OV -' PIKC COUNTY PRESS. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT M1LFORD, PA. J. H. Van Etten, Editor. Terms One dollar and fifty cent a year In advance. Hinols copies, Five Ckhts. VOL 1 Hl'MINEHS CARDS. H. E. Emerson, M. D. , Physician and Surgeon. OFFICE in. Drug Store on Broad Street. J. H. Van Etten, Attorney-at-Law, OFFICE, Brown's Building, Milford, Pike Co., Pa. John A. Kipp, Attorney-at-Law, OFFICE, opposite Court House, Milford, Pike Co., Pa. CHURCH DIRECTORY MILFORD. First Presbytkmak Church, Milford; Sabbath services at 1 A. M. nml 7.8() P. M. Sabbath school immediately after thB morning service. Prnyor meeting Wed nesday at 7.HU P. M. A cordial weloome will bo extended to all. Those not at tached to other churches are especially In vited. Rev. Thomas Nichols, Pastor. Church of thr Ooon Phkphbhi), Mil ford: Services Sunday at 10.80 A. M. and 7.80 P. M. Sunday school at 8.80 P. M. Week-day sorvloes.Friday at 4.00P.M. Beats free. All weloome. B. S. Lassiter, Roctor. M. E. Church. Service at the M. E. Church Sundays: Preaching at 10.30 a. m. and at 7.80 p. m. Sunday iiohool at 8 p. m. Kpworth league at 8.45 p. m. Weekly prayer meeting on Wednesdays at 7.80 p. m. Class meeting conducted by Wm. Angle on Fridays at 7.80 p. m. An earnest Invitation is extended to anyone who may doslre to worshsp with us. Rev. W. R. Nkff, Pastor. MATAMORAS. Epwobth M. E. Church, Matamoras. Services every Sabbath at 10.80 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sabbath school at 8.80. C. K. meeting Monday evening at 7.80. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7.80. Everyone weloome. Rev. V. L. Rounds, Pastor. Hope Evangelical Church, Mata moras, Pa. Services next Sunday as follows : Preaching at 10.80 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sun day school at 8 p. m. Junior C. E. before and C. K. prayer meeting after the even ing service. Mid-week prayer meeting every Wednesday evening at 7.80. Seats free., A cordial welcome to all. Come. Rev. J. A. Wieoanu. Pastor. Secret Societies. Milfoho Lopoe, No. 844, F. & A. M.: Lodge nioets Wednesdays on or before Full Moon at the Sawkill House, Milford, Pa. N. Emery, Jr., Secretary, Milford. J. H. Van Etten, W. M., Milford, Pa. Vas Der Mark Ixixib, No. 828. 1. O. O. F: Meets every Thursday evening at ?.80 p. m., Brown's Building. Geo. Dau man, Jr., Soc'y. John L. (jourlay, N. G. Prudence Rebkkah Lodge, 197. I. O. O. F. Meets every second and fourth Fri days In each month in Odd Fellows' Hall, Brown's building. Miss Minnie Bock, N. U. Katie Klein, Soc'y. Subscribe for the Press. Tws Clrlt In Disr. Last Saturday night, two young girls neither over 17 years of age, were found by the police wander ing about the streets of Scranton. They were from Stroudsburg, and had left their homos because they .had heard that work was plenty and wages good in that place. Before leaving home they foil in with a young man, a stranger, who was anxious to attaint them, and told them to go to Scranton where they would meet a friend of his who would take them to a place where he had se cured positions' for them as wait resses. Accordingly they went, and were met at the tepot in Scranton by a man who said he was to take them to their places. He took them to a certain house, but in a few momenta they discovered its chare ter and left, and were soon after found on tha street and taken to po lice head quarters. They did not know either of the strangers and in fact Daid so little attention to their appearance that they could not give to the polk any dtillnite description. It is doubtful if the girls gave their right names as inquiry develops the tact that there is no one by the names given residing in btrouus knrcr. TUay had a narrow escape, and it should be a warning to all young girls not to plaoe ooniidenoe in those with whom they have no acquain tance. TK Pos tuft The Dockertown Independent thinks that the recent cold wave f rovse the gena of every peach bud in Sussex county, which means a loss of thousands of dollars to the peach growers ther, BLUE HLys.CUlCKENS ROW The Church War in Sandyston, . .. N. J. - : It U at Rrd-H.it Slf-A History ' of tl.C UltflrllH. from Its Inception to the Ir cnt Una nf the Principals Gives an Interesting Resnme of the Whole Trou ble. Layton N. J. March 9. 18SW. Mil. ElHTOic There has been consider able said in the newspapers concerning the, clu.ich tioubles In Sandyston township, Sussex county, N. J. In your issue of Match th, you speak of the arrest of Mi. John V. Major and myself, on complaint of Francis Layton, for breaking windows in the church, and the lock on the door of same. We very much regret that two of our nelghlxr In company with the so called Kcv. Clyde W. IX'iuing appeared before a Justice of the Peace, that they then and there came to the conclusion that we were so maliciously Inclined, that one of the said neighbors, was induced through the persuasions of this Rev. Drilling to make the aflldavit that procured the war rant which caused our arrest. We very much dlsllko to appear before the reading public as maliciously Inclined criminals, but we patiently await the verdict of the court which we believe will be our vindica tion. In the same Issue of your paper you Bay the difficulty seems to have arisen from a circular letter of political Import. This circular letter was the outcome of other causes, which primarily led up to the pre sent difficulties. I wish to submit to you the following theories, propositions, and facts, which I ask you in justice to pub lish. . That you may the better understand the matter, I here state that the difficulty started as a purely ministerial scandal months before It became known that the said J. J. Vanslckle was a candidate for office. It has now developed into a bitter, political, ministerial, church scandal. Briefly as follows. About the last of J une 18HR, rumor said the Rov. Clyde W. Dent ing, who Is pastor over what Is known as the Halucsvllle and Ccntrevllle charges, was guilty of unbecoming Intimacy with the opposite sex. On July 5th this Rev. Demlng together with a lawyer a prominent divine from Newton N. J., with a certain trustee of this chargc.procetHlcd to the home of a cer tain lady, who was iilono with her mother, and under the pressure of certain promi ses mado to this lady, obtained from her an aflildavit completely exhonerating it Is said this Rev. Dvinlngs and herself of all blame and guilt. An open letter was then writ ten by this divine from Newton N. J., and addressed to the people of this charge say ing a certain John J. Vanslckle, had mali ciously slandered Rev. Clyde W. Demlng. On tho following Sunday this letter was read In the Ccntrevllle church, and a state ment made by the accused pastor from the pulpit. Soon after rumor had discovered that this statement was apparently false, other stories began to circulate of a very damaging character to the pastor's hereto- fur good name In he meantime the pastor who had employed a lawyer, was very as siduous In collecting evidence, of which be said he already had an abundance, with which he would severely blister Mr. Van slckle Sometime after another letter was received from this Newton Divine by the pastor, calling a halt. In a short time afterward, no more evldenoe was collected. Thin It was rumored that the church board of officers were about to appear on the scene, and as a unit commence pro ceedings for slander against the said Mr. Vanslckle. Following close upou this rumor, the pastor oouvcued the board. A carefully written document was offered to the board for their signatures thereto. This papm was signed by all the male members but two. One of the two was ab sent. This document adroitly transferred the responsibility of prosecution from the-1 pastor's shoulders, and now presumably depends upon the will and action of the board. As a member of that board I here assort that the prosecution Is tabled alto gether, and that no action was ever in tended by the pastor, for In the earliest stage of the scandal, a challenge was thrown directly in the face of pastor Dcm- lng's lawyer, daring hlin to serve the pap ers on John J. Vansickle. A death like silence on the part of the prosecutors now prevailed. It was Mimored that Mr. Van slckle had bought off the pastor for a thou sand or so. But following these events, new charges were flung diroutly la the face of pastor Demlngs, together with a chal lenge daring hlin to proceed against Mr. Vausickle. The two members of the board who had not signed the document, earnest ly urgvd Utelr pastor to prosecute Mr. Van slckle. Yet no action was taken. The Hat had gone forth. The truce amid these threatened hostilities would now have been complete, but for the murmurs against the way the pastor had allowed matters to drop after his so many threatcniugs of prosecu tion. A few days before the November election this already notorious " open let ter " to the people of the charge, was prin ted, and sown broadcast by the U. S. Mulls over Sussex County, to which was ap pended an appeal, akiug the people to cast their votes against this John J- Vanslckle, who lutd now beumie a DeuuMiratui candi date for election as member of the House of Assembly of the State of New Jersey, By this act It was uudoubutbly expected to transfer the scandal case from the social to the political arena. I have always tried to do my own thinking and acting. Orig inally a Republican dyed In the wool. For about ten years have voted the prohibition ticket: So you see I was In no way Interes ts In Mr. Vanslckle politically ; There fore be had never told me he was a candi date, nor bad he ever asked me to vote for him.' When this, last day election letter appeard on the political arena, at once I openly announced my Intention to vote for Mr. Vanslckle. This letter has no political parent. The political party In whose Interest It was printed refuse to own It. They are justly ashamed of It, as a member of the M. S. Church, so am I. For the benefit of those who may be Interested to know, I am em powered to say, that John V. Major Is a democrat, yet he was politically hostile to Mr. Vanslckle, and did not cast his vote for him at the last November election: I men tion these our personal political affinities to show that the two persons, Mr. John V. Major and myself who as will be shown prefern'd the charges against our pastor, were of the opposite opinion concerning Mr. Vansleklo's political aspirations. There fore with us this Is not a political contest. Yet this Is not the rule. It will be found almost Invariably that the supporters of Mr. Demlngs are the political opposers of Mr. Vanslckle, and the political support ers of Mr. Vanslckle are the opposers of Mr. Demlngs: These things ought not to he. As a remedy let me suggest the fol- iwlng. Let the church adherents of Mr. Dcming.nnd the political opponents of Mr. Vanslckle, who composo one party In the present difficulty, and let the political ad herent of Mr. Vanslckle, and the church opponents of Mr. Demlngs who compose the other party, and who have each formod an alliance to sustain or crush the politi cal aspirations of Mr. Vanslckle, divorce the scandal question from the political question, then let the political question of Mr. Vanslckle stand or fall on Its merits or demerits: also let the scandal case of Mr. Demlngs stand or full on Its merits or de merits, then tell each party to base Its opinions on facts, not prejudice, nor per sonalities. Take up these merits of the case, throw aside politics and personal dif ficulties. Let us be united In fighting our common enemy and settle our personal difficulties In a friendly and christian way between ourselves. Then those who are not christians settle your political dif ficulties in a friendly manner at the polls by your votes. We can then as a church free ourselves of the political blot, and with united efforts acquit ourselves of the charge of winking at social Impurity and spiritual wickedness In high places. Let us have no more last day election let ters. If as christians you take this course to bring the church Into politics, don't find fault If the world by reason of this your conduct, forces Its politics Into and upon the church. For fully three months after the scandal was first published, John V. Majors and myself had stood by our pastor as true patriots. Then we found that he had made several statements concerning the scandal, which we believed to be untrue. We asked him to explain these apparent inconsistencies, and charges, which not only concerned bis own welfare, but the welfare of the church and the whole com munity. I know you will not allow me space for the details of our many talks, which did not result satisfactory. Relat ing to these talks be thereby accused me of unchristian conduct towards him, as he was my pastor. Then I asked him to pre fer charges against me, and have me tried for this unchristian conduot before a proper and unbiased tribunal as the trial might throw some light on his own trou ble, at the same time telling him that I would not think unkind for so doing. But he refused to bring the charges. Then I told my pastor I would bring charges against him. When instanterl The fat at once was to the are. On Deo. S3, 1896 at the quarterly puuferenoe, then assent bled at the MontAgue M, K. unuren, charges were preferred Involving my paa tor as before stated as follows i Unbecom ing Intimacy with the opposite sex; lying or untruthful statements both public and pri vate; anger towards member of the churoh; unchristian oonducti neglect of duty as a minister of the gospel; talking to the world about members of the church, and church matters, that only the church should know first. These charges were signed by John V. Major and myself, both of us trustees and stewards of the church. The presiding elder, Rev. Sanford Van- Benschoten was In the chair. He said the affidavit of the lady convinced him that our pastor was Innocent. After some discus sion, and other business which was dis posed of, the conference adjourned. No action has been taken, the charges have been lgnoroel, phurch discipline has been disregarded. Since the conference every occasion has been Improved and ta ken by my pastor, to vilify myself and others who had now become his ppposers. By the action at the pmtidlng elder, and the advantages possessed by my pastor, by reason of his vocation, I have been persis tently placed before the public as a trad uoer of my pastor, as a maker of false ac cusations against him. I am anxious to have this matter settled in a christian manner, but I do not believe any person Is required to become a partner In guilt, to accomplish a holy end. In a letter to the presiding elder of Jan. 17th I offered to become financially responsible tut prosecuting Mr, Yaush'kUt for slander ing the pastor. I her renew the off or, ad ding that upon demand, I will at once de- piett In the hands of responsible parties, MILFORD,- TIKE COUNTY, FA., FKIDAY, MARCH 13, 189G. seventy-five dollars, It being ,the amount of subscriptions In my hands for that pur pose. And further I hereby agree to, and will bind myself In legal bond to Increase that amount to two hundred dollars If ne cessary, provided all nf the amount or as much as Is needed of the same Is to lie paid to the pastor, upon, the conviction of Mr. Vanslckle In our Sussex, county court. 1 only want'what Is rlglit.lie it!Mr. Drmlngi or Mr. Vanslckle who Is doomed to suffer. Now please note that we have asked for the prosecution of Mr. Vanslckle agreeing to pay all expenses if he Is found guilty. We have asked for the trial of Mr. Doming on the charges before ecclesiastical tribunal, that we have asked Mr. Demlngs to prefer charges against us fur unchristian conduct towards him, that a few days ago we nskinl Nelson Depne, a memlier of our church board to prefer charges against us for slan dering and falsely accusing our pastor, all of which favors have been denied us. We are painfully aware that If our charges are true our pastor Is a very guilty man, which guilt seriously Involves others, if our charges are untrue we are guilty as his false accusers. In view of these facts we claim that we are entitled to the privileges and rights guaranteed to us by our church discipline, together with tho customs and usages of a Republican form of govern ment. Now Mr. Editor, I am somewhat bewildered as to where right ends ami wrong commences, I am told by some that It Is better to cover up the offences of the clergy than to expose them. That some how or other their sins should be absorbed by the laity that this method of absorp tion would make the people better and save disgrace on tho church and profession. I am told that It Is better to swallow this camel of Iniquity to save or prevent the coming of the gnat of disgrace, now would It not bo better to put your foot upon this gnat, crushing it nt once, and thus avoid the necessity of swallowing tho camel. I would like to know if It Is more honorable to see how far one may enter into the whirlpool of sin. Before he will expose himself to the cer tainty of the danger of being dashed over the precipice of eternity across tho abyss Into the pit of eternal damnation, than It Is to see how far ono may keep away from that whirlpool of sin and destruction. Come, my friends, let us reason .together, let us look at all these matters lu their true light. If you think my acts towards my pastor have been wrong, won't you please bring charge against me, In proper form, before an impartial tribunal. I am tired of seeing you play hide and seek, con cerning matters which affect the welfare of the wholo church, I am disgustod with the many methods of evasion which you have adopted to accomplish your ends. Let every person answer, and be held responsi ble for his own acts. Let overy question stand or fall by Its merits or demerits. Do not allow yourselves to appropriate, a aseapegnat the life and person of an other Individual of your own church and oommunlty. Therefore I ask you to re lease me from the ban which you have. Im posed upon me, but I do not want that re lease until the aforesaid charges have been preferred agalust me. Now my friends, I appeal to you again, don't condemn your pastor until you find him guilty. Neither condemn me as a false accuser, until we have both een heard and given a fair trial. I brought charges first against my pastor. But you may now bring charges against me and try me first, again I say I only want what Is right. I am convinced of the truth of oertaln questions. You may not bo oonvlnoed, yet you may be mistaken, you refuse to take the necessary steps to ascertain the truth. Some of you refuse to allow me even a moment of your atten tion. You make your oompluint, yet you won't allow me to meet you and refute them. Is this fair. Is It right. Train up on us both, your ecclesiastical cannon, filled to the muxzle with pure gospel shot. Do not use the adulterated soft, or white washing kinds. Let this Bible weapon, the two edged-sword be freely used, which Is made the more effective If by common sense applied, John Young. Hal UP By Bandit. Alexander Brink, of Mutamoras, while crossing the Barrett bridge on his way home from Port Jervis hist Friday night was attacked by two strangers who attempted to "hold him up." Mr. Brink had considera ble money on his person and he did not propose to give it up without a contest. Ho accordingly knocked one of the men down, when the other one caught him by the logs and threw him, but Mr. Brink man aged to get on top. The ono who had been hit ran off and after giving the other on? a kick he was allowed to go, which he did without stand ing as to tho order of going, . They tackled the wrong man. Alex, ought to be on a foot ball team. 900 Applicants for 19 AppolstsunU. Through the efforts of Congress man Hart George Robeson, of East Stroudsburg, has secured a position at Washington in the United States Engraving and Printing Office. There were 900 applicants for the nineteen appointments now vacant. TW)rs la no time like the present. FLOATING BODY FOUND. ' It Was nf a Man Who Had evidently ffrlfted Down the lelaware Burlington, Mnrch 8. (Special). The de composed hesly of a man was found floating In the Delaware river, above this city this afternoon, ami wns brought here and placed In nil undertaker's establishment. The body had apparently liecn In the water a !onr time, t lie feat ores Is'lng almost entire ly gone, milking lili ntillcntTon difficult. The man was short In stature and heavy set. lie had on a black sack coat and trou sers of light color. It Is believed that the Issly had In-en In the water several weeks, and whs released by the toe being broken up by the recent freshet and carried down from the lieml waters' The description tallies with the appear ance of 1 (ento-r, who was mentioned in the I'kksh as having dlsnnpcnrd, and it was thought may have got In the river. Counsil PrttMi'Isgs. At a special meeting of the Town Council hold at their office Feb. 8th the following appointments of com inittoes were made : Streets Geo. E. Horton, Frank Schorr. Law J. C. Warner, Wm. Aimer. Ixxikup J. C. Chamberlain, W. F. Choi. Fire W. F. Choi, Frank Schorr. Finance C. II . Wood, W. F. Beck. Borough Treasurer John C. Wal lace. Street Commissioner Elmer E. Steele. Borough tax 5 mills. Man and team $3.00 and laborers $1 per day. A committee was also appointed on purchasing of the Glen : Geo. Horton and J. C. Chamberlain. BRIEF MENTION. The Treasurer's advertisment of land sales will Appear next week. In the correspondence from Kim- bios Inst week the types made the age of Aunt Mary Clock 9 years. They should have read " 96th birth day. " Dr. Thomas C. Walton, of Stroudsburg Pa ., announces his can didacy in the interest of Senator Quay for delegate to the St. Louis Convention. The Republicans are hopeful that Dr. Walton may be selected in the interest of har mony. A patch of raspberries, well cared for with cultivator, knife and manure, will last eight years : black berries longer. Goo. Daumann Jr. is drawing materials preparatory to building a house on High street, Just below his store. The design, drawn by build er Henry Canne is neat, and when the house is completed it will be a great addition to that part of the town. , Col. A. E. Lewis is intending to build a mansion on his farm just outside the borough. The location is one of the finest, and the dwelling will be in all respects modern in its appointments. The commissioners have made repairs to the Court House, put a new floor in- the District Attor ney's office, new seats in closets, new carpets on stairs, new chande lier and lamps in Court room, &o. Judge Craig, of Carbon county, decides that the constables elected this spring are the lawfully elected ones, without regard to those here tofore elected under the Act of 1889. Vandermark Hose No, 1 will give a grand ball in Brown's Hall, Monday evening. The boys will afford those desiring to " trip the light fantastio " a good time. The street urchins were playing marbles on the sidewalks and dur ing evenings under the lights of the stores and street lamp's since last Wednesday. The small boy said there " was mor'n a million crows flew over here Monday evening. " There certainly were a thousand. They held a caw cus on the knob, but the cause of the "caws" ia inaorutable. They probably are sorry now they put themselves in nomination. POLITICAL NOTES. Ex-Mayor Charles F. Chldsey, of Eaaton, has announced himself aa a candidate for Congress for the Northampton-Carbon-Monroe . Pike district. What a magnificent Re presentative he would make, and what a pity a man of his stamp does not now represent that district in Congress. Allontown Chronicle. Defer not till to. morrow to be wise, To-morrow's sun on thee may never , rise. Cungreve. OBITUARY. liF.V. JOHN RKTALI.IO. Tho Rov. John Retail ic di.xl nt his homo, in Delaware township March 10. Ho wns born in England July, 1 101, with his wife he enmo to this country in 1K23, and entered the employ of Joseph Brooks of tho firm of Bullock, Davis and Co., driv ing a four hi'irso team carting their cloth to Philadelphia, and bringing back loads of wool to their factory which was limited ut what is now Child's Pink nenr Fulmerville. These trips usually occupied about ton days. Ho afterwards worked in tho factory, until it ceased to lie operated when in lb'M) ho bought the property on which he resided until the time of his death- lie was al ways active in Sabbath school and church work, and for many years wassuK-rinten(lent of the Sabbath school at Fulmerville. Ife wnsnlson lay preacher mid his earnest words have been beard in nearly every school hou-o and church in that township. Leading a strictly up right and sincere Christian life, ho wns highly respected and beloved by the whole community. It was characteristic of him that ho wns never known to say nn unkind word of any one, and was in all respects a Christian gentleman. He wns attacked with pneumonia on Wednesday when Dr. Fulmcr was called, but his advanced ago pre cluded hope of recovery, and he died rejoicing in the hoie of the everlast ing rest. Surviving him area son John who has been nn invalid nnd unable to leave his room for over two yenrs, nnd three daughters Jennie wifo of S. S. Sarles, Amelia wife of Lorenzo Rosencranse of New ton N. J., and Catharine wife of A. A. Van Auken of Milford. The funeral services were held from the Reformal church Thursday the 12. BKSH1K B. YOUNM. The infant daughter, Bessie B., of Mr. and Mrs. William F. Young died in Port Jervis Friday last, of whooping cough, and was brought here for burial on Sunday. MRS. JACOB S. GAOER. Malinda wifo of Jacob S. Eager, of Matamoras, died at her homo in that place last Friday morning, of heart disease, agod about 60 years. Hor husband, and four childron, James, Maggie and Jacob, of Binghamton N. Y.. and Mary, of New York city survive her. The Sandyston Matters. tniniii.h (i j ,..n;.l.,-,.l.l.. ,....n,Un I.-- been made of tint Samlystoi) church, politi cal, trouble in tho papers, by corresMiud ents, but no comprehensive 'statement of thereai (litlieultv (riven, we Htford snace for a full exno.-,iiion of t he matter. Onisir- tunity was nKo offered the ministerial Karty, if they hail anything to say to do so, ut tills oifer wa oroinntlv deciim-d. The controversy has outgrown the narrow limits of a personal, and Is-coine a church, and coiiimiiiiiiy matter, and therefore of U, II ffl-lllllll unties,, LIJUL e lev. IllllY Justilli-d in allowing the liht to be turned on. 1KD. Putin. School Report Following is the report of the In termediate school of Milford, Jno. C. Watson, teacher, for month end ing March Uth : Number enrolled 29. Average Attendance for month 21. Percentage 96. Those present every day : Roscoe Gourlay, Geo. 'Wagner, Bert Quinn, Willie Steele, Clyde Kipp, Bennio Beardsley, Edna Klaer, Clara Van Camixn, Minnie Strublo, Mary Owens, .losio Beardsley, Helen Lanchuntin, Bessie Vauolinda, REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Westfull. Mary A. Adams, to Bella G. Case, date I March 2. Lot 337 in Matamoras. Con. $1130. Ent'd March 5. Greene. Walter L. Marsden. et. ux. to G. W. Carslake dated March 5. 4 Lota Con. 200. Blooming Grove. H. Alfred Free man, et. ux. to H. Albert Kestner, dated April 15, 1892. Lots in Manor Park. Con. 10. Ent'd March 11. Delaware. Augustus Courtright, et. ux., et. al. to Eleanor Tuttle, dated March 3, '94, 1 lot. Con. $12. Ent'd March 11. Greene. Poaten R. Cross, adm. to Susan Cross, dated Nov. 1, 1KU5, 200 acres. Con. $00. Ent d March 12. We have been long together through tliTasiinti and through, cloudy weather. Im. ttrbtttila. The PRESS io the best ADVERTISING MEDIUM in the i county. Apply for rates. No. 20. PERSONAL. Dr. H. E. Emerson nnd Charles Quinn, arrived safely in Liverpool last Sunday morning. Mark Brodhead, of Washington D. C, wns in Milford last week for a day. Mrs. C. II. Vnn Wyck hns gone to visit hor daughter, Happy nt Wash ington D. C, Maxwell Trainer, vice British Consul, was a Crissmnn House guest over Sunday. Henry S. Northrup and wifo, of Brooklyn, who spent last summer at the Cuddelinek Cottage, spent a few days hero last week. Mrs. J. H. Van Etten and Miss Hnldah Bull were guests of Mrs. C. F. Van Inwogen, at Port Jervis, for over Sunday. Godfrey J. (lebhnrdt, of Ding-' man township, made us a call, on Thursday of this week. Mr. Joseph Petrikovsky has gone to Cuba as a reporter, nnd his wife is visiting her mother hero. Jesse B. Shoemaker, has received a letter from his brother D. W. who is nt Johannesburg South Afri ca, prospecting for gold. So far he has not been successful, but does find plenty of bent and myriads of flics, which render life a burden. Tho gonial " Bonny " Emery the master of the Dark Swamp school, was in town, and visited his parents, the latter part of hist week. Rev. J. A. Wicand wa.s reap pointed pastor of Hope Church at Matamoras, at the conference of the Evangelical Association hold in Allen town last week. Joseph D. Brooks the newly elec ted constable, from Delaware town ship, was here last week. Chas. A. Goodale, of Denver Col., mado a trip to the County sent a few days ago. Geo. Geyor Esq., of Matamoras, called down on business last Friday. Col. A. E. Lewis has returned to Milford, after spending the winter in Philadelphia. Josiah Terwilligor, of our across tho street contemporary, visitod New York a fow days last wook. Judge Scott, at Easton. notified constables that in future thoy must not sign any applications for liquor licenses, or make any affidavits for renowal of any saloon keeper's li cense. Hon. John D. Honok, Associate Judge, was a guest at the dinner tendered by the Monroe county bar to Hon. C. D. Brodhead, ex-Associate Judge, of that county. Harry C. Burnett a son of Hon. C. Burnett, of Stroudsburg, lias been appointed general passenger and freight agent, of the South Jersey R. R., with headquarters at 420 Wal nut street Philadelphia, Mrs. Philip Steele is visiting her daughter and relatives in Brooklyn and New York. Miss Maude DeWitt, of tho Press, and Mr. Edgar Boyd, took in the " Old Homestead " at Lea's Opera House, Port Jervis, last Monthly night. Gee Whiz ! Mrs. W. P. Townsend is still at the Park avonuo Hotel N. Y. in a very weak condition. An oiieration has been performed for an abscess in the jaw bone caused by a defective tooth from which blood poisoning ensued. She recuperates slowly and is scar cely able to leave her room. Will Hold in Art Sociable. The Ladies of tho Methodist church will hold an " Art Sociable " on Tuesday, March 17th at the home of Henry B. Wells. A cordi al invitation- is extendiid all to be present. Refreshments will be served at a moderate price. High School Report Report of Milford High School for month ending March 10: Whole number In at tendance; 66; average attendance, 49. The following pupils were neither late nor armeut during the month: Clarenoe UcWitt, Robbie Terwilligcr, Joseph Nyue, George Turner, Harry Ikss-k, Mark Ryder, Harry Armstrong .sol t'tidtlebm-k, Louise Klaer, Dora Roclflitto, Daisy DeW'ltt, Mo da lioyd, Cora Strulile, Annie Kipp, Phube Davis, Ktta Kipp, Auua Muy Curtrigut, Pauline Bouruiiiue. Visitors Mr. Win. Anglo, Rev. W. R. Neff, Mrs. W. R. Ncff, Mr. P. N. Bournl que, Miss Itura Wcnucr, Miss Lillian Van Tueatll, Mrs. P. N. llouruiquo. H. A. JoUNMiN. Teacher.