FEBRUARY I89G . I 23.4l5.AJLX 9I0 J1J2.J5 J4J5 16 17J8 19.20 2122 23124 25W27T28T29 TT- ' J ten1vl to eonim"npe house kef-plna to-day at his old home. Probably the inclemency of the wpfttlior pre vented hiin from bring his "better half out of doors. This day marks the thermometer at SO' bokrw eoro here. Umroa. DINOMAN'8 FERRY. (Hpncinl Correspondence to the PRE.) Dinomaw'S Ferry Feb. 20. The nrtll wavo ia 1, mt-o rDin Inn nn fiM rlvnr In from wtmi to nine inches I Kor color nl twrfiime thny iwk, thick, and if it stays cold a few dy 'a A Pri'. ,ru,n the of B611 lonsrer it will be safe to cross with R Th firs on thn f itt thr nut tot. tan, I Tliou beautiful )ske we dpsnrlfoe. . , - - aiKf iw inpiwr Tiff wini mivmir, a atijviihxu d im " i And tne YBnomous rentues Desiae. iney nave succeeded in electing a Constable. Harry Bensley Is going to moye to New Jersey Mils spring. The Enworth Leatrae Society will (tire a Leap Year social at the home ah the mt-mn camped thy shore , of Harry Bonnier on Friday evening J T.j.. for the benefit of the M. E. Church. All are invited to attend and have a good time. Dave Angle who has been visiting friends, in Milford, is back at work again in Dave Ounn's shop. Moses Blister is sick though some better at present. ' Dr. Fulmer in attendenoe. DklAwabe One Cent a Word. For KAch Insertion. No adrartlsement taken for lem tho 18 cent. CASH must accompany all order. AddreM PIKE COUNTS PRESS, MILFORD. PA. IjiOR RKNT. Several good houses In 1 Milford, P. Knqulra of J. H. Van Ktten. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of administration upon the estate of John 11. Meyer, lute of Dlngman town ship deceased, have been granted to the undersigned. All persons navlng claims against said estate will present them, and those Indebted to said decedent will please make Immediate payment to John K. (Jlmhtkd, Administrator. Ding-man township, Dec. 80, 18D6. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of administration upon the estate of Christian D. Meyer.late of Dlngman town ship deceased.have been granted to the un dersigned. All persons having claims against said estate will present them, and those indebted to said decedent Will please make immediate payment to John E. Olmsted, Administrator. Dlngman township, Dee. A), 1896. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of administration upon the estate of Frederick Meyer, late of Dingman town shin deeeased.have been ir ran tod to the un dersigned. All persons having claims against said estate will present them, and those Indebted to said decedent will please make immediate payment to John E. Olmhtkd, Administrator. Dlngman township, Deo. 80, IBW6. TRESPASS NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that trespassing upon the property of the Forest Lake Association in Lackawaxen town ship, Pike county, Pa., for the pur pose of hunting or flailing or any other purpose is strictly forbidden under penalty of the law. Alexander Hadikn, Nov. 22, 1895. President. Trespass Notice Notice is hereby given that tres passing on the premises of the un dersigned, situated in Dingman township, for any purpose whatever is strictly forbidden, ana an ol fenders will be promptly prosecuted. Oct. 24, 1895. Ira B. Cask. FOR SALE. A small farm located near Matamoras, known as the Hensel or Reinhardt place, containing 21 acres, Finely located, well watered, House and barn. Fruit of all kinds, Part improved. Title clear. For Terms, price, etc., address Lock box U, Milford, Pa. 10 Howard. The school directors of Dingman township will pay twenty dollars for information which will lead to the detection and conviction of any person or persons committing any trespass or doing any damage to any school house or property therein in said township. By order of the board, K J, 7, 18U5. Ira B. Cask, Bee. Correspondence, Correspondents are particularly requested to Bend in all news in tended for publication not later than Wednesday in each week to insure insertion. MONTAGUE. (Special Correspondence to the Press.) Momtaouk Feb, 19. Did your fnendB( ?) remember you on the lb Joseph Bonier, a former resident of Pike county hut for a number of years the owner and occupant of a farm between the Brick House and Port Jervis, has rented his farm to sis son, John, of Wantage. Joe ex pects to go to Port Jervis. Peter Kyte has rented the house of Mrs. M. Weir, now occupied by Abe Crown. This month so far lias been a very disaiiO'ecable one as fur as the weath er hua been concerned, snow, rain and hiirh winds have carried the days. " H. L," the Gazette Boribe of this town and Frank Kerr at tended "Trilby" at Lea's Ojwra lloum on. the evening of the 11th. Frank Buys it was grand. Our overseer of the poor has not yet sold the effect of George Hea ter whose four children were taken to the Almshouse a week ago. Geo, has given up bis residence Here in Montague, as it U unhealthy. That reminds me there is a rumor that the town of Port Jervis is mak ing a bill for a person claiming a re. sidence in Montague. Montague has made no contract with Port Jer vis, and when that bill comes before the committee, if ever it does come it will be ordered hot paid. For a few days last week we have enjoyed splendid sleighing, and as the majority of onr farmers have nothing te do for their teams in the winter the old farm nags feel lively when hitched to a cutter. Coughs and eolda are as common as Sies in summer, One man suffer. ing in that way took a spoonf ull of linament instead of syrup the other night, although his feelings were rather unpleasant for a while he says the cold is cured. I suppose you had lota of excite. ment on the 18 over there, we have to wait three weeks yet. Miss Emma Westbrook entertained about twenty of her young friends Thursday evening. The , evening was spent with games such as only young folks can play. Refresh ments were served after which all adjourned to their homes. . Dick. LCDOKDALC. (Special Correspondence to the Press.) Lkdokdals Feb. 17 The high wa ter of Feb. 6th took the ice out of the Leduedale dam, and left the most of it in the publio high-way between the Widow Husptlce s place and Hor ace Kipp's on Pike county side Wal ler Paupao river. George Kellam supervisor of Pal, myra township with a force of men were working last week, and it will take all of this week to get the road open for traveling. The themometer was 115 degrees below zero at 6 o'clock this morning and 10 degrees at 8 with the sun shining on it. Jabez Simons is visiting his daughter Mrs. F. G. Giles in Pleas ant Mount. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Frey and daughter of Freytown Lackawanna county, visited their daughter Miss kthel Frey Sunday, at Ira Kellams James Butler, of .Sterling was visitor at the boarding house Sun day evening. ' Mrs. J. M. Becker is visiting her son Anthnr in Carbondale, who has been sick with the mumps. ' Alvin Bisbing, ofScranton spent Sunday with his iamiiy. Miss Blanche Bisbing is working. at lra Keiiama. .. wayne county MATAMORAS. . (Special Correspondence to tht Prim.) Matamoras Feb. 19. Charles Bi yer, our genial knight of the' razor and scissors, had the interior of his shop painted and new cvrp shelves fitted up in great style. All Charley 's patrons say it is a " thing of beauty. V Step in and try Charley's skill with the razor, and he in a place that look as neat as pin. Orrin Davoy.his son Louis and Wil liain and Ellas Snyder, of this place went fishing Friday at Brink's pond and cangnt about nity pickerel and perch. They returned Saturday afternoon. Sleighing is still good in Mata moras, and the bells are jingling merniy. f bojan. all ORIENTOWN. (Special Corn ttspondenoa to the Pbxss.) Gbbehtown Feb. 17. A box party was held In the Sutrar Hill school house Wit Saturday for the benefit or the Moravian minister. Rev Wantzel, a nice little sum was net ted, and a good time enjoyed by present. Little Loana, daughter of Benjamin and Amelia Smith, of this town dlod at the home of her brother in Potter county. She was brought back home and a In tie grave in the South Ster ling cemetery ma rks her final renting Plaoe. . Interment took place Sunday it)D. . ---. .. ... Mr. Kumuel Carleten who was married about, two months ago, in. N APOSTROPHE. Addressed to On of the Btoatlfnl Sheets of Wotes on tho Property of the For est Ijifc Association of PI Its County, Pa. . Lake Onrrllla, thon srtn of the mountains, Thy waters so pure and Sf sweet. The lovors from nmr and afnr off. On thy bosom dcltHnteth to meet. On thy banks the wild flowers bloom, Ana vie witn the rrmnffe scene; Shakipnre sold long ago ! " Fash ion wears out more Apparel than the man. " If he had lived in the nine teenth instead of the sixteenth con tury, he would have said women. God takes mans hearty desires and will instead of the deed, where they have not power to fulfil it ;but Ha never took the bare deed for the will. Richard Baxter. I Yet they lend thee a margin of beauty, The artist must fail to portray; And the poet e en Inspired by nature, To breathe Its effect In a lay. In years long ago we believe, Has quokly thy surface sped o er. Perchance In pursuit of a deer, By an arrow pierced Into the quick; That Dlunirea in thr floods In wild fear. I Or the archers' sly plans to out-wit. Amid thv soft lilies and brakes. The wood-duck and brood often slink; With an instinot that safely protects. From the raids of the Otter and Mink. The rocks that sarrmind thee have riches; Their lodes are Karth's gifts neyohd value, upnngs 01 water uncommonly pure. QUICKTOWN. (Special Correspondence tothePRRSS.) QCIOKTOWN Feb. 18. It is reported J? th7 P 7m waters are hid. , . , r . .. j ircat snonis ' n, tne eves oannot spy ine regan piace una Deeu remwu uut of th fln, ,me thBt ar8 known, The Miller bovs have had their Awaiting (ne troll ana tne ny. dairy dehorned by Messrs. Bull and ThB braeM from tho enclrcIln( (orert( Aiunuu, lueuumssuuKu, mat lasnrs tny waters in loam: Work is still going forward at the S"-1?-?"!! silver mine. .1 ' Miso Trio. WoothrnnV linn returned The mlo-elouds that cluster above thee, to Columbus, Ga., and Miss Mary Westbrook to New York B. F. Hurst has lost his horse that he got in a trade lately Mrs. Walter Hurst is on the sick list. Some firkin poles have been drawn to Matamoras, bringing 70 cents per hundred B. Vannoy has offered his place for rent. Westfall's Padgett is to hold a concert at Brown's Hall at Milford, the latter part of the week. A screen from the sun brightest beam, Make often tne arches of promise, . Euibraoe thy two lovely extremes, 0 Corrllla, thou gem of the mountains, Thy shores are not elasslo It' true: Hiit time mat nas touched thee wit h beauty. V) in aua w.ran treasures, mat too. ' f , VWITOH. . ITEMS Or INTtRKST It is a French paper that says the United State is commercially a great and powerful rival for all Europe combined.,. This is ahead of time, but Americans will try to liVe tip to Judging by last weeks Press Is it lit within the net centnrv JS',lr-r.E8" Rov.Dr.Bibsnani has a Bible In here than in Sussex county N. J.. and f"" w """ American Agriculturist has lately year 1913. The preface was writ- shown up that state to be very extra- ten by David Parous, professor at vagant. the nniversitv of Heidelberir. An Election is over With again, gtt 28, 1587, It contains the Psalms Ul WUIENJ Ull Oil U UVV EKUAniA7U II U m w-v l , , . i . a hone that brother "Icicles" will M musio according to Whether yon win wealth or not will depend npon your comprehen sion of the great underlying prin ciples of business and the adjust ment of yonr affairs in reference thereto. All of our readers are desirous of obtaining his or her share of the world s good things This can only be done by keeping pace with this progressive age. One's own individual efforts will not suflloe. What is needed is co operation. Yon should keep posted on all things that you may need to buy. It is a well established fact that the consumer (those who buy at retail) are paying in these United States from one to twenty-five per oent. more than is necessary simply from the fact that they do not keep posted on current prices. How long oould a merchant avoid failure were he to use such lax methods in making his purchases ? One would quickly say such a dealer was a failure from the beginning, then why do you use this method in a small way 1 It would oost you but the request to keep pace with the times in the way of prices on all staple articles you are apt to use All that is needed is to notify BROWN & ARMSTRONG, general merchants, Milford, Pa., and yon will receive a monthly prioe sheet. They issue this the first of each month. They are also pleased at all times to furnish samples and to fill promptly all orders received by mail. not feel so chagrined as to disappear before hot weather at least. P. French Melody, and a directory ' of worship for the orderly observance oi the worship oi uoa. Railroad companies having lines in New York are much exercised PAUPAO (Special Correspondence to the Prkbs ) Pacpao. Feb. 19. A Republican was heard to remark a few days ago over a blU that has made its appear that.he thought if any man had grit ance at Albany in relation to the is enough to start a Republican paper suing of jnneage books. The bill iu Pike Co. every Republican in the , 4 ... . , . . . . tta nnht tntiiVnl fW hnart.il v states that these books niUBt be is- endorse that sentiment Ed. Press.) ed at two cents a mile and can be Mrs. Kirkendall, who was burned used by, any one. Any company that out at Wilsonville last week, will refuses tq honor the book, no mat move to Kimblos Boon. She Is at lw hv whom tmmntAl. ahall rw va Kuff n Wih 8n' ArtMW flne oi 50' which 18 to te K11 40 Our supervisor. G. N. Kilhvm has pariy who siuioreu ujr mo uuiii been kept very busy clearing the pany's rules. If possible, the com road, of ice between here and Led- paniea intend to kill the bill geuaie, making it passable to-oay, newiy.elected momber of Con ,. , . . , ' gross from the west has a cane that Mrs. Dr. Curtis, of Chicago who ... , . . t. . i has been staying with her sister, toangurate a fashion. It looks Mrs. Joseph Atkinson, of Hawley, like an ordinary gold-headed cane called on Mrs. A. J. Kimble, one rather larger than is fashionable day last week Mrs. M.N. B.Eillamis still im proving The powder mill at Jennyn blew up lost Saturday night about six o But upon, close acquaintance there are some peculiarities developed that will serve to make it very popular By simply unscrewing the head clock. The shock was felt here very I Httle tube about the size of a straw plainly. Coe. FROM ANOTHER CORRESPONDENCE Paupao Feb. 19. Died of dropsy Feb, Uth, at the residence, of 11. D. Clark. Stephen Hall, aged 71 years He has received a pension of $12 a month for several years. Services were conducted by the Rev. J. G Raymond. Interment was in the Paupao cemetery. The busy agent, John Ball, of Honesdale. appears, and by placing this in the mouth and meditatively resting the lips against the head of the cane all desire to go out between the acts is taken away and the worst case of thirst that ever troubled ft theater goer can .be appeased. It is proba ble that the cane habit will develop into a fad with attendants at the theaters. The Post Office Department has issued an order that the names of all passed through this place one day last week. B. K. Nyce, of Hamlinton. spent post offices composed of two words O .1 .. I Tfc - I - ... cwij iu ui, i shall . hereafter be written as one A number of sightseers went nnl &,i?jrfJheg0rge formea come- iranklmfurnace, and Wal. The road whlr-h wan fllle-l t """" tween here and Ledgedale is noi vet is- an loiotio requirement open though the supervisor with a that will not be observed by the poo- number of men have been working pie, no matter what the post office " lou folks mav do. There was sense in aiufs m. a. i-euew, ox tiawjey. t i. .kh.i f-Af, . 4 T I """, , dternn:"' A Rti nis Valley to plain McAfee, and Monroe lrners Vf aioiiroo, put as a roie we rnuiT notes. , post offload department should con Experienced fruit growers buy but fine its operations to carrying and few varieties of trees and vines, but I distributing the mails, rather than the new beginners buy everything I meddling with the rules of language they hear about. ' . land the usages of localities. Reg, Think of this farmers, one thon- i ister. sand and ninety -five meals in a year, 1 . Daguerreotypes are coming into and how many times does the gar-1 vogue again. This is good news den or orchard supply a part of them. I A good daguerreotype portrait is They are gotten up by the good I much more than a photograph, and housewife with an ingenuity that is marvelous, and without complaint, notwithstanding the paucity of these materials. Ought we not to feel al most ashamed of ourselves. The New York Rural World tells its readers that apples of all sorts have been growing scarcer during the past few years, and that fine fruit is exceedingly hard to find in the largest markets. It would be well if farmers would use more of the home made manure in the orchard. The ground needs feeding to produce a good crop of hay or grass, and a good crop of well formed, large sized apples too, eepeciaily in a drouthy year like the pat one. You can raise crops with phosphates and use the manure on the on-hard. It will pay. it is a wonder that photography ever swamped this more distinguished and exclusive art- Not long ago The Listener saw a wonderful col lection of daguerreotypes in an old house up in the country. Though they were all taken at least 40 years ago they were as sharp and clear in their neat black cases as if they had been taken hut the day before, and some of them were as beautiful as good miniatures. When we ooni der that all of these fine old daguer reotypes were made by profesuional operators with Little experience and no artistic training, and reflect npos the amount of skill and taste that it amilied to amateur photography i this day, we may realize something of what the result oi the application of an equal amount of skill and taste to a revived daguerreotype art might be.Boston 'l ransom pt. LEAVE YOUR ORDERS EDUCATIONAL STATE NORMAL SCHOOL Advertise in the Fresh. -FOR : FINE JOD PRINTING : -AT THE : PIKE COUNTY PRESS OFFICE. Prices are reasonable. I'lHfc JSS.W OYMNAHIt M.J " East Stroudsburg, Pa. The Spring Term of this new find popular institution Will open Tuesday, MsroH, , ISSS. Engage rooms early. New illus trated catalogue and Nrrmal Echoes sent free. Address, Geo. P, Bible, Principal, East StroudHburg, Pa. W. & G . MITCHELL, Dealers in Fancy & Staple Dry Goods, Groceries, ; : Provisions, Hardware, Crockery, Glassware, Boots, Shoes, Etc. Corner Droad and Ann Streets. '. Headquarters for Dry Goods. Headquarters for Groceries. Headquarters for Notions. Headquarters for Provisions B R 0 WI Boys will be Boys and its best to make the best of it. The best Shoes for Boys or Girls are im proved SOLAR TIP SHOES. They are made of the best leather, in the best way. and will stand almost anything a child can get at. Slsa a l-a to la for I.I8. six la 1-2 to a for i.a. JOHNSON, Fitter of Feet. and ARMSTRONG.; Headquarters for Boots & Shoes. Headquarters for Hardware. Headquarters Rubber Goods. Headquarters for Crockery. N WSDODS. NEW GOODS. FOR ft.??, FALL AND WINTER. T. R. Julius Klein FOR Stoves and Ranges Hardware, Cutlery, Tin, Agate Ware, 4c, 4c. Tin Roofing and Plumbing A SPECIALTY. Jobbing promptly attended to. Broad itroet.opposite, PRESS Office w mm OUR GREAT OFFER TO THE READERS OF THE PIKE COUNTY PRESS. The New York Farmer, The Philadelphia Press and the PIKE COUNTY PRESS All for $2. SO a year. Give the "above a TRIAL. Subscribe NOW. We can save you money in every department of our two stores which V ' are crowded with new Goods of every description for Fall and winter. Please ' give us a call, you will be more than : satisfied. v.;" RYMAN & WELLS. VAN ETTEN (k WRIGHT. OUR SPECIALTIES ARE : Sanitary Plumbing, Steam Heating & Hot Water Heating. Houses Tested for Imperfect Plumbing. No. 14 BallStreet, port Jervis, N. Y. N.st doorto rirst Nstl.n.l Bank. ' . . ',' DO YOU EXPECT TO BUILD? THEN SEE; A. D. BROWN & SOW , Manufacturers , and dealers In all kinds of Lumber. "' ... . " "' r' " " f '. ' 'Ml Contractors and Builders. Estimates made ; personal attention given and work guaranteed. -,.' ' OFFICE, Brown's Building, Milford, Pa.' "