Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, October 22, 1897, Image 4

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One Cent a Word.
For Each Insert Inn No lrertlnrmtrnt
taken for 1cm thnn IS Bents.
CANH must amompany all orders.
TRESPASS NOTICK. Notice ts hereby
(riven that trospusslnff on the promim
occupied by tho umlorsiKiicd In Dtnitniaii
township, known as the ltuchBiian farm
fur hunUnK, fishing, lierryltiK or miy other
purpose whatever ts forbidden under pen
Bltyof the lnw. Any person or persons
disolieylnii this notion will bo dealt with
lu the severest lawful manner.
Jnlyl, 1HW7.' Dcuseo.
TRESPASS NOTICE, iiotloe Is hereby
Kiven thnt trespaslt'g on the premises
ot the undiTsiKiiiKl in DinKinnn township
near the Delaware brldife, for huntlnir,
fishing, berrying or for nny other purpose
whatever, In forbldd n under peimlty of
the lnw. Any perwn or persons dlsohey
1 iik this notice will be dealt with In such a
iimnnor an may be moat effectual to pre
vent a repetition.
H. Stubkndoff,
April 27, 18OT.
TRESPASS NOTICE. Nnttco Is hereby
lven that trcspasplnuvpon the south
ern half of the tract of land known as the
William Dennv. No. MS. in Snohola town
ship, for hunting, Ashing, or, any other
furpose, also trespassing on Sawkill pond
ii Dingninii townslilp, or, fishing in It Is
f orulddon uuilor penalty oi tun law.
AprlMm Att-onijj- for owner.
FOR BENT. Several ftooo houses In
Milford, Pa. Euijuiro of J. H. Vuu
TRESPASS NOTICE. Notieo Is horeby
given that trespassing upon the pro
perty of the f orest ijake Association in
Lackawaxen township, Pike county, Pa.,
for the purpose of hunting and fishing, or
any other purpose Is strictly forbidden un
uur penalty of the law.
Nov. 23, 1896. Preldout.
TRESPASS NOTICE. Notice Is hereby
given that trespassing on tho premises
of the undersigned, situated in l)nginan
township, for any purpose whatever is
strictly forbidden, and alloirenders will be
pronmtly prosecuted. IitA B. CASE.
Octl 24, 1SU5.
IX)R SALE. A small farm located near
Matamoras, known as the Heiisol or
Helnhardt place, containing 21 acres.
Finely located, well watered. House and
barn. Fruit of all kinds." Part Improved.
Title clear. For terms, price, etc., address
Lock box (i Milford, Pa.
Correspondents are particularly
requested to send in all news in
tended for publication not later
than Wednesday in each week to in
sure insertion.
Tho Item Bontyou last week relating to
the wagon houso of Geo. Crouo being
burned Was not true. It started In a
ensoless joke, and was soon told as fact.
It was received In that way, and used lu
good faith.
The Hon, Jacob Swartwout of Wantage
wai In Sandyston last week, In search of
household help. The girls seem to be
mostly fixing to get married, and so Jacob
did not succeed In the object of his gvmt
A new store is soon to go up in Lay ton .
The present Indications are that the build
ing will be put up by Wash Lantz and the
store stocked and run by his son-in-law,
Win. F. Kosoukrans. In will be a great
benefit to tho village and to people in t he
J. Kliner Everett has moved his house
hold goods from Newark to Sandyston,
and will reside with his parents.
The recent surveys around Culvers Lake
and Lake Owassa are Intended to furnish
data, as to whether a rise of twelve foot
will throw the two lakes together and
thereby furnish water enough to mako It
an object for Jersey city to Invest iu the
work for a water supply.
The Gideon Struble home stood, one
mile east ot of Bovans, will be offered for
sale by tho heirs, at the Hotel ot If . B
Montross on Friday afternoon Oct. 20.
Bets are offered in dead earnest on the
odds ot two to one that the Djmjoratlo
niinlnw for asiein'ily will not carry
his own town, and this is a strong Duiuo
oratlo town too. The outlook seems to bo
a little shaky for tho wholo tlokot.
The pot pie festival at Il.ilnoavUlo last
Thursday night wn9 favored with bettor
weather than tho ona at Layton the wook
beforo, and the results were corresponding
ly increased.- Net prooeeds $55.00
The gooio tint the bjya wan but Satur
day night w.n t vk m up oa Pino Hill to
roost over SuuXty. IWuaithavo roosted
very high a? It h.u nHoj.m do,vu to this
day. .
Ellas M. JJ).-riU oontlujjj to Improve
hU surroundings. Hi is ojvorlnj his
house with slate this week.
Judge Everett Hornbock terminated hit
vacation on the 3Jt.li by returning to his
work in the Philadelphia mint. Ills la
bors are tn the dlstribut ing office and from
a few thousands to several millions of
dollars pass under his chargo daily, and
are seat on their mission to every part of
the union.
Our attention is called to a map show
ing the location of each church in the
United States aided by donation and loan.
They number 473 and a oolleccton was
taken here for this object a Sunday or two
ao. Perhaps we are queer, but It seems
to us that this- savors somewhat of the
same folly as tho foreign m Usionury fake
Those ooilectious for tho poor black, and
tan heathen, when we have lots of needy,
poor In our own laud The Idea of build
ing churches in barren placed, when so
many are uowi hanging by tho eyelids of it
euauty support strikes me as the supreiuest
folly. People get tired of the burden.
Harvey M. liuinhcck shoot at the Nor
lnanock Iun, went off to the satisfaction
of all conoerned. Sport from this side of
the mountuln took their full share of th,
priu The weather was ail that could lx
desirod and the attendance good .
"Dick" has been giving us some geiman
again without a translation . If he don't
quit that he will likely be translated him
self pretty soon Better look a loedle
There were two wood fires at about the
game hour Sunday nVht. One in the
grille preserve of K A. Dalryniple M. I).,
ner Lake Owiasa and the other on the
Culvers Lake front aloit laud of C. A
Dalryniple uud others. In the lirsl a con
sl-Tublo tr.tct of valuable young tiinhei
was damaged (nlmut 15 acred) and the lut
ter endangered the cottages on the lake
shore. Hart the fires occurred later In the
evening utter the closing of the Tolephone
ofTlon the cottages would have been Imrnod
and much greater damago dono. As It
was the onll brought loads of citizens from
Hranchvlllc, who aftera hard fight got the
tiros under control. The mlsoreants who
set the fire ilnorvo A givxl rousting them
selves, either here or hereafter.
It is snld a strange man, having singular
actions, has been seen lurking around the
oeiuetery at Dlngman's on different oc
casions of late.
Mr. Charles Ott of Conashaugh Is build
ing a fine resldenoe on his farm uear the
staae-road. When completed it will lie
the most ornate farm house in that neigh
borhood. Tho school house near Mrs. Calvin
Docker's In Lehman, is about ready for oo
eupancy, the carpenters having completed
the work.
The stone-work on tho "Deep-Hollow
bridge, near Cole s, Is about finished, and
the new Iron structure can be placed in
position ore long, wo understand.
Last wock Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. AI
bright, of Delaware, were at Port Jorvls,
and before starting homo purchased some
cheese nnd cakes, of which thoy ate a por
tion. They were takon sick on reaching
home and continued to grow steadily
worso. Their eldest daughter, aged six
teen or over, also partook of tho uhecso and
cakes, and she too, was attacked with sick
ness. Mr. Albrights' case grew very seri
ous, and Dr. Fulmor was summoned who.
after diligent work, gave tho family relief,
although they have not yet ontlrely re
covered, and Mr. Albright is far from
being well. It was considered very doubt
ful whether Mr. Albright could bo saved,
as ho was so sick as to bo thrown lu con
vulsions. It is pronounced to be a case of
poisoning from eating the cheeso, wo are
Mr. Hugh Ferguson, son tho Into Ed
ward A. Ferguson, of Long Meadow, nnd
brother of Mrs. Edwnrd Shepherd died at
the home of his sister, Mrs. ;Annlo Hannn
In Cnlro, Michigan, after a protracted 111
noss, aged about fifty years. Hugh was
born nnd raised in Delaware township
and was well and favorably known to
ninny peoplo still living here. Ho was a
soldier in tho war for tho Union, aving
volunteered lu its early progress and was
honorably discharged after serving the
term of his enlistment. So passes to the
unknown anothorof tho warm frionds of
onr earlier and more palmy days.
Some days since Garret Brodhend and
Joseph G. Carh uff ,of Ccnter,speiit a day at
Brown's Mill Dam In Porter, nnd returned
with a nice lot of pickerel ot which they
were justly proud.
By an unintentional omission I have
never mentioned the death of Mr. Eli
Hnnna, formerly of this vicinity, but for
many years past a resident of Michigan,
which occurred last Spring, but the sad
fact was transmitted to his friends here
about sometime In April. He was a broth
er of Mr. James C. Hanna, of this place,
and he mnrrlod Miss Anna, daughter of
the late Edward A. Ferguson, as will be
remembered by his innny acquaintances in
this locality. w. 11, L.
On Tuesday evening at Epworth Church
tho Ladles' Aid Society connected with
tho church, held their annual supper. The
supper was very flno, everything was there
In the wny of eating. Tho moat pies were
Just grand, tho ladies are noted for being
good bakers and good cooks. This Sup
per was the finost ouo ever given In the
church. The receipts amounted to 86 dol
lars, Including the money made ou the
handsome quilt and the dollar earners.
Miss. Lizzie Hortz celebrated hor birth
day on last Friday evening, by Inviting a
few of her frionds. The evening was
spent very pleosnutly with various gomes
and good muslo was enjoyed. Refresh
ment" were served and evoryone had a
pleasant time and her guests wish her
many more happy returns of the event.
On Thursday evening Oct. 15th Mini
sink Tribe 28, 1. O K. M. and Toedyus
oung Counoll No. 41, Daughters of Pooo
houtas and thoir many friends held a
grand soclablo at tho resldenoe ot John
Sheen on the bank of the Delaware In
Matomoras. About ouo hundred guests
were in attendance.
On Wednesday evonlng the new and
spacious barn of Smith Brothers, this vil
lage, was the scene of a social gathering
given by the railroad men and their num
erous friends. Good muHlo will be furn
ished. A very pleasant time is anticipated.
Tho social season of 18U7 was auspiciously
inaugurated on Thursday evonlng of last
week, by Prof. Horace R. Dunn at the
Academy of Dancing, In Port Jorvls. The
event wits tho Initial hpp of a series to be
given by Mr. Dunn. Miss Mary Squires,
of Matamorus, was tho pianist and Mr.
Warren Holdenthal, violinist. The Port
Jorvls Union compliment those two mu
sicians In the highest of terms.
rriuiiciu ocyuoii, won tno gun tnot was
drawn for on Tuesday night at the barber
shop of Charles Biyer. A few evenings
ao his brother Hulet drew a gun also.
Tho two young men scum to be very for
Peter Garrnbraut is lu town from Nyock
making all prepnratious to move his
household goods and family. Mr. Garra
brant has lived It seems an ordinary life
time in our beautiful village aud tho many
friends and acquaintances of tho family
will miss their presence greatly.
Dr. B.wt, the eye specialist of Port Jer
vls, performed uu operation ou the oldest
ohlld of Eugluoer Chas. Banners for cross
eyes aud the transformation In tho child's
appcarauoe Is wonderful. Dr. Best has
quite a number of those operations on
chlldrou and is invariably nicccsnful.
Conductor John Washer of the lowor
end of town has greatly Improved tho ap-
pjaranuooi nis residence with a new ooat
of paiut.
This is court week at our oounty capital
Milford, aud a largo number of our oitl
zens are serving on the Jury. Monday the
Judges and a number of oourt attaches
passed through town eurouto to their
duties at the oourt house.
Miss Dolly Vaudervort, the little daugh
ter of Conductor Ambrose Vaudervort,
celebratca her eleventh anniversary Oet.
ilth, byau invitation to about thirty of
her young friends and u -hti.lmat-es to a
party at her home In this village from 6
p. iu to lu p m , mid thoe live hours
were spent In fun and pastime that will
long be remembered by Dolly's little
friends who were fortunnto enough to at
tend. Games of many kinds and music
were the order of the evening and a boun
tiful supper was prepared bv Dollv'n
mother of which all showed a Just nppre-
olatlou. Thny left for their several homes
about 10 o'clock, wishing Dully maiiv
happy returns of her birthday.
W illlam Lunn, of New York nlty ar
rived In town last Saturday night and re
mained until Wednesday ulght, visiting
his mother and brother. Ho is a native of
this village but some years ago ho started
In tho mercantile business In tho city and
has prospered beyond his fondest hopes, a
foot which we are pleased to noto.
The singing class In charge of Mr. C. 8.
Blizzard was organized on Tuesday even
ing nt Epworth Church. The following
olllcers were appelated : President, Carrie
Lllleyj Vice President, Alice Quick: Seo.
ond Vice President, Edite Snyder; Secre
tary, Irena Klmblo; Treasurer, Frank
Manwnriug. Sixtoon Joined on Tuesday
evening. Tho next meeting will bo on
d.iturday evening, Oct. 23, at 7.30 o'clock.
Woll our flue weather continues. It Is
just what we all like to see especially at
this time of year.
Tho now bridge Is now nil finished and
It Is a great improvement to tho glen. Tho
more improvements tho bettor tho placo
This Is court week nnd quite a number
of people go pnst here on their wny to Mil
ford. Among tho number Dr. Howard
aud wife were wending their way Tuesday
morning townrd the county scat.
I. L. Burcher and George Adams drove
to their homes lu Honesdale last Saturday.
Louie Banfoo nnd a party of hunters are
oamplng In Burchers cabin ou the Shohola
property for a tew days hoping to carry
some of Pike countys game with them
whon they get ready to leave.
Lawyer Tellia Is stopping with Joe
Snietzlor for a few days on a hunting ex
pedition. The oyster supper at Lake Toedyusoung
last Friday night was a grand nffnir and
very largely nttended. All report a good
tlmo, well they might as O. L. Rowland
the proprietor understands his business.
The ball at the Greoley club house last
Sundny night was a very lively affair so
those say who attended Humor snys some
of the boys were very ambitious at the
breaking up, and for a change took a hand
In trying to see which were the best boxers
Tho Greoley boys were too much for Perry
Edward Kochka and Miss Wcstfiill
spent Tuesday evening with Anna Rom-
Next weok will be Teachers Institute ot
Milford. That will give the young Ideas a
vacation for a weok. The Teachers are
also looking forward to a good time.
Annie Craft spent a- few days with her
friend, Anna Kemson at Rocky Rift farm,
Hattle Gnlloe Is at her homo at Greeley
again. She has Improved in health some
what since she was in the hospital . But
not so much that Bhe oould resume work,
Bert Bartleson spent Sundny with Ira
Rosencrnnoe nnd returned to his home on
Monday taking his little girl with him
She had been staying with hor aunt and
going to school at Burchers, XX
At a special meeting of Wallenpnupack
Lodge No. 478 I. O. O. F. October 14, 1817,
the following officers wore Instollod by
W. Ht Varcoo, D. D. G. M. N. G. F. L
Selg V. G. E. H. Loug, Asst. Secretary,
George Bartleson ; Treasurer, F. Gilpin
M. D., Right Supporter to N. G., C. W
Akers, L. S., A. J. Simons, M. D , R. 8.
to V. Grand, E. W. Waltz L. 8 F. K
Robackor, O. G., M. Gilpin, I. G. O. E,
Simons Rights. Supporter, A. H. Roemor
Jr., L. S. Supporter Chris. Waltgen, War
den Harry Akers, Representative to Grand
Lodge J. W. Robocker. After the Installa
tion ceremony was over all repaired to the
dining room, where the ladles served re
Christopher Boohlor who went to tho
hospital at Bethlehem Pa., for medical
treatment returned home lost weok with
out any apparent improvement. His
trouble seems to be an unnatural growth
In his throat whloh makes It very dilllcult
tor him to swallow.
Mrs. William Bush of Greontown Is very
sick with diphtheria, although she is some
what Improved at present.
R. W. Bartleson of this place has troded
his driving team of grays off for a heavy
team of work horses.
Apple buyers are plonty In this suction
thoy are paying from 05cts. to f 1.60 per
Bert Carlton from Susquehanna oounty
Ponn., Is visiting his nnolo, 8. J. Dicker
son and friends lu Greontown.
Mrs. George F. Simons of Lake Ariel Is
visiting friends in Greontown this week.
Theodore Correll, J. C. Carlton, George
Ruke and Thomas Gilpin aro attending
oourt at Milford as J urors this week.
Tho Bohool at Greontown has about 45
scholars enrolled. Mrs. Kate Sawyer,
Eugene Hampton Butlur, Constable from
Greene is attending oourt at the county
seat this week. ,
"H" by his letter to the Pukss week bo-
tore last seems to have stirred up a hornets
nest. For particulars see last weeks Reg
OI for the truth, the whole truth, and
nothiug but the truth. Last Thursdays
Gazette has au account of two hold ups on
the upper eud of the river road in broad
daylight. Great Soottl I What a plaoe w
are living in if those stories were true,
Herearothe facts pure and simple. Job
Siglur and daughter had been to Port Jer
vis, returning about two p. m., Mr. Slgler
stopped at tho residence of Mr. H. Cham
bers ant Informed him that on the top of
the Trt States Hill ho had mot three men,
one of them had or attempted to jump into
his wagou, aud said something about
money. Ho had kicked the fellow off.
Why didn't Mr. Slgler notify Dr. Carlou
the nearest neighbor or Mr. Seuger aud his
man who wore wJrking within oallf
Again why didn't he notify tho town con
stable whom he met along the rotui near
the Sandhill?
Mr. Galeu Bennett of Trl State was held
up Thursday uiorulng in the Sandhlll
Held up rubbishl Mr. Bennett Informed
.Mr. Robert Armstrong the same morning
that having heard nbont hold tips down
hero ho brought along o revolver and when
waning down the said Sandhill a man came
own the bank In front of his horse crossed
tho road and said: Good morning Mr.
Bennett. If those are hold nps for God's
snkeglvo us a rest, we ore bad enough
withoutbclng made out worse and sland
ered. H ." keeps going for us, and soys the
chaps who steal Sandyston nhlekens be-
ong up hero, Maybe they do but I hope
It seems to bo settled thnt no Free Sli
ver candidates will be nominated.
Gottfried Wlcland being unable to fol
low his trade as blacksmith on account of
illness wishes to dispose of his ontlre sot of
toots nt prlvnto solo.
An earnest effort Is being made to raise
money to repair the Reformed church.
Mrs. Julia Kerr disposes of about 10,0X)
nangoes every week.
Wild Bill" has a new driver. Look
out for bre-o-nol A wedding soon.
Mr. aud Mrs. Moses Colo, Roy. J. A.
Welgandof Mntamoras, Mrs. Susan De
Witt of Port Jervls, Mr and Mrs. Brltton
Westbrook of BrnnchviUe, Mrs. John Tar
rlel of Newton aud Mrs. John E. Ryinnn
of Marksboro, N. J., visited Montague last
The Piirss should find gratified to have
some o( Its ltoms republished in our coun
ty papers. Goit"H". There will be n
surprise for some one In about two weeks
Strangers going along tho road should
not stop ond investigate unoccupied build
ings. Their action looks suspicious.
I saw a novelty yesterday on our road.
Guossl a hicyolo, no, neither a mule with
out long ears, but a baby carriage, with a
baby lu It! And now say Montague Is be
hind tho times. " .Dick
' K " TOWN.
The pieulo nt tho clubhouse Sunday was
woll attended and dancing enjoyed by all.
Ouo day last week while Gertie Kleonert
and Frank Worcel were returning from
so hool thoy saw a largo deer cross t ho road
noar tho Spring h ntse and disappear In
to the woods.
Among thoso who have had their houses
adorned with lightning rods aro Messrs
Witt, Tobber, Kcrby and Knoetgen.
A permauout boarder 1ms arrived at Mr
ond Mrs. Charles Dottor's. It Is a boy.
Daniel Doley has been suffcringla had at
tack of ton3llltls for two weeks past. Sev
eral others are on the sick list.
Eva Hoockor has returned to hor homo
In Greoley .
Mi's. Goolorhas also returned homo.
Annie Craft spout a few days last week
with friends at Wostcolang.
Edwnrd Kochka was a oallornt DoWltt's
on the hill, Sunday .
Thauks to XX for inviting Goldon Rod
to writo. Would have douo so previous to
this but tlmo has been so occupied It was
impossible. Golden Ron.
Resolutions of County Commissioners.
The eleventh annual convention
of County Commissioners in session
at Gettysburg adopted tho follow
ing resolutions : '
First. Rosolvod, that the Exoou
tive Committee of this convention
bo requested to urge upon our next
Legislature the pnssage of a law
making all taxes assessed upon real
estate a first lien upon tho wimo.
bocona. . That we rooommond the
passage of a law making tho taxes
upon all clnssos of property uniform
so thnt each class of proiorty may
bear its equal portion of the gonerul
Third. Thnt we recommend that
the Baker Ballot law bo so changod
as to give complete time for the
printing nnd distribution of tho bal
Fourth. That wo recommend tho
repeal of the December registration
or voters.
Fifth. That wo rooommond tho
passage of a law compelling nil per-
nous holding mortgages, judgment
and deeds, and who desire to have
them entered on record, that they
shall have thorn also registered in
the Commissioners' offico, with tho
add ross of the plaintiffs nnd defen
dants and parties to the mortgages
and deed, to enable tho authorities
to correct tho records, and to enable
the authorities to correct tho re
wards, and to enable them to collect
tax on meney invested.
Sixth. That the fee svstem should
bo abolished as much ns possible
and the counties and cities should
bo classified and salaries be paid
all county oillcinla.
Bovorth. That the law which
compels tho counties to pay to the
istato the whole of tho personal pro
perty tax should be changed, so that
the btato s portion only bo sent
the btato Treasury.
Thomas Whitson, of Lancaster,
read a paper ontho liabilities of the
oounty in dismissed cases and sum
mary convictions. IIo quoted the
law which requires tho cost of trial
of porsons who aro found innocent
to bo paid by tho county. IIo ex
plains that in most counties through
out the Commonwealth this appliei
only to such crimes or offences
are indictable under our criminal
coae, and not to include summary
convictiuus, such as drunkenness
and disorderly conduct, malicious
trespass, or train riding.
It must nooessHrily follow that
in a snmuiury proceeding where the
defendant has boon committed and
sent to jail for simplo imprisonment
in default of the payment of tines
aud costs of the magistrate or cou
stable, the Boards of County Com
missioner should not pay them."
Lint f Unclaimed letters.
Unclaimed letters remaining in
tho Post OlQoj at Milford, Pa. for
the weok ending Ojt. 16, 1897 :
Ladies. Miss L. C. It. Lnyton
Ukntleukx. I Tottou, E. Howard
Persons claiming the above will
please hay " Advertised " nnd give
date of this list.
Jas. 8. Gale, P.M.
Under this hend wo will Innert e mm ti tit
rations ou current and nolltlriil tonics.
without llng responsible for the senti
ments expressed, and Invit- such discus"
sion as may be proper and of ceneral In-
rcsi to iicpenpio. JMHTOK i'HKSS.
Hold Ups In Moitisguo.
Dkab Sik: Without o doubt you have
heard a good deal about so-called hold ups
over hero, but you haven't heard of any one
making a complaint neither has any on
elso. Sons not to be behind tho times. I
will tell you about my held up which Is
about as serious as most of the rest.
Whon going nlongtho river rood I found
sittiug along side of said rood i,u young
men, one them having on open knife in
his hand. They didn't sny anything but
were eating hickory nuts. Now according
to the hold tip stories what right has n
person along our roads f
I haven't notlded the town coiuiuittee or
tho oonstable yet, but I think it would be
better to call out tho military. Don't you f
Nawl hope Hrutlier "11." or our friend "E.
U." won't lie alarmed as our town goes
along ns uuul, outside report, notwith
standing. If nny thing serious happens and we
don't get killed wc will let tho readers of
tho Phkss know.
Montague Ckackrb Bauhel.
He Caught Hit Fish.
Dinhmanh, Oct. IS, 1807.
KblTOtt PltF.ss: Oh my I as " Dick"
would soy, what a splendid article " C "
wroto last week on teachers' wages I
My heart went out to him. nnd It ho had
said tho same pretty things last winter I
would have said nothing. Just compare
his remarks then awl now and you will
see the progress he has innilo. I knew
there was something better In "C" thnn
Ills vulvar nrrnlgnin mt of tho teachers
nt Centre and C.iles Ho was not explicit
last winter and I CJtild not read botwecu
the lines, that ho was attacking somo
Honest John." My error was thnt I did
not interpret the drift of his remarks.
Yes, I read betweoi tho lines wilfully,
but his article so pleases mo thnt I will
not tell what I read.
In his Innocent article of tho 8rd "C" ad
vises the writer of certnln nrtlclos (I don't
know whatarticles or scribe ho referred to)
to wait aud find somethlug to write about.
I took no offense but thought a fair ex
change friendly, ond so advised him to go
to school . Hut it appears ho has 0 private
teacher who tutors him well, nnd he acquires
even electrical knowledge 'without study.
Yes, gray matter Is always handy to have
In tho upper apartments.ond as It needs re
newing, I went fishing between lines and
though I had a tough job I brought ''C."
out of the pool. Tho baits wore varied
with Gllmoreville, Centre, Plcnlo, Possi
bilities, eto., but the wary fish was hooked
at lost and landed In your oiBco and Its
name Is Teachers' Wages. "E. P. U." Is
nut such a fool that ho would not take a
square meal In good company at a picnic,
who would refuse It f
As to vacatiug the orackor bnrrol the
poor old wreck has dono good service, but
now the rats ore gnawing ot its contents
and I think I will take a vacation until
further notice.
P. S. A drop box will bo handy for
On an empty orackor barrel near a skim
milk oheeso. K. P. U.
Two Found JDead Tosri-ther Probable
Murder ami Suicide Committed In
Matthew Eogors, a grocer in Bal
timore, and Mrs. Ida Wright, his
paramour, were found dead in
Rogers' house Ocfulior 14th. Both
has been shot. The only other per
son in the house was a daughter of
the dead woman, who was in the
same room and knew nothing of the
tragody until awakened soveral
hours after it occurred.
The oouplo were last soon shortly
bofore midnight, when Rogers
eeomed to lxi in good spirits. Their
failure to appear nt tho usual hour
in the morning aroused the suspic-
ions of tho dead man's brothers, who
live in an adjoining house, and thoy
broko open the door. On tho floor
of tho room they found the body of
tho man, while lying on the bod was
that of tho woman, with Lillian.her
eight-year-old daughter, by her
side, sound asleep. Both had boon
shot in the head. A pistol with two
chambers empty, was found under
the bed, and the police say that all
means of ingress to the' house were
tightly closed. Thcso circum
stances convinced tho police that
the man had killed tho woman and
then shot himself, but tho dead
man's relatives assert that two sus
picious looking men were seen loiter
ing about the house early in the
evening. The fact inclines them to
believe that both were murdered
-N. Y. Tribune. ' .
Watcher For SchiilU.
the matter of watchmen for
Herman Paul Schultz.
It appearing
that tha said bchultz is now con
fined in the Pike county jail under
sontence of death for the murder of
his wife, and that since his confine
ment ne has attempted to take his
own life, and that since that time a
watchman has been employed and
kept in attendance upon him, ami,
it being represented to us that some
question baa arisen between the
sheriil and the County Commis
sioners relative to the neoessity of
continuing the watch and the ex
pense thereof. "Now Oct. 19, lSlJ?,it
is recommended that some arrange
ment be made between the said
sheriff and commissio'iers by which
the said Schultz shall be secured
from doing violence to himself."
By TH.Cwkt.
it's Wing
to the patience to keep on taking
medicino that does not cure. l!ut
it is trying thnt lends to success.
If you are suffering from eczema,
boils, eruptions, etc., you will begin
your cure the day you btgin trying
The Art, Not the Inspiration Pertlment
Comments on a Jlecfnt Artlcln nnd
Vnworthy Conduct.
I am sorry to note that the
"Wantage Recorder" of last week
can not give mo orodit for oven a
shadow of good intention in explain
ing why Jackson Colo mado no ran
in Sandyston. 1 quote the language
of tho "Recorder" as follows: In
list wi e'es Pikk Countv I r 8 1 an i r
tioio appeared from Sandyston town
ship evidontly intended to nntago-
nizethe friends of Jackson Colo and
those of Elvin E. Smith tho Demo
cratic candidate for Assembly.
'iromwuat wo learn it was in
spired by some one desirous of tak
ing revenge on Mr. Smith in a poli
tical way, or jealous of him." Edi
tor Sticknny has an unfortunate fa
culty of tumbling to a conclusion in
a way that indicates a slight lack of
discretion, for instance, whon As
sessor Van Sickle happened in Dock-
ortown a few days beforo tho board
of Assessors mot nnd then displayed
an accura to knowledge of Decker
town valuations before the board
the editor jumped to tho conclusion
that John J. Stanton, and John J. Van
Sickle had n conferenco in which
Stanton confided the information
to Van Sickle. Nothing could havo
been further from the truth for the
two gentlomen did not even moot.
Tho indications were that the state
ment was pure guesswork based
upon the flimsiest of circumstantial
evidonce. So in this instance "what
he learned" probably came through
a crooked channel and led him to
jump to a conclusion that is quite as
far from the truth as Hell is from
Halifax. Itns only a simple state
ment of Elvin E. Smiths oonduct in
oarrying m his pockets tho tickets
of Jackson Cole, entrusted to his
enre, and tho consequent witholding
of them from Mr. Coles friends dur
ing the primary in 8-itidyston town
ship. That such oonduct should
antagonize Mr. Coles friends was
inevitable and I claim that it was the
act itself and not tho inspiration of
tho article that produced tho anta
gonism. Had it boon published for
rovongo as Mr. Stickney says, all the
facts instead of a part would ha vo
been given, nnd would have proved
jnuch more damoging to Mr. Smith,
than as it appeared. No, there was no
thought of revongo Mr. Stickney
nnd no inspiration as I am aware of.
As to jealousy, groat Iloavon ! jeal
ous of what, of him, Elvin E. Smith?
Kind Mentis hold us while wo faint
and if we die, remember that Editor
Stickney charged us with jealousy
of "him" Elvin E. Smith. This in
deed fills our cup to overflowing and
renders our humiliation complote.
The Recorders advice to "sink little
differences" agrees with our brand
of religion, but violated pledges lack
of business qualifications, and a be
trayal of a trust like smuggling a
frionds tickets, doos not figure in
our category as "littlo differences
especially when found in a candidate
for an office so important to the peo
ples interests as that of Assombly.
man. If a man cannot accept so
small a mission as tho placing of a
friends tickets on the board without
breaking his fuith, then he is not
worthy of tho greater trust and you
who wish may take the responsibili
ty of voting that he be sent on a
legislative mission where greater in
torosts are at stuke. As for mo, Mr.
Stickney, without any feeling of re
venge or jealousy, but with reasons
biisod upon good principles I do not
feel that I have any cause whatever
to vote that way and I do yon the
credit of believing, that if you knew
the facts as I do, you would do us I
have done, and vote as I shall vote
Another County Bridge.
A petition was presented at this
term asking that viewers be ap
pointed for a county bridge across
the- Lacfcawaxon river near its
mouth. This subject has been agit
ated for many years. No doubt tho
people at that point suffer great
inconvenience for want of a high
way across the river as the ouly
means now is tha aoquoduct. Tho
large boarding interests must be
seriously incommoded for want of
moans of transfer from the station,
and tho bridgo would no doubt
greatly facilitate thut enterprise.
The cost would neco.arily bo largo,
but the matter is in the hands of the
people to say whether it shall be
and Solid
Eyes examined free by a skilled
Glasses Filled in Gold or Any
Other Kind of Frames.
We are pleased to show Goods.
E. Van Sicklo,
72 Pike Street, Port Jervis, N. Y-
IF your bicyclo
nbeds repairing
Go to
Whore you can get it repairod
Don't forget that RUT AN ro-
pairs locks and make keys for them.
A few blcyles at $20.00.
P. C. Rutan, Prop.
Fall and Winter. -:
1 1
a will placo on exhibi
tion Wednosd ly, Oct.
13th, ono of the finest
assortment of moil's
footwear for Fall and
Winter evor exhibited
in Port Jervis.
fho stock comprises,
1 all the latest nov
elties in materials
such as willow
calf, winter rns
sot, enirthel and
pntont leather,
crack proof box
calf .American calf
and English grain
New shapes Cornell, liar-
....... U'llU J ... 1 .
Fitter of Feet,
Port Jervis, N. Y.
Corrected to Date.
Solid Pullman truing to BiifTulo, Nin
nra Knlls, Chmitniiqurt Luke, Cleveland,
CliiciiKO mid Cincliiuiui.
Tickntu on . biiIo at Port Jorvla to all
points in tho Wost ami Sout.hwoHtat lowor
niton than via any othor flr.it-clnus lino.
Tkains Now
Leavb Pout
'8, Dully ExprmiK 3 (M A M.
10, Dally KxpiVKH 6 L) "
in. Daily Except Sunday
" Holt! Sunday Only
" 3m, Daily Kxivjir, Sunday
M a, Daily Way Train
" 80, " " "
" a, Dally Express
" 6jo, Sunday Only
s, uaiiy n,:
" 18, "
" 23, Daily Exoopt Sunday.. 6 &a -"
11, Dally io ou "
So. 8, Daily Express 13 07 a.m.
17, Daily Milk Train ui "
" I, Daily Kxprcss 11 M '
" 11, Daily Kxivpt. Sunday . . 1J 10 p. M.
5. Daily Kxpronu 5 oo '
" 87, Daily Kxot-pt Sunday . S7 "
" 7, Daily Express 10 15 "
Trains leave Chambers street, Now
York for Port Jervis ou week days at 4 oo,
7 45, 9 ix), 15, 10 ao A m. 1 (XI, 8oo,
a ou, iui, o jo, an, s 4f P. it. Ou
diys, 4 IX), 7 46, t) (X), 9 15 a. m.; la 30,
J . oo auu o . to r. M. ,
ti. I. Roberts,
Geueral PatuMoiKr Agtiut,
Nw ork,
I). W. Cmiko.
Assistant General l'tisMiuyer Agent,
new lortt.
Yaid. 5
to Lefrhoil
for iit'teelj
Pint Hill Firm Poultry
The Rose Comb White
only. Carefully bred fo
years. Best layers of tine whit
eggs. Pairs, and Trios for sale, an-j
nauuitno; eii's in season. OHDEK
Uko. E. LIuii.sit,
Luytou, N. J.
Listers and the Great Eastern FVi
. . fl 80 "
7 4ft "
. . 7 45 "
. . lo,i
.. 4.1!f,"
.. 5 ai "
6 u.i, '
tihzors at W. & (J. Mitchell 'a.