Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, December 24, 1897, Image 4

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    One Cent a Word.
For Eitnh Inimrtlnn So mlTrrtlwrnent
tAkrn for letw thnn in wnU.
CASH mini reeompmjr all onlr.
MlI.FOItl), TA.
TRESPASS NOTICE. Notle la hereby
(riven thnt trespassing on the premises
Decupled ly thfl imdersiiied in lHngninii
township, known ns the Hiichnnnn fnnn
for huntiiid, llshinK, berrying or nny other
pnriso whatever in forbidden under pen
iilty of tlio lnw. Any person or persons
iliaolHtyln this notiee will l)o dealt with
In the severest lnwful nmnner.
Ukoiiub li. MrCARTV,
July 1, 181)7. U'sseo.
TRESPASS NOTICE. Notiee Is hereby
given tiirtt trespassing on the premlws
of the undersigned In Dinginim township
nenr the Delnwnre bridge, for hunting,
llshlng, berrying or for nny other purpose
whatever, Is forbidden under penalty o!
the law. A ny person or persons disobey
1 ng this nntlnu will he dealt with In such r.
manner as may bo most effectual to pre
vent a repetition.
April 2", 181)7.
TRESPASS NOTICE. Notiee is hereby
given that trespassing upon the south
ern half of the tract of land known as tin
William Denny, No. m, In Shohola town
shin, for hunting, fishing, or, nny othei
purpose, also trespassing on Sawltill ponii
In Jllnirmiin towniuiip. or, iisiuiig in m l
forbidden under penalty of the law.
M. CI.K1LAM) Mii-noh,
Aprl&lm Attorney for owner.
TRESPASS NOTICE. Notice is herebj
given that trespassing upon the pro-
Jxirtv of tho Forest Luke Association li.
iHokawaxen township, Piko county, Pit.
for the purpose of hunting mid llshing, o
any other purpose is strictly forbidden un
der penalty of the law.
Alexander Happen,
Nov. 23, 1895. President.
TiRESPASS NOTICE. Notice Is hereby
given that trespassing on tho promise?
of the undersigned, Bltuated In I)ngma!:
township, for nny purpose whatever 1:
strictly forbidden, and allolTundera will bi
promptly prosecuted. Iha B. Cask.
Oct. 24, ltfttt.
OR SALE. A small fnnn located nen d
Matamoras, known as tho Hensel oi
Keinhardt pluce, containing 21 acres.
Finely located, well watered. House ami
barn. Fruit of all kinds. Part improved
Title clear. For terms, price, etc, addres.
Lock box G Milford, Pa.
Correspondents are pnrticularlv
requested to send in all news in
tended for publication not later
than Wednesday in each week to in
sure insertion.
Once moto wo have passed tho shortest
day of theyoar (Deo. 90,) and tax day too.
Verily we oan now breathe more freely.
The Sussex county board of Freeholder.;
at a recent meeting ordered that al!
county bridges hereafter be thoroughly
painted In white.
We note that under a recent legislative
enactmont fivo teachers who have been
nndorlong service in teaching have been
retired on pensions varying from $.'50 to
$375 each. Each year additions will no
doubt bo made to the list. Of cours1.
teachers are a very deserving class, but
since this thing has commenced who has
an ldoa to wherq tho principle may be ex
tended. '
The marrlago of Morcor Jaggor to Mi is
Lizzie Litts took plaoo Wednesday a.m.,
Doo. 15. Tho contracting parties were
driven directly to the station on routo for
Madison, N. J., to spend tho honey moon.
Tho good wlshos of the community that
they may live long to paddle their canoe
around upon tho limitless ooean of connu
bial felicity attend the happy couple.
Carl A. Utter, near Normnnock, lost a
valuable bay horse Inst Sunday morning.
Veterinary surgeon, Gray of Newton was
in attendance but was not ablo to brlnj;
the animal around.
Mr. Wm. Crone Is very 111 at this writing
His age is not favorable to an early re
covery, but we hope he will regain Iim
usual health.
The Fair In the M. . Church here hiht
wock was a decided sucoess. Thereoeipts
wore about $tl3 00 and will go a consider
able ways toward satisfying the neoessitlei
of the society. A groat deal of credit U
due to the able g'licitors who visited
Branchville, Newton and other towns. A
vote of thanks is due those towns for their
generous donations. Much hard work waj
done and their tuooess was well merited.
Doctor Hughes Is now In full ch.irgo of
tha former practice of Dr. J. N.Miller.
It would be amusing to hoar tho now
Doctors opinion of our beautiful roads, es
pecially after a midnight ride over eight
or ten mllej of thorn. Dr. Miller can toll
him where to look out for tho principal
chuck holes and thank'e'uiams.
Miss Maud Biinuell of W.iverly is visit
lug among relatives and friends in this
The Hudson River Telephone company
is now stringing wire from Newton via
Sparta, Ogdeusburg, Hamburg to Decker-
town and Installing first class Instruments
If the Reformed people who are Interest
ed ia retaining their interest In the Huluos
vllle church would investigate the Metho
dists scheme of placing insurance upon
that church (a Union church) they would
find some funny features about it perhaps
that might not be conducive to their placi
dity of mind, or sense of fairnass. The
Methodists when thuy have an interest in
a church usually gobble the whole business
in the end. I have some facts bearing up
on this gubjuut that would make interest
lug reading.
Kobt A burg passed to rest on Wednes
day last at the ripe age of 68 years . Mr.
Abers was a hard working man, and wa
one of the landmarks of the neighborhood
In which he lived. Interment in tu '
Hainesvllle cemetery.
The liyram township committee Is uiak
lug a fight on peddlers aud vendors of all
kluds of goods. Tho ''Herald" says it is a
worthy examplo for other towusliipi and
that too much of tho same business is al
lowed in Newton. This is an extremely
uurrow policy aud iu a sense acts to close
the avenues of trade to those of small
means who tlud it nocosiiary to live by
peddliug, or disposing of goods otherwise
than from store. We believe it is not only
unfair, but uuoonstitutioual ulno. Some
townships pawing such ordinances lu the
ptkst have felt it uocyisar t.) reioiud thoui
(or fear that some of the vendors would
oarry up n ease. Fair play In a free conn
try gentlemen.
Mrs. H. W, Merrlam of Newton died on
Friday morning last. Tho shoe factory
will bo closed until tho last sad rites no
paid the respected dead.
Tho saddest day of the year has com
and gone except to the delinquent tax
payer. Every body olse has walked up to
the rack and obtained tho collectors certi
ficate that they have rendered up 10.00 on
each $1 000 of their not worldly estate for
the benefit of government.
It Is said foxes are not plenty In Jersey
this year. Jako Lnntz, Ed. Hotalen, and
Willis Ayers went over the usual resorts
of Jtnynard last Saturday but did not get
one started.
The Chapel pnopln nt Bevnns will have
their usual pleasant entertainment nt tho
Chapel on Christinas eve. They promise
a good time and their promlsos are nlways
well kept. Come out and enjoy yourself.
A Merry Xmas to the readers to the
How ensy it rains f
Invitations aro out for tho wedding of
Miss Hertha Hornlieck, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Jos. Hornbeck and Merlin Cole.
sou of Copt. Jas. E. Cole, nil residents of
Montague. Tho ceremony to tako place
at the home of the bride's parents near tho
Brick House on Thursday evening, Dec.
23 at seven o'clock.
Oliver Smith didn't like Plko county
and so has gone to Paterson to attend
stationary cnglno.
Some party known killed a couple of
Mrs. Frances Westf all's ducks. Unless
paid for a suit will follow.
Speaking of suits thcro seems to bo one
or two In sight. Soino of our officers will
have to suo to get the costs due them.
I nm glad to note that the I'HKss took up
the cudgel In defence of tho conduct of the
people lu Pike county on Deo. 7th.
A little yarn Is ndmlssablo but unci
barefaced lies as were published In some
of the reliable f papers cannot bo too sev
erely censured. I nm glad to know thai
one Sussex county paper told tho truth.
Jas. Hosier is a great lover of bees. If
took up one hive which yielded HO pmiuil-
of saleable honey. Next 1
Benjamin Hosier, of Greeuvlllo, N. Y.
is spending n few days in this town.
Dr. Weiiuerand family of Milford callc
overhoro last Friday.
Eaton and Martin Colo and Bennetl
Rundle are spending their holiday v.iea
tion with their respective parents.
John Kyto despises sparrows. Will
one shot ho laid low sixteen.
Always before starting on a Journey be
sure your wagon Is oiled.
The Liars' Club was expected to moot lu
the mill office Inst evening, but for some
reason the members failed to appear.
The other day I was shown an ordor
which a certain person had given another
in pnymcnt of a debt. The creditor ac
cepted the ordor In good faith, but tho per
son on whom the order was drawn refused
paying it for the reason that he had nover
owed the persou giving tho ordor anything.
The question now is what will tho out
come be t
William A. Westbrook has a pony carri
age and outter, and is prepared to take the
girls out. Dick
Tho Christinns exorcises nt Epworth
Church takes place to night. There will
be a Christmas tree with presents on for
the members of the Sunday school. The
pupils and teachers are requested to be
present. There will be selections by the
choir, and tho children will recite their
Christmas recitations. A very pleasing
programme will be rendered. The friends
of tho church and school are especially in
vitcd to be proseut.
i.lio Junior Aid fair took place on
Thursday evening at the residence of Mrs,
Fred Wickham and continued ou Friday
evening. The first on the program Thurs
day evening was the Tea Party. Grace
Wells gave tho tea party to about thirty
of her young frleuds, Miss Bertha Robin
son personated Grace Wells and Cora
Billmnn personated Winnie Wall. The
two principal young ladles. Santa Claus
was personaU'd by Kev. Mr. Curtis and
took a very Important part at the Tea
Party. Solos wero sung by the following
young ladles, Miss Blanche Watts, Mary
Corwlu, Cora Blllman and Bertha Robin-
sou. Also recitations by the following
llttlo friends, Eugene Ellinor, Bortle Owen
Eva Chair, Tina Chair, Bertha Robinson
and Cora Blllman. Mrs. John Wonnaoott
presided at the organ, she was assisted by
Nellie Lovelass. At the Tea Party Santa
Claus appeared and gave all the little
friends a present aud all went home feel
ing happy. The children did their several
parts well. The Rev. Mr. Curtis is to be
congratulated upon the plea&lug entertain
ment. The several tables were presided
ovor as follows: Candy Misses Cora Sny
dor and Stella Adams. Supper Misses
Irene Kimble, May Skinner, Caddie Skin
ner, Katie Kotchani, Sadie Bloker. Fancy
Table Misses Blanche Ketcham, Nellie
Hill aud Lulu Blllman. The chances for
the pretty quilt were sold by Missus Mary
Squires and Emma Blllman the drawing
for that takes place to-night. The Fair
was very well attended on Thursday even
ing and a good sum was realized, an ex
cellent supper was served, the ice cream
and cake was delicious every 'one was
pleased and all spout a very pleasant eve
ning. .
The Junior Aid fair closed on Friday
evenlug. It was a success in all respect.
The refreshment tables and also the ioe
cream were well patronized. Tho pretty
fancy articles were nearly all sold. The
young ladies deserve a great deal of credit.
The program was very pleaslng.the songs
and roci' ations and the selections by the
Mandolin Club were all well rendered.
The dialogue entitled " The Couutry
School," with the Kev. Mr. Curtis in the
leadiug part made a great hit. The fol
lowing persons wore included in the school :
Warreu Kimble, Merritt Speidel, Daniel
MuPeek, Edith Snyder, Emma Blllman.
Lulu Blllman, Scott Eurly, Charles Sny
der, James Shay, Hurvey Lilly. At the
close of the fair the pretty quilt for which
Miss Emma Billuian aud Miss Mary
Squires sold chuuoos was drawn, Little
Flossie N ills draw the last u umber 74 out
of the box. Mrs Fred Wickham hud the
number, Theolhurquilt was sold forl.o5.
Mr John Wanuncott being the purchaser
$16 was realized from the sule of the
chauces. Miss Stella Adams bad charge
of the grab bag, which afforded a great
deal of amusement for tho children.
The 8oclety tendered thanks to their
President, Mrs John Wnnnacott for her
good work In the mnklng the fair a uc
CCS84 to Mrs. Fred Weekham for her kind
hospltnt-lly and to Rev. Curtis who rend
ered Invaluable services. Tho proceeds
from the two evenings amounted to 70
dollars. Wo congratulate tho Junior Aid
Society upon their success. Tho Society
tenders thanks to the Mandolin club for
their services the last evening of tho fair
which added yery much to tho pleasure of
tho occasion. g
J. C. Brannlng and wife of West Colang
visltd E. Klmblos family last week.
K L. Calkins has gone to Atco, Wnyne
county for a few days.
Miss Mary J. Cole of Montague, N.J.
is visiting friends here.
H. Vou Frank Is shipping wood to New
A. Eshback wns at Honesdalo lnst
Thursday Vlth a load of firkin poles.
W. G. Roloson died at the home of his
son, Milton at Notch last Wednesday.
Aged 81 years. Ho resided hero many
years and worked for tho D. & H. Com
pany 81 years, and as a watch man 22 years
Some timo ngo health falltug ho resigned
this position and moved to his Into homo.
Hlswife died some threeyenrs ngo. R. I).
Mlnch of Hawley officiated at the funeral
sorvtces which wero held Saturday and the
remains Interred in tho cemetery at Kltn-
Two fires visited Hawley last Saturday,
ono small barn of Geo. Wells burned lu
the afternoon, and at 10.30 In tho evening
ono started on the east side lu a small barn
back of Evans store, which burned the
store, tho Sweater factory and six other
Lnst week Augustus Weggc, a son of
Gus Weggo a farmer living two miles from
hero, hung himself with a towel. The
mother died somo three years ngo leaving
four sous, tho eldest being now about 15
years old. Throo of the boys lived at home
and with their father kept house. Mr.
Wcgge had gone to Honesdalo one son was
In Hawley, nnd one at J. J. Smtths leav
ing Augustus home alone. In the kitchen
Is a roller towel In which tho boys have
had n habit 'of placing their heads nnd
twirling around. It Is supposed that the
li iy having finished his work was playing
a3 usual with the towel and In somo way
nivalin ent'ingled so that he could uot re
lease himself. When Mr. Smith who hnd
come to attend a sick cow, arrived he ex
amined tho nnlmnl for some moments, nnd
then called to Augustus, Receiving no
answer he went to the house and found
the boy hanging with his head .In the
towel dead. The funeral wns held Sunday
aud Interment In the Catholic cemetery at
E. F. Bagshaw, of Mauhntten Beach
Hospital, spent n few days nt the home of
Georgo Hartwoll last week and wns a very
welcome visitor.
Mrs. W. V. Butcher spent a few dnys
in Honesdalo last week, returning to her
home on Friday.
Edwnrd Kochka sold Ills team of oxen to
a man from Sullivan couuty lnst Friday.
Having disposed of nil his stock the time
Is nenr when ho will leave his homo In
"K" Town to spend tho winter iu Jersey
City. His fnnn is rented so he thinks he Is
a free young man.
The Groeley and Burclier schools were
closed Tliursday of lnst week. Miss Rem
sen and Miss Westfall with others walked
out to see Shohola Falls and spend t he day
with friends. They think the falls a grand
Mr and Mrs. Rosencrnnce spent the
evening at MeKcau Valley last Thursday
Miss Tine Burclier came to the Glon on
Friday lost tj spend the Holidays with
herbrothor, W. V. Burchers.
Quito a change In the weather from lnst
week, but our snowstorms aro very light
So far not much prospects for sleigh bells
on Xmas.
Mrs. CM. Burclier nnd little daughter,
of Wilkesbarre, came Monday to spend the
holidays at W. V. Bnrcher.
There was a grand ball nt the Sylvnnln
House Deo. 83. Everybody was welcome.
Henry DeWltt passed through Greeley
Monday delivering and taking orders for
the coming mouth.
Charles Chltistor called at Burohor's
Glen on Mouday.
What has become of our Gerniantown
correspondents t Have they closed up
with Golden Rod for the winter t
Miss Westfall closed hor school at Bur
chers Thursday this week and went to
Port Jervls to spend Christmas at her
Wo enn boast of one young lady as being
export with firearms. She will take a gun
or revolver nnd shoot at a mark and Is al
ways sure to bit what she alms at.
Miss Carrie Westfall aud Lou DeWltt
spout Tuesday evenlug at Mrs. George
Miss Annie Remsen, Hattle Gollor, Ed.
Kochka and Charles Worsel were also of
the pyy. All enjoyed a pleasant even
The little son of William and Ida Cham
berloin died at their home at Rowlands
Saturday, Doo. 18th of pneumonia, aged
It) months. Funeral Tuesday, Interment
In Westfall cemetery. Daisy Bell.
John Wood, son of Bradner Wood, will
start for the Klondike region about the
middle of February in company with
several friends. The party expects to go
In over the Cbllkoot Pass about the mid
dle of March, aud Mr. Wood is working lu
the quarries as a preparation for the trying
ordeal. Judging from his present physi
cal condition he should more than hold
his own in the frozen North, and will
carry with him the wishes of a host of
S. D. Wells is making extensive im
provements about his house.
Miss Hattle Bradford, who has been at
toudlng school in New York, Is expected
home Frlduy to spend the holidays.
.Asa Huffman intends moving to Saw
kill. W. Gordon Parker, a son of E. 8. Park
er, the latter formerly of the Kilgour Blue
stone Compuuy, is stopping with the fam
ily of Thomas Bradford He is a resident
of New York, aud is here to writs aud il
lustrate a series o' Juvenile books for a
Ftcc r.icdicai
Do you understand jnst what Dr. J. C
Ayer"s medicines will do for youf Ara
they helping you as fast as you think they
ought? Writ to our doctor. Ho will
answer all questions, and give you tli
best medical advice, absolutely free.
Address tho J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Hasa.
B-jstou firm. Mr. Parker Is probably the
youngest author artist In the couutry to
day, he having completed his flint story In
Oklahoma a year ngo, before his twenty
flrst birthday. This work, with thirty-
four illustrations, has gone to press," nnd
will bo among next season's books. Mr.
Porker has studied In Now York nnd Purls,
nnd Is nn expect tenuis player, having won
the lntcrRcolastic nnd ninny other cham
pionships In lstW.
Mr. Herman Oumble died at his rest
deuce on State road Deo. 14th. Ho hnd h
stroke of paralysis some time ago, and has
been complaining ever since. The funer
al services wero held nt tho house, cou
dttcted by the Hov. Mlnch of Hawley.
He had bovn a soldier In the Into war.
His wife died somo years ngo.
Esther B. Klllam went to Houcsdale on
Saturday for n short visit.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Art Simons nnd son ex
pect to scnd Christmas with her parents',
Mr. nnd Mrs. A. J. Kimble.
Tho Misses Kimble nnd Pellett attended
tho chicken pie soclnl at Ledgednlo lust
Friday, nil agreeing Jtliat Is tho pluce to go
for n good time.
Mr,aud Mrs. G. M. Killam went to "14"
to visit relatives In thnt place on Saturday
last returning on Sunday.
Fred Jacob of New York is spending the
holidays with his father.
Paul List of New York Is a visitor In
town the guest of Miss H. A. Jacob.
Cows are getting scarce In this uclghhood
nnd to find one for sale, Is like goiug hunt
ing. More seekers thnu game.
Calvin Crou has reuted a hotel nt Flat
brook, N. J , nnd will remove his family
there next spring. Ho will have a public
vendue Jan. 6 to dispose of bis stock.
Miss Martha North has gone to tako her
residence with the family of Rev. W. G.
Myles at Garfield, New Jersey.
G. W. Donaldson's family bus removed
to their city home for the winter.
Not many on the sick list hereabout so
It is pleasautcr to see a lively groy horse
bring tho Milford mull in town on time
than the poor dumb brute which dragged
It In at any time before the chnngo In car
riers was made.
When our congressman comes to look
for votes again In Delaware It may be a lit
tle Inconvenient for h'm to find somo ho
uauoeiorer UlUKim.
Shorman Fowloraud Einlle Vullle arc
building tho foundation for their steam
portable saw mill on the premises of B. F.
Kipp near where his mill stood that burned
about one yoar ago.
Hazclton nnd Kipp lumber company
have about ono million feet of logs cut
aud nearly ready for suow, they have sold
800,030 foot of mlno rails and all tho ash
aud bass wood lumber that they can get In
this winter.
F. G. H ames Is now domiciled In his new
house adjoining his store building which
presents a vory neat nppearanoe.
Rumor says a wedding soon In Green-
A Merry Christinas to all the readers of
thePKESs. '
Under this nead we will insert communi
cations ou current and political topics,
without being responsible lor the sent!
ineuts expressed, and iuvlto such discus
sion as may be proper nnd of general in
terest to the people. HiDlTOK I'ukss.
Mors About Hills.
DiNQMAN'a Fkbht, Doo. SO, 187.
Silently but surely the disgraceful and
hard to climb hills are bound to disappear
on the river road between Schanno's and
Diugmau's, a duet of our supervisors Is
clearing them away, and we love men
who are In office for square buslness.with-
out any fluurlsh of trumpets. The ugly bun
ion near M. B. McCurtv's was left high
and lonely, and a nearly level road was
graded below. The Couashaugh 45 degree
grade seems to be in danger of becoming a
thing of the past, which no one will re
gret. '
There lsjhopo thnt tho voters of Delaware
will soe to it at the polls that no paltry
politicians are elected in the place of the
men who have done such good work aud
perhaps In the near future the other hills
will be uumbered.amoug the nightmares
of the past. Sweet.
Ttxiblei ind Children.
Tho number of taxnblos, and cb.il-
dren between the ages of 8 and 13 in
the several districts aa returned by
the assessors :
Tax-. Obil-
ables. dren.
Blooming Grove 125 84
Delaware 2 172
DlnKnian 187 90
Greene 315 259
Lnckawaxen- 535 334
Lehman 91
Lehman Independent 23
Miiford Borough lud. 320 126
Milford Township 68 30
Palmyra 166 85
Porter 22 7
Shohola 227 . 152
Westfall 677 363
Family mince moat, canned baked
beans, India relish, sweet pickles
aud all kinds of fancy groceries at
Thinking of Gifts,
Everybody's got their thinking caps on ponder
ing over the same old question : "What Shall I
Give ?"
Bethe prospective recipienta man or a woman,
a boy or a girl there is nothing more likely to
please him or her than a pair of slippers. We have
an unusual assortment unusual even here where
the variety has always been greatest; and we prem
ise you that the prices are just as usual,
As low as we can make them.
Corrected to Date.
Solid Pullman trains to Duffnlo. Niag
ara Fulls, Chautauqua Lake, Cleveland,
Chicago and Cincinnati.
tickets on sale at Fort Jervls to nil
points in the West and Southwest nt lower
rates than via nuyuther first-class line.
Tkains Now Lfave Pout Jriivis ap
No. 12, Daily Express 4 10 A.M.
" 10, Dally Express 6 SO "
" 111, Daily Except Sunday.. OHO "
28i .. 7 45
" (VM, Pundav Only 7 45 "
" U8, Dally Except Sunday. . 10 11 "
" , Daily Way Train 12 15 p. M.
" 80, " " " 8 80 "
" 3, Dally -Express 4 25 "
" 620, Sunday (July 4 80 "
" 8, Dally Express 6 80 "
" 18, Sunday only 6 85 "
" 23, Daily Except Sunday . . 1145 "
" 14, Dally 10 00 '
No. 8, Dally Express 12 01A.M.
" 17, Dally Milk Train 8 06 "
" 1, Daily Express 11 83 "
" 11, Daily Except Sunday . . 12 10 P. M.
" 6. Dally Express 6 00 "
" 27, Daily Except Sunday.. 0 27 "
" 7, Daily Express 10 15 "
Trains leave' Chamliers street, Nov.
York for Port Jervls on week days at 4 00
7 45, 6 00, 9 16, 10 80 A. M. 1(10, 2 00
8 80, 4 80, 6 80, 7.80, 8 45 P. M. Ou Sun
d ivs, 4 00, 7 45, 00, is a. m.; 12 80.
2 .00, 7 80 nnd 8.45 P. M.
I). I. Roberts,
General l'aftiwniror Agent,
New York,
II. V. Cooke,
Assistant Uenernl Passenger Agent,
New York.
Ilecordt'd In the Office of the Recorder
Since Our Last Issue
Lehman. Andrew Shoemaker to
Simeon Decker, dated Deo. 15th, 237
acres, con. 11,600, ent'd Doo. 16.
Milford township. Edward Quinn,
ot. ux., to John H, .Watts, dated
Nov. 29th, 1 acre, 121 perches, con.
375, ent'd Deo. 17th.
Palmyra. Commonwealth to Jos-
oph Atkinson, two patents, dated
Nov. 29, 18U7. One containing 41
acres, tho other 15 acres, 144 perches.
Greene. Henry Manhart, ot. ux.,
to John C. Manhart, dated July 9th,
acres, con. , ent'd Doc. 21.
Pillsbury's vitos at Mitchell's.
How to Prevent Pneumonia.
At this time of the year a cold is
very easily contracted, and if lot to
ran its course without the aid of
some reliable cough medicine is
liable to result in that dread disease
pneumonia. $e know of no bettor
remedy to cure a cough or cold than
Chamber ain's Cough Remedy, We
havousedit quite extensively and it
has always given entire satisfaction.
Oolagah, Ind. Ter. Chief.
This is the only remedy that is
known to bo a certain preventive of
pneumonia. Among the many
thousands who have used it for
colds nnd la grippe we have never
yet learned of a singie case having
resulted iu pneumonia. Persons
who have weak lungs or have rea
son to foar an attack of pneumonia,
should keep the remedy at hand.
The 25 and 60 cent sizes for sale by
Druggists and General Merchants of
Pike county.
Sheep Damtgei.
The gentle bow-wows have either
lost their taste for mutton or else
tho ineuns of gratifying it were not
so readily accessible as last year
when they destroyed folS.Bo worth
of sheep as against only SS this
year. Perhaps they feel it is risky
or the times aro too bard to in
dulge in such expensive meats.
Just try a 10c box of Cascarets the
finest liver and bowel regulator ever
SEE the Holiday Novelties at
Aruibtrung'8 Milford Pluirmucy be
fore buying your Christmas gifts
New and beautiful presents.
j Fitter of Foot.
Port Jervis,
WE SAY At the
lew York Furniture Co.
The Company has fairly outdone itself
this year.
It has Presents enough for every
man, woman and child within 50 miles
of Port Jervis.
92 Pike street, Port Jervis, U. Y.
New York Millinery Parlors
New Millinery. New Firm. Old Established Store.
Beautiful artistic millinery in all the prevailing styles.
Also a comple te line cf Infant's wear.
Give us a call and we will endeavorto please.
SALLEY & EfifilS,
79 Pike Street, Port Jervis, N. Y.
25 50
IRSfll.lITF.I.Y f!!IIr!J3TFPn t0 e:",
. .. . )Te. ftprrv
pfiHwww rrw. Ad. srKl.l let. ?iw;l
www w
Stoves and Ranges.
Round Oak
For Wood and Coal.
Best Heater and Fuel Silver in the
New Era Radiator,
Two F I ro in Ont
WAU, tie.
Jobbing promptly attended to.
T. R. Julius Klein,
-A lot of new felt hata at V. & Q
N. Y.
-reor cnmtlpHoil. ruciirt ira tk Miul Lx.
rrip or ffripft.hot rsuKe far natural rehultl. bani-
III., rtnrairo, nontrpal. ran., ur York. girj
Apjilind to ti:o qtiestion of a stove will femonntrnte
the fiirt time a good stove is more of a considera
tion tlnn nny otlier urticlo of furniture. If yon con
sider tliis fnet vliy experiment with Home untried stove
when yon enn lmy the DOC'KAKII for the snine money
or less than nny other stove in the market. There is
hut ono genuine.
60 YEARS',
j .
Tradc Marks
Copyright Ac.
Anyone nen ding m nketrh and deaorlptton mar
quU klT aatwrtalii our opinion frtM wdetlir aa
Invention m prvihuhly patentable. Connuunlra
tliiiisstrlt'tly onilidmitlai. Handbook on Patunla
at.-nt free, OIltat Hitenuy fur cuniitf iateni.
I'titenta t&ktiii ttintUktb Munn ft (Jo. receive
tfxeuti itutic. without vhitrve, iu U10
Scientific American.
A handsomely tllOfttrntMl weekly. I, unreal rtr-
culalloii ot any tn-ienlido Inunml. Turin. a
jfur: four muiitUa, $L Hold by all ntwaHJMltra,
MUNN & Co.8'81-'- New York
Unwell omuo, m V HI., WuMuluu, D. C.
Dr. David Kennedy
favorite Kcmcdy