Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, December 27, 1895, Image 2

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Fhiday, Dkck.mukr 27, 1M)5.
Entcri-il nt tlio lwt oIIUhj of
Milfortl, l'iko county, l'onnsylvmiia,
bs srconil-elnss liinttor, NovoiuIht
twcnty-livst, 1MI5.
Advertising Rates.
OnpsqiiiirvO'lght limn), ono insert Inn -!.
Karri subsequent insertion .If
Hi-duocd rutin will Ih? furtiUliiil on ii
tU-iit ton, will l) allowed yearly mlvi-r-tlsers.
Legal Advertising.
Court I'nichiniiitliiii, Jury nnd Trial
hist for several court h per term, t'1.00
Administrator's mill Executor' s
notliin .
Auditor's notlcis 4. on
l)ivoic notices Mm
Sheriff's sales. Orphans' court sales,
County Treasurer's sales, County state
ment. 11 nil election proclaniat Ion charged
by the square.
J. II. Vhii l:il.-n. 1'i'lil.lsllKR.
Milford, Tike Comity, I'a.
1395 December. 1895
Su. Mo. Tu. We. Th. Fr. Sa.
89 H) ju 13 14
15 TI 17 JL8 19 20 21
22 23 2425 26 27 28
29 30 31
A Third
2 1:38
a. m.
16 i:
4 A
First ni 0:S1
Fbuaiter'z a in.
Quarter a
We miss tho Monroe Di'inoeritt.
dm Brother Morey linvo forgotten
till! PltKHH so noon V
Now look out fornnaiiiiiriatioii
to iniiko tho Delaware n. navifrahle
Htream. Milfortl may 1m n town
If the tail wiis the ilopr what n
shaking time Mr. Houtello and his
confroes on tho naval eonnnitteo
will have.
The Stroudshvirg Times sent out
nn illustrated edition for Christmas.
It was attractive and shows enter
prise. Speaker Rood evidently knows
how to put the mrht man in the
rigM pinve. - jnr. noTiTeilo is nt one
end of tho naval committee and Mr.
Hart at the other.
President Cleveland has dtn-ided
to issue more bomb to l-eplenish tho
Btock of gold in tho treasury. Tho
proper remedy is a tariff to raise suf
ficient revenue for current expenses.
The New York Sun says " Sus
tain the President." It must lx
calling to the Democrats, for his
patriotic message) on tho Vcnzuelnn
question was warmly endorsed by
tho Republicans, and many of tho
Democrats also.
Conohess has given tho President
authority to appoint a Vonzuelan
commission, which was what ho
nskod for. Ho will bo sustained by
his patriotic countrymon in every
effort to uphold American rights
and principles.
Tlio past week has witnessed con
siderable flurry in tho stock markets.
The English apparently in a spirit
of spito Jiave boon rushing Ameri
can securities on tho market, and
selling them at any sacrifice. This
course gave tho stock. gamblers their
opportunity, but instead of shaving
outsiders they had to confine that op
eration to each other. Our securities
have not depreciated in actual value
one jxnny, and people who own
good securities may rest assured
that they are worth just as much
now as before tlio war talk. The
English have simply been foolish,
and it will not bo long before they
will be buying liack at an advance
the same stocks they were so eager
to sell.
It is safe for people just now to
keep out of Wall street, unless they
have money to buy good stocks and
pay for them outright.
In that case now is a good time,
but do not buy on margins.
Although the time is some dis
tance away when the election for of
ficers to fill the numerous positions
which will bo vacant Jan. 1, 1897
takes place, yet the old adage that
time should be taken by the fore
lock appears to prevail. If a horse
is to make a good race he must lie
well groomed, and in goxl training,
and the same principle usually ap
plies to the ec.ndidato who would
make a good run for an offeo. There
are rumors that several are making
active preparations to say " tluit at
the earnest solicitation of many
friends. I hereby consent, &c. And
if elected promise, etc." This dame
rumor is a funny old jade and she
often unwittingly reveals secrets
which tho knowing ones would
wish might Ite kept, locked up until
such times as a proper incubation
warrants their revelation. Several
important offices are to he illled, in
fact nearly all in the count y,and it is
not surprising that there should be
a numlHT of worthy and aspiring
gentlemen, who would lie perfectly
willing to sacrilice their individual
interests in order to servo the dear
people and incidentally their' coun
try. If you keep your ear close to
the ground yon may hear that Mr.
Horace E. Kipp, of Palmyra, is
thinking above a whisper of how
well his portly form would grace
the Protlnmolary's chair, and how
much his health might lie benelitli'd
by a residence in this beautiful vil
lage. It is also said with bitted
breath that Mr. (leorgo A. Swcpcni
7t'i; our pleasent and obliging com
missioner's clerk feeling that possi
bly there may be some changes in
the present board, might not. he re
appointed to his present position,
and having learned the way to the
Profs oflice would not object to
hold more close and confidential re
relations therewith. As aspirants for
a seat at Harrisburg, several names
are canvassed, and it is well under
stood that some of tho gentlemen at
least have wryly consulted to have
their claims made public. Lacku
waxen, it is said, will present the
names of Miles C. Rowland and
Henry Dewitt, ex-commissioner,
while Shohola may present as her
favorite son, Esipiire Henry C.
Knealing, and Wcstfall, that of ex-
Sheriff F. A. Kessler. Down the
county it is slyly hinted that E. F,
Peters has a little bee buzzing in his
hat which may become a pronounced
For associate judges, the names of
Hon. John C. Houck, the present
incumbent, and that, of Hon. E.
Hornlcck,n former occupant of the
Ix-ncli are seriously mentioned, while
that, or Ueo. u. llorton, who m
past time haslx-en deceived by party
and personal promises, is also pro
nounced suh-rosa. When it comes
to county treasurer there are a num
her of distinguished sons who would
consent to care for lhe county funds
and lierform the onerous duties of
that ofllco for a reasonable per cent
on all money received and paid out
Some of thoso whispered about are
Geo. Dauinan, Jr.. well known to
tho citizens of this county as a whi
t . 1 j t . i ic ir n ; ..
of Matamoras, also well known as a
former dispenser of county funds,
and who at present is rather in the
position of Othello, also our genial
boniface, John C. Peck.
Well, time and space will not al
low us to recapitulate tho names of
those cautiously hinted at as possi
bly men who could bo prevailed on
to accept the oflice of county com
missioner. The present. Democratic
nioinliors may feel as if they could
hold the chairs of honor down for
ruo next three years, at f.i.fH) per
day, but thero are other weighty
individuals who aspire to tho same
arduous duty, at tho saine per diem
of course. In duo season wo will
bo glad to air their claims to rocog
VOTICK. Tho annual mcctlnir of the
hi.rcholilcrK of the Harn-it liridt-e
company win lie nem at tlio toll limine o
tho company in Port Jen is oil Tuesday
January Mil proximo, al 2 o'clock p in. for
the election of u Hoard of Director for the
coming year, and the tranmu-tion of such
oilier miDliics as may came heforo the
mixjlllig. l'ort Jervin Dec. ID. 1nu5.
FiiAsem Mamvin, rioc'y
tin Afttn Pnr Rntrrt.T I PttMntt'tn on Mm
Flnnncf ynntnn Mr n of IJHli'f For
tho !rplrtpt! Trrfvtury lltrrvn ami -rrefunl
4nvernmrnt Itrvrnnc.
VAmixoTn, hn. ?M. Presdili'tit Clovo-
land hris sent tlio fultowhii? iiicbp(iko to
I'ti (ho Contfipps:
''In hit lust minimi nu-fcn tho evils
of ntir pri Btint iiiHwu tnl ptsIoth witp ilaln-
ly pointt d nut, Rim tlin ( iiutH niul means
ot the uYplptioii of unvernnieiit gold wore
It wns lli' roin fltfilcci tlif nftrr nil tlio
rfTottfl tluit hnd In-en nmtln liv llm riccti-
tivo hi run h nf hn (?o ci'iiintiit ti jir id-rt
our fi'tlii nserve hy tli iemuinri" nf l.onili
ntPKMinliiiR tn iiMiro thun $l'i-.VMi'i,ui')
BUtii ri'scrvn (!mn nniountrd t'i 1ml, littlu
rinro Umn ?7 (1, udm, iiiin ; tlmt nlumf. !'',
I)"fi,ii(i0 liH'l lu-cn wfthdtawn fiuni pu'h
ffsorvo duritm thn immlh next iMt'Vlmiri
tn t lio d:i( o nf tlmt ini'Myp, n nd t hut
qnlto tnrirn wittHlrmvnl? for f.h!i'inpnt hi
dm Inimcdinlo fntnio witc nrptlirnsl.
" 'J' ho em) I iTiKrni y t In n fp.-ired h:ii rtvich-
pd up, nod tho wit lnlntwuls of i'ld pince
thn odnnmitilcntinM n d rri'd tti nod oiIhts
t hrit nppnir innviwiltUt ihrotitcn n'lch n div
pli'tion in our pnvt i nuii'!it puhl rrpprvp ns
orlnirs lot fni'n tn furp with tho iiorpsity
of fnrther nution for If protiTthm. '1 his
condition 1 infpii'-ilh d'liy ho provnhnoi
In corinin (iniirtrtsnf sitdili n itnd nmiRiitil
niiprnhciiflinii mid timidity In hnsini-ss
'Wo nro in tho inifNt of mini her ppnson
of prrplrxily, enupid hy our iiunto'rnufl
nod fotoniia Ilniincinl opTt ions. Thoo
limy bo Kxppttod to rot ur with ci rtuinty
ni lnnu thoro is no nmeiulnn nt In our
fiminclfil Bvstcin.
"If In this pnrth-nlnr iTitnucp our prn-
dh fiinont Is nt nil lnlliMn -tl hy n rt'cont
Insisronro upon tho position wo should no-
copy In our relation to rprtain iiup tioni
roncornliiff our fnri'if;n policy, this fur
nishes a flitinnl nod tiuprcpivo wnrtiiiig
that rvoii the oatrinthi Frntlniont. of our
pcnplo Is not nn ndcitmto aulwtitulo for a
Round flnnuclnl policy.
No Doubt of Our Solvency.
'Of cnurso thoro can he no doubt In
any thoughtful mind ns to tho romnlotn
solvency of our nation, nor can tlo ro ho
any jut npprohousioti that tho Ainoih'an
jH'oplo will ho pntisMi-d with 1ps than nn
hotu'fit payuii'tit vl nor pulilio otil iK;itiiins
In tho rLUiofnlzrd money of tho worid. Wo
should tiot ovorlnok t ho fact, however,
that nrnuBed fmr ia unreasnniim ii:td mu
betaken into account In all eii'orts to
nvert puhlio In.fl nrnl tho ra''iillcoif our
proplo's Intorosts.
"The real nnd Ronsihln curt! for our ro
currion trouhles run only hy offcetfd hy r
complete eliaimo In our llnaneial sthmno.
Fi'iidin that t ho ex cut ivo hntne-h of our
povcrniiHMifc will not relax Its ettdrts nor
nhandon Its utueriiunntiou to ubo tveiy
means within itsreaoh tn maintain heforo
tho world Aniericnn credit, nor will thero
ho any hesitation In exhibitim? Its cond
Uenco in tho reponrccs of our country and
tho cnnstnnt patriotism of our peoplo,
' In view, however, of tho peculmr sit
uation now confronting us, I havo ventur
ed to herein oxpri si the cnincst hopo that
tlio coiiKiecq, In default of the InnuLMira
tlon of n better system of tinntict. will not
take n reees from its labors heforo It has
hy leInlativo ona'tment or dceirn at inn
dono soiuet hin;r not ooly to r- .lind thmo
npprelieiisi vo aomoy our iri ;; 0 n tlmt the
resouicei f I h in uowrnrn nl nnd a scru
pulouH rraMl for hoi;t t. i'm:i r.f n!T ul n
fluru ivuv ainc, nf unijuiviioiwd - it!'"! v and
soon in' hat tu r i ; -u: u J V'i' 'i ''"Jd " ' t
t i! in""!1 lit!1: of i ii'ii t fin pfif1 !' it j.i ol
our citi'viH (ho ri! liiiy ami det roiina
tlon of our tin! inn tn nie 't in any ( i- i htii-slatie-c
v l ry (Ohiation it inruirj do not
fulmlt of iiuestion.
" I asl at. tho haiul-i of the roi';rrr.-s
sueli prompt nld nH It alone h;n thn 't.'-er
to rjivo, tu prevent, hi a time of fvnc and
np(;rehe:hhiti, any sie rifle of (he pcti.lc's
interelu nod the public, fund- or tle im
pairment of our pnblie cietitt in-an tjfiort
by exucuiivo notion to rel.uvc tho dnnij..ri
of the present emoieney.
''Gkov liU Cl.KVKI-AK'I). "
Suinttitiry of (lie I'rorfipflliiR In the Sen
ate nml llfiaie.
WAsniNdTON, Den. J II. In tho fennt.
tho 'eneiiolan commission hiil was illa
oussi'd without action. Mr. Jliiln Intro
ilurerl a hill proviill nn for the coiiptruotinn
of n't torpedo huntd nml h'ix hint clan hat
tlcuhlps. Tho prunldcnt sulnnlttcd tlio
ollleiiil corrcfiponilciicn riprinllnR tho
Armenian outrages. Tho house was not
In eesgioii
Wasiiixctox, Ilea 20. In tho senate
tho Ihhibo hill appropriation tint), Ouu for
tho Venezuelan commiHslon wan passed
without mncnilincnt after uVhato. A flio
cinl nii'Kago was rocelveil from tho pros).
(lout roi)iiestlng speedy action In refer
ence to lliiiinoial rcfuruiA. In tho Iiouho
petitions were read nnd roferreil asking
that holllKoront rights be Krantcd to Cu
ban ltiHurKcnts.
Wasiiinutov, Deo. 21. In tho senato
the president's Inst loo fiiko on tho llnnn
clal situiitlon was iliscu.-Hcii without no
tion being taken. AiliimriuJ to Tuesday.
In the house Speaker lined nnnnuneed th.)
oonimitteus. Mr. Jllnuloy of Maine l.s
chairiunn of tho ways and means comuiit
teo nnd Mr. Hitt of Illinois of the com
mittee on foreign relations.
Wakhinutosi, Deo. 2a Tho senate wni
not In session. In the house unly routine
buHlncss was transacted, ( halrtnnn Minn
ley of tho wnys and menus eonnnitteo an
nounced thut bills for raising rovenuo nnd
Increasing treasury reservo fund would Ln
introiltiocd on Thursday. Mr. lieach of
Ohio Introduced a hill authorizing the
president to call nn International confer
ence fur tlio consideration of tho Monroo
doctrino as a principle of international
Washiv.itox, Deo. St. In tho senato
Mr. Hill's bill to remove tho disabilities
of ex Confederate ollicerg who had former
ly boen In the service of the government
was passed. Mr. Chandler and other 1!
publican spoke in favor of the mciisure,
which was adopted unanimously. Resolu
tions nnd memorials were presented in
dorsing tho action of tho president in re
lation to the cnezuclan (iu siiun and fa
voring the recognition of Cuban revolu
tionists. In the houso no business of im
portance was transacted.
Crnalied I'mler a Train.
Sl'Kiiriir, Pa., Dec. Thomas May
beriyof Sunbury, nged ,1) y,uis, and John
Kord of Northumberland, aged t'l years,
foil under the Northern Central Oysur
expross at Ceorgetuwn, 15 mllea from
here. Their bodies were terribly mangled.
They had gnno to (iuorgetown to get wui k
In a ualluilll and wero returuina home
to spend Christmas.
Will Train nt 1:1 Mn.
UousTOy, Tex., Deo. S3. Knbert Fltz
ImmonH, accompanied by hid family und
the iiu-mhurs of h.u Ijuairiml coiiipany,
left for ht I'nwo. whoro ho will ttam lur
hii fight with Maher, which luUed placa
Feb, 14 next.
Chhieje Oerupr rufc Avthur.
I.oviHy, Deo. a.v A dh-patch from
Ci.otu to Tiio i'all Mall (iaoiio tiay thul
tho Chiueao murdad into foil Arthur
Bud huibtcd their Hag.
Thi InMircpe1 l:' r'fil ! !! tn n I'ohI-th-n
to Altsu U V p! il,
I! v A, P.". A fe !inif vtv y HUo
di.-nmy pr-vtii ifi thi el y, and thero Is
rpi'Ti 'H'tiyii'p, (!:'). frii n'm ctountl, that
ll:iMiin win be b"-!e :i d hy tiuiue,' troop
Vi it h in th" next t luoir-i,
Tho Flurtlimj tie4 w;m ret-olveil hi ro
I'nni Mat a ir as t !:; t t Miivuil jiin x iiuo
t-nrne;:, at thn he:d of nn Inviiifjetit ai i"y
f'd to number nNmt I '.in ii mrii n all
I 1 1:1s fail iy well fipji. h d w iUt n- i ilh f v,
had bra fi Hit tut-m I lhe Pank of Captain
Cire irl M:nLin-. ( ':n;i .p, who nf ( 'n
Ion viis lo p.MT:nril eoMiriiaod nf the Sp'iu
b li f.irer". att' mpt I t i x to ftep iho ndvnneo
of the eio my ujion 1 ! avar i, ami as r.'ell
f t'ir we-sr.Mird nf Colon nml I hivab'Uintf
tn pass inlatixai tti tho Futitlnvard niul
' r Hi a direct t y nt I lav-uvv
'I'I'O ree' i it of t bin i it it Mm; iu r:; eauscd
lh en litest, exeitepnml h no bnthlnotM
fi il and In unnOiehil ' Ircl f, nnd all !ioo:li
r ci y efl'm t wiis inii'ln tu fu pp:vFS t ho
a hi r ni iwx i ftfnrm.it bn tho nei h lea l:ed
out, ami befnro hn crowds nse!iibhid
f.''v: and th'vre in fi nut nf an i in tho enfes
nrnl nt R'reet cerneis or on the public
panares family diseuHHiiiLj tlio nppruf.eh
of tho Infill fjeiit army upon llavann.
A rumor was ciretilnted In preat detnil
t lint ( ion era 1 Campus In pel son, at t he
ht nd Of tho Spanish forms had Riieecoded
In coniinx faeo to facn with (1011117, and
hi forces ab tlio plantation of CuIIhco,
whiTe, it was reported, nn omraei metit
hml taken place, and t hat ( bmiez had been
rp; ml sod nnd the insui jretiH Rent llylntf
e k toward i-'nnta C!ara, This repot t, had
fm1 t-'T't of yieat ly res: on cuntlueneo
hire, nnd It wa irenerally believed for n
I'lmi that It Indicated that (ionic- had 1
I iven up liiq campaign for hick of fnippnrt
in b!taui:lfl.
Tho details of this pmzap,mi,nt h'id
hardly hceomn d inseminated thn,u(h tho
city, however, befnro tin ro uiinu ri further
reforf that tho insurannN wero ii'an hin
towaid Cunnahniri ai'd that Cnptnln tien
ei'H Canipoq hnd hasten-d to th il point
tu opj-n-n tho ndvaneo, thus 0111 o luoro
nue. in b'S hendrpi'irterq west wa id nml
lii Mie!' Jlavaita, ih he hai had In tin tm
nfte'i within tlio In -I few ihiy.-. 1 11st nil of
beiiiK cheeked, tho Immrtootta nrc praeM
rally unintorruptcd In theirinar'h toward
Havana, and nro now within fit) miles of
tho city.
Word hnn boon rneolvid that thn ItiBur
pont fnrees nro ninrohina toward tiuann
bann, which is only nbuut five miles dis
tant freni Mtitana-, nnd t hat ( ietieral
Camp, s lias nrrivid at (iunnnb.iiia to op-poi-o
t'10 loMiiyi'iit furccH.
Comprnmt-f Ilrnutit AUont TtiroiiRh th
iortd Olll i't of John Vfitiumn(t-r.
I'tlt IT ! THI A, Dee. '2 t. Tho f?rnat
1 10 Icy Ft t lbo Is ended. This Js linn I.
.Inim WanamaherN tho nmnwho brmmht
n h'ttit tho pel l ie?nenl, f-uet'eie' in w hero
nil ntlers faibd. Jin was nided In the
Work by nu mhei 3 of t he Chi i-t Ian h nlio.
Tho lu.s'fl of t:e!t lament fnlh-ws:
1 irst. Whilo tho Cnirin Traction enm
pnny will only tr nt with the workmen in
Its emplny it will nlhiw lin n; membeiahip
in nnv lav, ful or:noiat inn.
t-'eioi:Ll. ic will t;il;n op nil prievanceg
nnd piva tluj 1 fulland fair con iderat Inn.
Third.-It will, ni far bs It hai vacant
pbo-e-', Imim diato'y put on thenidmeti,
and ns fast n. vtieencieH nr'n will ivo
pn (orrneo t') any of thn o'd men yot nn
employed nnd enueavi r to nr'aiiiTJ tho
C lps of thn (ars favor the nld mult as
far us pn-;; ibin v. iihout violating its con
tracts with the now men.
TIki fjuc.-; ions of compo' sat ion nnd
hours nro left for futuro delei minat ion.
( 'o'leesslniifl w i ro i.mdn by hot h Rides.
Thn ha Mhi hn-i mainlv b "nu for the unes-
t 1 'i.tciiD ininii in run
AmaJani'ited Atcoelailon of Mteet Hati
W; y KnijeoyiMs, which tho cumpnny has
pc: sisiMii !y refused to reco;;ni.o. 'J ho
Hew men en.L:nvd sinco the strike bepan
number ren
o.ono Ririk
1 1 1 i .4 muniin
I, nun. Thorn
Tin y reported
fur work
; einm-4" I i to Snl hie.
Wa i 1 .' 1 -ci v, N. V., Dee. ;,M. Mrs. Co
lin Mart in, who v.at ennvu ted of t-jn ili ft
Itu; in tin' polico court nnd G nti need to
tholh'U-nof lb. fii-jo for Women nfc Mud
inn, h irecl bctelt' with a towel iu tho
county Je'1. Mm un nbout i!J years of
tra rod irepo--;e'-ing in nppearaneo.
liiH. Mn i-t in vvai mn.Mied two jvnrs ittro,
tut did not live lona with her husband,
and her nHocia(h.ns had lately been bad.
Mio cojifemed her theft to the recorder,
but took her coin let ion hard.
K-rlua I'lnniN In Iltlnoln.
CAuiiom.tom, 11U., Deo. 2.V Tho ro
coot heavy raina havo caused n goneral
overflow of tho lu.vlaudn along tho Illinois
river in this county. About L'.uouncrog
of corn on the llartwell ranch nro under
water, besides Fcveral nuros on tho Wldto
ranch. About SO families have boon forc
ed to nbjimhm their Immca, nnd tho los
on farm pmporty will ho heavy.
tlnlm lEiiKurll Hind Irntl.
I.ONDfiv, Dec. .". John Itun H Hind,
I.L. D,, J'. K. S., tho nstronomt r, died at
Twickcnh-iiii. Ho was horn nt Notting
bam on May I., J-'roin tho ago of l
hU mind was intent, on tho Mudy of as
tronomy. Ilind oi-iic.vered many new
planets, and in 1-'.'J reeuived tho (mid
medal of tho Huyal Astiounink-al soeicty.
Kiltid by a Irollcy ';ir.
Mkiua, Pa., Doc. HO. Jolm K. Merrill
of Milwaukoowas instantly killed by a
trolley car on tho Delaware county and
Philadelphia lino. He was Identified by
letters found on him, ono of which stated
tlmt he hnd been In tho employ of tho
Milwaukee health depart men t for livo
year a.
llcr.fl S vcred I rom Ilia Itodr.
Niatai: Kali.s, Dm. 21. William
Wcher, mi oniployco of tilorr oj (-.ridh-y,
conii'.T-', Wi'.R run over and killed by an en
pine in ih ) Central yards here. Weber's
head was severed from the boily, tho left
arm wns cut oil nt tho shoulder aud tho
h it h at thu ankla.
Fit ;er.tltl4 Csrrutlun I'imt pnned.
Hr. I. t h, Va?. 21. Tho execution of
tho dr.ua seiiuoro cf .James i itgernld
for the miliar of his sweeiifoart, Annio
."n(s-ins has hc-n po-ii pout d until .Ian.
127, J:v ti, to givo too uvuriior timo to ei
aminc into tho cu-u.
tevcniio JCecciptN.
DvC. 01 Tho monthly
etai' o-.e;
slu V.'-i ti:
bor t-t
eamu ie
lnr'-fcM i:
f tlio internal revemio bureau
during thu month (f Novem
i;d reci-ipu ftoiu all lifjiireoa
. s .' ., a a iin rt j.-io over tiio
h in Jv.i 1 "of t 1, 1 ;o,;u 1, thu
e.1-0 boing on spirits Cb''ib
lnntiva Hollar t.j)toKl(in.
Doe. 2 1. The ludler of a bv
1 1 !u i't n ::-y Iv.-ira ruiiiwa I al
.ri:uetie',i t o.'el, hi.jiam.ly
:s l'..lii:er of M-.i-ion, N. J.,
. ., ".nd wr eking cer,il taia.
" 1 f tio l ie Jii.utivo had ti-iii-li
'l be.' 'ia Uiu eiptuaioii.
Tm: 1
Ciliiutive '
I'iMlCl'f e,
killing 'If
'li.o li:-:.
poraniy U
Ni ft' Vot.;:
tod, pre-i.I-.iu
I1 . 2S. Henry J. New
1 t-i . b on e unnipany, with
N X. V., ai:u n1iu lived
l es'.y .hd tinoi, w;n ri.ii
1 hy a i 1 xit.i inn u 1 :u:u cor
!,ay ( .;olo road ut lJruad-niy-tliird
a f iV ti
ll : V '(
over an.i i.iii
of U.o J.r-.a
way imd i'v
ftttn tTS)m I'-iTnfl tn Itp:ith nntl (Itliers
lt.Jiivc:l - IncMifltiiry l lvi! In Btton Ho
tcl llitraiil tit hrni''lR(ly 1;id lllnr In
I ' I hi inioitl li-r 1 inn.
iii 11 i iT i.t', W, Va., )ro UX Kiro nt
thii p'aco h a 1 faitfed n momdnrjr luss of
I i",ei 0, 0110 man h death nnd the severe
in jot 'em ot sevcnl others.
'1 hi- lire 'ii ifjOMli d in Tnnmny'R bnkory
nod i;ii c' ly read to H. ('. Cuhon's store
ntirl tho Central hotel, on I truly destroying
t !: 1 1n eo nt runt ures.
.-. Tie- s-.'cm In tho burning hotel wn nn
rx'-'fim: ono. Tho pnrsts nil esonpod with j
th tr livet, .but snvod little else. Kit
icvonp, n s rvnnt nt tlie hotnl, was onrnoa
hiL.Tli. S. Hiti succeeded In resoii
b u' a wnman nnd throe ohlldron, and
then, tu cnvo hlmsolf, had jumped from a
lourih Ptory window, lie Is fntally hurt.
Coortio W. Ulues, MIsseK Pallie ComTRrs
and Knimn JS'ow jumped from the eenond
tory, nnd nil mo severely Injured, but
will prolnhly recover. Among the mor
prominent quests at the hotel were Hon.
William Ij. I itch of Kontuoky, ex- Sena
tor John Marion of Virginia nnd George
W. MeHhcornltto of Wost Virginia.
Inrpmllnry Fir In Huston.
HnsTov, Hco. Another serious In
cendiary flro has occurred in the Huston
and A II any railroad stookynrdsnt Bright
on, win ro two laruo barns, containing 4ii
load of stock, n largo quantity of hay,
etc., wero destroved. A Roonnd nlnrm was
found neee-j:iry in order tu save adjoining
property. The llio Is tho tlfth of undoubt
edly Incondlary origin In tlio flame loca
tion within tho past livo months. A fire
ot tuned on Thatikgl vhig day, when
property valued nt lu'.onfi wns dostrrtyed.
At tho lat tiro d. J. Monroe, ltmseo of
the htiildin;.: from thn Host.on nnd Alliftny
t'o;n, ln.it u shep, 'lit h'igs nnd f calves.
'I he total loss is flO.ouiij covered by In
mu an 0.
I ire In n Ji rnry I'nmp Works,
Fi,t.MW;itt, N. J,, Dec. 2. Flro do
Rtroyed tho coruhnuso of tho Worthlngton
pump works, n one story wooden struo
tttro ion feet fiiimre locatod nt tho foot of
Trumbull street. Tho fire Is bolleved to
havo started from one of n number of
ovens in tho buildiiiK. nnd within nn hour
It destroyed thn ontiro building. Vnlua
blo molds wimii damngod so badly as to be
rendered worthier. Thn loss on thoso is
e-ilm iii(i nt '1,000 and on tho building
I W. unit. Thn linger sowing machine
work ndjoining were badly scorched.
IV If IIliizo In Cincinnati,
Cinoinva 'ii, Ooo. Li:i. The flvo Rtory
brick buildiiiK l 1 nn 210 Walnut street,
or ci, jded by W. W. 'UnonaSiV Co, whnlo
p i!o di alei'S iu tea", cntTeo, spices nnd bak
ing pnw br. we.i defitrnyetl by ftro. Tho
r- luiid rd I HI company owned tho build
ing. Their lor-s Is only l(,UU0; fully In
sured. Tho hws of Thomas tV t'o. is
(mil, DUO; insurance, fMi.Onu. The bulld
ln o(cuj.id by tho Htandnrd oompnny
n.i.oins the ono burned ami narrowly es
caped with its oils.
!rnilii7 (iAf Vnttnr a I'lrn.
liAin-Ku.T:, IJ.o. a:i. Tho building nt
lit) Wi d luiitimoio flrnot, Ihistity, occu
j i d by 1 i ( idelhoig & Co., wholesale and
t tail (knh rs in chdhing, wns destroyed
l.v hie. '1 ho ln's on Flock Is estimated nt
t",nno, almost ell of which Is covered by
Insurance, nnd tho dnmnirn to tiio build
ing, which Im owned by tho dohns Hop
kins e.-i ate, will reach $ 1 ", 000, hIho covered
iiy Jnsuinnco. 'J he llro is FUpposed to
?- - i-o r. hm
C'L'iltl I.
Hotel tit 81 ticnertiidy llnrnftda
!-'rii! N'CCTAHY, N. Y., Deo. 2:i. Two-
tin y's hotel, a three story brick Htructur
on the nnisiiirM of tho city, has boon en
tile! con-'umod by lire. Forty boarders
Imd a narrow ocape nnd saved nothing.
Cn 1 bonnier, dainm Poster, wns seriously
I m md. 'the fi 1 0 was canned by one of the
Hindis iming to bed with n lighted olgar.
'i h:. domain, it Is estimated, will amount
to ;,u,00u; iu.suianco, $10,000.
Tim I'm t nam Foundry Barned,
Pi tnam, Conn., Deo. 33. The plant of
thn Putnam foundry and Machine 00m
runy was destroyed by fire, entailing 1
loss of K'0, ono to the corporation besides
eon-ddernblo Individual loss to employees
in thn di stinction of valuable patterns.
Tho Insurance is placed nt $lfl,000,
litcuyod From J All.
HoMf', N. Y., Doc. 21. J. Uridenbeoker
hns esenp; d trom tho Home jail. Ho wns
ftorving a teim of Imprisonment ot 90
days and w is committed on Nov. 8 from
( ainden. He mndo a sworn statement
previous to his escape to the District At
torney Klock concerning the boy train
wreckers, nnd as ho did not want to testi
fy nt tho trial ho made nu effort to escape.
lie called tho juilkccpcr's wife to the door
of hi cell and said ho wanted to toll her
something. As f-ho unlocked the door ho
rushed by hor und out through the court-
Ford rimuls N.jt (iulltr.
TiFN'tov, Deo. 2.Y Kx-tatehouso Hn
pevintentlent JJanuiy J. Ford appeared In
the Mercer county court nnd pleaded not
guilty to evht indictments which stand
nmingt him. Ho gavo ball in the sum ot
(1,000 to appear for trial on Feb. 10
There art four Indictments against Ford
for false pretenses In connection with fur
nishing the Rtatohuuse, two for oonsplracy
In connection with the furniture purehas
ed for the Ktntehousa from John Mullen
and two for ollicinl misconduct covering
theao tranEactioiii.
PJenteucrd to Fourteen Years,
Moi:riTiwy, N. J., Doo. 10. Henry
Con very and William Mack, who were at
one time employed ns attendants at the
Muto Asylum Fur tho Insane at Morris
Plains wire sentenced to 14 years in tho
state pri.'un n! i renton. I hey were charg
ed with heating to death Nicholas Dolfuz,
an inmato ff the asylum, on the morning
of Oct. K1 bi-t. In court they asked to be
allowed to plead guilty to the 4 j'rgo of
manslaughter, but the court would not
hLe, pt thiii plea, so ouo of nou vult was
su Utituu d.
Powitor etl Guns For Ciinftdn,
I.ov-x-v, li j. 2.1. Tha Munchester
Courier s'V that orders have been given
i tae Vi'(j-.-!'.ii:;i and D:vonport arseuals
for a 1:; ''0 u;.iuity of ammunition, to-
pettier with a pie-tt number of magazine
rules, Mn:i ini-iieury rilles and other
puna fer j-iiipiiu'tit to Canada in Junuary,
'Iho Cornier al.su barna thut the defenses
of Canua are to bo .-itreugthened.
May Iurlan LlUuubalanU
Sam Fi:Aci-ro, Dec 23. Advices from
Hawaii to a local paper nro to tho e:Toct
that Pre.-i'b nt Dote and his cabinet are
plena, d wiih tho way in which ex Queen
Piliuok, thiol has conducted heraulf since
her n lca: j on parulo, and that the grunt
ir. ; of a fu.l paidun to her Is under con
Held I-or Killing m Traiup
l: ;;'"'.; l.v nt, Deo. 2.1 Four nien have
en arreted, charged with being linpli-
c.u. i
in t.tusiug the death of a truaiD
n.unei A. j; .oidriek. Mutio.drlck was tak
en injcon-.cinui from a saloon surJuring
with a fractured skull. The police say
that Gnme men in the saloon had thrown
him out.
Thnrsriny, Iro ID.
The nntloim! onnferenoe of Chrlstlnfi !
Workers met nt Atlatiln. j
President Mayor of tho Ihiltlmnre and 1
Ohio rnilrnfid hns resigned. i
Hoven Itnllnn wnrshlps nro tn convoy
troops to the Italian forces In Africa.
Hon. Albnrfctl. Houghton was elected
mayor of North Adams, Muss., by an al
most unanimous rote.
Tho Southern Interstate Immigration
"ineintion hns selected Nashville an the
next plnco of mooting.
At the meeting nf the New Hampshire
"Into prnnKo N. J. Haeholder was re-elected
master for a third term.
Professor Antonio Carlo Nnpoloon Gtl
lrngn, tho Itnllnn publicist, diod nt Chop
stow, Moumouthshiro, Knglnnd, aged 85.
The liepublican nnttonnl commit toe has
Relented the Idndell hotel In St. Louis as
Its headquarters, taking the main parlor
and ten mums en snlto.
Mrs. Pnthnm, a washerwnmnn nf Yon
kers, N. Y., who recently sued Millionaire
John U Hnvemeyor fort 10, 000 dnmngos
for mntleinus prosecution, obtained n ver
dict of t2.10.
Friday, lire. 80,
Tho t'nltnd 8tntofl cruiser Mnrblehead
hns nrrived at Mnrsinn, Asia Minor.
At Jnhnsonvlllo, N. Y., Hong Faulk
ner, a prosperous merchant, committed
suieido by Hhootlng himself.
Theodore N. I.amberfc wns hanged at
Camden, N. J., for the murder of William
O. Knlser in December, 1MW.
Hrldgot Hastings, a wenlthy rosldont of
Jb 00k linn, Mass., was soot to jail for entl
tempt of court in refusing to pny a judg
ment ngntnst hnr.
At tho nnnunl mooting of the Rockland
County Affrirnlturnl society hold at Ny
ack, N. Y., It wi;s docided not to allow
gambling of any kind nt fairs.
Moses Welch, nn ngod former, who lived
with his sun 'harles nt Wells vlllnco, Mo.,
wns burned to death hy n flr. which also
destroyed tho Iiouho and outbuildings.
H 'present alive (ieorgo D. Meiklejohn
of Nebraska announces that ho will not
bo n enndidutn for re-elootlon to congress,
but will be n candidate for the Republic
an nomination for governor.
Chnrlrs W. Raymond, ex-president, nnd
Kdwnrd M. Hnymnnd, ex-nnshier of the
Mlddletnwn Natlonnl bank, who were
ohnrged with misapplying funds, wore
found guilty by n jury In tho United
States district court in Philadelphia.
8nttir!ay, I)te. St,
The president hn nominated Frank P.
Furlong to be postmaster at Hartford.
('harles D. Atwood, ono of America's
foremost nrchltocts nnd designers, died in
Chicago, aged -Id years.
Sawyer, Clnrk & Co., bankers nnd
brokers of Iloston, have announced their
su-pen-lon on tho Ihnton Stock F.xchango.
Tho United States stenmshlp Ilnltlmore
Is on its homeward bound trip from Vo
kolmtna. Tho Olympln will remain in
Chlncso waters.
Fdwin A. Hill of Connecticut has boon
appointed contldontinl clerk to Ctnnmls
sbiner of Patents Seymour, vice John W.
Street, resigned.
Two trains collided on tho Adirondack
railroad near Horseshoe pond, New York.
Knginecr William Hiassnr nnd F. Meyers,
fireman, were instantly killed.
Alexander Sard, nn eleetroplnter, con
victed of being concerned In tho rubbery
tt !lt Ingots of hilver in London, wns sen
tenced to 12 yearn' Imprisonment.
M(md;iv, lire. 2 A.
Tho treasury gold reserve now stands
at 'WlHti,,.i.'.o.
O ho llMi'-hip Philadelphia has arrived
at Sou Francisco.
(ieneral .Tamos C. Veatch dliKl at his
Nino r if the 1:3 prisonorg in tho county
jail at Marion, ()., sawed their way out
and escaped.
In Philadelphia Andrew Johnson and
his four daughters wero suffocated In a
flro at his home.
The body of John Leonard, aged 61
years, a veteran, was found frozen In the
Ice of the canal feeder In Rochester.
Two persons were killed and several In
jured, two of them fatally, in a head on
collision on tho Heading railroad nt Phil
adelphia. One of tho three buildings of Spalding,
Jennings & Co. 's steel works at West
Hoi geo, N. J., was destroyed by lira
Loss, 1100,000.
H. A. Ford, a cnhlemnn of the Southern
New England Telephone company at
Hartford, was killed by contact with an
electric light wire carrying 7,500 volts.
Tuesday, !, 24,
A bridge connecting the town of East
Hartford with Hartford wns carried away
by lee.
Three persons were fatally Injured In
an accident on the elevated rond in Chi
cago. Hy an explosion of gas nt Schoenhur
gor's rolling mill at Pittsburg eight men
wero burned, one of thorn fatally.
Attempts worn made to stonl the body
of Theodore Lambert, recently hanged for
murder, from the cemetery at Camden,
N. J.
Flvo laborers were Injured, ono fatally,
at the malleablo Iron works In Dayton,
(., being pinioned between tho walls of
the building and a car loaded with pig
David F. Hnnnlgan, the slayer of Solo
mon Maun, who has been confined in the
Hudson Kivur State hospital ponding an
Inquiry as to hU sanity, was released by
Judge Brown.
Counsel fur Maria Barber!, who was
convicted of murder In the first degree,
has Informed (Governor Morton that if he
will commute tho woman's sentence her
counsel will withdraw tiio cane from the
courts. Governor Mortjn has replied that
he will not interforo In any way while the
case la before the courts.
Wdu"ftdity, Iee. 33.
Perley Ellison and his family were mur
dered by Apachoa iu lowor Pleasant val
ley, A. T.
John Russell Hind, LL. D., F. Ii. ft,
the astronomer, died at Twickenham,
England, oged years.
William (a. and H. S. Hopper, trudlna
as Wiliiam G. Hopper & Co., hankers aud
brokers, in Philadelphia, have failed.
Sir Edward James Harland, member of
parliament fnr North pel fast, died at bis
home, Glenfurue Hull, Ireland, aged (54
A dispatch from Chefu to the London
Pall Mail (iaetto eava thut the Chinese
murehed Into Port Arthur and hoisted
their ling.
The British ship Moresby was stranded
of? the iJiilinucutirty lighthouse, near
Dungnrven, Irulund. und 10 of her ore w
were drowned.
The nialthouKe owned by C. M. Warner,
together with (ii.uuO bushels of hurley and
2, -P'O bushel of mult, was burned at
Vcudaport, N. Y. Lots, ti5,0o0
Curs L)ritUiJ and Hurned
Guti-Fonn, Cunn., Deo. 21. Seven cars
Were derailed m ur tho depot here owing
to heuvy loading with cooper. Two
tramps were slightly hurt, aud traffic was
delayed fur several hours. Three of the
cai were burned.
fatal Expiation In ft Coal Mina.
liAktltill. j. u., Dec. SU. There was
o explosion of gad In the Cumuock bltu
iniuuus ooal mine iu Chatham uouuty, 40
uliea from bore. There wore 67 mou at
work In the mine at the time, 43 of whom
were killed.
Mntnrmrn Trlftd In Steal ftwltrli.il .nil Run
Into Each Othar A Ato., Rllil Ilowa th,
AI.Im nt On, Cur nnd .tided on ft Wo
man Th Wreckage f. tight Flro.
pATRnsns, N. .T., Doo. 20. HolnR tin
tlor full lienrtwny In n dnnsn foR cr,
61) nml 7H on the Pntomnn, l'n.snlo and
Ilutherfnril Kli'otrlo rnllwny (ira.lifd Into
eni li other ypntnrilny. Thonms Mnrrny of
fli'-J HprlnR atrcet, Pntorflon, motorninn of
our VH, was klllml, anil la or IR others
wrre Injnreil. Tho point at which the ao
elilrnt oocurrwl Is about inlilwuy liotwonn
('llftnn anil Pntprson, nonr a rrosnroeit
known as Klpp's lunn. At this place there
are two swlti lies, nhimt. fiOO ynrdM npnrt.
From the switch nr-nrnr Pntorson there Is
a nrmiiml d.'scent. A single track oon
necta the switchtis.
Tho r ii n ii I ti chednlo of the cars wns
nilxcil liailly this mortilnK owing to the
fug, anil tho cars linil henn trying to "steal
twltrhes." Cnr.7H and (10 nrrlvcil nt Iholr
switches nt nliout the snme time. Kach
niotormnn wns unnhlo to so the other
par, nnd decided to go r.henil and trust to
lock. WIIMnni Oldfluld, nint innnn nf car
no, evidently npprehended dnngcr, for be
fnro he stnrled his oar he opened the side
gale In onlur that ho might be prnpnred
fur danger. Oldflold saw n big white ob
ject looming up out of tho fog when ho
was nbout half wny to the next switch.
1 In knew It wns n car, nnd reversing his
lever he jumped, escaping with slight
Tho two enrs CRme tngothor with terrif
ic force, nnd then bounded about ton feet
apart. Kvory pane of glnss was broken,
and tho woodwork wns smashed In doz
ens of places. Tho plntform of oar (10,
which Oldflold hod jumped from, was
crushed lint against tho end of the cnr.
Murray, tho tnotormnn of 78, reversed hi,
lever as soon ns ho saw thu appronching
car nnd tried to jump off, but he bo
cntno entnngled In the gate nnd was
crushed ngainst the onr. Ho wns allva
when takon from the wreck, but died be
fore he reached tho Kmnrgency hospital
In Pnssnio. (-toorgeJohnaonof Lake View,
tho conductor of car 7H, wns putting ooal
In tho stove nt the time of the accident
Tho shock upset the stove, nnd ho wns
burned bndly. Kdwnrd N. Klnrot of Pas
snlo riiw something wns going to hnppen
nnd mnde a jump through a window pane.
Jlo wns out by tho glnss, hut esnaped seri
ous Injury. Potor .lellemn of (inrflold wns
out nnd bruised. Mrs. Kosa AmshofI of
Kiithorford wns sitting next to tho stove
when tlio onrs mot.
I'lnlonod I'nder Hi, Ktnve.
Tho force of the collision threw hor tn
tho end of tho cnr, nnd the stove enme
after hor and pinned hor down. It set flro
to hor dross, and she ontled loudly for
help. A man, who-io name Is unknown,
snw hor plight, and, despite the fact that
ho was bleeding profusely from a wound
In bis tomiRn, hurried to her aid and ex
tricated hor from danger. Tho fire wns
put out, and, aside from a few bruises
nnd a sovc.ro fright, Mrs. Am fill off was
not hurt.
Tho only othor oocnpnnt of the oar a
woman who lives at 45 Park avonuo, Ho
hokon, N. .T. nppenrod to bo hurt badly,
but tho extent of hor Injuries could not be
nseertnlned, ns sho wns tnkon away soon
nfter the nooklont. On car fiO, bosides
William OUlflold, the motorninn, who
jumped, nnd .Initios Wnrner of Patorson,
tho conductor, thero were sovon persons.
Warner was hurt about the legs and out
about the head. Oneof his legs Is thought
to bo broken. Frederick Hooker of 65
Plum street, Patorson, mny die. Ho was
out nbout tho bond and was hurt Inter
nally. There wore nix nthor passengers
In car 60, but their Injuries wore so slight
tluit thoy wore ablo to go home unassist
ed. Car 7tt hnd hnd a loss aorlnns aocldcnt a
little before the collision with cnr 60. The
henvy fog mid tho endonvor of tho men to
steal switohns wore responsible for this
toti. Tho mlshnp occurred in IJcrgcn coun
ty botwocn two switches nnd nonr wlint Is
known ns the Hormitngo. The onrs wore
goitig at good speed when thoy collided.
Car 7H had some glnss broken nnd the
fonder bent. The other car lost several
windows. Mrs. Kosa Amshoff, who was
In the socond accident, wns also In this.
Kho wanted to leave the car at the time,
but tho conductor persuaded her to re
main In It.
.Soon aftor Murray's death his little
brother met cor Ttt with a pail containing
tho motornmn's dinner. The conduotor
on the car was about to biurt out the sto
ry of Murray's death, but the new motor
man stepped forward and took the pail
and sent the little follow off to join hi,
Shot Hla Neighbor and Hlmaalf.
C:miTl.Asn, N. Y., Deo. 19. Rensselaer
W. Tripp shot tieorgo W. Cialpln and then
shot himself at n place two miles south of
bora (ialpin was a paper hanger and
painter and started for work In a wagon.
Tripp lived almost aorosa the street from
Cinlpln, and as tho latter passed Tripp
he shot him. Tripp then shot himself.
Tripp's body wns found lying In a shed
on his plnoo. Jlo had shot himself through
the breast. He wns 73 year, old and a
farmer, (ialpin was 45 years old and
loaves a wife and three sons. Tripp loaves
a wife, two sous and a daughter by a pre
vious niarrlngo. The murder was the
culmination of frequent quarrels.
To Ta.t tlio Iowa'a Armor.
WAKiimr.Tov, Doo. 25. The naval ord
nanco bureau expects to teat at the Indian
Head proving grounds in the course of a
fow days another lot of armor plate made
by the Carnegie oompnny for the 8 Inch
turrets of tho battleship Iowa. A special
board which hns been making a very
careful examination of the matter ha,
recommended tho' abandonment nf the
largo rubbur washers which are now plan
ed under armor plates and the substitu
tion nf thinner load washers. It has been
found that the rubber washers, which are
universally used for this purpose, deteri
orate rapidly and soon lose all of their
original elasticity.
Pistol Pucketa la OvareoaU.
jEItsKT ClTT, Deo. L'5. Chief of Police
Murphy sent out an order directing the
members of tho polloo force to buve pistol
pockets put In their ovorcoats on the loft
side about throe inches below the waist.
The chief said that burglars during the
past month or two have fired at policemen
several times, whon If their revolvers had
born handy the policemen would have
some show of firing 11 rut.
A Tunnat Eotranoo Plugged Up.
Waltox, N. Y., Duo. 25. Ontario and
Wosturn trtlln 12 il broke into two parts at
the entrance to the North Walton tunnel.
The two sections then came together, and
three box cars jumped the truck, plugging
Op the entrance completely.
Cold Behind Curtalua or Ion,
Ed Andersen, aud E. E. Knapp, while
excavating ju the Ludosd mine, ou the
north Hide of Cow monutuiu, Colorado,
opened up an extensive cave, containing
Bva hulls. The first three are plastered
with ice a foot thick. Curtains of ice 10
fett lung by 18 inches thick are ima
pemled from the ceiling. lu one room
ui abundance of white talc was found,
which ustavs $9 gold per ton. St. Louin