Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, August 13, 1897, Image 1

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1 ii ii Sz&
VOL. 2.
Secretary of State Sherman ou
The ?'nvy Ah An Ailjtmet lu l-'tiwlitmi
Hioi:itiir (.in loan's 11 nil'-l':it.'iit l.aiv
yevs' Trouble '..! . on thv Comptrol
ler, f .'miimls' Inner of I'litt'iil mid -M r.
I'ott'-r'i. lEetiii-n.
Secretary Sherman is ngniu ut his
desk in theS!,atn I.'jvirlm:'iit, and
his fiat-footed declaration that this
government would not guarantee, to
Japan the execution of the de
cision nf t-ln) arbitrator who will
pass on tho controversy between
Japan nnd Hawaii shows that his
backbone is in tip ton condition. lie
snys li is little outing ami rest did
liim much pood nnd that if tin;
v.-eather in Washington remains as
pleasant us it has been for several
days he will not go nwny again this
summer. Secretary Sherman fays
he doe-m't think there is anything
in that story about Minister Bewail
having last week declared a pro
tectorate, over Hawaii, and that if
"Old Glory" has been raised over
th islands it was because some act
of tho Japanese had caused Minister
Sewall to consider sneh a course
necessary to avoid future, trouble
anil complications. Mr. S.tsvall has
authority to raise tho flig over
Hawaii at any time he may consider
it necessary.
Tho innovation of the. Navy De
partment', that our naval vessels
must be put to a better use, than be
ing made to servo as attractions at
seaside fashion resorts, will not
please tho young dancing officers
wlio havo found pleasure in posing
as summer resort mashers, hut it is
being strongly endorsed by men who
wished to seo our navy made as effi
cient as possible by practice in sen
drills. Tlioro has never been any
pood reason for making our navy an
adjunct of seaside society.
Bonn tor Gorman's little bluIT
about his not being a candidate for
re-election is regarded in Washing
ton as about tho poorest one he ever
luado and as indicating his despera
tion. Ho knows that thoro are, a
considorablo number of Democrats
in Maryland who intend to aid the
Republicans to elect ft majority of
the legislature, in order to b.i sure
that ho cannot bo returned to the
Some of tho testimony in the
hearings, now going on, as to
vhother John Wodiloiburn & Co.,
should bo disbarred from practice
before the Patent Office has develop
ed a condition that ought to open
the eyes of everybody to tho man
ner in which those who become vic
tims of tho get-rieh-qiiiek-thiwigh-a
patent fevor, id von them by in
siduously worded advertisements
and circulars, aro being worked for
their hard earnod inonov, or the
money of their neighbors who art.'
caught by false reports made upon
their alleged inventions by unscru
pulous pa tout attorneys. Officials
of the Patent. Office have stated in
their testimony that only about one
half of the thirty seven hundred
odd applications for patents filed by
John Wedderburn fe Co., during the
past two years havo contained any
thing that was patentable, and that
tho portions that wore patentable in
many of the remainder were of suoh
a nature that it was partically im
possible for the invontor to over get
hack the money it cost him to get
tho patent. They further stated
that Woddorburh & Co., solicited
and got in many instances, addition
al foes for making applications for
foreign patent upon these devices,
which they knew, or should have
known were unpatentable ; also that
they sought to obtain, nnd did ob
tain, money for advertising them
for salo at a fabulous price when
they knew, or should havo known
that they were worthless.
Ex-Congressman Robert J. Trace
well, ef lml., has qualified as Comp
troller of tho Treasury. This is the
position that was hold under the
Cleveland administration by Roller
B. Bowler, -of Ohio, who obtained
some unenviable notoriety by set
ting himself up a.s higher authority
than the courts or an act of Con
gross, only to tumble ignominously
off his self erected pedestal. , Mr.
Tracewell is a very different sort of
an individual, and will perform the
duties of this important office in tho
same careful and thorough manner
that ho served his constituents in
Hon. Bjnj. Butterworth, Com
missioner of Patents, is Uving up to
expectations in the matter of rais
ing the standard of practice before
tho Patent OJice. His latest and
most important move is an order
providing that a register shall be
kept of all persons entitled to prac
tice before that office, and estab
lishing rules under which attorneys
may get their names upon that reg
ister. In these rules Mnj. Buttor-
worth has gone to the extreme limit
of authority given him by the pre
sent somewhat unsatisfactory laws.
He has other reform ideas which
will require the sanction of Congress
before they can be carried out.
Ex-Secretary of State, John W.
Foster, has returned from his diplo
matic trip to Europpo in behalf of
the seal fisheries, unj expresses him
self as being entirely satisfied with
the result of his tjip. There will be
a conference iu Washington next Oot
olior.bet ween representatives of this
coantry, England, Russia and Japan.
Prescription For Chronic Catarrh
In Use Over Forty Years.
I oi ty years ago
Dr.Ilartman "grad
uated at the JelTer
son Medical Col
lego of Philadel.
phia and immedi
ately commenced
the practice of
r .; ,;t.r
medicine n ;sin-
k fifs lersville, l.nnens.
. tot- .i ill ii lv r-M.
t Subsequent ly he
practiced in Lan-
caster ( Mty,
unti! 2D years ago. He
then lectured on the subject of
medicine and chronic diseases in all
tho principal cities in the United
During all the time the doctor lias
he.oTi a socialist in tho treatment of
chronic catarrh. He has probably
treated more cases of catarrh than
any other physician in tho world.
Several thousand jxwiple (suffering
from this stubborn disease) are con
stantly under his treatment, which
lie carries on by correspondence.
Tho remedy njxm which the doctor
relies for the cure of this vast mul
titude of people is Pe-ru-na. Pe
ru na is without doubt tho only re
liable internal specific for catarrh
yet devised by tho medical profes
sion. It cures catarrh wherever lo
cated catarrh of the head, catarrh
of the throat, of tho stomach, lungs,
liver, bowels, kidneys or catarrh of
the pelvic organs. Catarrh of these
various organs includes a host of
diseases known by tlitl'erenf names.
Pe-ru-na is not a patent medicine,
but the regular prescription ot a reg
ular physician in the regular prac
tice of medicine. The remedy Pe-ru-na
is manufactured only by The
Pe-ru-na Drug Manufacturing Com
pany, of Columbus, Ohio, whero it
is supplied to druggists all over the
United States. Any one suffering
from catarrh, severe or mild, acute
or chronic, in any organ or part of
the hnman body, should begin the
use ef Pe-ru-na at once. If at any
time during the treatment, the pn
tient wishes to ask any question of
Dr. Hartman concerning any detail
of disease or treatment he should
write the doctor, who will promptly
answer freo of charge.
Everybody should hnvo n copy of
one of Dr. Hartman 's freo books on
chronic catarrh. Tho doctor has
lately written a book on pelvic ca
tarrh, to which women are especially
liable. Sent freo to women only.
"The. Ills of Life," sent freo to all,
gives a short diseription of all ca
tarrhal diseases. Address The Pe-ru-na
Drug Manufacturing Co., Col
umbus, Ohio.
Chamberlain's Colio, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy always affords
prompt relief. For sale by Drag-
gists ant! General Merchants in Pike
Sudden Death.
Wednesday August 4th, a man,
about liH years, was noticed on the
streets hero, and later observed sit
ting along the sidewalk near the
Court House on a stone. That night
he slept in the lockup, and was
around again daring Thursday, and
that evening entered tho Dispatch
office where, his enfeebled condition
taring observed, he wa-s given .food
and shelter by tho kind-hearted em
ployees of that paper and allowed to
remain all night. Friday morn'ng
ho seemed very weak in body And
wandering in mind and was given
food and coffee. Starting to walk
down stairs he suddenly collapsed
and died.
Ho had given his iiiihm as Patrick
Hall or Wall and stated that he had
residetl at Long Kddy with Sarah
Comfort to whom he wrote tho day
preceding his death. Ho also said
that at one time he was employed on
the Erie and had received an injury
on his head, which bore evidence of
tho fact, and had worked for Dr.
VVrighter, of Otisville, N. Y. Cor
oner Geigor examined the body but
found nothing of value or anything
by which the man could Ikj identified,
and as his death was evidently duo
to natural causes no inquest was
A small bottle which was labelled
laudenuni was found in his pocket
ijjnpty, but it had lxwn purchased
some tune ago. A telegram was
sent to Long Eddy to tho person to
whom ho hail written, and the re
mains were placed in charge of Hor
ton v Wood, undertakers. Subse
quently ft dispatch saying "Cannot
oome. Bury remains there. Write
me particulars" was received from
Surah Comfort, and accordingly the
body was interred by tho overseers
of the poor in Muford cemetery on
Saturday last.
Wantku Fifty Rose Comb White
Leghorn pullets. Address Richard
Humbert. Milford, Pa.
Will Enjoy City Lilt.
Tuesday Parke H. Davis of E:is-
ton manager ot athletics at UUay
otte college received a box by ex
Dress presumably from Milford. On
onouiug it he found a rattlesnake
about live feet long, and he put box
and snake out in tke yurd, but when
he ijuiiii to show tho pet to his friends
later on it was gone, and now that
wart of the city cannot enjoy the
bliss of a good nights rest.
Raty-diiU are here.
Erie is doing a large freight
Mind the excursion to New York
Aug. 19.
Pie-nies and things are now in
Milford is well filled with city
Clean up your premises it is a
good or bad time for smells.
Remember this is typhoid month
and take precautions accordingly.
The Prkss can and will make
j'ou happy. Just try it -for a year.
Where is the crumbling soul
who complains of the weather for
this week.
Next week the Methodist fair
will be held at the church on Tues
day Aug. 17..
Bass will soon bo biting, but you
aro in no danger if yon keep away
Satrtrday Aug 21 there will be
several Democratic scalps taken in
this county.
Governor Hasting denies that
he will be a candidate for United
States Senator.
It is pleasant to hear a man say
he would rather miss his dinner
than miss the Pukss.
There maybe a Republican can
didate for jury commissioner but
so far as we now know no one has
so announced himself.
Last Friday as a youth was
lying in a In mmock at Forest Park
a rattler crawled under it, which
was discovered and killed.
Hon. Uarnet Mansfield is a can
didate for re-election to the office of
Associate Judge for Monroe county.
Barney deserves to make it.
Tho Monroo county fair will be
held this year from September 7th
to. 11th, both dates inclusive. It
promises to be well worth visiting.
In its ancient history the Reg
ister says under date May 8. 1817
Pinchot and Van Etton sell store
stock at Sandyston, intending to
quit mercantile business.
A game of bao ball was played
on the Milford grounds Monday be
tween a nine from Connshough and
one from here in which our boys
were winners by a score of 29 to 2.
Last Saturday night, two bicy
clists camo together at the corner of
Catharine and Broad -jeireote nnd
wore thrown nnd bruised. The fork
of one of the machines was bent.
Tuesday night during a hea vy
rain and while the lightning flashed
almost incessantly tho statue of
Penn on the City Ilall tower of
Philadelphia was struck, but not
Four well trained bears, accom
panied by the usual quota of Italian
nobility, displayed feats of gymnas
tics to tho customary melodious
snatches oi song , in the streets one
day this week.
Wheat ' reachod 80 in New
York August 10th. Silver is steadily
sinking, and looks as if it would
never roach bottom. Will some
freo silver apostle please rise and ex
plain this incongruity.
Wo want evory body to become
a local canvasser for the Phess.
Show it to your neighbor, get him
to subscribe send in the name, and
you will hear from us. Do this just
as you have opportunity.
At tho game of base ball
played Saturday liotweon two nines
selected from tho Crissman Houso
and the town tho Hotel boys wore
losers by a score of 25 to 8, but the
results wore satisfactory to all
A meeting of the Orange county
circuit will be held at Port Jervis,
August 17th to 20th There will be
somo good exhibitions of speed, and
all lovers of racing will not fail to
Henry Canne is taking the dirt
from the hill in Dingmnn township
approaching tho bridge to make the
fill at the Mott street bridge. This,
he says, will ease the grade at that
point materially. I
The Delaware Hudson oomp.'iny
will rebuild tho aqueduct at Lticka
waxen the Doming winter. It is
about 500 feet long nnd was origin
ally devised and superi ntendod by
John A. Roobling. Iho wood-work
only lasts 16 to 18 years.
A game of base bull took place
here last Friday between the Junior
Y. M. C. A. of Port Jorvis, and a
picked up nine from Milford. Fisher
and Campbell was battery for Port
Jervis and the McLaughlin brothers
for the homo team. Ouf"boya were
waxed by a score of 8 to 4.
August brings out the city peo
ple, and the town and vicinity is now
well filled with .these welcome ac
cessions, ilako it a pleasant season
for them, that they may tarry back
to their city homes, such rocoolloc-
tions us will be potent inducement
te come ngaiu next year and bring a
tew friends with them. .
Laston a electric light wires
wore burned out Wednesilay night,
August 4th by the severe electric
storm and for a time the citv wua
left in darkness. Considerable dam
ago was done in tho surrounding
country, several barns burned, and
roads washod out.
Tho storm Wednesday night
August 4th was very heavy in the
i or part of this and also in Mon
iv., 'unty. The telephone line was
tiaiiK. l and trams on D. L. & W .
1C KT delayed by washouts on tho
mountain. A barn of Jacob Edinger,
at Tannersville, was struck by
lightning and destroyed.
Cass Howell, now a resident of
New Jersey, entered a complaint
against Ed Ijiyton, before Esquire
I-akin of DincTtian's Ferry some
days ago for. having caught trout
out of season. The alleged offense
oecured over two yearn ngo in
Adam's crook nnd the hearing was
set down for yesterday. We have
not learned tho result.
" A wnnderin;-1 arlt Uon whose
pathway shines ' all stars of heav
en,' " visited the town last week ar
rayed in a uniform ef green, gold,
black nnd spangled, driving a horse
gayly caparisoned villi bells and
gilt, and having a monster accord
ion from which lie evoked considera
ble music. This rather striking fig
ure enjoys the name of William
Miller and amuses nnd entertains as
he journeys through life.
Itrror.leil In the OrtUe of tli H.'rnr.li'l
Sine Our I.ftHt Ismtc.
Laeka waxen. Herman Kanoper
to Senia Bactel, dated Aug. 4th,
two pieces land, con. $850, out d
Aug. 5th.
Porter. Edwin H. Lindridge to
Adolph Sussman, dated May 21th,
110 acres, con. $1, ent'd Aug. ttth.
Flag! on School Houses.
An act passed by the Legistnre at
the last session authorizes school
directors to purcliaso American flags,
flagstaff's nnd the necessary nppli
nnces nnd to display the Hag upon,
near, or in the public building dur
ing school hours, and at such times
as the board may deem propor.
The necessary expenses to bo paid
out of the school funds and to bo as
sessed nnd collected in the same
manner as moneys for public pur
poses are now raised by laws.
Now if the children would form
societies and make an effort in each
district the grounds would soon be
ornamented with Old Glory. This
would be highly commendable.
Let tho children in the Borough
of Milford be the first to start in
this matter.
An Evening of Song.
Miss Mario Louise Otumaer, prima
donna oft.hu Moirt 8 itiphouy Club
of Now York.will give a song recital
this Friday evening, August 13th at
Brown's Hall.
Miss (lumner possesses a finely
cultivated voice and has sung in
nearly evory state in the Union, as
also in British Columbia and Eas-(
tern Canada. She will be assisted
by Miss Lucille Lawrence Jones, of
Kentucky, who is abrilliant soprano.
Miss Henrietta Cunningham, of
Port Jervis, pianist. Admission, 25
cents, reserved eonts 50 cents.
At tho Methodist Church.
The Rev. Dr. Warren L. Hongland
of Embury church Jersey City will
preach both morning and evening
next Sabbath. After the morning
preaching tho sacrament of the
Lords Supper will be administered.
The Ladies Aid Society will hold
a special mooting at the Parsonage
Saturday at 3 o'clock. A largo at
tendance is do ired.
Tho annual Fair and Festival will
be hold on Tuesday the 17th, after
noon and oven ing.
The annual picnio of tho Sunday
School will bo hold at liny moudskiil
Falls on Aug ust 20.
Runaway Accident.
Last Sunday evening David Hol
den invited two young ladios to take
a ride, and just after getting in tho
wagon near Findlays tho horso be
came tnglitenod antl ran away up
Water street. Holden was jerked
over tho dash board. Martha Pad
gett ono of the parties was thrown
out near Beck s Hotel and had her
knee pan factured and anklo broken
tho other Lilly Lalley was thrown or
tell out near McCarty s store nnd sus
tained a severe concussion of the
The horse ran considerable dis
tance before being caught bu t was
not injured nor was Holden.
Bverrbodj Sayo So.
Ciwcftfets Canilv CuthKrlip. the mnul won
derful uurdicul diHcovury of Ute aire., picas
aut and ruti'&hin to the tuiu, act pcDtly
and positively on kiilueyg, liver and bowels,
cleansing the entire j slcm, dispel ccltls,
cure heaitaotio, lever, liubiluul i-oublipaLiun
and bilioiiHiie-Kti. Please buy and trv a box
ot C. C. C. to-day; 10, i5, M) eenis. bold and
guaranteed to cure by all dru-gUla.
Listers and the Great Eastern Fer
tilizers at W. & G. Mitchell's.
It Fini When You Rock.
Hon. John D. Houck, associate
judge of this county, the Strouds
burg Times says, is engaged on a
new patent, which consists of nul-
ley spring and sticks, on which fans
are placed and fastened to the back
of a rocking chair. The motion of
the chair causes the fans to vibrate
thus keeping one nice and cool in
dog days liesides keeping off the
liies. The Times adds rather de
precatingly that it is just as conveni
ent as it would bo for a dog to have
two tails.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank De
Witt a sou.
Tho Biddisand Wells families held
their annual picnic at Child park
Mrs. Harry Couse of Jersey city is
visiting the family of Hon. J. D.
County Superintendent (leo. Saw
yer was at Milford Inst week on of
ficial business.
Dave Chapin, Howard Reed and
Fniley Baker wheeled to Middletown
and hack this week.
Miss Agnes Huttou of Brooklyn
is spending a few days at Overbrook
with Dr. Reed's family.
Dory Boslt-r calls his now baby
boy Bryan. Another orator to
teach Democratic doctrine.
1). D. Rosenernnco, of Delaware,
was seen in town last week driving
his fast stepping horse.
Miss Julia Pletcher of Hoboken,
N. .)., is visiting at tno home of her
brother, Frank B. Pletcher.
Martin Hatton, a successful and
progressive farmer of Delaware
township called o:i the Pukss Fri
day. Miss Emily Eagen who is n guest at
tho Jardon House fell from her
wheel recently near Bailors and
sprained her ankle.
Lucy Williamson of Now York
who has been staying somo days at
the home of Prothonotary West
brook left for Honesdale this week.
O. L. Rowland, Esq., of Hones
dale, and during the summer man
ager of a boarding1 houso at Lake
Tedy-us-cung, was in town last Fri
day. Lilly Lally who was badly ir jured
last Sunday by being thrown from
n wagon is in a precarious condi
tion. Martha Padgett her compan
ion is improving.
Miss Ruth B. (tumble of Now
York is spending several days in
town visiting, and will call on friends
in Palmyra before returning to her
city homo.
Dr. von dcr Heyde is kept busy
mending grinders, sharpening incis
ors, milking now sots, and fixing up
the pearls and torments of peoples
mouths generally.
Mrs. Hiram Wcstbrook and son,
Hiram of Ridgewood, N. J., arrived
in town to day for a visit and to re
enpernto. Mr. Westbrook's health
which hrts been not good.
John Lattimore of Dingmnns an
old veteran who is assisting John
Youngs in putting down wells passed
through town this week on his way
home and called at the Puess office.
Mrs. Fannie W. Rhinefelter of
New York spent a day hero recently
with her sister, Miss Vergio Wallis
who is suffering with pneumonia at
tho Barnes cottage hor summer
Michael Sheridan of Palamyra
who suffered nmpntntion of his leg
by reason of an nccident caused by
stones falling against it is now able
to bo out. Ho will shortly have an
artificial limb.
W. A. Morrow, son of the Judge,
and Miss Sue Bolford, both of Bol
videre, N. J., wore socretly married
m Camden over two months ngo
nnd the fact has justbecamo public.
They will reside in Scranton. Blair
town Press.
William Wagner, of Matamoras,
is a sufferer by the loss of his bicy
cle, which was taken from a shod
by n thief who pried the door open
last week. Mr. Wagner otters a re
wnrd for the roturn of the same.
Colim H. Seymour, Walter Mar
vinand J. F. Malony passed through
town Thursday of last wook on their
way for Brink Pond whore they
will visit the Jokors' Club. Mr.
Seymour, whilo horo, mado a brief
cail on tho Press.
Alfred S. Dingman has boon ap
pointed by Department commander
Wm. lj. isfauirer t. a . re. or renn
sylvnnia an Aid do Camp for the
National Encampment to he hold
at Buffalo, N. Y., during the woek
beginning Aug. 23.
The articlo, " The Houso That
Jack Built" is taken from an old
magazine called the Monthly Re
pository published in Now York in
1S33. The paper was loaned us by
Mrs. Edward Cahill, and the matter
seems peculiarly appropriate at this
juncture of Turkish affairs."
A lot of now straw and felt hats
at W. & G. Mitchell's.
FOR RENT A furnished house
on iiarloru street. Aiouern con
veniences, largo grounds, plenty of
shade, good garden, fruit, etc.
Address Pikk Coty Pukss,
Milford, Pa.
FOUND At the boat house,
ladies' chatolainer silvor watch.
Owner can recover same by apply
ing to Arthur B. MeCarty.
Snake Stone.
Mrs. Jaoob Leidy of Euston found
seven young rattlesnakes eusoonsced
in an old red flannel petticoat lying
on the floor of her garret. The win
dow of the houso oiens on the side
of Mount Jefferson near the (. round
and it is believed that the old ones
crawled in that way. The little fel
lows escaped in a hole in tho floor.
Ltxt of Itccfiit Arrl.-nU nt tli Ynrlmi
lli.trlx nikI Kf-tortN in Milford nml
Vicinity. ,
(I'rmjrlctorswtshlmift list of cui-stn nn1-
llshed, will plense siaul them In nut fitter
thnu Wednesday evening.)
Mr. Sparks nml wlftt. Krnnk inrk.
Klsie Suiii-ks. MImm Tnrletoii, Miss Ltvipi
stuiie, Mr. lailetim, of It'-ooUlvn: Josena
Murphy, Sr.. Walter Murphv. Miss .luliit
Celin Thnyer, Jnie .Ipiius.m nnd Mr llu-
lemlwoeK, -M'tv s orK
ULI KF ilol BK. y.
Mrs J. II . Hoxhnrv mid dtta jht'T. M I si
A Mnrkey, Anna May, f-ife. 1). Wn jner.
I) C. Koote, New York: Jnmin M. KWfc
and wife Ktlnn Kink, Charlotte Flsk, New
ark; F B. Mnl rath, F. V. Carey. George
Koe, Mrs A. kellv. Hmuklvn: W. J. An
derson, Fttssnie; Mrs. H. Smith. F. Eit-t-mond.
wife and nnd Ron. (1. F Murt-on,
I ertlt Amhoy: Mrs. W. TlevnoldH. Mrs.
Jennie Hevnolfts ami eliilil, Jersey City:
A.. P. Fulton. W. II Fulton. New York:
Chas. O Wilkin, Matamor;is; Mrs. .1. Ilv
slop, O- K. llyslop, MIsh C. A. Smith.
Sawkill Hopm:.
Carrie R. Grey. H. A. P.ttervum ami
wife; Andrew and maid, .T. M. Bucking
ham, New York: Helen Harden, Knixle
wood, N. J.; Florence M. Kelloapr. Phila
delphia; J. M. Meyers, wife- and son, Pint
Morris; Chas. Transne, wife and son,
Bttshklll; J. 1). Vntl nnd wile, Blnlr.stown
Ckxtjib SijUAitK Hotel.
.T. K Mnlonev. Goorsro Snwver. Mill
Kilt; Jas. H. Johnson, Newton; 'thorn C
Holden Toledo; Ilr. Kenworthy, Din
mans; J. M, itensley, J.ohmtin; Chas
app, Colllllgwood, N.J.
HuTlX Fauciikiik.
Frank Ashton. F.nston: Henrv Fromm.
Frank, Kantan, New York; F M. Mtinn
and wife, Orange; Howard Marshall,
Brooklyn: Handnl Vim Gordon, ljinj.-
m.ins; It. W. Chiimherlin, Summit ;Harold
Burlier, Boston; H. K. Wilcox nnd wife.
H. C. Wilcox ami wife, Middletown, N. Y.
Chissman Hou P..
O. L. Howland Toislvusknne: Willis
Steell and wilu, JUinitiMiinH; M H. Miller.
wife and child, South Bethlehem; O Ij.
Halnnlmek and wife. Hohoken; J. Van
Honten ami wife, Paterson; .James P.
Duff. Jersey Citv: J J Bniiir. .1. T. I.il
ly. Brooklyn: John Jon.'s. Monroe M.
Holding, J. H Cohen, New York; W. J
Carlin. Jersey City; Mrs .1. McMnhon,
Ada McMnhon, Miss Jordan. H. A. Kisner
nnd wife, Marie Lani.'eiilmeker. Geurire F.
I.nnReiihacker, A. Stitlilte, New York;
Frederick. Hlilirewood: Robert Morrison.
Chas. h. Golt, V. W. Spencer and wife,
Now York: Philip EWinate, Brooklyn.
Cluis, Frost. A. Mano Johnson. F. Ter-
hnne, Patorson; William Mnekey, H-ook
lyn; Chas Phlnney nnd family. Vonkers;
H. A. Cook, Sadie M. Cook, Portehester;
V. M Miinn ami wife lli-.-i n .... A lie... T
Gleesm, Kearney; Katharine Sampson,
Harmon, N. Y.
jAitnos ItlWKK.
Mrs. C. Waterman, Floreneci Waterman,
H. J. Hunt. New York: V. 'V Von Loss
herff, wife and tlnunhte-i; Alfred Decker,
.Miss Josephine Manser, s. A. Hon and
wife, John B. Wlnifley, Brooklyn
The Homfstf.ap
Miss S. E Potter, Miss Stansliury, Mr'
.Tared Haines and wife, Master Harry
Halites; Newark, N. J. Harry 1-eds and
wife; Brooklyn. Harry Wilson; Kiist
Orange, N. J
On account of tho Grand Army of
tho Republic National encampment
at Buff llo, N. Y., tho Erie will sell
special excursion tickets from Port
Jervis to Buffalo, N. Y., on August
21, 22, 23 and 21, good to return pas
sago for trains leaving Buffalo Aupj
gust 24th to 31th, inclusive If ex
tension of return limit beyond An;,'
gust 3lst is desired, ticket must be
ttopositcd with tho joint aent at
Buffalo to whom a fee of 25 cents
must be paid at time of deposit, not
earlier than August 20th, 1897, when
extonsnm ot flnal return da ws ma y
be obtained to Septemboa 20th, 1897,
at the extremely low rate of 7.93
for the round trip. Tiekots are for
continuous passage in both diroo-
On Thursday, August 19th the
Erie will give tho people of Milford
and vicinity an opportunity to visit
Now York on a weekday at the pop
ular rateof one dollar for the round
trip. A special train will louve Tort
Jervis at 7.15 a. m. arriving in the
city ubont 10 a. m.. Returning
loaving Chamber street, 7.43 . ni.,
thus giving over nine hours to take
in tho sights in and around (ireoter
New York. Remember the date
August 19th and rate one dollar.
Jersey Juttice Dispensers.
Esquire James B. Fuller, of San
dyston, presidos at a lawsuit with
dignity and impartiality. His ready
knowledge of forms and quick per
ception of points make it pleasura
ble to try causes Itefore hini.vjlenry
Ludwig, tlie versatile correspond
ent of several newspapers, ably sec
onds the course of justice in his cap
acity of constable by selecting ju
rors who are without bias or prejn.
dice, and in fact so critically fair are
theso important adjuncts to the ad
ministration of justice that it is said
there are times when they equally
divide and balance the scales by
standing half and half as to their
views of the subject mutter in
V. & (i. Mitchell havo justoenod
a few cases of new SPUING OiM IDS
comprising (iiughums, Outing Per
cales, Chatillou stripes, Cinderella
habit cloths, etc. (Sou them before
buying elsewhere.
The Town U Hay With Song nml ltntiei..
Hups and Kuir.
The pas; litis been a lively week
in town and gayefy has had a
charming reign, intcrmiimled with
other occasions which . have lent
their interest and Horsed to dispel
ennui whieh might have been loiter
ing around.
'1 he events opened lust Friday
night rtt tlie Bluff House with a hop
svhich was svell attended nml fully
enjoyed. Saturday cs'eninir a curd
party svns gis-en nt the Jardon
(louse svhich furnished an evening
of amusement. St. Patrick's cluirch
field a social in Brown s H.ill Tues
day evening svhich ssas la rials' at.
tended and the receipts sntrslitcfrrry.
' Wednesday evening a hall was en
joyed nt the Crissman House which
svas participated in by the cuewts
and numbers from the town. No
one who has ever attended an event,
nt. that, popular hotel need be told
that everything svas just as it should
be for such is nlsvays tlie fuse, and
this speaks volumes. Tlrursdav
evening a ball at the Jardon House
sITorded those present a highly en-
joyalile occasion. 1 lie host and
hostess are adepts at furnishing en
tertainment and cannot be sur
passed in that sphere.
The fair and festival at the Pres
byterian Cluirch occupied Thursday
and Friflav, which afforded oppor
tunity to dispose of tho cumbersome
shekels iu a good cause. This Fri
day ever. ing Marie Louise (-lumaer,
assisted by Miss Jones, will give mi
evening of song at Brown's Hull
svhich will please the most fastidious.
The former is -well known person -naily
in this section, and those who
have once hound her splendid voice
will not fail to attend.
To-morrow evening the Sasvkill
Honso will entertain at a bull, and
the time will be far too short for
those who attend. The reputation
of that well known house ensures
all of pleasure which can bo crowded
in n few short hours.
After such a round of pleasure and
ontortainment all will desire to
spend a quiet Sabbath, and the doors
of the churches will be svide open
for admission to the people, and all
will be welcomed to tho sanctuaries.
When the Shoe Pinches.
A would be prominent citizen
hopes there will a reaction not . iu
against tlie Lay ton correspondent
ot tho Pike C'o"kty Prkss. Why?
becauso he thinks other peoples
business is meddled with too much.
If ho will cite one single instance
whero a criticism has been aimed at
anyone unjustly or without good
ground therefor, then will sfo pub
licly apologize, and bog the pardon of
that one. Our criticisms are invari
ably directed nt somo patent wrong-,
doing or fraud, and m the interest
of better morals, and the public wel
fare. Will he claim that a little
light thrown on his own question
able practices is not acting as a de
terrent to further indulgence If -it
does then wo ha ve done him his
family and tho public, generally a,
service. We intend there shall be
no stinging sarcasm, or caustic re
ference to any ono if possible to
avoid it and we must all expect per
sonal preferences to be abrogated to
some little extent when a great pub
lic, good is in the balance. Yes, sve
too hope a re-action svill set in, hut
we also hope it will be towards morn
morality, ami better practices. This
would be better than smuggling
facts to protect those who have no
incentive but to degrade themselves,
and their families. You will please
make a note that this is ono of tho
duties of a correspondent and with
most of them as with us it is bne of
the unpleasant duties that may not
bo shirked. One can not nlsvays
lay on taffy and be truthful, and if
he could it would soon cloy like a,
dint of candy or other sweets. We
think you may trust, the Pkkss to bo
on the right side of such questions
every time, nnd all tho vear round.
WANTKD At the (ilenside Kan.
tarium, a good, capable girl. Apply
to Dr. R. (i. Barckley.
A Rematksbte Cure of Chranx Diarrhoea.
In lNti2, when I served my coun
try as a private in Company A, 167th
Pennsylvania Volunteers, I con
tracted chronic diarrhoea. It has
given me a great deal of trouble
ever since. I havo tried a dozen
different medicines and several
prominent doctors without any per
manent relief. Not long ngo a friend
sent me a sample bottle of Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rluxiiv Remedy, and after that I
bought and took a. 50 cent bottle ;
and now lean say that I am entirely
cured. I cannot be thank! ul enough
to you for this great Remedy, and
recommend it to all suffering veter
ans. If in doubt write me. Yours
gratefully, Hknky Stkimiikimikh, Al
len tosvn, Pa. Sld by Druggists
and General Merchants in Piku
Something new, a spring tooth
harrow with wheels. hyrac.uso
plows and " Planet Jr." cultivators
at W. & G. Mitchell's.