V PIKE COUNTY PRESS. Fhidat, DKcr.Mnr.H fl, 1H95. rTHUHtlRD FVF.RY FRIDAY. officr, niioww'a nriuumi, broad nr. Entered nt tlio post ottlce. of Milford, I'iko county, PemiHylvaoi', ns second-class matter, Novi-riilier twenty-first, IKttn. Advertising Rates. Oiicsiiunrctclght lines ),imn Insertion -HO" Koch stibsispictit Insertion ,iVi HpsIupisI rutin will In fiirnlshisl itn ap plication, will Is tillnwd yearly adver tisers. Legal Advertising. Court Proclamation, .lury nnd Trlnl List for several courts mt term, Fil.au AtlmlnlKi rotor s mill i,xccuior s nnth-es Auditor's notices llvoi-cc Modern ' Slu-rHT's sales, Orphans' court. Ciuintv Treasurer's wiles, County H.itn 4.1st Mm snhs Wtlltl' tni-nt iiml clis-tinn prPH-hiimitlnti charged liy the spltun. .1. ii. run r.Mra. l'rm.ifiiKii. Mllfonl, l'lkc County, I'm,' . 1395 December. 1895 Su. Mo. Tu. We. Th. Fr. Sa. TTTTTTT JL 1 2? 11 13 ii 15 16 J7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 MOON'S PHASES. fir 16 l. Moon a a. m. A Third n 8:09 V Quarter O a ru. First 0:21 Quarter a x a. m. Editorial. AN ENUL1SH CONFESSION. Tl.p following ft itement from tin columns of the Fiiiimciiil News of London, England, conlains much f(MMl for thought on the part of nil patriotic Americans: " Practically every inny that was subscri tied here toward the re cent American loan litis lieen (jot hack throutrh the expansion in the cxp irts of woolens and worsteds lint t he Unit il States has not con fined her increased purchases to those articles. Last month she houfjht less mw wool than in Hcp temlier, 1 HIM, but had to pay more for it. She took more cotton pioi'os, more iron, more alkali, mid more of sundry articles which neel not bo sjiecilled. In Home instances the rapid urowth (,f j, preceding months resulted in a slight check in Septemlicr, hut in all these oases the tlgnre of the nine months show a hig advance in 1H1I4. On the .other hand, we have imid n good deal less for American whe:it, flour, hacon, hams, cheese, tallow and cotton, to mention only those nrticles in which the contraction is most apparent The fact that the Argentine Republic heads the Unied States in rosxet of maize is not without significant!. Thus t'e trade balaneo iKitween the States and this county is moving rapidly against the former, and it would require n large and regular transference of wH-nrities from New York to London to redress this ten dency nntl restore the former post Hon. And witli India, Argentina and Austra'in keeping up uud even improving their position as pur veyors of wheat to this country, with Argentina sending more us the United States sends less tallow, it will not lo easy for the Ameritms to regain tneir old tooting in our market. Last month India and Argentina sent ns more who it than the United States, and Russia, and Roumania together also topped the Americans figures. Those are nil fa 'tors that must l borne in mind in judging the outlook in the United 8'ates, and it is unfortunate that they are ho consistently overlooked in that country itself." This is not tho testimony of Ameiiean prottctionists. It is the statement of a leading English authority on financial subjects, and a staunch advocate of free trade Fx cliange. Oeaaral Market. Nn To. Dec 8.-FLOUR state and WMtra quii. but ateady: city mllla petenta. tHUKM k winter pa teat, $3.Stk.70: clt milla clean. ti.lt): winter uratuhta. J.l JU0J.I&. WHEAT No. t red opened Hv. lower under foreten selling, bin spring wheat reoelpta and lnditf t-rent cable and rulml quiet all the innrn Ibir: lieceuitier, ajaeuu.; January, tti.'i B ll-lur. t 'OKN-Ka. S ruled dull, but ateady: Decem ber. 34 -lt(awlw'.: January. M 5 loa.M-h,c OATH Ko. quiet but (airly ateady with corn track, white, alale, 24425c.; track, while, weatern. ti lX'. HJKK-Steady. new meaa, $.5010; family. 111.60912. LAKD SUady; prima weatern ateam. 6.au, nominal. BL'l-1 KR-rirm; Mat dairy, 15021c; aula creamery. 17o2c t'HKKaK-tjuieU aUta, Ume. TSi410&; amalL J41UVC. tlMitt Steady: "lata and Pennaylvania, 214 inc.; weatern, 212Jc. bLUAK Raw firm; (air reflnlnc. Sc.: can trliuiytl,Ml teat. UHc.; mined Arm; crushed, ftfic.; powdered, 4,ci. TURPKNTINE-Staady at miaaic. WOLAbJiBS Firm: New Orleaua. XeiiMc. H1CE blaady; donuatic, BTwtec; Japan. 8Hat'. TALLOW-Quiet; city, 4 (-Mc.( country, ta-loc HAY Steady. Ulyplng. TUarSe.! food ta choice. eU&sic. TTTS 1VTTT, AIFS fll ' CLEVELAND'S RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE FIFTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. It Dleeweeee Onr Vorclaa Itelntlnna and Our Financial Affairs The Itrttrement and Caneallatlota of Clraenbaeka Advlied. Reeommanda Band fsanea, WASIlt0TO, Deo. I). Tho president's messnRO, atthmitted to congress at noon today, la about equally divided between the treatment of foreign mid flnanclnl subjects. It Is a voluminous document, oontalnlng a lieu t in,ilo0 wnrils, mid ills enspia at iength the mnttors In which tho Amtiiicen people ere now especially Inter- estcH. The following extracts cover tho me ft important matters regarding foreign alTalrs: ' The customary onrdlnl rolntlons belwr i'n this country nnd Franco hnvn been tindis- titrbod, with the exception thnt n full ex planntlon of the treatment of John L. w slier hy the expetlltKumry military nn thorltlns of Franco still remains to bo Riven. , Mr. Waller, i- formerly United states consul nt Tamntavo, remained In Madn.gn.scnr nflor his term of oiliee expired and was nppnrently successful In procur ing business concessions from tho flovc.s of grentnr or less vnltin. After tho occti pillion of Tnmatnvo nnd thedeclan.tlon of martini law by the French hewnsnrrested neon Vnrlotis chnrges, nmoug them thnt of onmmmilontlng military Information to the enemies of France, was tried mid convicted by a military tribunal nml sct- Vencod vo V0 years Imprisonment. ' Following the course Justified by ahull- dent precedents, this govornnient request ed from thnt of Frnnce the recortl of the proceedings of tho French tribunal which resulted In Mr. Waller's condemnation. This requast has been oompllcd with to the extent of supplying a copy of thn olll elnl record, from which appear tho consti tution nnd orgmilntlon of thn court, tlio chnrges ns fonniilnted, and thn general course and result of tho trlnl, anil by which It Is shown that tho accused was tried In open court nnd wns defended by counsel. Hot tho evidence adduced In tipport of the chnrges which was not re ceived by the French minister for foreign affnlrs till the first week In October has thus far been withheld, the French gov ernment taking the ground that Its pro duction In response to our demand would establish a bad precedent. The efforts of our emhnssndor to procure It, however, though Impeded by recent changes In tho rVoneli ministry, have not boon relaxed, and It Is confidently expeotcd that some satisfactory solution of tho matter will shortly bo reached. Meanwhile It nppcars that Mr. Waller's confinement has every allevlntion which tho stnto of bis health and all tho other circumstances of the case demand or permit The Venezuelan Dispute, It being npparcnt that tho boundary dispute between t.rent Jlrltalti nnd the re public of Venezuela concerning the limits of Ilrltlsh (Jtilnna wns approaching nn ncuto stage, a deflulto statement of the Interest and policy of tho l ulled Slates as regards the controversy seemed to bo required both on Its own account and in view of lis relations with tho friendly powers directly conccrnod. In July Inst, therefore, a dispatch was addressed to our embassador at London for coniniunieat ion to the Ilrltlsh goverutueur, In which tho attitude of the I lilted Hlati'S was fully and distinctly set forth. Tho general con clusions thoroin reached nnd forintinitFtl are In substnnco thnt the traditional mid established policy of this government is firmly opposed to a forcible incrensu by any Kuropean power of Its territorial pos sessions on this continent ; thnt this policy Is as well founded In principle ns it is stmngly supported by iinincrourf pnro dents; that as a consequence tho I'lilled Htates Is bound to protest against tho en largement of tho area of Ilritlsh (iuiiinn In derogation of the rights and against the will of Venezuoln; that, considi'rlng tho disparity In strength of Great Drllalti and Vone.uola, the territorial dispute be tween them can bo reasonably settled only by friendly nnd Impartial arbitration, nnd thnt the resort to such arbitration should Include the whole controversy and Is not satisfied If uno of tho powers concerned is permitted to draw an arbitrary line through the territory in debato nml to de clare that it will submit to arbitration only the portion lying on one sldo of It. In view of these conclusions, tho dispntch In question cnlled upon the Ilrltlsh gov ernment for a definite answer to tho ques tion whether It would or would not sub mit the territorial controversy botweon Itself nnd Venezuela In Itsontlrety to Im partial arbitration. The answer of tho Ilrltlsh government has nut yet been re oelvod. The Cuban Rebellion, vuu. K'U .a.e.y ii ur. U , , )B .,,,.,,, ,,, mir mmy Bn(j ri.urreot Ion, In lo.ne reapec more active nlTol,tnK our ntOIm rt,dlt nnd niono than the last precedlnn revolt, which oon- tnr ptrurittt h tlnued from 1MH8 to 1S78, now exists in a ; -..i,,-i' t ain i.,.f ., large part of the eastern Interior of the island, nicnaolng even some populations on the coast, liesldos dormiging the ooin murclnl exchanges of the Island, of which our oountry takes the predominant share, tills flagrant condition of hostilities, by arousing sontlmental synipnthyand Incit ing advebturous support nmong our peo ple, has entailed earnest effort on the part of this government to enforce obedience to our neutrality laws and to prevont the territory of the United States from being abused as vantage ground from which to aid those in arms against Spanish sov ereignty. Whatever may be the traditional sym pathy of our countrymen as Individuals with a people who seem to be struggling for larger autonomy and grentor freedom, deepened ns such sympathy naturally must be In behalf of our neighbors, yet the plain duty of their government Is to observe In good faith the recognized obli gations of International relationship. Tho performance of this duty should not be mado more dllllcult by a disregard on the part oi our citizens of the obligations growing out of their allegiance to their oountry, which should restrain them from violating as Individuals tho neutrality which the nation of which tboy are mem Deri Is bound to observe In Its relations to friendly sovereign states. The Armenian Massacres, Occurrences In Turkey bavo continued to excite concern. The reported massa cres of Christians in Armenia and the do- 1 velupmcnt there and In other districts of : a spirit of fanatio hostility to Christian Influenoes naturally excited apprehension for the safety of the devoted men and women who, as dependents of the foreign missionary societies In the United States, reside lu Turkey under the gunrimteo ot law and usage and In tho lcgltiruuto per formance of their edaoatlonal and reli gions niisslun. Our ministur has been vigilant and alert In affording all possible protection. We have sent ships as fur towaid the rtolnts of actual distiirhnneu as it i-i onsi- Die tor llieru tu go, where nicy otter icuina . to those obliged to flee, and we have the promise of other powers which bHve ships In the neighborhood that our citizens as well as theirs will be received and pru- tooted on board those ships. On the de mand of our minister orders bavo been Issued by the sultan that Turkish soldiers shall guard and escort to the count Ameri can ralugcoa. . . Tba National Floaucra, The president discusses the flnanclnl condition of the oountry, which be regards aa a subieck of more concern than anv ! other that oan engage our attentiuu. lie review. ntlcnKih tho n.oneliny J...1! -r .,f My of the l"--n;in'e(if IkhhI.-i. n i if ' h n rettieily for ve-rTtt (l.Mii tu; i ;. 1 t (ollnwlliu lire tlin pnlicnt r-i!l!t'l i'l l!i portion of the ilei iino'lit.: 'I'I'O riitoiut!' ti X rin !e"'( mt j ( nl'vt"i Of nllver llV tl.e ac.vttl-lll.K lit. I II' ! nod nnn 'Tli1:ite( Ity Iim- i1' :-j . t nml heerlie.sq i' our ror-i " o ' , for morn I linn l.'i ).irr. tl:'ttt''-i oi:r liitlittr tie fliiiM, nr. r-r :i I ' i tll'roiid In our lintill' !:il rl 'i'l ' ! rillnilnnt 'Ml In ilir.tr. . r;.' m loivt) lit'ell reri-nl 'V ' 'M : ! i ' I i1 " the lawn wlili Ii forri '.1 t n .:; i- i'..i' upi1!! t he room rr. 'J' he I III n ti : 1 1 1 1 1 - rr f'lrp'i r ' 'I. fltllllllti tlo lr evlri nin ll'.'l mi 'in lienellceol rllert, full tor ; horl i f thn iiiiitH iiirv i vll i T "i i v. hi. 'i ' I n 1 i r ni n revuii or Id". initiii'" m Vised II tin ii i i . i T r:;KMl M-;il n. . A i:"loc,lT Hlic!r''feil. I mil eonvlliccil the oi ;v lit'- .":-ih fi rl prnet Si :ihle reino.lv 'ir enr Ii.iMi-i H follllll III tllil ti'l i-i "lent: llii.l ( tlir i'll'lil'i'l of our I niiiil :-'-ile i'l..:, ("iiiinntiiy pnlled prei'tili-i' I -i. unl I1'' M'l'liiielinit tren-oirv noti Ik o.'il l y t'oi ti.ivi r-inmtib in payment of Hilver piirelnin ii lilnler tho net of IS'.pIi, 1 lielleln tllll fotlhl lie (ilHe Hvollly n" COll1illMirit liy the CM'llll tcro of theHe rintea for I lllleil SlaleK lintnls of miiimII hi well B Itirtin ilenonilnat lour. henrliiK n hov rain of Int. riwi. Tin y nhoulil In lonp; term hoinlfi, thnpt InrrePisinr; their (lesirnliillly ns Invrnlinenft. mill lieeintue their pay tnetlt eotlhl he well popilponeil 1o n period fnr reinoved froio prep-out financial litir deim and perplex II lea, when wllh Ini renpted proipcrlty timl reHonrenn they would ha mori) iMiPtlly mot. To further Insnrn thn cnneellittlon of theen note nnd nlno pripvtdu ft wny liy whleh gold may ho roUcd to our onrretiny In Ihiii of thimi, n fealoro In the plan shiptihl lin tin nuthorlty plvvn to thti neern fnry of thn tnianry to dlmiofio of tho hondq nlirond fur gold If nefiepmry to eotn plelo thn ooiiteinplnted rediinptlon nnd eaneellatlini, permlltliiH lilni to line thn prorendu of aueh liondti to take up mid cnneol tiny of thn notes that may he In tho trensnry or that may ho received hy tho government on ttny account lnrrraa of Hunk (irfmlntlnn. The currency withdrawn hy tlin retlro mnnt of the United Stntos tiotesnnd treas ury notes, nmountiuR to prohalily leas thnn f I Mil, illill, 000, mlKlit o suiiplled hy inch poltl tin would ho used on their retire ment or liy All Increnso in tho circulation of our national Imnks. Thnuith tlio nfx Krcpnte capital of those now In exisleneo Rtnoiints to infire llmn pJiiii l.iMtii.oiin, thc.r ontstaiidlnfix circulation himcd en lie'nl se curity atnipunts to on'y tihotit i liMi.oi'O, 000. '1 hey nre anlliorlcd to issue no'rs nniountlti li !H) per cent of the liomN de posited to secure their cirelllat ion, Inif in no event hcyoi'd I he amount of their capl tnl Hioelt, and t lay are oldicd to pay 1 por cent lax on the cireulatlnn they Issue, I think they should ho allowed to Issue circulation ciiial to the par value of tho liontls Ihey ilcposlt to sepiuro it, and that tho tat on their circulation sh'-old ho re duced to one fonrlh of 1 per cent, which would iindoulitedly meet nil I ho c.vjicii.'iu tho pnvortimont Incurs on their neeouiit. In addition they should he allowed tosuli Btltutc or dejioiit in IIpmi of t he Imnils now reijuii-'M! ns s-'i'tn I'y fur 1 1-i i c ein 'i .ni'in the-!" Itich w.i old lie lr-M I .('.r 1 !i t :- J'.ise or re! II' !.: I lei I Ii t '.I .-";t I ; lltul 1 1 1 '!-'lt v i. i: - -i. Tim I Millie ill. t: ! i';: f.ii- ;. if l!i--y -sired to aai 1 tin r.i n' ; p. . i . : ms Of law tllll-: III . I'it:."t, l ie.'i'l ; m r;l ' ,!i i- tloll in a'hlil.iiil to 1 1 1 t. ; . ' ::! ' tr.-fl inn, nntoti'ilitot to t V, ' , v l;l ii would nearly or i)h;,:m ' ;:' I i i i .: r '.ey proposed to lie imp e'l d. . 1 r.'W i ", I filiould cen!i.l nl ly i ' j i t i :' ! -! I M fr Hal le'iel .liapl m; t . '. i : l-i '-' :il- ird avail t :ii'iii.- ; . . s nt ,; i - ;l 1- coma(.-eini ! Is to 1 -p i i : i : i ; id pniiiiill.v illl ii y v i lium i:i .i , L ly i v ory curri ney need. I'm E'er Aectl'OUlnte I f-'::y.'r. I do mil iiv'.rf.i.i!: !!n f-ft tli i li;.. c.tn cellc.tion of the 1 1 . :t ' :.i y ir I s i. e-;1 un der the sil ver p uri h:i t:.;! ;u l ( f I Jwucld Icnvo t ho tri a- u ry ill 1 'ie ni 1 e . p. i -':;:i of sullieirlit Sil-.r, ire-l U'!: 'ur :ii.e:i'.T ', to coin ne'i 'ly t i i .l:i "I in i ip'll.lnhl dollars. II. is v.i.Mliy ef e.wi ;iili at ion wheiher iliis mij.'l:! ivii, f . mi linn) tu time, l:o (onveii.'l i to I 1 t i r -i or frac tional (oln-aml siewly !';!! i.'il.i clreuln tlon, as III the jmhnnenl of the 'e.-relary tif tho treasury the lieciasities of thecoun try should requiri'. In tho present fi'iuro of our dlfliculty it is not ensy to undi r-tand how tho amount of our revenue rei eipts directly nlFGcts It. Tlio Important, question Is not tho qnnn tity of money l-i'ceivcd in rovenuo nay ments, but I ho kind of money wo main tain nnd our nlilllty to continue In sound flnnnolnl cpindition. Wo nre considering i...i.tin., .. ..oi people's representatives 111 tho congress. who nre charged with the responsibility of Inaugurating mensuros for tho safety and prosperity of our common country, to promptly and effectively consider the Ills of our critical llnnlieliil plight. I have sug gested a remedy which my judgment ap proves. I desire, however, to assure the congress that I am prepared to co operate with thorn In perfecting any other meas ure promising thorough and practical ro llef, and that I will gladly labor with them In every patriotic endeavor to fur ther tho Interests and guard tho welfare of our countrymen whom in our respective places of duty we have undertaken to aerve. lleliner Found Galltj. I.ocRI-oiit, N V., Deo. S. The jury In the case of Joshua S. Helmer, ex-president of tho wrecked Merchants' bank, re turned n verdict of guilty, with a recom mendation for clemency. An appeal will bo token by the defense. Tho indictment upon which I !o: mer wns tried charged hi:a with having willfully deceived the state bauk FXimiluer as to tho condition of tho Merchants' bank on Sept. Ill, lb'.3. Itecafver For a Street Railway, TiiKXTOK, Deo. 4. Judge Green, In the United States court, has appointed Wi liaii) h. Dayton of tills city receiver of tho Ashury 1'erk and llelmar Street Hallway company. Four I'copla Drowned. I'nins'niwv, l'n., Deo. 2. Four persons wero drowned In the Monoiigahel.t river below Urown-vllle yesterday. John Pick- ur, -Mi!s 1 .in. in Stevenson r.nd Mr. and Mrs. Mel llowns il 1 it. woro n 'ir hoini . too c! to U 1: in a skuf. '1 : cr .liitees UP P-tl.ll.l, a throwing th. i y e: J; (.. -i ti.e pi ,i'.l i it.) la. : ji v I. ll I. i.) i IIAITPIH!.", I eg, d ,.0, HI : Chiiuiiiil v... with a hoi i ii. In d. uth lm r acid. He lii'i.i in nwful iij.:,. arrival. yol at l! : tli J to 1 1 . y a f '.v i.i Khct ItbiMiclf In tho IIcmiiI, (il.OVKl.iVlt IK, X. Y , Nov. '. 7...; M!U Frank, Jr., i -'y. iirs .... known .ill. Zen, coillloilte.l Miiei lo I 'y ,,t'ii ; hi,,,. self with u revolver in the l.,.i,. i Ln.k left lioiee at., ..icoc y in pn l , iritd, 0!ij no cuusu is n.-a'ijocd for (l.u deed. 1 1 it. Ti CM r ti r: yoii'i ii- nn. v 11: i ! a !- rind Arfl I Willi I.I l .ir tec V., "1. 1." I' I'l ' 1 i J 1 1 1 I . : i :-V ti.;.u I .' 01 v "V t'l'l Ml" H'f I . 111.' e el I ' y I. The 'l lller fi pe.'ii.'.IP ,' t I ' el : pe ll I" '"illy wuh ml ward an- i fob: mi l e of feer " i Ii I 1 aliooiiiii i ipiie lues i e '.'ii ' Illl of . r ( arinb hue! look his I that he bad received o from I ' t lea slat iter n ti that. I. trunk Iteirrs and .1. W. U.vylilll would appear tor lllldrelli nnd I'lato re spect Ively. i '1 hey requi'sted nn adjournment until 2 p. in., which wns granted, nnd (lie pris oners were taken bank to Jail. Long before U o'clock the courtroom was crowded again. Tbi-ro wero snvcral railroad wltnessi'S present, nmong them being 14. II. Walter, conductor, mid Wll- ; Hani Ilrecklnrlilgo, brnkemnn of tho freight trnln on which tho wreckers rode FIi:i fUtlKTOI.. TirKorxiitK iiihumid, J. WATSOM IIII.IH.K J If. H!'I'rKT IM.AIO. .IHMil'M WM.KKM. to K'inui ffdin I'ticn nlndit, (wo wn-Icn ho firn v:rcfli nfTfurrcd, wlicn .((ist'ph ;: rlfiims In 1-nvn I ecu lnviti-d to join tlm wr"f '. ' i'' i.i tin ir f? K in 'J'lifTO Wl-in re -I'Mt .i. '. T JcV IHiMm, rotuhiotdr, n nil 1 'ml i n:i ; TIsomk.s, licud truiimiMii i f ihn v. r i !.. t tin'?). Wfilvi-il l in. Inuf 'J'l'd )r(' (iT)"T H V-Vfn court, nml t n r; n lin l'.-m'-bt into sr. -1 1 t-. pp. pn miii'.ites cut. Mr tere-t of who iilei J. Savlen "I .'i p the c I'M re - vm ' t In the li ed : : .iii. TI.. I 11 I- t I'M ll 1 1 ..i, and .). m.M, and : i et. in p' p ' 1 ! !."! ti ' 111. I 'I 1 smll .1." I'l' to U an I' ;.i i. '1. I mi;1i not tlll.'llU viel.H:.'!. be W.is giv. n yoiinij to ns:-ii iationwith a wild set of .iters and soon full Into their bad wny.. Joseph Wilkes, who was not connected with thn crime, was held .n a witness, lie is also In years old. Shot While Hantlnf. F.TSA, N. J., Nov. 29. Charles Domas, 2 years old, wns shot nnd probably fatal ly hurt while hunting in the woods near his homo. He has been sent to the Hnck ensack hospital, although it Is not be lieved his life can bo saved. The boy took his father's gun and started to hunt rab bits. About three hours after ho left home he was found lying In the woods by Frank lin Henrce, shot In the stomach. The gun was accidentally discharged. Rsllrond Accidents In Pennsylvania. H APItJHIU'UO, Dec. 2. The returns to the department of internal a flairs of the steam rnllronds operating In Pennsylva nia shows that l,5:t persons wero killed and 10,()iJ7 injured by them during the fiscal year ended June :iu hut. Of those killed wero passetigi rs. 4 17 enipbpyees and 1, 107 other persons. The pas;;c.ip.:iirs injured numbered lilJ; employees, b,:jltl; other persons, l,ti Itf. Throat Cot and Use Turned On. CAXANOAHlt'A, N. Y., Nov. 80. F.d Concannon of V'lotor attempted sulcldo at the (.'anandalgun hotol. Ho wns found In his room with his throat cut and tho gas turned on. Ho will probably die. Literally Torn to l'lcces. Ilt'n-t.N. X. Y.. Dec. 2. Charles II. BHie, oi'i il wascMiii-bt li. rween two roii.is in a rai'er mill at Phi n. cut at:d lilci.iiiy to: u to picci s i:i t:.u i..ui In aery. NEWS Or THE vTiIEK. Tlmr (lay, Grir.in Jphn.it.'ii, a : i of Albert Sidney JohnsT.in, ti.e not dltd at l.o.s A !;-: loip-i Jiiiii::., .1 Coiii'cdci'ato general, s. .. .1 t, w.h instantly ..: t ! ; . i i'."l ii -bur nnd kliled in tbc J r I ;i l . Pa! . X. i ha. i to.-, cd : i ..a. up. el lit, UM.I..M "ill'', i f car.! at r.or.e d in si :'"ii'4 I.i . l:j i iiit- i: aii i . I... . ch : 1 . . an i bo: i r.i.M.i. s.j l: p. - n v 1 t 1.0 ! fatal 1 ii. a p.' ;.. U:, I. CU ti" i.i.. J. .ilJll.jj Pi P. 'it h Ma all c ii6 d 1 a flvn slow in,- a lo.ss .f ro iu the Luti'.l- y pe,. , Ki V.' :..d. Aii.-, .Mary I' 1'liilhrooU thu first wotu- an luwyer iu New Jersey, maiiu bcr Uis nk -x fc4, VVX'Ah sioiinl pop-niaii -o In thn orphans' 'n I ..Mb.lh. It'tifntir, bo was convicted In i of fiends In rnnueetlon with tho . Ilipi'oent company, was sentenced ei .' p' pel P MI'V It tlile. I'i- l'n". i nkaoiTi, nged An, was I by I h i tlirewiiig snowballs In ' ' i . I pipe. I'M" h y ball bit him ""ve li, nod he fell (lend. 1 '.' fur 'J'huiiias A. Osborn for i; ' i ' . :. I I ii "I mi n big bundle of pe , i by ,,oiiii Kniisans request " i :e iniiiil ncPlon In the Waller I' I : V. : worth, rld' H mm ot Knrl lvr r . 1 I ii rintiMl to thn dentin tho I' .if ' -'Ui'itoi tiui'ln vnffiiit bf the i ii ni" ir A tjr.TMon Horthwlok (now I. : 1 li'iimHi j to tho hniifte of lordn. N ttnrilii?. Not, JIO, ( nii:t. 1'Mwnnl Tnnf7, formnrly prlmo n ifii t. i'nf AiHtrln, dlml on hit ent-nto nt 1' I- i-li ino, lit lloliorntn. I!i-i!;i'i!imm WIIMntn H. Klrhnl.tor wiim iMitnutly klllrd while nt work In the Oni'iilf. nml Wcntorn rnllrond ynrd nt Mhldlotown, N. Y. 1 .lnii'ph W. Hcnnhnni, (Virncll'i creek left h.'ilf hnnk, hne honn ohneon onptnln at tho rornoll footlinll oloTon fr lHim. (iovornor Morton hnn rncnlved word from thn Attnntn nxpoiltlnn nhowlnff thnt Now York tm boon nwnrdrxl a gold niodnl n n flltdninn of honor. ChnrM MrKlnntrpy of CJrennpnrt, N. Y.t filed n oliilni nnliiHt the ntnte for f:.,0.m for (himnifMt ntli'Knd tro hnve bnnn natnln rd lijr liitti, nrinltiK from thedonth of itook. Mm. ln lnlvoly, who wm dlvorond from tho Hcv. Mr. Hnlvnly of Chlrnnn n nhort tlnin nn, wne nmrrlod to Wllllnm Al''v:mdir, n ton I rat n to donler at Hnntn Ji n !inrn. n). luriilnr. tin ft. !T..n. .T. A. MrKi'iiln, thn t'nltnd ftfitci Itiinistcr, h:ii nrrived nt lilnin, IN.ru. A itinll triv'n Htrnrk n wnRim oontnlnltiK thn n i cfH.'iiH nt Air I. Inn .Iiinotton, O., kliliif m'I i.f tln-iii. A n i nidi'iriio of mi-nHlpn hnn liroknn out nt. U o iiiiymI ntntlon In Nnwport, It. I., nnd ulnv.d thcrii ro 15 vihvS in thn hoe- pp i.i. At Auburn the jury In tho enso of Pnm- tiel (Jlllett, charged with wrcoklng the Homo C.ntral bank, rendorcd a vordlot of not guilty. President Clevclnnd hns nppotnti'd Hen' ry II. Koloff of l lah assoclnto Justice of tho supreme court of Utah, vice William Smith, deceased. At tho llepubllcan rmions Saturday nbrhl I nonius H. Heed of Mnlnn was iicapim iu ly nomlnntcd for speaker of th" b"ll i f representatives In tho Fifty I i: ;' li i iili,;i I'-l. I: Ip ii A. W. Waymnn. next to Fred P.- ' i t he ablest colored man develop. i I ; i; " I titled Htntes, fell, strlckeiiwlt.il i i :i, at his homo In llallimoro and i.i a i:.v inititites was dead. Tuestlny, lice, 8. ( 'iM ial ('. II. T. Collis was sworn In p- i "p.itii-sio.ior of public works of New Yi '. i .:y to succeed William llrookfleld, T.: i-IIC'l. .i;r..ii i UecUwIlb. n prominent nnd W'..: !iy citizen of Oswego, N. Y., tiled at Ye "i, whither he had gono on account of i. . 1m .ilth. i .' Iriiler, tho chncr,!nto minufac t - I'. mis. ha Itopj'l.t' tlio Ishind of ti, in t be .--I tpoy of theHr. I nv i !. i li ie'i, for l.otiu.tiOi) francs. : . .- init h of UfooUlyn, a pnssen- ' i n t . ! i p i en rivT steanif r rarato j , . . ':. :.'.i l puiciile by jumping over 1 : i i he li".U. v. as parsing (,'oxsacklo, .1. It. i;ri",vMer AV ' , tho rarrlngo i' , : i nnd lii .ilers of New York, havo i. - I. I inbil tP'S, f'.'iio.i'ilH; nominal ii- - f.. I. A: ; ni-tlial assuts, f 7H,- i i r e Cerbicti, n woll known phy F" !, ' ' ,-Mii I r.Miii'ih.'o, was found lying . ...-r in front of n mirror In a dy I, .:., i.. with a self Inllloted bullet , . 1 i.". h'n bend. ,'.t N".;ii Paltimoro, O., a fire was r .n '1 by the explosion of natural gas, tl r iviii - l iin ..ehlman glass works, v illi a bun of r.n,0U0. The watchman v. its i.'itrto d to dutilh. Weilnesdav, Iiao. 4 I- Ire In Indlannpn'.is destroyed the busi ness pltiies nnd stocks of five wholesale hou-es, entailing an estimated loss of $.'.1,111, (100. I.awi'i neo Bur, who had noted as secre tary for nine large Mormon building asso ciations in Philadelphia, has disappeared, with a shortage of $M5,0ll0 in his accounts. The president nominated Kufus W. Peekhaiii of New York to be associate jus tlco of tho Pnltud States supreme court to siieci ed the late Howell K. Jackson of Tennosseo. (iovernor Morton has appointed Judge Milton II. Merwin of Uttoatobeappollate judgo in thn khlrd depnrtment of the state of New York and Henry A. Childs of Medina In tho second. William Porter of lirnttlcboro, Vt, was arrested nt South Farmington, Mass., hy Special Detect ivo John A. Moloney of the 3!.p't')n nnd Maine railroad for an alleged attempt nt train wrecking in Vermont on Oct. -mi. It is statnd In Washington that tho gov ernment will immediately accept the Am inen ram KatHhdin without penalty, not wi: !,.-,:iuulin;r tho vi'ssel had failed to lii'ike tiio 17 knots an hour required by the (ontra. t. KILLED THE WRONG MAN. A Genesee ranoty Farmer Kllla Bla Em ployee, Mistaking Him For a Burglar. Uatavia, N. Y Deo. . A terrible tragedy took place at the house of Willis Pronghton, looated about three miles south i f Corfu, In the town of ilurlcn. iii-ou-ihton was awakened by a noise in the y o '.l, and seeing a person coming to-WM- d t ',' house took him for a burglar, in i : i- .iip himself with an ax secreted 1:: :f in tho woodshed. When tho man ti ."i the s'.icd, iiroughton struck him In t1 V MP. r. I i s ..ii tho head with the blade of intl.cting fntal wounds. When a m- secured, Jlroughton was horri Ibul the supposed burglar was his 1...1M, William lattining, aged 0 . .1 -tl by a Woman Kuiployea. , X. Y. , lira. 2. Mrs. Helen : fu of Attorney I'harles Ilarnes o, who has been separated for -i i. em her husband and who .:r. time has been employed by on iS: Co., dry gooils mer : ii'tpii, ns ciul.ier and olerk, .'. n il to have systematically mm or' ov. rll oou. ticven thou - cm ii. which she bud on depos o ii'.d Syrfieu-ie, as well as .ii ' ..1 dollars' worth of dress i.M ii f . ! i't ..u recovered by the district "c.u Mock l-'arm to lie Closed. .' I-''p ii. X. Y., Dec. 4. Sevonty s I . pi ibo Packman stock farm ; " .1 to New York last night to i i.. -1 wi.li. Aiiothur sulu will . m x weeks beuce, when the fa- : :c :'.Mi-in w ill be clused down, and Pvr wi.l leiire. B:ioarck 111 Again. I. Rl.V.l , Xov. 28. A Berlin dispatch i - it Prince Bismarck la suJlurlng u, ai i with nuuralgltt, and that the attack is scveiu uud has cauaed the aged state mau much loss of sleep. prol- KAISIMJ ANKWAItMY IAIIL BROWNE SAID TO HAVE ENLIST ED A COMPANY OF MOUNTAINEERS. two llnndred Rtand nf Arms Aeenred - f:na- ey's lrt Followers 1'rred to Join the New Movement Qneer Operations In lie Vlrrrlnla Mountains. A Washington gentleman who fins pent n week hunting np in tlin llhin ki.lgo, in the vicinity of Front Itoynl, is nnllinrlty for a must Ittloresiing story in regard to the present wlierealHiuts nnd operations of Curl Urowno, who beenmn ("iinspiciotis ns thn aid and son-In-Iuw nt fjuxey, Ihn lalKir agitator. After marry ing t'oxcy s diinghler and making bin homo for several weeks in Washington, whore bin htign figure, clad in deerskin Riirmenls, Ihsiiiiio a fan.iliar street siglit, Urowno betook liimsnlf to Vir ginia, and, it Is said, became the bosom Colorado nnd confidant nt (Jnptuln (I. (!. I'nUett. On the mountain farm vthern ('nlleti bnllr bis hotel nre several old abandoned log bouses, nearly fallen to Ihn ground. In one of tliesn llrnwnobns mailo Ins homn, and, nieunlnig to ton Washington sportunan, is Htiiigly on 5 V . '1:1 rr. CAUL nitOWNB. sconced tliere, with very cmnfortublo gnrroniidings. Pnrsning his nititnilo for onrirntnre and sensntiotinl pnnipbli'teor Ing, Browne lins npnttcd (lie inoniitain rotidsidos nnd woodlaiids Willi bis pocnl inr liiindbillN, cxborting tlio inountain cers to rally nronnd bin Ftanilitiil and become soldiers in Ibo nrmy of indus trial protest nnd reform. Tho simplo niimle'l inoniitain folk, to whom a few words written or f.rintcrl on white paper nro its magic, hnvn to sponil. d, timl many of them Imvo onroll ed thcmselvos tintler liiH coiiiiiiiiikI. For several weeks they Imvo til tende d regu lar drills on nno of tho level mountain benches, vliero Ibo motley nssonibliigo of lank nnd Mvarthy niipuntaincers, un der Browno's pompons leailersliip, litivn been perfecting thenisolveH in Ibo liitin nul of nrms nnd tlio movements of tlm company. A Hingular thing told in this connec tion is the t-tutenirnt of the station apont. ut Itivorti n that llrownea few days ago received ViOtl stanil of arms, wilii iiiilo a largo mpjily of nmmtinilioti. Win nee tlieso gnns rninn or fur what nso they are to bo pluccd in tho bands of Browne's company of mountaineers is thus fur a mystery. Some residents of the commu nity believe that (Juptnin Cnlleu baa ko- cuicd these rifles, nnd it is thought that when the mountain recruits hnvn been gnflioiently drilled, an effort will bo mudo to tender their services tu tho commander of tho insnrgent army in Cuba. Ciillen has sent out a large num ber of nicely engraved invitations to pcivplowho might bo inclined to syinpn thizo with tho Cuban cause, soliciting contributions of money und firearms, and some connection ismippoHod to exist between this action on his part nnd Browno's enlistment of men. To 1 he mountaineers, who are nt this time of the year idle and ready for any kind of sport, the advontnro is doubly inviting, and they seem to begetting a great deal of fun ont of it. Browne hns kept in correspondence with many of the famous army that mnrched into Washington in May of 1HU4 and has sent out to thorn thn sumo invitation which has been given to the mouutaineers. These notifications assure the old followers of Coxey tluit if they will come to the Blue Ridge they need have no concern about rations or a place to sleep, and that a full supply of arms and accootorinonts lias boon provided for as many of thein as will return to the old cause. So far, it is said, none of the old followers of Browuo and Coxey has mado his appearance. The well to do pooplo of the neighborhood, whilo they look upon Browno's operations with tho nioiiiitainoers as a good deal of a joko and nniko no special objection to it, do not look with favor upon tho us sonibliug of Coxey 'a old forces iu thoir vicinity. They are therefore keeping a close watch on Browne's operations, and the county and municipal authorities bold themselves iu readiness to squelch Browne's Quixotic undertaking when ever it threatens to bring upon the towns of Rivorton and Front Royal the prospect of an invasion by an undesira ble and lawless body of men. Wash ington Star. A Third Gavel For Hpeaker Keed. Speaker Reed has received a third gavel with a history. It was presented by Representative Hilt of Illinois, uud it was made from a fragment of the chopping block used by Abraham Lin coln in his rail splitting days. It was tho intention of Mr. Hitt to make, a formul presentation to Mr. Reed at the enuens on Saturday, but hu observed that Mr. Reed was more or less embar rassed with a riches of gavels and ac companying remarks on that occasion and withheld tho Lincoln gavel und quietly presented it when congress ripeued. It Will Bo Somebody's Waterloo. Amoug the strange coincidences of his tory none is ntrunger than that now pre sented in Maryland, where a uiuu named Bonaparte is fighting for the sen Btorship against a man named Welling ton. And it l.s.'ke as if Waterloo were joiug to be avenged. Dycha Thinks lie Can Reach the North Pole Professor Dyche of the Kansas uni versity said the other day that he had practically decided to make an attempt on the nuitu pole, having received an otter of assistance, but he declines ta name the source of the offer. Hu suys that, given plenty to eat, he will got to the north pole as easily as he got within boo miles of it His present plan is to go north along the west coast of (Green land and then niuke a dush for the pole by sledge or boat. Subscribe for the PRESS. Notice til' liinii ponitioii. Notice Is hen-hy given that an applica tion Will be uncle to the (iovernor of the State of P.'UliKvlvnnla on Tuomlav, tho 171 h day or DeccnilH-r. IN'.i.-,, at 1 o p lock, p. to., by W. K. Cipok, Itii hard Ihtrlolieno, F. F,. SIiptwopsI, ('. A. Diislnlpci-ro ami Kd ward Cook, under the Act of Assembly of the ( 'ointiionwealt h of Pennsylvania i-n-titled,"An aid to pp'oviph' for tin- Inct.r poralion iiippI rcgohitiipti of p-ertain eorpoi'a- ii. .os, appp-oveo ,pi ii -.".i, is, i anil ttii sup plements tln-rp-to, for n p-harler for a cor-pppp-nt ion lip be called, ' The Ciiii'ii Teh' phoup' Company.' " whii h corporation is to Is- forioi'd for the aiirpos,. y constrop--liog, malitliiining mill Ica-inir lines of ' ti-l. -graph for I hi- private usi-of hub vi.b oils, llrtns, corporations, municipal or ipther wise, for general business ur for the traos ap'tion ipf noy business in which rbi-tric fori-e over or through witvs may be ap plied to any useful piirpiise.in I hp-p-ount h'S ol wnyiti l.ap-Uawjitpiia anil 1'ikp-. in tin State of Pi-niisylvaiiia. Aoilforthis ppir p..se to liavi', pp.sM-ss anil p'lijoy all the rijhls, iH'iietlls anil privih'v'i's litpplcr Un said Aid ppf Assp-niblv and il s supplement s. IIOMF.H idtKKNK, Solicitor. IIppiip silalc. Pa., Nppv. Isn,, Orplum' ou rt Sale. IJy virtin' of nn tmlor (if tin- Orii liiins' (Vmrt of tin- County of l'iku flu. lioroiimftor ili'sp'i ilii'il iviiI oKtntd of ( 'lirisliiiii (lit, ill coitsi'd, will lm cxposi-il to iulilio still, by vonilito or outcry on SATCRDAY, I)!; KM HKR II, lsiir,, nt 'J o'clock in (lie afternoon on tlio promises in 1 icliiwnni townslii), Pike county, I'.'ntiHvlvimiii, two pieces, parcels or tracts of lanil situ ate lyine; anil lii'iiur as nfpiri'saiil, the one boHtidotl anil descrilieil as fol lows, liein part of a tract of land surveyed on a warrant from the In nil ollice of l'p'imsvl vania to Sam uel Mp'fJaw, tilt- part intended to 1m. conveyed is lmtted and bounded ns follows: l!i'e;iuninv at a wliito. oak stump and stones a corner of H ibert K. Van Htten's land south sixty di'.'rees east sixty-twit percbes to n stone tbenee liy other lanil of Ciimiiiiii:'s anil Vim I'.llen niprtli forty-two and oni'-b.ilf ilpe-rees east i'itrhty-1'.nir peri In s to a stone, tbenee by lanil of Cornelius Van Ktti'it norlb seventy doo-ives west sixty-live and oni'-balf js'rcbes toil stone, tbenee by lanil of Harrison Drake sontb forty-two (lejrrees west seventy-two jii'rcbes to the jilaee of iM'tiinninv;. Containiii"; thirty acres strict measure, and beim? the siiini! lands conveyed by William C. Cnni niiii";'s et. n.' et . al., to Christian Ott by tli-i'd claleil :.':id of March A. 1). lK.-2 recordi'd in tin oilii'e for re- cordino; d Is, etc., in and for tho County of 1'ikc in 1. H. Ill, tnifi V7 A-c. One other trai't situate as aliove. and boiinih'd anil described as fol lows, beiiifr iart of a larger tract of land surveyi'd on a warrant to Martha jMi-t law, the part intended to Imi conveyed is bounded lis fol lows: Hevcinnintr at a white oak a corner of .1 . W. Kilsby's land, tbenee by same north forty-seven and one half di'e-ri'os west forty-seven perches ei"(bt links to stones on lino of O. P. Van Kt ten's land, hence by s nne SPinth nineteen anil three-quarter decrees west ninty-five perclies twenty-five links to a stake and stoni c irner online of S. Van Etten, Jr., thence by same south H v.'itty and oiu'-lutlf deri-es P ist one hunilred and twelve perche-i to stones on line of InnilJVf It. K. Van Ktten, thence by hhiiiii north nineteen and one quarter de yrees east forty-lour jierchos seven links to stones, thence north fortyj two ileffi-ees west sixty-live perclies to lM'uinnini. ( !ontaininij fifty acres and sixty-four iierches strict nii'as nre lie the same more or less, anil lx-inij; the same land which H. IJ. Van Etten by deeil dated lxth of NovemlsT, 1 K57, recorded in the of fice for recordintt of deeds in 1). B. 21 iaire 211 solil and conveyed to Christian Ott. Of the above about thirty acres are improved and in a rood state of cultivation, lialancn wcll-timlicreil. On the promises are a i'ood house, barn and other out lmililiiiK-t. (iixsl on-hard and small fruits, a stream of water runs thrtmj-di the farm. TERMS OF KALE, one-third cash one-third in six months, and balance with interest in one yejir ; deferred payments to he secured by bond anil mortjjtmn upon the promises so sold. ABItAM 1). BROWN.Trustee. Milford. Nov. P-'th, 1SU5. Audi tor's Notice. Estate of Frank Deneirri assiL'ned to Samuel Turn for tho licnefit of creditors. In the Court of Com mon 1'lcax of Pike county, No. 00. bceenilier Term ls'.il : The undci-sii'tied aipointiil hy said court '-auditor to make distri bution of funils iu hands of Samuel Turn assi'Miee, as shown hy his ac count filed, to the iMirtiescntitlcdantl report same to tho court," etc., will miH't tho jHirties interesteil in said estato on Monday tho Uth thiy of DiM-enilxT A. I). lMlo, at two o'ci(-k p. in. of said day at his ollice corner Ann and Third streets in tho Uo lounh of Milford, Piko Co., Pa., when and where all such lmrties nro required to uttentl, present ami prove their claims, otlierwiso they will lm fori'vcr debarred from com inK in upon snitl funds or shurinfr theivin. Hy. T. Uakku, Milford, Pa., Auditor. Nov. 11, 1SU5 i