.One Cent a Word. For Kuril liwrllnn. Nn mRpi-llM-mi'iil Inkcii fnt' Iimm tlinit l!i cHts. CASH must hitiiiiiiiiii.v ll nrili-rs. Aillri-ss l'IKK I'OI MTV I'RKSS, Mil loltl), r. FOU KAUC A siH'cdy roml horse. Also nn Alilcnii'V row, riiiiiiii.it in. Alumnus l'. H., Milfoiil, I'm. TRKSl'ASS KoficE. Noticv is lirvrby tfiv.-n tlmt tivsiMis-mifr liHii tlir )iV(iM'Vty (if tin Forest I .like Assoeintion in Ltirkuwiixen town nliii, l'ikc county. I'ii., for tin pur pose of hunting or iiHliin;; or nny otlirr purpose is strictly 1'orbiiWoii Uinlrr iH'iinlty of the law. Al.KXASKKK H.MHKN, Nov. '2'!, 1 president. Trpimii "iilli'P. Notice is lierrliy fiiven tlmt tivf pissiniron the premises of tin' 111 -(l-'rsiiicil, situn(rl in Dmirninn townsliiii, for nny purpos" wluitever is strictly forliiililen, iiiul nil of fniilcrs will lie promptly proserutert. )ct. 21. IK!).). ln.v H. ("ask. AiltiitnlitrHtlfiii "olli-f. Letters of iiilniiniitration upon tin-cstato of Sebastian Xewlmvjrer, Into of Pnimyrii township, ilree.-i-eil have lxvn urantril to the undev si.L'iiccl. All M'i-sons liavinir claims Mirainst said estate will present them, and those indebted to said decedent will please make immedi ate payment to IIohack K. Kicp, Administrator. l'aupack, Oct. '-'I, lv,i.-. FOR SALK. A small farm farm located near Matamovas, known as the Hensel or Keinhardt place, containiiif; VI neros. Finely located, well watered. House and l ain. Fruit of all kinds. Fart improved. Tillo clear. For Ti-Hiis. price, etc., address Lurk hox (J, Milford, Pa. Notice tn Tiix-imyiT. On state taxes not paid on or lie fore Nov. 1 ltli ten per rent, will bo added, nud on other taxes live pel cent . alter Nov. '.'0, Issir,. I will l.e at my office, 4tli street, from 1 to A.'.Mp. in. Nov. 20th to receive taxes. .Ioun V. W.UXAi'K, collector. '!! Iti-wunl. The school directors of Dinyman townshiji will pay twenty dollars for information which will lead to the detection and conviction of any iorson or n'isniii committing any tiv'sjiass or doinu:any damaue to any school house or property therein in said township. lly order of the hoard, Nov, 7, 1KHS. lu.v B. Cask, Hoc. CorresiMmdcnts are particularly requested to send in all news in tended for publication not later than Wednesday in each week to insure insertion. Correspondence. PAUPAC MATTERS. Paupao, Nov. 2" The rain of the last throe davs was welcome to our neighbors, esjwcially C. L. fcVhlujp'r. who has not lieen able to run his mill on account of low water. Miss Marion Williams siont the last three days of last week in IInw ley, the nuest of Mrs. 1,. P. Cook. Mr. Asher Kirki tulall, of Wilson ville, has taken the coutract to tfet the lumber on the Ansloy place for Joi . Atkinson, and will move to PnVnc. S. W. Smith, Ks(i of Port Alle pany, was visiting Mr. N. B. Kel lam last week. Mr. B. F. Helium's party at Bit Pond, killed only one di-cr, this was shot by Frank K. Killain. August Frank killed a Mifthree iron lmck wishing over 200 pounds iiejir Bi Pond Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. Kipp attended the 20th mimveisiiry of Mr. and Mrs. Horatio Simons' marriage at ltollis tervillethe 2"th. Messrs. Will and Geo. Lohh sjient Sunday with Lafayette Killam. A. J. Kimble went to Kiinbh s for a few days liiiiiiintf. Mrs. John (iun.hle, who has lion spending seveinl months with her mother-in-law, started for her home at Hill's Grove Wednesday. Mr. Joe Smith sold one of his horses to Mr, ('. L. Schlatter last wtM'k. Cl K. NEWTON PARAGRAPH. Newton, Nov. 25. The te tellers' institute tif Sussex county met at the public school building in New ton at K'.eO a. m. Monday anil o: tranied. Although stonnj' 121 of the 12T teachers iu the county an; wered to the roll cull. The lecturers were Dr. Homer B. Hpraguo, Fast Orange, N, J. ; Dr. Henry B. Kuiu- mcl, H. (!o logical Survey, Tii"nton, N. J., Chas. J. Majory, Ph. D.. Newton, N. J, ; Miss LilHo A. Will iams, Miss Amelia C Hewitt, Prof Frank H. Ki-iuiy, ull of Trenton, N. J. After the singing, which was conducted by A. B. Ch;:p, A. M., of Htanhope, Dr. Ma jory, of Newton, gave H very interesting talk on "What the Ttwher Nels." This was followed by Miss Williams of the Ktato Normal Hx'IkkjI in an ad dress on "Psychology. Prof. A. B. Gilford, of Jersey City, tlieu took the floor in an hour's sjkhm'U of "How Music Should lie Tautiht," ri in;; the niethls of the tonic sol fa system. This closed the morn in session. The aft .'ruoon session opened with an address by Miss Williams on 'Child Study." Miss Williams is a very entertaining and instrivtive speaker and thoroughly understands her subject. She pave the methods of the most prominent educators in this i -wintry and those in use in the Normal school at Tren ton. A. B. Gilford then pave, in sluclions on "How Reading Should Should be Taught in the Grammar Grades," this closed the afternoon session. In the eveiiinj: the teachers In Ida reception in the inrlors of the N.'wt. n club, which were kindly tendered by its memliers. A very pleasant evening was spent in siiifj; iiur, recitations and instrumental music. Tuesday niorniiifj session was opened, with prayer by the Rev. Cluts. X. Hutchinson of the M. E. Church, of Newton, followed by tinirin':. Prof. Scoby nave an inter est inir ti l' on "How to Teach Arith metic." Miss Hewitt followed this with "Kleincntary Science." In the afternoon. Frank H. Scoby continued his talk on arithmetic and Miss Hewitt, on elementary scion "i". In the eveiiinir, the institute listened to a very able lecture by Dr. Spnurue on " Milton as a Teacher." Dr. Npinjtue is a fine sieaker and held the attention of his audience closely through an address of over an houi in leiiL'th. Thursday the closiiif.1 day of the institute was oiioued by s'mifinjr. The time was then taken up bv Dr. Spia"ue on " How to Wiite and Correct: Compositions," and Dr. k'uinmel, oi Geological Survey on " The Physiography of New Jersey." At the dose of the morning session the institute was adjourned, thus giving tin- teachers and instructors a chance to spend l'hanks;.iviiig at home. ji, M ATA MORAS ECHOES. Mai'.wiokas, Nov. 3S. Mr. Sol. Van Akin ami Mrs. Kitwiml Kishcr left town last We Ini'-iday ninrniii; to visit tlirlr fuller nl TuMli-'s Ciifner. N. J. ' Mike " I'i-Ii. oar I'litcrjirlshitf biitcInT, rcccivi-il en Monilny niui'iiin.tll'iy turkeys fnr Thank in traile. They wriv raisiil hy Cnlvin Sawyer, of Mill Hilt. There niv almiit lifoen in Malinnurtis who cxijvt in niti'iat the Kci-r-W'i'stlinmk weiltlin-x I'hursihiy oveiiiiifj tit Montaiii1. Mr. Cnnire Millott iini'liasril the lust work of Malven, liordon & Co., Port Jor- vis, a line Mnji'st ii- " range niul Mrs. Mil lolt is proml of it. Kvl iSrlnk, Jr., i if TiiIIU-'h CnrniT, N J., was In lown Sat nradny, calling on frhaiils. Kvi is a genii liny unit Is well likeil in this pliiiv. ('has. t 'ch. of Narniwslinrgli. spent Sun day Willi his broth r, Miihai'l fill. Mrs. Alirln Moon, wife of Mr. Thomas MiKire. of this place, ilietl nt her home at ."i -.ii oVIoi-k last I'rhlny evening of hem orrhage of t he brain, after an Illness of but one "lay, axt'l i; years. Mrs. Moore leaves bcshlrs her husband, the following tdtil diva: Delia, wife of Thomas Mead, ol New York c ity; Thomas, of Mlililletown and Alice, Holi.at and Ki'ance, at home. She Is survived, also, by a brother and sis ter in Xew calami. The funeral was held Monday inoining at U.:!o o'clock from tin1 home in Matamoras anil at It) o'clock from SI. Joseph cluircli. Interment in St. Mary's cemeteiy. A. 11. V DINGMAN'S FERRY INKLINGS. Diniim w'k Kni iv, Nov. a" Mr. Harry A. Sajre and fiiatds, of Kastou, Ph., wlio have been recreating at High Kalis Hotel r tinned hi me Satnulay, taking wilh t'teia a nice hunch of pheasants, which game they n port as very plenty. They arc crack nii.ts of Kastuli. The High Kails Hotel hnsscvcin! gnestK fiom Hiooklyn. N. V. Wciltu -day, M. V. Ililseo and MisB Cnrnclia Conrtiiglit wen' miirriiil at her home. The couple left for Philadalphln n i their wedding tour. V. H. Ityton, oar tussessor, is busy with his official tint leu. Mi.s Lottie 'aii (iiinlen, who has liecn very sick, is now n-oiiveml. Mr. N'tn. Diisinlion'y, inir imptihtr lner- chant, is doing an excellent tiiisiiiess, the reward of Is ing enterprising ami obliging. t)s-ur Iikin's new house Is Hearing com pletion, lie certainly schi-ti-d a U'aiitilnl hsalioll. DKI.KWAIIK. QUICKTOWN NEWS. Qt K ltitts. Nov. atl Mrs. James C'nin miners is viviiing ft-iettds In Xew York city A small parly will h. held nt J. M. Al- diick's next Wetlnesilay evening. Wells are still very low in thin vicinity K.irmers have their fall work iilioiit tin- ish.il. Mr. lileiMiick has his new hoiisi, rcphu ing lite old one bnineil, tinisheil. NEWS OF THE WEEK. TlinrAtlny, Nt. SI, The steamship Irrnwadtly, which went shore at Ashnry Purk, N. J., wai Heav ed. It was not badly damaged. 1 he postolhco at hniiunlr, .. ,1., wai entered by burglars, who secured 5,UUU worth of stamps and t-"uO In cash. The Drltibh steamship Albert, Captain Nelson, from CliHi-lottetown fer Plaoeutla, X. F., has becu abandoned at sea on ao- ouunt of leakage. A terrible fatality Is reported In the Kincbow buy, China. The boilers and nmgulnes of the tnioiisliip Kungpal ex plotted, killing ti.iU men. The supreme court of Minnesota lias handed down a decision alarming the de cision of the lewur court in denying Mur derer Harry Hayward a new trial. He must tLurcfure die. The governor of New York has appoint ed the following state hoArd of assessors: Murilu Heermuuee of Puughkeeiisle, Kd win 1,. Adams of Kluilra anil Kolln L. Jeukius of Moriah. Frld ijr, NaT. 8 J. The I.yciiuiing hutel ut Willinnisport, Pa-, caught tire and was completely gutted. Huthschild llros., Chicago, dealers lu iry goods, made an usslgunieut, with II ihilitius of itu.OOO; assets, t75,UUO. The lurge barus of M. O. Durnea and Murtiu lieuhaiu, ueur Hutavin, N. V-, were htirncil, with tholr contents. I.ns, tin,onn. Sir Ilenrr Pfinsonhy, forncrly prtrnle secretary to Queen Victoria and ktepiT of the prlvT pursn, died of pnra!ylsnt I o.vefl, Isle of Wight. John Dillon, the well known Irish lr-ad- er ami Biitl-l'nrnellltn member of parlia ment for Kat Mayo, was married In Lon don to Miss Mathew, daughter of Justice Mat hew. In the t'nlted Htritct court nt Anhiitu, N. Y., Mrs. Mary T. MuMIIInn win found guilty of counterfeiting postnje stamps and sentenced tn onn year end six months In the Krln county penitentiary. The body of Calvert Ynux, the eminent landscape architect, was found flouting in hn oeenn nr. Hath Ji-nnh, near Urnnklvn whore, with suicidal Intent, he had drowned himself. Ills mind had fur some tlmo been nnba'anecd. siitiiriiir, Nnr. John Pedfern, the well ktmwn women's tnilor, died nt. ('owes, Isle of Wight. Lieutenant Deary, the nretin csplarer. began work n n civil englneir In Hil navy yard nt Dronklyn. The Krle Hallway company filed n ?-:0,- Onu.ODO deed In theolllieof the clerk ot Tlnpn eniinty, N. Y. The Knights of Labor sennrnl nBsenhiy selected Rochester as the plaeofor holding Its next nnnual meeting. The Iter. Knther U'Connell of llnslon has been chosen by the Propaganda to be the ntw rector of the Americau college at Kama Frnnk Kreehill, who was charped with the murder of Policeman Jewell of l'nh- wny, N. J., wns adjudged guilly of man slaughter. Dr. Frnnk Lnvnsscur. n pronenebt phy sician of Hnverstrnw. N. Y Indicted on the chnrge lit criminally nssaullln.n all year-old French girl, was necuitted. Monthly, Nor. The smith wall of the Poland t'nltai seminary nt Poland. ., fell, seriously In juring four young lady students. The wood workshop connected with the Auburn jail at Lewiston, Me., was destroyed by fire. Loss, $:!r,niMi. City Knglneer Horace Ik Faton, under municipal Investigation fornlletred Irregu- Inrlties, committed suicide hy snouting at Potnervllle, Mass. S. Drvden Phelps, the well known and eminently respected poet and author, riled at his homo In New Haven after a Ion .! Illness of Hrlght's disease. Matthew Haves, employed in the Port- lnnd and lioebester roundhouse- at l'oit lam', Me., was li.slantly killed by being caught by tbo shaft of the machinery. At tho sawmill of Marks llros., l.ini'id two miles cast of Lironicd, Pa., the belter exploded, instantly killing John ( lark. Aaron Marks and Martin I ampijcil were fatally Injured. ISev. J. A. Wlthnm, n t'nlted llrethreii minister nt Findlay, ()., win found guiily by a trial committee on three charges in volving his moral clmr.'it -ter and was sus pended from the ministry. Tiif tibiy, Nov. 3(1. Violent snowstorms prevail at Turin and Aetul, Italy. A train running be tween tienon an. I Actnil has been ennwiii up. Tho North ciermnn Lloyd steamer Fulda arrived nt (-iibuiltar, with the Duke and Duchess of Mailhuronnh among the pas sengers. The Norwegian bark Ishnaden, Captain Isaksen, has been wrecked olf Yarmouth, England, and l-i of tho crew have been drowned. Tho main building of the .ut. Louis Shovel company's extensive plant In that oity hns been burned. Tho loss is cstl niatctl at sn,Otio. Ilurglars blew open tho postnfTlro nt Cowlosville, N. Y., to rob it of .'uii and set the building nllro In so doing. The loss was 110,0(10. Manhattan day was celebrated nt the Atlanta exposition. A large crowd of New Yorkers were present nnd wns one of tho most brilliant of tho ninny clnliointo spo oinl occasions In connection with the fair. Tho marriage of Lieutenant Command er W. S. CowUs, the United Stales naval attache, to Miss Roosevelt, sl-ter of Mr. James K. Roosevelt, secretary of tho United Slates embassy, took place nt ht. Andrew's cliurih, Louden. Wetllirsila", Nov. fJ7. A fast freight train on tho Illinois Cen tral was wrecked nt Jackson, Mich., nnd tho engineer, J. C. V'oolsey, was killod. Tho failure of H. ,1. Clevenger & Co., commission merchants of Philadelphia, Is announced. Tho liabilities are said to he large. Tho bodies of three men nnd n liny were found In a cnhln near Arthur City, Tex. They were trappers nnd had been killed by Indians. James II. Pkehnn, senior member of tbo New York brokerage firm of Janes '. B'.iehnn A- Co., she. himself at his horns In Montel.ilr, N. .1. Mrs. Maiy Kenno, stepmother of Arch bishop Kcane, rector of tho Catholic uni versity, was found dead In her room on North High street, Washington. A mall and passenger trnln on the Atch Ison, Topeka and Santa Fe road was wrecked at Shoonmker, N. M. Two per sons were killed, two others wero fatally Injured, and several wero slightly hurt. An explosion orcurrod nt the now Olyiu phia concert bail, thoater nnd opera house In New York, killing Joseph Weincr, nn electrician, fatally Injuring Andrew Rig ging, who subsequently died, and severely Injuring several other. DOUBLE SHOOTING AFFRAY The Pretty Siiburhun VilUc f Artluifton llifht Ha4 a Sensation, Kkwakk, N. ,T., Nov. 27. Arlincton Height, one of tho pretty rcsulonUnl h.'tv tioim on thei'iirtt b;mko( tho Pnseaic rlvi r, In the township ol Kcnrnoy, was tho s i ne of a double eh. toting nfTiny whh h will r eult In tho dcHlli of Thomua Colt, apho toRrapher, doiujj Imslius nt JH i;n h Btruet, New York city, nnd the posMhlt? Biahiihiri for lifo of Mitsa Ciirrlo Phiti. whoso lifo Colt linuln a dusponito, hi:t futile elTurt to end hoforu he lired a hul lct Into his o n hend. Miss Pluto, who is 25 yenrH old, 1b tho daughter of tho Into Henry P. Piute, who was a prominent cork cutter in Iowa. Colt met MIkb Plato somo years njro, and, it is stiitud, has been a frequent visitor at her home, and it la believed that thi Bhootiiitf was the outeome of a love affair. According to the Btory told hy Hume who buw the shooting, Cult anil Ailr.s Plate aliKhted from a trolley car, laugh ing and ehattinn merrily. They Lad walked but a short distance in the tlht-e-tiou of tho girl , home when Colt sudden ly drew a revolver and bean to liru. Mis Plato trltd to etieapo. The llrst bullet Btruek her In the arm and the second in the back. Tho third went wide of its mark. llelieving that he had killod the girl, Colt then shot himself. It was thought he was dead, and ho was allowed to ro inaiu on tho Mima in the pouring rain until the arrival of the comner. who on examiuatiou found that tho would bo murderer was litill alive. Ilia recovery, however, la hnpnesihle. Mia Plato in Very seriously WouudLd, but !s expected to recover. The Plato family deny that thero w.is auy love atiair between Miss Plato and Colt. They o!aim that her relations with him wore strluily of a business nature, as sho was employed frequently by him In coloring pholornnha. '1 bey oli'er liu x plauatiou, however, of the ihwiting. A lAVl) AM) A DEATH. CaVID HANN1GAN CO'JITTED, AND HIS FATHER DIES. JnTy riniU th Rlnyrr of Polnnutn Mnnt. CttiMttonn of Murder on tho (iron ml of inutility Strjinurn ( nintifnntinn of fJlnd tifM nttd Sorrow. Nr.w Yor.K, N'uv. C?. Phnrllr before liihlniu'it David llannii'nn, cliMiti'il witJi tin killintTof Knloition M.itih, the betinye.r of hid il.-;t" was nc(tdited or iniird' r. A hunt Did r.me time hifl niied fatlii'f, Wil liam I ! firini ;x-tnt died nt Ills home on fif ty fix: h si re.'t. Only om phnrt qunrter of nn hour PiifTl flccd I'ir it nil. In thorn few minute Dnv'tl llnnnifjnn wns ntquitteil of tho innrTtro! his ki-I ir'a blrncr, hut his pn.ir old f ;vt 1 1 r, vho-eouly wish wai tn l-ninin eoiiaritm-'tn ss until tho t;iw: of lila bi'y's ri'h iKe eotild r; :e h him, had dh-d. 'J iin v nliet W;is tho ie;ilintiiii of the Fnn'n h'ipe; of tho f:ihiT'p prayer. Thrro w.'ii plMfjfieq in tho eourlronm. Ther ViiH nolne-n In tho homo. Tho nlmdow of n d; nth fitrm firh f clouded the sunshine tint nr jtiillal Imd brought. One lifo had bn-n Fnved; onoolher liad lieen elaimed In the moFt Tnoui!iful tragedy of the year. I'p in that find homo on I-'Ifty-Hlxth strti'fc lln-ro wen1, nt 11 o'clock hit nlfrht, t!io f iller, who wii dying, concoiotiM, hut nt:lilo to spe.ik, Ills dim even nlwnys ri st ii'; on tho dour, watching and watting f'r news from D;ive, on trial for bin lifo. The mot her, niinost blind nnd l-roi;i'ii lu irted. dared not Inmi tho bt dhhi of tho old m:in, thoni:h thn b'y v)io h :d nv' tu; d Iorettn"s shnmowns in e ;t r.'Tiii A peril. J If r other daughters were t'icre, teti ful nnd nnxlout. Dewn In tho cnuitronm, worn with fn tigun nnd excitement, p;it tho pen. The jn:y were out, with bin IK" in their I'.r'. p In f r . To Iht'in wufl left tha choice of re tn; rdntr it to him or of encniicimr it .n th" !:w. His frail littlu wilesal lie u- him, -;'lid and treinldit?. broth t, .l-i"t II innlrLTi, pat b-idc him. .bitik kivvv he ct old not aid tho fnther. Il!a nfl i-taofv Tihdit 1;0 need'd by his bi-otln-r. lie would fltity whero liu wm liceih d most. Justice might pave nno lifo. Siiei.ro bad failed to save tho other. Ttitliotlo 8reni' In tho C'ourfrnoni. It wns 11 o'clock when tho jury pureed lipfci it i verdict nnd sent word to .Iu--tieo Iit;r;il'.'ni. Att!ies;ui;o ninni.-nt n mil aergrr from the Iianni;rMn bf.iK.-h:ild cf.mo bit ai lile to tho criminal coiirr building to call tho meoilinr of the f-iruily to old Mr. llniniiffHi's hedside, who had henn to Fink rapidly lirilf nn hour Ih fore, nnd the phyrdi i ntfl f-aid that his lifo win uniy a (Mi iihm of minuted. 'J hn iirif-tiner's wife, BiRi.'! s i!cl hiollici', hudd'td In n corner of t!i: corridor, broke into n fee-h storm of grief nt tho news, nnd their petp'exity v;--; pit iful. Tlo'y h id to (day to lenvn David's fain, mid they Imd to pay tho bft goodh.y. At laFt thny det idel thnt the two pi-tern shonid go vhTo the an;.' I of dt :i' h wns Iteare-d, while t he wife no 'I brother should stay with him. who-e lif. hun in tlie balant-o. .Ton ni the two wim'h" wtont n left tho bullilir rr Jn-ticn Iiurtaham nrrived, nnd tho woid that the verdict, more anxiously waited for than nny other In tbo city's history of tragedies, was to ho announced spread with eleetiln quickness. It was 1 1 :'.') when, In a heart leapieg wilenea, tho jurymen filed In end took t heir places. As they entered the bo the p' l-onev, with the fir :'t Rigu of emotion ho had evinced in tho lo?1 trial, T09Q from bis s -at, and bending over tho tiny little woman that h:vl bo faithfully kept Inside him kissed her tenderly. 1 he clerk roiled the roil, but before ho could put tho truunl ques tion tho jiifitieo lntini:p..'d hi his haidi nnd lil,.h pitched voice: "Lot th-. r;! ho no demon -(ration of nny kind. Any ono fo offending v ill bo arrested and k veroly punished. " ltiintdgnn Di-elftreri Not OulHy. "(entlemen of tho jury, " paid the clerk, "havo vni arrived at n vcnliet t'" "Wo have," Faid tho fnrcnmn clearly. "Wlmt pay you, guilty or not guilty;-" Kven if the foreman bad wbi piled bis Btisffjr it could havo been bund in every corner of t h gn at room. 'Not guilty, on the ground of insanity," said ho. l'rom Mrs. ITnnnfgnn'a lip.i enmo a most pathetic little hnlf ory, half sob of joy, and in the rear of tho room tie jus tico'R admonition was forgotten in n atorm of applaiif'O. Like lightning tho news wonb to tho corridors, whoro cheer after cheer went up, that all the police on duty could not Ftop. iiannlgan's brother broke down utter ly, but the acquitted man stood like a Ftatuo until his wlfu's hystorltnl sobbing reached him. Then he broke down, too, and as they wept in each other h arms there wero few who.-:p eyes Weru not filled up In sympathy, .lack liannigan recover ed himself first, and taking Mis. David liannigan with him set out for home, in the hope of finding the fnthcr'ill nlive. A motion was made bu- release of tho prisoner, but was denied hy .luticn Ingrahnm, who paid: "I would not bo justified in n t 'a-dng him without Pome one to rare tor luni. I would nhoo.st he guiity of lnansia i!'' cr myself if I Fhoubl discharge bi:i. I think it lust for himself and his family and all conciM'ned that ho should be taken cam of pniperly soniewh--re until he recovers trom the ext iteioent incident to tho trial uud what may follow. " David was, however, permitted to vIbH his homo in tho custody of two deputy shoriffH. If tiiinlffnn Cmmoiit'd to an Aylum. Nr.w Yoiik, Nov. 2 i. David V. Ilannl pan ha.s Incn fornnily riu:nittt d to tho Main It:; no asylum at Co; likee;-do by Justice Ingrahaiu. liev.ai t. .h. u i to day. Ki led hy u Tr.iiu. Ta-t CH:.v(.k, X. J., Nov. Matrulo M arphy, years old, a domcsi t was kilhd on the ijlaware, Lackawanna and Wi.'i. rn r.iihoad hero. Misi Murphy hid b.cn vi hin;i somo friends and was wai k ioKal(;iifC t!io tracks toward tho Jbrch t'lmrch sration. Half way between Har rison and V.kwood avenues tlio path cro-es the tiaek.-i, wberu pedofiti'ians through tho lots. As she started across thd tr.e.k ho was struck by tho train bound bi New York. Mio was tossl sev eral feoi, In tho air uud her Deck was broken. Ihe tiiil liiil ili to bve the Lifo of IIci Mr.ilirr. T u:i:Y town. N. V., Nov, i7. William Maiheis. a hotel kecpi-r. who-u plae Is on lii-e:ul wuy, Nor'h laiboro. hcveial iniles fn'iu hero, was shot and slihfly wounded hy hi$ li.inuhter Annie. Tho shooting win it.lt lit ional and probably saved the mot hei of the f'irl from beliM eeriously lojuntl. Maiheri and another man bad I e:-n thiA ii dico fur thinks. At U o'eloi-k Mid. Miuhers enured tho hariomn and or d. i4 d lu r htial ai.tl to stop driiikin!, u.i In hail enoiiuh. Mathers replied with it vol ley of oaths and rashtd at his wife with n htay iru bar. liisarui was upraised ic toUiku when Annie, the -0-yoar dddai-!i ter of the couplu. bred, t liii bad beou out In the yard pructh in with a pistol. 'i ho bullet bit tho fe.iheriu the forearm and tie n tho lh rh of the breast. Tin wounds were both hliht, but sulliuioiit tc taii-e tho fulher to drop the bar ami bowl wiih pain and rur'e. The mother escaped. A ilutior was summoned to ail end the fu thcr, but Mathois cliUbud hint from tut house, throwing bottles at him. Do You Wear This Size ? 51-2, 6, 61-2 or 7 C width only. If so you can got a pair of Woman's Don gola Square Toe Laced Shoe. Real value $3.00 -now $1.75. We bought them of a speculator in New York and we are satisfied to give you the benefit of the bargain. Orders sent by mail or by either stage line will re ceive our careful and immediate at tention. JOHNSON'S, 28 Front Street, Port Jervis. Go to T. R. Julius Klein FOll Stoves and Ranges Hardware, Cutlery, Tin, Agate Ware, 4c, 4c Tin Roofing and Plumbing A Sl'KCIALTY. Jobbing promptly attended to Brond utroi-t, opposite PRESS Offce. Subscribe) RESS. VAN ETTEN & WRIGHT. OUR SPECIALTIES ARE : Sanitary Plumbing, Steam Heating & Hot Water Heating. Houses Tested for Imperfect Plumbing. No. 14 Bal Street, p0rt Jervis, N. Y. Nsitdoorto First National Bank. ' W. & G. MITCHELL, Dealers in Fancy & Staple Dry Goods, Groceries, Provisions, Hardware, Crockery, Glassware, Boots, Shoes, Etc. Corner Broad and Ann Streets. Headquarters for Dry Goods. Headquarters for Groceries. Headquarters for Notions. Headquarters for Provisions BROWN and ARMSTRONG. Headquarters for Boots 4 Shoes. Headquarters for Hardware. Headquarters Rubber Goods. Headquarters for Crockery. NEW GOODS. FALL AND WINTER We can save you money in every department of our two stores which are crowded with new Goods of every description for Fall and winter. Please give us a call, you will be more than satisfied. RYMAN & WELLS. DO YOU EXPECT TO BUILD ? THEN SEE A. D. BROWN & SON, Manufacturers and dealers in all kinds of Lumber, Contractors and Builders. Estimates made ; personal attention given and work guaranteed. OFFICE, Brown's Building, Milford, Pa. i5 AT? NEW GOODS. FOR