Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, October 22, 1897, SUPPLEMENT, Image 6

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    To How and Old Subscribers !
Rimlrtr nulKinrlptloit prloe, to pnt..
Farm Nevra nv twites m r than Hrt.i'rt
families. It hold tills lartre. linil loyal fol
lowing I f H'llMCM-i'M', )H'HH4, tU.'V ri'u.'inl
It as oir of tin chief tM-ntials of their sue
oe-as in fartnlntr. It ke.-p In touch wlt.il tilt
most progressive agriculture oi the day,
It in Hclent.illc In its spirit., anil at the same
time Is never ohseuro in its moaning, iior
m ilr-cd in Itm styla It's tin." kind nf n paper
th" farm r villus Iti his "vry il y mrt,
heause in It In- Hods what oth'T snccenfnl
farmers are lining, and how they do it. It
1'! patres contain no " do-id weight " no
"Alters." Kvery line counts. If you know
rtnyililnir noout (ho fiirni nnd firm lifo,
examine Form NVws nml yon will nnd'T
Btnii'l linw tiuicli lis hi : Ih riiiers appris-iote
It. And it prows lienor ere-v nn'iitvr
Compare it Willi any nl.l'or farm papcr,anj
it stands ahead in procMcahilhy mid lfiil
p" Vo will send one of the above npei-s (dike your choice)
I Sjd ion l liK,;8 0,10 J(l,r in ndvuncc!. AVo nro sure you
be plf with oitlior pnrKtr. Wc eclocltxl thorn lie -cnuso
we knew you v-iiuhl like tin-in.
"BUTTER MAK1M1." A Borio of prl,n OBsnys In which fnrntrra' wives and dsufrh
tors, who nro In the lmiiit of ii'HAng the top prices In the iniirkcts, tell how they
make their htitter. It 1 n mont valiinhle ljMk. Price US cent.
WOMANKIJIB f'OOK HOOK. This Cook Hook covers tho rutin? rnntre of the ctill
nury nrt The n-eljies In It were tieliwted from the fnvorttc recipes of Woiiumkliid
rendem bo that in UiIh oii lmve the Unt thing! from sovonil luiudml prmiticnl
huuHekcpei"B. 1'rlce ft c nt.
FARM NKWS pI'T.TRV 11IHIK. Wrltton to moot tho niM-ds nnd demands of the
fnrm poultry yard, nilher than thnt of the functor. It MlH nil nlmtit ilillen nt
hrcedB, their clinrncteiititicB and what miiy lie expected ot them; tells nlioiit feml
inr and hutohimr, about dh-eaws nnd their cur, and is, In Hlioit, a complete guide
to making the hens pay. 1'rlce lea cent. . '
Our Great
Wo will send tliipj papor one year, prioo f 1.B0.
Farm News and Womiinkind 1 year, " 1.00.
and the three Premium Books, prioo 75.
Total value $3.23 for only $1.78.
Itoniembor, you fret these throe valuable Pmmium Books, and three val
uablo I'apors for only (1.75.
Don't you want them ? They arc worth actual dollars to you,
" Pike County Press, niI(ord, Pa.
rhy not buy the Best?
1 : Y
U :- "i
"... ' ..'..--. -'"-
Will buy aUiiiilJl blLKh HAMUi,
G'HtUihi-n.'U iw me riorum r to mlnn
tnrlly rcTium the of 'Th nnim HU--1
U.u.e " wlil. h 1 h-.tv , in mv bouH- fur the
j:;t wv-n immihs. W think t do"i rtrf',i,t
work, triaK KOI orntcf.m.i:MlfiiI In fw, and
tli-innt'hlv -.Mii-trKff.l, pro i-4-tlvti ) (irf.'ia'M
uill nutke tin mi. tnUo tnl'tiy i-' a " ilrlnnti swA
KmiBe." Yvur truly, HAI.l'H ST ilM.Mlt.
VV ith ji'Mwltf t-Altliml Wf. CO.
Write fur oirmlanand fri'f tit as re Ureei.
. H. tilUMM As C O.
Mwmifnctiifr-, HuilAml, Vt,
it the most noticeable and
taking point on a Bicycle. j j
When buying insist on getting
Take no other. Oct a Rums
and GET THE BEST. jljtjM
rUnufacturcd by tl
Qrand Rapids, Hich.
Register's Notice.
The following accounts have been filed iu
the Koimtor's oiHoe and the fcimio will be
presented to the Orphnu'i Court for oon
tirinatlon aud allowauca on the lBth of
October next.
Kstate of Christian Ott, dewaaod, ac
count of Abram D lirown, truiitAXj, etc. ,
In parlilioa.
Knlute of Jiujoh Kllwnnaer, deoetiaud,
uo.uuud accouul of riiillp EUwaniur,cxucu-
Estate of Jiioob Ottenholmer, deceased,
itcrountof Arthur Lederer, admliiihtrator,
u. b. n., o. t. a.
Lhtato of Giiro Millutt, deceased, ao
cuunt of Ami Millutt, exoculrlx.
ll. -i.iter'B OiH.n. Milford, I'a.,
bijit ao, 117.
JVju't Tulmooo Buit aud Biuok Your Lifo Awny.
if vuu want to ouit tuluuico Ubiiifr easily
r.n1 f rover, hcuiade wt-tl.atrtmj.', nin-rix'tu,
iitii ut now lllOHUii Vlu'uf, ttlU PiO-'Jij-iiiAO,
tua vnmu I'-nui-Hcr, ti.uc indued wcjtk mt-a
h i-upk- Miirv fiuiu t-u pouiMid in U-oUayn.
(vi'i1 i-',it(c:ui-uJ. ii'jy No Tw-Iiic vt your
ti-;U't.'ihi, uuiit-r Kllri'1 fine, 60c or
e i t,i Jiuouitjl uri-J ;tiii(io uia'U ti 1 it?e. Ail.
liiiiK lwjUit!yCu.,UiaciuoctrNt3W Vorli.
.rtb ihin now, a hpriiit? tooth
-.-i .m-,h 14 1 'la not Jr." cultivator
We linve mnde nrrntir'mrtit to eot
for our puliBoribers n v.ilunblo wt
of proniiunis. and nro alle to offer
them nlniOHt froo of oott.
Regular subscription prior, fine. A hand
some iJtl-pntfe map-nxlne containing stories,
ptoms.Bkctchi'g, hits of travel, and Mich
(tunornl literary mutter M npiolB moot
strongly to the overnire render, who wants
pure nml wholesome literature of tlio en
tertaining kind. Its practical departments
devoted lo the kitchen, the flower garden,
the rare of cliildtnu, dressmaking, home
decorations, cto., are frrontly valued liy
crory woman who has ever lvml them. K
tensive Improvements have Ix-cn mndc In
Womankind during the past ytyir, and bb
a result Irs cireolotinii Iris Ii-m ii Increased
from 2M.it to tvfnno n tft-owth that could
only possihly 1h oiita' tied bv ptvinq the
people what they want. We invito com
parison of Wonitinkind with other papers
of its kind
If you want a stylish sin
gle or double rig, safe
horses, good harness
and cleaiyiomfortable
carriages at reasona
ble prices call on
J. B. Van Tassel,
Cornor Ann and Fourth streets,
Received Daily.
Warm Winter Gloves
at 25c, 50c, 75c, & $1.00.
Prints and Muslins,
Good value, 5c per yard.
Cotton Bats,
IO cents per lb.
We can show you bargains in
every department in our stores.
RYMAN -:--:-
All the NEW and POPULAR
YOUNGS' Clocks
At $1.50, $2.00 & $3.00.
Sole agents for Y0UNCS'
Cor, Front and Suhsox streets,
Our line of FALL CLOTIIINOr is
ready for Inspection.
Mon'a ALL-WOOL suits for 15 up
Listers and the Grwt Eastern Fer
tilizors at W. & U. MitehuU's.
Cnficaretii stimulate liver, kidneys
ajid bo weld. Never sicken, weaken
orgriyo, 10O.
rrcsitlont McKinloy For Gonertl
Th Rwlprm-lty TrrntloBtfnBlt Flrld'
Refltgnnt lonentor Onrnian'B With
drnBTHl Ant of th ttnlnn INtolrle
Tiint ProHidont MtttCinloy is in
favor of Oen. Traey, tho only regu
lar liepuljlioan tsandtdaUj for Mayor
of New York City, is now known to
nil the world, as it was to your cor
respondent when ho told your
readers that such waa tho caso.
rVorotary Bliss hal tho support of
Presitient McKinloy when ho wrote
that strong letter ondorsinR Oen.
1 rnoy and ankmir every Republican
to vote fur him, as ho has the sup
port of the President in going to
New York for the puriiose of re
gistering and of ascertaining in
what manner ho can best help (ten.
Trney and the regular Republioan
ticket, and he will have that sup
port, in whatever he may do in the
campaign. President Mckinley does
not intend to write a personal let tor
for nso m Now York, any more than
ono for use in Ohio, not because of
any lack of sympathy with the Re
publicnns engaged in tho campaign
in both places, but because ho does
n't think that tho President of the
Unttod States should personally en
gage in a political campaign, but ho
is going to Ohio to cast his voto for
the Republican ticket, and it is no
secret that he will think more of
every Republican voter in any Stale
who follows his examplo. There is
nothing .surprising in all this: it
would have leen surprising to thoso
who know the man, had President
McKinloy indicated nny intention of
acting otherwiso.
Nothing but commendation has
been heard of President MeKinley's
seloction of Hon. John A. Ka.sson,
of Iowa, to be a binxial Commis
sioner of thev United States with
plenary powers to negotiate recipro
city treaties with other governments
in accordance with the provisions of
tho Dingley tariff act. Mr. Kassou
served in Congress for many years,
whoro, as a member of the llonso
Ways and Means Committee, he ac
quired valuable experience, and his
diplomatic career has been brilliant
and enviable. He waa first Minister
to Austria.then Minister to Uormany
and later United States Commission
er to the Berlin conference, which
arranged the presont government of
Samoa. The country may rest as
sured that Mr. Kasson will see that
its interests are properly taken care
of in any reciprocity treaty ho ne
gotiates. Negotiations with France
have boon under way sometime, and
that country is likely to have the
honor of the first reciprocity treaty
under tne Dingley law. Austria
and Germany have given notice of
their intentions to open negotiation
for a similar treaty.
Thoro was no surprise at the pub
lication of the tejider of Justice
Field's resignation from the U. 8.
Supremo Court, and of President
McKinley's acceptance thereof, to
take effect Deo. 1, 1897. The faot is
generally known that Justice Field
would have rotirod during the last
administration he has beon eligi
ble for retirement undor the ago
limit noarly elovon years but for
bis diselination to give Mr. Cleve
land an opportunity to appoint bis
successor, and he announced last
year to his friends bis intention to
retire early in the prosent adminis
tration. His health is quite feeble
at this tinio. There seems to be
little doubt that Attorney General
MeKonna will bo namod for the va
cancy as soon as Congress meets.
bonator Gorman s latest bluff, of
fering to withhraw as a candidate
for reeloction and to give up the
leadership of the Maryland Demo
crats, if the publisher of the Balti
more Sun would agree to take the
leadership and stop fighting the
Gorman machine, is so transparent
that it litis furnished nothing but
amusement for the Republicans.
Gorman knows that the next Mary
land legislature is almost bound to
be Republican, and he is anxious to
unload tho responsibility for defeat
on somebody, and he proforred Mr.
Abel, of the bun. who has for years
been his most influential enemy in
side the Democratic party, to any
body else. Mr. Abol has been fight
ing Gui'uumi.siu too long to be ouught
by such a scheme ; he knows as well
as Gorman does that Democratic do-
feat is well nigh oertuin, and ho
wishes his paper to share in the
credit for bring about that defeat,
this year, just as it did in the carry.
ing of the state for McKinley and
Hobart last year. Mr. Gorman has
been credited with much political
shrewdness, but he will have to get
up a better scheme or many will
think that ho has been much over
rated in the past.
lhoso who started that story
about President McKinley intending
to stop the sale of the Union Paciiic
Railroad overlooked the faot that
the stile was ordered' by a decree of
the United States Circuit Court.
The only thing that could have
stopped the sula would have been an
appeal to the U. S. Supreme Court,
and that the Government decided
sometime ugo not to take. ,
The Ad. Brought W Read.
A flouring mill in our town didn't
advertise, said an Iowa editor. The
proprietor, in passing one day, said
ho wanted to sell me some flour. I
told him I wanted to sell him some
advertising, "Oh," he said, "there
is no need of my advertising I
Everybody knows the mill is there."
In leaving he &ked me it I knew
where he oould get a good oat. The
next week a line appeared in the
pajxir, "Wanted, good outs at the
mill. In a tew days ho came iu
and said he wished I would toil the
ooplo no more cuts wore wanted at
the mill,
How h nllnin Willi Hnibon l.l
Tall Troup".
The devil has always had a repti
tat ion, and wo believe deservedly, as
a character, who poesossos largo and
varied resouroes aud wonderful
novelty In tho exeoution of his plans.
Ho has heretofore frequently start
led the world with some bold, bril
liant Roheme, which has ooinmonilod
itolf to tho thoughtful considera
tion of good men, such as ministers
of the feosiKil, college professors and
oven some of the "Higbor Critics."
Hut novor did his satanio majosty
stand out more strikingly or bIiow
to a bettor advantage, than whon ho
opened tho boor "Inn" at Prince
ton, nnd in order to give it a literary
and olossiwil twang, dubled it tho
"Rassalosian Inn. " Then to make
it acceptable to the moral and reli
gious elements of that community
and tho mothers whoso "Dear Boys"
would frequent this "Inn," he cir
culates a petition and obtains among
others, the names of three of Prince
ton's "learned" profossors and, as
we understand, the recommendation
of Ex-President Clevoland, for a
"Calvanistio" bonifuco to run the
pa loon.
Tho prohibition papers and others
raised a storm as was expocted,
about this "Inn-Saloon," and here
it seeinod as though the devil made
the striko of his lifo, whon he in
spired ft man from New Jersey, to
defend tho saloon on the ground
that ho had heard two of the stu
dents, over their beer, seriously dis
cussing "Tho Attributes of Deity
under Anthropomorphio Limita
tions. " We imagine this discussion
was about tho time ot dosing for
tho night or morning(?)
Now, Princoton, a beer garden is
not tho best institution to teach real
genuino piety. It may be a fairly
good place in which to talk theology
but even then, we imagine it would
be the theology of the modern B.
Fay Mills, rather than that of old
John Hall. Princeton, don't mis-
load yourself into the beliof that
yon'ro able to oope with tho "gifted
but unpriucipaled enemy ot souls"
all alone. He is too much for you.
No follow, or corporation for that
matter, ever wont into partnership
with satan, who got the Ixwt of him.
It always ends with tho devil gotting
the money and the partnor tho ox
We would make a suggestion to
you, Princeton, that whonever you
see an attempt to carry forward the
Master's kingdom by means on
which the devil has a patent and
solo monopoly, look out, for soonor
or later he will foreclose and take
tho proporty. The trouble is you
havo boon depending too much of
late on the influeuoo of "foot-ball"
for your moral support and it is not
enough. What you nood is to pray
more and above all to watch.
Tho above artiole was written by
M. M. Cady for tho Phi Gamma a
paper publishod in Dubuque Iowa,
of whloh he is the Editor. Mr.
Cody "swung the biroh" in the old
academy here in 1868, and is now a
prosperous lawyer as well as an
editor in that city.
Fall Tres Plantlnf.
The oool, even temperature of tho
autumn makes it the best season to
plant many kind of trees and shrabs.
This may be done any time before
the frost locks up the earth. Forest
troos do hotter whon planted in tho
fall than in the spring. Upon an
acre of poor land a grove of fine
young maples might be sot that
would in time repay an hundred fold
their cost. A few fruit trees could
bo set out each fall, according as
there was time, and nil thoso to
gether proporly tended would in a
few years develop into a grand or
chard. Birthday anniversaries are beauti
fully marked by the planting of a
fine tree. More birthdays seom
somefiow to come in the autumn
than at any othor time of the year,
so there is opportunity to eomtneui.
morato. many of these happy oc
casions by a monument which will
last for centuries. In choosing trees
to plant, those which thrive in the
neighborhood should bo selected.
Japan evergreens are beautiful fea
tures of the landscape, winter and
summer.and grow almost anywhere.
Thrifty, slim young growths of all
kinds should be selected. .They will
develop faster than larger troes and
be more symmetrical. A young
tree should in every cose be culti
vated as carefully aa a cabbage,
planted in rich )iland watched and
Croup Quickly Cured.
MocntaIn Glen, Ark. Our child
ron wore suffering with croup whon
we receivod a bottle of Chamber
lain s tough Remedy. It afforded
almost instant relief. F. A. Tiiokn-
ton. This oelebriited remedy is for
salo liy DrnggiHts and General Mor
ohtinta !n Pike county,
Edited hy J. W. Tnl iner. Mtnlivirna.
, to whom ndilre nil eommunc'lMlon
Intended lor tMx department.
Four men paid flnos a2tro?nting
12500. in the Boston del miiut.1 fmrf
lout week, for breaking thoolooninr
innlaw E. K. Corltmi, H000 ; D. J.
Moriarty, flOOOj Maurice Itenly,
100, and Edwin P. Hickman, U0.
Wo take pletwuro in quoting the
above from tho Country Gentle-
man. Of all storo frauds in tha
United States, what is worse than
tho "bogus butter" fraud. We ven
ture to say that there is not a state
or territory in the Union, that
would not allow oleo to be sold on
its merits. Why not soil salt for
sugar nnd bo done with it. We un
derstand that numerous parties in
Pittsburgh have got "stuck" fast on
tho same material, and if reporf is
truo Homo of them will not bo able
to stop at a fine. Let tho good
work go on.
In faot if oloomargarino had nev
er boeu sold ns butter there would
bo no necessity for any law con
cerning tho so-called food. When
bogus butter is all forced on its
proper shelf, thoro will be a greater
demand for the dairy product.
Housowivos who are pushed for
time should boil their potatoes
with their "jackets" on of tenor, and
if "John" kicks show him tho fol
lowing by Tillio May Forney, in the
Woman's Homo Companion. In
tho oonrso of a year it would also
prove to bo an item of economy, cs
pocially this yoar,to thoso who have
to look after their dimes and nicklcs,
as there is much moro waste in peel
ing potatoes bofor they are cooked,
than afterwards,
"I novor see potatoes dry baked.
hard-mashed and watery boiled, ap
pearing in monotonous daily routine
(for even tho established rulos of
cooking them are too often slighted)
that I do not feel like crying out
against injustice. In reality tho
potato is tho most admirable of
vegetables. It requires only a lit
tle care to mako it palatable at all
seasons, ann it adapts itself to fancy
dress as successfully as did Cinder
ella herself under the touch oi'Jthe
fairy wand. But first let us see
what the potato presents in plain
garb. Not long ago I was surprised
to hoar a man, an eniouro in a way,
express himself iu this wiso at a
small dinuor : 'Why is it the houses
oi tho poor always provido tho bost
boilod potatoes f In great houses
tho vegotablo is served either boilod
to the consistency of damn leather.
olse hard as a cannon ball.' Ho
went on to toll how often as a child
he wont to visit a neighboring poor
woman. She was dovoted to chil
dren and instead of sweet cakes she
invariably handed out hot, delight
fully cooked potatoes. 'Those wore
boilod potatoes,' he wont on. 'With
no other acoomimniinont than salt
an emporor might have dined upon
them : largo, moaly, boiled all
through and 'in their jackots.' The
latter phrase answered his first
question. Possibly from knowledge,
moro probably to save work, the
poor woman cooked her potatoes 'in
their jackets,' and consciously or
unconsciously sho struck tho key
note of their success. Nature has
ordered that tho skin of the potato
bo made of a corky nntnro to retain
the juices and nourishing proper
ties of tho vegetable. These are lost
whon the skin, or envolope, is token
off. A chemical analysis shows
that the water in which was boilod
a pound of pooled potatoes oontainod
seventeen grains of carbonate of pot
ash. All that nourishment the
jackets' would have socurod to the
vegetable. Again, analysis shows a
peeled boiled potato takes three and
one-half hours to digest. A potato
baked in the skin ordinarily aigests
in two hours."
Country Store Advertising.
Country storo advertising is im
proving, and as it improves it grows
more ana more interesting ana
all the better for tho interest it ex
cites. It was forniorly of little con-
sequonco, tiocauso country store
keepers took little interest in this
department of thoir own business.
Tho advertising was unpopular, was
noglectod and regarded as a bore, be
causo it was considered an expense
rather than a source of profit.
Shrewd men have taken the adver
tising expense account from the
blacklist it formerly occupied and
put it in tha right, so that we can
plainly see just what its value is and
its probable and profitable returns.
Money is now.tspent.uut grudgingly,
as formerly, but freely and volun
tarily and in some instances lav
ishly. That none may be thrown
away tho quality of country store
advertising should bo carefully con
sidered and every help toward good
ness adopted. Dry Goods Chroni
cle Notice.
In eatuto of Peter ) Iu the Court of
B Haywood, a Kiu- Common Plena, Plko
Rtlo ) County. Nu, tijuuo
" 'form la.
TUe Until noeauut of Ioul W tM?nor,oom
mluou, hiw I--"" filed iu my ollue, ud
will ho confirmed nial on tho first day of
Oetobor term lutf mid ulwiluto on the
Tliurwliiy following uulo ujtgoutioud be
uivvloualy Uliil thereto
Sent, 16, loV7. i'roiUouoimy.
IT GIVES nil important news of tho Nation. .
IT GIVES all important news of the World.
IT GIVE.- the most rriiublo market reports.
IT GIVE;? brilliant nnd instructive editorials.
IT GIVES fascinating i hot t stories.
IT GIVE1: mi nnox.-elltd figri' lltural department.
IT GIVEii fcientilc and mechanical information.
IT GIVES illustrated fashion articles.
IT GIVES humorous illustrations.
IT GIVES entertainment to young and old.
IT GIVES satisfaction eycrywhero to ovorybody.
I YEAR for $1.65.
Cash in Advance.
Addres8 B order, to PIKE COUNTY PRESS, ""'m.
Write your narvta and ndrlress on n postal nurd, Bend It to Geo W.
Best, Iribunn Ofit-e. New York City, ond a sample copy of
THE NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE will bg mailed to you.
Manufacturers nnd dealers In all
kinds, ot" Lumber, '(
Contractors artd Builders.
Estimates made ; personal attention given and work
OFFICE, Brown's Ouil ing, Milford, Pa.
i A
J Caveat, and Trfl'Je-Marks obtained and alt Fat-1
jeiil DiiMnCsSCOtKllKteil tt MODCRATF Fm
lOUROrncitaOpposiTC U.S. Patent Office
rind weciniei ure p.r.eram tt tnuo Uao ttu5
remote from Washington. 1
Scod model, drawing or photo., with decrlp-J
tion, Ve advise, if ruiter.tH'iio or not, frro of j
charge. Our fee not due till imtent is secured, S
A PAMPHLET, 11 I'W to Obiain Patent,1' with?
cosl of atune in tha U. S. and foreign countries
isciii new. vunrcss,
! Orp. pTtNT Orrtet, Whshinotoh. d. C.
We desire to employ
an Intelligent, Industri
ous man In this locality.
The work will be per
manent and the pay fair.
For Information write us.
1006 PENN AVE.,
PITTSBimC, - - PA.
j NEW J o J
Champion .. Washer J
Will wash .Cleaner. Quicker, with more
c$l-& and less injury to the
cluthl tkan inv niarhlr now
giving teLUUctioo
Coat eonfuM thla with th Wuhlng
This la something antircly new.
Can Dot ft out of order.
Charnpioa Washing Mac'iina Co.,
310 Vtst Tearl St.. CINCINNATI. OHIO
Hi IF Ml
l-y .
Leave your orders
For all kind of job printing
At this office.
EVERYmember of
EVERY family on
EVERY farm, in
EVERY village, in
EVERY State or Territory
FOR Education,
FOR Noble Manhood,
FOR True Womanhood.
Building-Loan Trust Fund.
800 lirond Streot, Nowark, N. J.
, ot mo
What it will do for you
for n monthly payment, of 18-per 11,0(10 16
of which applies on principal, M is Inter
est. Flint It will buy for you ftny house de
sired or build you n hoiisu according to
you own pinna, for a payment of not less
than ltj"o down.
Bwuntl It will aqsumo tiny nfortfrnift)
on your property, and advance" yon moro
money, if desired, not to ejtoeed ()' of Its
valuation At Vbovo rntos you would own
your property free anil cl.iar in Just 3n0
moiitLs; you can pay as much more as yon
wish, ttml reduee tho timo in preportfon,
or Hie, full amount will bo rooeivod at any
The first proposition enables you to con
vert your rent money into the ownership
of a home.
I lie second proposition enables yon to
reduoe the Interest rate on vour mortirnao
and at tho same time be paying oil the
principal eftcn moncu.
For further Information call or address
J. H. Van Etten, Attorney,
Milford, Pa.
"The best is none too good. "
For sale for cash or on easy forma.
Needles and all parts for all machines,
Tuning of PIANOS and ORGANS by a
competent tuner,
in the
Wanted-Hn Idea
Who an think
Of atOm aUni(.il
Protect t our t'lnrM; thef Diaj lrtu u weaiiii,
Vv hi tAii r U'L-tiiiL iiiil'ijiLi i'. i i. . . ... .
He j. Wiwiauiloti, D. (.'., for thfir $,Ai prbw wttaff
UU UN i.