotirness. Please bey una try a box of C. O. C to-ilav; 10, tti, .' cents. rJoldaud gtiaruuWod to cere by all druggists. Reduction Sale Great Bargains. BIG CUT. 'Hang out our banner. on the ontor wnll," with "Re ductions" on it. We wisfi to lirmdnim to the peojile of Mil ford thnt we nre making swooping reductions on otir entire stock of Winter cloth ing. This is a soft snnp nt this sonson of the yenr, when nil of tho coldpst wenther Is yet before ns hut we mnst dispose of onr Winter stock of suits for men and boys before the season is over. $15 Suits now - $11 $14 Ulsters now $10 $9 " " - - $ 6 GUNNING & FLANAGAN, Cor, Front anil Sussex streets, PORT JERV18, N. Y. Do You Know A Good Thing When You See It ? We Will Sell Men's Woonsocket Boots, First Quality at $2.29 for one week onlyornntil Feb. 19th To secure n pair nt nlxive price cut out thia "nd" and return it either personally or by mail. Or derf from Mllford nnd vicinity will be forwarded by Fludlny's stnge charges prepaid. JOHNSON, Fitter of Feet, Port Jervis, N. Y. A" iUE extended to the many who availed tliemselvos of the opportunity to patronize us during the holidays. We still have goods to suit. Price s will too. . IF you are not insured we can furnish a policy in a first- class compnny at as low rate Cull and as can he obtained, get an estimate. RYMAN -:- & WELLS. MILFORD, PA. RAILROAD TIME TABLE Corrected to Date. Solid Pullman trains to Buffalo, Niag ara Falls, Chautatl(lia lake, Clevelaiitl, Chirairo nnd Cincinnati. Tickets un sale at Port Jervis to all points in the West and Southwest at lower rates than via any oilier lirnt-eliiss line. Tkains Now I.favk Pout Follows. JRHVIS AS EASTWARD. No. 12, Daily Kxpress 4 10AM " 10, Daily Kxpress 5 'JO " " HI, Daily Except Sunday . H 30 " " l, " ' " 7 45 " '. tSKi, Sunday Only 7 45 " " as, Daily Except Sunday . . lo ll " ' H, Daily Wav Train i 15 P.M. " 30. " - " " 3 SO ' " S, Dailv Express 4 Sft " ftio, Sunday Only 4 HO " a, Daily Express 5 .3U 11 is, Sunday only 6 ;ii) ' " Shi, Daily Except Sunday. . 4n " 14, Dully..., 11) 00 WESTWARD. No. 8, Dally Express ... 12 01 A 8 06 11 S3 1 17, Daily .Milk Train."... i. Daily Kxpress 11, Daily Except Sunday. 5. Dally Kxpress . . Si. Daiiy Except Sunday 7, Daily Express 12 10 V. M. 5 () 6 27 10 li 1 Trains leave -Chambers street, New York fyr Port Jervis ou week days at 4 00, 7 45, III), lu, 10 30 A U. 1 00, 2 OU, 3 30, 4 30. 6 30, 7 3D, S 46 P. M Ou Sun- dtvs, idi, 7 4o. W on, U IS s. in.; 12 30. 2 110, 7 30 and 8 45 V. M. I). I. Robert, (aeiicriil Fmiiu-waTir Agent, New lork, I). W. Cooke, Asslstaut iieueral PtMseuger Agent, Mew York. Something now, a spring tooth harrow with wheels. Syracuse plows and V Planet Jr.," cultivators at W. & U. Mitoholl's. ' OUR THANKS Continuation of First Grand Clearing Sale. The time hns como when It is necessary for ns to offer our entire stock of f xitwon r n t re duced prices, nnless wo wish to do ns the old stores do, which is not our method. We -will not enrry goods from one sonson to another. Every sonson this store shall show nn ahsolntely now nnd fresh stock. "People do not liny foot wear now without some special reason. We shall ninke price a great inducement with no loss in qnnlity. Ladies' $4.50 shoes, 3.50 3.00 4,50 3.50 3.00 1.50 1.25 1 1 Men's f Boys Youths' DON'T FAIL TO SEE THEM EARLY. SPARROW & FRANKS, Successors to L. Burnett. 77 Pike Street, Port Jervis, N.Y. .We have just closed our Sth year in Port Jervis and it has been the most successful one of the lot. Our January Trade for 1898 is nearly double that of 1897. This gives us new courage and we will give the people of Milford and vicinity a larger stock and still lower prices. In fact we expect to cut things all loose this spring and make our prices the cheapest on earth. We have about 7 carloads of goods on the way. All new and up to date. Look out for us this spring. New York Furniture Co. 92 Pike street, Port Jervis, N. Y. New York Millinery Parlors. New Millinery. New Firm. Old Established Store. Beautiful artistic millinery in all the prevailing styles. BKHT - H'OKK AT HHOKT JiOTICK. Also a complete line cf Infant's wear. Give us a call and we will endeavorto please. SALLEY & ENNIS, 79 Pike Street, Port Jervis, N.Y. A LITTLE HORSE SENSE. Applied to tlin question of a Btovowill demonstnite tho fact thnt a good ntove is more of a th'iil any other article of furniture. If you con sider thmfiR-t why experiment with some untiied stove when you can buy he DOC'KAKII for the same money or less than any other stove in the market. There is but one genuine. LUDLUM & PECK, A3 FRONT STREET, PORT JERVIS, N. Y. -.Dr. David Kennedys favorite Remedy CUKCS ALL klUNIT.SlOMACH S AMP UVLN Clearing price. $3.48 " 2.74 it (I 2.19 3.48 2.74 2.19 .98 .89 it it ii i it HIDES WANTED -Albert Ru dolph will pay the highest market price for beef hides, calf and sheep skins. Call at the tannery on Broud street above High. novltitf i j I