Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, December 06, 1895, Image 4

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    One Cent a Word.
For Knell lnaertlom No dwtlfmflit
Inkvn fur le than 1JI rrntii
CAMft intuit .ornmpiiny All onlrrs.
FOR, BALE A rihwI.t rontl horse.
Alsonn Aldcrncy row.ooTiiinf? In.
AruiHFMH P. (J. H., Milfortl, Pn.
lioroby iv(n that trcsMsnitiK
iim)ii tlio projxTty of the Forest Luke
Asso'intion in LRckiiwaxcn town
ship, Pike county, Pn., for the iur
osc of hunting or fishing or any
otlicr jmrjxwp is strictly forhidden
under jieiiHlty of tho hiw.
Nov. 22, 1NU5. lVesident.
Trespass Notlr..
Notico is herrhy Riven that tres
pissin( on the premises of tlie tin
dcrsinned, situnted in DinKiimn
townsliip, for nny purpose whatever
is strictly forbidden, mid all of
fenders will lie promptly Jirosecuted.
Oct. 24, imr.. Ika B. Case.
ArimlnMnttlnn Notle.
Ijetters of administrntion Umhi
the estate of Hcliiwtinn Newburger,
late of Palmyra township, ilotvfmeU
have Itcen granted to the under
signed. All iersons having claims
ajjainst said estate will present,
them, and those indebted to said
decedent will please make immedi
ate payment to
Hor rr. E. Kiwv
l'aiipack, Oct. 2(, !s!5.
A small farm farm located ninr
Malamoras. known as the Hensel
or Ieinhardt place, containing 21
acres. Finely limited, well watered.
Houne and Inii-ii. Fruit of all kinds.
Part improved. Title clear. For
Terms, price, etc., address Iirk Imix
O. Milford, Pa.
ntli' In Tnx-pHy.
(hi state taxes not paid on or lie
fore Nov. Iltll ten jiereeiit. will lie
ndded, mid on other taxes five per
cent, after Nov. 2", 1Wi."i. 1 will be
at my office, 4th street, from 1 to
4.:i0p. 111. Nov. 20th to receive taxes.
John C. Wallace, collector.
M'in Itfwnril.
The scIkhiI directors of Diiifrman
township will pay twenty dollars
for information which will lead to
the detection and conviction of any
person or iersons committing any
trespass or doing any damage to any
school house or property therein in
said township.
By order of the Ixiard,
Nov, 7, 18'Jfi. Ika B. Case, Hoc.
Correspondents ore jxirticularly
requested to send in all news in
tended for publication not later
than Wednesday in each week to
insure insertion.
Matamoras, Deo. 4. Tho resid
ence of Mr. Alfred Billman was, on
Fridny evening, the scene of H very
pleasant event, the occasion being a
surprise party for his daughter,
Lulu. Misses Edith Snyder and
Emilia Billman invitxl about 60 of
their young friends to meet at the
home of Miss Snyder, from which
place they proceeded to the home of
JNIiss Uulnuin. llio door liell mug
and Miss Lulu answered when to
her surprise she saw a largo num
Iter of her friends. The party was
ushered in the parlor and the evening
was pleasantly spent in games and
vonil and instrumental music which
was followed by a bountiful unlla
tion. All pronouni-ed it it complete
sncivss. ;
Mr. Jas, Docker has sold his
handsome residence on River street,
and exKH'ts to make farming his
future occupation. His friends re
gret to lose him but wish him suc-i's-
Mr. Youngs Kilpatrick ' has re
signed his position with C. H. Sey
mour and expects to take a situation
with a eoal dealer in Middletown, N.
Mr. John Whysnll, of New York,
spent Sunday with his mother.
John was formerly a Matamoras
boy and his numerous friends were
ghul to see him.
Mr. Ralph French, who has
cliarge of tho school at Rosas, spent
Thanksgiving with his parents.
Mr. Win. French is tho inventor
of a new way of cleaning windows
Ask our popular Pennsylvania ave
nue burlier aliout it.
Among those who attended the
Kerr-Westbrook wedding Thanks
giving, from thin place were Mr.
and Mrs. Alexander Brink, A. W.
Bulch, Jr. and Mrs. Bulch, his
mother ; Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Fisher and Charles Biyer.
Charles Wagoner, of New York
city, visited his relatives and friends
Tlmnksgiving. Hchakui,
KmBLK, Dec. 3. Notwitlistnnd-
ing the fact tluit our village is a
quiet one, we do not Intend that it
Khali not be heard from, if, but sel
dom. . November favored uh with warm.
r weather tlmn Octolier, and De-
eeniber has followed suit thus far.
The hunting around our wilds has
been very good this fall. Several
deer have been-killed and taken
away, and some still remain among
the old hunters.
Last Sunday morning, Mrs. E.
Kimble was out on the piazza and
heard a sound which she supposed
was a calf bawling and spoke to one
of her workmen, Jip Kirkendall.who
also listened when they heard the
barking of several hounds and look
ing in tho direction from whence it
came, saw a deer struggling to get
away from the fighting dogs. lie
immediately seized his gun and
within five minutes, the fine fawn,
as it proved to lie, was hanging in
the shed. The dogs had broken one
of its legs and "Jip" says, he shot it
to "save its life."
" Mr. W. E. Bittenliender, of Scran
ton, who has been sjicndiiig a week
at the "Kimble Mansion," had very
good luck hunting. We saw him
start for home Monday with a very
fine deer, that he shot Wednesday
and a large string of jmrtvidges he
had " brought down " during the
A. J. Kimble, of Paupac and a
small party was hunting in our
midst -the past week and killed two
The Excelsior mill has shut down
for n few days owing to a shortage
in fuel. We hope soon to hear the
always welcome whistle esjiecially
at 12 o'clock m.
Byron Wood siient Sunday at
Mount Pleasant.
, Mrs. J. U. Maloney is very sick at
present writing.
Miss Eunico Kimble, of Paupac,
and Mr. C. E. Schardt, of Ilawley,
called on the former's sister a few
Miss Emma Kipp, of Wilsonvillc,
spent Sunday witli Cora Kimble.
Mr. E. Kimble, who has been in
New Mexico and Arizona since Nov.
1st, has gone to California where he
will sK'iid the remainder of the win
ter. His nephew, Verne HoUievt,
who went with him for the benefit
he might derive from the southern
air has liecome so much better that
Mr. Kimble left him in Arizona,
where he will undoubtedly remain
for an indefinite time or so long as
he continues to improve.
Glkn Eyre. Dec. 3. Deer ap
peared to lie plentiful in this sec
tion but hunters are not successful
in capturing them.
Somo one entered the store of
Clias. Chidister's again last week
and took some boots and mittens
evidently preia ring for a cold win
ter. F. N. Theolmld is on duty again
after a two weeks' vacation.
Constable Kelley has considerable
to do in the line of official duty.
The last loaded canal boat went
past here on Sunday afternoon.
Ftrmart are Beflnnlnf to Undentnd That Da
hernln Can Ba Done with Caustic Potaah.
The practice of dehorning conmion
cattle has Ikx-oiiio quite general over
large sections of the country. The
edict has gone forth "the horns must
go." The advantages in feilingand
shipping are so many and obvious
that farmers who handle large num
liers of cattle will no longer tolerate
horns. Dehorning is easily done at
the proper season of the year either
with the saw or with the shears.
The better way, however, is by pre
venting tho growth of tho horns by
the use of chemicals. A numlxr of
preparations were put on the market
some years ago, hut their uso has
been largely discontinued. Farmers
are beginning to understand that de
horning can lie done most readily
with caustic iMitash which can be
purchused at any drug store. Alxmt
half a cent's worth is snltieent for a
calf under a week old. The best way
of applying it is.insert tho small stick
in a tulje,or hold a pair of tweezers,
so that considerable pressure may lie
used nnd the fingers not burned.
The caustic should lie rubliod vigor
ously over the bump for a minute or
so xintil it has a sore appearance
A heavy scale will then form around
tho horn, which will cease to grow,
and in the course of time the seal
will rub off and the bud with it. Th.'s
no doubt causes the little animal con
siderable pain but there is no danger
of any serious consqueiices,and the
horn being removed a nice smooth
poll will be developed. It should
however, be bcr ie in mind that
nature provides somes means of de
fense and hornless cuttle are notor
ious kickers ; they learn to use their
heels rather than their heads. This
is particularly true of the naturally
hornless breads, but Wii have no
doubt tho homed breeds, if dehorned
in ealfhood, will soon lea ru the trick.
The gentlest dehorned cattle are
those on which the horns are allowed
to grow until they learn to use them
for offunua and defence and then
re dehorned, --Kx:hange.-
Tim Mnrrtcror nf rite-! linn Irfwt Mttrh
of 1 1 In Air of CrnifWcnnfi A Phnrp Tilt
I!pfvfpn IU fntiPd nrtfl th I'rrnlillnjt
rmT.AhM !TM A, Ni
of nyor nntl trnnii'cr
fused lo ':;i!il Hernia
JT. IT. II-.In", wIki
Nov, i) fur th nrri
Frpt. 5, IS'.'!, nf I!. K
and F' fite'!''( -1 tli" (
tn tlc:it!t. I'r-'nn: y p:
, I'O Tn t!in court
!ii"n Arnold rn
i V. iMmlt.-'tr-, nliis
wcl r'ivi ' nil
! -r ' tMfl rltv nil
'1. i T1 111
fl 1K',7 tl';-l
1 mnnVrrr
) !; I Idiiniw,
f mi!" Into
d h. ' !H"'l t
whUdi has
f tilt le-
it. n. noi.MF9.
tweon Jud;n Arnold mid Lnwyr ftotnn,
oouiisel fur tho dofondnnt. .linlne Arnnld
ohnrnod tlmt Mr. Kntnn hnd offorml an In
suit to tho rourt by lirlofs to I'rpnldent
Jndfie Thnyor and J wipe WlllRon, who
had wit with .ludfje Arnold whnn llolmos'
oounsel had around for A now trial, but
ncgiootrd to flond him A oopy.
Mr. Hotari inid tho hrlefg hnd bpen pre
pnrpd hurrlndly and If the Judge hnd boon
ovorlookcd It ml A mistake, lie anid:
"I do not want the Iniprcinlon to go
forth tlmt I have done wrong. I do not
want to he attacked t hat way. There wag
no dinrnspMit Intended when I sent the
brief to .Tiitlffof Thayor and Wlllion, and
ah a inonilier of this bar you should have
that conlldonee In mo."
No New Trial.
Jndlte Arnnld made no further oom
iiunt, but proi-eeilud to road the court's
answer to Holmes' counsel's reasons for a
new trial, lie took up the 15 exoeptlons
to tho verdict, one nt A time, And dwelt At
longth upon ennh. Tho main reasons for a
now trial, which wore put forth by the
di'foiiiliint'B counsel, were the admission
of tho testimony of Miss Yoko, whom
Holmes claimed ns his lawful wife; the
district attorney's, opening speeoh to the
jury, wlion ho brought the murdor of the
rhildrnn into tho case, and that part of
Mrs. ritoycl's testimony in whioh sho
said tho Inst time sho fnw hor children was
In the moryiio nt Toronto.
In reference to JIIss Yoke's eligibility
ns n witness, tho judgo said that it wns
tho opinion of tho court that Holmes was
not only m.-.rrlcd to the Wllmetto (Ills.)
woTiinn, when ho wedded Miss Yoke, but
thntr he nlao hnd a wlfo In Gilinan, N. II.
Th"rcf'iro tho innrrlorro to Miss Yoko was
null e Mil void and tho evidence was nd
mUs' I i!e.
Tho opn?iln Fi'ret h of tho tli! riot nt
tori.ry. he t'ehl, v:.s epen to ohjerl ie)t.
It v.'Pl t T 10 evident lnle'.tion f.f llo'nies,
snid ,Tni!:'n A rrnM, to t : i k o oiT tl:o entlro
Pltezel family in re,
bc!oivriTi:f to 1 1 n v.
tho Blitfrniriit, Vi
hn;l iti'-irii; 1. .1 li.'t
rni i il l y it.
, ;.,.rty
1 IV.
I, i
t t-
II o :";: a 1 y n 1 , ; r I ' . : t .
( .:;,-t np
ii. iv (rail,
j.i ii.n and
nun iktiI.
). .turtle
a'tt, lmvo
prove 3 tho vi : i; . ' . i .: a
Distrl. t Ai'i,-!. ; I.: .' : ll.ru
nsl;cd I !;ni . I V
llollllt'l v.:; f.r!f r :1 ' . . ,1 r
Arnold f.:i'), ' l W. Mail
you nnytiiii ti ia y.-"
lloliiio: r (I m a I rreiy nutlitile
volco, 'I Iju vij !! f li i i ta k iy. "
Judgo A-n(,-M lia il riu nunrrd the
donth uia.tiauo u.' f..i:i.vfl: 'lt is tho sen
tcuco of till ciiarL that yuu I to tnkon houce
from wliaitrn yati raino mid thoro be
hnriRod liy tho nr; !; until you nro doad.
May God huvti na rf-y m your noul. " The
exprosalon on Jlnlnu's' fitco ronuiined the
same. Ho was tnlaai from tho court to
prison. (aAt rnur llastlns will fix the
day of IlolmoB' execution. An nppoal to
the aupronio ctturt will ho tnkon at once.
Mr. K. I. Morgtin Injnred
Hempstkah, N. Y., Nov. 29. While
riding a anperb hnnlir on tho Whoatly
hills Mrs. 10. 1). Morgan, wlfo of the ez
oominodore of tho Now York Yacht olub,
was thrown to tho ground, and her leg
was brokon nt tho nnklo. A mossage was
hurriedly sent to Dr. W. T. Dull, who
came from Long Inland City to Weatbury
by special train. It I reported that the
horse became frlghtoned at a stump by
the roadside and jumped violently aside.
Five Man Rendered iDienalbU by Deadly
Fames, and Thru Will Die,
RrcooKLYX, Deo. 8. Three men will die
as the result of a remarkable accldoDt In
tho Mollenhnuor sugar reSnery at the foot
of South Eleventh street, Williamsburg.
Two others narrowly escaped with their
lives and may be laid up for some time.
Mollenhauer's refinery shut down last
Thursday to take account of stock and
put the machinery and boilers In condi
tion. It was announoed that the refinery
would resume operations today. Last
evening at 7 o'clock a number of charooal
workers were ordored to begin wot k In
the underground oharooal pits, which,
whon In active operation, are generally
Five men wont into the pits, which are
20 by 50 feet In extent, the roofs bstng IB
foet above the flooring. As the thiok
fumes of the charcoal, which had accumu
lated for several days, struck the men
they fell down Insensible, one after the
other, in single file.
The two men nearest the sunken door
were pulled out and revived after a time
and wont to their homes very 111. All In
formation being refused by the otllclals of
the relinery, the names of these two vic
tims mult! not bo learned until a late
hour lait niuht.
I elluw workmen broke the windows
from tho outsltlo of the pits, and after the
atmosphere had vluarod buuiud out, the
lleroKiu ruehs, Si ycurs ulj, 73 Moi-gin
iliniMtH huhlmtiun, 27 years c'.d,
Sl.i'.tinn street.
'i'1-.o.'uin Levy, C j ye.irs o'.tl, SOU
To nil npp''aranr,i;5 tl-r? wt.ro (V.nl,
were atttr.ilfl hy AiiiiMlniire -.r-Kliaw
c.f t:m Honin . : i;:;io h- s; it.il
Ilr. John .M.ii.r tf tiu K.-.-.I.TII liij
, 1!')
, hut
1' in In and Knhlniji! wero ta'jen to the
hospital tltt.l ll.ltli .1 llll.l levy to the
Kastern ll;irli t In ; Ital. ie.J it wua re
ported lute U..t ii:...:i. at h..ili of those In
stitutions that tiiu men would surely die.
court, lie n''1; 1 c;i? cvor-i ry
hfvo ln-t tli 'l '( d ;
rhiii to Juiti 1 iimi- "'''!! )i
deal. Court ojvi.i .1 v. a !i n 1 r
.7v rx
Si U : V h
J- V.
Mr. A. T. Cocksford, of Bloomfleld,
N, J., who has lieen hunting here,
shot with the aid of Oeo. M. Quick
57 pheaseiits in 8 days.
Mr. C. F. Langton, who is selling
oils for n company nt McKetwport
Pa., was in town fSaturday disusing
of the sliniery article to our mer
chants. Dr. II. E. Emerson injured him
self by lifting a henvy box and has
been quite indisposed. He is lietter
now however.
Mr. Joseph Duffy and Mr. John
F. Baxon, of Port. Jervis, made us n
call this week. Mr. Saxon offers a
line of wines for medicinal and
other purixises which ho guaran
tees as unsurpassed, and warrants
to give satisfaction.
Miss Happy Van Wyek returned
to school nt Washington, nnd Mrs.
C. H. Vnn Wyek, who nccoinpanied
her as far ns New York, has re
turned to Milford.
Mrs. Martha Xyce, nccomjianied
by her daughter Belle, of this place,
has gone to spend the winter with
her son, John W. Nyce, who is
rasher ofabnnkat Caldwell. Mrs.
J. W, Nyce, who has lioon east visit
ing her father, P. A. L. Quick, nnd
others relatives, returned home
with them.
Mrs. Wheeler and family will leave
Milford this week for the winte r.
Cards are out announcing the wed
ding of Mr. Harry McColluni.a jovial
salesman, to Miss Cii'ti-'. of New
York. If Harry is happy all through
there is a hivr lot of it.
Mrs. Albert H.
Frank Morns,
pleasant month
in a s iiii-':'i'.Mi
Jake Schorr liaj.
fomllinrr a In n. i
it t'a
gret I'ul leave
nienf, and l
res'iln'.i' ii i t
f-ol. la'ie'V.
ployiv el' !
dui'in;' a
Frank Tin
stick iii I he
It is report
( home
"A 11 .
iiie yard
or.:ry shut
.1 tv. irlltm
H'e of W l'v' i
1 that Mr. VA.
I . H'e ot W iv ( i ai itclieil.
P. Nyce,
the well-know miller and fanner of
Kgypt mills, will soon hecoino a
benedict. Miss (iraco Whittaker is
said to lie the happy young lady, he
has selected as the sharer of his joys.
We tender congratulations in ad
vance. John Rudolph, who is a skillful
watch case maker in a large factory
in Newark, N. J., is home rccujiera
ting his slightly impaired health.
Middlo Aged Novice I am just
off for a tour in the country biking
all the way .It'll be four weeks before
I'm back is my flat again.
Candid Friend Ah ! Bet it won't
be four hours before you're flat on
your back again !
" I have 15 clocks I'd like to sell
you " ' I don't buy stolen goods,
sir." "Why, they weren't stolen,
my dear sir. I was married yester
Derailment of Nn. oa the Lack wan a
Road CauMd by Train Wreekcra,
Syracuse, Deo. 8. Pntwenaer train No.
8 on the Delaware, I-ackawanim and
Western railroad, which loft .yraus at
10:10 latt night, ran Into an open switch
v(, Pciiie, ton miles from Cortland, and
teieecoped three freight ca i, The ungine
of the passenger train was completely
wrecked, and the l)ftwne and n-all cars
and twoooacheR eauuht fire from the blaze
under the wrecked bailor and were con
sumed. The engineer, George Younfr, was In
tantly killed, and the ilreniiin, Wehatur
Roof, was token from the debris hy the
passengers In a dying condition. The
sleeping car was tho only one s.-ived. No
body was seriously hurt, excopt tho engi
neer and fireman. The hagtrage and mall
were almost all saved. The freight station
at Preble caught tire from tho wreck and
was burned.
Theiwitnhafc the scene of tho disaster
was found blocked. Nmiehndy had tam
pered with It with tho duliberato Intent
evidently of wrecking the train.
The members of tho "Uuwery Cirl
oninnny worn on tho train, on route to
Kew York. Tho sceuory of tho company
Was all destroyed.
by a Train,
rnr.in';n, Mr.:., Xov. Jo':n
Lenrv, .".0 yi'.irs ul .!, ut .iiiiviiirwasstriKS
by uu'i'Xi-i'"-' train ai.d instantly killed.
IncrDill:iry Fire Tn the Lumber Zls'.rlct.
KiN'i:!"" R. I., IVe. 2. News rencbod
here nf a ?i-r!tH ut inci.niliary linn yester
day ui 'v.t'iP.uU, a viilnu.0 in the- lum
bering " t ii'vcn miles fjum KinKtun.
A BiiWinill titul several other buildings
were destr' yed, and Nelson Newull, tiiu
loton an ft ilia mill, and Kdward Uriggs
were badly LuineU. All tho burned prop
erty wiM owned by Mureus L. Metoalf uf
Kingston. 'I ha tuial leu li estimated at
Do You
r. Size
H Ri.7 nr 7
C width only. If so
you can get a pair
of Woman's Don
gola Square Toe
Laced Shoe. Real
value $3.00- now!
We bought them
of a speculator in
New York and we are
satisfied to give you
the benefit of the
Orders sent by
mail or by either
stage line will re
ceive our careful
and immediate at
tention. JOHNSON'S,
28 Front Street,
Port Jervis.
Go to
T. R.
Julius Klein
Stoves and Ranges
Hardware, Cutlery, Tin, Agate
Ware, 4c, 4c.
Tin Roofing and Plumbing
J L U 1 1 .
road -
promptly attended to,
et, opposite PRESS Offee
To introduce my wines
and liquors to the people
of Milford and vicinity I of
fer the following low fig-
ures for the Holiday trade:
California Port, Sherry,
Catawba, Angelica, Sweet
Muscatel, Madeira, Tokay,
Blackberry, Malaga and
Rhine wine at SO cents
per quart bottle or put up
in cases of one dozen bot
tles assorted or of any
kind at $4.90 per case.
FACTION. Goods will be forwarded
by either of the stage
lines. Mail orders promp
ly attended to. CALL ON
Wholesale Store, IOS Plko t..
Branch Stora, 33 Front St.,
it takes plenty of work and
c::? to get the printer's ink off
your hands.
If you advertise
yen will get plenty
cf SOAP and work
in your hands.
Published at 10 Spruce Street,
Sanitary Plumbing,
Steam Heating &
Hot Water Heating.
Houses Tested for Imperfect Plumbing.
..,J.8:S,?!L?ire.?.t:... Port Jervis, N. Y.
Dealers in
Fancy & Staple
Dry Goods, Groceries,
Provisions, Hardware,
Crockery, Glassware,
Boots, Shoes, Etc.
Corner Broad and Ann Streets.
Headquarters for Dry Goods.
Headquarters for Notions.
Headquarters for Boots S Shoes.
Headquarters Rubber Goods.
We can save you money in every
department of our two stores which
are crowded with new Goods of every
description for Fall and winter. Please
give us a call, you will be more than
Manufacturers and dealers in all
kinds of Lumber,
Contractors and Builders.
Estimates made ; personal attention given and work
OFFICE, Brown's
Headquarters for Groceries.
Headquarters for Provisions
Headquarters for Hardware.
Headquarters for Crockery.
Building, Milford, Pa.