Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, April 16, 1897, Image 1

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    on mty
11 XL xhJJ o
VOL. 2.
ftO. 24.
Q)j1 VG
Presidont MeKinley KeturnR from
au Outine.
Simpson' Kft'ort lo I,nok Hlg. Aid fnr
the Homl HiilTrri'm Kx-I'liliMt HolillrrN
to lie Itcllittntril I'mslon A ncHrlf-n
Nut In liciln.r.l, Klc.
( From Our Regular Corrospnntlant.)
Washington, April 12. President
MeKinley returned from his little
outing much improved. Thoweiith
cr was more or less disagreeable
during the entire time he spent on
tlio Dolphin, lint ho pot what he
went nfter find what ho needed most
rest, ilo wilt nt hit desk to tin. y
looking fresher tlmn for scvcnil
Jerry Simpson made nn ntten)t
1 1 prove that ho was a liiiiK-r ninn
tlmn the entire House, hut. ho only
proved himself n monkey. ilo
thought, or rnllicr ho thought thnt
ho thought, thnt he could compel
Speaker Heed to appoint tlio Com
mittees nnd the House to go iiheiid
with miscellaneous business, nl
though n mnjority had decided thnt
the legislation of tht extra session
Hhonld ho confined to passing the
left-over appropriation bills and the
tariff hill, both of which tho House
has done. Jerry mule the point, of
'li t qivinim" to prevent, the House
adjourning from Saturday to Wed
nesday, but Speaker Heed had no
difficulty in counting a quorum, and
Jerry found himself down while
tho House adjourned. Whether ho
intends to get himself knocked down
every tinio the Houso meets just for
the notoriety there is in it, is yet to
lx? seen. It is evident that Speaker
Iteed regards Jerry merely as an
"amusing little cuss."
Secretary Alger, under whoso di
rection tho $200,000 appropriated
last week by Congress for tho relief
of sufferers by tho floods in tho
Mississippi vnliey will ho spent lost
no time in putting tho machinery of
the War Deimrlment to work in or
der that prompt relief might lie x
tonded, wherever needed. It may
bo a hard thing to say,- but it is
strictly true that tho Cleveland ad
ministration was responsible for
much of tho damage dono by tho
Mississippi river floods, by its policy
of delay in spending money appro
priated by Congress to . strengthen
and raiso up tho levees along the
Mississippi river at, those points
where United States Engineer ofli
cers had reported tho necessity of
such work. Reports are on file in
tho War Department lrom Engineer
officers, mixta after Congress had
appropriated tho money, urging that
contracts bo mado and tho work
pushed ou these levees, but it was
the Cleveland-Carlisle policy to hold
back appropriations as long as possi
ble, and these floods came beforo the
levees had lxicn completed A num
ber of the breaks are at tho points
reported weak by tho Engineers and
ordered to bo strengthened by Con
gress. For all tho damage done by
these particular breaks, the Cleve
land administration is clearly re
sponsible. President MeKi nicy's announced
policy of reinstating nil ex-Union
soldiers who were dismissed from
office by tho Democrats for no other
reason thnn their politics, is being
carried out in nil of the government
departments as fast as tho bends of
the departments can get around to
tho eases. In the cases of the chiefs
of divisions, the Democrats are being
given better trcatmout thnn they
gave Republicans. They are allowed
to remain in office, in a lower powi
tion, instead of being dismissed, as
o many Republicans were under
the last administration.
A Republican Senator shaking of
the talk in regard to tho appoint
ment of Hon. Theodore Iloosovelt
to be Assistant Secretary of the
Navy being likely to make trouble,
said : "Roosevelt mny make trouble
in the Navy Department, but if be
does it will be in tho interests of a
better administration of its affairs,
just as be has ninde trouble for tho
law breakers of New York city who
bail long enjoyed police protection.
I notice that in rill tho trouble
stirred up by Roosovelt, ho has al
luid tho support of those who be
lieved in showing up or-d reforming
wrongdoing wherever found, and 1
am willing to stand behind all the
trouble he makes in the Navy De
partment." Mr. Cleveland's order reducing
the number of Pension Agencies,
w hieh was to go into effect on the
1st of next September, will never go
into effect. Pension Commissioner
Kvnns has ascertained by investiga
tion that instead of saving money, as
Mr. Cleveland claimed, it would cost
more to support tho consolidated
agencies. Ho said on the subject:
'While I have no authority tospeak
for the President, I have excellent
reasons for believing that the order
will net go into effect, and that the
eighteen pension agencies will re
main a-t they are." Commissioner
Evans also says that Mr. ( 'leveland's
order placing Pension Examining
surgeons under the civil service
rules will be revoked, except bi the
eases of examiners who receive $:t(0
n year or less. j
No date has yet been fixed for the I
reporting of the Dinulcy tariff hill j
tho Senate hvthe Finance Comm to
tee. " it-
Ex-Senator Voorhecs, of Ind., ,
died suddenly Saturday morning at j
his Washington House. !
Tho Senate passed tho Hamil
ton good roads bill.
Tho Governor has signed the
bill making constables fire wardens.
L ivers of good horses will note
i he announcement in another col
umn. Mr. Iliyim could not stand on
the Florida platform, it got, from
under him.
The Mississippi river during tho
recent flood was twenty-live miles
wide nt its mouth.
The Council is working the
streets, cleaning out gutters and re
moving rubbish.
The bill creating forest reserva
tions has passed nnd nwaits tho ac
tion of tho Governor."
Tho Normal school at East
Stroudshurg opened its spring term
with 2-l0schohirs enrolled.
James S. Beacom, of Westmor
land county, seems to be the choice
of Senator lnay as a candidate for
State Treasurer.
The bridge atHushkill betwoen
tho two counties is sixty-five feet
long, sixteen feet wide, was built in
1837 and cost $1015.
The entire family of Andrew
Storm living near tho Milford cross
ing at Stroudshurg has suffered with
diphtheria. Two havo died and six
others are sick.
A bill has beon introduced in
tho Legislature making nn nppro
priation of t20,0t)0 to pay constables
who nro'mnde ex-oflieio fire wardens
by the Act of 30 March.
The veteran John Findlay was
on Tuesday awn rued tlio contract
for carrying tho mail from Milford
to Port Jervis. Ho will have now
the distinction of having served tho
governmont in that, capacity under
ten consecutive Presidents.
"Dick," our Montague corres
pondent suggests that they "all
keep it up" nnd compel us to en
large tho Phk.ss. We have felt for
some time that this was a coming
necessity because our columns
Boeinod liko Editors after a freo sup
per, "very much crowded for
A bill has passed the Houso re
quiring constables to make returns
to court only when they hnvo vio
lations of the law to report ; except
where othorwiso provided by rule
of court. Also one providing for
tho payment of bounties for the des
truction of wild cats, foxes, minks,
hawks, owls and weasels.
Our Supremo Court has decided
that tho same law applicable to
vehicles in approaching railroad
crossings must bo observed by
wheelmen. They must "stop look
and listen . Circling around or
making what is called a "whoel
mnns stop" is not sufficient caution
to insure the protection of tho law.
Lending Democratic papers in
tho South nro expressing strong sen
timents in favor of increased duties
on such staples as cotton, rice, su
gar, oranges, pine apples and other
fruits, tobacco, lumber, salt, marble,
iron, mica, and other minerals and
metals. There is a marked growth
of the protective idea in that sec
tion. Tho Hale Dental Company has
been obliged to enlarge its quarters
by tho addition of unothor room and
operating chair which will be in
charyo of J. M. Shay, D. D. 8.
Gas will be administered to thoso
wishing it, and tho Hale Method of
painless dentistry will also be con
Just try a lOo box of Casearets the
finest liver and bowel regulator ever
Theodore F. liaker is home for
tho Easter vacation.
A. I). Brown lost a horse last
Wednesday night, cause colic.
G. S. Wieland, of Lnckn waxen
visited his father over Sunday.
Little Pauline Frieh is the happy
possessor of a new bicycle.
Mr. Bradley, of Brooklyn, N. Y.,
is in Milford visiting this week.
Gilson McKain and daughter of
Shohula were in Milford Tuesday.
Mrs. Frances Westfall has gone
for a visit, with friends in Perry,
! X. Y.
! Allen W. llornheck has secured
j the mail route from Milford to Ding.
; mans.
j John Van Etten of U. C. I. at
Nvack is spending n few days in
i Milford.
L. W. Armstrong wife and (laugh
ter, Mabel visited Milford over last
Gottfried Wieland who was
stricken with paralysis last week is
Mrs. C. W. Bull is visiting her
sister, Mrs. Van Campen in Decker
town, N. J.
George B. (juinn, of Dingman
township is seriously ill with an at
tack of grippe. ,
Mrs. Willis has taken the houso
on Ann street formerly occupied by
Mrs. L. H. Mott.
John B. Van Auken tho popular
tax collector of Delaware township
was in Milford Tuesday.
Mrs. M. N. Noarpass of Port Jer
vis, was in Millord, visiting, Mrs.
M. A. Nyce last Monday.
John Zimmerman with a friend
sjtent last Saturday at his summer
residence near Dinginans.
Harloy Palmer, of Stroudshurg
was in Milford Thursday with sev
eral horses for sale or trade.
Sheriff Cortright and Jury Com
missioner Louis Chattillon drew tho
Jury for the Juno term this week.
a surprise parry was lyiiuei-uu
Landlord Erich and wife at the Cen
tre Square Hotel Tuesday evening.
Mrs. Wni. Watson, of this place
has returned home after nn extended
visit among friends in tho Metro
polis. Mrs. Irving Clifford of this place
entertained a sewing party nt her
homo on 'Water street last Friday,
Mrs. Susan Grandin has returned
to Milford. Slie was Accompanied
hero by Mrs. M. C. Westbrook of
Blooming Grovo.
Miss Susnn Nichols left town
Tuesday for a visit to her brother,
Rev. T. McBrido Nichols at Gor
lnantown, Pa.
Albert Stoll of Port Jervis whose
condition for smj tima past has
given his friendi serious alarm is
somewhat better.
Ira B. Cnso nnd daughter, Lilly
Quick went to Newark Tuesday to
be with Mrs. Picot another daugh
ter who is very ill.
Mrs. Martha Nyce and daughter,
Mrs. Belle Moore entertained tho
Ladies' Aid society of the Presby
terian church 'Tuesday.
Mrs. E. Finger nnd daughter,
Sarah nre ngnin occupying their
house on Harford street after being
absent nil winter in Trenton, N. J.
Cards havo been received hero an
nouncing the mnrriage of Miss Lucy
Kent of Paterson, N. J., to Murray
II. Chapin, of Now York, April 28.
E. Granville Huggins of tho Isle
of Nevis, a student in Lehigh Uni
versity at Bethlehem, is spending
his Eister vacation with tho family
of J. H. Van Etten.
Commissioner Jas. II. Heller
whoso illness has from time to time
been noted in the Phkss is now gain
ing in strength, nnd seems to bo on
tho road to recovery.
Rev. G. W. Gillespie, of Port Jer
vis Rev. Corwin of Otisvillo, N. Y.,
and Rev. Diven of Cuddebackville,
wheeled to Milford last Monday and
called on Rev. Thos. Nichols.
Frank N. Wo id formerly with
Mason at Port Jervis latterly of
Patchogue, L. J., has returned to
the former place nnd is now with
T. R. Anderson.
Miss Ida Howell a niece of Goo.
E. Horton and Mrs. A. D. Brown
was married Wednesday April 14 at
her homo in Chester, N. J., to Mr.
Bird of Paterson, where they will in
future reside.
P. O. Rat.au. tha L. A. W bicycle
i - , , ,17, ult ' "-'iiiiiiw muuni ireaj. Ill,
repairer anil local consul, lunched bu-renu l(A.uiety(.'o.,eincui(oorMev York.
twenty-five holes in n tire and Wed
nesday repaired them in just t wenty
minutes and pumped up the tire
without its showing a singlo leak.
This was quick work and proves him
nn export, in the business.
Dr. James M. Shay a recent
gradunte of tho Philadelphia Dental
College has become associated with
Tho Hale Dental Company of Mil
ford, and will he pleased to meet,
his friends and the publieat tho wed
known offine over Brown and
Armstrong's store.
We have received invitations from
W. H. Shannon M. )., and A. L.
Crone. M. I)., to be present, at, the
graduating exorcises of tie Ir class!
at the Baltimore University Wed- I
nesdav April It. Mr, Shannon is;
clns-i Secretary. He is n resident of
tjiicka waxen and a son of C. W.
Shannon. Mr. Crone was formerly
ii resident of the same township.
We congratulate these young men,
and wish for them wherever they
may hang out their shingles abun
dant success in their chosen profes
sions. Ripnns Tabules.
Ripnns Tabules dire nausea.
HI pa ii s Tabules: nt druggists.
To Correspondents.
We have received a communica
tion from Dinginans in regard to the
School House at Coles, which is well
written but in no :i.i;n.s accompanies
it, under our rule not, to publish
anonymous communications it is
withheld. Correspondents must un
derstand that unless Iho name is
given, not for publication neeo-i-sarily
but as a guaranty of good
faith to the Editor, wo canrtot
print, their efforts, much ns wo
would liko to, or h nvover moritori
ous newsy or well written they may
bo. This rulo is well established
among newspapers, frequently nl
luded to, nnd wo wonder why thoso
who n rouble to write will persist in
ignoring it. If through ignorance
wo beg them to read the papers, if
by carelessness to cultivate more
methodical habits, nnd if wi'fnllv
done wo assure thorn. theif persif-;
tattoo will not avail. We nro glad
to receive letters on subjects of local
or general interest, but roniomber
the namo of tho writer must, yen,
verily, must, in nil cases accompany
tho letter. Just put it on a little
slip if you do not wisli to have it at
tached to the letter, and it will never
be seen by other eyes than our own.
Stranger Than Fiction.
Tho Blairstown Press in demon
strating that truth is stranger thnn
fiction relates an incident of Mr.
Snover who was the recipient of iflO
from somo conscience stricken chap
who stole monoy from him some ill
years ngo and now to ease bis mind
returns it with interest. Tho other
is tho case of tho Frodonburg girl of
Delaware township who nnswored
an advertisement in a newspaper
for a wife, met the advertiser,
niarriod him nnd departed for tho
West, nnd is now happy and rich.
The father ami mother wo believe
drove to their western homo to join
the daughter. It m;iy have all
turned out ns pictured, but we once
hoard a man of experience remark
when some one was relating a lucky
incident which sonnded rather in
credible. "Well a fool for luck and
if you don't want to be classed in
that crowd just avoid taking any
such chances."
Ripans Tahule cure dizziness.
Kipans Tabules cure headache.
Ripans Tabules cure dyBpcpsia.
Railroad News Again.
The Delawar? Valley Electric
railroad company reorganized Inst
week nt Stroudshurg by the election
of Ed. F. Peters, Hon. M. F. Cool
bnugh, William Hemingway, of
Brooklyn, Andrew Yetter, of
Blairstown, A. W. Loder, Jesse R.
Ransberry, George Vim Why, John
M. Hill, and J. H. Shull directors
Subsequently Dr. J. II. Shull was
re-elected president, and A. N. Pal
mer, secretary nnd treasurer. An
effort will be made to obtain control
of tho East Stroudshurg and Mata
moras Railroad charter which is now
controlled by Simon Fried lierirer
and if this can be done it is said the
roaal will be built nt onee. Won't
Simon please let it go ut once.
Don't Tobacco Bpit lud Smoka Yoor Life Away.
If yru want lo quit tobacco UKtuif easily
Bud forever, lie maud Weil, minusr. Uianiiello,
lull of new lllu and Yiir.n-, latt "N u-To-Uac,
tlid wood.-r-wurfcer. Unit makes weuk men
sU'-iutr. M iuy iaiu fc-u nonmlii in tea days.
Over 4iKi,iieui-rd. liny No-Toliiu! of our
ilriiL-lt, Under iviuiraiilaae lo cure. 6do or
H. IN) U,ioLl..t a. ..I ,., :i . , . ' , . i
Mrs. Emma Bell E'lett, wife of
Henry M. Kllett, of Noniaivick, died
quite suddenly nt her homo on Fri
day, April Dili, a little after noon, at
the advanced nan of (is years.
Mrs. Kllett bad enjoyed fairly
good health during the winter, until
n few days since, when the weak-
ness of age became apparent, and tmli;;; ZZ ' "
Friday at 1.15 o'clock she (lied in I Kxeluslvcf ih,-ilipl.ti,. nnd oa.nsulnr
the arms of her daughter, father- , r'Tvia-c, which me n..t inclinloil In the
ine, perfectly rational to the hist i ,'"'"""'"1' ""''" '"'" '" ""' entire civil
moment, and without i,,m
,. . .
Ihe eighth of April was the noil,
anniversary of her marriage to Mr.
Ellett, nnd would have been littinglv
celobratcd bv the familv hd he'r
lienltl, e,,,.;tt..,l '
' '
Mrs. Kllett was a woman of well-
balanced mind, and strong domestic
tendencies. The home, nnd fmuilv
felt the kindly influences of her firm,
hut loving guidance. She imparted
to her olTspring strong physical
powers, as well ns active mental
faculties, and their consequent suc
cess in life n Horded her the keenest
pleasure in her old ngo. Until now
there had not. been a death in the
family for over years, that, bein.r
a son, Henry, at, 10 years of age.
Eight, children survive her: J ib
C, on the old Bell homestead at
Nomanock ; Alfred M., ou his farm
near Lay ton ; Abrain B., at Pond
Creek, Oklahoma; Win. P., mer
chant nt Branehville ; Orin D., M.
E. Minister in Iowa ; Frank G., min.
ister in Detroit. Michigan; Lydia I ,r' -idem, outside of W'ashiiiKlon, nre tho
Belle, wife of Azrael Struble, "a nd i "';sis,i"" 1 r""s'"" "rs' ""' ' .f Int. r
.t'l, ,-; .if..r at . revenue, mill tlm 3,ia I'rcsidontinl
Catherine, wife of Andrew Morris.',, ,,,,', . , . ,
post innsiers, receiving salurics ramlnK
If to have lived a life of useful- 'from fi.m to s,m.
ness, lo havo earned the love and!
respect of all who knew her, to ha vo . . . .
, . , , . , , . Post Mortnm Rctlestiona on a Dsad Vi age.
h(!en a true and loving helpmeet to ; . 8
a faithful husband, and the idol of j Thl' man wlio is broad and liberal
her children is not to fully merit j ""'"ecd in business is -generally full
divine approval, then nro wo nil j of " f-'i""''"" public spirit, nnd is
irretrievably lost. Funeral services ' '"lli"'1y ulad to see his native vil
at 11 o'clock a. m. Interment at, i ,,H 'K" """l
Peter's Valley. jj j l"-sjcr. V, lnle 1 picture to yon one
! who does not seem burdened with
Ripnns Tabules cure flatulence.
Hi pa n a Tubules assist digestion.
fi'pafis 'afiaVes cure torpiSniver.
Tha Problem Answered.
Thai I'tko County Problem in Iat week's '
Puksh nnswored by J. A. Klpp, teacher: ,
I'pon condition that tin. county coinmls-
sinners liorrow.ul l,(inew (l',4 fur olio yenr. j
collector receives f.'e commission, canity I
trcasuraT commission each way.
County Dr. I,.Wi no
Ko,..E im. oi.countvcuki.it.
To payment of debt,
To interest on debt 1 yr
To Cailh-a-tor's asoiiimis
sion of a'r, on princi
pal nntl interest, . .
Tai county treasurer com
nilssion )!''( caa-li way
4 limes on principal
nnd 2 times ou intcr-
toft en
liii ut)
84 so j
i:tl 84
Totnl etist to taxpayers
1 1 1 -J HI
Total commissions for
f'ascarets stimulate liver, kidneys
and bowels. Never sicken, weaken
or gripe, 10c.
Dr. Schaeffer Reappointed.
Governor Hastings bus reap
pointed Dr. Nathan C. Schnoffer
Superintendent of Public- Instruc
tion nnd tbn Senate has confirmed
i- ., ir. f, ....
his nomination. He was first ap-1
Kiinted by Governor Pattison in
1893 for four years, and bis new np-
pointmcnt is for that period from)1" "U""1""",'"JS"U1 ....wp.ty an-,,
1 'ili n .-if f i i i-i ,i f. ifj ,..i-.il. rt
April 1st. He is
a Democrat, but!""1 1 """" i-"i""
not a partisan. Last .year bo was a
sound money man nnd vigorously
supported MeKinley, using the ar
.et Hint, the eleven lniniolla
voted to tho schools every two years
by the Wat would bo worth just
five nnd one-half millions if free sil
vcr prevailed, nnd that the schools
would havo to suffer the loss.
,,r o c i. i ii i i i
W. &G. Mitchell have p st
a few casa'S of new SPRING GO Dh
comprising ' Ginghams, Outing 1 e.-
cal.'S, Chat.Uon stripes , ( in. erella
buying elsewhere.
New Hymnals.
The New Hymnals of the Pres
byterian Congregation were used
last Sunday. Samie murmurs are
I heard because a number of books
without notes wero supplied fair use
in tha pews. Possibly in the in
terest of a higher musical education
among tho members it might have
been as well to have supplied them
with the notes. Then too there are
many city people who perhaps
would bo better pleased with such
books, and the service might have
been, to that extent at least, rend
ered more attractive.
I not Tor Tliuir Who
A rr SiM-klng for
I A ( iplurrc-lnnjit document, design.'.! to
itliswer till ((ii. rli s nlxnit tlio civil service,
i ''as 1 " Ismh-iI liy tho (inyemniont Prlht-
j In Otltriv titl.iMivkcrM wlm nro In the
: city nro c.in. i ly socking It, but It gives
, tin-in little enm1,l,itl..n1 ns It, shows ttmt
till' extensions Hint have lii-cn Innale aif the
(Inssilli-il s.-i'vlec l.iv; le.ive little put milage
IT'"" "' ""' 1 ' s""-" " "I"
I 'Hi''nts with s.ilai'li'H ii(.'trn-rnt lim ?'.i.
j ;, ,,,..,,. ..,. , ,.,.,.,, , .
civil wivi.-e pnu-ticnliy nil thoe plm-cs
j w' "' "' I"'-"1 "f "n l- n luiniini-
. ""'"""" l!-v ""' "'''1 cMciislnim f
; he ,.l,,,,,ll,,l s-rvl-e !! nnnih.-r nf plnces
; h Ii "i.'ii lo Hii- iilli.Tsci k.-i-s Iiiih Im-cii cut,
d.iwa t !l.cni.
I Many ! ilc-se pla.-.-s arc n i licdn.-d nluiiit
i l,y '"''',l ,mVB " ri-iriiliiiloiw relitting i
r iii. nl as lulu- prni-l icnlly flint
finl'l lilt- i.ili..(-s,..li.rs A liiullir tin-in
lire miI.ii rdinale places In the Indian
s.-rvi...- Illicit l,y lii.linnH anil h.117 nre
places i.f win-kin, -it unit lahnrcrH who nre
lielmv cl isMdcili.ai, The lni'.-st clami of
niiclaill.'d places tal.es In the fourth
ctn-K p. .st lea lets receiving less lhmi l,ili
a year. There arc f.'i.l:::, of thoso.
Tho t't'clilcniint appointment, outside
of I ho nip., malic and consular service, nre
liinil. il ,i :'., which do not l'c( lilreconlli ill
ation. Kv. ii this small niimlicr Ir pinctl
c.illy much reduced hy Iho fact, that it
Includes Iss cniuiiii .siiiiicd olllcors In the
revenue culler si rvlce and I surecms in
the maiiiic Ic pilal service, to lioth of
which services new appoint uionts nre
made only liy comp'IPivo examination
when vacanoit s o. cur
The het places nt I he dislios.'il of the
! this good quality, which we nre nil
! s prone (o admire in tho few who
, are fortunate enough to possess it.
I JDUuill a. yoli I' liliil.iii.tiiin p.iinf
I th:i opposite, and then pattern nfter
I this creation of your fancy. It is
clear that the opposite of narrow is
Vl. 1. ,u - A i
uioni;oi iiiioieratii, isnoerai: oi
selfishness is generosity. With
these definitions you ,will readily
(.0,K.oj V(, tll(, 0,)1K)Sito f)f nl(ln wlo
. , , , , .
would close one of two stores m his
,m,ivo viU,l-T" ,,,,Itl10 "'ife'l't control
'rll(' ! WM" desires but ono shop of
u kind, and his favorites to run
them; wiii) fair years schemed to
drive Town meetings, elections, and
other public business from his native
village, who heaps indignities on a
man whose beer lie should drink, ns
one cats salt, with his neighbor with
no knife up his sleeve. Who might
be content with n little less than tho
whole earth if he only had a Post
ollico thereon ; who was a good
Democrat, when Grover was in, and
whose father-in-law is probably a
good Uopuhlicnn when Grover is
out, what availeth it my friends if
such an one in trying to rido two
horses should get over tho fence
with neither, or who shall mourn if
j ho loses the scent from nosing too
near the ground. Verily when any-
one shall have so succeeded in dry-
. i ,
; uig up uia easiness ine oi uieir
j native village that it apoars to' be
.- ..l l ..e .. . - i. .- i
, .
piun. luiooiii'o is'iiiiini o jiii.Ke
il lily use ajf a bat stretcher, with a
I lileral diet of llsh unt il he grows ill
; nieient1y to discern
, t't fc'V men ctn successfully raise
, " "l"
I su:,'l,a in wwjn. by throttling
j ,l1,im" As a result of
huni.in cxpi i'ience it mny bo ac-
citedas an unalterable fact that
1 healthy opiHisitinii adds a life and
t,llM to u'.d.) that monopoly can
,.,.,. flttIljlJ. Th(W(, wllol afytempt
, . (,,u),.r t a mibIio s,.ntjme,it
, u .)s U(,a UH ho o( n
Modes ami Persians.
Conference Appointments.
I The following appointments wero
ima''eby the M. 10. Conference to
i places in this Us'iility. Port Jervis
i Uev. Daniel liall.iruil ; Milford,
liev. W. H. N.11' ; M.itamoras, Rev.
i F. G. Curtis ; Diutrnmn'-S Ferry, Ilev.
Geiii'e Whitehead : Ilainesville.and
C'eutiuviiht, lU-v. C. 11. Von Ghihu ;
i Rev. C. W. Deuiings goes to Metu
I I'hell, X. J.
j Iii both the Now York andXewark
, Conferences the proponul amend
ments to the constitution admittiii";
women to the Conference on nn
, equal fouling with meu were re
I -e:ted.
t.lnt of Irrn.iii4 Drawn to SurTe m Grand
(!lt.lSI Jt HOIlH.
Adams. Arthur M., Diltiwnre.
Hanker. Henry, Hnokawnxa.ti.
H.ver, John W'., Shoholn,
Hiya-r, Kri'd., Westfall.
Kn y. (iisn-in', I.iii knwnxcn.
Kronen. Hnlpli. Wcslfall.
Kraiik, C. I,., Hlooinitut (imvo.
MaCarty. Arthur H., Milford Hero.
Mad.l.-n, Martin, Hloomlng Cirovc.
I'nllc, ('hrlstliin, (irerne.
Hauli, (o-orifo, Wcslfall.
Hivicrc. Kmil, Milford Hiiro.
Solt. Chrisiiun, Dinirman.
Smiih. (icorifi., Milfnrd Horn.
Small, Hiram, l.nckawiixcn.
Siniii-r, illlam, I'ainiyrn.
Smiih, W. It., Lehman.
S.nil h. 'I'unis. (tiiiono.
Tilmaii, 1 1 1 in in , Hohman.
Vim Why, Frank M., Porter.
'. an Kiton, Daniel K , Dclnwnrp.
Wells. :o,hen I).. Shoholn.
Warner. (ieorKo, Diniriiuin.
Wells, Charles, Westfall.
Tuavkiisk JCltoiis.
Alliriirht, Henry S , Dclnwnro,
Hlitz, William, (JraM-tK.
lirown, H K, , Milford
llensh-v, Wallace, l linian
llarlhson, William, (in-ene.
Coru iirht. Henry M , Dcliiwnro.
oitri-ht, illiam, lchinim.
t 'orey, Klinor K , (ira'a-uai.
( anno, Henry Ii , lliuiomin.
Ualiiels, Lot,, Laa-kiivvaxcn ,
Decker, John M , Hloomihir (irovo.
Dcti ick, .lohn , Millor.1 Horn.
Kiishle, Charles, Palmyra.
(iol.lo, K.dwaral, kawaxen
(iavillo, Alcxatulcr, Dlnimun.
(iclihanlt, Christ inn, l)iiiKninn
Hanna, SN'illiam J , Doluwarai.
Holfiiiiin, lii-orio C , Wistfnll
Holliort,, H K , Wi-stfall.
Kcllitm, Alfrcal, I'nltnyrrt.
Ijotrau, Jatnos, liiir-kawiixcn .
Manor, 1'a'ta-r, .Ir , Wa-stlull,
Moil. (', I' , Milford.
MeKettriek, 'I hnnias, Shoh.iln.
Middaiioli, D H , Da-iaw.iru.
Milh-r, Ca.nrad, Palmyra.
Nipor, Allien (i.. (in-i'iin.
O'Donnoll, K.il , l.nckiiwnxen.
I i-la-rs, K K , l liman
I'el'cival, William, Westfall.
Pitney, Michael 11 , Dclnwnro.
(juiek, Diuimlck, Wcslfall.
(juli'k, lla.iiry, Palmym.
Koso. .laa'oli, I rrci'tio.
Seliorr, Frank, Milford Horn.
Shiiman, W M . I hnuiii.
Senior, .lohn, Halntyrn
Shcplii'ral, Kdward, DclnHiiro.
Shields, Peter (t , Shoholll.
Smith, HolH-rt, Palmym
Solmuno, .loscph, DiiiKinnn.
Schoonovor, H. K , U'hinnn.
I'hl, Adam, Lna-kawnxain.
Van Inwi'tfcu, lyewls, Westfall
Vcnni.i, Holiort,, ltliHiminfr f-rruvo.
Wiincr, William, Wi'stfall
Warner, Waller H , Mi If .ml Township.
Wor.cl, CliarlesU , Shoholn.
Ripans Tabules cure biliousness
Kipans Tabules: one gives relief.
Ripnns Tabules cure indigestion.
Ripans Tabules: gentle cathartic.
ItficoraliMl In the Olttce of the Recorder Air
the WeaiV Ending April 10.
Palmyra. Joseph Atkinson et.
nx. et. nl. to James Milhnm, dated
Get. 4, 1895 lot on Big Pond con.
'.75 ent'd April 9.
Greeno. John Heberling et. ux.
to Fletcher Gilpin, M. D., dated
April 13 101 acres, con. $1100 ent'd
April 12.
Westfall. Frank X. Roilly to
Robert Clomments, dated Fob. 19,
2 lols con. $100 etit'd April 15.
Westfall. Frank X. Roilly to
Win. J. Clommonts, dated Fob. 10,
1 lot con. 50 ent'd April IS.
Arbor Day Programme.
Arbor Day exorcises will be held
at tho Milford Graded School on
Friday April 23, 1897, at 2 o'clock
p. m. Following is tho programme :
Select passages from the Biblo rend by the
Singing Uy thoSchaiol.
Relation of Trees nnd Books By a
Introductory Alioo Beck.
Trues in Musses Dora RocbotU).
Recitations By ton scholars.
Singing by tho schools
Rwulingbaw an A rbair Day By a teacher.
RoninrUri By directors and others.
The Vol.. aif the Tree Hattie Horton.
Talking Trues By eighteen scholars.
Recitation, " A Problem." Percy Hart.
Singing by thoschooln.
Origin aif Arbor Bay. Kltle Klpp.
Tho Work of tho Tree Jennie Stru there.
Selections to bo recited by five scholars.
Plena for flowers Daisy DeWitt.
Pluming of the trees.
Singing by tho sadiaiols.
Planting of tho Trees Kttio Decker.
Singing- by six scholars.
Ripans Tabules cure constipation.
Ripans Tabules: for sour siomacb.
Ripans Tabules: pleasant laxative.
Ripans Tabules cure liver troubles.
Hoi Glass Bottles Are Mads
Have yoa ever seen glass bottles
made? It is very simple when you
know how and havo the necessary
tools. A big kettle is filled with
(,'lass, whiih is melted until it is
like molasses and is red hot. Then
a bio; lump is taken upon a long
piece of iron pipe and is dropped
into a mold. The man who drops
it in blows through the pipe to
make tho bottle hollow, and then
tho mold is opened and the bottle
is taken out. A neck has to be put
on it another bottle bus to be baked
to make it strong. There are many
boys of only 8 or 9 years working
upon the bottles to smooth the tops
ready for the neck.