9 V! PIKE COUNTY PRESS. FltlllAY, NoVK.MHKII 2!, IS'.)."). ITHI.ISIIK.I) KV Kit Y KIMHAY. OFFICE, BROWN'S lU'lI.IHNIl, H!!(l.l ST. Entered lit tho post otlice of Milford, Piko county, Pennsylvania, as scoond-elnss matter, November twenty-first, Advertising Rates. Onosipiareteluht 11 ties). one insert ion ffl.is Kncli suhi-ipient inset-lion ------- Reduced rates will be i m ulshed en ep plication, will Ih' allowed yeiii-l,. inker Users. Legal Advertising. Court Proehiniul inn. Jury and Trial List fnr several courts per lei-in. it. Ml1 Administrator's mid Kxoeutiii's notices H'1" Auditor's notices I (KI Divorce not ics -,f, SIktIIT's Wilis. O.plian-.' court ri!.-i. County Treasurer's sales. Couiily st : 1 ' mold innl election priielul'lnl i-itl i ha! .veil by the sijiiMri'. .. II. Vim i:ii ii. Pi in is:; hi:. Milford, Piko County, Iditcrial. WHICH WAY TIIE WIND ULOWH A Redeeming Feature "My dwi 11 ing is bounded on the north by pis works. on the south by an india-rubber works, cm the west bv a vine gar nianuf'actory, and on the east by a glue-boiling establishment." "A nice neighborhood. L inut say." "Ignite so ; but it h is on:' advan! -ngo. 1 can always tell which way the winds blows, without 1 'inking at the weal her-"ock." Those readers of the papers who have observed the daily forecasts made by the ccntlenien who sit in comfortable uarter : on top of some high building, who are styled f'-vo-casti'is. and who send out every day n statciui nt f prol-tibilil ies, for which tho government 1 ays a ootid round sum in salaries amiot have failed to remark the almost unvary ing preeisi' n with which they miss it byn mile or so. For h-stance, the 'rediction for Wednesday was "rain or snow followel by f; ir v.enlher. Local snows 'Wednesday and high westerly winds with cold wive." Just recall the facts as to the v. dith er that day. Now in view of this we desire to make a few suggestions. J 'ike i ounty is celebrated in ti e number of her ponds or small la.ki s, these could be usedto excellent advantage if the scheme we propose be at1pt d. Let the government abolish the weather bureau as now ci list i nch d. It owes Pike county a debt not only of gratitude,but of more substantial recognition for tin-manlier in which she stood by it with a majority, small 'tis tine, when the whole country, except Tammany, went hack on the present administiation. The views and opinions cf our pio scnt M. C i n tho great nuisiioiis oi finance, trade and foreign policy, which have been so widely dissem inated in his speeches and throuuh the editorial columns of his paper, are hardly in consonance with those of the present Coiuiross, and how ever it may be charmed by his elo quence, it will seal cely be iersu idei'; by his loi.de, in view of the vole in the country, to adopt his ideas or those subjects, hence his possibilt iei for usefulness in that direction may ho curtailed. Now let hini hit rod ui i a hill m I empress asking for mi ap propriation of four million dollars, in view of the state of the treasury this could not in fairness be refused. to build a largo government ohs. r- vatorv on the High Knoh in ihii- county. Let the hill provide for t hi employment of several goose-hum prophets of national fume and dis tinction, and let the ponds i f i'iki count3r lie used in which to raise the goose to provide the hones. Thi prophets coald live on poose meat and so reduce the expense cf board mid as water is almost an uul.nov. n article of diet to the -'g-.o'it un washed," thehx alien 1 the obsn-ivn- torv would le no object urn. Cur mi nil.cr of the Logi.-Jatuivi l I'lnied himself lo the people ami immortal i.ed his name bv bis strinuius effort to emancipate the slippery and the sportive si.cKcr, aim i u finallv succeed in having a law passed in New York Kl.ite, lookii lLat end, but tin) tyranr.:, ;!! nctioi if the fish wardens Vackcil by the eiinions of anstocratie attorney renerals, practically neutralizid the beneficial effects of tho bill. The establishment of theobserva lory at the point sujpesu'd would 1m1 central. Tho lartro liiulxr tracts if tho county would furnish an abundance of poles, ur.il telefirnpl w ires could radiate in all directions ever which the p .inostications could hourly be si nt. This location ills i mibt have u tendency to crowd out that odious monojxily tho D. Ci Tail; as.socintien,ar.i!"Piko" who for some tiino has been in unxlest re tircment miht Ihi induced to alum don the liauntsot tlio i niiive smlter, euil ticii pt a situation on top of tin observatory. If ho could not deter mine (lie force nnd di reel ion of the wind by the method fu-4 iueiiti"iii d lie conlit by ''wotting" bis finder mid holding it up iworlain il with rcnsiinal'lo certainty. And lie could also look down in disdain on the domain-', cf the aforesaid odio'is patk. The erection of this building and tiio co'ieincnt large onliay of mnne;, , the steady employment it would -ive to a gnat number of "hungry and thirsty" people would be of incalculable Ilelilociacy of l'ikc. liy all tiicaus let u wind and weather ish.'d ami endowed, accomplish this sche in giving his r.ami heii.-ht to the bin e this f.irforv e s'a Ji'or.r.M.C. u v.in a liviiientl boost in tb direct io'i of post n ity Wn!'. ti e i-e. cut M I to 111' '( aid siie Mut'Iiley fr.ithi-rcd l is 1 chicki ;is under liis v. her at vemher elect ion.be m u -I ha her to ml '.v-it the sat sac ill ii ni Hum it her a lot . i s f aril- else t i !(-? i: e foN.'-i in Ha ort ranijilo ill be c.vpi nt j;, publii i had c: i. .1, i ,r .: I'V 11 I II v. l': a -,n:i i: v.a ?i i i i'o in sarpr the u, r.-c '.'it elect i ri-it of x-( '.ii:;-r,'s-;ni.si iih-r's corrupt lamptoii inociatie rin ltl.lv. Fn-e l r. s; Tiii:im: isn't mm ii of ,he lemo- tin- ti-ne nil ic piivty now, anil o; ie ( h i!i-('-. -laid eland lK-ne I.'. :.nd the irct r r.ch li.L'.hiii iri y v- ill be r.i ) 1 : no: v. Fro - 1' Not Opi-n, hilt V.'.lf, MAKKETS ur itsc j' ' jji j. i T'Liii) 1 UK TRADE INFLOUJt REMARKABLE CAPTURE OF THE WORLD'S MARKETS. Hcavy I.dm In Sltlini nln tn tcntrnl and South Amerlra Wlii-nt l:.iinrtii De crease In Quantity Rial Value Costly Ohji-ct Lfiscn to I-'arini-rM. Ituvi-tin- kiinliies:) to (tivi-mn v.-hatevi r in- 'urnaitinn you can n i-'iirilinif tin- Inis of tho Bnuth Anil I'l-ntrnl Ana rii-im llnur trade to tlio llileil States, with tin- exti nt of the less in flunres mid the cause. lienjiimtn K. Foeht, Lewi.-liuri.', I'll. Wo pliully comply with onr cmre- nnnilent's request, us onr export trade ia Hour is of Fiii-h importance, to faim prs, to mill owners nail to (rinisiKirtn ticn compniiics. TaliiiiR tlio vix years from 18IK) to lHflj in onr pbipmoiils of Hour to Central American stales, to South Amiiii'iiu countries, to Cuba, Puerto Kico mul raiiiti) D.miiii!;(i, it ap pears that our total exports of flour to all thoso countries increased from f,:S, 000,000 to $ll,(US,:l!l in 1M2. The treuMiry llj4nrrs for lH'.ia, liowevor, fhow an extraoriliaary doorcase in onr total exports fair tho last lisenl year, 7,!2i;7,- 81(1, bi-uis over if -I , olilt, OuO less than we expurteil in lo',i3 to tlio tiiiiin countries. Willi Central Aiiar.caa coiiiitnas our (lour exports have fallen off about !J0 per cent biiioe 1WH; with Cuba anil Puerto Kico tliey have ilcereasetl neaily juo half within tho year; to Brazil onr shipments of flour decreased by nearly 100,000 ill Ul'.).a, mill to all Houth American countries tho lu.-s exceeded 11,100,000. Coming down to n still later period, wo linil that our exports of wheat dur ing the months of July and August, 1801 aud lH'.lo, wi-i'0 ys follows: Iit'BUKiji op M n i:at rxronTru. July. Aiatu-t. Total. ltd 5.r;.u;o ti.rMys n.iei.i in IMiii il.KL-Kl 4.-1..W H.ilJ.llsO Loss tn 1"5 ....l,2Nl.J7 I.SM.UH 6,!,M,i.5 VA1.CK Oh' WHEAT I: l-l ill TKI). July. .M-,-iot. T.itat. ISM f:.:i,"-','s; .",,iii.i,'.is js...v..::i iku n,;;.i).hn s,.u,iuii 6,i'ii,mh bosainlCM.. HUl.t-sl tJ,lxi liTM.Bisi It FCenis that iluriiiR tlio first two months of tiio current li. eal year wo ex ported fi, .")(!", 000 bushels of wheat less thuu wo exported minus, Hie correspond ing months of the previous year, tho money loss thin year bein;? $'2,?-U,iil:i. Hero nro tlio figures for hour: BAiniKiji oa- Ki.ocii r.xpoiiTia). .lulv. Ansnst. ISM l,U(i,:.L't l,4-'i.l-:H ISi !.;!, 1.10 1,11-Vlil Low In 1!T3 iTi',.h. ll".l.:'-7 VAI.I KIIV ri.ui.-n E-Vrnia tU. Jslv. Au,:nt. 1V4 Jl.JhV :l .,,l.Mi.i:-7 lslio U.-luV.-iu 4,0sa,lll Lass tn IK.. l,urs,toil l,ina.S;4) Dni'iiif; tho fiist two months uf this fiscal year wo sold in foreign marhi-ts 641,173 barrels of Hour h s than iu the eamo period cf lH'J-1, this year's money lots lioiii!? (1,043,2!!) us uKain-it n lo.5s of (2,714,013 iu cur cxpui t trm'.e of Aiiii'i'icau wheat. Comparing tho mouey vah;es cf our wheat mul Hour exports for tiio lhbt two months of each li.seal year wo have biii-ily the following lcsnlt : TOTAL VAI.l'ES IfOil TWO UIJXTUS. V.heat. Flour. Total. 181-4 .t'j.t.sMOS V. l.'i.i tl) H7.Mii,ia ia c.ai.bia 7,i.s:,.i,i ui.iii Total Iohh in" 1M J2,T44.r42 n.f.a.ifl 4.b7,C41 It cannot Lucluimcil that t'ie (iormau turitl is u new tiling. It laid bieu iu force o year ut the close of last August, nail tlic-ro fcheuLl fcuu ly liavo Ixn-ii time fur us to nap m ane uf that goliluu har vaet that was luumi.sed ua when tho wall of iiioKctioii was btukeu iluwu unil T 7 V - T-it'll. T.t:d. V."0 wrrd f ii:oi',vT to rr,:f'i eir.t into the TiiiiikclM ( f (l(wo;lcl. t"iif,n(iain!t'ly, howeve-r, in tin" ' f ear wlicat innl flonroxju rt trr.d'-ti; ( ;i'y p"l(i( n lii:r vpst lias be n a lom of $ I,(;si,!i4l in n conplo of iiinriliis m i-"ai):;n'fl with trailf trmif.1': t' d ill (t.t Kuan ratmanili ticfl n year cn lirr, i-c.Vti) (lxre wni any bicru'li in (ho wnll utiil bi-forn wo omM li t oursf-lvra ou(, into tltn liaulcctH of tlio worlil, but yet v. hiln y 0 f till mau nfjod to K' t there. A Vn.T' 7 tit to Crock. Tlip IVi lCiff In V The liuaiiif ; i r-' linvo th.it I ii" fi ' " 1 1 : lldai'St, acil (h it th( i-n Fin cc ;-sf ill luvilllh 1!; ! FVHtcin. Til in 1,! ic f i.- 'i-t.vlvanla. the -in 1 1 1 ry bo-"i-r li:i.-i ili mo his euii l'i no more a the pr itr-ef i vo In ii dim: tri ner- al, innl is Hiviiirly inli'-iulK-il in tlin fai t Hint bol'n hoii-e.j i f 1 l:o jaitinnnl congn ss ni'd l-.-i'uIilicaii antl M ill lcsist uny cfi'i'it t ) f ni flu r :i.-;-.il tlio tariff lic.i s. I'roni tills c'l-iili! inn, w'nieli all fair liif-n nni::t it'half, t!:o n-i:iiif;i'-tiirrr ifl ciieiiu:i:,"il to i'o a bis mills whii'li iiavn l-i'-'ii ni b i-7 Kill ;:t, anil liiisitK'SS enterprises i f ail kinds uro ciicenr:i;,retl for thf- s:uao reie-ea. Tlio fi-clin;; ia l'i iiiiKvlvania is f;rner nl that (Vi!?its will remain Iti pub lican anil that :i.iy, "I"! -.'inby or Keeil Will In' C'll l 0 ,1 1 7' i ll at, winch will insiivn i::i i ia of pr.jsp' lily by prc Pervinj? t lie j-iiili fiive r lomr-ii; s cf tlio Wilsi n bill ini'l rr-fnael in;,' thn-:o por tions i f t!m McKialiy Lev whieh pocni net p.-"aiT foriinr iao-.clvi' s ar.-l labsreiA. I-AAC li. J'.llOWX, Pcpai-Uair;.- Kri'tarr Xutif:i:! AiTairs. COLT DIVOI E CASE. l-t :l Hill of A:iit Iiio i i,ii.np; v-'in- v. in s laid !);v.ire Pi:oviP!-:rcK, N-iv. St. t'nlt, whn chai-;:.-!! hi-i' hi: Cull; of t n o I raln-a rial 'i s'aimiot P. ::1, I'leyiiU-nt t (iiiMi:any, vrilh lear (i'liiliiy. I si tn liave an ab- ul llo lliver:-!'. by tiinsii wh i i 'II , .n- l,-i'i h. 1 imPi-erJ to 'Si'lrl i llt, lll- ."i.-afier tho -a .l;.s.a (N. tere.-l s at 1 a- l - IK,-rnliae-,0 of liio uhiii; i nt li 11. ) hi-arira.'. Tiai iiivi'!i-o lia.q to Illul Will tit- Fell-' Inntl retina iipini 1 Ii proviilo, or ;-:ou:ol Li h:--:i niaifalily n,irer':l ht t't i lil 1 he I '.hiide Is e e,-i :n nti nf lefli--al to 'rt of that Gult. iVuill- IW.r-.' Ki.I.AHr.l.'I CO Kftf seriously ininii-.d to the respond ent Bi-jll bo aiii :: d. 'J iv h" -.r-ii iat :oiM of t he air. d ia a complete past, few djy? have r tLloment of tiio wl-oie Coir family s an- dal, ineiii.lin an d'-rreemejif, of t!io with drawal of tho ; ' -'.Hi.tjuu uit a.aint Mil lionaire Van Ah n. Colonel Co will retain tho family mansion in J.vietol, and tho iMHiry pay ment to tho wil'o v. i 1 1)'! a j-i'io of money to be paid in f'.ll hi i i !( men and at oi.co. IJoth sale i.xpir ri .e ; i-1; vi ion at tiio ro Bult. Mr. Van Ai 'ii is sn'd tn have n'iroed to tho paynienr of a l.beial f.eni, larguiy to tHcapo bcin; drajrm d in'o cmivt. AN APPEAL FOa AID. The Anncnl'iii Aro :i Dire DUtroas antl I'rjjfiitiy .'oeil Ail-ituncf. Ki:w y::U, Nov. ill. 'II; n civlild nnd Chri-tian world i.- lion or sti iolii-n over tho report a of tlio mu: s.icro of Armenian Chrisiians hy tho Turks. In addition to tho tie -Intet ion of 1'fe, v. hob vi'.la roa havu been burntd. all tho proei ty In ioninff to tho Armenians has bct n destroyed or conlis',ateii, und tho Furvivors mostly men nnd women have been 1. ft to ctarvo. 'iho dirilre s !s t-o v.idespr.id and tho riumbiX in a iir.l i.( e I of t ven a crust- of bread ho !;i''; i tl.'.i r.iii-f nencits havo been e :-.!.; bli.-lu d in I. nnd oil a:-d N ev Yori;, a.i'i i n a; peal is n a!e to tho Chris tian world f r aiil. '1 ho New York com motio is i::a:-a t) of iu n liko liihhop Foi'u.r, Artlib;.-hop (' "i i.:.:n, Moi i is K. .Tesiip, 1'ii v. V. ii. 1'. Fautu-o, .le.rnh If. Sell U raid IN v. I'a-.dT. K.irr.-ll. Spi-neep Trik, 7 l'.uo cm ei, N"i7 York, is tho treasurer, and eon. r.'iotion furv.arilcd to him w ill bo dihii ihiK'.d am-mi tiio Ar menian eii::'i rer.s t!ir.:u)i a mix"d rom mi-sion of A 7:i; i'i( an mis aonarli;, Kc liiih t'Uitaulw and o.hi ra. A PZNNSYLVAfJlA TRAGEDY. Secra ICubliiii4 S'.,(ti-a Ili. WiTu unil lhau liituHcif ut Tiiriinp. pri:AN ion, , y.i.v. Su. At Thrinip, a low n.ili'S n Kiiot n:,.l i.ii 1 11 of illTll, t;i'.'i-,l I'.illlhillS ly .viiii.'.'.i ,1 Li.i v.il'o unil jif. llu UioJ v ii in u shurt ti i;: o. Tlio woiiK-ii v. -.i lirnii-'it to tba I.nrl.a-wii!-,!:.-! li.i-;il'al hi t:ii- ti'y nml is ilyin,. '1 lio sh 1 1--ii -,t -.1 1 r-. -iii : uf n (iii:r;-i'l an ii in ri-rr. J ia ti,o iit.i;,,i::u u( lv,,iurt liiuwn ' .iiin.-, w ini, ii issaiil, liail ;i'.lvi, L'd Mi-a. Ko'jiiin.i in l.-.ivt? ln-r huitjund. lttlj bina liihi h h-.i, nl.- iliii iu:J inibSL J h'.g aim. llo ili .i t-i,t ii l.ul.tt i no hia wife's LiaJ. i-.iul i-h,i fi-11 i :u iinsi i.iiis. Hnliiiiiia t!i:-.'MT ii.u ,-i-lf ii-iun Imr bciI cutibstiil ami is-.' 1 . l:or. Tiu-u lie rut,o hihI sent ft Imlli.t into his Itniiii. Mo was 65 jvnrn (i!il, n inip,-ntiT .y inulo uuil cll rLiui.li U in lliu viliar,'j. Ill, l. ir.i I. Iliiis.,ir Asa.iu l'liii.Ai.i.i .1 mi, Ki,v. C I. Hichard Mati-lio.-l, lha ii.u- i::iii:,l:t -J ai-lor, umila lii. lc;; i i .ili.r., j iiji-.n 1 !u sl.-i,'j nfiur un aiisiiiuoi.f vrii niumlj!!. '1 lie j-li-.y wu ''licllU 11:1.1':'-, . 1, " aiul tlio l.'iitiilliut Irmt li.-.a i.iKi :n wa-, iTnwil.-il lo llic Uiiim. M. ALui'li id 1 uAt-il lint Bliijlit cH'i-i-t u( l.U luiij iiu:usd unil (ihiyvil tiie tliilicult jiart al uuil us cyit. f- ' -o- ,,.- J 7 j;"v.-..- "S' : . 1" - - - , V'- ilV hKsTJJUirnvK fjues. IIVE PEOPLE LOvSE THEIR LIVES IN A CHICAGO CONrLAGRATlON. A Million !nltfir Wnrth of T'rnpfrty r. utrnyrd In Hip Vi-ti'rii Mnlropollt Y.x prntilvo Klren In Uro' Ulyn, l)anbnry nnd (IiirA;a. Nov. 2 Tiro hmhvi out on tho plth Honr of t!in Kxcotlor Ithick, nt 17i C;mnl Ftrnct, nmiiilcd hy Knicrih & Co., ft nthor n-novntoM. Twii Tumil rr-tl fjirls and r0 mm nml hoya v7iTi' omi'lnyi '.1 in tho hiilhliiif?. hut nre ))' wvvfl tn hnvoffraiiotl r.Uvo. WiiIn ton; ni'iiiiii'S all tho upper HntiM of tho I. in' At rn'-t vtpi vrcro fililao, and t he flmmts fiprcrl i.sp'i'.ly, j'"ivi iniint'1!! Ircr tho firo nto Ha vrny thru-'.'jh the iirt? wrtll inht tho oiirlit sttiry huii'i.n (K-r-iipii'd ! tlio Kjiworrh Pifino rotiij'nny v.wd tho h'hohrr iV (.'jirfjur-villo I.ii hn;.rrnphin roir.pnny. Tho firn then fprrnd ti tho l'iiitiiTif; north, 171 f'nn'il flti-ft-t. Tin's l.n i 11 1 was octuipif d by tlio (vl) iM p.'ii fixture works, tlio Kurll Vi;;iH ciiinpaiiy, ClminlKTfl trirk Ma chincrv roniiif'.riy nml n ninilMrtf citluT Tin' 'iiir-s thfii phofc nrror,. tho alley 1'iv.;i:il t'Untan rtrcct nntl i;rn jt.vl t'lio cif-'lit ptory ttiii Uli rifjr nt K'-l to 174 Linton Htf-tt ht'UiDfiitiH to Wnrn-n Hpriiif 'r. Jt v.'.is nrcapitil hy tlio ( lovoland Ynrul.-h r";p; ;ttiy, Jvim lion nntl Slipper compa ny, Srhunli Hro.1 Shop rnmpimy, Tnppir it iiobiiifion, hook hi n tiers and printers, nnd n mimler of other (IrniP. I'art of the rnt.f aiul north wall of tho r.v',-i"v l-niiaiia f"H mi fan roof uf ti.o I!iTi''iir J.'aiiery eoT.ipnny'fl lu:ihitn;r, at l'!:(-li;7 C'n'inl slUM-t, rau.intr cnynwlr nlilo (hiin.'iiro. Kirnnen who with wnrkissw f?n tiio street nenr tlio latter r. rnet'.irp, rur rnwl c-:ci;k'i1 beiiif; injured hy fallitift th'liT!?. I'nc 3 i e tinner bakery luiiidinfr, a four ptery Rfnicrurc, wris next rcachi-il bytim i,neeq. 'J'hn firemen fihanthmeil the V,k-c-'N; r bp.ildinf? nnd cnileavoveri tu k:ivo tiie primrer ljuihl'iii. A p-ipojjno tanlv in tho !!fii?Ti(T huililin cxplndt-il, blow ing tho btiildincr to pieces. No o:i? wnn hurl. Tho total loss is plaeed nt JiW0tO0O. rive KHtrI r.r.i Srvcr:tl lnjnrcil, CitK'Aco, .v. 'J.E. Tho interior of tho KM'.aPtro buiiilinu', a seven Firy Mruc tnre. at tho rorner of Van JJiuvn and jT.iriiilin flrerM. was destroyed by firo, entailing a Ua of f-:i7."t,0oa upon tho owwi ors aiid tenants of tho building and rr.us iv.'t ihf- lo-;H of fivo lives, tho t?. tal iniury r-f two rnd the slight injury of nix other p'.v r'i:, who aro ni'perti'd to rceov.'r. 'J ho (K r.d aro Lien tenant F'at rirlt J. O'i'oviiieil of K'line Company No. 2 and P:p:men fnr';n Slieriick, .lolin J-nwns al ii t:-'trr i'enderL'a.-t. 'J lie f'r. inen v.'ero crushed by falling (b-lris, Kiitiu Lr.nilfintf junipi tl fr;in tho foi rih rto;y window. Shi vrna in.iiired Int : rnally and died at tho ( 'otniy luispiial. TJio fa; ally injured nro Jb-viy Noil, jun ped ffi'ui tlio fmirlh story window, iiHii-nany iniuiiil and J "ft arm broken; Ne.ihi Timer, junip' -i fmai iiio third Bun v winlow, interiiaily injured. VuiU wiii dio. 'J'rni falhiwin' wei o ('Vereomo by smoke, br.L will renver: A;.;.Mo ('lain, Olc;a I fi lar, llattio iiiTimnn, Ktlnn Kittcvt., Mary i-'lnk, Daniel .MeNally, driver rt No. a en gine, buried beneath tlio debris. There we: o 17 tonantn in buildir,?, but many of them were ap r.ts of casern iiianufaeturers, and their lo.i-u's will bo small. The heaviest lo?ors are: Knhn, Nathan i Kiher, owners of tho buiMiinp, glud.dOU; 1). JI. Arnrdd Co., f'oliiiu' (supplies, CU.IHIO; S. liosetibng 8c (.')-, taiior.s' Hupidie, 5,0'. .; Siotn l'eii r.-', v;huie:-alo elot hii:p, "', l''- ) : i'if-;id-hu.-t. Ja-o-.V Co.. cotton and vo.:U i -:m .ds, 'o00; S. ) Stryker, dry yr.-.d", 'toil. Tlin lalanro of tho loss was divided hiih iii tlio many small establishments iu the building, tiio losses running from a few hundied to OJO.nuo. nii.lnlclit lllii'n In Prooltlyn. i;i:ofiKi.Y', Xnv. 2:1. Kiro wai ili.'-n?-rrul in tho Dn Soto ii'artiiii-iit house, ti il.n:l)!n four f-ti-ry Iiuiliiin in Xusti-anil avi'iuio .-Hid llnlsi-y i-tri'iir., npposito Ilia liiris' l!i;,'!i m l.ool and in a fasiilonalilo liiv'iiK'iiicrnl. Tliu firo slartcil in tlio rol )ar. and in n fvw launuattfl tlio entiro huildiii. wai iillid iiysnioko. Of tho lijhb fiimili,-,! of-cupyitii; the lvuv-o hul few iiicinhoi'S ivi ro awnke, hut all wi-re nrnus c 1 'iiiif-kiy, and tho police say that ail tlio tiisan'.R havo i-ron acc'imnti-il for and tT.at tia-ro iT.-.-i ii'i hiii of lifo. Consiiiijr.iiilo t:x i ili'iiirr.t i.tti'iidi-d tlin rosu'im liy lirrnitin of Mm. lii-or.ro K. Morson and !u-r 7-v.T-i-kR-oid l,ahy from an a; artiuciit on tho tliiiil Hour. The daiiiniio to tlio Iniiiilinsr and coi:tr:it3 is isi iinalid at alioi.t .ti.uui). Fir at Dutiliiii-r. Danhui.y, Conn., Nov. 2.1. Haw'u-y'a li'O' k on Main nnd KoelctM streets wn tliistroyoil hy lir-.-, tho firo Blurting in lio hurn'a iiiilli:ii-ry I'-tiihlisiimunt on tho Ktroi't Hour. .cn rnpidiy did tha liami-n sjin ad to thn ail ioi ninff stores anil thfl ti n nni'iin ovrrliead that, tin- ti-n:illti had lit tle warniri'.'. ri-suliin in twovory n.irrow escapes In-m ilenlii. Among tlio lirn-.s burned out aro the Ilawley jiImi mai .c, i-uoin'n grocery, liimii'a niaiki-t, lazellll:l..i,r'8 liai-lnT Fh- p, Dunlin' p!umbln eslRl.'.iplmienl, llikcn.aii'n Fiilinin and tlio (.'oi.uru milli nery establishment. Tho loss i esiinmtct' nt f lutl.OiJii. Valiiiililfl Sitwmiil Ilnrnnd. Mr.KiiMIVKK. Mirh., Nov. i!3. Tho raw niill of tlio Menntiiineo Hiver Luiribi-r company at. l'a-t Marinetio was toially ih s: v-r.-i d l y ln o I liin niornin, also al:n:it L'.iii.ii.i'tO feet of limit -c r o-.vntd bv tho liiiriiietto I.umlnr cnniinny and M.-irl-Ili tliiallil .Mil.nliiiii.'e lio" -.-i ll. a)l.r. Loss, it'.-'l, oi-ii; in-nii-.ini e, nonr. 'i ho n.iil had jil- cei.-i d l.a- llie i,' a-oll. I-fre on ht:it,-n I.,l;iai!. Pout Kh iimon'i, I., Nov. 25. Tho hir,.;,! eievaii.r and milks of tho Kiev.-itina nmi Milling c-oiii.any, nvnw! by Quiiiian, Travis l'-'., were to-.aily destroyed by lire. Thurauboof liio liio was an explo Biou in ii:e ii i.r i f tiio biii'ding. No ono ca n r.:-, oai.L h r i in- e.-iplosion. Tho loss Is c.-.'.iaiauil at iV,iio; partially covered Ly ii.-:;,laUL-o. D ineroualy Ii-jtirfd liy Fire. 1--'iia'.:'iii I--, Nov. -!- '1 ho homo of Wi'.i'.am Nelin, eoloi-eil, curlier of North ai:d Misii.uri hi reel s, wan destroyod liy lire. N'liin aad Ills wifo ivero badly burn id. '1 he i I'-'.er cannol recover. jYctoriiiiixly Had A ppolutiitent. LiiM-:' '. Nov. 27. A liisputeh to The Ti,a -s fii'iil l'i-,l--:aiitinoiilc Bays lihat the no!.iii,al:ini of I'.nvcr Jieyad inules-arif at t'oaslaiu: O'liu ii,:,: treise as sn.'i-'.'l.ri caiiiy. L. -in--M. liarri William i was din: Hani, on ricoii thi' family, liou-j a! kuiie. 1 ;piu lu.s produced an unfavor- i.iiii.n, ih ioral'lo i'l tho i-.-ilio i:uv oilieial U ran.itieally ,.t:au and uouriuua for uia vo- S-. il'i-l Id l luurrl. i. r ii.t.F, N. .1., Nov. 21. .Taims :i, a I:o::'(h'r at tho home of :,, , ii, t wo mil, -3 ease of thi place. and ipairrolcd wiih lioyd. aasl inyjaie both colored. Uar , :i: .hLil lo kill iiod and hitf ii. , r-"t, lli'.vd iu u cuiier of the J cut ii.iii in tho neck wilh a iii. il ibeu iiillid a revolver and Hid livo she'll into llarri-.on, tlllmn Inni ilisuiiitly. liii.-d has not been urroi,tcd. llo chums ho' tihut liairirtou iu self Uo-ieiiao. ShoruTs Snle. Hy v'n ie i,r a writ of Venditioni K.x i inns a ocd out (if the ('mi i-t-of t'ommon I'leaso! I'ike County to ine directed 1 will Si'll at Public Sale on ) I I! I DAY, IKCK.MHKB fl, Win, at I o'clock hi the nfterP'K.i at the r-her-ih t iiHiis' In t'ie H. innitrh of Milfonl: ,AII fin- fiillowinij (li-m-riboil pioi-e IuitihI innssiuiKu or traot of land iri-vil.'iri-s nnd restrirthmN n licri'inuf t -r (Ic.-rrilicd sit na lyinejnnil lmiiig in (lm Tinvnsliiiis nf Milford nml DinLTinnn in tlio County of l'iko niut Stiiti- of I'i-iiiistvlviniia, Ili'foiinin; iiiiini-li iti-ly nlmvc the tnouthof tlin Saw rivk on tin- Di-laware river tlicti'-n nnrtli sixty-nine decrees west nbimt eii;lity-two iHTx-hes (N. fi9 di-i,'. XV. h- to corner Hixteen and a Imlf feet Konthenst of the line surveyed for a jmlilio road lending fnn n the house of Henry Humes m Milfonl to the jmhlie road lending tnvm Miltonl to htroudshurK in LbHimm townshi) the snid lino Ix in.' the i-'-ntre line of said road. til Hire smith fifty-five derrees west sitivn and a half feet southwest of said ci-nfei' line twenty-two jierehes (S. .'ildeg. W. 22 p.) to n eorner aiul to lands late of John H. Wal lace, thenee south forty-seven and one-half degrees east thirty-six and one-half n-rclies (S. AT',, deg. E. is.) to a eorner, thence north t-vi-nty-niiie and n half degrees east two inida half jicri'hos (N.2S1 deg. E. '.'."u) to a cirner, thence south fiivty-nine and a half degn-es east twelve nnd a holf H-nhes (S. 49-J K. 1'.".; ps.) to a corner, thence north sixty-i-i-'ht and three-fourths deirrees east sixteen porches (N. (ir ?4 deg. E. Hi s.) to a curner nt oi near the northwest corner of tin Oi-ist Mill, thence son Mi eighty-one and n half de-rrees east twenty-Mint-IKTi-hes (S. Sl deg. E. 29 jis.) ti a walnut tree for a corner, thence south one and a half degrees four- ieen anil a nair pe -cues (S, 1 i- ile'r. W. I t t-2 lis.) 1 1 a stone eornei thence north eight v-one degree cist Ihiriy-six perches (N. S del' K. :i " ps.) t i low water mark on tin I tela ware river in a direct line to a large lmtienwood t "-e on the .Tei-n--shori', and thence nj) the Dela ware river the several courses and di stances thereof to the place of lie- uiiiiiiii:-. i onrain ig ii.nmi, sixte, n acres lie the sa no more or les, also the privilege if theuse of wati r and t !i right the -i-to as owned 'y the sai l John C Mott immediately hi-fi.ire and nt. the time of his de c; ase that is . to say that, the said party ot the second part their heirs and assigns may and shall have the right and privilegd of all water taken from tho lower dam on the premises hereby conveyed as now erected and from tho race except tiie use thereof as granted and con veyed to Jacob Klaer by tho said John V. Jlott and wifo by deed dated 22, Scptenilier A. li. lHlif! and recorded in Deed Book No. 27 page 1 Hi and may nnd shall have to tiie said second part their heirs and assigns all lionolits of said Jacob Klaer's liabilities covenants and agreements in said deed in rela tion to expenses in maintaining and repairing said mill dam known as the lower dam and the raceway lead ing therefrom nnd for the same the said second part their heirs and as signs hereby have all rights and rights of action as fully as the said John C.Mott might or could havebc loreandat the timo of his death eith er in his or their names or otherwise to compel the performance of the covenants, agre,-mentsand promises in relation tliereto.also tho equal un divided one-half right to tho limita tion in said deed not to dam the water or hold tho same ujMm the 1 mi reel of land last descrilied and conveyed in said deed to tho detri ment or injury of tho said saw mill or any mill Ik-Iow. ' Also tho right and privilege- of tho use of water from the dam "known as tho lower dam " is hereby limitodanil restricted as also the said dam itself to use tho same with tlio dam as now erected or any hereafter erected at the licighth as the same now is and no higher and only use nnd havo the same so that tho back flow shall not at any tinie l.-j greater than is nl lowed hy the present dam. Except ing and reserving out of tho pieces and pve.nisi's hereby conveyed any portion or part thereof conveyed by Henry Barnes and wifo or by Hor tense liarnes to tho said Jolin C. Mott a ml now in fence. Also ex cepting nnd reserving nny part there: f now in fence and owned by John Gooding, Henry Gooding or any of them. Also excepting and reserving any part thereof now in fence in possession of John Snyro. Also excepting and reserving any part. tueiM'.f now in fence and in posse si. ni of Pearson. Also excep ting and reserving any Mirt thereof now lii li uce anil m possession ot ( l. D. Berhle. Also excepting nnd reserving therefrom nil that cer tain pi "in or parcel of land lieing alu nit one hundred and four foot in front of the public road leading from JTiiford to Dingmans, nnd two li midred and seventy feet, ill depth c iiiveyed by John C. Mott and wife to .lac.ib Klaer, 22nd of Koptemlier, A. D. 1 suit and recorded iu Deed U.xik No. 2", page 102, and excep ting and reserving the free use and ri-'ht nf traveling over anil upon a cerlain public road leading to the Delaware river near and by the house of Jacob Klaer in which he now resides und tho right to land In nit or boats and scows for the going to and returning from tho land and premises late of tho said John C Mott iu Now Jersey and for all tho purposes of tho same and tho uses of tho land lute of tho said J.ihn C. Mott, adjoining tho above d est l ibt-il aud up tho Snwkill creek is limited and restricted so far that no saw mill shall or can bo built or erected tliereon. On tho premisesand npliertnining thereto is an excellent saw mill site with water power, al so three good dwelling houses, la rge shed and shop anil two barns. This pr i,erty lies adjacent to tho Bo rough of Milford anil comprises I ait, of what is known as. the Glen." Si ii-l ami takcu In execution iw the properly o( W. K. Kidgway and li. K Rid(rway nntl to lie sold by me for rnnh. Daviii I). Nkwman, Sheriff, Sheriff'!! office, Milfonl, Pa , Nov. II, I si ft. Mid-iffa Sale By virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias issuiil out of the Court, of Com mon Pleas of Pike county, to mo di. rooted, I will exixiso to public sale by vendue or outcry, at the Sheriff's office in tho Borough of Milford, on FRIDAY, DECEMBER. 6th, 1X95, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of said day nil the following deseriliod real estate, to wit : All that certain lot, tract or iiareel of ground situate, lying and lieing in tho Townshi) of Palmyra, Piko county and State of Pennsylvania, lieing part of a tract of unseated land surveyed on a war rant from tho Lund oftlco of Penn sylvania granted to James Duncnn and numbered on the Commission ers' Books, ninety-two, situate near the waters of Blooming Grove, ail joining lands of Henry Darragh and others nnd being tho eastern part of one hundred nnd thirty-seven acres surveyed on of said tract, bounded as follows: Beginning at n stone corner, thence by lands of Philip Dickerson north ten degrees east ninety perchen to a stone cor nor, south eighty-ono degrees east thirty-five perches to a stone cor nor, north ten degrees east ten H'rches to a stone corner, south eighty-ono degrees enst fifty-six ix-rohes to a stone corner, thence by Joseph Brown and land surveyed to Henry Darragh south ten degrees west one hundred perches to a rock oak, thence by Erasure Smith's land ninety-one perches to the place of beginning. Containing fifty-four acres and one hundred nnd eight iMrches. Alson certain tract or lot of seated land situate in the Town ship of Palmyra in the County of Piko and the State of Pennsylvania containing fifty acres of unimproved land heretofore assessed in the name of Augusta Cook nnd adjoining alKive ilescnlM-il lands anil bom part of tho same lot or tract in the warrantee name of James Duncan, No. 112. Also u certain tract or par cel of land situate in Palmyra town shi). Pike county, Pennsylvania, surveyed in the warrantee name of Nelson'B. Kerkendoll and numbered on tho Commissioners' Books of Piko county as number eighteen, containing fifty-four acres and one hundred and fourteen iH-rches and adjoining the said James Duncan tract and land above described. The whole comprising one farm property and containing in all about one hun dred and sixty-two acres more or less. IMPROVEMENTS. UlHin said lands are erected a good two-story frame dwelling house ; two good barns and wagon house ; a never failing spring of water is near buildings and tho projierty is well watered. There is a fine orchard on the promises and excellent small fruits ; also a good stone quarry ; and of tho land about forty acres aro improved and balance well tim bered. Seined nnd taken in execution as the proKrty of Nelson B. Kirken dall, dee'd and will lie sold by me for cash. David D. Nkwman, Sheriff, Sheriff's office, Milford, Pa,, ) Nov. 9, IK;).-). Orphan's I'ourt i-ale By virtue of an order of the Orp hans' Court of tho County of I'ike tho hereinafter described real estate of Christian Ott, deceased, will lx exK)sed to public sale by vendue or outcry on SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14, WIS, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon on the premises ill Delaware townshi), Piko county, Pennsylvania, two pieces, parcels or tracts ot land situ ate lying and being as aforesaid, the one lHiunded and deserilicil as fol lows, lieing part of a tract of land surveyed on a warrant from the land olliee of Pennsylvania to Sam uel McGaw, tho jmrt intended to bo conveyed is butted and bounded as follows : Beginning at a white oak stump and stones a corner of Roliert K. Van Elton's land south sixty degrees enst sixty-two x-rches to a stone thence by other land of Cunimmg s and Van Etten north forty-two and one-half degrees east eighty-four jierehes to a stone, thence by land of Cornelius Van Etten north seventy degrees west sixty-five and one-half porches to a stone, thenee by land of Harrison Drake south forty-two degrees west seventy-two erehes to the place of beginning. Containing thirty acres strict measure, and lieing the same lands conveyed by William C. Cuin niing's et. ux., et. nl., to Christian Ott by deed dated 2:td of March A. D. W)2 recorded in tho office for re cording deeds, etc., in and for the County of Piko in D. B. 19, page 457 &e. One other tract situate as above and bounded and described as fol lows, being part, of a larger tract of land surveyed on a warrant to Martini McGaw, tho part intended to bo conveyed is lMiundeil as fol lows : Beginning at a white oak a corner of j. W. Kilsby's land,thence by same north rorty-sevon anil one null degrees west torty-seven perches eight links to stones on lino of O. P. Van Etten s land, henco by s inio south nineteen and three-quar ter degrees west ninty-fivo perches twenty-five links to a stake and stone corner online of S. Van Etten, Jr., thence by sanio soi.t s venty and one-half degr.ies e ist one hundred and twelve perches to stones on lino of luml if tl. li.. van Jetton, uience hy sanio north nineteen and one quarter de grees east forty-four perches seven links to stones, thenee norm torty- two degnos west sixty-five orehes to beginning. Containing fifty acres and sixty-four porches strict metis uro lie tho sanio more or less, and being tho same land which S. D. Van Etten by deed dated lsth of November, ls57, recorded in tlio of lice for recording of deeds in D. B. 24 age 241 sold and conveyed to Christian Ott. Of the alxivo about thirty acres are improved und in a good state of cultivation, balance well-tnnliered. On the promises aro a good house, barn nnd other out buildings. Good orchard and small fruits, a stream of water runs through the farm. TERMS OF KALE, one-third cash one-third in six months, and balance with interest in one year ; deferred payments to lie secured by bond and mortgage upon the premises so sold. ABKAM D. BKOWN.Trustee. Milford. Nov. 12th, WIS. Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of n writ of Venditioni Kx intiiis issued out of the Court of ('otunion I'l ias of I'ike eountv to me dh-i-i teH I will sell at Pllhlle Sale 'on FRIDAY, DKCKMBK.R, ft, lxiir,. at 2 o'clock in the afternoon at the Sher- lll s nllloe in tiie Hol-onsth of .Milford: All that eertnin town lot or nnn-el of land siluate in the llorollli of Milford, I 'ounty of I'ike and Siateol Pennsylvania, on the corner of Ann street and' Blnek- licrry alley and mimlicrcd on t lie map of said HoroiiKli throe hundred and twenty (il-.'ii) heinu sixty fis-t wide front and rear, and one hundred and sixty fis-t in depth and the same premises conveyed to Sloses Del rick hy deed from Kuitna Louisa Huh-lial-il and husband, dated on the L'llh of ilune. IS?:.' recorded In Dis-d Hook No. SI. pnife 4US &-e. Improvements, (il 1(11) DWKI.I.lXli II 1)1 SK A XI) BARN Sei'ed and taken in execution as the pro perty of .Moses Detriek and to he sold hy ine for cash. DAVID I). NKWMAN. Sheriff, Sheriff's olliee, .Milfonl, l'a., Nov. II, Iwft. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias Is sued out of the Court of Common I'leas of I'ike enmity tn mo directed 1 will sell at Pillilie Sale on FRIDAY, DKCKMBKR (1, 1SH5. nfij o'clock in the afternoon at the Sher itT's odice in the Horouili of .Milford: All that certain lot or phve of land sit uate and hointf in the Township of Pal myra in the County of Pike and State of Pennsylvania, hounded and descrilied as follows, to wit: Herinninft at a stone eorner on the south line of lands of Joseph i kiiisoii, lormeriv ine iitnn or (, union Pellet, thence alonir said line cast one hun dred and seveiitis-li i-ods to a stone eorner, thenee hy lands of Minnie (lahrmann south ten derives west sixty rods to a stone corner, thenee west ulonu the lands of the said Atkinson a distance of fifty live rods to a stone eorner. I hence ahmir the same south fifty six dejrn-cs west forty rods to a stone corner, thence hv the same west thirty four rods to tho line of the land of li. X. Kilhini, thence hy said Kil lain's land north ten di j.'i-ecs cast eighty throe rods to the place of In-grinning con taining FIFTY ACRF.S OF LAND he the same more or less. Ahout twenty aeii-s of the ahove land hnprovi-d,. hiilanee wood land (K)OI) HOl'SK AND BARN on llic premises. Seized and taken inexi-cu-tion us llu- property of Charles Miller and i Ilium r isher and to he sold hv me lor cash. DAVID D. F.W.MAX, Sheriff. "herilT's olliee, Milford, Pa., Nov. 11. isinl. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an alias writ of Fieri Facias issued out of tin- Court of Common Pleas of Pike county to me directed I will sell at Piihlie Sale on FRIDAY, DKCKMBKR It, isttt, at 2 o clock in the internum at tho Sher Itf's olliee in I he Borough of Milfonl: r II those two certain town lots situate in the Borou;rh of Milford. County of Pike and Slate of Pennsvlvnnia, froiitinir on Broad st reot. Iieinif town lots numlx-rcd tlms- hundred and thirtvsix and three hundred and thirty seven (iiiia and IMT) eontainininir each lot, forty feet In width liy oneliuiiitrediindeiirhty feet indepthex tendiuir fiiim Broad si roetto Blackhcrry al ley ill said Borough of Mill'ord. Improve ments, (il)Ol) DWKI-I.IXU HOl'SK & BARN Seized and taken In execution as the pro perty of Wilhimcne P. Khlrcd, Mary K. Poiilon, Wilhiinene B. Townsend anil Charles DcKay Townsend and lo lie sold hv nil- for cash. DA VII) 1). NKWMAN, Sheriff. Sheriff's otllee, Milfonl, Pa., Nov. 11, lssfi. Auditor's Notice. Estate of Frank Denegri assigned to Samuel Turn for the beni lit of creditors. In tho Court of Com mon Pleas of Pike county, Xo. (10. Deeenilier Term 1SU1 : Tho undersigned appointed by said court "auditor to make distri bution of funds in hands of Samuel Turn assignee, as shown hy his ac count filed, to the parties entitled and rejHirt same to the court," etc., will meet tho parties interested in said estate on Monday tho llth day of Decemlier A. D. 1HUB, at two o'clock p. ni. of said day at his oflico comer Ann and Third streets in tho Bo rough of Milford, Piko Co., Pa., when and where all such parties aro required to attend, present and prove their claims, otherwise they will bo forever debarred from com ing in upon said funds or sharing therein. Hy. T. Bakkh, Milford, Pa., Auditor. Nov. 11, IN',15 Notice of Incorporation. Notice Is lien-hy kIvi-ii that an applica tion will ha iiiade to the (ioi'ernor of thu State of Pennsylvania on Tuesday, the 17th day of Di-coinhcr. IKIii'i, at 'J o'clock, p. in., by V. K. Cook, Richard Dusililierm, F. K. Sherwood. (1. A. DiisinlH-rn-and F.d wnrd Cook, under the Act of Assembly of tiie Comiiiouwealili of Pennsylvania 'en titled, "An act to pmvide for the incor poration and reitulatiou of crtnin cnrjxim tionw, appmved April :..!, 1N74, and thcKii) plcmenis thereto, for a charter for u cor IKiralion ts lie called, The Citizen Teh phone Company,' " whieli csirixirntion U to lie formed I'or tin purpose oi construc tion, maintainiiiK and Icumiik lines of teleiirapli for I in- private iiseol individuals, llrius, corporations, municipal or other wise, for iieueral business or for the trans action of any business In which clcctrio I'oi-oo over or thi-outdi win-s may lie ap plied to any useful purpose. iu the' conation of Wayne. Lackawanna and Pike, iu the Slate of Pennsylvania. And for this pur pose to have, Missess and enjoy all tho rights, hcm-llts and privileges under the said Act of Asseiiiblv and iissupplcmontH. HOMKR (iRKKNK, Solicitor. Ilonesdale. Pa., Nov. S2. IMA. 111a Strung Mlulun, Hiiury Sliull, au old aud wealthy farmer living- near Auburn, Ind., hug just left for Montana on a strange mis sion. Several days ago he had vivid dream, iu which was pictured the exact spot where some miners, pursued by In dians, hud buried a lurge auiouut of gold years ago. At first the old gentle man paid uo attention to the dream, but the memory of it clung to him so tena ciously that he at lost made up his mind to investigate the matter and set his miud ut rest. Cincinnati Enquirer. Mii.M.n,ii.iITBMIMW.MT.iir,.,n.