SEPTEMBER. TT2 3 4 jt 13 14 If J6 17 18 19 11 28129130 1 1 i PL fi&ylMj , One Cent a Word. For Each Iiinertton. No adTertlM-mrnt taken for lens than 15 cent.. CAHH munt accompany all orders. Address FIKE COUNTY PKKSH, ' MILFORD, FA. TRKSPASd NOTICK. Notice is ht-rnhy tfivpn thiit tnwpasHinir uonn the south ern half of the tract of liuitl known as the William ltenny, No. Wl, In Shohola town ship, for hunting, flHhinR, or, any othor fturom alHo tnmpiiAHin on Sawklll poiul n HliiK'nan townxlilp. or, Unhlng In It Is loruiuuvn unuur penalty or the law. M. L'l.KILANU MlLNOR, Aprl&lm Attorney for owner. UOK KENT. Several good houm In JTJ Milford, Pa. Enquire of J. H. Van Citron. TRESPASS NOTICE. Notion is hereby (riven tluit treHpaBHing upon the pro- Eirty in ine joreHt jjauo Association in avkawaxen townxhlp, Pike county, Pa., for the purpose of huntiug and fishing, or any otnur purpose is strictly lorbluuon un der penult y of the law. ALEXANDER Haduks, Nov. 23, 1895. Prtaident. rpKESPASS NOTICE. Not,) la hnrel.v X given that trespassing on the premises of the undersigned, situated In Diigman township, for any purpose whatever Is strictly forbidden, and all offenders will be promptly prosecuted. IliA li. CASK. Oct. W, 18U6. FOR SALE. A small farm locntl near Mittamoraa, known as the Hcuscl or Kclnhardt place, containing 21 acres. Finely located, well watered. House and bam. Fruit of all kinds. Part improved. Title clear. For terms, price, eto., address Lock boi G Milford, Pa. $4)A REWARD. The Bchool dlii-ctore J of Dingman township will pay twenty dollars for imformatiou which will load to the detection and conviction of any person or persons committing any trespass or doing any dumage to any school house or property therein In said township. By order of the board, Nov. 7, 1895. IkA 13. Cask, Soo. Correspondence. Correspondents are particularly requested to send in all news in tended for publication not later than Wednesday in each week to in Bure insertion. LAVTON. (Special Correspondence to the Press.) Latton, Sept. 21. It seems a pity that some one does not put In machinery to make cider, chop and evaporate windfall, and cull apples; or make Into Jelly, or otherwise utilize the Immense quantity of apples that are going to waste In this val ley. There is room for such an establish ment here, that as the many young or chards coma Into bearing could be extend ed, and be made a great aid to fruit grow ers. It would also result profitably for iiim who Is fortunate enough to start this en terprise in time. Mr. Schenck Merrill is gaining quit notoriety on account of being the happy father of a pound baby. It U physi cally perfect, aud I hoar that the attend ant physician, Dr. J. N. Milller, advises the use of an Incubator as an aid In main taining a regular temperature, and condi tions more favorablo to the growth of so diminutive a morsel of humanity. J. Wilbur Johnson, of Halnesville, while feeding buckwheat to a thresher had his hand drawn in so as to be struck by the spikes on the oy Under. It caught and tore through, back of, and between the knuck les, so that several stitches had to be taken to close it. The wound Is among bones and tendons, and will no boubt be very painful. It U hoped no operation will be nHoosaary, and that he will soon be enabled to go about his usual avocatious. A newspaper correspondent is sometimes In as much peril as a soldier planting the oolors under fire. They are general)' equally brave In doing their duty, and giving the news as they fiud It. If some people who take every stricture to them selves would correct their own short com ings, they would not find so many shove lying around loose that they could lit themselves with. If the Pike County Pkess was as popu lar in every hamlet as it is at Lay ton, its subscription list would soon run up Into the millions. Any one who can lay it down around here for a few minutes, and 11 ud It there when he gets back, is parti cularly fortunate. I was much amused a few evenings ago to see a gentleman pick oue up from a Hotel reading room table, aud engage his audience lu an animated discussion, while be rolled up hit hosts Pike County Pntss,uud silly slipped I H896 It In his pocket. To be charitable, perhaps it was only absent mlndedncss, but I rath er think he appreciated it so much that he could not resist the impulse to take it home to his family and give them a treat too. It Is In groat demand hero though, and every copy comes nearer wearing out, than it does to rusting out. It goto better with each issue. Let every one subscribe. The wedding of Win. Dusenberry of Dlngman's Ferry, aud Miss Estella Be vans of Layton, will bo an event of the past when this oomes to tho eye of the reader, and will be a notable one lu social circles. The preparations are elaborate,the circula tion of Invitations extensivo, and the wed ding presents will, as usual on such oc casions, bo very beautiful, and very costly, This Important event to the contracting parties, occurring under such auspicious circumstances augers well for their future : to the happy brldo and groom we extend congratulations, and hearty good wishes fur future happiness, and success. Wash Lantz Is making a thorough can vass of tho County for Shorill. This Is dis tinctly a Democratic County especially on Presidential years. If It is true that Con gressman Pltney's election In this district Is to be made sure at any cost, thon Wash does not go on an unoertalnly, and will probubly be the next Sheriff. The Church festival for the benefit of the Rev. Van Glahn, held last Thursday even ing at Layton, was a financial ting that gentleman fully $50.00, or double the amount usuuly received on Blmllor oc casions at this place. A little competition in social matters, or a little rivalry rh social life, Is, as the Reverend gentleman previously remarked, sometimes beneficial. His observation proved to be a sagacious forecast of coining events in this case, Many thanks aro extended to the generous people of Halnesville who contributed so Uboraly to the suooess of the occasion, financially. Come and see us often. "Judge" Kvoritt sort of wont off at half oock In his candidacy for Sheriff. "Judgo' made a strong Bhowlng on his start Into canvass, but persuasion took him out of a promising race. The Investment will pro bably bear Interest until the next time. A personal invitation was given your correspondent last Friday toooino into the extensive shops of our village blacksmith, Of course we felt highly honored by the compliment, but the company not suiting our taste, we respectfully declined, Whether a free puff was desired, or only a discussion on current events, I did not learn. Part of the subject matter of the invitation being, that oertain parties could get their Hair combed, I take it that "Mickoy" and the manager of the merry-go-round are" about to add a barber shop to tneir bottling and blacksmlthing busi ness. Suooess to you gentlemen. Keep your sign out. Benjamin D. Hursh captured a snapper in his father's Carp pond last Saturday that weighed 18f pounds, and was In fine condition. The turtle was properly dressed so that the family may have a square meal of meat, and to-morrow we will kill a pig, a fat pig. This information is tendered with pleasure, so that our butchers anxiety as to the danger of our fuuilly starving for want of meat, will be relieved. Sandyston has up gome exoellent candi dates for County offices this fall. Thoy are business men, with executive ability. Men who will not disgrace their consti tuents by being found In drunken -rowsj nor in dalliance with any other immora lity. This Is the kind of men to tie to.and elect. Continue the good work. The Vaughn Gold cure near Dockortown is apparently doing a great business. Its solicitor, Mr. Sanford K. Ryman, popular ly known as "Dick" eloquently describes his own experience, and the great benefits to be derived from a visit to, aud treat ment in tht Institution. "Dick's" persua sive influence, and evident desire to assist in starting the subject of the liquor habit on the upward grade, has Induced scvend parties in this vicinity to take the cure. If what la claimed for the system be true, it is to be devoutly hoped that "Dick" will coutinue his efforts until more of our most conspicuous, aud regular consumers of the ardent are run in and emancipated from the thrall of this ruinous and degrading habit. MONTAGUE. (Special Correspondence to the PKBofl.) MoNTAOUK, Sept. 30. Yesterday, thun der showers, to. day we need overcoats. It h not safe to abuse a man and try to lick him on his own premises. Ho may use a club with an effect disastrous to the assailant. Corn aud buckwheat are about out. About seventy five young people spent a very plensuut evening at the Brick House lout Thursday. Chine's orchestra of prt Jervls furnished music for dancing. Hon. Mahlon ritnr-r, M. C, of the 4th Congressional District, will address the voters of this town at the Brick House on Thursday evening, Sept. BJth. A young daughter has arrived at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Merrill. John Sehlelds Is trying to drive a well on his farm near Trl-Stntes. Who is going to try tho Keelcy cure t 1 Ixilievo several aro contemplating biking that step. Robert Armst rong Is able to go cmt Democratic Primary oleetlon at Tniinen town next Snturdoy afternoon Sept. 8(1, Polls open from 8 to 7 o'clock. The Board of Election of Montague for the coming year Is John Illgart, Win Cortrlght, dem.j Win. H. Vail and Jacob McCarty, rep. Mrs. Julio Korr will open hor mango factory this week. Among those who visited Montague this week I noticed Mrs. Geo. Wnmer and daughter, of Milford, Judge H. B. Fuller- ton and John Cross, of Port Jervls, and Wm. Fruen, of Now York. . That cluip who put that eel woir in the river should have kept It to himself and not admitted it. It might be cheaper In the end. Four years ago this town was wild over Grover Cleveland, he had lots of admirers, but how many has he here to-day t Bond Issues and dodging the Cuban question has caused him to seriously fall In the es timation of Democrats. So there Is talk of having three tickets In the field in the little County of Pike Now did you evert Some people are nover satisfied. Already wo hear talk of contemplated changes for the coming Bprlng. But It Is rather premature to mention them now. A parttidgo alighted in our door yard this morning. After surveying things to his satisfaction he tools his departure. Mrs. Luviuda Ludwlg spend to day over at Milford with her sister, Mrs. Wm. L. Boyd. Dick. M ATA MORAS. (Special Correspondence to tho Press.) Matamoras, Sept. 20. Mr. and Mrs, Fred BUlman and party who have been spending sometime camping at Twin Lakes returned Saturday. A pleasant timo was had, many fish caught and enjoyed by all, A little outing like this is refreshing oo- easlonally. Rev. Mr. Wontz a formor pastor of the Evangelical church at Matamoras spent a day recently visiting his friends. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Watts and daughter aro visiting relatlvos In Mlddlotown. Fayctto Seymour Is visiting in Nowburg and Mlddlotown. Rev. M. Curtis of the Epworth Chapel Is visiting in Brooklyn, N. Y. Tho Junior C. E. of the Epworth church recently spent the day at Raymondsklll Falls. Miss Mabel Oroe gave on "At home" to her friends, In honor of Miss Magulro of Honesdalo who was visiting hor lost week. Rev. Mr. Wolgand has returned from his two weeks outing at Maplewood and Haz leton, Pa. The rest was much noeded was thoroughly enjoyed and Mr. Wolgand fools like a new man ; ready to take up the du ties pertaining to his office for the coming year with renewed vigor. Rov. W. A. Leopold presiding elder of the Philadelphia District of the Evangeli cal church spent Sundoy In town. He oo- oupled the pulpit of the Hope church preaching an oxcollont sermon. After the morning services communion of tho Lords Supper was administered. Mr. and Mrs. Burnett, of New York city hove boon visiting Father Trios of .Mata moras. A 1000 lb. bell will soon bo hung In tho belfroy of the St. Joseph's Catholic church In our town. There was something very sad In the death of Mrs. Lillian Davenport Custer, which oocurod last Tuesday Sopt 8th. She was a young lauy only IS, and bod been married loss than a voar. Her husband aud one child, Loon Russoll, survive her aiso a D rut nor Wheeler H. Davenport of Mlddlotown and sister Minnie L. wife of Cyrus Bowman of this village. The fun eral services held Sunday was largely at- WUUWi LA ANNA. (Special Correspondence to the Press.) 'LA ANNA, Sept. 25. The Young Ameri can Base Ball Club, of La Anna went to Goulds bo ro lost Saturday to cross bats with a club from Dalevllle, with the understand ing that the losing club was to pay for the dinners of both. Thoy arrived In Goulds- boro about twelve o'clock, ate their din ner and then proceeded to the base ball ground, where they waited until four o'clock before the Dolevile club arrived. The game was to have been called at three o'clock but we pardon the dolay as It was extremely difficult for them to con gregate, coming as thoy did from the four cardinal points of the compass Inoludlng the surrounding country from Tobyhanna to be ran ton and not more than three com ing from one place. The score by innings are as follows: 1 8 8 4 6 8 7 8 Y . A. tl A ft ft ft 1 a Q A 1 A Duleville 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 118 At the close of the first innlnir thn rinlo. vllle Club " kicked " on a decision of the umpire and refused to finish the raina. undoubtedly the umpire was correct but tue ualovlile Ulub bad emnlnvMl ft nm. tesslonal battery for the purpose of " shut ting" out the Y. A. C, " as they admitted after the game" and were dissatisfied with the result of the gome thus far, their only hope of fulfilling their plans was to begin the game anew. Consequently they used the point in dispute as an excuse. J. he Young American bovs " bolnv 171111. tlemen" and not wlnhlng to return with. out a gome, gave the point and the nmi was recommenced. At the close of the seventh Inntni uaievmo uuo Having one score ahead, "their" umpire called the muiu f darkness but the captain and umpire of tue x. A. C refused to acoent, r.h aud demanded that the rnunn ho .v,.,ri.,,,.i but their opponents considering " disore- 'uu me ueiuer pan or valor " stood " not upon tho order of their golug" but went at once. We understand there are to ho , it games arranged In the near future. M. LEDGEDALE. (Spoclal Correspondence to the PRESS. LEbUKDALK. Sent 81 K,infivl Willi...,. of Hamilton and John McFairlandof Hol- lUtervillo visited Ira Klllnm I -it. t,,.-.i from here they went to Paunan to visit A J. Kimble and have a little fUh. Mr. Geo. II. tichleinJ of It.uuiinn r. salosmun for Boomer and Uoschurt and Co., of Syracuse, N. Y., spent a few days In this plane Inst, wek putting up one of their rliter mills fur Messrs Smith and Wntson. Storm Tiro., of Ptromlslmrcr gnvo an en tertainment in Ijfrifre'lalc church Wednes day evening Sept- IMh. lieorire K .Minn nf I'mmnn and his Broth erln law, Mr. McGlnnls were Cillers lat Hrlday. AYNR Co NEWS OF THE WEEK. Thnrsday, Rpt. 17, The complete (liturim from Mains make the Republican plurality 48,401. Jnmes Turner wos struck in the month by a skyrocket during a Brooklyn parade ana miieo. Thomas K. Watson, Popnllst mndldfita for vine preulilcnt, spoke at Lincoln, Neb., tha horns of Mr. Bryan. Advices from Honolulu discredit ths re cent rumors that a revolution to plane the young Princess Katulanl on the throne was meditated. At the final meeting of the Association of Chambors of Commerce held In South ampton resolutions of Interest to Ameri cans wer passed. ' William J. Bryan addressed large meet ings at Rnoxvllle, Ashnvllle, N. 0., and Intermediate points, halting for the night at unariotte, JN. u Antlsultan sentiment Is iDonaslog In England. Lord li. Henthcote Oeoll and Sir Charlsn Dilks have written strong let ters on the subject. One million dollars In gold was bought at the Bank of K.ngland for export to New York, in the lost week 110,000,000 In sil ver was ssnt abroad. PvMsf, IS. General Roloff, tha Cuban awretary of war, was arrested la New York foe viola tion of the neutrality laws. Major MoKltitay addressed a delegation of 8, BOO men from the Edgar Thompson Moot wore ot uraaaooK, Pa. The Llndull hotel, St. Louis, oaught fire, but was soon got under control, the aamage Doing snout 10,000. It Is reported from Havana that owing to the troubles over the Issue of paper money the governor of the Spanish bank nas resigned. The battleship Texas, whloh grounded at ne entrance to Newport (it. I.) harbor. was pulled off by four tags. She was bnt sngntiy injured. Dr. Mnrota, a Japanese, who was In Cuba ostensibly to make a study of yellow fever, proves to have been a spy for his government, witn a view to wresting from Dpain tne A-miippine Islands. Saturday, Sept. 18. Octave Cbanute's flying machine flew 100 feet at Millers, Ind. Armed bands of Mexloans In formidable numbers rsndeevous in the Rio Grande to Join Santa Teresa. Eight) thousand persons took part In tne opening campaign meetings in Can ton, O., the home of Major MoKlnley. Arnold Flneh Is lying In a New York hospital wounded by pistol bullets In three pluoes. His son la detained on sus picion. The pope Issued a pronouncement de claring all Anglican orders Invalid and Inviting the olergy of the Church of Eng land to return to the Catbollo faith. The press bureau at the national Demo- oratlo hoaduuurters In Chicago has Issued a stotoment based upou the present outK look as to Bryan s majority in November. Thisoatlmato glvos him 80 out of 415 states, with 824 eleotoral votes. Monday, Sept. Bl. The sovereign grand lodge, I. O. O. F., convenes at Dallas. The German Catholic National associa tion begins Its session at Detroit Prince Bismarck, In a letter to Governor Culboraon of Texas, says be has always ravoroa Dlmetalllsm. A dispatch from Rio Janeiro says that the Jaoohlns have begun agitation against tne regime ol President Moraos. Miss Lou Fisher of Wolpole, N. H., who died at the New York hospital, had her heart on the right side of her body. John O'Brien, one of three robbers who entered a New York olgur store, was shot and killed by Polloeman Carey, who warn ed him repeatedly to stop, and another was oaptured with the aid of apluoky oltl zeti. Theodore C. Gross, who has disappeared from New York, leaving a Dumber of banks and corporations to mourn his de parture, proves to be an adventurer from Austria under an assumed name, who has hod a remarkable career. Genoral Grosvenor of Ohio, who became famous before the St. Louis convention as " MoKlnley 's mathematician," has Issued a statement In whloh be says the Repub lican nominee Is sure to receive S78 eleo toral votes, with a strong ohaoos of receiv ing many more from doubtful states. TDMday, Aspt. ta. The Hodgman Rubber company, one of the oldest in the trade, baa gon Into the hands of a receiver. The Greater New York barter will be ready for submission to the consolidation commission Oot. 16. James Forsythe of Pasaalo, N. J., at tempted to kill his daughter while tnsan and died later in an Insane asylum. Mr. Reynolds of Chester, Pa., was orushed under a falling feuoa while riding a wheel In West street, New York. It is reported from Manilla that General Blanco, Spanish governor of tha Philip pine Islands, has disappeared. H la be lieved to have been murdered. Robert Flteslramona, the pugilist, was arrested In New York for arranging a prize fight. There is also a warrant out for Corbett for the tarns offense. Arthur Sew all, Demooratlo nominee for vice president, has resigned the office of president of tn American Maritime asso ciation because, bs alleges, tha association was being used tor partisan political pur poses. Mist A. Brsrnard of New York has founded a Society For tha Prevention of Hereditary Diseases, ths members of whloh must pledge themselves not to marry any one In whose family such diseases have existed as consumption, Insanity or ths annn appetite. - Wsdtsxb y, Sept, 13. Fran Eatharlua Klaf sky-Loose, the cel ebrated prima donna, Is dead. Maroas Schorninan was arrested on tha charge ot robbing safes In Pittsburg, Philadelphia and Elizabeth port, N. J. A woman whose son says sha was aba rile of Paul Hermann Sofaulta, a New York bartender, was killed by his pistol In tha wilds of Pika county, Pa. Tha body of James McNerney, a wealthy contractor of Wat kins Park, N. J., who disappeared, was found in the Harlem river. It Is believed he was murdered. Charles Pfulffer of Brlghtwood, a suburb of Indianapolis, while temporarily Insane killed bis wife and 2-nionths-old baby with a razor aud then banged himself. Officials of ths Carnegie Stoei company and of the ordnance department in Wash ington deny that Russian Inspectors sa ourud seoroM as to. the manufacture of armor plate. In a circular Issued to Havana newspa per editors aud resident correspondents of the foreign press Captain General Weyk forbids in future any refweoce to tha niuvouienta of the Spanish or rebel forces. "This is cold enouLrh to have a good firo, Touutiio." (oOO 5 Buy a Stylish And Durable Shoa. Your Choice in Patent Leather Or Russet. $3 oo JOHNSON, FRONT ST., PORT JERVIS, N. Y Fitter of Feet. STATC NORMAL SCHOOL T17K NEW GYMNASIUM East Stroudsburg, Pa., A FAMOUS SCHOOL. Sit.unttxl in the most beautiful and picturesque region of the State. A home amon the mountains of the . far-ffimod health resort, the Delaware Water Gnp. ANo over crowded classes, but small enough to enable the teachers to do Individual work and becomo acquainted with tho powers and capabilities of their pupils. A oompetont faculty. We have a fine new WmnnHllim. We tcneh Rewinrr rl i 1 fiiK, clay modelluK, mechanical and free hnnd drawing without extra charge. Write for catafomie while this notice la hn. foro you; we have something of Interest to tell yon. all term begins Tuesduy, Hept. 1st, 18MB. AUUKKWS Geo. P. Dible, PRINCIPAL. The Milford Apiary. PURE HONEY For Sale. Orders for Honey will re oelve prompt attention by oalllng on or addressing; Rusling DeWitt & Son, MILFORD, PA. TEETH EXTRACTING AND FILLING WITHOUT PAIN AT THE NEW DENTAL PARLORS Over Brown's Store All work fully guaranteed. We make first-class plates. HALE d"eNTAL, CO. Milford, Pa. High Grade Pianos Knabe, Hardman, Mohlin. FOR SALE BY B. S. MARSH. DEAL IN Domestic New Home, New Ideal, Paragon, and Stand. ro bawlng Machines. Part attachments and S. M. findings. 117 PIKE ST., PORT JEBVIS, N. Y. Big discounts for cash. Go to T. R. Julius Klein FOR Stoves and Ranges Hardware, Cutlery, Tin, Agate ware, 5c, Sc. Tin Roofing and Plumbing A specialty Jobbing promptly attended to. Broad Btreet.opposite PRESS Office Wanted-An Idea Who eu think of torn Urn i-im tiling U IMlttlllf Hey. Wau.UlujcuUt l- C. tut their !,pju prifte vO 4a4 11m Ul tWt bkiiadloi lUVlilk)U4 Ufc4a A l-,-:Mate- C Vvtf! .4eS K ' 71 :s "T''"' "T jXf W. & G. Dealers in Fancy & Staple Dry Goods, Groceries, Provisions, Hardware, Crockery, Glassware, Boots, Shoes, Etc. Corner Droad arid Ann Streets. Have we ever had the pleasure of shovingyou through our large ware rooms ? If not, won't you give us the opportunity? It will please us and it may be to your advantage. It certainly will if you are in need of anything for your homes. Our warerooms are the only place in Port Jer vis or in this vicinity from which you can furnish your homes complete. FURNITURE, CARPETS OF ALL GRADES, OIL CLOTH, LINOLEUM, MATTINGS, CROCKERY, LAMPS, etc. Our Pike county friends are many.but.we can please more of you if you give us the chance. come: and see:. NEW YORK FURNITURE CO.; 92 Pike street, Port Jervis, H. Y. VAN ETTEN OUR SPECIALTIES ARE : Sanitary Plumbing, Steam Heating Hot Water Heating. Houses Tested for Imperfect Plumbing. No. 14 Ball Street, Port Jervis N Y'nk. ' Ul 1 JCIVIO, 11. I. Headquarters ROWM and Headq uarters DO YOU EXPECT TO A. D. BROWN & SON, Manufacturers and dealers In all kinds of Lumber, Contractors Estimates made ; personal guaranteed. OFFICE, Brown's Building, Milford, Pa. fJilTCi & WRIGHT! for Dry Goods, for Notions, for Groceries, for Provisions. ARFJ1STR0W for Boots & Shoes, for Rubber Goods, for Hardware, for Crockery. BUILD? THEN SEE and Builders. attention given and work j A Y V r ... V