Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, December 03, 1897, Image 4

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    One Cent a Word.
For Knoti finMTtlnn Ho lTrtlNrmrnl
taken fur IrM tltnn 10 cents,
" OAN1I rnnnt ttOMtmpftiiy All orders,
' MII.FOItll, PA.
THKSPASS NOT1CR. Notion In hon-liy
(riven that trespassing tin tho premises
ueeupled by tlin uiidendKiied in Dliiirmnn
township, known as tho lltiehatinit farm
f.ir hunting. flshliiK, lierryliiR or nnjr other
purpose whatever 1m forbidden under pen
alty of tho liiw. Any person or iiersoiif
tllnoheylnu: thin nolliw will Iw tlenlt with
in tho severest lnwful manner.
Onoitim 11. Mi:CA!rrr,
July 1, 1H!7. Ijihwio.
THKSPASS NOTtCK. Notion In hnrrhy
(liven thiit trespassing on the premise,
ut tint uiiiI'thIkiiiiI In DiiiKiiian township
near the Delaware bridge, for huiiMiiKt
IIhIiI nir, borrylnit or for any other purpose
whatever, Is forbidden under penally ol
tho law. Any person or tiersons tllsoliey
ln this notion will m droll, with In such n
manner iui may bo liumt elleutuul to pre
vent n repetition. ,
April 27, 1BWT.
TRKKPASS NOTIC'K. Notice In hereby
(riven tlmt trespaiwIngMipon tho ninth
pni half of the traet, of hind Known as tin
William Denny, No. (HI, In Shnhola town
ship, for hnntlnK, lUl.lnir, or, nny other
rurposn, also troHpafiHlnir on Kawklll ponti
ii Dlnumun township, or, fishing in It l
f orhidduu under penalty of the law.
11. Cl.KII.AKII Mll.NOH,
AprlMm Attorney for owner.
TRESPASS NOT1CK. Notion In hoi-ehy
given that trespassing upon the pro
iierty of tho Forest Dnke Association In
jackawaxou township, Plko oounty, Pa.,
for the purpose of hunting and Hnhing, oi
nny other purpose In ntrlotly forbidden un
der penalty of the law.
Alkxandf.k Haiuirk,
Not. 23, President.
TRESPASS NOTICK. Notion In herehy
given that troRpiiHgltig on tho promise
of the undersigned, situated In Diigmnii
township, for any purpose whatever It
strictly forbidden, nnil ail olTenilero will Ix
promptly prosecuted. XllA li. Cahk.
Oct. Si, lHUu.
17K1R SALK. A ninall farm located nenr
. Matainoran, known an the lloiiscl or
Ketnhanlt place, containing Ht acres.
Finely locntotl, well watered. House and
barn. Fruit of all kinds. Part improviHl.
Title clear. For terms, price, eto , address
Lock box G Mllforil, Pa.
Correspondents are particularly
requested to send In all news in
tondoxl for publication not. later
than Wednesday in each week to in
sure insertion.
Tho Dotnoorntlo Editors In this section
who thought tho tlilo among their readers
was sotting townrd freo silver oolnngo last
fall seem to be very mum just now, and It
Is hard to tell by rootling those papers what
they do think about It at present. Were
not their oonvlotlons genuine or are they
only waiting to soo how the oat Is going
to jump. I wonder what tholr readers
think of this "on tho fence" policy. No
doubt they will catch tho current again
before next fall, and volubly assuro the
dear people that they are for bl-motalllHin
first, last and nil the tlmo.
The trap rocks of Now Jersey aro among
tho strongest stone In the Uulted States.
Tholr orushlng ro.ilstanoo being 81,000
pounds to the cubic Inch. This Is an ele
gant material for Mac A dam roads whoro
the trnfTlo Is heavy, and Is rapidly oomlug
to be appreciated.
The supper In tho Reformed church at
Bo vans on Thanksgiving ulght was up to
tho usual standard and reflects much oro
dlt on tho management. Tho not proceed!
of $31.00 will be applied on the debt Incur
red In payment of Kov. W.G. Myitis salary
while on this charge.
The marriage of Geo. Van Nons of
Hainesvllle to Minnie Jaggor of Ding
mans Ferry was performed by Rev. C. II
Von Olahn at tho parsonage on Wednes
day Nor. 81th. The usual good wlshos
attend the happy couple.
Thanksgiving parsed off with little
going on except a few family re-unlons
which are a very nloo feature of the day.
The Thanksgiving sormmif In tho PitEss,
though a day Into was appreciated by
Mr. Chat. B MoCarty of Rayniontlxkill
and Miss Nettle Caeo of Delaware dlnod
and spoilt a ptevmnt day at Pluo Hill
Farm on Sunday last.
The findings of tha jury of four minis
tors and throe laymna that resulted In do
poilng Rjv. M. C. Humbly of White Lake
in Sullivan oounty from the ministry,
shows that such misorablo ooncliiot as he
was proven guilty of can not be white
washed every time and will go far to In
spire respaot for a church that shows a
right disposition to cleanse Itself. How
much bitter It would have boon for the
church if the jury in the last trial of that
naturj here had done tholr plain duty half
as well. I note by the Gazette that soino
of the parishlonors of this pious fraud are
going to give hliu a reception and com
plain that he U a muoh abused man. Such
Is partisanship In the church and Indeed
It seems muoh like to partisanship else
where. John Smith who built a house fur him
self lust winter on his lot bought of G. K
Kursh Is this winter building a barn. He
has It nearly enclosed at this writing.
The Heralds correspondent say that our
own, Freeholder, K. li Kintuer aud ex
hotel keeper, J. K Everett are to start for
the Klondike In January. Wo hope thi i Ik
036 of Jos. U's jokos because If the twins
should ever get so far from home we
might never see them again, and that
would be an awful calamity. Wont the
boys please stay a little bit louger and at
tend brother Von Glahns extra meetings.
Maybe they might stumble Into the
straight and narrow way to which they
have long been strangers, aud attain to
riches to which the Klondike would be as
a penny dip to an are light. Yes boys,
leave us not yet awhile.
Lostar T. Smith will break ground in a
few days for an addition to his store house
at Layton. If will eitend back f rum the
store built by John li. Layton about six
teen feet and the full width of the prosouc
bulldiug There will evidently be a litllu
life in town another year.
As an) thing pertaluing to the Klondike
prove interesting it may bo pertinent to
mention that part of the gold UeliUj are In
UrkUii Territory, and part lu the United
Hiates. Winter begins in ri piember.
Durlug December and January u is con
tinuous night and through June and July
continuous daylight. The extremes of
temperature aro very groat and altogether
It In a good plaon for tendnrfeet to stay
awny from. L
The teaohnrn wero tip top satlaflod and
highly delighted with the program of the
Inst Inntltuto In Newton. Hupt. 1(111 sur
prised them with n reception on a gnnomun
scaln at tho Cochran House, and during
tho progress of tho reception tho teachers
snapped a surprise on tholr Hupt. In the
shaiio of a flue scroll top dwk. Tho pre
sentation Was neatly carried out on Iki
hnlf uf tho.teaehers by Prof. Cope and Mr.
Mill though taken off guard responded
with much feeling.
John J. Van Sickle Is loading another
oar of apples at Port .lervln. Thin will
probably be the last one of tho season un
less J nkn should oomninnoo buying In
Central l'a. In which enna ha would bo
likely to continue shipping nearly all
Mr and Mrs. James J. Shotwell gave a
ThankHglvIng dinner to the young hullo
'if the Tattles Corner school Inst Thurs
day. Tho toaeher was Included and they
all had a delightful time.
Many who have somewhat of nn Idea
tint this country leads Inoonl mining will
m surprised to learn that the principal
oouuti-ie-4 of the world are estimated to
have mined M i,7.T3,tKK) tons last yenr of
9340 pound. Great Hrltalns percentage of
this Immense total was 88 1 per oont nr al
m ist exactly one third. Tho United
States was a oloso second with n total of
171,4in,m). tons.
Fi 11. Kintner mmln the last trip of the
season with his meat wagon on Saturday
l.it. IIo will however oontlniio to butch
T only to supply local wants and to fill
Kept Luther Hill visited so mo of our
schools last week. To most teaohnrs his
Visit Is looked forward with muoh pleasure
tils helpful counsel and kind advice is al
ways tonilorod In a tostoful manner and Is
duly appreciated by them.
Joseph Jnggers and family visited rela
tives across the mountain on Sunday.
A daughter of Urbon Abors about two
years of age died on Saturday of Inflam
mation of tho brain. Funeral services at
the house and Interment In the Haines
vllle cemetery on Monday last. H.
A varloty of weather In ono week.
Prof. Padgett, " tho prldo of Plko, "
failed to appear.
Thanksgiving day wan vnry quiet over
Ilrlng on the weight of your hogs and
oe which is tho greater.
Chas. Prodinoro, wlfo and daughter, of
Mlddletown, N. Y., visited Mr. and Mrs.
Daniel Prodmore for a fow days reenntly.
Jim. B. Kerr and wife, Miss Roboooa
Murcknrdt, of Port Jervln, and Fred
Fruon, of Now York, spent Thanksgiving
day at Itlvorsldo.
Win. Kelnohnrtlt, Jr., Is spending a oou
plonf weeks lu Now York.
Mrs. Josephine Schublger and Mrs.
Win. Holnohnnlt visited New York friends
on Thanksgiving day.
Trl-Statosls becoming noted for shoot
ing scraps. Women seein to be tho prin
cipal victims.
Is It good policy for a school boy to
onrry a pistol?
Whon a person points a gun at you don't
ask If It Is loaded but just knock hi id down
and ask him afterward. By doing so lots
of nooldouts might be avoided.
D.utlul Prodmore expeats to move Yet
tor's saw mill over to Pike oounty nn the
Stono house tract, which Mr. Yottor pur
ohasod of Mr. Pinohot Inst week.
Tho chairman of tho stove oomiulttoo,
although ho has purchased a now gun, so
far has been unable to kill any gnmo.
Linn Hornbook, of Newton, oallod on
Montague friends last week.
Our Mlllvlllo miller, Louis H. Crono,
has fixed up a very comfortable offloe In
the mill. Ho has evon blackened the
stovo, provided oomfortable seats and U
willing to organize a Liar's Club in op
position to the stove committee.
Lewis A Mnrthls has purchased a fine
gray horse,
Wehuer Schublger also has a now trot-
Tho ladies connected with the Ladles
Aid Society of the Reformed Church are
making great preparations for a fair and
festival to be held about Xmas.
Town congress meets at tha Brick house
Saturday December 4th.
Frank Hoyt has built a now honuory on
his place the Sprlngdale.
When I used to live at so and so, I used
to do so and so, everything was so much
hotter thon It Is here. Now the questlou I,
Dick, would ask Is : Why the devil didn't
you stay or go back there f
How would It do to ask our new mem-
bur of the Legislature what he thinks
about a change in our game laws, so as to
have the open season for birds more uni
form f Dick.
juiss iiuiu uiuman was tendered a
Birthday surprise at her home on Tuesday
evening. About 25 of her young friends
assembled to pay their respects to hor on
her Birthday. Miss Lulu was not at home
when thoy came, but arrived home soon
after they had assembled. She was very
much pleased to see her friends and enter
tained them very nlocly. Refresh menu
wore served aud a very pleasant evening
was spent. On lidding hor good night
they all wished her many happy returns
of the pleasant event.
Miss Rllla Vau Sickle of Unlonvllle,
N. J., was the guest of Miss Hattle Allen
lust Sunday afternoon.
Mr. Ira Van Fleet, of Unlonvllle, was
visiting friend In Matamoras on Sunday
Miss Ella Ketchatu of Mount Hope, N.
J., was the guest of Miss M. Virginia
Squires on Sunday.
Mr. aud Mrs. Win. Angle, of Mil ford
were tho guests of Mrs. Watts of Wata
inoras on Thanksgiving day. They wore
guests at the surprise party tendered to
Mrs. Watts.
Ralph French from the medical college
of Philadelphia Is at his home lu Miita
inorus for a short vacation.
The concert at Bt. Joseph's church hall
last evening was a very pluasaut affair.
Tho musio, both vocal sud iustrumuutul
was very pluas:iiit. Mis Ada Cluue was
tho organist for tho occasion. Tho farce
entitled "The Train to Marro's Guard."
made a great deal of amusement. Frank
Siuien made an exoelleut oouductrr. The
tableaux were very striking aud much ap-
proi.iaU.-d by the audieuee. We congratu
late tho young people of thn church iin
their entertainment.
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Flnromw of Seoteh
tuwn, N. Y., former residents of Mnta
mciras have Issuiil Invitation for theli 8ft th
wedding annlversnry on Deo. 10.
Mls Alnnra Duryea of M.itomoras left
town on Tunmtny to vlnlt friends at Now
York, Jersey City and Pntornon.
A pleasant inrprlso party wo held at
Mrs. Harrison Watts' hums tin Main
street, Matnmnras,, on Thursday night
of lost week. Mrs. Harry Mooro, of Jersey
City, a daughter of Mrs. Watts, extended
nn Invitation to nbotit 8ft of her mother's
friends to participate In the afTolr. When
they reached the house Mrs. Watts was at
church but she returned at nlno o'clock,
and was of course, completely and most
agreeably surprised but equal to tho occa
sion and proceeded to entertain her guests
In a pleasant manner. Refreshments were
nerved by the ladles and nlno music. Mr.
Wattn' friends enjoyed the evening very
much and trust thnt at some future time
they may all nssemblo at her pleasant
home again and give her another sur
prise. Tha Ladles Aid Society oonuectntl with
Kpworth chnrch, Matamoras gavo a
ohlcken supper on Tuesday evening at the
home of Mrs. Charles Snyder. The sup
per was excellent. The young ladles pro
sent favored the company with soino piano
music whleh was very pleasing. The
proceeds amounted to about J. Tha
members of the Ladles' Aid are to bo con
gratulated upon their good supiKir. S,
Winter Is fast approaching and wo will
have to make tho best of It. We must ex
pect soino "Bitter " with the "Sweet."
Henry DtiWItt In making his monthly
trip through thin part of the town deliver
ing and taking orders for the Grand Union
Tea Company.
Jack Hogan Is wearing a very brond
snitlo over tho arrival of a lit tie boy balry
that came to gladden their home last Wed
nenday. Mother and child are doing well.
Kdward Kochka Is selling and deliver
ing hay to Greeley this week. Ho con
templates leaving his place nt "K" Town
as noon as ho disposes of his hny mid strnw
and a yoke of oxen.
Miss Carrie Knckolcln mid Mahlon
Perry wero married last Sunday nt the
home of tho bride's mother, Mrs. Hooka
Hue nt Gerinantown.
Somo of tho young people of this place
attended tha oiitcrtalnmolit given at the
D lawaro Houno last Saturday night at
Lackawaxon and all say It was a grand af
fair. Miss Hattlo Reinsen, of Honcsdalo,
Is spcndlhg a wook with hor sister Anna at
Tha Misses Homien anil Hattle Gallor
spont Tuesday evening nt Goorgo Hart-
Tho cold weather has closed the lake
with a beautiful sheet of toe and the dally
talk Is whon will It be safo enough to
skate F Take advice and don't go skat
lng too soon.
We all onjoyod snowballing during the
last snow storm.
Mahlon Perry, Carrie and Goorgo Rook-
loin nnd Annie Shelling visited the Me
tropolis thanksgiving.
The dance nt Rlohard Deltz lost week
was largely attended and all had a good
Miss Lynu spent Thanksgiving In Haw
Tho box party was a grand success and
dancing continued until an early hour.
Roliihold Woniul flrod six times at what
he mistook for a bear but which proved on
closer Investigation to bo a block stump.
Several of our young folks recently en
joyed a horseback ride to the Park.
W. Ketohol recently made a visit in
Goorgo Rockolcln, Jr. expects soon to
enter tho employ of Swlnton & Co. at Port
Jervln, where bo will learn the trado of
Abe Hendorshut and John DoGroat wero
visitors horo recently.
Frank mado a short visit to Sbohola
Joe Sohmalzle shot two door last week
Miss May Rockolcln lately visited friends
lu Port Jorvls.
Tbo Rockoleln girls while out hunting
last week shot six pheasants and four rab
bits. They are fluo inarkswomen.
George Hoffman and J. H. Boa, of Haw
ley, oallod bore on business.
Kate and Lizzie Madden, of Blooming
Grove, visited here a fow days ago.
Willie PodluBkl, when going to the post
odloo recently, klllod the largest deer
seen hero In many yours.
Vldo Zcklch was at Hawley a short time
It is reported that a wild cat ha been
soon between Rattlesnake hill and the val
toy fields.
Why doosent Golden Rod write every
week I We aro glad to hear from hor.
Another surprise party will soon be
hold. Where f
The Pikk County PiiKa Is a welcome
visitor every week, aud It will soon have
several more subscribers here. Daihv.
The lawsuit, which caused considerable
oominout and was to oouie off Nov. 19th
before Squire Boitroe at Greentown.dldn't
come off. The parties and their counsel
all appeared. J. R. Smith and A. P. Hov
er for Sanders, plaintiff; and M. E. Sim
ons, of Honcsdalo, and K. B. Hollister, of
Holllstervllle, for 8. R. Hazel ton, defend
ant. After a number of pleas In abate
ment offered by counsel for defendant, at
the Instance of the justice aud much to his
satisfaction the parties got together aud
effected a settlement and all went home
apparently sutUlled save some who were
disappointed in not hearing attorney's
Sherman Fowler and Emile Vullle, of
Gruentown, have moved to Hozoltou aud
Klpp's Mill In Palmyra township, this
A now post office has been established In
Palmyra township. S. K. Hasciton, post
master, the name of the onloe Is Crosses.
The supper, under tho ausplcos of the La
dies' Aid at Victor Corey's lu Gruentown
Nov. 23rd, was a decided success, both so
cially aud financially, prooetxls $lti.
The third quarterly meeting for this
coufercuoe year will be held In the Hem
lock Grove M. 12. Church on Saturday and
Sunday Doo. 4th and bin. Preaching ou
Saturday at two p. m. by Providing Klder
W. L. Thorpe, also In the evening at 7. fid
p. m. and Sunday morning nt 10. Bt) a. in.
after which the nncrnment will bo ndmln
Inttirod. All are cordially Invited to at
tend. Lewis Miller Is very busily engaged kill
ing porkers. IIo Is nugag id until ab Hit
the 80th of Diiooinbor.
F. L, Helg, our village blacksmith, Is
confined to the house with a sprained an
On Friday, Nov. With, Anthony and
Sherman Hloss killed 8V) pound htvir. It
was caught In a trap at tha head of Kant
Branch pond In Orwno township. Kaoh
Bred two shots before they killed bruin.
D.imaii Illaekino.ir died Nov. 8)dd, aged
abti;it seventy-seven years. H,) leaves a
wife and seven children threo boys an I
four girls to mourn his loss. They are all
marriod and doing for thonHelves but one.
Tho funeral service woie held nt School
House. N i. 4 on Friday afwrnoon, con
ducted by tha Uev. Raymond, and inter
ment In Piuipno cemetery.
The wife of Janob Zimmerman tiled on
Fnturday, Nov .87th nt hor daughter's, Mis.
Wldmlrs In Pntersou. Sho has boon sick
for some time and had gono thoro to bo
near a physloluu. H.ir limb mil nnd four
ohlldnin snrvivo-hnr. .Burial In Patorsoii.
Mr. and Mrs. Gun Hlngur will beglu
housohoeplng In a part of Mr Jacob's
house this week.
Miss Jessie YllIliinis nnd sister hnvo
been visiting tholr Undo Chnrlos In this
Masters Donald Walte and Russell Dean
of Wavorly, were guosts of Arthur Pel-
lett a few dnys last week.
Cold wnathor has oomo early. If It keeps
so until spring tha winter will )ie long.
Most of tho farmers have hod their
threshing dona. I suppose tho next on
the programme will bo tha squeal of the
Recorded In the Offloe of the lienor. ler
Rliioe Our Last Issue.
Lncknwnxon. Frodorick Poop-
pel, ot. nx. to Elizabeth Kirby .dated
Nov. 10th, 2 aores, oon. 300, ont'd
Nov. 20th,
Blooming Orovo, Lnokawaxon,
Shohola nnd Dincnian. II. I. Court-
right, Shorifr, to 1'otor 'Yoost, dated
Oct. 11th, Hhohola Falls property,
oon. 5,610, ent'dNov. 27th.
After hoaring somo friends con
tinually praising Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Ilomody, Curtia Flock, of Anaheim.
California, pnrohasod a bottle of it
for his own two and ia now as en
thusiastic over ita wondorfnl work
as anyone can bo. The 25 and 60
cent Biaos for salo by Druggists and
0rjutir.il Mirohnnti in PikoOja it
Brown & -Armstrnntr wnnld uVa
to know if you havo bonght your
winter iootwear.
The Pur Food law.
Judge Allen Craig last week do
cided in the Monroe Court to Quash
indictments brought against two
Tannorsvillo firms for selling im
pure vinogar. IIo concludos aa fol.
lows. It is impossible for ns to sus
tain tho indictments It cannot be
sustained under tho act of 181)7 be
cause the act was not in existence
whon tho offense ehnro-Hil wim nnm.
mitted. Nor enn it bo sustained
under the acta of 1891 and 1895 be
cause they are ropoalod without any
saving clause.
Comlnf to Tholr Santas.
Our Layton correspondent thinks
tho Democratic editors of Sussex
will all bo bi-metallista in the near
future. Well! that is sound doofc
rineandit is to bo hoped thev well
beoomo so rational as to wholly
aoanuon ana (liavow tho 18 to 1
heresy. Tho silver mon aro not bi
metallist. Bimetallism proposes
ino usa oi sliver, Dut maintained at
a parity with gold, and to tkitt doc
trine all good Republicans and
sound money Democrats subscri be.
Th Raid Will bo Built.
Tho dirootors of tho De'iawara
Valley, Lehigh and Hudson Rail.
road decided at a meeting hold in
acrouusuurg this week to put sur
veyors on the lino at once, with tho
view of immediately building the
roau up tue valley. Wo hope there
will bo no-'-hoad oa" oliision be
tween tho roads now both are cer
tain of being built.
Stroudsburi lotet two Citiiens.
Williiiin II. Garris a contractor and
builder well known In Monroe coun
ty died of pneumonia aged 68 years
He bad recently taken the contract
to bnild the new plans facto ry.
Uershom Hull who was formorly
engaged in the tannin tr buaineHS
died at the rie age of 85 years. He
was uoru 10 Hope, JN . J.
Don't be persuaded into buying
liniments without reputation or
merit Chamborluin's Pain Balm
costs no more, and its merits have
been proven by a tost of many years.
Suoh letters aa tho following from
L. Q. Bagley, Huonemo, Cal., are
constantly being received : "The
best remexly for pain 1 have over
used is Chamberlain's Pain Bulm,
and I say so after having used it in
my family for several years." It
euros rheumatism, lame back,
sprains aud swellings. For sale by
Druggist aud Gouorul Merchants of
Pike county.
iicrnj Pectoral
wived the lives of two of my chil
dren when to all appearance they
were in the first stage of
J. W. IIUFF0UD, FarmlnKton, la.
It Pleases Him to Know That
We are Belling (()OD CLOTH
ING chenner than any othor house
in Port Jorvis.
Wo hnvo the tout ALL-WOOL
KERHKY OVKItCOAT mado, nt 7,
worth I0. An ALL-WOOL BUSI
NESS SUIT nt 4. 98.
If you aro in nood of good woolon
undorwears, wo sell 'em
Cor, Front and Bussox streots,
Stoves and Ranges.
Round Oak
For Wood and Coal.
Best Hoator and Fuel Haver in tho
New Era Radiator,
Two Flrosi In On
WA KK, Ki t;.
Jobbing promptly attended to.
T. R. Julius Klein,
Fall and Winter.
Wo will place on exhibi
tion Wednesday, Oct.
13th, ono of tho finest
assortment or mon s
footwear for Fall and
Winter ever exhibited
in Port Jorvis.
rho stock comprises
I all tho latest nov
eltios in matorinls
such as willow
calf, winter rus
set, enamel and
patent leather,
criick proof box
calf.American calf
and English grain
II ow shapes Cornell, Har
vnrd, Itugby and Bull
Fitter of Feet,
Port Jervis, N. Y.
New Harness
Whips, Robes, Blankets
And everything which pertains to
to an outfit for
See my stock before purchasing,
Tho Price is Right.
Harford Bt., Milfoid, Pa.
Sound oa Fostbail.
Col. Bob Ingersoll recently de
clined to witness a football game,
though bo had njver seen one.
He thinks it a good game because
so many ara killed playing it, and
tttat tho rules should be altered so
as to allow tht players to wrap
themselves iu feather beds. He
said match footbull aud base ball
games between cullogus should be
stopped. Every college should have
a gx.l gymnasium with a compe
tent instructor, au 1 that students
should go into athletics for tha sake
of development, and not for the sake
of beating somebody else in a game.
The Farmer's Friend
Imperial Quick Time.
The most complete
Manufactured by Swinton
Heating and Plumbing Engineers.
Estimates given on all kind of work,
New York Millinery Parlors.
New Millinery. New Firm.
Beautiful artistic millinery in all the prevailing styles.
Also a complete line of Infant's wear.
Give us a call and we will endeavorto please.
SALLEY a EfifllS,
79 Pike Street,
10 4
2S 50
SDdULU 1 till I UUailHn 1 LiiU ti, ,,,,,,. ,rip P rrlpe.lmr rnuao mj uwil molts, dam
pi snS bnntlM fn.i 4S. STflil l0 IlKlIf i. If CO., (hlr.in, Mnntrf.l. nrk. sir
Applied to tho question of a stovo will demonstrate
tbo fact thar, a good ttovo is more of a considera
tion tlnn any other article of furniture. If you con
sider this fnet why experiment with somo untried stove
when you r;in buy thoDOCKAKH fur tho same money
or less than nny other stove in the market. There is
but ono genuine.
and Solid
Eyes examined free by a skilled
Glasses Filled in Gold or Any
Other Kind of Frames.
We are pleased to show Goods.
E. Van Sickle.
72 Pike Street, Port Jervis, N. Y-
k.Mlli BO
.0 exp
Tradi Mark
. -V Dbign
Anvon i4Tifting m tketrb and rtfenptton mar
fliili kly mnjrutiii our opnimu trtt wneliier aa
Invention 1st probably pau?i(atil. niiiniiim
tioiui tnctly omdJMitltU. IltuiiltHiok on i'mvuio
Sunt f rj. Uilfjs4 aweocy fur :-urmtl psttuiilt.
PitinLa tsksttfii through Huim A Co. reuiv
Scientific Jtorican.
A bHiKteomelr Nlantnitd waekly. T.trveat (ir-
cuiu..ufi uf mny HH-ntidc V'uriuil. l'ttniiB. H
j-nr; four Uitii.tti, 4i, bold bj i) newirtit-aLtirn.
fi'liNN & Co.M,B New York
siwl usw, d r Bt, WMbuwiuii. U. u
rDr. David Kennedy's
ravontc Remedy
Range in the world.
& Co., Port Jervis, N.Y.
Old Established Store.
Port Jervis, N. Y.
Caveat, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat-J
fentbuinciaeoi.ducted(or MoocHATf Ptt.
iOuROrricc iOFO(Tt o s. patcnt Office C
iand wfl can Kr uro DulcnL ia lcaa tuua lLuui tiussu:?
f remote irum Waiiriinifton. S
f Bend model, drawing or photo.. With dew-rip-?
5 Hon. We aivie, if patniaUo of Dut, free ott
charfr. Our fett nM due till natnt li acrurrd. S
S A PMMPHLCT, "Hw to Obtain I'nienta," with j
rot ot Muue in the U. S aud ioreiya countrickC
sent free. AJdrti, $
Oi. Patent Ornet, WttHmnroN, D. C. 5
Corrected to Date.
Solid Pullnmn trains to Buffalo, Nlii
nni Falls, Cliaut.HUiiia Ijtkd, Cluvcluud,
Chlrnwi mitt Cincinnati.
Tlki'.is nn salo at Ptirt Jurvts to ull
points in the WiMtaml SoniliwtiHCitt lowur
rates thau vtu any uthur Urst-clites lino.
tltaiss now i.kavk pout jehvib as
Daily Rxpri'bs
IJaily KjtprifMS
Daily Kxt'pt Sunday.
Sunday Only
lJaily K.ict'pt Sunday.
Uaiiy Wiy 'i'raiu
Daily Express
Sunday Only
Daily Kxpt'i-nM
Sunday only
Dally Kxm'pt Sunday
4 10 i
. 5 au
. M
1 4l
. 7 45
.-10 11
. W 151
. 4 )A
. 4 ao
. 6 A
6 as
. 46
. 10 01)
No. 8, Dally Express 13 ot A. m.
17, Daily Milk Train 8 06
" 1, Daily KxpruM 11 aa "
14 II, Daily Lxot'pr. Sunday. . 12 10 p. m.
6. Daily Knprt'hS 6 tul ' '
" 27, Daily Kxwpt Sunday. . 8 i;7 "
" 7, Daily Express 10 15 '
Trains have Chambers street, New
York for Port Jervis ou week days at 4 oil,
7 4, V OU, U 15, 10 ao A M 1 S) ijo
a ao, 4 ao, ao, 7 ao, 45 p. u uu Suh-
diya, 4 00, 7 IS, V 00, 15 a. iu.; U ao,
2 uo, 7 3u aud a 4 I', u.
U. I. KokrU,
ti.u.ral Fweiiufcr Ageut.
N.w liurk,
U. W. Cooki,
AMlsUvnt t,.ut-rl l'tuiiiisTtr As;eutf
M.w lurk.