PIKE COUNTY PRESS. Friday, January 14, 1898. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY. OFFIOR, BROWB S BUILDING, BROAD ST. Entered at the pout ollloe ol Milford, Pike county, Pennsylvania, as second-class matter, November twenty-first, 1895. Advertising Rates. Onni!(imvre(clglit. lines), one Insertion -Jl.Ot E.ieh subsequent insertion .5 Reduced riites will lie furnished on ap plication, will be iilloweil yearly mlver tlsors. Legal Advertising. Court Proeliimntlon, Jury nnd Trial ljlst for several courts per term, I'.'J.IX Administrator s ami executor s not lees Auditor's iiotle.es Divorce notices -------- Sh"rilT's stiles. Orphans' court 8.1 4.IK 5.(1" sales. C unity Treasurer's sales, County state ment and election proclamation charged by the square. J. H. Van Ettrn, Pl'IILISIIFR, Milford, Piko County, Pn. 1898 JANUARY. 1898 Su. Mo. Tu. We. Th. Fr. Sa. 9 JjO 11 U 13 U 15 16 J7 IS 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 23 29 30 31 MOON'S PHASES, Full r T:40 iMoon p. m. fi Third -, r 11:00 V Quarter 10 -in. CNew Moon 22 rirst on Quarter .m EDITORIAL. SELECTION OF JURORS. There may be a popular Impres sion, and perhaps the statoment in the Press last week that the jury commissioners with the Sheriff weie engaged filling the wheel with names, would tend to confirm it, that the Sheriff has a part to porform lu this act. In fact he has nothing to do with the selection of tho per. sons whose names are placed in the wheel. That duty devolves wholly on the commissioners, whoii they act, and they alone are responsible. The Sheriff has no part, by law, in it. He may be present whon the panels of jurors are drawn, or the two Commissioners may draw in his absence. It is only proper to cor reot the idea, of such exists, that the Sheriff can exercise any control 1 jgaljy over the names placed in the wheel. The statement in a neigh boring paper recently made by a cor respondent from here that "the Sheriff will undoubtedly soe to it this time that his own township of Westfall gots hor proper and just proportion of names on the list and in the wheel," is therefore wholly unfounded, and without a shadow of reason, nnd, besides placos that official in a very unfair position be fore his constituents. THAT LACKAWAXEN BRIDGE. AT the October Term of Court a petition was presented aaking that viewers bo appointed to view the site for a bridge across the Lacka waxen rivor near its mouth and make report to next term. For some reason, not nooe&sary now to enquire, the report was not made. We a.-wume that those signing the potition were in good faith. The question of a bridge at that point has boon before the poople of the county at intervals for many years a'ld has met with more or loss op position. This (is we understand lias been or is baaed on its probable great cost. There is another side to the matter however, and that is the justice of it, and the right ol poople living at that place to have the same facilities accorded them in the ordinary transaction of their business, as is shown to citizens elsewhere in the county. Those conversant with the situation know that there is absolutely no public way of communication across the river. The canal aqueduct which formerly was used is now elosod to tho publie, and is the private prop erty of the canal company j besides tliU there is only the railroad bridge There is no road leading up on the south side of the river to the west part of the township, and thosa liv ing on that bide at tho mouth have no means of crossing to tho north, they are in fact isolutod so fur as travel by teams is conoernod unless wishing to come overland to Milford or by making a long circuit miles out of the direct wiy if they with to go West or North. There aro business enterprises at that point .among them a large summer Hotel U'Uicli doe3 a thriving business and brings many people in the county, south of the tiver are stores, hotels and the railroad station, all cutoff from those residing north of it. There is no other place in the county so entirely lacking in facili ties for the conduct of ordinary and necessary business. That this is highly detrimental to the prosperity of those people is evident. For many years they have suffered this Incouvonionce, except as it has been (lartially alleviated by the courtesy of the company, allowing them to cross tho aqueduct, or in winter when Providence far kinder than their fellow citizens, temporarily bridges the turbid Lackawaxen with io3. We have no other interest in tliis matter than that of the impar tial treatment of all the citizens of our county. Other localities more favorably situated or having tho conveniences of access and egress, mould accord to this isolated part of the county tho samo facilities t'l y possess, and they should not grudge the few dollars a bridge nt this point would cost. We believe the span would be less than 100 fejt and that it could be built for less than $3000. While this sum in our present financial condition may look largo yet we should consider the absolute need, the justice and the right of those who for years have ujou patient taxpayers aiding to i tild bridges elsewhere, to have th ir claims for recognition in a in ittor which so vitally concerns their comfort and prosperity, im partially and fairly considered. Brown & Armstrong would like ti know if you have bought your winter footwear. EPW0RTH LEAGUE. Lusflon Far the Week Beginning .Inn. 1.1 . Comment by ltev. W. J. Yntes, A. M . Topic, Letting Christ Ifnve Ills Wny. Ssripture Reading. John xiii, 1- 9. Nearly all recognize the existence of classes among men and are salis flod that these distinctions are neces sary. Rulers and ruled that is well. Feet washers and the feet washod are the two great divisions of mankind. Servants and the served have ovor been and will ever be distinguished socially, intellectu ally, physicially and spiritually. The highest, the most to be desired the worthiest place seem to be that of the washed and served. Noble, titled, powerful, holding possessions !iow desirable this place seems, yet tie who was undoubtedly the grand est, fairest, best specimen of tho races which tho ages have produced doclarod Himself, "I am among you as one that servos." He was tho feet washer. "He that will be greatest among yon lot him be the servant of all." This looks like a reversal of all previous ideas of tho fitness of thiugs. Closor thought shows us that it is the only road to self in istory and preparation for ruler- ship of others. There are two important facts in this action of Christ. "If I wash thee not, thou hast no part in Mj." "If I then, your Lord and M. uter, have washed your foot, ye also ought to wash one aiothor's foot." Tho first truth is that no man can save himself or be pure by his own efforts. However closely the rich young ruler may have lived to the rules of pure morality he yet lacked one thing. He was free from all vicious habits, he was morally upright. The low and degrading vioos had no allurements for him, but were ropulsive. There was no hardship to him in being pure. But he was selfish. He was proud. Ha was sympathizing with men who were vicious and tempted, poor and degraded. He had no drawing to ward them or do lire to help them. They repelled him, and he spurned them. He was pure and loathed their nncloanness. Tho idea of helping them never came to him, much less the thought of mingling with them, of going down among them and giving of his possessions, of imparting of his own and himself to them. That would be a sort of indorsement of their evil. It could only degrade him and sully his puri ty and deplete his possessions. ',Oo uud sell all that thou hast and eive to the poor and come and follow Me," was the death knoll of all his pride and the revelation of the hol lo wness of his piety. He needed some one to save him. He was lost when he thought himself safe. Christ, becoming poor for our sakes, is able to save us from our pride and sin. He must wash us and purify us till we love Him su premely. The next truth we noed to learn after we have been washod from our prule and am is that we are to wash others. This is to many Christians the hardest task. It is sweet and h savenly to be saved, but to go af ter some one else and wash Lim is hardship. Ye ought to do it. Family mince meat, canned baked beans, Iudja relish, sweet pickles a'ld all kinds of fancy groceries at Mitchell's. RELIGIOUS THOUGHT. Uems of Truth Olenned From the Teach ing of All IenonilnHtlons. If this lifo be a dream, it is not too long. If death be the "awaken ing," it does not come too soon. Rev.C. "W.Villiams,BaptiHt,Denveri CIVIO SIDE OF RELIGION. Not temples, but great libraries, auditoriums for the people, aro now voicing the religion of tho archi tects. Rov. Jenkin Lloyd Jones, Episcopalian, Chicago. TO MAKE A MAN OF HIM. A big bank account will not make a man. Give your boy tho same chance that you have had. Throw him overboard. Rev. Frank De Witt Tulmago, Presbyterian, Chi cago. FRUIT OF THE HEART. Religion is the fruit of the heart and nourishes alike tho character, the will, the emotions consoles, strengthens, inspires, ennobles, Rev. Leon Harrison, Rabbi, St. Louis. KEY TO TflE HEART OF GOD. The botanist or flower lover ran say that "in the secret of a weed's plain heart" he finds a key to the inmost heart of God. Rev. H. D. Jenkins, Presbyterian, Kansas City, EFFECT OF GREAT FORESTS ON t THOUGHT. All have felt again and again the e!Tect upon thought and emotion lo ba found in the cathedral arches ol great forests. Rev. Dr. Barton O. Aylesworth, Christian Church, Den ver. CHILDREN OF LIGHT. If the children of light were only as wise in their generation as the chil Iron of ihirkni'ss.they would not "hide their light under a bushel.' Rev. J. P. Brnshingham, Metho dist Chicago. THE NEWSPAPER AND CHRISTIANITY. Cheerfully lot us recognize this the newspaper is not an enemy, but an ally ; not a curse, but a blessing. It ought to be better. Let ns help make it so. Brothers of tho press, bon voyage. Rev. Dr. George H. Combs, Christian, Kansas City. GREATER THAN HIS WORK. The Christian gentleman will al ways be greater than his work and yet will regard his work as the cry stalizatiou of his trust hopes and ambitions for the upbuilding of humanity. Rev. Dr. Louis A. Banks, People's Churoh, Cleveland. ALL MUST BE ENTHUSIASTIC. Enthusiasm in the church, to be effectivo, must be common to all. The man or woman should carry as much moral responsibility initssup port as the rich man. Five cents a Sunday from a poor man who at tends rogularly is worth more than 150 a year from a rich man who goes once or twice and tolls the pas tor that he is always present in spirit.- A pastor does not take a great deal of satisfaction in preach ing to disembodied spirits. Rev. Dr George L. Porin, Everyday Church, Boston. NARROW IS THE WAY. It is true now as it ever was, the word of David, " Great peace have they that love thy law, and nothing shall offend thorn. And the say ing of Jesus, "Narrow is the way," is not applicable alone to eternal life, but widely bears upon all hu man relations, for tho way is nar row and Btraitly hedged that loads to busiuess success, to permanent political tame, to genuine and last ing satisfaction with the good things or the tlesn, to a green and tranquil oiu ago, as well as eternal life. L)r. Frank Crane, Methodist, Chicago. THE AWAKENED CHURCH The church should awake to its highest possibilities in harmony with the humane and progressive spirit of the age. The friendly vis itor who goes to the homes of the p oor preaches a gosjiel of diviner simplicity and sublimer eloquence than can be uttered by musician or orator beneath the gorgeous temple uome. II the church is to heal broken hearted mankind, it must no longer lie content to s y, " Come. but must be prewired to fulfill the apostolic command and o. Rev J. T. Brushingham, Methodist, Chi cago. WAR A THING OF THE PAST. The commercial interests of the nations of the world are boooming more complex and more reciprocal every year. So much is this the case that war is becoming more and more unlikely. It is almost impos sible for war to be waged between the British empire and the United States, for England would be com eHed to seek to destroy the secur ity of her own investments and the United States to seek to destroy the market for her own productions. Such, in degree, is the reciprocal re lationship of every nation. This ex plains the settlement of national dis putes by international congresses Hnd the effort to obtain arbitration treaties. This is due to the pro claiming and lea veiling of the gospoj of Christ and is evidence of coming universal peace. Rev. H. W. Reed Presbyterian, TeeswaterOnt, ' Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of n writ of Fieri Fnclas Is sued out of the Court of Common Picas of l'lko County, to me directed, I will ex pose to public sale by vendue or outcry, at the Sheriff'! Olllcc In the Borough of Mil ford on Saturday, January 29, 1898. nt two o'clock In tho nftornnon of mM Ifiy nil tho following di'sorlbod proporly, vz: All flint certain tract or pnrrW of IhihI. situate and lying in tho township of (jn(m in the County of Pike and State of Pennsylvania, known us lot No. 8 on VtRMirooks Biirvcy of tho subdivision of th tract of land in tho warrantee imtno of Howe nnd Klliott No. 157, heing part of mid tract nnd containing one hundred "icres nnd eighty perches, more or Icfs. Mvlng same land conveyed to Benjamin Wetter by deeds from KlizalH'th Wesscr nnd William Wesfier, et. us , recorded re ipetively in deed liook No. page ViSI and deed' book No. HH,pagc 4H0 in recorder's oflice of Piko county. Improvements, About twenty ncres of jwrtrl land nrn im proved, balanced well timbered, anmll out building, n good thrifty young orchard, excellent spring of water near the site of former dwelling house, nnd (dream run ning through properly. Seized nnd taken in execution ns the property of Hcnjnmln WcHser, nnd will be iolu by ine for cash, etc. H. I. Courtriglit, Sheriff. Sheriff's Oflice, Milford, Pi. ) Deo. 80, 1S1I7. j Divorce Notice. Susie S. Pnvnldge by her next friend, A . T. Soeley vs. Charles Morgan Savnldgo. lu Plfco county Common Pleas, No. I), Oetolier term 18(17. In divorce, subpoena nnd alias subpoena returned defendant not found In said County of Pike. To Charles Morgan Snvaidgc Sm: You are hereby notified to be and ippcar at our Court of Common Pic as to ie held at Milford. in said County of Pike ii. the third Monday of Mareli next, (it licing the return day of our no.v term of ooiirtlnnd answer the complaint of the llbellant filed in the above case. 11. 1. Courtriglit, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Milford, Pa., January 7, IHWt). Divorce Notice Louise .Schanno Snlngnnrd by her broth er and next friend, Paul Schanuo, vs. Arthur A. Snlngiiard. In the Court of Joimnon Pleas of Pike oomity, No. 10, October term 187 In divorce subpoena and alias subpoena returned " defendant not found" eto , ill said County of Pike. To Arthur A. Salnfrnnrd: Hin:-Yim are hereby notified to be ai d appear at our Court of Common Pleas aforesaid to be held nt Milford, in said County of Pike, on the third Monday of March next, (it being the return (lay of our next term of court) nnd answer the complaint of the libellant filed in the above case. II. I. Courtriglit, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Milford, Pa., January 8, 1SDS. Auditor's Notice. In tho Orphan's Court for the County of Pike. In tho matter of tho estate of Jacob Kll watiffcr, deceased. Tho auditor appointed by the said court "to make distribution of funds in hands o' Philip Kllwmiger, executor, etc., as shown by his second account filed in Hegister's Oflice" eio , will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his appointment on Wednesday, Kebruart y.lsnsat two o'cloc k p. in. at bis oflice S. K cor. Third and Ann streets in tho Uorough of Milford, Pa., when and where all parties Interested are required to make and prove their claims or lie debarred from coining in upon said funds. Ily. T. Baker, Anditor. Milford, Pa., Jan . 8, 18W. Auditor's Notice. Estate of Christian Ott, diseased. In the Orphan's Court of Piko county. In partition, accouut of A. D Uniwn, trustee. The undersigned having been appointed auditor by tho Orphan's Court of the County of Piko "to make distribution of the funds in hands of said trustee to ami among the parties entitled thereto," will attend to the d titles of said appointment at his ollice in the liorouuli of Milford on Monday tlie 7th day of Febiuarv, A 1). nt 2 o'clock in the afternoon at which ttut and place nil persons interested are re quired lo attend and present, liieir ciaims or Ih forever debarred from coining in and upou said funds. C. W. Dull, Auditor. Milford, Pa., Jan. 7, 18UN. Auditor's Notice. Estate of Jacob Otteuheiinor, deceased. In the Orpbuu'n Court of the County of Pike. The underslgu.-d having been appointed auditor by the Orphan Court of the County of Piko "to pass upon tho execu tions, restate the account if iiecesfary anil make dirtrlliutioll of the fund in tint liaii.U of the HdminiatrMtor among die parties eu- iiiu-u mereio hiiu report toe evidence thereon to the court at next trui," will at tend to the duties of said appointment at Ins ollioe iu the llorouub of Milford on the 81st day of January, A. I) 1., at o clock In the afternoon at which time aud place all persons ltitcrcstod aru required to attend and present their claims or bo for ever debarred fruiu coiuiug iu and up iu MUU iuuus. D. M, Van Auken, Auditor. Milford, Jan. 8, IHWj, llEiiUj intiJ ore not distincruwherl by any mark or sign from coughs that fail to be fatal. Any cough, neglected, may sap the strength and undermine the health until recovery is impossible. All coughs lead to lung trouble, if not stopped. Aycr's ciierrii PedorsI Cures Colics "My wifs was suffering from s dreadful eolith. We did not expect that sha would long survive, but Mr. R. V. Royal, dputy surveyor, happened to be stopping with us over night, and having a bottle of AVer's Cherry Pectoral with him, induced my wife to try this remedy. Tho result was so beroScul that she kept en trying; it till she w.n cured." R. S. HUMI'HIUKS, Si-.tis.--y, fia. "My little daughter was taken with a dis tressing co-'(,'h, which for three years defied ail the remedies I tried. At length, on tho urgent recommendation cf a friend, I Logan to give hr Ayer's Chrry I'eetonil. After using one bottle I found to my f;reat sur prise that she waa improving. Three bottles completely cuied her." J. A. CRAY, Trav. Salesman Wrought Iron Pr.nr-e Co, St. 1.0U13, ilo. G&CSTEj Pecfc is put up in half-size bottles at half price 50 cents. f ,Zr 8 Ta - yT MARK. A - . : 1 ELECTRIC CLEANSER g ! AM good ltoumekppper itt f. Removes all duit and dirt from car- m pets and Ruga. Removes all grease spots, fruit stains P and coal soot. A Re3tores colors and raises the nap. Va The work is simple and can be per formed by any person. Warranted to be free from such sub' atancea as Alkali, Acid, Benzine, Resin and Ammonia, which are injurious to carpets ana laorics. One can cleans 9$ yard ofettrpet, We also manufacture the f. ELECTRIC WALL PAPER 4 f. AND FRESCO CLEANER 4 f Best In the market. 4 5 2 bicycle Chain Lubricant J K speaks for Itself. Va W. ' Why not buy the beat when It costa w 'A now on the market ? Send for circulars. FRE PARED ONLY BY THB ELECTRIC CLEANSER CO., Ta Can Aft. fthln S Winy not toythsBest? GBiMM J errn .-rvw-'-.'r'-' y.riXT OIE EL 4 RANGE . ''. .1 : -ARU LEW I It T E LCt H ET A L E Mf'K'ir aiifi eTnniinn other rnnires and then ou will buy aoiUilM bilJ.r. kaMj. ltuTLASD. Vt., July It 1997. a. H. OTUW ft CO. ' ' Gmtlrmvn: It pivrn me pTamim foTnlun tartly recivimu iKl t!:e iiRM.f "The Grltum 8t'l KnTii) " which I have n-v-.l In my bouse for the past wvt-n month We think It dors tx-rfect work, t easy to orfm to, economical in fuel, and thoroughly coi.fti uct d. 'ro-ntctivp pun-hawM u.itko no r,.i.-t,,kc labiiyin,: a " tirimni stvwl Haute." Youn i.-uiv, H A I. I'll 8T1 MM) ltL V ItU MWlt'y & Stoddard MU. Co. Write for circular and price lint a ve wit direct. O. II. OIUMM fc CO. Itntlnnd. Vt. 0000000000000 0 HOW IS BABY ? 0 When baby ret, ,lck remember S y, that Uustrll'i tt hiln Itrupt la Y worth it, weight in gold. A 0 RUSSELL'S WHITE DROPS 0 O For such ills as Wind Colic, 0 0 Cholera Infantum, Dysentery. Diarrhoea, Griping Pains, Sleep O Olessness, and other diseases in- X cident to babyhood, especially O s. during Teething. Y 0 PERFECTLY HARMLESS. y It is made for babies, from pure v V vegetable remedies. Contain V y no opiatca in any form. s. 0 IT IS S03TKINQ o Oand healing to the nerves, and j at the same time strengtheneand V 0 invigorate the whole system, y restoring a healthful color to the V S cheek, producing y Refreahlng Sleep, V Atrong Nerves, Q Cheerful Disposition. S Prlca 25 cents per bottle. X ( Por sale by all druggists. a V Prepared hv J X RUSSELL MEDICINE CO., a PROVIDENCE, R. I. 0 0 0000000000000 When bilious or costive, eat a Car- caret, candy cathartic, cure guaran- ik;ou, ivu., Aon TTTTlRS WIVTirn Aii..,..t o .. tlolpli will pny the hifHieSt market priee lor ueei Hides, cult and sheep aliini.. Call at the iannerv on Boud street above High.. novlStf ' It Pleases Him to Know That Wo nro dolling GOOD .CLOTH ING flicnimr tlinn nny other house in Port Jervis. Wo hnvo tho host ALL-WOOL KERSEY OVERCOAT mmlo, nt 7, worth m. An ALL-WOOL BUSI NESS SUIT nt 14. 9H. If you nro in ficcd of pood woolen tliulerwenrs, wo 'em GUNNING & FLANAGAN, Cor, Front nmt Sussex streels, PORT JERVIS, N. Y. Now Harness Whips, Robes, Blankets Ami everything which pertnins to to nn outfit for HORSES and CARRIAGES REPAIRING PROMPTLY DONE!. See my stock before purchnsing, The Price is Right. L. F. HAFNER, Harford St., Milford, Pn. Washington Hotels. RIGGS HOUSE. Tho liuti'l pur pxii'llciico of tlio cnpiml I'wntod within iitiu lilcnk of the Whit. HoiiBii mid tlirwtly oppusite the Treiisitry. d lllL'SD 1111)10 in tliu city. WILLARD'S HOTEL. A faiiKH.s horclry. remniknblo for its nsioriciu nKS(u intioiis ninl loiig-snstnijietl HUmlarity. Krccntly rcnoviitud, rrpuintt'tl mu pjirumiy rouirnisiRHt. NATIONAL HOTEL. A liinilninrk HiiKinir the hntcls of Wiwh nirton, patroiiicd in foniitT yours by irpsu.cn tu nnd hlirh oIllotalH. AIwiivh iriino fuvorito. Hcci'iitly rt'inotlcliMi ami oikUtwI Imiiut tlmn ovrr. Opp. Pa. K, i. rtcp. WALTKK HI KTOX, Kes. Slfjr, These hotils nro tho principal political vnitozvoiin of tho caliltal at all tlnioi Chey aro tho host stopping placoH at reiv- onaoio rail's O. O. STAPLES. Proprietor. O. DE WITT, Manager. 3uilding-Loan Trust Fund. REALTY CORPORATION of -:- NEW JERSEY, -:- GKNKHAL AGENT, 800 Hroiul Strwt, Newark, N. J. OfKio What it will do for you for n monthly payment of tH per tl.nnn f5 i which applies on principal, fli is inter st. First Tt will huy for yon any house uY ilreil or litiild you a house nccimling lo .-on own plans, for a payment of not less viiau jii'r. down. ,-H-wiim it. win nssiuno any iiioi-t(afio on your property, and advance you mole money, if desired, not to exceed'tlo", of Its valuation. At aliove rnt.es you would own your property free and cl.iar in just gnu inonths; von can pay as muck more as yon visn, nun rciuico uio lime in pr portion, or the full amount will be received at any time, The first proposition enables you to con vert your rent money into tho owncri-hip if a home. The second proposition enables you fo reutu the interest rate- on your moi-tiip-c mid at the same time be paying off tlie principal each mout h. For further information call or address J. H. Van Etten, Attorney, Milford, Pa. FURS: FOR HIGHEST PRICE send your furs to P.iwtuckt t ir:ir Company, Pawtuckut, R. I. Price list on Application. dec2l3in EtTABLIJHtD CAVIHTf. - If Si. m!. - .! LABELS. THAOC f 7 OtSIGHS- MAHK5. vvCOPYRICHTS. Thirty-one yenni actlw prarti,e. Opinion u to Vttliility ftiul ttU'ntahility. Writ? for look of li.HTnirtioiiK and refervnctn. EDSON BROS., 925 P t reel, WuhlnytoD, D. C. Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life Away If yon want to q nt tobacco uainif eaniljt aiul forovor, bennulo vvull, atrouK, niunt.'tic, full of now lilts ami v itor, tulie No-To-liac, tlie wouticr-ivorker, thai ui.ikes weuk meu siruutf, Mnnv guiu ten pmiiMls in ua days. Ovor 4M),uiii cmvd. Huy Nu-To-Huu of your di iiirtrist, umlcr ?'iu.rai.tee to ciiie, 50o or 41 ml. Book lot an. I anniple muilefl free. Ail. ttterliuij Kuuiotly e'o.,UiH iu(u or Now Vorlc. ducavid favorite KWemedy The one sure cure for XI lu . I: . nl 1 k iiuney3, u.ver ana DlOOa BUSINESS CARDS. Dr. von dor Heyde, DENTIST, Brown's HuHcling, corner Tlrond nnd f'litherlne streets, Milford, l'n. OKKICK HOI KS: k to 12 n. in.; 1 to 5 f in. Also at Diupmnn's Kerry, oflice of )r. Kenworthy, every Und and'-ltli Wed nesday in each month. H. E. Emerson, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. OFFICE in Drug Store on Broad Street. J. H. VAN ETTEN, Attorney- at- Law, OFFICE, Brown's Building, Mii.porii, Pike Co., Pa. John A. 1'opp, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, OFFICE, opposite Court House Mn.Foiiti, Pikk Co., Pa. CHORCH DIRECTORY MILFORD. Fihst PllEsnTTFItlAN Cltt'Iicn, Milford; Sabbath services at 10. So A. M. and 7. HO P. M. Sabbath school immediateiv after tho niorniiiK service.- Prayer meeting Wed nesday at 7.110 i: M. A cordial welcome will be extended to all. Those not at tached to other churches are especially in vited. Kkv. Thomas Niciioi.s, Pastor. riU'HCM OF THE (noil SlIrM'IIKIlD, Mil ford: Services Siimlny nt. Iu.:t0 A. M. ami :).:)( P. M. Sunday school at a. HO p. m. Week-day services, Friday 4.00 r. M. Seats freo. All welcome. H. S. I.Assitkr, Kector. M. K. Ciiiucii. Services at tho M. K. Church Sundays: Preaching at 10.80 a. m. and at .;( p. m. Stimiay school at 9 u. in. Kpwoith leagiiu nt' IU5 p, in. Weekly prayer meeting on Wednesdays nt 7.:to p. m. Class lnociiiig conducted by Win. Angle on I iidnvs at 7.:to p. in. An earnest invitation is extended to anyono who may desire m worslisp iv i t li us. Kkv. W. R. Xi;kk, Paster. MATAM0IIA3. EpwoiiTii jr. K. Cmimir, Matimiorns. Services every Salibath at 10.au a. in. and 7 p. in. Sabbath scliool at x'.Ito. C. K. ineeiing .Monday evening nt 7. HO. Class meeting Tuesday evening at 7. lit). Praver ineeting Wednesday evening at 7!a0. F.veryono wel(;omo. Kkv. F. (. Cuhtis, Pnstor. Hoi'E Evangelical Ciii'Hcii, Mnta moras, Pn. Services ni xt Stindavas follows: Ll'reaching at lu.HO a. in. and 7 p. m. Sun day school at : p.m. .luiilor C. K. before anil I, r.. prayer niceting after tho even ing service. Mid-week prayer meeting overy Wednesday evening at 7. HO. Seats freo. A cordial welcome to nil. Como. Kkv. .1. A. Wikoand. Pastor. Secret Societies. MtLFOKD LonnE. No. 844, F. & A. M. : Lodge meets Wednesdays on or before Full Moon at the Sawkill House, Milford, Ha. N. Kmery, Jr.. Secretary, Milford. (odfreid Wieland, W. M.. Milmrd, Pa. Van Dkr Makk Loiige. No. 82S, I. O. O. F: Meets every Thursday evening nt 7.80 p. m Hrown's Building, (eo. Dau nuin, Jr., Sec'y. Georgo R. Quick, N. (. PitiiPKNOR Rkbkkah LonoE, 107, I. O 0. F. Meets every second and fourth Fri. days In each month in Odd Fellows' Hall, Hrown's building. Mrs. Alice Hornbeck, X. It. Miss Katie Klein, Sec'y. BURNS . '1 4 prioi f JT -o-tiiaar sv MOST POWERFUL ... ELECfRIG lamp made, t Guaranteed to burn 8 to io J hours. No Smoke. No Oil. No i ExolOSlOn. Positlvelv afA for i J bicycles, miners, policemen, pas J companies, oil refineries, boiler X J inspectors, etc. wo send with J each lamp sufficie it material to T X burn from 34 to 30 hours. Tor tale by all lieo deafer. t ELEGTnlo POHTilSLE LCP CO. Z f!LM5f?A, N. Y. t 11? ll. All persons aro hereby notified that throwiniror biirnimr iiaueis or niinui of any kind in the stroolii of tho Rorough if yi uiiiuiivii. By onler of tho rown counetl, J. V. CHAM BKKLA1N, Pii-sident, pro loin. Attest, D. H. IK IKNBKCK, Sec'y. Milford, May 5, LIVERY STABLES. If you want a stylish sin gle or double rig, safe horses, good harness and clean, comfortable carriages at reasona ble prices call on J. B. Van Tassel. Corner Ann ami Fourth streets, MILFORD, PA. Listers ami tlie Groat EusfernFer. till '.aru at W. & U. MUchell'i. A v