PIKE COUNTY PRESS. Friday, February 11, 1898. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY. ,OFFICB, BROWN'S BUILDING, BROAD ST. Entered at the post olllce of Milford, Piko county, Pennsylvania, tvs neeond-cliws matter, November twenty-first, 1895. Advertising Rates. On(iqiinrr(olnht linos), one Insertion -f l.Oi Each miliHiMTicnt Insertion .W Reduced rates will bo furnished on up plinttion, will bo allowwl yearly mlve tiscrs. Legal Advertising. Court Proe.lnmnt.lnn, Jury nnil Trial List forscverul courts per tvrrn, fJl.iH Administrator's nml Kxucutnr's. nothvs 8. Auditor's nut Iron 4- l)ivoree notten - - - - - - - tvi SherilT's wiles, Orphans' court mif County Treasurer's soli's, County state ment ami election proclniniitioii clmrffo by the square. J. II. Van Ktten, PunusHFIt, Milford, Vlko County, P,i 1898 FEBRUARY. 1898 Su. Mo. Tu. We. Th. Fr. Sa. ZZiilii T 7 J 9 JLO U 12 13 II 15 J7 25 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 MOON'S PHASES. l Full Cn rn if Moon p. m. Flint on :2 9 Quarter Zon.m. U p.m. CThlra -, n 7:01 Quarter 10 p.m. EDITORIAL. NONE ON OUR PLATE, THANK YOU. The Pres is in receipt of a bio graphical sketch of George W. Gut hrie of Pittsburg, and a letter urging his fitness and claims for tho Demo cratic nomination for Governor oi Pennsylvania this fall. The letter states as one of the points in lils- favor that he went to Florida at the request of Bamuol- J. Tilden to do party duty when the infamous steal of tho Presidency in 1876 was per petrated, the words "attempted to be" preceding the word perpetrated were probably omitted from the let ter for the sake of Democratic eu phony. It alleges that he is a mod est Democrat possesses Jeffersonian q lalifloations, and had illustrious ancestors. It does not state his position on tho free silver question or give his exparience as a public man other than in the steal matters. ThaPitEsshaa no doubt as to this worthy gentleman's Djiuocracy, aud perhaps also his entire fitness to represent that party, but it does not subscribe to the idea that Petmsyl vania has at present, or so long as there is plenty.of Republican timber staunch and well seasoned, any ust for a Democratic Governor, and it must therefore decline to urge th' claims of Mr. Guthrie or any other Djmocrat for that exalted and re sponsible position. ST. VALENTINE'S DAY. Next Monday the little scon ted missives which afford much amuse ment to the young people both in sending and receiving, will swell t'xe volume of the mails. The let tors or poetical effusions reploto with compliments or amorous ex pressions are especially cognate to this day and the custom of sending them is very ancient, but there is no circumstance, so far as is known in the life of the saint from which it could have originated. Accord ing to some ecclesiastical writers lie was a bishop, according to others a presbyter who was beheaded at Rome in the reign of Claudius II and was early canonized. It was the custom on the -eve of February 14th, St. Valeutine's Day, to have the names of a select number of one sex put into seme vessel by an equal Dumber of the other, aud thereupon every oue drew a name which for" the timo bjing was called his or her Valentine. Presents of gloves, garters, and Jewelry were common as valentines. There is, too, a vory old notion that birds choose their mates, ami couple on this day. "Whatever there may havo been formerly of sentiment and genuine friendship connected with the. ob servance of the day, in the harm less sending of letters or tokens, has largely deteriorated in the modern method of its observance, when scurrilous pictures, vile caricature?, dojrgeral verses, and often the very foulest and most oowardiy insinua tions or accusations are sent under cover of tho day. If there was a certain tenderness or beauty in tb manlier to which the day wns form erly observed, it has been almost wholly dispelled by those baser na" turns which have seized the oppor tunity to gratify a malicious pro pensity to wound the feelings c f others by sending their cowardly meaningless and often vulgar mis sives. Young people of , finer taste will not embrace the custom in or der to wound the sensibilities of any person, and those not possessing such refinement will hardly have sufficient sense to refrain from grati fying an ignoble ambition. POLITICAL GOSSIP. Tho men who stated in 1896 that farm products could not advance without the free coinage of silver are saying nothing about the fact that wheat sold at $1.10 in Chicago a few days ago. Ex-tjueeu Liliokulant and tho sugar trust are opposed to the an nexation of Hawaii. Presidsnt Mc- Kinloy and the Republican party tavor annexation, as have a do7x!n Presidents before him and the lead ing men of the Republican party on former occasions. It is to bd hoped that the Omaha World Herald will hasten to obtain "editorial transportation" which will enable Mr. Bryan to visit the trans Mississippi exposition at Oma ha. He will be interested in that room papered with cancelled farm mortgages from a single county of his state. The Republican House of Repre sentatives was as prompt and vigor ous in its condemnation of the pro position for the papment of United Srutes bonds in silver as was the Re- publican President. The latter de nounced it in ringing terms in his Nasv York speech a few days ago, and the House rejected it by a ma jority of fifty votes tho very day that it was laid before its members for their consideration. Tho Dingley law has already out run the Wilson law as a revenue producer, despite the fact that the Wilson law found enormous quan tities of goods waiting to come into the countries when it went upon the statue books, while the conditions were precisely the opposite when the Dingley bill became a law. The first six months of the Dingley law produced $13,500,000 more revenue than did the Wilson law in the same period of its operations. Chairman Jones of the Popocratic party is having troublesome times just now. He is being urged by the silver men who assume to control that party to displace Pennsyl vania's member of the National Committee, Mr. Harrity, because he does not subscribe to tho free-silver proposition. While Chairman Jones is doubtless in sympathy with the proposition, ho probably recognizes the fact that arbitrary action of this kind might cause some trifling dis satisfaction among the five million odd voters who were led to victory by Mr. Harrity as Chairman of the Democratic National Committee in 1892. Cascaret stimulate liver, kidneys and bowels Never sicken, weaken or gripes,10.o. Water Poweti. It is stated upon good authority that the water power that it is pos sible to harness in the United States would exceed in extent all that is at present obtained by the consump tion of fuel. Why then should not engineers devote much time and study to the utilizing of this tre inondous sourco of energy that is now running to waste. It seems to ba a settled fact that electrical force d svolopod, at or near the stream.can bs transmitted almost anywhere needed. As it is now we have the mining and transportation of vast bodies of coal the use of groat boil ers, and ponderous machinery, the w.iste of ashes and dirt to be got rid of, and through all this a great and constant loss of power. How much m re simple and sensible is the more modern plan that is coming into nse, The water is used to produce eloc trical enorgy, and instead of being destroyed as is ooal is turned loose into the natnral channel perhaps to bo used again. The eloctrical energy developed is carried to wherever needed does its work and is also turned into the illimitable store house of nature without destruction or waste. Nothing destroyed, but little wasted, and no refuse to cause expeuse by its removal. Here would be natures two great it not greatest forces - turnod to mans benefit harnessed for a time, and when its allotted bisk is done then turned back into the great sea of undeveloped force to bo used again and again as mans needs may re quire. Tho trend of engineering thought at present seems to be directed to this end and a great re volution in existing methods appears to be near at hand. H. ANNUAL STATEMENT of Receipts and Expenditures of the County of Pike, for the year 1897. PUBLISHED BY THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. Cash received from collectors 1897 and balance 1896. Townships County Tax. Blooming Grore ... 5K5 21 Dill. B7 u Delaware 11181 Dliwmmi "fill H!l Ureene KM 40 bill law 2H5 SH Lnckawnxen W3 utt- bl. lwm 107 sr. Lehman 0ftS BS lml. 1WK1 am Milford Horoimh ...... 10114 4 Milford Township 818 US Palmyra 6H5 4tt bin. imm 141 on Porter 107 79 Shoholii B7U 13 Westfnll 1MB 81 Total rWI7 17 The above taken from Auditor!)' report. ship, hiso Mute lax column. BALANCES IN HANDS OF TowNxmrn. Coitsty TAX. Dinuman Ul-vene I 100 00 Laekiiwaxen 41 bal. W.W 4tl 43 Iehmnn 14 37 Palmyra 50 00 Totnla. 075 H8 RKOIKIK' lMl'MANN, Jit , TilKAHUUKU Dtl. To balance from cx- treaf urer t 1014 15 To county tnx ree'd (n nimvel mmi 17 To statu tax ree'd (aa nimvel 13M0 45 TociihIi from cominla- Bioiicr' uotcfl 9000 00 To cat.li from unwonted lauds, 280 24 To chnIi from seated lands 1805 W 63 43 To cash from Boated liiiids,18!l7 1 63 L'p cash from lands sold to county nnd re deemed '12 72 To cash from liquor li censes 47U 25 Vo cash from sale of old brldKe(K K School! over) 3 50 cash fiom sale of old desk 1 00 cash from sale of old bridge, (P. BeU- ther) 8 00 h from county commissioners (asy lum expenses re mil ted) 80 50 To cash from Jeremiah " (irecmiiK, tnx 60 L'ucnsh from James I)e- pue yi bbl. cement. 2 70 To cash from James If. Heller, (mileage of A. Hrlnk) 12 . To cash from Junius H. Heller, (surcharge 1 day) 8 50 121123 60 132137 75 CB. By. payment of county checks $30836 60 By cash to lieo.feawyer, County superintcn- 104 00 130940 50 422 47 418 81 (841 28 131781 78 856 97 132137 75 By commission on 121,- 133 00, 5 2'Si By commission on 130,- Balance In hands of treasurer ('Subject to the error above noted) Road Moneys, Dr. To balance from ex- treasurer 83 07 To cash from unseated lands, I8W1 808 73 To cash from seated lands, 1805-18U0 88 93 To cash from laud re turned, 1SU7 ; 21 To cash from land sold CJiinty nnd re deemed 8 00 857 87 8U0 94 Cb. By paid road orders ... By commission on 157,- 87 m 2 7 16 By commission on 128 63 $138 M Ui'i'U 8 67 9 78 138 26 Balance la treasurer hands 252 68 Poou Moneys, Dhi To balance from ex- treasurer 0 83 To cash from unseated lauds MM 69 SO To cash from sea tod lands, 18(15-96 18 69 To cash from lnuds sold to county aud re- ' deemed 8 62 78 81 87 64 CK. By com mission on$78.- sua; 2' 1 67 Balance In treasurer' bauds 86 07 87 64 School Moseys, Dh. To balance from ex-- treasurer ... 83 04 To cash from unseated lands, 1HWJ 80S W To cash from seated lauds, 18MO-U6 48 98 To cash from seated . land, 1807 1 81 To cash from lands sold to county and ro- demed 6 80 861 76 294 7u Ch. By commission on $361.- 75 m ih 6 24 Balance iu treasurer's bauds 289 65 294 79 Sheep Fund, Dh. To balanoe from ex- treiuurer 23 00 To cash from col lectors as above, ltiutl -97 .... 686 69 6i 59 OB By sheep claims paid (as pervouclierH) . . 110 50 By oommishiou ou $.rH6,- 69 8 ' . 11 73 By com mission on $1 10, 6948.... 8 81 Balance iu treasurer's humid 44 15 608 69 Rkdkuption Money, Db, To balaiiOH from ex- . truasupur- 134 80 To cash from laud re- doeuiuU 48 88 13 08 CB. By cash refunded 27 73 By balanut) lu treasur er's bands 165 86 183 08 T Dim Tax. K7 05 4 ! til 7tl HI 4 54 41), - 1U3 17 60 00 81 30 17 01 33 77 ft 17 41 03 80 51 Total. t 7U HI 1311 tt (105 07 124(1 54 1135 75 i 7 84 113 't ST S iia 44 93 S3 50 00 631 54 43 41 57 111 109 RS HIT." 27 370 85 HH 23 113 W KM4 OH 1703 7H 53 1)1 I M 04 tI2m 45 lEvsa mi I17:4 21 Note - error of in total of Delaware town COLLECTORS 1S96-1HJ7. Statu Tax. 1 83 BtatrTax Don Tax. Total 1 KM 100 00 1 14 39 635 70 7 21 Oi HI 50 00 31 0 7tl 23 7 03 8 94 Liqiioh Licenses, Dit. To cash ree'd from' ho tel licenses $2175 00 $3475 00 Cr. By commission on $3175 W. 5t 183 75 By am't paid to Co 470 25 ' " Delaware township 171 00 By nm't paid Dlngiunu township ' 57 00 By nm't paid Ijticka- s waxen township . . 812 00 By nm't paid Lehman township 114 00 Uy uni t paid Milford Boroimh 670 00 By nm't paid Palmyra township 67 00 By nm't paid Porter township 57 00 By nm't paid Shulioln townsnip id ou By nm't paid Westfnll township 812 00 2475 00 ACCOUNT H. I. COUHTHI ,HT, SlIFHIFF, IS with the County of Pike, Dh. To tnx ree'd on galo of Heorgo Cummin's land 8 07 To jury fees, Helm vs. Hosier 4 00 To jury fees, Tanner - vs. rurklmm and Weuife 4 00 To jury fees, Crone vs. uraKu 4 00 To jury foes, Nlermeyer vs. Hoffman 4 (10 To fine.Commouwealth vs. Shields 1 00 20 67 Cl. By treasurer's receipts lO DUlllUCO 20 07 2U 07 LORENZ UEIUKIl, COHONEII. IN ACCOUNT with the County of Pike, Cr. By viewing the body of George Bates 8 60 By viewing tho btxly of Patrick Wall 8 85 6 85 Dr. To checks to balance . . 6 85 Current Expenses. Auditors, county ' prothy acc't. Assessors making as sessment Assessors Registering school children Assessors, Registering births and deaths. . . Assessors, Registering voters Assessors, making Mili tary Knrollment. . . Asylum (Danville) Bounties, Wild cats, foxes etOi Bounties, Justice foes. . 120 00 12 00 $133 00 452 00 236 00 15 65 430 00 88 55 168 25 $1172.20 168 25 854 00 6095 44 18 25 65 75 Bridge building 3743 85 " repairs 1893 93 " viewing 67 60 Court crying 60.00 " Constables at- - tending 818 96 Court Juries Grand & Traverse 2478 08 Court Stenographer KS6 08 I $3908 12 Court House repairs . . 1027 40 " ' fuel 8c car tage 116 31 Court House water rent 26 25 Court House janitor. . . 175 00 ' mdse. toi let paper, eu 6 23 1350 21 Commonwealth costs . 1036 76 1026 76 Commissioner Heller. . 623 74 Newman 7-r4 43 " Hen!ey 648 00 " Clerk . 4.'s) oo " Solicitor 75 K) ' Postage 18 08 " Telegrams 8 64 11 Notes & Interest 1860 00 " Jury .... 60 36 4491 25 Coroners nnd justices' inquisitions 4ii m Election expense gug 44 10 1 press and freight. . . 19 25 Jail eipeuses M33 06 Printing 131 00 Penitentiary 117 94 Reformatory 75 87 Road damages Inn 00 Stationery, blanks, etc . 3:w 20 Sheritr 139 70 State tax ISiiH 77 Telephone (6 mo) 13 no 4238 27 Total StKM 60 Amount outstanding on ComiuibHiouers' etrtillcate Amount surcharged by county Hiulitors as follows: 73110 00 James H. lluller, ormn ty commissioner . . Wallace Newman, Co. commissioner James M. llenxlcy, Co. 69 74 71 Ml 44 0U oouiiuiHuloner. . Total 215 53 All persons tire hereby notified thi.t throwing or burning papers or refuse of any k I ml iu the stmets uf Uie Borough lr prohibiUHl. By oriler of the town council. j. c. chambuklain; President, pro tern. Attest, D. H. HOKXUl!X'lv,,Sec'y. Milford, May 6, ltt. Pillsbary'i vitos at Mitchell's. EXECUTOR'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE. Tho uiKlprslpni-fl will sell tlin following i-phI cftnt4 of which Mnry Mnrtetm, hit n of thu Hnroujih ff Milford, In tho County of I'iko, IVmisylviuilii, died M'lzccl, by public vendue or outcry on Wednesday, VvVy Ifi, 1 SOS, At S o'clock hi thn nftomoon, in thfi hull of the Court House In th? Itoroiiph of Mil ford, yIe : Put t of n town lot In mil1 Kor oiiftli on Ann Htrci'K nboufc 48 feet, 10 In ch ch wide In front, and 50 feet fl Inches on the nllcv lii rear, with (rood dwelling house, siniill barn nnd out butldlnfrn, will Im nold Hubject to I wish on sani(! made, by Kidd deceaw d, with Sophia M llajrerty for the "term of her natural life" at tho rental of kIx dollars per month; also two town lots In afd Horouifhon Seventh street. No. 757 nnd TuS each lob 40 feet wido nnd ISO feet In depth. I onus of sate 10 per cent, down, balance in 15 days William Mitchell, Exeoutor, Last will, etc , Mary Marteift, deceased Milford, Janunry 17, 1H(W. Stoves and Ranges. THE Round Oak For Wood and Coal Best Hodter niitl Fuel Stiver in Hie Country;. New Era Radiators, Two Fires In One II AKOWARK. (ITI.KRY, TIN, AGATE W.4UK, KTC. TIN ROOFINO AND PLUMBINO A SPECIALTY. Jobbing promptly attended to. T. R. Julius Klein, BROAD STREET, MILFORD, PA TIME AND SIGHT. Watches, Diamonds, and Solid Silverware. WATCH REPAIRING A SPECIALTY, 0 ; Eyes examined free by a skilled Optician. Glasses Filled in Gold or Any Other "Kind of Frames. We are pleased to show Goods. E. Van Sickle, 72 Pike Street, Port Jervis, N. Y FOR & & Your Stomach's Sake CHEW i71W JJ-r.fl G U M There is nothing tog-rxxl fof the Stomach as Soda ana Peppermint. Each tablet 'of Soda Mint Gum contains two grains of chemically pure toda combined with peppermint. STRICTLY HIGH GRADE. BEST CUM MADE The Proof of the Puddinj is in the Eating. TRY 80DA Is Antiseptic Refines the Breath. Retains Flavor Forever. rOH BALE BY ALL HEALERS. vk4 BO YEARS' V EXPERIENCE v j v Traoc Mark DCSIGN ''mil"" COPYRIGHTS) C Anyone nenfllng sketch nd dew?rtptlon mm? qntcklr urtH'n our opinion fre whether an Invention prtthnhlf pjilnthi. ' m ni u n ton tlimi-irictif (x.tiBdtMiltHl. UaiKl'Vik on t'aleuU sviit Irtm. (tl.l-t ttkceiu y fur Bwunng paleniR. Patents taiien through Munu A Co. r3CilT tptcuU tuitti, wlthtiut ctmrK43, tu the Scttntiflc Jlmcrlcan. A hantlBomely ilhmtrtel wwklf. I.arvnat rtr- culatu.n of inf icifriudf Jouriml. Tt-rin. $ a Tfur : four montLs, 9L 6oliitjtUl newsMlfHlem. MUNU Co.""'-New York Uraucb OlUca, (trK, Wsbluluu. D. C. B. D. HURShL - - lU'pniring dona in tin or iron, and Kloctricjil supplies furn ished to order. KLtXTBICAL WOKli A Bl'ttiAITY. Prompt attention t iven to build ing private telephoiiH lines ; pnttinfr in electric door bells ; call bells : burelur alarms; electric alarm clocks ; house call, or hotel annuncia tors ; and the general keeping in or der of electrical up;aratns. LAYTOX, N. J- 3 ppcvcii Prevention is always better than cure, even when cure is possible. But so many times pneumonia is not cured that prevention becomes the natural act of that instinct of eelf prcservation which is " the first law of nature." Pneumonia can bo pre vented and is often cured by the use of Ayer's Cherry Tectoral. "Some years go I hsd a severe cold and threatened with pneumonia. 1 could neither eat nor sleep, and was In a wretcnel condition. 1 procured ft bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral and took it according to the directions, and at the end of fifteen daynw as aa well nnd sound as before the attack. I have recommended it In many cases of pneu monia Bince. and have never known it to fail in ctFocting a cure." JOHN HKNRY, St. Joseph, La. "I was attacked with a cold that settled on my lunps, and defied the skill of my phy sicians po that they considered me incurable. At last I to:;m to use Ayer's Cherry Pectoral and was entirely cured after having taken two bottles." FRANCISCO A. SEVF.RIAN0, Taunton, Mass. ' flip's Cficrrg feciorsl is put up in half-size bottles at half price 50 centa ((CH VCADC I LHIJ IMPROVEMENTS IN FARMING," Published by the New York Tribune SECOND EDITION. 32 rapes, 18 by 12 1-2 Inches, A generiit review of tho mlvnnres nnd improvements mnrteln the lending branch es of farirf Industry during tho lust half century. peclul nrtlcles by tho best aurlciiH lira! writers, on topics which they liavj made their life study. Illustrations of the old fashioned Imple ments A vnst nmount of practical Information A valuable nld to farmers who drslru to stimulate production ami profit. Extremely Interesting mid Instructive. Only 15 cents a copy, by mail. SEND YOUR OKDKtt TO THE PIKE COUNTY PRESS, Milford, Pa. New Harness Whips, Robes, Blankets And everything which pertains to to an outfit for HORSES and CARRIAGES REPAIRING PROMPTLY DONE!. See my stock before purchasing, The Price is Right. L. F. HAFNER, Harford St., Mil ford, Pn. Building-Loan Trust Fund, 000 REALTY CORPORATION of NEW JERSEY. - GENERAL AGENT, 800 Droad Stroet, Newark, N. J. oooo What it will do for you fur A monthly payment of 8 nor 1 1,000- $5 of which ttpplun on prlnetpiu, f.i is inter est. First. Tt will buy for you any house (le st tvd or hulhl you a rttius mennliu to you own plann, for a payment of not U'x man ioyf o-iwn. .sifonu It will HHKumo any mortiratfo on voiip priipfrtv, and ailvanoe voti m ntont'y, if desired, not to exeied &t'Jr of its Taluat ion . At nlx)ve rttt-es vou would own your projM'rfy freo and el.tar in just tfrt) montlirt; vou can pay as much more as r-in wis)), Hiiti reli:c' the time in pr portion, or the full amount will be receive! at any time, The first proiMis'.tion enables you to con vert your rent money into the ownership of a home. The Kit-ond proposition enable you to ivtluve the interest rate on your morttfiime and At the Kamo time be paying otT the prlneipiil emh mouth. For further information call or address J. H. Van Etten, Attorney, - Milford, Pa. Don't Tobacco 8pil ftnd S.'uoks Toar Life Awny. if yon want to quit, tobai-co uainir easily ami forever, ueinadd well, strong, uiaatMe, full ttt uow life and Vtor, tukd No-To-iii.u, the woudiT-worUer, tiiat makes weuk meu strong. Mrtny k;uu Un pmimla iu tn ouyu. ovnr ton,iM)(Muvd. Iluy Ko-To-lhu of y our tin 'or!--, unil'-r pn-.irnnteo t cure, ooo or 41 .on. Booklet and sample mailed f iw. Al. fciterliiiii itemeiyCo.,C;liaauourNe'A Vurti. FURS: FOR niGHEST PRICE send your furs to Pawtucket Fur Company, Pawtucket, R. I. Price list on application. dec243m pn. david Favorite The one sure cure for The Sidney's, liver end Blood BUSINESS CARDS. WILLIAM B. KENWORTHY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Office nml rr-fctdnnre Hnrforil street In homo liitoly occupied hy l)r K H. Wei -ncr. MILKOHI), PA. Dr. von der Heyde, DENTIST, Brown's ltulldino', corner Hrond nnd "rittlicrino utrretK, Milford, I'n. OFKICK HOl'KS: M to IS n. m. ; 1 to 5 p. in. Alxont DliiKimin'H Kerry, opposite M. K. Church every lind ami 4th Witliieh- diiy in eiu li month. H. E. Emerson, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. OFFICE in Drug Store on Broad Street. J. H. VAN ETTEN, Attorney-at- Law, OFFICE, Brown's Building, Mii.koud, Pike Co., Pa. John A. Kipp, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, OFFICE, opposite Court House Mii.fokd, Pike Co., Pa. CHURCH DIRECTORY MILFORD. FiltsT PltrsHYTKWAS Ciu hcii. Milford; .ablnth services at lO.Jitt A. M. anil 7.:mi r. M. Sabliath school Immediately after tho morning? service. Prayer meeting Wed nesday at 7. lo 1. M. A eortlial welconio will In extended to ail. Those not at tached to ot her churches are especially in vited. Hkv. Thomas Niciiolk, Pastor. Ciicticii of the (Joon Smki'Iieuii, Mil ford: Services Sunday at lo.KO A. M. and H A I' M. Sunday srhool jit S.:l P. M. Week day si rvici's, Friday 4.00 P. M. Seats free. All welcome. H. S. Lashitek, Hector. M. E. Cnrncii. Services at the M. E. Church Sundays: Preaching at 10. ;W) h. m. nml at 7..K) i. in. Sunday m1ioo1 at 2 i. in. Kpworth league at. l.-ln p. in. rV'wkly prayer meeting on Wednesdays at .:10 n. m. t'lass miH'ting cuiducled by Wm. Antrh on Vridavs at 7.:in n. m. An eariiestTnVitalitm is extended to anyone wno may ucsiro to worsusp wnn us. KKV. w. tl. JS KKF, J'astor. KATAIKORAS. EI'WOUTH M. E. Cm:n H, Matnmoras. Services every Sabbath at lo.iio a. m. and 7 p. m. Sabbath school at 2.:)0. C E. meeting Aiimuay evening nt 7.8U. i;iass nuH'ting Tuesday evening at 7.:i0. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7.1)1). Everyone welcome. hkv. r . i. utiHTis, fnntir. Hopr EVAX-GF.I.ICAI. rut'Iltlt, Mnta moras, Pa. Services next Sunday ns follows: Preaching at 10.1(0 n. in. and 7 n. in. Sun day school at 3 p.m. Junior (J. E. before and V. E. prayer meeting after tho even ing service. Mid-weeK prayer meeting every Wednesday evening nt 7.110. Seuts tree. A connai welcome to nil. t nnio. Kkv. J. A. Wikoaxd, Pastor. Secret Societies. M n.Foitn fjODfip, No. 3ilt F. & A. M. : Lode m(t-tfl Wednesdays on or before Full Moon at the Sawkiif House, Milford, Fa. N. Emery, .Jr.. Secretary. Milford. GtKlfreid Wieland, W. M.. Milford, Pa. Van Dkr Mark LnnriH, No. 828, 1. O. O. F: Meets every Thursday oven in tr at 7. 80 p. m., Hrown's Builditif?. Gen. Dau- inan, Jr., hec y. (.TVorKO H. (Juick, iN. w, PlU7f)EN('R REBFKAH TXUXiE, it7, I. O (). F. Meets every second nnd fourth Fri. duys in each month in Odd Fellows' Mall, Hrown's huildimr. Mrs. Alicie Hornleck. N. G. Miss Katie Klein, Sec'y. t ri tovtc: t luiviu prioi MOST POWERFUL .. . t ELECTRIC LAMP MADE. Z Guaranteed to burn 8 to 10 J hours. No Smoke. No Oil. No o Explosion. Positively safe for bicycles, miners, policemen, gas T companies, oil rehneries, boiler inspectors, etc. We send with each lamp sufficient material to J bura from 24 to 30 hours. 6 For sals by all livm deafen. t ELECTfiiC POiiTJDLE LOP CO.! Fl Ml " A M V ELMKI A, N. Y. LIVERY STABLES. If you want a stylish sin gle or double rig, safe horses, good harness and clean, comfortable carriages at reasona ble prices call on J. B. Van Tassel, Corner Ann and Fourth streets, MILFORD, PA. Listers and t lie Great Eastern Fer tilizers at V. & G. Mitchell's. FOR SALE. Seasoned white oak sled plank, very touch. Address, B. B. HursU, Hainesville, N. J.