Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, April 23, 1897, Image 4

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Une Cent a Word,
For F.fteh In.prtlun. Ne ml.rrtWrim-nt
Intern for lean tlmn 1ft rrnl..
CAWII nm.t m-cnniny nil nrdrr.
AililrrM riHK f'Ol'KTY l'KKSS,
rfKKSPASS NOTICK. Nutiee Is hereliv
A Riven that !TismHMinllnn the hoiith-
eni liiilf of Mm triict of Imiil known n tlie
Wllllimi Denny, Nn. !M, In liolmlii town-
ntilp, fur liuni'liitr, fUlilnif, or, nny n ln-r
Jiui-pnso, nlso trc-)iisliiK on Siiwkill point
n DinirniMn township, or, flsliiiiK In It ii
forbldik'ii under n-milt y or the low.
AprlMm Attorney for owner.
nOH RENT. SjVvenil (rood houses In
V Milford. I'ii. Knuiiiru of J. H. Vim
rTHE.-U'ASS NOT ICR. Not Ire Is hereby
JL fti veil that trespassing upon the pio-
fmrt.y nf the Fore.t i.iike Assoeintloii In
iticktiwiixen township, i'ike enmity, I'ii.,
for the purpose of hunllni; and li-iliiilff, 01
any other purpose Is st rietly forbidden un
der penalty of the law.
Ai.KXANDF.il H umus,
Nov. 22, IS'.!"). 1'ienident.
TRESPASS NOTICE. Not lee U hereby
iriven thut trespassiiitf on the preinisef.
of the undersigned, si! ualed ill l)uiill:li.
townsliip, for any purpose whatever i
Htrielly toriiiildell, and alt oll'ellders will In
promptly pni'ecuted. Iha li. Cash.
Oet. 21, 1S1I5.
1"H)K SALE. A Bliiall farm located neai
Matnmoras, known as Mm llensel ui
Kelnliimit place, contain!!!; 21 acres
Finely located, well watered. House aim
burn. Fruit of all kinds. Part Improved
Title clear. For terms, price, etc., nddresr
Lock box U Milford, Pn.
liiV of Dinman townsliip will pa
twenty diillars for imformat ion which w ill
lead to the detection and convieiion of nn
person or ikii-hohh comniiitinir any tivp,ii
or doiiif; any damage lo any seiiool hou.-i
or property ilieivin in said townsliip.
IJy order of the lioard,
Nov. 7, 18e. lit. 11. Cask, Sec.
Correspondents nro imrtirnliirl.v
requested to sew! in nil news in
tended for publication not later
than Wednesday in each week to in
sure insertion.
(Special Correspondence to the PltKss.)
Ditifrimms, April II. Dr. Kenwortliy
nnd his mother are moving In J. li. Ve;-t-brook's
The. M. V. Diiigman's heirs are com
pleting a fine Addition to their neat resid
ence In town.
William Custard lias moved upon Kate
Angle's farm near Center.aud will thereon
till the soil.
Owen R. lirowne, of CoIo'r, Is the happy
parent of a little girl tlnit'B come to slay.
Tho leaves upon the maple, will very
Boon shoot forth, If nothing transpires to
blast them. Verily this Is nil early spring
Rud everything promises well.
J. B. Westbrook and Smith & Dusen
bcrry lmvo several rafts of railroad ties to
market this spring.
1 notice Governor Hlack, of New York,
Is highly Interested In the mutter of for
eatry, and voices a sentiment which will
bo re-echoed In the hearts of thousand ol
our pcnplo when they read his words, "It
has been neglected too long !" The Hun
ts approaching, and rapidly approaching
when tho American citizens will keenly
realize tho dire results of the ruthless de
vastation of our forests, mid the omission
of replanting Mid propagating new and
extensive belts of woodland. The true
farmer never harvests n crop from one
fluid unless ho Is or lias been fertilizing
nud rejuvenating the soil In another and
It Is equally important and Imperative
that as rapidly ns our lx-lt of timber Is
Hearing Its growth nye, long before Hint
time another forest of similar area should
be planted and fairly on Its way toward
maturity. Truly, it is a matter that has
too long been neglratcd.
Nyces, at Egypt Mills, have lieen remod
elling and enlarging their mansion house
along tho stago road. At Dingnians, and
In various other places in the two lower
townships considerable building Is In pro
gress. '
It's all right In a town or village, but in
the rural districts we really believe that it
works better, and is belter, to have two
tonus a "summer term," as it is called,
and p wlntur term of school. In that
case yon can have nearly all the pupils
with you during tho entire term, the pu
pils would not veary of the school, it
would give bettor satisfaction all around.
Had wo a vacation after uhout four or live
months of the winter session, and then re
organizing a new school even with the
same teacher and the same pupils. There
would bo a renewed interest, and a new
life evinced by the scholars A long con
tinuous term tends to weary many of the
pupils. They attend well aud work well
four or flvo m intlis, and then b,-giu to
flag. But after a vacation they would re
enter school as fresh" and vigorous and
earnest as ever. And again, If a teacher
wishes to change, or the people wish a
change of teachers, that change could be
made at the beginning of tho new term,
without any unpleasant experiences either
to teachers or patrons. Perhaps our idea
is wiong, but wo believe as we have writ
ten , Kino
(Special Curresjiondeuee to the l'ltKss )
Dingiuiins, Ajiril, 111. Hoary Albright
Is doing excellent work on the roiuU iu his
district. .
Your corro.spiiilunt"Colu.t" sh mi l k-i-p'
the ninth ooium-.iudin jut bef jiMhiiii tv!iw
hi writer. If he had done s tiiu letter
denying the statement of " C ".would not
b ive bea written. What was said in regard
to Colo's scho jl bouse, is lrref utabl i. Th i
defects iu-mtioneiViu ty bj so -n to d ly th.t
denial to th) outrary nitwith-tt.iu.liii;
If "Coles" is willing to sit un ljr tlie,
ta'ilo aud aoc.ipt tin) cruui'n thro-vu hi u
thoso who.bjlieve in neat aud Miiifj.-U')!
8cijIIi ku '4 are, n it willing t be o
emily satisilud.
Th)s;li))l tic Sj'uiyre.-i w II cliii 1 1
Jj'riday. Miss Liytm i nil .' lleiit
teachjr and U glvou entire s.itUt'a :tion.
Miss Kate Laytou of Warren, I'.i , is
Vlslciug her si iters In tliU towuiiip.
The c jrrespjui ?ut liC il.is'' bhi.ild h iv ?
fl-i;;K"l his e trj an 1 hli th) so I i "(J"
oould nor. sej th) old liui i b trrel at t!i ) e:i 1
of the house which ha- beu there for b.'v
er.d uionthi, or tlu ivauiu silt In th.i froii
of tile house w li .cli Is not covered even with
n slab.
Daniel I'',. Van Ktton the suicrvisor bus
do ie n g'hid piece of work In cutting down
the hill by David Crons In Dingiuans and
linking an easy grade. If all the super
visors would take pattern wo would have
bet ler roads.
A good many people on the hill believe
In Improvements judging by the new
st me walls and fences being built Ke
g inlless of "Coles" protest against stating
the condition of tin' school houses. I will
sourest a few more Improvements. First
a few self acting brooms and dnslcrs to
save muscular labor and also some spit
toons for llseof teachers especially at Cent
re, no nee I of any at Coles as he Is sntls
lled and I suppose would be if sell-nil. was
t uitfhl in a chicken coop.
.Mr. and Mrs. E. Yandermark have riv
t.ll-ne-.l from (tlcnwood, N. J., where Ihey
werecalled by the sickness aud death of
their father, .lo-eph Hillley.
Mis. Harriett, Nirtli is vlsitlnur her
m ither, Mrs. Wliitcoin in New York.
John (nn Is dangerously 111 with pneu-in-mla.
Dr. P. F. Fuliner Is attending
him. C.
(Special Correspondence to the 1'itKss.)
Montague, April, hi. At present we are
Having March.
. (ins Seliuis is hanpv. It'saghi.
Clias. E. Noriii lo-,t a c iw last week
To-i ni'icli feed.
The condition of (iottfried Wieland Sr ,
remains Uie same.
Win. Armstrong will run Yetter's sleain
saw miil
Tlie Faster supper held nt the Reformed
ehinvh by the L. A. S.. was not well at
tended. Proceeds i.ni.
Don't go to buiidingXeiices In the roads,
neither use tiie roa.l for a public dumping
V. E. Warner says his wife has run nway
(gone to Pike counly) and he hopes no one
will trust h 'r.
Lorenzo Smith has moved from the city
of Montague Into part of the house of Mrs.
M. .1. Yiinoy.
Tho wagon house Is nearly completed, to
lookout for the invitations to the big
Mrs. Hht. Armstrong has returned.
Jackson Urink caught live half grown
ra's in a steel trap at one haul. The trap
was of gootd size.
Having been from home nearly all we"k
our letter Is necessarily short this week.
Friday April l has been designated as
Arbor day by (l.iv. Griggs.
When riding a bicycle on the side walk
please keep out of the picket fence or
Joseph will be in your wool.
O! 1 forgot Joseph Hosier has brought
his bride home. She is n Long Island lady
The boys didn't know it po Joe escaped
the serenade.
Providence permitting there will be
preaching in the llrick School House .next
Ijet's all keep on ye correspondence df
the PliEss and compel Hixon to enlarge
his paper. He will have to, if ho wnuts to
or not. The six months probation is past
and still we have no funeral or smash up.
(Special Correspondence to tho Pituss.)
Layton, April 2). It Is said your hum
ble servant has La Grippe. May lie so.
Wu admit to being a littlo bilious hist
week, but If this is la grippe then we are
not surewe have lost our grip yet.
Mrs. Elizabeth Smith has begun house
keeping again, occupying the co;y rooms
on tln ground door of the Van Sickle store
house. Mrs. Smith has boarded several
years through having poor health, but now
having greatly Improved In that resK-ct
decides to set up her household gods anew,
and in Mils brings a pleasant addition to
the society of tile village.
Tlie Pituss was In great demand hist
week. Even the grr-y headed uncle appre
ciated It.
It will hardly he worth while hereafter
to mention the "II us" us a "H iss" for it
has become very evident that tlia title is
too much like himself, only the shadow of
asub-itanee In fact Id Is not "Iljss" of
anything In particular, n it even of him
self; so wo will dro;i th) title If It.ploase
him, as only expressing what Iu long de
sired, bat ha.l not the capacity to attain.
Now start tho butcher wagon with red
lights fore and alt.
Shady I .anc is lieing put In apple pie or
der by private enterprise. This isevidently
destiuisl to become the finest boulevard In
the suburbs of a onoo thriving village.
Future searchers for a d -a l city m iy lie
able to locate it by this single work of art
Tint Hid of G mil n in "Dicks" Items
hut Week arouses our curiosity Just
think of it, he might even be talking about
us right before our faces. We fear we will
n t be able to again euj iy our f.iodor sloop
unless -Dick" comes right to the scratch
and gives us a free translation.
R. v. G. S. G.irrets-m is building a large
addition to his house at Dingmiin's Ferry
to meet the requirements of his increasing
summer boarding business. George W.
Van Sickle of llevans has charge of the
carpenter work, which is a sullicient
guai auty that it will be done iu a workman
like manner.
Elijah Lundynnd James Clifford have
each placed a very nico parlor organ In
their homes during the past week.
Tlie Sussex Court saw fit this term to
raise most ot the Hotel licenses $.'3.0J.
Many of tlie friends of temperance are
jubilant at tlie pro;p 'it that high license
offers toward restricting tlu number of
places dispensing Intoxicants.
Tin) old butter in fanners hauls yet at
this date U not an encouraging feature of
trade It is u factor that must be met by
those who arc on the market with fresh
goods. The price of old butter can not lie
satisfaetory to the m-tUer, nor can its use
prove acceptable to the consumer .at any
price,. N.i time to m irk et butter after It
attains age. The c iimmi r win has a
choice does not want it.
G;is Depiie, Claude II wans and other
y ou.'ig in mi of Haine.sville are riding uew
wheels tills sea-oil.
G. K. Iliirsh li unlit of Wm. C. Cixik of
Hi-.inehi ille, hiit week, mi all stool farm
W.igiu. There call b) no doubt but w hat
this stylo of w.ig m overcomes many of the
objections that are urged against those
made of wo id. They are light but strong.
Easy of draft because sck uliilchlly con
slruelcl, no selling of tires, no shrinkage,
of wo. id wo. k, no cndlesa round of repair
ing to ke -p (hem ,1-unuii.g. Willi a four
inch tli ad uu.l lo.V wh eels they only utvd
to b ; seeu to Ik' appreciated.
Tlie m:ii d ig scire a -ross tho mountain
seem s to have extended this way. It is ro-
porleil that Floyd liter shot n valuable
bird do belonging to James .1. Shntwell
niuler tlie Impression that he was rabid.
"Dick" sii'ins Inclined to force the Edi
tor of tin. Piikss into enlarging tlie paper.
I hardly know but what Mi Kdiior would
liojOstilled in view it its a conspiracy, If
all his correspondents combined on tills
idea, i he courts hit very ticklish on their
views as to what constit nlin a conspiracy,
no us 1 urn iifiaid il no one but the Ediler
on this point, 1 ...hall exhibit a Utile maid
enly coyness until I learn how seriously
he may view our avert nets lielorc commit
ting one.
We have been unable to secure our
usual big trout stories thai the reader seii
ouslv- expects Mils lime of year. There
have come minors however of a 2 pound
trout being taken down the valley, and
another In Inches. When our story comes
we will try to have it In at these Just a lit
tle. ,.
(Special Correspondence to tlie Pi:i;ss.
L'dged.lle, April IS. Miss Ellen Mud
den, of llawley. Is visiting her father and
in-other on Pike county side
Eddie Turin -y, who has been allllcted
wiih mumps ami in--. isles, Is out again.
Oilers ol the family n-e sick with I hem
illiam a Ike;-, ol S Tanion. Is visiting
Ills grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. II.
Mrs Se.vard Watson nud baby are very
sick with measles. The other live chil
dren are better.
J F. Sim ins. w ho lia l a relapse, is bet
ter was able to ride out last week.
WAYSK Col sty
(Special Correspondence to the PltKss.)
i)iaiamoras, ,prn, ,'i 1 ne .1 lllllor Sew
ing Circle organized by some of the young
er members of Epworth, Hope, and St
Joseph churches all combined meet every
Saturday afternoon at II o'clock, at tlie
difToreni'iiicnibersof the society residences.
We congratulate the Utile Misses upini
their industry Tho President, of the
S.K-icty is AngelisOrce, Vice President,
Cora Hiilmaii, Secretary and Treasurer
Lulu Preseott.
Tho Ladles Aid Society connected with
Epworth church, held it n Easier Sup.
per on I hursday evening, at tlie residence
of Mrs Frank Chase on Cooksen street.
10 cents for admission ir, cents for supper.
A very pleasant, time was enjoyed. The
ladies were pleased to see all their friends
out on Thursday evening.
The Easter serviceat 1 lope Chinch Matn
moras, wasa very Impressive and beauti
ful one. The edillce, was decked with a
profits! m of petunias, begonias, geraniums
mid oilier llowers and evergreens. The
musical program was under tiie direction
of W. F. Speldel. The principal fra lines
were: Organ Voluntary M is. W. F.
Speldel Anthem, "Christ Is Risen"
Anthem, "Jwyful Morning," bass solo
Mr. Speldel. In Ihe evening tw-o anthems
were sung appropriate to the day. The
choir was made up as follows: Mrs. Vic
tor Funis, Misses Mary Cole. Louise Wil
kin, Grace Seybolt and Maggie Hilfcrty,
W. F. Speldel. cholrisler, Mrs! W. F. Spel
del., second tenor, John A. Cnrw in, bass.
Rev. Mr. Wlegand pleached Impressively
at both services.
Easter services were held at Epworth
church both morning, afternoon and even
ing. Rev. F. G. Curtis gave a nice ad
dress both morning and evening and in
the afierno in to tho Sabbath school. The
church was decorated very nicely for the
occasion wiih Eister lilies, palms and
roses. Great taste was displayed in tlie
decorations. The young ladies are to be
congratulated upon their line work. Tho
children iu the afternoon recited their
Eu.-ter recitations ami sang their Easier
greeting very nicely. Program n.s follows:
Easter Antliein ly Choir.
Hymn 2ol Sch iol.
Responsive Sermon, St John 20: 12-22.
Prayer Hv Pastor.
Solo, "Come to Me"Miss Nellie Hill.
R-vit ition, E istergri-eiintt l.illie Mills.
Recilalion llortoii Wilkin.
Singing. "The Hills" Choir.
Scripture Heading 1). T. Dur.mt.
Singing. ".Summer Days' Cnoir.
Hecitiiilon Iteriha K ihiiison.
Solo, "There is a green Hilt Far Away"
Blanch Walls.
Concert It -citation Six Little Girls.
Recital ioa Mary Mills.
Address Paslor.
Singing "Tin y Crucillel him" Cil ilr.
(Sp.-cial Correspondence to the Piikss. )
Greentown, April 21 Died at N ible
town in Sterling Township, Wayne
county, April 8th, Elva, wife of M. C.
Simons. The dec-oscd was a daughter of
L. L Ames, Esi(., of Nohh-town. .Mr. M.
C. Slin.ms Is the eldest sou of s.imu -1
Simons, of Greentown, has Im-cii living in
Chicago, 111., for several years past on ac
count of the failing health iif his wife, ro
turned cast last fall to the home of her par
ents whore she has been a suuVrer under
the lingering disease which caused her
death The funeral services were held at
Noblotown on Saturday, April Kill, con
ducted by Rev J H Hoyee
H. F. Kipp, who has the contract to
carry the mail from Grcen'town to G oiilds
boro, has bought a brand new team of
Tiie voters of this township from present
Indications made no mistake III the elec
tion of supervisors this season Tho out
look at present is favorable for having tlie
roads worked In good time, so that we
may have tlie beiiclltof good loads through
tlie s mimic r.
Anthony Hopps' horse that lias been
disabled for the past four or live weeks is
slowly improving,
Mrs. Wilmer S. II,,pps, who has been
visiting friends iu New Yotk the pa.st
week has returned
A Colon Conveiiilou under the auspices
of tlie Christian Endeavor and Epworth
League Societies will be huld lu Ihe Ea.-.t
Sterling M E. Church on Wednesday
afternoon and evening, April 2m h. An In
teresting time is antlcipati d.
In order to saw out the large stock of
logs ut T 11. till;. Ill's mill he commelired
this last week to run his mill through the
night which gives employment to an extra
set of men
At the last session of Wyoming Confi r
ence w hieli ooiivci-.i d" at tlneonta, N. Y.,
April rth, Rev. J. 11. lioyce who has born
our pa-tor for thris-years, was appointed
to li us mt Mount.' K v JB.ivId Kwuis to
Sterling und Grccutowu.
Mrs 1. L. Ames, of Nohlctown, died
quite suddenly at her home April lTtli,
Sat ilrdny, the ills-eased was the mother of
Mis. M. C Simons, deceased, whose death
o-c'irred on Thursday, April Hth, ns noted
above. She is survived bv her hnsband.
(Special Correspondence to the Pl:Fss.)
Mad- Hop.-, April 2n.s-Wall.-r R s kwood
id New York city, who has been spending
the winter season at Forest Lake, while
out hunting Friday afternoon succecili d
In bagging a calam iiint. His d -gs trctd
tin-animal and Mr. R irk wood, who Is n
line mai-Usman brought him down the Ilt-st
shot. He was anold fellow and tin- largest
ever seen in Mils vicinity.
J. Livingston Jr., nf N.-w York rily Is
spending several days at the Forest Lake
I'tub house.
John Johnston of this village met, with
a very painful accident Saturday lat,
while moving a piece of vety heavy curb
ing. The middle linger was caught near
Ihe first joint between the cnTb and some
stone and jnmm"d olT. .
Miss DM S Id -li has resiiui -J charge
ol the Manor House an 1 Is putting it in
shape for summer boarders.
.1. Ilotensour newly elected supervisor
has been working run is for several days
an 1 we may e-cpect a deeided improvement
as he is doing all work ill the best p issible
m toner.
.1 ihn McDowell has purchased the Hie! -nrd
M array projierty and took possession
Frank and Will Dext"r have rented a:id
m ivcd into the house recently vacated by
Mr McDowell. They will keep bachlors
hall believing It to be cheaper than to
Dr. A. Il idieii presiil -nt of Mi Fir-st
Lake Association is cxp -cted at tlie club
house this week.
The stone business is very dull. Iu the
vicinity and shipments light.
The Rev. J. it. H 'insen of Honesi lie,
preached lu Mast Hope school house Sun
day afternoon As the meeting was unex
pected the nttendiWico was small.
(Special Correspondence to the Piikss.)
Shohola, April 111. Is there another man
lu Ihe county, subscriber to or reporter for
the Piikss who ate two dozen eggs' Easter
S.inday? Your srtilie did.
The cold raltl of last, week settled the
roads and we hope they will stay so.
Tin- grass Is sprouting llnely and if win m
weather remains cattle will soon- llnd a
living in the woods.
Miss Sihroa.ler is visiting friends in
New York.
William Vim IJramer and Geo. Palmer
partners In the blue stone business have
purchiisedii liirgeipinrry of David McKe.ir.
Wonder what was tiie matter with' the
three young sports last week, one returned
home with a pair of muddy limits. Must
have been hard traveling.
William Ilessand Louis Schraber visited
Walker Lake Sunday.
The mall was carried to Walker L ike for
the Ilr.st time last Thursday by Charles
Shields. Ho did uot mini tho r.iin ail
mud hut went tlie distance over live miles
in 1 1 minutes.
We hope Otto 7. ielln-'r Mm p ut made.'
will iniiku a success of tlie oillee.
George Hi idge and family spent Faster
Sunday very happily visiting Adam Hans.
Jacob Pershbacker foreman on tho Fait
hasa full force of men and is still trying to
get more This shows nud means pros
perity wlilchwill conilnuo and Ineioase
for the next four years. Roll back the
clouds, and let tho golden sunshine of
prosperity roll In again.
John Hlonin Is siuperintcuding a large
quarry for Kirkpatrick Hros.
John Shields a farm r living about a
mile back of Shohola drove to the village
one day last week and on his way homo
tin- team became. Lightened and lie was
thrown out of tho wagi.i. O.io of its
wheels run over and ipiito seriously in
jured him .
Hugh McKcan lias just begun drawing
stone from his quarry at Shohola Falls to
Shohola station. Lilly.
(Special Corrospou.lenc) to tlu PltKss.)
(i.-eeley, Ap.il 2). Weill Wu it Can we
c. ill tills change, in tho we.iih r, think it
will pass for a young blizzard.
Mr Adams llnlslied sawingall thi) while
pine logs at Hurdler's mill on Tuesil iy and
will goto his lioin n -ar II m es.l lie in good
se.isonto c juiiii )U'je) farming.
TUo-G dihardt H.-otlnrs wii have opened
a butch ir shop In L ie.ka v.ne.il in ule. their
Urst trip tiirou rli h iro on T.Dsli. .We
wish tliein sticscss as opposition Is the life
of business.
Godfrey Weiland passed through hove in
search of n girl to work for him. He hud
the gins! luck to llnd olio of Mr. Ilim-hS
daughters ready to go out so ho t.xi Ler
with him. As girls arc scarce around here
he was very lucky.
-Mr. and Mrs. C. M llurchcr went to
Calkins, Wayne county last week to at
tend tho wedding of Mr. Joe Hurcher the
formers cousin.
Mrs. Hemlnway caino to Hurdlers on
Monday of this wenk. She is locking after
her home and farm, and calling on her
f .lends and looking after help.
The Easter Hall held at the G.tticy club
hou passed of very quietly and all re
ported a good time.
There will bu another ball held at the
White Lead,
Pure Linseed Oil,
Moor's Pure House Paints,
Window Gfass.
New York P
53 Pike Street, PORT JERVIS, N. Y.
club bouse the si
body Is liivllcil.
on 1 of May nnd every
Ill Howard sold one of his horses to
E. A. Greening last week,
M'-ssrs. Charles Silnchart, and Sam
Kline drove MiioohIi this place on Tuesday
on Mieir Way to Lackawaxcii
Mrs. (iariy Hart Is on the road to re
covery. Mrs. C. M, lliirrher Is caring for
her this wi ck.
Mrs. Kochka an aged lady dlcl on Mon
ti, iy mm nlng of Mils week of pneumonia
She leaves a large family to mourn her loss.
The funeral will lie held at, her home on
Wednesday afternoon nt 'two o'clock. In
terment in Ihe family plot on the place.
liiderlliis head we will insert communi
cations on current and noliiical tonics.
without- being responsible for the senti
ments etpresscd. and invite such discus
sion as may he pn iper and of general In
terest to t lie people. ElllTlllt PlIKSs.
Why the "Press" Informs
DlNllMAN's FlC tliY, April P.I. IS!I7.
F.IHTo:: !'i:Kss:Deiir Sir. I have been
looking over s nne of the past numbers of
the Piikss, and putting this and Hint to
gether. I f em I m ire information In them
of lilt -.-est to tlie p-ijile ill on,., year,
th ill I hve b -n abl to find In the Milford
ll -'-ald no.v Hie Dispatch, to which I have
lie -ii a subscriber, in thirty years.
It looks to m as If all that paper aspires
to is to keep the Pike county political ring
In goo I shape. whVli is a detriment to the
bed welfare of tilt- pe ipl -. Us subscribers
llingln I heir money to maintain n machine
for cut t ing off their own noses. I like the
method of ihe limss in giving informa
I ion to the people as to what Is transpiring
which directly concerns them. We want
to know what is going on, and sit In jndg
incut ours'-lves on tic-acts of our ollliial s.
To l- told that ihey are faithful, over
worked. and underpaid, "alert to the inter
ests of their constituents " and that "It
requires constant can- as the loss of one
cent may cause no cud of trouble and an
noyance" Is simply to repeat platitudes,
which do not convince even if clinched
with a slang phrase from a New York
paper. It seems t he loss of one cent does
not ncca-don much worry for the county
auditors nt the last settlement got over
teii times that amount without the least
dillieulty, by simply saying it was for two
small checks which the treasnrer failed to
eredi! himself with, and that explanation
passed unchalleiig -d:
Give us the informal ion ns to what is
b -lug done, and we can drew our own in
ferences, ii-i l render our own verdicts on
tiie acts of our olli -ials. Ji'Sticr.
The Advanca Agent Arrives.
Dincman's Km:i:v, April 21, 18!i".
Eiitroit PiMiss;
We h ive h t l a touch of R 'publican
prosperity down here lately, in the largo,
o -.tors left for railroad ties. It was a pi- as
niv to see I he teams loaded with them come
tr i iping d iwn Mi hills to the river lani
inrs. Our st i.-es were full of smiling
faees. men getl ing g m is in exchange for
their loils. mil liaing a b ilaneo m u-k-1
to th-'ir en-Mr, which will e inn in handy
later on in the sumin -r.- H.isiness has
greatly prospered here on this account,
and when sotueb.nl meets somebody it
seems th i' quite a h -avy load has been
lifted from s.iiiie shoulders. E. P. V.
Pertinent to Schools
!;:!. AiVA'tK Tows-simp, April 2i, IK'.i".
E:u ro : Piikss; It i s with pleasure I
have rea l " l"s" letters us to thecontlilion
of our s h i il h i ises. This matter should
bj attend 'il, to at once. "C" ill one letter
says that. Van Sunt Hood, the teacher at,
Centre, rep ,ne 1 ail average attendance of
fourie -n sell olars out of fifty-five. Parents
k -eping children at home. Tho school di
rectors answer what can we do if they are
not sent ? W.-Il them is a law, wo under
stand, toe impel ai tendance under penalty
of a line, bat the reason of its non-enforce-ineut
Is not diSlleult to comprehend.
First, it would be p 'illti,-al death to the di
reetor.s to do .s i, and second, if the children
we -e e l ie ite I in a few years the class of
politicians we n i v have would not be able
to .--mrrol the vot s a-t they do now.
"G" furih -i-en lir.-s why can't we have
p itent seat s as others h ive ? The farmers
have in ire taxes to pay n iw th -n thoy can
aTord. The s-ii i d directors were cussed
and discusscl last year fo buying charts
for tli sciio ,1s when we were already sup
plied with tli -in. and it is said the children
llnd tli'-m an easy m irk to pitch apple
cores a tii ot her re, use at which is about the
onlv tiling ihey are used for.
We have limber in abundance and good
carpenters iu this town. hip and if there
are seats to he m i l -, why not procure a
suitable model and give tlie making out to
tlio lowest and best bidder ami so keep the
money at home r If necessary the seats
and all repairs should be made now, and
it should 1h- seen to (hut no I oos.l is giv
en toany political oillee holder for the sake
of getting tlie job . Ta.xpayeii.
Wanted-An Idea
Who can think
of tome aim pi
tlilmr to DMtt-nt?
Protect your Hiw; they may bring yu weai'ta.
W-i.. lAuw aaiiiifn uf'DU i'ii t Art,...
beys, Waniiiugum, I). '., for tbeir fti.flut prlae otter
AiiU lint of two iiunurvd luremioua wauled.
No One
How are you
You must trust Ihe
rani our $3.00 SHOE.
you can have your
Written by Gee. Y. Padicn, Fort .leivis',
Manufacturer of Higrh Grade Buggies, Surries,
Phaetons, &c.
U7c cTarm to
tm:3, not the
but the EE3T
for the money.
Send for catalogue, and by mentioning this paper we will allow
D. A. Vltick's Son,
is n fact. Mint tho
upss in Port J-rvis, under tlio firm iinino fit THE
lipcn dissolved, but it is not a fact (hat tho
1 usiuess is trj le closed out. on the contrary
every nriatifrenient is lieing made to push tho
business this Spring to its utmost capacity.
are to
goods, as our expenses will bo much less, O ur
assortment was never larger. Goods have been
selected with great earo and are up to date in
every particular.
Call in the store and we will convince you that we
have the largest assortment and the lowest prices in Port
92 Pike street, Port Jervis, N. Y.
Z Fitted with
vi 'Inrjrnn & Wright
Is r Vim Tires,
i I)et:iehalln j
4 J Sprockets,
Wood or Metul
'A Handlebar.
vv iwrwmw
I JMt Value Kvor Offered. Catalogue Free,
rf KTfcAVIlV 3I'I'Cr CO., Oreenltw.li. N Y.JJ
Are prepared to show the largest and
most complete line of Spring Clothing,
ever put on exhibition in Port Jervis.
An early inspection will convince you.
unning &
Leaders of Fashion.
Comer Front & Sussex-sts.
ii'lIrr i i.11.'!'!'.1!;'.' ?':!r-''- - w.y" im'
Can afford to buy poor
shoos. The poorer Ihe
are Ihe less you can al-
ford H.
to tell?
honjst dealer. We war.
If we deceive joa,
mency bach.
rittor of
Feet. .
X. Y.
All we ask. is,
imrtiicrshiii tluitie; lmsi
bo reduced on nearly nil
.. . i).
min i nny a
ulieel until you
have seen a '07