HEADS LIKE A NOVEL. REMARKABLE DRAMA OF REAL LIFE WITH INTRICATE PLOT. Aa Adventuress Named Mary Thiers the Woman In the Case Hensntionnl Re sults or the Conviction of a Cleveland I'hyslclan of Burglary. A flrnma of real life more oxtraordi tary In its developments tlinn tho com plicated plots of Wilklo Collins has been brought to light by (Ho indefati gable investigations of n Cleveland At torney. Two years ego a Dr. Emerson of Bo res, a Cleveland suburb, wan arrestpd on the charge of burglary. Tlio trial was sensational, a pathetic fpatnro be ing (lie devotion displayed by bin young mid beautiful wife, who sat constantly by bis side dnring (lie trial. Kmerson was convicted and sent to the peniton tiary. His wife was shocked lafpr to discover that be bad repaid her dovo tion by surreptitiously milking out a mortgage of bin property, while i" jail, to ono Mary Thiers. Mrs. Kiiinrmiii'B lovo turned to ha tred. HIip instituted divorce, proceedings and was granted a decree. Then fIio consulted an attorney iu regard lo the cation the attorney discovered that Mary Thiprs. bad bpen living with John Thiers, w ho was not her husband. This John Thiers died hint July, leaving all bis property to Mary. Ho bad been an intimate friend of Dr. Kmerson. Several days ago the attorney received t letter from a man named Wittman of Buffalo. The writer paid he bad read (he name of John Thiers in the death list of a Cleveland newspaper. Ho ask ed (he attorney to make inquiries and see if John Thiers was not in reality Casper Wittman, the writer's father. "Casper Wittman," continued the writ er, "left his devoted wifo in Buffalo to wildly follow Mary Thiers, who poi oned his mind against bis family. He Was worth fno.OOO in cash and held much real estate in Cleveland and De troit." Tito letter concluded w ith (he state ment that, if Thiers and Wittman wero the same, the attorney should immedi ately institute proceedings to contest the will, as the writer should maintain that his mother and children were Cas per Wittman 'r legal heirs. An investigation of the will settled the question of identity. It is signed John Thiers, but. be says ho was for merly known as Casper Wittman. Now ci tiiiiithcr complication. In hiswill V. : man spe aks of his "former wife. " 'i i.e coint records show that bo was never divorced in Cleveland, and tho attorney claims that were Wittnian di vorced tho divorce would bo fraudulent ly obtained. Tho story of these two suits, derived from entirely different Bnuices ami so singularly welded to gether, furnishes litigation that has no precedent in the srato of Ohio. Phila delphia Telegraph. BIG EXPLOSIONS. Hnndreds of rounds of Dynamite Used to Clear a Itlvcr. Tho impediment to navigation caused by (he recent wreck of some 23 bouts and barges of tho coal fleet and 2ii0,0()0 bushels of coal on Dead Man's riille, 10 miles below Pittsburg, was attacked by tho United States government au thorities with dynamite the other after noon. Somo 1,100 pounds of dynamite, in chin ges averaging 100 pounds each, were, explndtd among (ho wrecks and their cargoes. Several of the barges woro blow n to pieces, and the channel was partly cleared. The dynamite throw great columns of water 80 feet in t lie air. A piece of a beam pierced the hurricane deck of the towboat Loader, from which the offi cials WPro conducting the operation, broke the hog chain, and nearly struck the boat's mate, who was asleep iu his bunk. The charges were fired from au electric battery on the Leader, which was kept about 2o0 feet away from the wrecks, with which it was connected by a wire. socialists to Form a National Tarty. On account of the great gains made by the Socialist Labor party in there cent election tho Central Labor federa tion at its meeting recently iu New York considered formally the starting of a movement to form a national labor party on socialistic lines, which would be entirely outside of tho methods and policy of the Knights of Labor and the American Federation of Labor. "Unci Tom" In Hospital. George Clark, tho quadroon who, as an escaped slave, lectured iu the north before the war, has been taken to the Pro testant infirmary, at Lexington, ou ac count of failing health. Ilo is bedrid den, and unless be improves readily un der treatment, tho physicians think, ho cannot live long. He is the original of Georgo Hurris in "Uncle Tom's Cabin. " He is b4 years old. THE OPENING OF CONGRESS. The two important questions that need immediate attention are- the rev enues and the currency. These two mut ters ought to oouunuud the earnest at tention of congress soon after it meets. Savannah News. No one seems to anticipate a great deal of legislation in this congress. Boston He.cR To stop the deficit and protect the gold reserve is the first and imperative duty of the Republicans. Indianapolis JouruuL Beyond b'l somewhat vague declara tion that the Republicans iu congress will be ready "at all times to furnish adequate revenue for the government" the speaker gives no bint as to the finan cial policy of the majority. Philadel phia Record. What Might lie Expected. "Please, sir," whistled the boy with two front toutu missing, "Minnie Williams' root her says Minnie can's come to school cos she's got a stitch ill her slilo." "Who Is Minnie Williams' niutherf" the dew eohuolteachcr asked. "Shu's the dressmaker." Coxeys Dream. General Ooxey, the ex-commonweal leader, announced the other night at Pittsburg that be is a candidate for the presidency. A PROPHETIC WELL. Mr. Wheat Bar It Always Warn B Ira of a Coming fltorm. I have been able to forecast the weather during the past Reason from 18 to 84 hours lu advance very aecnrntply, by means of a well which I put down two years since and which has preyed phenomenal ill this respect. The well is on n bill overlooking the surrounding country, kuown as the Wheat hill, is HOfpet dpep, 20 feet sand, 40 feet solid bine clay, 20 fppt quick sand and ground, has n good Rnpply of water, not effected by the dry weather of this season. Storms are Indicated in advance by a discoloration of the water, it having the appparance of milk bplng dropped in it and being quite agitated in appearance when pumped from the well. This condition of tho water usually continues hnt n short time, gen erally becoming clear before (he storm commences. With an approaching Htorm theso conditions of (ho water are more or less extreme as tho storm will be more or less severe. As to its reliability and neenracy as a Weather forecaster for western Now York, I consider it correct from observa tions of . the past summer and fall. While (he weather bureau and all of our weather prophets have made mistakes on account of unexpected counter winds and highs and lows, the well has made no mistakes. For example, on the 10th of August last the weather bureau, gave no warning of storm. Mr. Parker stated that no rain was in sight ami could look for continued dry weather, but the well gavo (he strongest indications of storm of anv time this Rummer. On Sutnr- day, (ho 17th, in (ho afternoon and evening there was a terrillo electric and rain storm, which swept Wayne and Ontario counties. Many other similar instances could be mentioned, but it is unnecessary. Ibope this matter may attract tho attention of some of our scientitlo men who are en gaged in investigating nature's secrets, for I believe a careful investigation and study of the action of this well in con nection with tho weather will prove of value. V. R. Wheat, Orleans, N. Y., in Kochcstor Democrat and Chronicle. FREE TELEPHONES. An Ohio Town Profits From Keen Com Itctltlon. Norwalk, O. , is prolnbly the only city in the United States whose inhab itants, to tho number of at least 2fi0, have been furnished with telephones rent freo for ono year. Tho trouble began with the introduc tion of the Harrison telephone into the city. The company offered a rate con siderably lower than that of (be Bell Telephone company, and attracted many subscribers. When 200 people had sig nified their intention cf using the now telephone, and the Bell compauy saw that it must faeo opposition, it made the announcement that telephones would be placed in business houses and dwell ings for $1 a year. This offer at once drew a largo number of subscribers, and the list of Hell telephones soon num bered about 800. New wires had to be Rtrung, and, with the Harrison compa ny's 2t0 telephones, this city of 10,000 people employed over B00 telephones. When those using the Bell telephone went to pay their yearly rental fee of f 1, they were informed that it was not iiecessaiy, and receipted bills for the amount wero given them. Next year the Bell company will charge for the use of its telephones. Tho price will, be a shade less than that asked by the Har rison compauy. Tho latter did not at tempt to meet (he competition of the Bell company. New York Sun. THEY WANT OUR TRADE. Japan Will Hell TJs Bicycles For 13 and Other Things In Proportion. Tho Kan Francisco Daily Report the other evening published a story calcu lated to Bt art le American manufactur ers. The articlo says that Japan is about to invade the United States with the agents of her factories, whose ability to produce articles of necessity more cheap ly than the rest of the world can no longer be ignored. A few weeks since the agent of n peaceful manufacturing and commission bouse, whose headquar ters aro iu Kobe and II logo, arrived in that city, and offered such inducements to San Francisco merchants that they were compelled to place large orders with tho oriental firm. A canvass of the Sau Francisco mercantile trade reveals the fact that an unprecedented cut in almost every line of staple goods has been mado by the Japanese bidder. Buttons by tho great gross are deliv ered duly free at a fraction loss than tho actual cost per gross of the Ameri can article. Bicycles, guaranteed equal to the best high grade, are listed at $13, Japanese mutches are to be laid down at a price which is destined to close ev ery match factory iu the United States. Hushes, doors, blinds and all kinds of wooden ware can be delivered duty paid at 80 to CO per cent loss than the whole sale prices of local manufacturers. After placing huge orders the agent left for the east, where agencies will be established In New York, Chicago, St, Louis and elsewhere for the purpose of underselling American and European manufacturers us fust as possible. New York Sun. London Has tha Fever, The "Trilby" infection has worked in the slower English blood a fever no loss violeut than that friu which Amer ica recovered mouths ago. The craze has invaded everything and become al most insufferable to the Americans in London. More than 100,000 copies of the book have now been published, and the demand is unsatisfied. It is an nounced that the Harpers have dually secured Du Muurier's new novel for $50,000 cash, the same price that was paid to Lord Beaconsfield for "Endyiu iou. " New York Sun. Keeping It From the Children. A romantic feature of the celebrated Maybrick poisoning case is not general ly known. The two children, a boy and girl, who wero 8 and 5 years of age at the time of their mother's conviction, have been pluced in chaige of a worthy couple in one of the English proviucos remote from the seen of the tragedy, and are being brought up as tho children of this pair, in the hope that their real parent age may uevor be made known to then), New York Journal THE SWANN UTOPIA. CURIOUS HISTORY OF A DISPUTE OVER MILLIONS OF ACRE9. How General iwann Went to Enron to Further Bis Scheme Hie Imprisonment, A Whole Town and Thonaands of Far me Involved. The noted land suite of H. O. King of Boston, lu which hundreds of people, ham lets, towns, timber companies, farm ers and miners in Logan, Mingo, Mc Dowell, and, in fact, nearly all of the southwestern part of West Virginia are concerned, have come rip for trial in the United States court before Judge J. J. Jackson. There are fully 80 attorney! engagod. The entire town of William son, in Mingo county, is at stake, and thousands of farms on which genera tions have been born, lived their allot ted time and died are in Jeopardy. The suit is for fully 1,600,000 acres of land, and originally was part of the Bwann land grant for 4,fi00,000 acres in Ken tucky, Virginia and West Virginia. The Swanu grant was the canse of a suit of (he most rnmantlu character. General James Bwann, who was a Revo lutionary hero, was granted the above 4,600,000 acres by the house of bur gesses of Virginia in June, 17(10. Swann was a native of Boston and a protege of the old commonwealth of Virginia. He conceived Die idea of building up a Uto pia iu the vast territory granted him and went to t ranee to consult with his old friends iu the French army. His former comrades became entranced with the scheme, and through them Swann was introduced at court, where he be came acquainted with the royalty of Enrnpe. Among those who contributed to Swann's Utopia were kings, dukes, princes and lesser nobility almost with out number. The old documents and pa pers iu the archives of the court, yellow with age, are written in French and bear the signatures of men and women who were at one time at the head of governments or leaders of the fast and frivolons courts of Europe. Unluckily for Swanu, his appearance in France was at a time when that country became identified with Napo leon, who had Inst returned from tho east and had established himself as first consul. In a few months Paris was thrown into confnRion. Money became scarce and the financiers demanded pay ment of credits. Swanu, who had par tioipatod too deeply in the follies of that court, found himself in debt over 4,000,000 francs. Swann's creditors de Inanded payment In cash or mortgages on his American possessions. He refused to do either, and was cost iuto the noto rious prison Pelagie, where, under the then prevailing French law, he was, with the exception of deprivation of froedom, supported in the manner in which he had lived while at liberty. He had bis wines from the south of France, his cuisine was supplied by the best cafes of Paris and his apartments were luxurious iu the extreme. Swann remained a prisoner for ten years, and was released during the noted "three days," when the prison were torn down or the doors thrown open. He was released only to die of a broken heart three years later. His lands were forfeited, but were reconveyed by Vir ginia to the heirs. Meanwhile settlers by the thousand located or purchased, towns grew np and generation after generation was born, lived and died on the lands, which they bud purchased in good faith at delinquent or other sales, until all the country covered by the great Swann Utopia was owned by settlers to the number of hundreds of thousands. Tho celebrated H. O. King suit, which is of absorbing interest to thou sands, is for part of these lands. Other suits for 800,000 and 400,000 acres of similar character depend upon the result of the present suits. St. Louis Globe Democrat. Onr Celestial Visitor. The comet discovered at Lick observa tory, California, ou Nov. 17 by Mr. C. D. Perrine is now about 84,000,000 miles from the sun. The distauoe will de crease and reach a minimum of about 20,000,000 miles on Dec. 18, at which time its angular distance from the point where its path intersects the ecliptio will be 273 degrees. After Deo. 18 the distance from the sun will again in crease. The object is not visible to the naked eye, but its brightness is increas ing very rapidly. It will undoubtedly be visible with telescopic, assistance within a few weeks. Unfortunately, however, ita approach to the sun will bring it into the morn ing twiligbt, and the difficulty of ob servation will be increased thereby. It is now 1 times as far from the earth as the sun is. Solomon's Mines Bellpeed The goldfields of Cripple Creek, Cola , are attracting considerable attention of lute, owing to the richness of their prod uct, which is estimated at 11,000,000 a month. The total value of high grade ores mined during October was 11103, 000, and of the low grade ores $102,000. The gruud total of the product reaches tl, 064, 000. The record for November will show an increase. Cincinnati En quirer. The laolatton of England The wind Is hashed the darkness grows j The fainting moon in lost la (Unlit. Death lift a eoailr hand and throws His cloud across the face of night. With parted lii and haggard stare. That strives and strains to pierce the gloom. Each nation crouches in ita lair, And, breathless, Walt the coming doom. Dim shapeleat shadows paaa like ghosts Along the trembling earth they fee) The distant tramp of marching boats And hear the smothered clash of ateel. Till, reaching out for friendly hands To guide them through the gloom, they press To where one silent figure stands Sere In lofty loneliness. They burl their taunte, their oaths, their prayers. The anarl of greed, the growl of hate They apit upon the cloak aba weara Or grasp Its hem to supplicate. But it till, as though ehe heard them not, Her anxious eyes are fixed afar Among the clouds, on one pale spot. Where faintly gleania a single atar. By that aame atar aha chose hey path For every night in vanished years, Though screened by mists of doubt and wrath, bhe e es it still, as If through tears, Then, glancing at the fretful horde Who call her now to bend the knee, hn lays her hand upon her sword And turus her eyes toward the eea. , bt. Jainea Uaaotte, STORIES OF THE DAY. fha Confederate and Federal Belles at the Atlanta Fair. Ohl you needn't mind," said a pleasant voice over my shoulder as I wiped a few tears from my eyes. "Great big men come in here and cry like ba bies. Why, it was only the other day that I looked around and saw way over in one corner of this little room a man at least 60 years old, a tremendous, sin ewy man, burying bis face in his hands and Robbing like a child. " I bit my lip and turned to the speak er, who had caught me bending over an old suit of soldier's clothes in the Con federate Relic building at the Imposi tion. She was a tall, sleuder, aristocrat ic blond girl, and she volunteered the information that she was the daughter of the late General Kirhy Smith and was in charge of the building. Sometimes, she said, I just can t stand it, aud I have to go out I don't think I can stay in here Confederate day, because then all the old soldiers will be here. My, my, Bhe weut on, what stories I could writo of my ex periences in this building I One morn ing an old countryman came in and Rat down for some moments without saying a word, and then, his eye lighting on my father's old coat there, I heard him say to himself, 'By George, if int isn't Kirby Smith's coat, and 1 fought under him in every battle 'j m the beginning of the war to the end.' And when I ' told him I was Kirby Smith's daughter the old man looked as if he would cm brace me on the spot. " "The women, too," I said, "must show lots of feeling, don't they?" "Well, not so much as the men. They come in, the old ladies who remember those days and the young who have been told about it, bite their lips to keep back the tears, and just as they leave yon hear (hem say something. Sometimes they are rebellious and say, 'I declare, I'd just like to have them fight it all over again ; it makes me so mad I' But generally they are quiet and tearful and pathetic, and you hear them say as they pass out in quivering voices, 'Well, it's a long time over, but some Way I just can't keep from crying.' " "And the northern people," 1 asked, "what do they think of theso old flags and swords, theso proclamations of Re cession?" "Oh, nmt of them are very much in terested, mill tho majority aro sympn thetio too. Now and then a woman will come along and be disagreeable. One of tho sweetest experiences I havo had was with a woman from Denver. She came in and seemed so affected by tho things that she saw that I asked her if she had lost any dear one in onr army. She cried over those poor, old patched clothes there, but she turned to me and said, 'No, my dear, my husband was in the Federal army and was killed at the bat tle of Chickamiinga, hut my heart goes ont to all of the hlue and gray, for I know well how both sides suffered. And she gave mo this badge of the Wom en of tho Grand Aimy of the Republio to keep as a memento between us. "So often," said Miss Kirby Smith, the old soldiers who own different relics here will pay the place a visit, General Bulger, the man who owns that word there, called the other day. He is the oldest Confederate veteran living, being 90 years and having lived under the administration of all the presidents except the first two. The Chinamen flock here too. Having been conquered themselves, they have a kind of sympa thetic instinct toward the place, and they look at the poor old nags and swords and piotures with the most ap preciative interest. "Yon see that horn there," pointing to a horn that lay in the case beside the Bible whioh Alexander Stephens car ried all through the war; "the man that owned it paid a visit here recently, and he told me its interesting history. The bora was presented to him by a famous old hunter whom he had never seen he simply fell heir to it through the will of the man bequeathing it to the greatest hunter in the neighborhood next to himself. It gave the first blast for secession in Charleston. It has been the moans for a number of years of win ning for its owner f 300 to bis income. This good fortune came to him through the exohange of courtesies with a wealthy northerner of his neighborhood, to whom he loans the horn for hunting, and in return the northern gentleman transacts all bis business through the old soldier's postoffloe, which in some way assists bis revenue. Over there is the riddle which the same old man car ried through the war, and which be tween the honrs of carnage cheered many lsgging and homesick spirit" Just here the owner of tbe Georgia barbecue, an old soldier who served un der General Kirby Smith, carried his pretty daughter off for dinner. And so I was left to investigate the pathetio se crets of this sacred little place alone. Not alone, but at least without this pretty human gnidebook of information. I toll yon the old things there will make anybody's heart ache, be they from north, south, east or west. There is the cradle in which Jeff Davis was rocked, there the swords of Stonewall Jackson and Robert Lee. There is an old spinning wheel, one of tho few things left of Sherman's bonfire of At lanta, and tho saddle from which Gen eral Puul Simmos fell, wounded to the heart, in the battle of Gettysburg. Iu the midst of all these signs and symbols of sorrow now aud then there is a lighter note. A pair of sutin slip pers mado by a plantation shoemaker for a bride during the war ; a wedding dress, spun, woven and dyed by a bride bearing the aristocratic name of Cal houn euclj a poor, pitiful, little wed ding dress of brown homespun, cotded along the seams and ornamented with homely browu buttons; such a poor, pitiful, little wedding dress as the young mistress would uot have consid ered fit f jr one of her slaves in the prosperous days. Maude Andrews in Pittsburg Dispatch. A. Sigmlficaat Fact. John F. Coyle, the antiquarian of the national capitul, points to tbe interest ing if not significant historical fact that the only speakers of tbe house of repre sentatives who were denied votes of thanks by the bouse at the close of their service in the chair were James K. Polk and Thomas B. Reed, and that the for mer was aiterward elected president of the United States. Washington Cor. Chicago Times-Herald. EXTRACTING HONEY. Bow This May H Done In the I.ate Fan and Winter. Many beekeepers nxiB?rience trouble In getting thick honey out of the combs it this time of the year and later on in Ihe winter, if the honey is left in the combs until that time. G. M. Dnolittlo, whose large experience entitles his opinions to consideration, has the fol lowing, originally written for The American Bee Journal, to say on the subject : Were it not that much better artl ole can be produced by leaving the hon ey on the hives until the eud of the sea son, or until all Is thoroughly sealod or ripened, I should be greatly in favor of extracting every third to fifth day dur ing the season ; but if we would have the best honey which can be produced, it becomes a necessity that we should ex tract thick honey. When I received my first extractor, it came in midwinter. I repaired to tbe shop, took down some frames of honey I had stored away, un capped them and tried the machine. As might be expected, the thing was a failure. Upon going to bod that night I thought, of course, I could not succeed In throwing out frocen honey, for the extractor was made for use in the sum mer time when the weather is hot. After some study and planning, the next morning found me up bright and fsrly, with several combs hanging np ear the ceiling of a small room, with a fire built and a thermometer hanging close by the combs of honey. I soon had the temperature of the room at the ceil ing up to 95 degrees, where I kopt it for six hours. In the afternoon I again triod the extractor, when I could easily throw out 95 per cent of the honey the comb contained. Even what was partially candied could nearly all be thrown out, snd the combs hung away so clean that no bees were needed to clean them off to keep them from draining. By hang ing the combs near the ceiling of the room it does not take an extremely hot fire to keep the temperature at from HO degrees to 100 degrees, or even higher, if you have old, tough combs. I keep tho combs in just so much heat as (hey will bear without breaking down, for six hours, and where kept in this way no one need have a pound of honey left in them, as has been reported by somo. Another thing, the extracting, when done in this way, comes when there in little else to do, as fall and early win ter is comparatively a time of leisuro with most beekeepers, and by tiering up and leaving the honey on tho hives until fall the extracting can ho dono when the cares of the busy season havo passed by, and a quality of honey ob tained which shall bo of benefit, to onr market, instead of a curse, ns unripe bonoy always is a curse to any market whore put on the siKne. Irrigation by Windmills. In dry seasons groat losses are sus tained. This loss is distributed over wide sections of tbe east, and cannot be said to be confined to any special place. The loss is apt to oome any season, and often when we are the least prepared for it. The loss on Long Island lust season would have erected windmills on a good part of the whole number of farms, ac cording to a writer in The American Cultivator, who tolls that a small gar don of ten acres can yield a market gar dener a good living if it is kept lu a high stale of cultivation. "A windmill to irrigate inch land, with all the neoessary material for util izing the water, need not cost more than $500. In one season the oropa will more than pay for this cost. Several years ago a dry spell swept over Long Island and eastern Jersoy, almost ruining tbe mar ket gardener's crops. Only a few had their land irrigated by windmills. The prices for all form crops went up amaz ingly in price, and the few who could raise their crops mode 8Q per cent more than usual. In short, (hey made enough to pay for their windmills several times over. It is not a good plan to mortgage tbe farm for anything, but if there is any one thing that will be sure to bring in the money to pay off the mortgage and interest it is a good windmill and a perfect irrigation system," The Cora Cray. The corn crop in some of the western states is so large this year that it will be practically impossible to market all of it. Farmers will put tome into cat tle and bogs, and market in that way. The price of corn is now very low, aud it pays better to feed it than to sell. A good deal will be pnt In crib and re served for tbe higher price that it sure to come before tbe next corn crop can be harvested. It Is a common remark thut an extra large crop of com is usu ally followed by a medium crop or one under size. Should there be a partial corn failure next year one-balf of the corn crop reserved now will be worth as much as the whole crop would bring if rushed on the market at once. Amor- icon Cultivator. taring; Onions. Onions, like other bulbs, can be easily preserved if kept dry, and although, if this ia observed, they will stand a con siderable range of temperature, it is de sirable that they have a temperature of from 85 to 45 degrees. When in a damp room, they start readily, especially if at a high temperature, and as spring ap proaches the buds start even if kept com paratively cool. Care should bo taken not to store onions iu too largo bulk, and to prevent heating they should be in shallow bins or iu crates. The American Cultivator makes the statement thai underdrains laid in the full will do lunch better work tbe fol lowing spring than cua drains laid at that time, PAINTS OF MILK AND LIMB, " Cheaper Than Ordinary Oil Paint and Much Mora Lasting; Than Whitewash. Where rough woodwork, such as old barns or other frame buildings, fences aud the like, is to be painted, economy snd often necessity would indicate the use of cheaper materials than ordinary oil paint, and more lasting than white wash. A formula approved by General Le Due when he was commissioner of gricn'tnrn and morn recently recalled l-y Rural New Yorker, it is claimed, nuito tills the bill. To two quarts of Water lime, or hydraulic cement, add tweet akimmilk until of the consisten ty of good cream. Pour in the milk llowly, stir briskly and thoroughly, and do not mix more than this quantity at a time, as it Is liable to settle to the bottom and become hard. The propor tions stated are not exact, and one will have to use his own Judgment a little, seeing that the mixture is not thin enough to "run" or thick enough not to spread easily. Use a flat brush, say four Inches In width, and apply like oil paint. The paint, when dry, is a sort of creamy stone color, and any othor color may be obtained by the addition of suitable pig monts, whioh must first be "broken" or mixed in a little milk to a paste before being put with the first mixture. Better still, bny color ground in water. This paint has beeu oxtensively used for years with perfect satisfaction, looking well for several years, and is comparatively inexpensive. A common laborer can ap ply it at a saving of one-half the cost of painters' wages, and farmhands, when work is slack, could do it at a still greater Raving. For its liuhthousps, beacons and keep ers' dwellings the government nses a mixtnro of ten parts freshly slaked lime to one part of the best hydraulio cement, mixed woll with salt water and applied qnito thin. Another government recipe is as follows: Slake one-half bushel of lime with boiling water, keeping It covered during the process ; then strain and add ono peck of salt dissolved In warm water, threo pounds of rice flour boiled in water to a thin paste, one-half pound of whiting and one pound of white glue dissolvod in warm water. Allow it to stand soveral days, but ap ply hot. Two coats will usually be found necessary, as in all the foregoing formulas. Late Fall and Winter Irrigation. Lute Wilcox of Colorado, writing to American Agriculturist, says: In many sections of the west fall Ir rigation has been practiced with good success. After tho crops nro harvested water is turned on and tho Roil given a thorough souk ng. Suhsoiling greatly enhances tho value of fall and winter irrigation. Tho laud is also put into good condition for parly spring plow ing, lint, few crops should he irrigated from thotinio of planting until after tho plant s havo had several days' growth. Fall irrigation supplies moisture suffi cient to start tho crops and gives them a vigorous growth of a few weeks be fore irrigation is necessary. It is bettor for yonni! plants to havo tho moisture como from iKucath than from tho sur face, especially in early spring. In Col orado it has been found that water may be appliid advantageously beforo (1(0 regular cold days of winter set in, nnd (hi.-i in' d i i e' li'Tally adopted whero Water can ho hail at that, time of tho year. Tho lain inigation is useful after a dry fall, and is especially to bo com mended in the preparation for crops whioh require the maximum amonnt of moisture, and for orchards where tho water supply ia likely to be short the following season. The land acts aa a storage reservoir.' Let the soaking be a good deep one. Orcbardista adopt this plan to oircnmvent the evil effects of winter drying. Fighting; Cutworms. In a bulletin from the Now Jersey station it is stated that olover or nod land is moRt frequently iD'ested by cut worms, which are loss fre uently found on late cultivated land. The worms are especially abundant in crimson clover. Among the remedies suggested clean culture is placed first, prominently as sociated with early fall plowing. Apply ing a top dressing of kainit anil nitrate of soda in the early spring if corn is to bo planted u advised, the seeding to be delayed until a rain has curried the fer tilizers into the soil. Distributing olover or bran that has boon moistened with paris green about the fields is also reo ommeudvd. A Word About Teoelnta. At the Okluhoma agricultural experi ment station this season teosinte, under favorable conditions, gave a yield of about 25 tons of green fodder per acre at one cutting. On thinner land and where there was less moisture the yield was much less. The crop was injured by chinch bugs, which seemed to feed on it as readily as on corn. It is objected to the crop that it is a difficult one to out aud handle. The fact that it doe not mature seed in the United States will be a sorious objection to it. Worthy of Not. The bean crop of western New York is reported to be excellent. A new method of canning, the " va cuole process," which is now being adopted by American packers, promises to rcvolutionizo our entire fruit packing business aud to give us better and cheap er canned goods in the near future, In feeding silage F. H. King says it is much butter to always feed from tbe lop. Connecticut farm gardeners combine milk production with their vegetables. There is a good deal of refuse that can be fed to stock and the manure is very UitfuL At t.ho Massachusetts station paris green and lime, arsenate of soda, and urscnuto of lead wero employed against the gypsy moth aud tout caterpillar, ar senate of lead giving the best results and being recommended for tho purpuso, Lillian Itussell Marriage Rumor. It is reported in theatrical circles in Ft. Louis th::t Lillian Russell may take a fourth 1, inland. Her leading tenor, Richie Ling, is mentioned in tho report. "Why, (he idea is perfectly absurd," Mr. Ling sad tonight. "It is news to me. I never heard anything about it before, and I am sure that Miss Russell and myself have never discussed the subject in any way. Wa are simply pro fessionally associated in the same com pany, and aro only as friendly aa the members of any company are. Do yon remember that line In the 'Grand Duch ess' where Prince Paul tells tbe duchess of something he boa read In the news papers, and she replies that she never believes what she reads In tbe news papers? There is a lot iu that line, " A uote was sent to Miss Russell, asking ber about the report. She sent back a reply that it was "absolutely nutrue and perfectly ridiculous. "New York World. No. TM. Mixed Syllables. Bui bon let pup out rot- oar net son dam out net par. Out of these IS syllables form 13 two yllnhlo words meaning: 1. Tho Persian nightingale. 8. A tropical bird. 8. A vegotnlilo. 4. A clergyman. 5. A eovor Ing for the floor, fl. A small ball. 7. A Severing for the head. 8. A small piece of meat. 9. A variety of plum. 10. An exit. 11. A short poem. 19. A doll. 18. A lugar plum, Ra TOS. Illustrated Rebuses. Country Gentleman. We. Tea. Frlroal Aeroetle, Kaoh word contains four letters. The first, a mountain in Monb. The seo ond, pertaining to the ancient Inhabitant? of Bootland. The third, one of the five kings of the Mldlanltes. The fourth, a prince of tb Rlroeonltes. The fifth, a stone in the neighborhood of Raul's rnsldenoo, the soeM of the parting of David and Jon athan. The sixth, one of the Iovlte door keepers In the time of David. The seventh a descendant of Mohammed. The prlmnli name a king of Macedonia. No, 705. Charade. My riasr la to repnlrormnko as pood m nrw, My second is n letter dnr to eiu-h of us; My Tallin Is what you know all hypocrites will do; My wnoi.t isonn of those who oft hrseophnf us, And should you give old clothes to tho poor soul Add buttonn, thread and needles to your doti Or else my Wiioi.b can say to you my wnoi.a Ho, ton. Transposition. Is there muiitht fur ns pilKrhus hut sorrow nnd strife? What joy enn wo pet in this world's busy life? Aro tire pi-MsimiHts riKht, mid is everythinn larky Is thero nnui-'lit tint enn lchnlte love's slum- bcrinK sparkY There's pl-n'!urc, there's lovo In the dnys of onr 111,-, There's a si-linen of rest in tho niMst of tho el i-i v... There n Meshi to win ia the wnrliV husy V. lorl. Tho jewel we'vo riasT fer W n rare, costly P url. Aye, here's to the maiden with riNAD haired lock, With heart puro and truo, cro long hneds ths knock Of tho olil goil of lovo as he waits at the por tion. Bore's the seenn tlint entrances and captures ns mortals. No. 107. Easy Word Squares, . A pleeo of water. 9. A fish. 8. A drink. 1. To wind or fold together. 9. A stout cord. 8. Mleilns. 4. That which is trou blesome or destructive. 1. A tree. 3. A girl's name. 8. A road. No. 70S. Biblical Anagram. 1. Ihnzeohnr. 9. On sum vilo foot. I. Ye Adam Glen mar. 4. UBe no hop, Sir. t. I toss a Cudl jar. N. 709. An Honrglaas. Crosswords: 1. Constructed. 0. Rage. 8. A tree valued for Its timber. 4. In dia mond. 6. A smnll snake. 6. To conceal. 7. An endowed chapel. Central letters, a color. No. 710, Cart ailment. Too much ona the wise ones shun, "Hbut it off," not blow upon. Be It "natural" or acquired, It is apt to make one "tired." Apt to make on wnoi.a and wink, Htop the powor to breathe or think. Ne. 711. Ealgaatlcal Authors. 1. Always youthful. 9. A New England manufacturing town. 8. Humpbacked, but Dot deformed. 4. The value of a word, k. Aa Internal pain. 8. A "ten footer" whose name begins with 60. 7. Brighter and smarter than the other. 8. An old metal worker with his head gone. 9. A beheaded oarpontor's tool. 10. Small talk and a -heavy weight. 11. A vital part of the body. 19. A pnrla and a disease. 13. Part of a pig. tsar a Mm Paaaler. Ne. 687. Labyrinth of Proverhs: Begin at the middle letter, N, and follow an al most spiral path. Mono aro so deaf as theso who will not hear. Think twice before fou speak once. New brooms sweep oluan. No. 688. Two Kusy Diamonds: C c E D A H 8 A A B W I N R W I O N No. 689. Mischievous Teresa: Bonk, pen, pencil, Ink, knife, rubber, paper, let ter. No. flfK). Charade: Drug get. No. BW1. Geographical Uivishms: Mat torhorn, Culor-v'u, kverest, Quito, Dan bury, Indiana A Senatorial Boom on Wheels. Governor William MucCorklo of West Virginia is au announced candidate for the United states senatorship to suc ceed Senator Faulkner, whose term ex pires in March, Ih'.i'.). Already ho has begun his campaign. To facilitate his canvass be has bought a private car, which is called the Al.icC'orklo and iu which the governor goes through the state iu style. He seldom travels even a short distance without using the Mac Cork le, and, as a rule, be has with him congenial company to enjoy his hospi tality. One day be spends with the edi tors in convention, the next with the Knights of Pythias or Masons, another day he addresses a presbytery or Meth odist conference and tbe next hobnobs with a gathering of merchants or a la bor uuion convention. A few weeks ago be camped out with the militia boys, aud so he goes from one place to anoth er, greeting all and making his private car a borne for his friends and a means of furthering hia ambition. Baltimore, American.