Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, March 12, 1897, Image 4

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    One Cent a Word.
For Eiwh Innrtln. No mlTprtl.etnent
tnkpn for Ivrw tltnn lfl cent..
CAHM mn.t mrnmpnny nil ortforn.
ArttlreM TIKB' COl'NTr rHKSft,
in,riiiti, rA.
riiKKHPASS NOTIL'K. N'iMiw l hrrt'liy
JL given thnt tn'SrtKBi!iRiiMvn the noiith
ern hnlf of the trwt of liuid kmiwii iw the
William I))iiiit, No. Wt, In Hhoholn town
hlp, fop hunting, fishing, or, nny oilier
pur(wo, ulsotrespitMaliifj oil Knwkill pon.l
in Jllnitmnn towimlilp, or, IflhliiR lu It is
f orblddon under penalty of the law.
M. t'l.Kii.AND Mii.nor,
AprlMm Attorney for owner.
FOR KENT. Bernrnl Rood houses In
Mllford, Pa. Enquire of J. H. Van
TRESPASS NOTICE. Nolle in hereby
Klven that trespassing upon the pnn
C?rty of the Purest Lake Assoeiatton in
aoknwnnen township, Hke county, Pa.,
for the purpose of liunt lnn and flnhliiK, or
any other purpose Is strletly forbidden un
der penalty of tho law.
Alexander Haphes,
Not. 23, 1W. Pn-ident.
TRESPASS NOTICE. Notice is hereby
given that trespassing on tho premises
of the undersigned, situated in lMK'"n
township, for any purpose whaU-ver is
strictly forbidden, and all offenders will be
promptly prosecuU'd. IitA B. Cask.
Oct. 21, 18U6.
FOR SALE. A small farm lorntrct near
Alatamwras, known as the llensel or
Kelnhardt place, containing al acres.
Finely located, well watered. House and
barn. Kruit of all kinds. Part improved.
Title clear. For tonus, price, etc., address
Lock box G Mllford, Pa.
OA HEWARII. The school directors
piU of Dlngman township will pay
twenty dollars for (information which will
lead to the detection anil conviction of nny
person or persons committing any trespass
or doing any damage to any school house
or propurty therein In said township.
By order of the Ixiard,
Nov. 7, 1896. Iha 11. Cask, SSeo.
Correspondents nre particularly
requested to send in nil news in
tended for publication not later
than Wednesday in each week to in
sure insertion.
(Special Correspondence to the Press.)
Klmblcs March, 8 J. Bushwellcr, Jr.,
and Miss Maud Williams made a birthday
Visit at Honesdale.
Joe Williams of Port Jorvls Is visiting
Lot Daniels.
John Malone of Port Jervls Is visiting
his father, Edward Malone.
Miss Ada Phillips will remain in New
York for several weeks in care of a physi
cian. B. D. Holbart has returned from visiting
bis son in Hornellsvllle.
The excelsior mill has started again, and
the tnuslo of the whistle makes us all glad.
The Erlo unloaded a tower at the East
end of tho long switch and expects to run
trains by the signal system very soon.
Mrs. J. N. Colo of Lookout is visiting her
sister Mrs. E. Kimble aud Miss Carrie
Branning is also her guest.
Alfred Etshback has purchased a fine
horse up in Wayne oounty.
Warren Rutau killed a few days ago one
of the largest foxes evor seen in this sec
tion. Miu. Al. Brlggs has been vory sick for
several days with a severe cold.
Mrs. E. Kimble aud daughter and Mrs.
John W. Colo and daugheor ore visiting
Frank Ilolbert at Lockawaxen, and J. C.
Branning at Westcolong.
Sovoral car loads of excelsior oro being
shipped from bore this week.
Charles Chitostcr is building a largo
boarding house on the old Decker place
near bis stone quarry to accommodate his
bauds. Ho has an excellent quarry aud
expects to work a large gang of men.
A. B. Joy who has been seriously sick
with pneumonia is Improving.
Miss Edwards' select school closed Tues
day. Tandem.
(Special Correspondence to the Press.)
Qulcktown March, 8. March mado
very cold start with us tills year, but soon
became more mild.
The auction sale at the Pierce place on
the Slth ult., was well attended In spite of
the "small" advertising it got. One or
two parties from Matnmoras apparently
made themselves too much at homo on the
occasion. Much of the property was "bid
in," doubtless for the place. The Mllford
road at that time was muddy enough to
use stilts, and tho rainy weather of to-day
will no doubt make more traveling of the
same nature. John Carr has now moved
In the Fierce house.
If you wish anything done in the taxi
dermist line, you should call on Asa P.
Quick near tho Half-Way House. He also
makes rugs etc, Call and see big speci
mens. There is already talk of changing Post
masters at Matnmoras.
C. L. DeWitt continues to improve in
health. P
(Special Correspondence to the Press.)
Dingmaus Ferry, March 7. Miss Prls-
cilla Layton is very ill with tho grip. She
Is under the mcdicul care of Dr. Fuliucr.
Mrs. Harriet Raltt lost a valuable horse
last week.
The dunce at John Smiths on Saturday
last was well attended aud all reported
(rood time.
Why oan we not have patent seats in the
balance of our school houses in Center
Coles and Silver Luke. Tho ones now in
use are of antiquated pattern and not up
to these progressive times. Moreover they
are absolutely injurious to the pupils who
are compelled to occupy them. I am told
some of the directors aro in favor of put-
tiug the patent scats in the above school
houses. Why are not all in fuvor of this
necessary improvement. C.
(Special Correspondence to the Press.)
Montague, March 8. The lVuiocratio
Caucus will take place this nflcrnouu.
March weather hus come to slay.
The suit of Hurold S. Chambers
Win. Reiuchardt for tort and conversion
the amount claimed too will bo tried lie-
fore Squire .las, .Fuller and ft Jury at
llalnesvllln on Wednesday afternoon
March 17.
I always thought I could catch on but
must admit I got left once. Here It is.
Married nt the home of the groom by Jas.
U. Fuller Justice of the Pence on Aug. fl,
INK! Prof. t)vo. McCartyof Montague and
Miss Delia Tltman, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Chns. Titinan of Mllford. No cards,
no cake and no serenade. Tho Phess no
doubt will Join us In wishing the couple
who are well known In Pike county a long
and happy married life.
Two well known ladles of this town
driving our well known white horse
started to nttend the meeting of the Ladles
Aid Society at Ondfrlrd Wlelands Thurs
day afternoon, something broke on the
carriage compelling them to take a short
wnlk in good soft Montague mud
There will lie preaching In tho Brick
School House on Sabbath morning March
U at 10.80.
Zerah Westbrook, son of Mart. V. West-
brook, successfully passed the Into exam
ination at Newton mid has received his
teacher's eertiflearc.
Ladle' Aid Society meets at Reformid
Church parsonage on Thursday afternoon
March lHlh.
Evcrltt Crono is tho proud owner of
three line young spotted horses.
Some of our officers who should know
but don't, should rcnieinlier that the law
of New Jersey required a permit to bury a
person even if It Is a pauper. A very un
nccccssary delay at tho gravo yard could
have been avoided the other day.
Wo had an invitation for tea last Friday
evening but were unable to attend, for
which we were very sorry.
If everyone should heed tho warnings
given by newspapers fewer people would
In) taken in by slick strangers. This
neighborhood had a dose last week.
Where Is the old woman t
Tho Democrats met nt Tnppantown this
afternoon nnd made the following nomina
tions: For freeholder, Jas. A. Rundlo;
assessor, George N. Cole; collector, Jas.
E. Cole; committee, ono year, Samuel
Smith, threo yenrs, Jos. Hornlieck; com
mltteo of appeal, Mart. V. Westbrook;
Justice of the peace, William Rcinchatdt;
constable, William Hanklns. Town
Money, 2K; Road Money, $1,200; hand
and team per day, $3.00; hand per day,
1.SS; shovelling snow per hour, 15 cents.
Town meeting nnd election at Tnppan
Election result in Montague March 2nd:
Freeholder, Gtxirgo A. Clark, r, 83, James
A. Bundle, d, (13: collector, Harold S.
Chambers, r, 5t, James E. Cole, d, 121; as
sessor, David Westfall, r, 78, George N.
Cole, d, 07; justice of tho peace, Handle I).
Sayre, r, 77, William Reinhardt, d, 8!l:
town committee, Oscar C. Von Aukcn, r,
1 year, 78, Samuel Smith, d, 1 year, 110,
August Poetzch, r, 8 year, 71, Joseph 8.
Hornbeck, d, 8 yenrs, 94. Town money,
fc-tX); road money, 11,200: to pay on ac
count of town debt, (200; hand and team
on rond per dny, $3.00; baud on road per
day, $125. Dick
(Special Correspondence to the Press.
Lcdgedule March 8. Mrs Baxter Klpp,
of Groentown visited her mother Mrs.
Krelgcr of Razor Hill Saturday and Sun
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. H. Becker ottended the
funeral of Mrs. George Craft at Simons
town school house Friday afternoon.
Friend and Ella Simon spent Sunday
with their parents in Salem.
B. F. K ell am of Scranton and A. J
Kimble of Pttupao were in this place last
Mrs. John Simons Is sick with symptons
of pneumonia. Dr. Win. A. Stevans of
Hanillnton Is attending her.
Wavnk Co.
(Special Correspondence to the Press.)
Frutchey, March 9. Tho congregation
of tho Pino Ridge Methodist E. Church
will hold their annual donation for tho
pastor ut tho church ou Wednesday night
March 17th. If stormy tho next night.
All are invited to como and help.
O. D. P.
(Special Correspondence to the Press.)
Layton, March, 9. Elijah Lundy and
family took in the sights of Newark last
weeks, and aro now prepared to settle down
to solid fanning for a your to come.
The sale of farm products Is less satis
factory now than it has over been within
the recollection of the present generation.
Without a single encouraging ray In the
future outlook we prodict that the worst
has not yet been experienced by the agri
culturist. Bert Dulrymple has a fine sugar camp on
his farm near Tuttlo's Corner, aud is now
running off maple syrup that would dc
light the palate of an epicure. His eva-
p irating pirn is far ahead of tho old fash
ioned kettle and with the extreme oare
used in purifying the sap, tho syrup is of
the unest quality.
Abram Rutan moves on April 1st from
the saw mill bouse ncur Layton to the
Dulrymple farm ncur Tuttlo's Corner.
At the Roseukruussule near Haiuesvlllo
(Wash Lantz Auctioneer) on Thursday
lust the prices were generally good more
especially tho cows which brought an
averago of $28.00. It seems a little peculiar
that cows should sell well at all tho sales
In view of the fact that butter and milk
are sj extremely low.
The Joke is on the gentleman who while
working in tie woods drew cider and caro
lesslf let the contents of his employers
barrel run awuy. It only cost bliu two
days work and he wout draw any inure
cider uutil be is dryer than be is now.
Dr. J. N. Miller bought a neat brown
road horse at the sale of Price brothers at
Brunchvitleon Thursday lust.
The merry-go-round grows pr.iuder as
ho grows oldur and is not satisfied with
his reflection only from the bottom of the
glass any more. It Is said "the devil is lu
tho glass or cup" aud I guess it is about
all the same so perhaps better uot look
into it too often.
L. S. Merrill of Montague bought
blocky team at Price Bros., sulo welching
alxjut 2,5xj pounds. Thcao are the kind of
tcums that do farm work easily.
Strong hopes are now cnicrtaiued that
after town meeting we will have a com
mittee that will care for our main mads.
Resurrect that petition gentlemen uuJ
acting promptly on it, merit the thanks of
a suffering community.
Town meeting in SiUidyston posstid oiT
very quietly, there being opixiaition only
n the oJTlee of constable: John A. West
rook nnd George Crone, running ngatnst
Wilson C. Gunn, tho regular nominee.
The ticket ns elected "jllows: Asser-
sor, John J. van Sickle; instleo of
lie ieneo. M. V. li. Warner, James It.
Fuller; town eoniinlitee, Elvln E. Smith:
Com. of appeal, John C Snook, (nnex-
bill) 2 years, Benjamin Metier, 8 years;
constable, Wilson Gunn, (elected) 78,
George Crone 27. J. Westbrook 1(1; survey
ors of highway, Robert Alters, Daniel T't
tor: pound ki-oper, Dayton Depne; Road
noney for lwii, $!'); Town meeting
and elect-Inn for 1HSI8 at Centrevllln.
(Special Correspondence to th" I'REs
Matnmoras, Match in. Miss Rosa Alt-
man, daughter of Joseph Altman, died at
l.:M) o'clock Sundny afternoon from tho cf
feet of an attack of grip. She was lit years
f nge, nnd had been a cripple all Iter life.
Tho ttni'-ral was held at the house on
Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Inter
ment in Laurel Grove Cemetery.
Mrs. Annn O'Conner, iwd 85 years,
wldowof the late Nicholas O'Conner, died
at 5 o'clock p. m. Saturday morning nt the
home of her daughter, Mrs. John Perclval
if this village. Funeral was held on Mon
day afternoon nt 2 o'clock at the house.
Interment in Laurel Grove Cemetery.
The hop given by Prof. Horace R.Dniin,
at Decker's hall, Sparrowbnsh last Friday
evening, was a brilliant social affair.
About 40 couples were present, and spent
a very enjoyable evening. The Erie Or
chestra fiirnish.td music for dancing and
Master Wlllard and Miss Lllla Young, of
Port Jervls, entertained the guests for
about one hour, with their pretty singing
and dancing. A supper was discussed at
Decker house at midnight. After which
tho happy revelers returned to the hall,
where dancing was the principal diversion
until about 2 o'clock In tho morning.
Quite n large delegation from this village
attended the hop. The last of Prof. Dunn s
series will bo given on. Friday evening,
March lilth.
Our ment man, Mr. Mike Uch, has ltocn
very much Indisposed lately so much so
that the other day he did not go over his
MiiUi with Ills wagon which Is very un
usual for Mike. He says though it Is only
a light touch of tho grip.
Tho liisland Bros, wall paper print fac
tory of our village is now completely filled
as far as help goes In their present quar
ters, nnd running full time and o great
deal of overtime lu order to fill their or
ders. If nny more business is to be run by
this successful firm they w ill have to llnd
tther quarters or else enlarge their plant.
Tho King's Daughters of Epworth
Church will give a Conversation and Mum
Sicial tit the home of Alfred Billmaii on
Tuesday evening to which ull the friends
of tho circle nnd church aro invited. A
very pleasant and novel entertainment
has been prepared, and refreshments will
also be served. Admission 10 cents.
Hon. Frederick Kessler, the Pike county
assemblyman, spent Sunday with his fam
ily. Ho expects to return to his duties in
Hurrlshurg this week.
Tho Junior Aid Society connected with
Epworth Church held their first anniver
sary on Friday afternoon at the residence
of Mrs. John Wonnacott on Washington
street. The young ladles had a five o'clock
tea. they Invited their young gentlemen
friends to join them lu celebiating their
iirst anniversary. About 50 assembled at
the home of Mrs. Woiinacott. llefresl:
mcnts were served Including ice cream
and cake which was delicious. The young
huiies uro noted for being good cake bak
ers, homo very interesting games were
indulged in Good music, vocal and in
strumeutal, was enjoyed. The society
tenders their thanks to Mrs. Woniiacoit
for being so nicely entertained at her
pleasant homo. The meeting then ad
journed by electing tho following olllccrs:
President, Mrs. John Wonnacott; vice-
president, Miss Cora Snyder; secretary:
Miss Mary Squires; assistant secretary,
Miss Lulu Billinan; treasurer, Miss
Emma Billmuu.
At the meeting lust evening of tho Mat-
amorus fishing club it wasdeclded to uauro
tho club the Fearless Fishing Association,
(limited,) and they elected the following
members to serve as officials: Chas. A.
Blyer, president; A. W. Bulch, secretary
and treasurer. They have just made
contract with builders Alex Brink ami E
L. Balch to put up a club and boat houses
and boats for the club. They bnve secured
a very flue location for the same on the
Ulrlch farm near Half-Way house on the
banks of the Delaware and their largo aud
commodious club house will be tho great
pleasure resort for somo of our best citi
zens during the summer. Much interest
and enthusiasm is exhibited by our boys
In this enterprise.
Every Thursday after April 1st there
will inaugurated a weekly shoot of the
Matamoros Gun Club, so It was decided at
the last meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. Carney returned home
lost night from a short trip after their
marriage and were greeted with an old
fiuihioned reception. Our Inhabitants
port a most lively din but Mr. aud Mrs.
Carney took it very good naturedly and
treated the scrcuudcrs most royally.
Household Hint.
Chickens should never bo cooked
tho day they aro killed ; tho flosh is
then stringy and slippery. They
should be drawn as soon as killed
and the inside wiped out with
cloth, not washed. A little piece of
charcoal laid insido will aid iu pre
serving, but is unnecessary if they
can lie hung in a cool, niry place
If the feet, after being skinned are
cooked with tho rest of tho chicken
they will add richness, as they con
tain gluten, but they may bo re
moved before seuding to the table
Tho man who returns weary an
hungry to bis home, to find the
food which his labor has provided
ruined in the cooking, is not likely
to be iu a contented inline of mind,
or to continue to hsive the higlu
regard for the wife who promised to
help anil comfort him "in sickness
and in health." But be who sits at
a table where knowledge nnd skil
have combined to make even tho
simplest fare wholijsome and nr
oeptablo, is unconsciously soothed
and calmed. The frets and can's of
daily life fade bef.ro tho comforts
of home, and lend to it an additional
charm tho influences of a well
oplervd household, insensibly ren
der him complacent. Farm Journal.
Hnw It May Ho IKine With Ailvnittngf o
the DNtrlcta.
Assemblymen Ivob, of Nortbinnp-
-oii bus introduced a bill providing
Mint no teacber in tbn public schools
of this sfato sbftll be paid less tbnn
f 10 per month. ' This is very nood,
but. what, will be done with that
large ntinilter of I 'O nnd f 25 teachers
who nre dear at- any price, and there
are ninny of them. Tho only way
o meet the mtuntion would bo to
pnssnn act consolidating the schools.
There are seven townships in this
county where the average nttend
nnceisless than 100 and t hero nre
33 schools, or to bo exact an nver-
njre attendance of 451 and 33 teachers
or less than 14 scholars on an a ver-
e to each tencher. In DinKinan
township the avernsre attendance is
64 and 7 teachers or nbont 9 scholars
to each. Assume thnfc they pay f '-iO
per month with an nverngo of 7
months they pay out for wages f 140
per month or 190 for the term,
with this they could hire t wo teach
ers at 140 each, have eight months
school, save 1340 on wages and the
cost of maintaining 6 school houses,
atid these two sums would probably
hire men to bring all the scholars to
two centrally located points, and
give the scholars tho advantage of
bettor schools and accommodations,
and save money to the tax payers.
Dingman township is only au illus
tration of what exists in many other
places not only in this county but
through out the state. We intend
no aspersion on nny teacher, but
there is no reason why proficiency
should not be a test of compensation
in that business as it is in all others,
with the added difforonca that a
poor teacher wastes that which
moDoy cannot replace, the time and
opportunity of tho scholar.
Mors Salve For Sore Spots.
Hello there ! So "Honest John
has a sore spot too, nnd I have gone
and sowed salt aud pepper on it
Mercy 1 what an unlucky mortal 1
am. Methought it was only "Wand
liurr" that was afflicted thnt wny
nnd hero have I run up against
anothor who calls himself "Honest
John," and has the snmo ailment.
It must bo epidemic and I sco we
will have to attend to it at once so it
does not spread. The hint in the
Pit ess that ho Juts an assistant,
seems to have touched upon a very,
very sore place as witness his plaint
in the C4nzetto of March 2. Those
who have been honored by an ac
quaintance with "Honest John,
have wondered how so illiterate a
person could sometimes get a very
pnssablo item or two, sandwiched
among others not so very brilliant.
Our surmise that somo one else
furnished brains in partnership
against his muscle was not alto
gether a surmise, nnd you mny
search his untruthful tirado in vain
for a denial that some ono with more
brains than he carries in stock,
wrote the items wo characterised ns
passable. He hns ns you see used
much hard language with an utter
recklessness of gramma ticnl con
struction, and forgets to deny tho
principal point of having nn nssist
ant.strango oversight. We duly ap
preciate the fact that such a tirado
can bo found in no other paper cir
culating in the valley other than
the Gazette, and no one is at all sur
prised to find such untruthful mat
ter therein. It is entirely welcome
to ita monopoly in that line. "Hon
est Johu" may be honest, ho may
even be a gentleman, (though his
writings give little indication of it.)
No doubt he thinks he is a Christian
gentleman for he is an active men
tor of the Reformed church of Be
vans, and the church hns our liveli
est sympathy in this, their mis
fortune. If any one thinks thnt he
is an ornament, and a credit to that
organization, or that he is living up
honestly to ita creed and the teach
ings of the meek, nnd lowly master
he prof esses to serve, they will please
read his malicious, and untruthful
tirade in the Gazette of March 2ud,
8 page, 1st. column as intended to
apply to G. E. Hursh, of Layton,
N. J. No doubt but what "Honest
John" wrote it as it is exactly typi
cal of the man, and could never lie
mistaken for the work of the assist
ant, (iood bye John, but hadn't
you better save some ink by leaving
off tho first part of your signature,
and sailing under your true colors
awhile. If this salvo does not give
you relief there will ho no charge
Yours Truly.
O, E. H.
Ripaus Tabules.
Ripans Tabules cure nausea.
Hipans Tabulea: at drunyistd.
Kipiiii8 Tabules cure dizziness.
Ripans Tabules cure headache.
Hipans Tabules cure dyspepsia,
Ripaus Tabules cure lkitulenee.
Hipans Tabules assist digesiioa.
Ripau3 Tabules cure bail breath.
Ripans Tabules cure torpid liver.
Ripans Tabules cure biliousness
Ripans Tabules: one gives relief.
Ripans Tabules cure mdicesiion.
Ripans Tabulea: gentle caihartic.
Ripana Tabules cure cuustlpation.
Ripans Tabules: for sour stomach.
Ripaiia Tabulea: pleasant laxative.
Ripans Tabules cure liver trouble.
BR00KSIDE -:--
-:- VILLA,
Milford, Pike County, Pa.
A most delightful private
place to pass the Sum
mer. Overlooks the pictur
esquo Vnnderinark creek,
which is famous as a trout
stream. Tho bouse is situ
ated nt the entrance to nnd
overlooks tho village, llouso
rebuilt, last summer nnd fitted
throughout with all modern
improvements. Everything
in sbaie for the comfort nnd
convenience of guests.
Tobias Nelson,
Rubbers !
Rubbers ! -:-
Now the need is rubbers rubbers
of tho waterproof kind
rubbers that aro rubbers in
fact as well as in nntne
rubbers thnt nre shapely,
nnd fairly priced, too.
The linos you will find hero ready
for your pick nre now not
tho left ovor stock of Inst
season new nnd fresh nnd
bright. Evory size. Every
shnpo. Evory pair war
ranted. Your money back
if you want it.
Fitter of Feet,
Port Jervls, N. Y.
For samples of
New Spring
Embroidery, Lace, etc.
And you will have
them by return mail.
"Bee Hive."
38 and 40 Front St.,
We fit all shapes and sizes, stylish
and warmth are the twin points in
our overcoat. Wo say that there is
nothing better on this hemisphere
than our 18 ulster. How is this for
smilouiakors, a good blue or black
cheviot suit, sizo 3i to 42 at $3.95.
We have reduced the price on sev
eral of our lines of suite.
Gunning & Flanagan,
Over Drown's Store.
All work fully guaranteed.
Ws make first-class plates.
Milford, Pa.
Cold - Water - Plastico.
Will work better
when applied over old kalso
mino, whitewash, dirt, etc.,
One 5-pound package
for sale nnneriM'C
at mHOim o,
53 Pike Street, PORT JERVIS, N. Y.
What you
A young man of twonty-ono -who doosn't tliink
he is a bio to give hi9 elrtorn a Rood deal of in
formation about things in gonoral.
A merchant selling goods cheaper than BROWN
A doctor who will toll his patients the truth
when there is nothing the matter with them.
A ltetter quality of flour than is sold by BROWN
& ARMSTRONG at 5.75 a barrel.
A carpet in a ladies' room that has not got a
threadbare piece in front of the looking glass.
A coffee for 30 cents as good as BROWN &
ARMSTRONG at same price,
A boy who doesn't brag about what he is going
to do when he is a man.
Another store in town that buys flour, salt, etc.,
in car load lots as BROWN & ARMSTRONG
does to got bottom prices.
Have ve ever had the pleasure of
showingyou through our large ware
rooms? If not, won't you give us
the opportunity?
It will please us and it may be to your
advantage. It certainly will if you are in
need of anything for your homes.
Our varerooms are the only place in Port Jer
vis or in this vicinity from which you can furnish
your homes complete.
Our Pike county friends are many,but,we can please
more of you if you give us the chance.
92 Pike street, Port Jervis, N. Y.
Dealers in
Fancy & Staple
Dry Goods, Groceries,
Provisions, Hardware,
Crockery, Glassware,
Boots, Shoes, Etc.
Corner Droad and Ann Streets.
Watches cleaned, oiled :-
: and Regulated, 75 cents.
-:Main Springs, 75 cents:-
:-:-x-WarrsnUd On Ya.r.
Washington Time Daily at i2 M.
and stand better
won't see !
Go to
T. R. Julius Klein
Stoves and Ranges
Hardware, Cutlery, Tin, Agate
Ware, 4c, 4c.
Tin Roofing and Plumbing
Jobbing promptly attended to.
Broad street.oiiposite PRESS Office
Vanied-An Idea 5rS
Protect your lrte; thT may bring you Woaata.
WrlUt JOHN WfcUDKhlil'KN CO.. Puioot AUwr.
Hoy. WafLuriKUjii, 1. c, for thulr $I,Muu prla wilor