Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, January 01, 1897, Image 4

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    One Cent a Word.
For Erh Inwirtlon. No mlTrrtlwment
taken for Ird than IB cent..
CAHH tnii.t rrommny All orilern.
Aridrem TIKR .'OliBT PRKSS,
Mll.F(IKI), TA.
TRKSPAHS NOTH'R. Notlcw In horphy
rlvon that, t.rwumaqlni? mmn the umitli-
ern half of the trm-t of Innd known iw the
Williiim Di'iinv, No. MH, in Bhoholn town-
hip, for hnnt'lna, fishing, or, nny other
purpose, bIbo tn'spiiHliiK on Hnwklll pond
In lllnitniHii towimhlp. or, flahlna; In it Is
f orhlddeu under pennlty ol tnu mw.
M. C'i.kilanii Mii.noh,
AprltMm Attorney for owner.'
FOR RENT. Severn! Rood houses In
Mllford, Pa. Knqulre of J. H. Van
TRESPASS NOTICE. Notlne Is hereby
(flven that trespnsxlnn upon the pro
perty of the Forest Lake AssoeinHon In
Lackawajen township. Pike comity, Pa.,
for the purpi"' f hunting and IIhIiIiik, or
any other purpose is siriutiy loromuen un
der penalty of the law.
Alexander Hatipeh,
Nov. 29, 1H9B. President.
TRESPASS NOTICE. Notlee Is heri'liy
X prlven that trospassliiff on the premise
of the uiiderslgned, situated In 1iik"M"i
township, for any purpose whatever is
st.rletlv rormmien, anu auonenoers win ur
promptly pntsecuted.
lKA ii. Case.
iwt. , i.
I710R SALE. A small farm locahil near
. Matamoras, knim n as the llensel or
Kelnhanlt plaoe, containing XI neres.
Finely locnrctl, well watered. House and
tmrn. Fruit of all kinds. Part Improved.
Title clear. For terms, price, eto., address
Jjock box u Miiroru, fa.
i2OABKWARI). The school directors
U.V of DiiiKmnn township will pay
twenty dollars for liiiformatloii which will
load to the detection ami conviction of any
person or persons committing any trespass
or doing any dtiinftfre to any school house
or property 'therein In said township.
By order of t he lxard.
Nov. 7, 1896. In U. Cask, Seo.
Correspondents are particularly
requested to send in all news in
tended for publication not Inter
than Wednesday in each week to in
sure insertion.
(Special Correspondence to the Pkess.)
Latton, Deo. 2tt The fellow who gets
hot under the collar because Bomeone takes
a try at solving a Chinese puzzle of tho re
lationship existing between certain parties
In this town is Informed with all the gra
vity due the occasion, that If he thinks the
Pike Countv Pkess oritg correspondents,
wear his collar or have the least idea of
asking his permission with hat in hand to
publish the truth, then he becomes small
potatoes indeed. Auy persons who break
the laws either by marrying within the
prohibited degree, or by luring young girls
Into by-places In the small hours of the
night deserve scant courtesy at the hands
of the Press, and a closer acquaintance
With the strong ann of the law. We con
sider that the search-light of publicity
should be turned upon any who wilfully
offend a proper sense of decency or whose
acts constitute an offensive violation of
law. This is one of the good works a live
newspaper and a live correspondent is
built for, and neither the Pkess nor your
humble servant are at all likely to flinch
from their plain duty In this respect. Only
those whose conscience rises In Accusation
need fear the truth.
At an unannounced gathering recently
five gentlemen woro at dinner, when the
question of political affiliation was broach
ed, and to their mutual surprise it was
found all five wore prohibitionists. A
rather singular coincidence at least.
Lester T. Smith is not behind In the
race of progress very often. He has Just
placed a fine Piano of the most modern de
sign in his home.
Mrs. Joseph Joggers has boon confined
to the house by Illness during the last week
but is Improving at this writing.
The Chapol people at Bcvans had a very
nice attendance, and an enjoyable time at
their entertainment Christmas Eve. The
extreme cold reduced the attendance
Mrs. Geo. E. Harsh Is confined to her
room by a severe attack of erysipelas. It
Is very painful, and shows no sign of
abatement as yet.
The shooting match at Hainesvllle was
well attended, but the pleasure of the oc
casion was marred for many by a brutal
fight, and the many oases of Intoxication.
The trick goat was won by Kd Calm of
Fraukford, and Bold to James B. Fuller,
Ksq.. who Is now its happy owner. Those
societies that need a goat in their Initiation
services should file their applications with
James at an early day so as not to be dis
appointed. J. V. Major led in winning
turkeys by the rille, and took lu some
cash prizes also. Some very good shoot
ing was done. ,
Miss Susie Clark daughter of William
Clark, Jr., was taken to the Morristown
Asylum a few days ago. Miss Clark was
suffering from a prolonged attack of men
tal aberration. It Is to be hopped treat
ment will result In restoring her former
health and condition.
The "Boss" says he got back from up
Salt Krver all right; lost no cogs, and
brought the merry-go-rouud all the way
through safe and sound. Looks rather
pale though. Guess he must have lent the
machine to the "Judge" during the shoot
ing match for it was evidently in active
use that day.
Joseph A. Schooley has been suffering
from an hallucination during the last
work, that was very trying to himself, and
might have resulted seriously to others.
He is now growing better under the skill
ful treatment of Dr. J. N. Miller.
We are told that teachers at the Institute
generally ooudem ned the issuing of quart
erly reports, showing the progress of their
schools. It seems to us it would have a
tendency to encourage the pupils, and post
up the parents who seldom visit the school
therefore, that it would be useful.
The Xmas entertainment at Layton was
well attended, and the net receipts nearly,
tendollurs. A neat nest egg in the Suu
day school's treasury.
Mr. John Youngs recently completed
the drilling of a well for Mr. Erncstuln
Weiss near Uiugmans at a depth of 114
John B. Rosenkrans has purchase an
organ for use In his family. It is au Estcy
of fine design and finish.
The School Board met Dec. 19 and de
cided to &tk the towubhip to grant them
flOOO to build a suitable school house at
Hainesvllle. This sum to cover all the
Incidentals necessary to complete the
building ready for use. It Is a much
needed Improvement, and the people will
meet by special call to vote upon it at the
Hainesvllle school house, Jan. Snd 1W7 at
3 o'clock In the afternoon.
H. E. Montross Is resting easy and all
the symptoms remain good. Ho takes
quite an Interest In what Is going on, and
this morning requested a Shave. Every
day in which he holds his own certainly
adds to his chance for recovery. If dovoted
care and skillful medical trentmont were
the only requisites to his getting well,
then his friends need have little concern
alKiut the result.
Joseph A. Schooley will be removed by
his friends to the Morris Plains Asylum
to-morrow for treatment, under which it
is probable he will recover In a short time.
Mrs. Estella Klntncr, Mrs. W. C. Hursh
and Mrs. Geo. E. Hursh, We are happy to
say are all improving, and will soon be
around as usual..
The Christmas entertainment at Haines
vllle hnd as usual a large attendance, and
pnssed off very creditably to those having
it In charge. The representation of Santa
Claus delighted tho youngsters and was a
happy conception.
Henry Clay has gone and took the
measles, they havf broken out beautifully
Henry Is old enough to know better, but
that doesn't seem to make any difference.
However he will have good caro and soon
be around agnln.
Mrs. Dayton lie vans is making gradual
improvement. Her Illness was such as to
alarm her friends, and it will 110 doubt
take a considerable time to regnln her
former health.
The "Big Threo" who spent the Sabbath
of Dec. 20, in a gigantic effort to produce
a newspaper article that would astonish
the world, should now buy a newspaper
and have It published; Failing In that,
they better take turns riding the goat.
There is lots more fun in the goat.
(Special Correspondence to the Press.)
DiNoiiANS, Deo. 28. This morning was
tho coldest of the winter, so far, the mer-1
cury dropping to 10 degrees below ero at
Albright's, and to S and 6 degrees at
Meadow Brook Sabbath School held an
entertainment and had a Christmas tree
on the evening of the 21th. At the Dlng
man M. E. Church a Christmas tree en
tertainment also took place, we believe.
Center also remembered her Sabbath
school scholars, and made the young
hearts glad with being remembered.
William Gllmore, of Center, has broken
ground for a new dwelling on the Gllmore
homestead. The Weiss building at Ding
mans is progressing now, that tho lum
ber Is arriving.
Edward A. Ferguson, one of tho oldest
and best known citizens of Delaware
township, was stricken with paralysis on
the 11 Inst., and is still lying In a low and
critical state at the home of his son-in-law,
Edward Shepherd. He has partially re
covered the power of his speech and the
use of one hand, but Is growing weaker
dally. Mr. Ferguson is about 84 years of
The only child of Daniel Van Horn, at
Halcyono Cottago, near the Conashaugh
Spring House, is very sick with pneu
monia. Some parties tried fishing on the Ice at
the " Mud Pond," last Saturday, but suc
ceeded In catching only eight pickerel.
The Harriot Walters estate, In Long
Meadow district, recently purchased by
G. W. Donaldson, Esq., Includes some ex
cellent fishing reaches on the famous
Adam's creek. KlRO.
(Special Correspondence to tho Press.)
Matamoras, Dec. 80. The weather Is a
little more agreeable than It was yester
day morning whon the mercury stood at
Thore has been a great deal of sickness
here the result of oolds. It seems to bo a
form of Grippe and In some cases It has
been very near pneumonia, In others more
of a croupy nature.
The first bell which came here for St.
Joseph's Church did not suit. It lacked
the engraving aud was returned to the
foundry. The second one Is here now, and
as soon as it receives a blessing customary
from the bishop it will be put In the bel
fry. It Is supposed to be a very fine boll.
The congregation that worships there ought
to feel proud of their church they are
faithful in their attendance at worship.
One of Louis Wehlngor's married daugh
ters has come back to this place to live.
I We welcome all good citizens.
lit. Aiuenor nas leit ns ana (one to
Equinunk to praotloe. We hope there is
one practice he will leave off and put on a
Royal Templar badge and carry Its princi
ples In his heart and life, then he could be
trusted fully.
The Christmas servloe at Hope Church
was very fine. Two good sermons on the
previous Sunday and tho services drew
out a good congregation. Christmas Eve
the scholars had their time, all received
gifts aud there was a large attendance.
The superintendent of the school who Is
our minister received several useful gifts
which shows his people are not unmindful
of his comforts. William F. Speidle re
oclved a gold watch from his class. Laura
Seymour received a very handsome re
minder of her kind and faithful service In
the Junior Endeavor and Sunday school.
Miss Bertha Mulley has left us and we
understand will be married to a cousin in
Staten Island.
(Special Correspondence to the Press.)
Paupac, Deo. 24. Many children and
some grown people are seriously affected
with colds.
Mr. Zimmerman and his son, John, are
quite sick. Dr. Stevens is In atteudauce.
We are having good winter weather
The teachers and children are having
Miss Thlelke is spending her vacation at
her home In Uawley aud Miss Nina Dunn
Is at Arlington near New York.
Fred Uumble is visiting his sister In
New York.
The PitKsa looks fine with its new head
ing. We wish it a happy aud prosperous
New Year.
IakIIo, the son of Courad and Annie
Gumble, died Dju. Blth after an Illness of
only two week. He had been sick with
scarlet rash but was Improving aud took
ouUl when luliuiumation of the kidneys
.tppcarcd. On that moruing he was
thought to be better and Mr. Gumble went
to Hawley. Late In the afternoon the
boy's mother was bathing him with cam
phor when she saw he was dying and the
little fellow soon breathed his last. Fu
neral servlees were oonductod by the Rev.
J. (4. Raymond last Saturday.
While Mrs. Gumble was bathing her son
as altove stated and noticed his failing
condition sho stood the camphor bot
tle on the table to better assist him. and
one of the Bmaller children took It up and
drank considerable of the contents but
fortunately took so much that vomiting
ensued and the child was relieved. While
those trying scenes were being enacted In
the house to add to the terrors of the
mother the chimney caught fire aud an
older child was obliged to work to prevent
It from communicating to the roof.
(Special Correspondence to the Press.)
GllRELET, Dec. 28. We have had very
cold weather for the past ween and some
snow but not enough to make good sleigh
ing, although W. V. Burcher loaded a car
last week at Rowlands drawing lumber
on sleighs.
The school closed at this place this
mouth making the winter seem very lung
to the young Ideas as they will hardly
know what to do to pass the time. We
sincerely hope that the school board of
Lackawaxen township will show us a lit
tle mercy before the next term begins and
do something in regard to fixing the old
school house In a fit condition for school
purposes. It is a disgrace to the place as It
is now.
Miss Estella Cooper will take the excur
sion oa Wednesday to New York, also
some others from this place.
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Burcher had a very
nice Xmas tree at the home of W. V.
Burcher's and the young couple reoolved
a good many costly and useful presents.
One of Mrs. Butcher's presents being a
handsome silver watch and chain from her
Gerry Hart and wife, and Miss Cooper
spent Christmas at W. V. Burcher's.
Dr. Howard and Miss Grace Barnes
oalled on their old friends on Sunday even
Ing. Miss Louise Wltte spent the afternoon
on Saturday with Mrs. Geo. Hartwell.
Ira Rosencrance Is building an Ice bouse
something that they have needed a long
Why don't Harry come down any more 1
Good reason the school madam does not
board at our house now.
W. V. Burcher and wife, Charles Bur
cher and wife went to the city to attend
the funeral of Mr. Phelps, a brother-in-law
of Mrs. Hemingway.
(Special Correspondence to the Press.)
Mast Hope, Deo. 80. T. G. McMahon
recently purchased a new lap robe and
cutter and Is patiently waiting for the next
snow storm to enjoy them.
The latest arrival ; a ten pound boy at
W. J. Hughes.
R. Hankins and bride who have been
away on their wedding tour returned home
Miss D. M. Scldeu has gone to the city to
spend the holidays.
Mrs. Eva M. Goble who has been visiting
her mother returned to her home In Port
Jervls to-day.
Mrs. John Botens who has been sick for
several months past, Is not expected to
live. Q. v.
Killed A Pet Antelope.
Archibald Edwards and John
Kecslor, of Coolbaugh township,
Monroe county caustht a pet antelope
belonging to Carl Tilonius, of Mt.
Pocono and killed it. For this they
have been arrested and held in $400
bail. Tho animal was valued at
$100, and was the only one on the
Where the Timber Goes.
It takos each year 200,000 acres of
forest to supply crossties for the
railroads of the United States. It
takes 15,000,000 ties to supply the
demand, for which the contractors
get on an average 35 cents apiece,
making in the aggregate $5,250,000
In building a new road the contrac
tors figure on 2,700 ties to the mile,
while it takes 300 ties to the mile to
keep a constructed road in repair.
The a verage of a good piece of tim
ber land is 200 ties to tho acre and
twelve ties to the tree. White or
burr oak is considered the best tim
ber for the purpose, although cherry
maple, ash and even locust have
been used. The business gives em
ployment to an army of choppers
who receive 10 oents for each tie, an
expert being able to turn out f r om
twenty to thirty, while the average
is only about ten. Notwithstanding
this tremendous annual drain on
the forests of the country, it is pros
pectively hardly so threatening as
that of the paper-pulp maker, who,
left his to own devices, would in no
long time denude the land .
LOST between Milford and Erie
R. K. depot on Wednesday, Nov. 24,
a large brown satchel. Finder will
be suitably rewarded by leaving
same at Erie depot, at Maurice
yuinn s, or Finley's in Milford.
For Sale Second-hand wagons
in good order for sale cheap at An
gle's blacksmith shop.
Ripans Tabulc-s.
Ripans Tabules cure nausea.
Ripans Tabules: at druggists.
Ripans Tabules cure dizziness.
Ripans Tabules cure headache.
Ripans Tabules cure dyspepsia.
Ripans Tabules cure flatulence.
Ripans Tabules assist digestion.
Ripans Tabules cure bail breath.
Ripans Tabules cure torpid liver.
Ripans Tabules cure biliousness
Ripans Tabules: one gives relief.
Ripans Tabules cure indigeat.an.
Ripans Tabules: gentle cathartic. ,
Ripans Tabules cure constipation.
Ripans Tabules: for sour stomach.
Ripans Tabules: pleasant laxative.
Ripans Tabules cure liver trouble.
Wanted-An Idea
Who eta thtnk
Pnjt yuur ther ipij brtbtf yoo twill.
Wriu Kill WLiDECitJjURi!i COTPilnl Ait
wv, WiwLinguni, I). (,'., ti-ir $1,jU Ln utfflf
To Our Patrons.
What you won't see !
;' .'A young mnn of twenty-one who doesn't think
he is able to give his elders a good deal of in
formation about things in general.
A merchant selling goods cheaper than BROWN
A doctor who will toll his patients the truth
when there is nothing the matter with them.
, A better quality of flour than is sold by BROWN
& ARMSTRONG at $5.75 a barrel.
A carpet in a ladies' room that has not got a
threadbare piece in front of the looking glass.
A coffee for 30 cents as good as BROWN &
ARMSTRONG at same price,
A boy who doesn't brag about what he is going
to do when he is a man.
Another store in town that buys flour, salt, etc.,
in car load lots as BROWN & ARMSTRONG
does to get bottom prices.
Brown & Armstrong.
That with a vengeance.
1 The only way though
for anyone to take comfort
in winter is to get inside of
one of our 36 WINTER
ULSTERS the kind that
sells elsewhere for $IO 00
rur stock of OVERCOATS
is the largest and cheapest
in Port Jervis. You can get a
good OVERCOAT FOR $5 00
and better ones at $7 , $9 00
Gunning & Flanagan,
Over Brown's Store.
All work fully guaranteed.
We make first-class plates.
Milford, Pa.
Watches cleaned, oiled :-
: and Regulated, 75 cents.
-:Main Springs, 75 cents:-
:-:-:-Warranted Ona Year.
Wuhinjton Tim Dally at 12 M.
Go to
T. R. Juljus Klein
Stoves and Ranges
Hardware, Cutlery, Tin, Agate
Ware, Sc., 1c.
Tin Roofing and Plumbing
Jobbing promptly attended to.
Broau street.oppociite i'KKSS Office
Grand Display of CHRIST
Full line of Fancy Crock
ery. Beautiful dolls. All kinds
of books. Blocks, toys
games, albums, toilet sets,
skates, sloighs.fancy chairs,
fruits, nuts and candy.
Our prices aro lower than
ever before on these goods.
We have everything to
please you.
On Sale
This Week
"Bee Hive."
Men Cheivlot Suits,
All Wool,
Dark Colors,
All Sizes,
and Caps,
Included in Suit,
For $4.98.
"Bee Hive."
38 and 40 Front St.,
"The best is none too good."
For sale for cash or on easy terms.
rtoedlea mid all parts for ail machine,
Tuning of PIANOS and ORUANS bj a
ouiupeumt tuner.
We extend a Christmas Greeting to all our patrons.
To those who have patronized us so liberally in the past, we ex
tend our sincere thanks and desire to manifest our deep ap
preciation. To those with whom we have not experienced the
pleasure of transacting business, we kindly solicit
their patronage, assuring them that honesty of
purpose and the highest quality of footwear con
sistent with the prloe are our only claims to re
cognition. ,
Have we ever had the pleasure of
showingyou through our large ware
rooms? If not, won't you give us
the opportunity?
It will please us and it may be to your
advantage. It certainly will if you are in
need of anything for your homes.
Our warerooms are the only place in Port Jer
vis or in this vicinity from which you can furnish
your homes complete.
Our Pike county friends are many,but,we can please
more of you if you give us the chance.
92 Pike street, Port Jervis, N. Y.
Everything you can ask for that is suita
ble for a HOLIDAY GIFT can be found at
53-55 Pike Street,
Dealers in
Fancy 8c Staple
Dry Goods, Groceries,
Provisions, Hardware,
Crockery, Glassware,
Boots, Shoes, Etc.
Corner Broad and Ann Streets.