One Cent a Word.! Fir Eirh lnritlti N iTiTtlwinriil tnkn for Ipkh than III tvntn. CASH Mill"! ivoompiwijr nil nriliTH. AildrpM PI KB Clll'NTf PHKSM, MII.MIHI). PA. rnilKSPASS NtlTIt'K. Nullin 1 Ik'H'Iij J. Klvi'ii ilmt ln'i.iiiHslnn mi I ho pn-iiiiji il I lie mull rsltfiM'il in llliiKiimil lii.wislii lifiir t In- HHiivviim ItrlilK'-, fur liiintiiiu. (Ulilnu. iH'rrvinit or fur iin.v nlluT iiiipm wlmli'ViT, In f i l i; l-.l n iiiiiIit n niiliy : thi'liiw. A n,v pt'iMiMi up prrsinirf ilis'ili-.'.v-Inittlns notiii'' ill I"' di'iili wlili In kiii-Ii ii iniiiiiii'i' ha limy In: miiHt I'llfi t mil In pro vi'tit ri'iH'tliiiiii. II. STrilDNIIIlKC, April 8T, IstiT. rpKKSl'ASf NOTICK. NiiMcn l hnn-lij L (flvi'ii Unit l.n'spiiMsinguiMin tin; smith fin Imir lit tin' inirt of Id tul known na tin Wllllum Denny, No. HI, In .Slmlmlii town ship, fur hnntlnif, AmIiIiix, nr, miy nllii'i pin pose, itlwi trrapttixillK mi Snwklll pnim In IMnLTiiiiin tnwnslilp. nr, ll-ililiin In It If I orlililili'U nniliT pi'inilly nf llii' Inw. M. I'i.HII.ANII iM II.NOH, ApilSIm Altiirni y fur nwimr. .''(Jit HUNT. Sivrnl (mini limine In Mtlfiiril, I'll. Knipilru of J. 11. Villi Kttmi. rrilKSPASH NOTK'K Kullm I hi'tvln A frlvrn tin Unit tri'spiissin npuli the prii- IMTty nf tliu ron-sti Jjiikii Asfliii-liil lull 1 1 1 jiu'kiiwnxi'ii tnwnslilp, I'ikn I'liiinly, I'll., fur tin' piu piwi' nf hunting iiinl llshinit, "I nny iitlinr pni ptwii In striutly (nrlilililuii nn tier puimlty of the law. Ai-kxanmikii 1Taiiii:s, Nov. S-3, 1H.I5. I'rnnlili lit. rriHKSPASfl NOTICE. NtiU U lu-n-hj A tfivi'ii thnt tnispiissin on thw pinnil't of tliii niulrrHlni'il, Hltiiuli'il In Dpiimtn township, fur any purpim; whatever h 81.1'lntly lorlililili'ii, nml nil otfi'mli'ia will In promptly prnm'cnteil. lUA 11. Cask. Out. !J1, ISiki. I,i(JH SAIJO. A Ktniill fnnn lornd il ni'iu X Miitiimiims, known n tlui Jli'imrl oi Hi'inhiiiilt plm;i', I'onliiliiliifx !31 niTi'fi. Klni'ly liK iiti il, well wukirril. IIihihii nnii Iwirn. Krnlt of nil klnilH. l'nrt lniproviil Tltln clour. Kor tvrnis, prion, utu., lulilrcm Lock hux (I Mllfimt, 111. dlm KKWARI). Tim hi IhhiI illnvton J,' of Diiifjitinn township will pnji twoiity ilollnrii for itnforiiintioii wlilrh will li'iul to tlui ileti'otlon anil I'onvli-tion of unj pi'i-Kon or porsoim roiiiinltliiiK uny tii-spiisi or tloliitf tiny illinium' to nny nrhuol Iioiihi or property thrrrln in khIiI township. lly onlrr of the lionnl, Nov. 7, 18(15. lUA 11. UAHK, fee. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondents aro particularly requested to send in nil news in tended for publication not later than Wednesday in ouch week to in sure insertion. MONTAGUE. (Specinl CoriuspondeiiKO to tho Puksb.) MontiiKiio, Mny 23 Tliuso are busy tlnn-g for fnrinors. Tho. Armstrong mul wlfu of Dukur town vlnitcd Montniio lint wuuk. Miss Miiry Juno Preston mul lllueo Evil Proston of Unlonvlllo spent tho piist woek vUltlng Montiiguu frientU. Hiiniuel Hmlth hits tho finest piece of crimson clover In the town. It Is reported thut Prof. Goo. McCnrty Is tho lmppy father of a young daunliter. The Misses Urihce find Alice Jewell of Brooklyn, N. Y., nro visiting at Slintly (ilen. Tho funeral of Henton bell last Friday afternoon was largely ntteuded. Kev. Thos. Nichols, of Mllfonl, olllelatliig. In tiirmeut lu fnniily plot lu Mlulsiuk ceme tery . The bicycle fad has struck lis, and Du bois Pettlbone can take more headers In Ave minutes then any other novice. Thnt youug chap who went to see his girl forgot himself, or rather forgot to tell tho old folks where he was going. Next timo bub tell your daddy no he wont start to hunt for you. The next moetlng of the Hoard of Edu cation of this town promises to be a lively one, It would be well for tho pjoplo to at tend and. soo what Is done. When you live In a glass house don't throw stones, don't accuse another of short comings wheu you are guilty ol worse ones yourself. Your indy.iton scribe shoul d publish directory, ho mentions so many names of Into, and for tho life of us wo don't know where to locate them. We don't nilml doing a little bit of news paper lying, but when It comes to doing detective work pleaso oxcuso us. There Is music In tho air, but so far I can't make out what kind of a tune it played, wheu ablo to discover what It it nil alwut, the public shall know. No oue Is obliged to work for nothing and board himself, neither Is a publli oltlucr obliged to work for tho town am', n t receive any pay. The line can b drawn somewhere, but It khould not be drawn too close, there may be trouble. - LAYTOrJ. (Special Corn spoudciice to tho PliEss.) Layton, May 25. Au Important point t iward bringing about 'a better condition for tho Agriculturist after correcting the currency evils, and evening up taxation, It to impress upou our law making powers the absolute necessity of -a reduction lu salaries of all ofllelals. Owing to the ap preciating value of money, as compared with the ucoossarlog of life, all professional men should willingly submit to a reduc tion of fees also. Mr. D II. Fowler, of Brooklyn, has al ready taken up his summer residence in his cot luge by the lake. lie has given con siderable time to the oversight of his big 9 iminor boarding house, near by, which will be ready for tho opening by July 1st us was anticipated. The patrons of the school at Layton will dhow their appreciation of the teacher's work, by making her an elalnirate present, on the last day of school. Miss Cole is a v;ry popular youug lady, and most thor ough teacher. She is evidently held in high ustevin, as almost every school she U'tchec makes her a present of more or less value. Twenty large shad were caught at the Dop le tli-heries last .Saturday uight, and a t ou;ilo of bushels of pink eyes, or small s'lad. Xt begins to look as if this year't 0 li h would not be as large as that of last year . t orn planting will bo completed thh week: The bulk of the crop goes into ti e ground later thuu hist year, but with tlu g -ound in Hue condillou. The huuse of Daniel Ilunllugton bt- t ,v ,n ;i ! j'lii'K t'eiilremul Kbit hi nokvill.', t'luk Hit one lln.V lust week from a defec tive chimney, mul was totally destroyed Some of the Initial! s hud a narrow e M o from the burning biillillng. No liiMirmiie mi household goods, and hut trim on the dwelling Miss A. K.stelle llursli was the guest of .Mr. Harvey Iloinliei k mid family of tin Noiiiiiins-k lloiie over Sunday. Kx .liiile l,eivU .1 Martin and a party oi friends nltoiiilod the Ilrlek House slim: fishery on Friday night last. They ciinii f r a g'std time, and you may lie Riire the.i hii'l It ; mul wo hope ral l ied back a Hmi string of our unexcelled Delaware hIiiiii With I hem. We have I cell tumble to loam n i to the extent of the catch that particu lar night. lleiij. H. llursli Is soon to renovate and remodel tho Interior of hln dwelling. While the work Is done mainly with nn eye to added convenience, and comfort, some at tention will lie given to up to dati Mulshing. John Tiiompson nnd sons, ol llr.iiii hville, will have the work In charge. What a conscience a person must have who tremble to t ike n paivr or letter fr mi the postollice for fear It may contain some allusion to Hie skeleton In the family closet. The dieiid Is like Dnnipio's (ihost, It evidently will not down. Met tor n clear ronseleneo, mid rectitude, with a crust: than a palace and wealth with disquiet therein. The schools at Layton, Dermis nnd Flatbrookvillo close on Thursday, nml wind up with a picnic In the beautiful grove of A K. Stoll at Hevaiis. There Is quite a deal of wild talk ovoi the arrest of Sam Hornbook for pouching in streams of the Flat llrook Clu1', and It Is reported that some one Is anxious to llll the caretakers of the streams with lead, for what purpose wo cannot l.-ain. unless It Is for ballast. Of course this talk Is but Idle wind. Most people, even If not very sharp otherwise, know pretty near what Jersey justice lu such a case Is likely to result In. Colonel Price, of Newark, has had his house formerly known as the "Ilurtls Hoi: House" freshly painted, mid will move In with his family on Juno 1st. The lm proveiiients mudo by the Colonel since ho has owned It, place It alongside the Fow ler Cottage lu the beauty of Ha surround lugs. Wash Depuii Is having electric iinnim .latum put In his store, which ho can sot to alarm when any body comes in, or goes out. They nre more particularly for use while he Is at his meals, or otherw ise ci -gaged about other parts of tils store. M. D llursli Is doing the work. It Is not very amusing to hear a man prate of his wealth, who only a few short months ago was trying to placo his Inno cent, nnd tender little ones out to raise, on a charity basis. Milt as It is said to take all kind of men to make a world, perhaps its assortment would not bo perfect if It did not contain at least one Such specimen as this. Mrs. F,ll7.abeth Smith, wo aro pleased to note, Is gaining strength, nnd with settled weather Is hoped will regain her usual good health and spirits. Frank Glbbs, tho station agent at Au gusta, accompanied by his family spent a few hours with us on Suiidey. Mr. Glbbs will move from Augusta next spring to his farm near Andovor, nml engage in fruit, and poultry raising. Tho overseers of roads oxpoet to throw out small stones this week) and also clear roads of obstructions to a width of twenty feet, nnd a height of fifteen feet. This lsn wise precaution. MAT A MORAS. (Special Correspondence to tho PltKSS.) Matamora8, Halph French, nno of our popular young men, is studying medicine with Dr. C. W. Hanks In Port Jervls. Tho G. A. It. veterans of Mntamoras will attend with the Port Jervls veterans In decorating tho graves of the latesoldlers In the St. Mary's and Laurel Grove ceme teries mi Monday, May itlst. Tho depredators who tramp and steal Bowers In tho yards of our citizens should be severely dealt with. It Is said that some Port Jervls youths were caught by ouo of our citizens who warned tlieui not to lot It occur again lu a very forcible in inner. Dog poisoners were at work last week, ma-iy valuable and highly prized dogs fojnd their way to dogdom and owners aro feeling very badly over tho loss of their pe's. Mut it is said they prow led about barking and tramping In the yards of the villagers in the dead of night, thus keep ing the good people awake nnd also des troying the tlower beds and plants. Dogs should bo tied up or kept at home. F.ogiue No. LM:i, run by Charles Samp son, has been photographed, but its Vet eran engineer, wo are sorry to say, wiw not In It. We suppose Mr. Hampson was not no tilled or he oertainly would have been there, as the good N. V) and himself are considered inseparable. Alex Drink has been engaged to build a ho. iso for Enlglueer Robert Skinner. The Ladles' Christian Union of tho Hope Church held one of their great dime socials' on Tuesday evening, May 18th. It was well attended and a gixid sum realized. Hunting's circus iu Port Jervls was an Interesting sight to the people in this vil lage across tho rivor last Friday and Sat urday. James Osterhout, a brakeman on tho Now York Division- of tho Erie, had his. thumb crushed by a coupling pin falling on it last Thursday. Jacob KIcluhaiH, of Milford, has re ooutly sold live village lots fur l,tWJ though tho ollhw of J. H. Woo l, of Port Jervis, and buildiugs are now going up on them. Chiis. H. Gilpiu, of Mrooklyu, N. Y., bought of J. H. Wood, the residence of Dr. Mueller at a price agreeable to tlieui. Representative Kossler spent Sunday lu M htmoras. Mrs. Margaret M alley has, wo bjllevo, the first riio tomato raised lu this see Ion. It Is a small but perfectly develupcd speci men and the plant was grown iu a tin can which wsks placed iu one of her kitchen windows. Our school closes Friday, May !Sth, for the summer vacation.. A select school will byoiK'Utd by Miss Sara Ueiney.who is a very faithful ami palutakiug teacher nud holds a high e teem lu the hearts of her juaiiy friends and pupils. Presiding Elder Leopold, of tho Eastern Pennsylvania Evnugelieal District was with uslastSunday. He administered tho sacrament to the new Evang.dical congre gation iu Port Jervis, which was started through Uie labors of Rjv. A. W. Muck uid his excellent w ife, who Is a great help m her worthy husband. Kev. Mr L pold ulso lulniiiiisK're.l sacraments to the H K4wwrtrir IREFISSELAER BIGYGLES GIVE SATISFACTION. ritfod Willi Mnrfrnn ftWright nr Vim Tlren, Detachable j J HprorkMs, Wood or Metal Hnntllpliar. llowt Vnlnc liver OITprocl. Ont nloixoe. free. f ISlAVIIV UrifO CO., Groonlnmh, N V.?3 congregation of the Hom Chinch In t'es vlllnge mid also to inioiii-lsltiug society lu Sparrowbush. ' Georgo Luckey, of Mntamoras, a flag man on the New York Division, sustained a broken collar bone Tuesday night. While his train was passing through Mmi gen, ho at tempt ed to climb up the side of n box oar when hi! was struck by n signal polo, breaking bis collar bone. His In jury was treated at the St. Kraiiols Hos pital In Jersey City. Ho Is not danger ou.sly Injured. Tito.I.N (FlillM ANllTIIRH CIlltUK.Hl'IIN IlKNT. ) (Special Correspondence to t he PttKs:i.) Matnmorns, May ".5 The MatmnoriiR school il.loS"S on Friday, May sis, after a very successful term. The pupils hnve done good work. Prof. Kilooln and his assistants have Ih'oii very assiduous in their duties. The coiiimoticeiueiit exor cises take pl.'iee on Frldnv evening, at b o'clock. The pdeeof admission is 111 ccntf. A few Invitations have lioon extended., but the public is invited to attend the exorcises hlch will lie of a very pleasing nature. Clime's orchestra of five pieces wdll give some very fine selections. Prof. Ktlcoin and Ids assistants would be pleased to see all their friends at Kp worth church on Friday evening. At the close of the exor cises Ice cream will be served by the Junior AitU a society of young ladies connected with the church. The primary departments will give an entertainment at their school room on Fri day aft'i'iioon from 2 until 4 o'clock. The children will give recitations and sing songs. Miss Sarah U 'luey has the pri mary department In charge, nsslstod by Miss Moloney. After the entertainment the children will be given refresh incuts In their rooms. The parents of the pupils and friends are invited Friday afternoon. Miss Romey will tench a select school during the mouth of June, commencing the first week In June, at the Matiimoras school ami the prices will lie the fiiime as before. Her pupils numbered this season ISO. The first annual dance of tho Matamorns Euchre club takes placo Thursday even ing, May 20th. at Miller's Hall, nnd the admission Is placed at 25 cts., and an en joyable time is guaranteed to till who may attend. Our young men and also tho young ladles of our village do not relish the Idea of Port Jervls laying claim to tho ownei 8hlp of our young bicycle rider, Charlie Marvin, and they want It understood that Port Jervis has no claim nil nny laurels won by Charlie as he absolutely belongs to tho town of West full, county of Piko, und wo claim all the honors. A fine new sign has just Ixicn added to the attractiveness of the hotel ,;tjiiardt" in oui village anil In tl short tlmo we may expect ninny other improvements to this model place, which promises to be the great road house at this end of the Milford road. The King's Daughters Society connect cl with Epwnrth church, Matiimoras, was tendered i reception at tho residence of Mrs. Henry Westfnll, on Saturday even ing. The Junior circle of the Methodist church nod tho Uight Hands clrclo of Pint Jervls were also represented. Dr. nnd Mrs. J. A. Noll represented tho Juniors, nml Misses Grace Simpson nml Grace Wells represented the other clrclo. The Rev. Mr. Curtis of Epworth church made snnto very Interesting remarks In behalf of the Mntamoras society, and also Miss Katie Walls. Miss Walls Is president of tho society. Refreshments were served, and the evening was spout very pleasantly. Mr. D L. Chase, tho shoe ropalier, who has a little variety store here, has moved his family lu our midst and we heartily welcome them. Frank Heath, jr., Is still iu very poor health mid Ilia condition was reported as very critical yostordny. Wo hope ho will g,on bo In better health than he has en joyed lately. KIMBLES. (Special Correspondence to tho PliEss.) Kiinblcs, May 25. J. L. Murchcr and Mr. Chitcster were looking over tho stone quarries, and stone on their dock Satur day. Tho enrp on Mig Mrlnk pond have been running out of the outlet and sevoral have boon caught. Williams caught ono weighing 111 pounds and Messrs. Mlnotte and Ciu'len caught one with their hands which weighed 21 pounds. Junto Milliam, of Hawloy, fished for trout In Washburn run last Friday. E. Kimble Is selling his dirt aunlhlla tor for cleaning tin, marble, etc. The Excelsior mill is running again, with some now hands. Royal Decker has secured a position at tho Forest Lake Club House. Charles, a brother of A. L. Crouk, who has be.ui ou tho Mississippi and the west for two years, has returned on account of ill health. He will rcnuilu here this summer. Royal Kimble and wife visited relatives and friends at Hemlock Hollow Sunday. Mrs. E. Kimble, son und daughter are visiting in Wayne oouuty. Frederica Notte, stenographer of Mooba, ii employed by E. Kimble. Mrs. Hector Cortois has returned from New York w here she has been for some time looking after an insurance suit. It is likely to go to tho Supreme Court. GREENTOWN. (Special Correspondence to the PitKss.) Greentowu, May S The Hist quarterly meeting for this conference year will be held ut South Sterling on Friday May SSih k ml ou Sunday May 3 ith. W. L. Thorie. P. E., for Hoiiudale District will preach ou Friday at 2 3J p. in , after which the Quarterly Conference will convene. The services will bo concluded ou Sunday cou- (Jt'ARANTEED. j Ilon't hnj ft l Tthocl until yon j hnve soon a '07 j KENSSELAER. ! 75.00. j ducted by Re. William Hnwllngs of Wnvmnrt Pa Mrs. Stolln.KIpp, wife nf Clmrles Klpp of Soran!o:i dhil on Tuesday May IS, at a hospital In Philadelphia whore rhe went to have mi operation performed which proved unsuccessful. The funeral services wen held in the M. K. Church at South ster ling on Saturday May "'.'nil, cotidiietiil bj Rev. David Kviiiih. Interment In the comet ry at, that place. - Mrs. Klpp was n daughter of H'. A. Dunning of South Ster ling. Oniric Klifi is tho oldest son of I. M Klpp of Sterling formerly (ifGioon town. I. M. Kipp Is the oldest son of tin late John Klpp dec., of Grivntiiwnshlp. Pike county, and a brother of II. 15. Kipp or YVIIsoitvlllo. Pa., M. F. Klpp ofGrcon town, mid Hon. John A. Kipp of Milford. Married lit the M. E. Parsonage at Stor ling, Wnync county, by Hev David Evaiu Mr. David Pnttorsoti of Diinmore Pa., and Miss Ella M. Cnrlton oldest daughler of J. C. Cnrlton of Grocntown, Pa. GREELEY. (Special Correspondence to the Piikss.) Greeley, May 2." Tho Ashing seasoti has opened for fair In theso parts and Borne very nine trout have boon caught nnd no end to the bull bonds. Ml? roller's lake It well patronized from far and near. Mrs. Hemingway went to New York last Saturday. Will Cowglll and mother attended tho funeral of Mr. Inglohnrt near Shoholn last week. C. M. Hnrolior nnd wife went to Ming- hiimpton last. Thursday to visit frionds nnd relatives. They came back on Monday. Mrs. Charles Rettstadt, of Lnokawnxen, was through Greeley last Monday. She nlso culled on Mrs. Dodge nt Dodgotown. Judge Rosencrnnco Is still very sick nt this writing. Charles Chltestor and Mrs. John Kiihn called on friends at Greeley last week. Hark, wo hear the sound of wedding Dels In tho near future. Last Saturday afternoon Mrs. W. V. Hurchor nnd Mrs. G. W. Ilnrtwell called ou Mr. Roseiicranee nnd on their way enme In oontact with a largo black rattle snake lying on tho side of the road, both ladies having pretty good courage tackled with nil the sticks nnd stones In their reach mid finally succeeded and left tho rep tile to roam no more but to their surprise the rattles where were they f A. Grlswold Is doing his spring assessing through this part of tho township this we:ik. J tick Frost gave us a call last Saturday morning nnd the weather seoms almost cold enough enough for him to call again. SHOHOLA. (Special Correspondence to tho PltKSS.) Shohola, May m.Tha wonthnr has boon cool und frost visited us twloo last week. Casper Englehardt ono of tho oldest citizens of Shohola died last Thursday morning of old ng.i. Ho was born In Gor iiiany lu 17 and como to America about :io years ago residing hore over slnco. Ho has alwnys been a hard working man and possessed a nice farm about two miles from the station, lie leaves a widow and six children to mourn his loss. The funeral was held Sunday at the house. Rev. Ru boy of Marryville preaching tho sermon. If there Is nn Internal Revenue Collector lu Piko I wish he would come up hero onco and see those people who aro having dan ces at which, they sell bur without nny license. This has bean going on for a long timu around here and should bo stop ped If there Is any way to do it. Otto Zuollnerhiid a raising Saturday to put up the frame of his dmicliig pavlllion. They had n dance In the evening and a number enjoyed tho occasion. Nick Roman foreman on tho Erie hss been taking down some rocks at Mongnup. Flora Rx-hotto teacher at McKean valley visited In town Tuesday and enjoyed a ride behind Doxtor tho fast horsa. Lilly. M0.ST HOPE. (Special Correspondence to tho Piikss.) Mast Hope. May ati-Monday as Ashcr Pclton and ii L 1. were delving down the Westoolnng hills to this village with a loud of bottled soft drinks tho ring ou the mid of the tongue which supports tho ton gue straps gave away and tho team be came unmanageable and ran away upset ting tho wagon breaking it badly and de molishing the contents. The team brook ing loose from wagon rau to the village where they were Btoppcd uiiinjur. d. Mr. Pclton and son escaping Injury by jump ing from wagon. J. McMahon jr , who was badly bruised about two weeks ago by a load of stone upsetting and partially fulling ou him is improving. Mrs. E. H. Whitman) who broko her ankle some four months ago Is able to bo about on crutches. Geo. M. Edwards will remove his family to Mridgo No. ou tho Jerrey Putridgc farm. D. C. Something now, a spring tooth harrow with wheels. Syracuse plows and " Jr." cultivators at W. & O. Mitchell's. Ripans Tabules. Ripaus Tabules cure nausea. Ripans Tabules: at druggists. Ripaus Tabules cure dizziness. Ripans Tabules cure headache. Ripans Tabules cure dyspepsia. -Ripans Tabules cure flatulence. Kipans Tubules assist digestion. Kipaus Tabules cure bad breath. Ripans Tabules eure torpid liver. Ripans Tabules eure biliousness Ripaus Tubules: oue gives relief. Ripaus Tabules cure indigestion. Ripans Tabules: gentle cathartic. Ripans Tabules cure coustipatlon. Kipaus Tabules: for sour stomach. Ripans Tabules: pleasant laxative. Ripaus Tabules cure liver troubles. 1 ---u "ID ft T n I I iDalH2amig cycle Shoe j "Best-Bike-Shoes." I I "Ban Beating," Pllj 1 " Ridemphast," Wj?J) 1 II Easy to Ride in-Easy to Valk in. "wJS I Made on foot-supporting principles on carefully modeled lasts. Pratt Fasteners Hold Laces. I JOHNSON, Fitter of Feotjl lPORT JERVIS. N. Y-J Th Best Rtmiif for Rheumatism. From tho Fnlrlinvcn (N. Y.) Register. Mr. JiimosRowlnntlof this villifto, sttitws that for twonty-flvo your liin wifohtts boen ti Kuffcror frtHn rheu matism. A fow nights ngi) sho whs in such pain that she wns nearly crazy. She sont Mr. Rowland for tho doctor, bnt ho hud road of Chnm borlnin's Pain Halm and instoad of going for tho physician ho wont to tho store and secured a bottlo of it. His wifo did nut approve of Mr. Rowland's purchase at first, hut novertholoss applied the Balm thoroughly and in an hours's time was able to go to sloop. She now applies it whenever she fools an ache or a- pain and finds that it al ways gives relief . Ho says that no modicino which she had used ever did hor as much good. The 25 and 50 cents sizes for saloat Armstrong's Drugstore and ( Jo noral Merchants in Pike county. Whfn bilious or costive, eat a Casoaret, candy cathartio, cire gnarenteed, 10c. 25c. Memorial Day. Memorial day, as out a sorrowing sea A tide of tears sweeps over memory's Ion, Swells all our nation's woe to flood of spray Where weeping hearts their flowers nnd laurels lay. Again through mist tho aureole glad wo see . O'or lowly beds where anguish bonds tho knee Our gloom of loss nnd glow of pride ngroe, Commingling garlands ou thy dawn to pyf Memorial day I Again through mourning cloud of denth's decree Our griefs and glories full may blended be, As heroes gone moot not In grave's deeny, Mut llvo benea'h the cypress crowned with hay, That symbol fame's own life for them In thee, Memorial day I Selecti'd. The Conteript. Tho loyal north had not much faith in "conscripted" aoldiors, and the boys down south had less, and tho poor fellows led a hard life until they demonstrated in some way the misapplication of tho doggerol.which ran as follows : How nre you, conscript? How are you to-day I Tho provost marshal's got you In A very tight place, they say. Oh, you should not mind It, Nor breathe another sigh, For you're only going to Dixie. To light ami mind your eye. Selected. " It is the Beat oa Eaath." That is what Edwards & Parker, morchanta of Plains, Qa., say of Chamberlain's Puin Balm, for rheu matism, lame buck, deep seated and muscula r pains. Hold ut Armst rong 's drug store and Uoueral Morchunts in Pike county. W. & G. Mitchell have just opened a few cases of new SPUING GOODS, comprising Ginghams, Outing Per cales, C'hatillou stripes, Cinderella hubit cloths, etc. tsJe them before buying elsewhere. ur expenses have been reduced to a nominal sum. This ex plains why wo can sell: T he best 10 for 55 A $3.00 pair $1 QR A 112 piece $8.00. A twenty-five dollar parlor suit for $17.50. A seventy-five cent rug for 35 cents. And all other goods in proportion. On fine goods the reduction is even greater. Don t forget our bicycle THE ORANGL COUNTY li.XPRtISi and our sewing machine I nt RIVAL. Money saved on these prices at THE NEW YORK FURNITURE CO., 92 Pike street, Port Jervis, N. Y. JEWETT'S White Lead, Pure Linseed Oil, Moor's Pure House Paints, Window Glass. New York Prices, AT iASON'S, 53 Pike Street, PORT JERVIS, N. Y. AMDY so ----ii,,;1; i: v ABSOLUTELY GDARAKTEED Zl2?!Z2?2lXSZl Blu4 boi,klr tnt. lit. MUI,IXj IiKHkllV wire Brussells cents. of curtains for dinner set for CATHARTIC ALL DRUGGISTS In., fliuiuru. irr.l. ta.,urNrit turfc. an