Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, April 09, 1897, Image 4

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One Cent a Word.
For Fwh Inrllnn. Nn mlTf rtt.emrnt
tntcrn Tor Iran tlinn lfl cent.
CAHH ron.t toihhii.t nil nt-ilir..
A lilrr.il PIKE till NTt 1'HK.IS,
TKKrfPASH NOTK'K. Noll la hi-rvliy
fjtvi'ii that tn'Hii!siii(ttipiitl tlio wintli
prn Imlf of tlm tnu t if html knmrn iw tin'
Wllltnm IViiny, No. W, ill Hliolmln town
ship, fir huniliiK, flahlnir, hp, liny oiImt
rttrpiwo, bIjm trcspitKHinir on Hiivvkill pond
n Dlnirmnn towiiHlilp, ur, lliliiii in it Is
f iirbliklt'il uiiiIit 'tiiiliv f I hi" lw.
M. I'l.KII.HNII Mti.Nfin,
Aprlftlm Attornry for owner.
TjlOH RENT. Bcvpntl rikxI Ihium'S in
r Mllfiml, In. Knipilrc) of J. II. Vim
NOTICK. Nolli-o l hiTi-hy
Hlvt'n tlmt tri'ipiininii upon tint pi-
imrtv of tint Fort'Ht Ijiikt' Asocial Ion in
m',kWBXcn tmvnxhlp,-i'lko enmity, I'll.,
for thp pnrpowt of IiiihiImk mill llshlntr, 01
any other ptirpitm in strictly furlilililcii itn
Uur penalty of thrc law.
Nov. 23, 1W5. I'rrniilfiit.
TRESPASS NOTICE. Nollro Is hervliy
livi'll that tivspiisiinK on tlm pn-tntsfs
nf tlin nndi'inlKiiiti, Mil imtiil in lliniiiiiiiii
township, for any pnrpn.ao whim-vr it
strictly lurliiiliti'ii, and all oliVnil'T will lie
promptly priisK.'iitiil. litA II. Case.
Out. 4, 18(15.
I fan SAIiE. A small farm lex iitiil near
. Watamoras, known as tint lltiisi'l or
Hi'lnlmnlt pliM-i'. containing sil iii'ivs.
Finely liH'iitetl, wll wiili'i-ctl. II'iiw and
Imrn. Krult of all kinds, l'urt impruvrd.
Title- clear, Knr t'rnis, price, etc., nddresh
Lock Imix (t Milfortl, I'll..
4J1A IlEWARI). Tho school directors
!pv7 of 1'lninimtl township will pay
twenty dollars for hnformatiou which will
lead to the detection and conviiMion of anj
person or iMrsons cominiltini; any ttvp;isi
or doiiif any damage to any school hotist
or property therein in snhl township.
liy orih'r of the hoard,
Nov. 7, 1895. 1 UA il. CASK, riec.
Corresptmili'iits nro particularly
requested to Bend in all news in
tended for publication not later
than Wednesday in wich week to in
sure insertion.
(Special Correspondence to the PliKss.)
Grecntown, April, (I. Tho Orphans
Court .Sale of real estate of 11. U. Phillip
(dec.) took place at Ills late residence in
Dreher township, March l'.lth Ills eldest
daughter Hlioda. was the pnrcliasor, con
sideration influx).
A. 1). Krlshle soldii 10 month old colt for
175.00 to Andrew JJclscckor of Newfound
land. J". h. SlcR our village liacksinith bought
n horse of Knillu Vullle, Jr.
13. U. Kipu Is employed by J. K. Cross n
popular and successful merchant of rlcr-
The flmonstowu school closed on Tues
day March S'ird, Mrs. Agues llopps teach
er. The firecntown school eliisetl on Wed
nesday March 21 Mis Edith Blown ol
Delaware township taught six mouths ol
the term. Miss Kdwards of llloomlng
Urove finished the term.
Ii. B. Smith who has been lumbering
for T. H. Ullpln the past winter has moved
to Duiimoro, Lackiiwanun county where
lie will engage In the boarding house busi
ness. At the scinl-anmml election of AVallen
pnupnek Ixxlgo No. 478, 1. O. O. F. ou Hat.
urdav ovclng March 27, O. W. tinnier was
elected N. F. L. Hi., V. (., J. B
(illplll, Per. Secy., E. 11. lounge, Atst.
Sjcy., O. H. Bortree, Trustee for 18 months
T. C. Miuldou, Junitor; L. T. Addams,
D. D. G. M., will Install the olllcers Hat
unlay evening April 3.
B. C. Smith of Urccntown had 10 lamb;
from four ewes. If any one cau beat that
we would like to hear from them.
Loren Bortreo of llidwell Hill, Arthur
K mine and Maria Houck of Orcein) and
Blanche Gilpin of Dreher will attend the
spring term lit the Stroudsburg Norma!
Mrs. W. H. McAreo aud son Seidell of
Gouklsboro, have boon oalling ou friends
In Greunetowu the past week.
The entertainment, a drama the "Dona
tion Party" rendered by the pupils of the
Hopedule (traded school In O. L. Waltz's
H ill Saturday evening March 27 was well
(Special Corrospondeiioo to tho PltKSS. )
Lmyton. April, 6. Mr. Evl Brink whoso
health has been considered In a critical
condition for mouths past has been lately
engaged III active business. Ho has pur
chased thi) Jason H. Tuttlo farm at Tut
tie's Comer for tlfcxj.00, and will probably
apply for a license at this term of court to
kep a Hotel at that place.
Tho ' Ninny" of tho G.usctto make man.
tlon of ''Mrs Francos Laytou participating
lu the select tea at Margaret Suidcrs.'
No such person Is known about hero.
44Nlnuyetl" seems to lo a little off in he,
she or its correspondence as well as a little
off otherwise. Heyf
Jason L Honiniodieu issuffcilug from
an attack of pneumonia at the home of hi.-
parents, near Tuttle's Corner.
The uuuibcr of p;nplo on the sick lit
has been giiitU'r thepiut week thau at uny
time through the winter although one
would think the dry weather and bright
suushlue would aid in liuulshiuij disease
germs aud ill restoriifg ople to heultli
It would be wise to clear up all accuinulit
tious of rubbish and burn. I'nts lime anil
carbolic acid freely about sink, un waste
plle openings. Clean up. and while wash
the oellars, and give a few days thought
ful attention to correcting any unsanitary
conditions that may exist about the pio-
mlsei. It will surely aid to brinjs about n
better stale of things.
Uhlur Ci-evellug made flying calls upon
several of his friends uround Ijtytoil dur
ing Saturday and rluiuluy lat.
Un Kutu is In chaise of the engine at
the steam saw mill again, having recovered
from his late lndispusitioii. TIm prowiit
job will bo finished In alxiut two wks,
anil the engine w ill then bo moved to the
Jos 'I'U f. licvan's trait.
Tue "Silly 111 liy" of tho Gazette other
wise yclept "Sand 1 ill r" has changed ti
"Ninnyetl, "but the same ea" marks clit.g
around it .till- A roe by any oilier iian.e
would sulci! as swift, etc., etc. I n'
ab'iut time rr llonesty John to hunt tip a
new title too? Gind ld"a to chaiiire a
name when It lie-ins to jzet unsavory.
II. E. .Moiitross landed II of tho (Inny
beauties lust Thursday, and Ksten 'an
Slekle caught three on Saturday ltieasur
IniX nliout ten Inches each.
The g-'lleral verdict of those who have
had work done at (he shops of Mr. Wntik
lilt, at Mevans Is that tiiey now h.ivo II
workman them who understands his busi
ness. This Is good nevs to lots of people
wlio have for a long time gone further to a
shop, and fam.I IndilTerently at that.
l'he road machine gets to work this
ek, but the best time for working our
m ids has eviilent ly gone by in usual wil h
little done. The soil n ice set i li d and dry
t icii put into the roads cms up into a fine
d tst hat h when drv, and a be. tin iful mud
Wiien wet. The time lu work a stony
g'avelly road Is just as the frost, has gone
o.it, and the soom-r thereafter Hie belter
for the roads. Hut the whole thing Is a
relic of the dead past, and should no lon-
'r he retained.
Every person owning n rod of ground
should this spring" s,-( a tree, or even sever
al of them. A fruit tree prefelablv. but
1 'I It be a tree of some sort. The rapid
cutting olT of our forests will event uiilly
h ive a disnt.t rous elTeet on climatic condi
tions that bodes no good toagiieiiltural in-
l'eter Stenip -rU wife fell from a wagon
load of hou-chold goo. Is while moving
last week, and wa run over bv the wagon.
It '.suit three ribs broken, a fiietured scap
ula, and many serious contusions of the
body. Dr. .1. N. Miller Is In ntleiidamv
and the patient getting along nicely at
this writing.
Who can remember seven consecutive
lays of as Hue wi.ii her as we enjoyed last
iveek especially so near tho first of April.
The laws governing the committees n-
polnl incut of overseers of roads will be
found by Ihose Interested lu the Pamph
let Laws of IHss, page chapter Ir.'H, also
L iwsof Is'.nl, page l-.tl, chapter 7ri. The
law evidently forbids tho appointing to
illlee of a jiersoii whoso bills are to be
acted upon by the body d which ho Is n
ni 'inber. In the main It Is a wise provi
sion and correct In principle.
Ilenj. 11. Iliirsh has added a Do Laval
Separator to his dairy eiulpment, which
takes the cream from the milk perfectly.
1'iie milk is handled while warm, and Is
(lne for calves, pigs etc.
Gardening was In order last week and
o.ving to the fine condition of the ground,
and the favorable weather wo planted
earlier than usual. The flint was done
March JM. Lookout forsnow.
A le.'ilingoillzeii of lli'aii.ihvillo gave us
a new train of thought a few days ago by
remarking t lint b'rankford, like Sandyston
had lu the last twenty years expended
enough money on their roads to MnAd t-
ulze every foot of road lu each township,
a id t li ii t tit-day there is absolutely nothing
1 1 show for the thousands of dollars spent
In that time. When, Oil! when will this
folly eease, and the people begin to make
proper use of a material of which they
have sueh an abundaiKX , and the money of
which they have so li tit In by crushing
stone and making a really good road,
Miss Anna llorubeck is visiting friends
and relatives In this vicinity for a brief
season, after which she will rejoin her
parents In Philadelphia to which city they
h tvo recently removed.
iV prominent Newton lawyer remarked
to nic recently that tho time was within
his recollect ion when tho people of town
ships bordering the Delaware were looked
upon ns hard drinkers, or at least as large
consumers of tho anient. Now ho says 1
a n Informed that tho pendulum has
swung to the other extreme, and tho Hotel
in Ml arc complaining that the people as n
whole are becoming very lent perate, and
In many Instances abstainers to tho serious
detriment of their business. 1 am tempted
to remark that "It is an III w ind that does
not blow good to someone."
A son of Mr. lllgelow while fly-casting
lust week had the liy caught by a gust of
ivind and eonio around so as to hook in
close under his eye. Dr. J. N. Miller deft
ly cut it out, but It was a close call for that
A liberal collection was asked for In the
murch at I.aytou last Sunday morning to
pay arrears of salary due the late Presiding
hlider amounting to some UU) for this
church to raise. O.ving to the hard times
and to unpleasant recollections as to his
share in an event that took place In Monta
gue a little over a year ago, tho people
sh mid not lie blanntl that thu collection
was a light one.
bj. B. Klutuer was suffering last week
from a genuine attack of la Grippe.
The Delaware Valley Hailroad company
It is said has undergone a reorganization.
S.'w blood and new Interests have Iki'u
Included that will materially add to the
probabilities of some real work on this
lino, lu which our people f.wl so deep nn
Price Brothers big sale of horses at
BrunchviHc on April 10 will be the lust of
the season. It will contain some of the
best selections yet offered. Fair dealing,
an I gHd business principles are making
til, ise sales famous over a great extent of
country. Tho ear came in Saturday
af ternooon.
Tiie Boss has evidently made a dismal
failure of raising trailing urhutus In Para
dise Ally, so tho market is In no danger of
being overstocked yet this spring. As the
weather is getting warmer uiaylie he
might put a merry-go-round to sprout, he
kuows how to cultivate them. Sure.
The llurk farm has luoo bushels of pota
toes slorctl ami the carting or them to
market is going on this week. There
secnislo Is.' enough apples and potatis's in
farmers hands to make uu easy uiurkct
until the new crop comes lu,
Hoad machine went to work on Monday
morning u 1th three tennis on, and the
.'trace to the blade niis-sing. Ucsult, a
break down, and the machine at tho shop.
I'lino Hies, and thu ro;uis are drying.
Francis Laytou, and Mrs. Lizzie Win
tcriuutc arc both on the nick list to the io
gret of their friends. Dr. James N". .Miller
is in attendance.
The Sussi x Conns convene to-duy and
the betel men are on the alert for licenses.
Opposition is anticipated in some quarters
W'c undt rsliind that Juilx" Ma'ie Is on
the Ik-iicIi at iiis term Any objections
c ailing Is-foio Judges lliotoii mid Mu-ie
will undoubtedly meet with candid treat
ment. Wc do not wi;-h to seem addicted to tile
1 idisv riiniliate use of tulfy, b.it wo intiht
ill justice give praise to the typ'igiapliiei 1
Win k of the PlKK t HI'S I V l'KK-s. Incur
c aYc.-polidclicc ( nearly ;y teuri, no p:t;.i r
h s followed iiaiit-,ci-ipt as perleedy us
the Puls. It Is in liiiu Li d contru.-t in
0 rrceiiicss of spelling etc, v ith auotlu-r
piper that circulates extensively In this
valley. It in barely pntslhln that the
faults in the newspaper rofcrri-d lo, may
lie In the correspondents ns much as In
the olllie woik. The known morale of
lis eoriespondents In this sirlli n suggests
this olK'Tvalhin. H.
(Special Correspondence to tho PitKss.)
Montague, April 1. Who is tho biggest
f'stl, the one who receives n package on
All Kools Hay, or the one who puts it uu
and pays postage on it V
Judge II. H. I'ulieiion and Coroner Jos.
Hurtling with a lepri sentaiivo of the Port
Jervls I tilon, of Port .leivis, spent a very
pleasant evening nl the llrlek House Iat
Harold Chambers was the first to start
the plow 111 this town this spiing.
.Married at, t he Presbyterian parsonage
at Port Jet-vis on Tuesday evening, March
:o by the Hev. George E. Gillespie, John
Mill and Miss Alice Ciisterline, also at the
same time and phiee, GenrgeCole and Miss
Sadie Harrows, all of Montague. Congra
t tllal ions are III oi der.
There will be preaching lu the Brick
House school ou Sabbnth morning April
llilint u.:io. Every one Is invited.
Price West brook Is working for Samuel
The doctor will be as mad ns li 1 when
he returns Ibis slimmer and llnds what
some inisehief loving ones have done.
resident of Montague concluded to
change his residence n week ago ami re
in ive across the inountaiii. Everything
wits arianged sallsfactory.thc gisids loaded
and ready to start, when behold the lady
of the house refused to go along and didn't
but she wen I to Pike county, w hile hus
band and goods went across the nioun-
ui in.
('has. E. Niuth Is Improving under the
skillful treatment of Dr. H. E. Euicrsoii.of
Any one In want of a gisid cheap work
horse can find one at Millvllle.
Win. Angel lias moved ngiiin.
Captain James E. Colo has a new carri
Dust Instead of mud now mid tho dam
lltllo stones In the road are enough to
make you swear.
Hero is some poetry written by n Mon
tague school boy who evidently has
g.'iHlgc against some trustee or other.
This poem Is of wonder and its use,
Mow we've been used It Is ats the deuce,
It makes a person have the shakes.
To bear the trouble this mall makes.
Where he resides I'll now tlescrllio,
"I'is very near a mountain side,
He's plump and fat, but not so still,
His bouse sits on a little hill. .
Mansion near a cross road side,
Il can lie seen as past yon ride,
A nil in It lives a holy terror,
lie's called ii two-cent millionaire.
He was elected school trustisi,
Since then we never could agree,
He talks enough to make one swear,
I n hear l Iris two cent millionaire.
He thinks himself above the rest,
Alas, bis mind is deeply pressed,
lletakes no notice ami no cure,
Hut he's only a two-cent miniotmirc.
Ho nnd a friend each took things cool, "
Coming to visit the Clove school,
Which haiipenei! to have li single chair,
This was handed to the millionaire.
I guess hi" canie his time to puss,
And talk about a window glass,
He quizzed it boy and niaile him swear,
Did this pompous two cent millionaire.
He's Iss'ii trustee wo think too long,
I tell you if things go wrong, .
There Isn't n one of us will share,
To help Hie two-cent millionaire.
So now to him we give a rest,
The next trustee we elect, the best,
lie's no motto buttons to wear, 1
Hut he's a two-cent millionaire.
J. W. Cox.
Mr. and Mrs. John Wood, Jr., of Mat-
anioras, nnd Mr. and Mrs. James 1). Kerr,
of Port Jervls, visited Montague friends
Tho town fathers, of Montague, will
meet in couclav at Burrow's Hall, Tnp
p.uitown, Saturday, April loth.
Those who have not yet paid their taxes
hotter get a gait on or put upwlth the oon
H. Ludwig, Montague-constable, goes to
Newton this week to attend court.
( Dick.
(Special Correspondence to the PliEss.)
Dinginans, April 5. There Is a great
deal of sickness n this vicinity at present.
Jiiiiio P. Crone, who fur sometime has
Iss'ii suffering with a complication dis
eases, is considered beyond hope of recov
ery. Sirs. Emily Downs, Mrs. W. K. Sinley
and G Y. Crone are also ou tho sick list.
Mrs. D. D. Hose iicrunce, who has been
lick for the past winter, Is slowly improv
ing. A tcmn lsdonglng to Isaac Smith
thought there was not enough excitement
and took it in their heads to run away do
ing very little damage however.
In last week s Pkksh was a statement
giving tho coat of lrou bridges ill the coun
ty for the past throe years, and also the In
creased cost per foot of the oue Just let at
private contract, which seems to show
that there is something rotten In Den
mark -
Dick, if you don't believe tho school
houses are in line condition, come aud st
them. They bIujw for themselves. 1 was
passing Coles the other day and if there
h.ul been old hats lu the sanh where they
were minus thu glass, they would have
given the impression that It was McFad
den's Hat that the New York Journal
writes so much alsiut.
Were there any bujicrvi.sors elected in
Delaware towuship r if there were, where
a iv they 1 Tho small bridges I spoke
about some time ago have not liccu Uxed
yet. One over the creek near Laytou's hits
u large hole lu it covered with a half inch
b iiii-vl. There is a 10 mils working tax for
tim roads and a three mill special tux so
wo should have fairly good utul safe roads.
(Special Correspondence to the PltKsa.)
Matatnoras, April, 7. Mr. Richard Jeff
ries i
S -pi.
; home from the Dental College of
d' Ipiiia, i.tal will reumiu home until
.liber .
Cii.ulis Wilkin Is homo from the
!!. nl. a ('nib
u .naiii until
as Mr.
i Fall te
Jeffries I.U(1
nn comuicu-
V ..I I
s Mcry SiiircB was the pianist at
Prof. Dunns dancing class on Tuesday
cv. niiig nt the Dancing Academy In Pert
.leivis. Mr. Cross being absent Mis
Squires Is the Pianist nt Ills class, every
Friday evening at Sparrowhush.
The Pei riess shad fishing club Is now
cat lie st ly pit paring for their ntilinal Ht-h
by biillililig a Hue large boat. Colonel
fjnii k, we understand Is doing the woik
and th y are also getting their shad net
ready. They expect to start operations lu
a few days.
Wc notice n large number of our cl'l-
r.ens were over In Port .li rvls last even
ing to get the (lection let urns and seem
lliulylbey weio very Interested spectators.
Today Is the Hist shoot of the Mala
lii'irns Gun club. They exjvect a very in
terest iug meet and we m:iy look out for
Siiine big scores as wc have seme expert
marksman ninong the club.
Mr. Pet ly, who has lately been on the
Skinner farm below Til states, moved
Into our vil lingo with his tan My and hoiife
hold goods, and also a large ainoiitil of
slock. lie giss upon Christian Hill on
tl.i Ileilha JomI farm which be purelue-cd
sometime ago. His ln'(.e number of
cows and calves created much attention on
Hie si reels yesterday. This farm is ci n-shlei-ed
one of the best grass farms ill this
section. v e welcome Mr. Perry Intootir
nr 1st.
Mrs. Edivatd Lord's residence In Ma!n
niorns, ou 'I'hursdayevcning.was the scene
ol a very pleasant event, w hen Miss Millie
lend of Iordvilic, who Is visiting her
brother, Mr. Edward Lord, had a surpiise
given her. Miss Millie was sitting In the
parlor entertaining a few friends, who
had called upon her when, all at once, she
heard a loud peal nt the disir bell. On
going to the door she found a party of 25
of her young friends. Miss Millie was
equal to l ho occasion and entertained her
friends In a very pleasant manner Fine
refreshments were served, games were in
dulged lu and tho evening was spent very
pleasantly. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ijind
did their share In making It delightful for
their guests. Tho party, before going to
Mrs. Lord's nsseinbhtl at the home of
Misses Lulu nnd Emma Hilliiian on
Conksnn street.
Master Ira Mcllride was tendered a sur
prise party on Saturday nfterniMiii by
iilHiut 115 of the young friends. Little
Misses Abbie ljondon and Jennie Sampson
gave 'out thu invitations. Tho meeting
place wns at Alible Iinclon's home. At
two o'eliK-k the little people left, for Master
Ira's home. He was playing in tho yard
not suspecting so many of Ids little friends
would cull upon him. But, ho tisik tin1
surprise all in gisid part and gave his
Irieuits a pleasant reception. 1 tieir nasK
of good things were taken care of and very
soon M rs. Mcllride bail a nice table p. c-
pared for the happy partv of little menus
After supper tiiey nil played games and
had n good tune In general. At Ho clock
they nil wended their way towards home
feeling very much pleased with their sur
prise on Master Ira.
Mr.aud Mrs. Jacob Hart of Matrmoras
tender their thanks to their tuanv friends
who so kindly did them favorsduring Mrs.
llartz s Illness.
There are boys in' Matatnoras, we are
sorry to say wlio are Is'tit on doing mis
chief, that is setting fire to the dry grass.
and endangering houses and burns. Only
a few days ago the grass was set on fire
near some tiouses nnd It rcuulml a great.
deal of labor to nut it out Is-foro much
damage was done. We caution these boys
to be more careful lu the future as if they
ire not they will lie arrested and sent to
There were missionary services nt Ell-
worth Church ou Sunday morning and
at lernoou and e veiling also. At ttto morn
lug service tiie Ilev. F. Curtis, the pnslor,
preached a very nice sermon to his congre
gation, ns this was the last Stiuilav he
would lie with them, providing he was not.
returned to this church, as bo leaves for
conference lu a few davs. Ho b'sik his text
from Matt. 28: 1H-20, entitled " The Savi-
Iotir's Parting Words." It-was a very nice
discourse. In the afternoon the Sabbnth
school celebrated the missionary service,
Willi appropriate recitations and hymns
1 lie little children recited their pieces
nicely, and the singing liy tliu pupils was
line, l lie exercises were or a very Inter
esting nature. Hev. Mr. Curtis srildresscd
the children nicely, and the Suporiiito
dent, Mr. V. Langton, gave a nice nddre
also. He gave the little ones and tiie old
one very good advice. Following Is the
programme that was rendered:
Oih-ning hymn, No. 4:
Prayer Mr. Durant.
('uartette Blanche Watts, Katie Ketch
am, Lor.t ililluoin, Alice Quick.
Seripl o'-e, Psfttm i-t. in concert.
Hecin.i -..ii J l. Wilkin,
li .mi, . ,.
H. eito , ,us, G. I. V. E.-Llly Mills, Ev
ChiO'C, 1 . -ola Stearns, Ida ilurlin.
K-al lluet "l.lttlo .Missionaries.
Recitations Cora llillmnu, Blanche
Walts, llenha Raub, Clara Van Schoik.
Hi inn ltu.
Hi citations, "Little Missionn.y."
il ymn 227.
Kooitiitioiis Flossie Nlles and Annie
Closing address Superintendent.
Closing hymn 224.
Benedict ion.
Tho exercises In the evening were con
ducted by tho missionary cumiuittee.
Following was the programme:
Mvmn No. 8.
I ,'ayer-Kev. F. Curtis.
Clio : ''Far Away Voices."
lnl:o luctory reuutrl s Her. F. Clirtie.
(Ijs-ii. 'i i address M - - s Irene tumble.
S IKNll .olo M.- H. Ketchltlll.
Kccilaliou .Viisit K. Walls.
Hymn U.I7.
S l ipi ure reading Mr. C. Langton.
Hymn (U7.
Address Miss K, Duryea.
Pastor's report.
Doxology and benediction. S.
(Special Correspondence to tho Pkksh.
Ledgcdnle, April 5th Floyd Frlsbie
will alteirtl school In Scranton this spring.
Ja)x-'Z riinous wlio has Uvu quite sick,
is some better but not well.
Mr. Samuel liiiolion is recovering from
the grip, uud I'usleie K. Crus from
lll'K'k measles.
Uavid Kudy who came home from
Yonkers some time ago very sick does not
Improve very much Dr. Win. Stevans of
Haiiililitou was called to see him last Sat
urday. SVavnkCo
(Special Correspondence to the PuKSi.)
Cl-oclcy, April ft Saturday best David
McKce.n. Jr. passed throili here willi two
hinds of household g'.ssls on his way to
New Jersey where y understand be has
rotilcd a farm.
Mr. and Mr. ('. M. Hureher went to
Wilke-harre April Ul. where they expect
to make l heir home, Mr. Bun ocr having
purchased mi interest iu a pap, r inaiitilac
lory ill that cily. 'lli.-y miiiiuiI Monday
to ibis place a, Mr. liinciier is building ii
hoiuse f,,r J,ie Aniiri jg which he will lin-i.-h
U-foi-e removing p.-i niaiieiii 1 v.
Ill' llowilld and friend. Mr Cutler,
made a very pleasant call at li. V. llait
well ou Sunday.
W. V. Hur, her sp ue a f, w dus in
Wayne county, looking alter his farm.
Moiv neighbors are coming Young .Mr
Cliuert i.s mot lnur in one of VY. V. Iluie'i
e 's lemon li.ai-, s font nine u h inu-iuH
lo ouild a netv hou.se iu liie near future u.i
hi own land.
Mr k uli ii drove to liurchcrs iu Tues
day. X X
Can You
Vrito an Ad ?
Jnlitison, dm " Fitter of
Fret," (lifers; ns a iu'it n
ji'iif of tlio Host l'tciu li
(lilf SIllM'S tl till' 1111111,1111(1
tlio Host jmir of French
Kid Sluics to 11m wimnin,
who s'llunits an oritfinnl
flilvcrtisii'iiietitoii "JOHN
KIN'S .l.(i( MIOKS" 1m..
fot'o noon on Snt in lny,
April 1 ?, l'tiir.
The ml. rnnst a
mure t li.'tii "ill winds;
liiu-t iresi nl (lis i t
nn l M'p;ti;ile runt
t Iwii i he ;tt can he
iitaii) lmt
t he vr it"r
ll'T llMltH1
in oider
evented r
Wit hem i he tiume ol
tie- vi liet' ( ii ru-eid Jtn v liossi
ItiJity of favTil ism
The .luilgos will be i
leeletl from nmonp
s men.
our prominent bosiie'
Fitter of Feet,
Port Jervis, N. Y.
FOR SALE from $25to$50.
By tho hour, day, week and month.
Repair Work Guaranteed
At, tho A.W. repair shop, Mil.
ford, I'a.
Neiuly oppnslfu I:fs olllcc.
BIG -:- -:-LACE
250 pair Lacs Curtains,
divided into 5 Lots:
Lot No. 1 4!)o pair
Ijot Xo. 2 . . .8'.le p.iir
Lot. Xo. 3 A'.) iinir
Lot No. 4 l .li'J jiair
Lot Xo. 5 $!.0S iiair
The largest assortment of
New l.trtMS (Jo ids,
Wilis, Trinmiiiifr.-i,
Hi Hi WnisU,
iriaiuliei, Lawns,
Din'iities, Lners,
l;ili!iuisi ete.,
at lowest prices.
30 and 40 Front St.,
Our second carload of
will bo sold at the stuhlos of
in the villas of H rttncli villi. V. J., on
Tlieso horses consist of MATCHED
POSES, nnd Rovoral extra ROAD
HORSES, and may ho seen at sta
bles in
On and after
Every Horse
and each hor.-to on which an nc
ci'iitcd bid is nmde. will he sold.J
POSITIVE on the abovo DATE re
gardless of the weather, nt
1:30 o'clock P. M.
R. A. V. D. PRICE.
VJantad-An Idea Ei
Who can think
of mo mo mj in nl
till Ui umlcill?
Pnrct Totir trtf-: thcT 'iiujr tiring iu vn.'tx.
rll jrtHN' V tuiKt.bl' KN ft CO., Put. tit A-t-i1"
b.. VvdiDrfum, !. t r thnr pn waff
Bee rliue."
Bee Hive
is n fact flint tlio
iiess) in Fort Jervls, under tlio firm tiaiiio of TIIK
been dissolved, lmt it is not n fact tlittt tiie
lmsinojis is to lio closed out. on tlio Contrary
every nrranpeiiipnt is being made to imsh tho
business tliis Spring to its ntmost enpneity. -
nro t:i
goods, ns our expenses will bn much less, Our
assortment was never larger. Ooods bavo been
selected with great euro ami are. up to ditto in
every particular.
Call in the store and we will convince you that we
have the largest assortment and tho lowest prices in Port
92 Piko street, Port Jervis, N. Y.
UI VC fcrt 1 IbrflCTION.
Kitted with
Ircan & Wright
er Vim TirtK,
Ilcdiclnililo j
Wnml or Metal
IlHtiilloliar. :
!( Vnltm I'.rornilV'iiKri. rnl.loim.. I.".......
lOliAVTIV TrTi-'-3. r
Ars prepared to show the largest and
most complete line of Spring Clothing
ever put on exhibition in Port Jervis.
An early inspection will convince you.
.ling & Flanagan
Leaders of Fashion.
Corner Front & Sussex-sts.
Manufacturnr of High Grade Bugrg-ies, Surries,
Pho.etons, &c.
'y?c claim to
not toe im'Mj
tt-t the BEST XstyPj'$i
ior tne money. ".JjJgf.l.s
Send for catalogue, an4 ty nientiomng; this paper we will allow
13. A. Altick's Son,
Gold - Water - Plastico.
Will work better and stand better
when applied over old kalso
mine, whitewash, dirt, etc.,
One 5-pound package
53 PikQ Street, PORT JERVIS, N. Y.
25 50
plm !' !-. til. M ' "ill 'tttHklllT
jitirinrrsliij) doing litis!
bo reduced on nearly nil
Don't litty a
I, T i
i iii-vi II II 1 1 I J (III
linvo noon a 97
- -t
jfr llfc (j jft
All wc ask h,
I II.. In.uuo. ,,nlrt-.l. i.u.,or N. Jurk. an 1