Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, August 20, 1897, Image 3

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Ilnnna'a Firm ltfur tn Join lit Mia
Mnffincnt- Crlnl AtirrrnTly at Hund
In th Urfnt fitrlfce Frmld-nt liolnn
Ritlnrd U Itli the Outlook In Mtthur.
Cl'veul, Auk W. Thi- opviatniH f
th? IVnnsylvfinln cml m!iiLn hive luU
a crinfort'iice In this city, at whhili nlnut
30 prominent flrnm wre pjrreHv-tit'l.
tt wan dtt?( mltiH thftt mini in ih
rittHl)UfC district should hv urt cl and
npernU'fi without further dlny n the
pr-'UH'iH that th nilii'-m havp takn a
hitih h.mdi d potdtlmt, th.it n-'ttiiiiir hut
hti umcasnmiH" prh for tnlnln; will
Butlrfy their dcinnnd and that thy
have horn unwIllttiK to treat with Jin
lTatora on nny fair ft round!, nlso
that lh-re I rm course IWt open it the
ep'Taturp at thin time?. It was det-r-mlned
tht nil coal Bold at the f cent
tmsip of mining this yonr rnust he mined
at that ptlfp. No chnnxe In the price
of mint tiff will hf considered until thn
contracts made at the f4 crnt bnpln of
mining are lUIf d and the uniform) ty
nirreemvnt In romplcl.-d. At Iwtat thre.
fourthfl of the tonnape of the Plttahurg
dlntrtcl was rr.-prflentc:! nt thp confer
ence, and all arc unanltn"U and
anfieed, If nTP?s;)!y, to forcibly resume
op?ratlonf, with the exception of M. A.
llanna A Co.
J. n. Z' rh, pn sldent of the Ohio and
Pennsylvania Coal company, explains
the motives which l"d up to this action
an follows:
"Wp have bo-n hoping that Prudent
Itathford would nim" to hlfl senMcsand
consent to Hume reasonable ttt lemont
of the strike, but It Is evident that he
will not. He If fooling the public with
statements favorable to the miners'
cause and Is leading the miners nn In a
sort of revival meetlnff enthusiasm.
"While the men are chenrintc over the
vietories exploited by Katchford they
forget that If they close every mine In
this country they will never win the
strike. The coal operators will never
accede to the miners' demands. Mr.
Patchcord oupht to know this, nnd yet
he continues to encourap the men with
false hopes of victory. He has refused
to compromise.
"Mr. Uend of Chkaffo made In the
newspapers an offer to compromise,
which Sir. Patchcord never answered
and to which he has paid no attention."
President I Mian MIfl d.
Pittsburg, Aur. 1R The strlklnK min
ers officials express themselves satis
fied with the injunction proceedings.
"According to the court," said Presi
dent Tolan, "the Injunction only re
strains us from dolnff what we have not
done and what we do not intend to do.
The camps will be continued and eon
ducted aa usual until further notice. We
have abundant assurance of help, and
all the reports' that we ate destitute
have no foundation."
In the opinion of ft number of coal
operators the uniformity agreement
will not receive the support its articles
are said to warrant. A canvass of oper
ators shows that thfy are not rushing
to the committee with signed agree
ments In their hands. In fact, they are
holding back, and each one seems watt
ing to see what the other Intends to do.
The uniformity committee refuses to
divulge the names of the operators who
have affixed their signatures to that In
strument, and inquiry tends to show
that only three Ilrms have made a de
cisive step In the matter and signed the
Fatal Quarrel of Deputy SherllT
Pittsburg, Aug. 17. Two deputies,
Hobeit Kerr and Frank Anderson, em
ployed as guardians of the New York
and Cleveland Una Coal company here,
had a sanguinary encounter, and as a
result Kerr can live but a short time.
Anderson Is proprietor of a dive on
Water street In this city and is -known
as a bad man. He was In charge of the
deputies at Handy Creek. Kerr, who
lives at MfKecs Tiorks, Is a river pilot
by occupation. He has served before
as a deputy during strikes.
The men met on a bridge crossing
Plum creek, and after a few words An
derson was seen to hit Kerr, who re
taliated, and a rough and tumble fight
followed. Anderson succeeded in draw
ing his revolver and, placing It close to
Kerr's abdomen, Hred, the ball tearing
through the victim's intestines, lodging
in his back. The physicians say he will
A constable tried to arrest Anderson,
but lie was prevented by deputies, who
said they would hold him until the ar
rival of the sheriff.
KanuM Minor Con tl tine Work,
Pittsburg, Kan., Aug. 17. After a
long conference between the operator
and executive board of the miners ol
Cherokee and Ciawford counties action
favorable to the men remaining at work
has been tukon. An agreement making
concessions to the miners was drawn up,
and each operator in the district will be
asked to sign it. Unless the operators
sign the men declare they will quit
work. However, the impression prevails
that the operators will readily agree to
the miners' demands.
The Strlka lu Uuatfirn Pennsylvania.
Hasleton, Pa., Aug. 17. Twenty-five
hundred miners of the Lehigh and
Wilkoshurro collerlus In the Honey
Li rook district are now on strike. Thii
Is ts first defection among the miners
of eastern Pennsylvania. Apart from
the wage queatlon, the men demand the
discharge or transfer of Superintendent
Junes, and the feeling against htm is so
strong that he moves about wtth an
armed epeort, and his house Is guarded
day and night.
Trouble rrobabla at Htdlalr.
Belluire. O., Aug. 17. Another mass
meeting of the miners was held hero
last evening, and large delegations from
IM! Ion vale,- Long Hun and Whevling
Creek mines marched here In a body,
attended the meeting and outvoted the
local miners in it. The meeting decided
to shut down--all local mines in this
vicinity, which will cause a number of
large manufacturing plants to close and
likely the city electric and water plants
Cireeiuburg Miner Jolu the Strike.
Ureensburg, Pa., Aug. 17. Wild dis
order prevailed in the vicinity of Her-nu-nle
and tne Ocean Coal company's
works lust night. The 2u0 mineis who
came from the river district were suc
cessful In bringing the miners at Her
meiiiu out. About 176 men quit work.
Lynched by Mooiubtner.
Richmond, Aug. IS John E. Nowlein,
a revenue informer who had bton ar
reted for breaking into a epringhouse,
was taken from the officers in Kuuny
bog, Franklin county, and shot to death.
The mob, it tat supposed, wat composed
of niouncl.inifi-s.
ooct Critn l'rowptjrt In Argentine
Buenos Ayivs, Aug. 18. According to
the ullk'iul lepoil. the eertral Clop fT"
pecta in tho Argt-ntlne are excellent.
4 Itrltlih SuUffnt at Com n Catls For S
Meeting to Knti-r Objections - - Claim
That Amrrtrnu OMrrrr Md an At
tempt to Krl a Ifomliilon Htinmrr.
Victoria, 13. C, Aug. 1R. The custom
house olUceifl up at Hkaguay have giv
en the Pilt'hh lion's tall a glorious
twist. That Is the sub-nance of the
latent news that hurt reaehed this point
from the pilgrims who have gone north
to scramble for nun gets. Prom Comox,
a codling point lf0 miles up the coast.
enrne the news thnt the Canadian Nav
igutlon cornpnny's steamer Ianuhe had
arrived there south bound from Ijyea
and Skaguay with all on board well.
Kvrything was as serene nn the moun
tain passes as 2,0fK) or 3.0'KJ men could
make It, Hnd every prospect pleased ex
cept the American customs olllcers.
An indignant Hrlttsh subject dnshed
up to the Comox telegraph olllce while
the ve?sel was coaling and wired a rod-
hot message t the Victoria board of
trade. He was so excited that he forgot
to give any details, saying simply:
"Customs officers attempted to seise
vess-d. Call meeting of board to de
nounce aetlon."
News soon spread about this loyal
Hrltish town nnd caused much excite
ment and sidewalk war talk. The agent
of the steamer promptly wired Captain
Meyer of the Dntiube for some details.
but before the message could reach him
the steamer had put to sea, south bound.
The assumption was that the steamer
would proceed to this port.
Aside from this suggestion of trouble.
the news that came from Comox was
that the Danube had met the steamer
lirhUol, north bound with treasure chas
ers, and all was well. No news hnd been
received of the steamer Portland, due
soon from St. Michaels and said by the
rophetB to have $4, (KM), 000 or S,000,000 In
gold dust abowrd.
The understanding Is that the trouble
with the customs officers was caused by
the l')anube landing bonded freight at
Rkaguay instead of Dyea, three miles
away, which Is the official port of entry.
Bonded freight to the extent of 75 tons
was sent tip on her from Seattle by the
Pkaguay Pay Association Trade com
pany. TeloRi-iiph Lines to Klondike.
Washington, Aug. 17. The Canadian
government has submitted fotmal pro
posals to this government to establish
communication with the Klondike re
gion In Alaska by the construction of
a telegraph line trom the head of win
ter navigation on the Lynn canal Into
the center of the Klondike district. The
proposals have been taken under ad
visement. They have been approved
by the Hrlttsh secretary of state for
foreign aftnirs and were forwarded by
the governor general of Canada through
the British embassy to the state de
partment and referred to the interior
department. There the papers are lock
ed up pending consideration.
The proposals, while reserving the
rights of either country pending the
settlement of the International bound
ary line between the United States and
Cnnada south of Mount St. Ellas, urge
the expediency of establishing a per
manent route giving access to the in
terior at all seasons of the year. The
most feasible route, in the judgment of
the Canadian authorities, would be to
start from the head of winter naviga
tion on the Lynn canal, the body of
water running from near Juneau up
beyond Dyea and Chllkat, forming part
of the present overland route, cross the
mountains by the White pass or by any
other pass whb'h may seem more ac
cessible and proceed northward to Fort
Selkirk and thence to Klondike.
fjidne Orgttnlte a Company.
Trenton, Aug. IS. Articles of incor
poration have been filed with the secre
tary of state of a $5,000,000 company for
the purpose of operating In the Klondike
district. The name of the company is
the Joseph Ladue Oold Mining and De
velopment company. Ladue is the re
ported owner of Dawson City and Is the
principal shareholder In the company.
In the articles of Incorporation his resi
dence is given as Plattshurg, N. Y.
The other members of the company
are Elmer Botsford and Albert M.
Emery of 1'lattsburg, N. Y.; Edgar D.
Bronson of New York city, Charles C.
Lapham of Lapham, N. Y., and Wlllard
Brown, a New York city banker.
The company begin with $1,000 paid In,
which Is the amount required for the
state fee for tiling the papers.
Hh Served Longer on the Mnpreme
Bench Than John Marshall.
Waxhlneton, Auk. 17. Justice Btephen
J. Field of the United Blates supreme
court has established the record for
longest service on that bench. Until
yeBterday the service of Chief JtiBtlce
John Marshall had been the longest In
the history of the court, covering 34
years. With yesterday Justice Field's
service exceeds that of Marshall. Ha
was appointed In 1M by President Lin
coin and Is now In his elKhty-flrst year,
hale and hearty, of strong mentality,
but feeble body. He had reached the
age of retirement, but prefers to remain
in active service on the bench, and ut
the supreme court room It is said there
is no present indication that lie will ro
ll re.
Justice Field Is now at Spring I-ako,
N. J.t where he has a Cottage.
The venerable Jurist has recently
written his memoirs, but only a few
copies have been printed.
llaalr llnrn.d by X Kjr..
Denver, Auk. 18. Charles F. La-
combe, president of the Mountain Elec
trie company of this city, has seriously
burned both hands while experimenting
with X rays and Is confined to his
home, undeiKolug all the tortures at
tendant upon burns of this nature. I'by
slclttijs are ulmott cs-HittojiUy in at
tendance, and evei y tlilnsj p-istoble is be
ln done to relieve his sullerliiKS. Ten
days had elapned after the application
of the lays betnre Mr. Laonibe feit any
111 effects thtr from.
A;.: ' -e-A
To I'rovlde Agnhitt the? Adulteration of
Food, and Providing for the F.nforce
nient Thereof.
Section 1. B. It emii!t4!l. &.,
Tluit no por.tim Hlmii, within this
Ktnte, !iinnufnetnro) for sale, offer
for snlu or sell nny nrticlo of food
which is luhiltenitiHl with the menu
ii ii? of this net.
Heel ion 2. The term "food," ns
nsed heroin, shall ineliuln nil articles
used for food or drink by limn
whethersimnle, mixed oroomiMtind.
Section 3. An article shall lie
deemed to bo adulterated within the
meaning of this act, :
(a). In the east) of food: (1). If
any substance, or substances have
boon mixed with it so as to lower or
denreciate or injuriously atteet its
quality, sheiif-th or jmrity. C- If
any inferior or cheaper substance or
substances have been substituted
wholly or in part for it. (8). If
any valuable or necessary constitu
ent or innrediont has been wholly or
in part n list racted from it. (-1). If
it is an imitation of or is sold under
Jio name, of another nrticlo. ().
If it consists wholly or in part of a
diseased, decomposed, putrid, in
fected, tainted or rotten nnimal or
vegetable substance or article,
whether manufactured or not, or
in ense of milk if it is the produce of
a diseased nnimal; (6). If it color
ed, coated, polished or powderod,
whereby damage or inferiority is
c ineenlcd, or if by nny means it is
made to appear better or of greater
value than it really is. (7). If it
contains any ndded substance or in
gredient which is poisonous or in
jurious to health : Provided, That
tht3 provisions of this act shall not
apply to mixtures or compounds re
oognizod ns ordinary articles or in-
grotlionts of articles of food, if each
and every package sold or offered
for sale be distinctly labeled ns mix
tures or compounds, nnd tiro not in
jurious to health.
Section 4. Every person manu
facturing, offering or exposing for
sale or delivering to n purchaser any
article of food included in the pro
visions of this not shnll furnish to
nny person interested or demand
ing the same, who shall apply to
him for the purpose and shnll ten
der him the vnluo of the same, a
bample sufficient for the analysis of
any such article of food which is in
his possession.
Section B. Whoever refuses to
comply, upon demand, with the re
quirements of section four, and who
ever violates nny of the provisions
of this net shall be guilty of a mis
demeanor and npon conviction shall
be fined not exceeding one hnndred
nor ltss than fifty dollars, or im
prisoned not exceeding ninety nor
loss than thirty days, or both, and
any person found guilty of manu
facturing, offering for sale or sell
ing nny adulterated article of food
under tho provisions of this act
shall be adjudged to pay, in addi
tion to tho penalties herein provided
for, nil nocessary costs and expen
ses incurred in inspecting and ana
lyzing such adulterated articles of
which said person may have been
found guilty of manufacturing, sell
ing or offering for sale : Provided,
That all poualtios nnd costs for the
violation of the provisions of this
act shall be paid to the Diary and
Food Commissioner, or his aent,
and by him paid into the State
Treasury, to bo kept ns a fund sepa
rate nnd ajxirt for the use of the De
partment of Agriculture for the en
forcement of this net and to be
drawn out npon warrant signod by
thoSooretary of Agriculture and tho
Auditor Genornl.
Section 6. The agent of the De
partment of Agriculture, known as
tho Dairy and Food Commissioner
of this State, shall be charged with
he enforcement of all the provisions
of this act and shall have the samo
power to enforce tho provisions of
this act that is given him to enforce
tho piti visions of tho act by which
ho receives his appointment.
Approved Tho 26th (lay of June,
A. D. 1U5.
Daniel II. Hastinos.
Bargain to Quick Buyen.
George Daunmnn offers a ;ood
lounge, kitchen, parlor and store
stove and gnsolino rango, nso three
Fairbank's scales, 1 largo, 2 email ;
cheese safe and 1, 2 bbl oil tank at
low figures to quick buyors.
Listers and the Groat Ea-stern Fer
tilizers at W. & (i. Mitchell's.
"Miss Highsee is a beautiful sing
er isn't she ?" "Very. That was all
that made her singing endurable."
Wont Times.
"I can't see why you object to
young Suf tleigh, I am sure he is con
staat." "Worse thun that he is
perpetual. " Truth.
The struiirhtoHt way p.;th.ips which may
be aoUKlit
Lb through tlio great highway luen call I
D'.jciuW Hymn Book.
A RemitksbH Cuts of Chronic Diarrheal.
In 1SH2, when 1 served my coun
try as a private in Company A, lGTth
Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1 con
tracted chronic diarrhoea. It has
given tne a great deal of trouble
ever since. I have tried a dozen
dilT'rent medicines and several
prominent doctors without any per
matient relief. Not long ago a friend
sent mo fl, sample bottle of Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea. Remedy, and after that I
nought and took n 50 cent bottle;
and now loan say that I am entirely
cured. I cannot lie thankful enough
to you for this great Hemedy, nnd
recommend it to nil suffering veter
ans. If in doubt write me. Yours
gratefully, IlKNtiY StRiNiinito'Klt, Al
Ientown, l'a. Bold by Druggists
and General Merchants in Pike
C unity.
J'vf-rrbody Buys Po.
C;ncnrcts Ofutdy Cathartic, Hip most won
dorlul mulicil diVoverv of thu ae. piean
tmt and rolreslun" to thn tunic, act (rr-ntly
and iMmitlvoly on K itlnc a, li ver and bowoM,
clrarr-tlmr tho entire svhU iii, dispel ( uu,
cur'1. Iicarincbo, fever, hiibitimi conMiimtion
and biliousness. Piomo buy anitry a box
of ). C. C. to-day; 10, 5, W cents. Hold and
guaranteed to cure by all (Iriii-'RiBts.
Ping Hill Farm Poultry Yards.
Tho Rosi Comb White Leghorn
only. Carefully bred for fifteen
years. Host layers of fine white
eggs. Pairs, and Trios for salt?, and
hatching eggs in Hanson. ORDKRS
Ueo. E. Hint?!,
ayton, LN. J.
Just try a 10c box of Cascarets the
finest liver and bowel regulator ever
may or may not lw realized. Things tip
in tho Klondiko are mighty uncertain.
There's no uncertainty, though, about our
stock of clothing. Kverythlntr Is ns sure
as a fortune after you have made it, and n
harvest after it's been irathcred.
Wo have some fortunes to
offer in Summer Suits that
were 11.00 and 15.00. We
are now closing out at
$7.00 and $11. OO.
At Half Price.
All Summer Stuff
is reduced to about one-half its reg
ular price.
(JWesell good clothing cheap-Vl
Cor, Front and Sussex streets,
thousand wheels but
only one shoe.
Easy to ride in. Ensv to walk in.
Made on foot-supiKirting principles
ou carefully modeled lasts. Black
or ton.
Fitter of Feet,
Port Jervis, N. Y.
L. A. W.
Repair Shop
OOOOOOOOUOOOOOOOO ooooooooooooooooo
Can fix your bicycle when
others fail. If your bicycle
netids repairing give them a
trial, which will convince
you that they understand
how to repair bicycles.
TLeHoiis (Hvou to H. inncrs-M
Milford, Pa.
Telephone connection
P. C. Rutan, Prop.
$7,800 Given Away
To Hrson3 ho umke the greatest
number of wurdd out of the phrase,
"i'utfiit Attorney WtJildt'rbuiW
Fur iartioulftrH address the Natiouul
Kwior-lr, Washington. V. t
drier this head H' will insert roinmnnl
cuMoin on current and liolltleal topicf,
without being responsible for the tuntl
nients cxpriMicil, and lovlto ste-h diwiiR
ton as may lc proner nnd of gcntTnl in
tercut to the people, Em loll 1'ltKHS. 1
Errora In the Report.
Nkw Yoick, Aug. 1(1, 18'.7.
Km ton iik I'ikk CtniSTV I'itRss: I had
an opportunity a few wwks ago to look
owr the recent report, of thu Klali (Joni
mlwdon of tho Htato of Pennsylvania and
wan nmaz Mt at the many errors which the
bo.di contained and errors too that arc in
excusable and would lead any tint I nary ob
server to infer that the publication was
wholly unrellabl'!. I will call y.uir atten
tion to a few Inaccuracies which occur In
its nottr oii of the Lakes and Clubs of Pike,
county. Tim Forest Lako Association It
culls the Forest. Park Association. The
Koro:t Park it enters as an Incorporated
body whereas It is only the property of n
private family It gives to tho Forest
Lake Association five lakes whereas It. has
only 3 and calls two of these the Hlg nnd
Little CJorillas instead of Long and Hound
C irlllas. ilow tho compilers of this vol
ume could have associated any of the
lakes of Pike county with the Korllln I
can't imagine as no such animal has ever
been found or let loose there within the
memory of the oldest settler. Had they
born called Yahoos wo might think they
had In mind some of the characters given
la thu travels of Lemuel (iulllvor and at
tho samo ti me the politicians and st atesmeu
of Plko county referred to by the late Hor
ace Greeley who many years ago associated
them with r.ittlosnaktvs anil bad whiskey.
The name of the President of the Forest
Lako Assoelntion Is given Incorn-etly. It is
mispelled and given In such n way as to
leave renders in doubt as to whether ho Is
a clergyman, scientist or physician. I will
enlighten the compilers by giving his
name In full It la Alexander Hadden,
M. I)., of New York City, not Huddon
All these errors might havo been avoided
by obtaining a copy of Its Jly-Laws
There are other mist akes If such they may
bo called that I might enumerate if nec
oessnry, but the above are surely sulliclent
for tho small field and I nm quite sure
that Wayne county will by heard from as
It has suffered like Plko In tho report.
There Is another feature of tho document I
do not like and that the calling tho ponds or
lakes by their newest names. In my opin
ion this ought not to be allowed in the State
paper without being authorized by the local
court and then have them registered in
tho olfiuo of county clerk so that no two or
three lakes could be called by; tho si tn
name As It Is now there are several Forest
lakes In tho county and twoTedy-us-cungs,
uto. I hopo yoti may bo ablo to bring this
about and avoid further confusion.
Very truly yours,
Of Interest to Republicans.
Pkau SIR: Apropos of nn nrticlo in the
Uwt insuo of the PiiH-is on tho Importance
of keeping tho pnrty oranl.-itiun intuct
ftud plving the date uf the tr wmhip tttu
o.jw'H, it HeoinB to im tlmt some rule should
be adopted by the County committee or
the cominff convention which will direct
tho manner in which the chairman and
Secretary of each caucus shall be put in
oflicc, and prescribe the lnofe of procedure
generally. The Democratic party has a
nuhiriy established nn'l well observed
manner of conducting their primaries At
a cauciis hnld In Diuman Ferry last fal
the township committee aolectod tho
chairman and proceeded to organize the
meeting- I previous years it was the cus
tom for the electors present to vote for a
chairman. It does not matter much which
wnv it iff dime, milv hIivuvh Mm nnn whv.
ami then there can be no question of the
regularity or tho prooorUinp-j and It the
County committee would publish t he rules
totf'jveru the whole business it would do
Very Respectfully.
PlKltilK M. Nl MS.
Th re are at present practically no rules
for the control of this matter, or iu fact
fur the regulation of the party m iehinery
in this county. It is to tne ond that tlire
tuny bt a well defined method of proceed
ins that new rules will be submitted at
the coming convention. ft I. Phkhh.)
RYMAN -:--:-
Sweeping Reduction
OF jvriofa on all kinds of
furniture and house
furnishing goods.
We can offor yon
PRICES than ever before.
Onr two stores are crowded
full everything useful.
A call will convince you
that we are up to tho time
both in NEW UOODB and
RYMAN -:--:-
"The bent is none too good. "
For sale for cash or on easy terms.
XitUles suit all puru fur ull mat hluus,
Tuning of PIAXO$ uud OlUiANd by a
competent tuutT,
Wanted-Hn Idea I
Who aa ctatnk
Protwot Tour Iilfan; (hey may hriu y .u tu.m.
LM'fc, Wwaijintftuu, U. C.,f r ttioir $. l uilot
t '.'
I r tilVKo all itiiportanf ...-v.f of tho Nation.
IT (il VJ all iniii.Tt-Mnt wxi of tho World.
IT (HVr'Ji the most reliable market rot'orts.
IT (lIVK.Sbrillitint and iri-tr-tctive edit'U-iiils.
ITfilYK i fiiscinnt.iiii; short stories,
n'fHVKan unoxceliitd asriialturnl (tfNirtittcut.
IT UIVLS hcinutiiic and niccUaiiical infortniitio!!.
IT (ilVKJJ illustrated fashion articles.
IT GIVES humorous illustrations.
IT GIVES entertainment to young and old.
IT GIVES satisfaction every where to everybody.
I YEAR for $1.65.
Cash in Advance.
Add ,. rd.r. PIKE COUBTY PRESS, M,,for&,.
Write your name and ndHresa on n postnl card, eind It to Geo W.
Best, Tribune Office. New York City, and a sample copy of
THE NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE will be mailed to you.
Manufacturers and dealers in all
kinds of Lumber,
Contractors and Builders.
Estimates mads ; personal attention given and vork
OFFICE, Brown's Building, Kilford, Pa.
Uf it Jt iL i
Ca-cita. rtvI T-nde-Ntnrlts ob'-iincd and all h?aiA
jent b-aintstonductcd fr Mootnrt fitn. S
Our Office is Opposite U. s. PTr mt orrici J
wo ciukc .urc tcnt m K Uiuo limn thoscj
itmfite fmm Washing ten. i
fteod model, drawing or phrto., with nrrnrv-f
tuin nfl if natrnl:ih fil- nut. irrf rt K
charp. uur ice not auc lilt patent is fn-curcj,
A PiMPuirr " How toOlttain J'atcnts." with
cost cf s.im; in the U. S. ami fvrcin cuuntn'
sent iree, ai irc-it
Opp. Phttht Orncc, WntHirroroN, D. C. f
tii !i r9?i?inf ?
0l Sf
We desire to employ
an Intelligent, industri
ous man In this locality.
The work , will be per
manent and the pay fair.
For Information write us.
1008 PENN AVE.,
Champion .. Washer.
WiU wufl Cleaner, Qiiklctr, with more
ease &nt Us injury to the
.- In use. Over 75,000 aoli, all
J giving titiiiction.
Don't confuaa thla wtth tho Waablug
Machiuca you bava aeeu.
This i aomethiag catircly new.
Can not get out of order.
stNO for circular.
Champion Washing Machins Co.,
SIO Vest reafl St.. CINCINNATI. Ottlrt
. . ... . . . ..: K
Leave your orders
For all kind of job printing
At this office.
EVERY member of
EVERY family on
EVERY farm, in
EVERY village, in
EVERY State or Territory
FOR Education,
FOR Noble Manhood,
FOR True Womanhood.
Special Sale of
300 pair
Newest shaped lasts,
narrow, medium and
commom sense,
lace or button,
regular $2 shoes,
Assortment of
Ladies' Summer
In short, long, or no sleeves.
Best Goods,
Lowest Prices.
"Bee Hive."
38 and 40 Front St.,
Go to
T. R. Julius Klein
Stoves and Ranges
Hardware, Cutlery, Tin, Agate
Ware, 4c, &c.
Tin Roofing and Plumbing
Jobbing promptly attended to.
Broa4 st root, opposite PKE.SS Offico
Wo hnve fwimftlitntf to aril tht
hriitvrrt fff-nii tnri!i to h11 eon
oo rw'd. W'h (ipstro au bup rtrtio
nwin in nrnry town to mtnluco
t!i Ik -t thiiiU (tu nnrt h. It in wn
bsolTitom-r'S'-ity winch iittUHli.-HTmrv. must Uavo
and with which thy tra not ytt Biipiifitt.
HQ HI MIUjG. KmjitirH.t uo lyni nor 1tcption !
a ninii-ir enrt cmncintiMU-ly ixntttirW m it uuj
Will nmkt a fttrtuiM, It in hIho adtipwd tuiadiea.
T'"'y nearly nlways wucccl.
A' 0 winrnMimj rt'jturet, Yno Oun f)l it At
home, for nn mou h it id known Uiut you httvo
it you will Imvt) tit ouo a monny-niakiiiff bnni
P 'sw. 1 14 (Itiumiitl is iiicrt'Hniii unit univHrtMiL
Ihe awrHtctt protltH am fnun lt to per
n to nth. It in an articlu of ftrvmt tnt-rit t)Ht cau
Itt tifiUilh -i on a lattfo or dmall ctcui with 400 pec
OfMU prolll.
11 nu will armrl ns ronr arldrrM, w will at
one) forw-itni to yon, by OJnil, full imrtieulftra
aud iitforuicttioa trvt of cvt. We oriiy eiitublihh
One muxul iu a pbic ami dt'irw to mcur tlio
jroi,-r arntH nt tltu wtarU Wtf Uulp Uioa wUo
W)n to Kt start-l.
You oiiit not at once If ynrj hnpA to gpt an
ftfrnncy, ax tlu y am nitn rapidly Uikm. it'a a
brand uuw thin. 0;k it our btnt hkwIm writes
hn lut oli'tn'd E',tU iu mx iiinnitirt. W huvn
and tiivt- entuMvo cwmirtd of territory. Writ at
0!trt. Ka c curat atoaat aanma 4 ai1drnai
Wnu- to
Xhe McCduiditd fttfg. Co., IndlanapotU, Imk