CJUSIS FOIL MJUANT. DEATH ALMOST STARE9 THE PRIS ONER IN THE FACE. Th Witness Frndnrfxl Contrnillrt F.Tirj Yltal Taint In th KMrnoe nf llm It. ffiM Tlifl nhnttnl I.envrs lMirnnt SAV FnATWtsco, Oct. iX At tho rn oponlnfl of court tho di'fcnan 111 thn trlil of Thpoiluro Diiriintniinminrril thnt IVhml finished Its cnsn, nml tho taking of tesil nwny In rolmtttil wns at unco begun liy thp nrnflerution. Tho tPRtlmony wnn fhn uiot lniHirtnnt given In the trial, ns Ir con (1 icit i l wli h ci v ernl stiitonicnta mailo liy Diiniut on tlia stnml. Tho tnsHinony of Dr. Ciillu rt F. "ir hnm, for luslnncc, lfl ri,nhliri d liy ninny to sweep nwny Dnrnnt's iMitlrn tli'fi'nqe. Urnhain, who la a inrillciil Rt ini'tit mid an lntlnuitu friend of Ihir.mr, tohl of a sonsntimml Interview tlmf. took plmo le twoun lilinRolf nnd the prisoner nt (he county jail on April !). Dr. (iialmni was accompanied to thn prison ly ,1. S. Dun lilKiin, a newspaper man, who was nsui d by Dtirant to rellre after hn had licen there a few minutes, (iriilintn said that aftor Dnnnlf-'nn nti'ppeil asido Dntaiit asked him If ho would let him see his notes of Dr. Cheney's lecturo in ord.n'that ho mluht rompaio them with hln own. Urnham demurred at. flr-r., after which he aid Durant. staled frankly to him that lie had tin Holes nf the lecture. Ho mid Dunint told him if ho had the notes of tho lecture ho could easily estab lish n strong aiihl for hlniself and mrcd him to lcavo tho notes with Mis. Duiaiil In order that shn inliilit hrlng them to him at tho prison. Dr. Uraliam paid he refused thn request nod never afterward Visited Dur'iut at tho prison. Unroot Is Stilt Culm. Dr. Orahnm's story was not shaken In any particular on cross examination. While ho was testifying tho jurors watched Durant closely, hut ho finvo no slnn to Indira!" that hn considered the testlmuny of any Importance. Dr. (it-aham will Ira reoallcdjtomorrow for further cross examination. Tho first witness called In rehullnl hy thn prosncul ion were tlio llvo trustees of Knmnuel church. Whllo Durant wns on the stand he testi fied that ho wns asked hy tho trustees lo repair tho sun humor at Knianuel church on April 1. The trustees denied that they hnd nsked Durant to make repairs of any kind nt tho church during March or April. Witnesses were next railed to disprove Durant's statement that ith the afternoon of April he was at the ferry for the pur poso of searching for Klnncho 1. anoint, who, ho said, a mysterious stranwer had told him would cross tho hay that after noon. l W. Dtultfp, a incillcal student, said ho saw Durant nt tho ferry, and tho prisoner tohl him ho was waitlmr for a liuinhcr of inenitiers of tho signal corps, who wero expected from Oakland. (.!. A. Dukes, a incillcal student whoaeompaniod Dodffo, corroborated his testimony. A. A. Hnhp, an old schoolmate of Du rant's, tcstlllM that ho saw Durant at the fprry tho samo nfternonn, in company with a young woman who answered the description of Mlnnln Williams. It Is known that Minnie Williams camo over from her homo In Alameda that aft ernoon, and tho next day her body was found In Knmnuel church. It Is tho tlio ory of the prosecution that instead of ho liiK at tho ferry to look for lllaueho I,a mont, Durant was thero for tho ptirposo of mooting Miss Williams nnd hid eg her to hor death. K. A. fjlnser, a student nt tho Medical college., testified that on tho afternoon of April 10 Durant nsked him to read aloud his notes of Dr. Cheney's lecturo. (ilaser Aid ho read his notes to Durant, who do votod three-quarters of nn hour to writing In his notebook. Tho defense tried to show that It wnsoustomary for students to com paro notes, hut (ilaser said that Durant rend nothing that purported to ho his own notos. Conditions of the Cup ltnfirs, NEW Yoiik, Oct. 23. Tho New York Yaoht club has forwarded to lVrey 'J'hel lusson, secretary of tho llnynl Victoria Yacht club, nnd to Charles D. Hose, tho challenger for the America's cup, tho con dltlons which aro to govern the series of races, Tho match is to ho decided hy tho boat threo out of five raeos. The starting Is to bo from Sandy Hook lightship. First rnoo, to windward or lcoward nnd return; sooond rnco, equilateral triangle; third rnoo, similar to first rnco; fourth race, similar to second rnco; llflh race, similar to first raoo. Tho course is to bo UU nauti cal miles, Foundry Dumaged Iiftdty by Fire. Amstkiidam, N. Y., Oct. 18. Tho Wcmplo foundry nt Fultonvllln was par tially destroyed by flro. Doss, .,uu0. Tho foundry was In tho hands of n receiver, Who has been ongnged in selling Its con tents. Tho building wns to bo occupied for the manufacture of hedgo and wire fonoe. Kx-Stnto Comptroller l'.dwnrd Wemple was ono of the firm formerly owning the foundry, which niado an as signment several month? ao. Dropped Dead While Shopping Amsterdam, N. Y., Oct. 19. Mrs. Georgo Stewart, a prominent resident of Perth and mot hor of Counselor lioorpo C. Stewart of this olty, dropped dead from heart disease while shopping In tho dry goods store of Hulhcimor & Shoulin. hue was 66 years of ago, Thlrtj Days' Respite Granted. HARltlsnUito, Oct. 21. Albert W. Wood ley, who was to havo bocn handed In Al leghany county next Tuesday for tho mur der of Mrs. Jounio Duchannn, has been granted a resplto of 80 days by Governor Hastings. Coal Miners Get an Advance. Hazietos, Pa., Oot. 18. A nntlco has been, posted in O. It. Markle & Co. 's col lieries stating that an advance, of 10 per sent In wages will take ellcct after Mon day next. Droncht In Cumberland Vulley. Carlisle, Pa., Oct. 3. A serious drought prevails in tho Cumberland val ley. Wells have run dry, and the pastures are suffering much damage. Farmers are obliged to haul water and drive their cat tle a dlstunoe of five miles to and fruin the nearest streams. Looking For II U Young Wife. HAvirriu, Ml., Oct. 23. Hiram O. Mansur, 60 years old, a farmer living just outside of Nashua, N. 11., is in this city- looking for his young wife, who, he says, dosertad hlin over a munth ago after sell ing some of his property and collecting $00 In money. Destructive Gas Explosion. WlVKEsnARRK, Pa., Oo 10. An ex plosion of gas badly wrecked .1 portion of the lluttouwood colliery of the Parrlsn Coal company and fatally injured Joseph bweitzer, a miner, and seriously burned a Pollen laborer. Sawmill Destroyed by fire. MnurKAI-OUH, Oot. 19. The sawmill of the K. W. Backus Lumber company was burned here. Loss, U'o,00tl; insurance, 100,000. The origin of the lire is un known. The mill was erected 13 years ago and bad a dally capacity of 5i,ou0 Joe. PELLINQ A MINE. A Vrstprn Stan's flrml I.m-k In Illspnshig nf Ills I'rnpprty. "It it tlio raciest thing nn ouilli tn fell n mine in London fur almost nny price, in'ovithtl Ton havo nnvllmij' to show nil r-spr rt, " Raid Major Frank Me Lnne,lilin. "Them in also n rio.hr way nnd n wroiitf way to pi about it. Kmnp timo ni!' I vent to Loudon to nrjji t uito tlio salo of Ponio mining properly, (if course, tho first thing I hud tn thi was to li t capital know what I was thero for. Tin I). hen inijuiiiefl coiiiinenccd, I simply Fniil : '( iont 1 loon, I have mill inp; piopr-rty to Fell, If you moult lued tirss and want in buy, Kcml your rvpett out to rxamittn flu property nnd lnako a report mi it. You will know tlun what yen urn buying.' "A r nipany was organized. Tiro rx prt. rxaiiiiniil the pn oily and n perfid favorably, nnd u meeting was held lo diseros terms. "'Now, major, ' paid tlio spokesman, 'woliavo fonuil that the propi rty may lio wirlli noincthintf. What is yiair price V " "I'wn Immlred nnd fifty thousand, ' paid I. " 'That is morn f ban wo expected to pay. Wo i'xn rted lo pay nhout "l, (inil. Tin vo is not much diU'etiaico li" Iweeii yno, OMI mid "."itl.lilltl. If you will (In p the f li.cdil wo will take it.' "I xpi'cli d lo pet about 1 100,0(1(1 for the l'rii)ity, so w ilh it show of reliic laney I aiecit to accept their. olVer. When the papers wore made out, I was fiitprised to barn Hint, they had been talking about pounds and I nhout dol lars, but I was vol v careful not to let my suipiisp h nk, nnd that is tho way t ,1 f l.ilnii.liiio fur lliemino. (Ireat peo plo tn ilo biisincr i w i'h. " Sanl' rau fiscu l'ot. f'of-nnnntH In Florida Otiilo a number of tropical nuts, liavu reeeul ly In ( n introduced into cultiva tion in Ihis country. Already nn thn past coast of Florida arenrowiiiK L'oO.OUO ;'ocoauut trees, 4,,,0n(l being in nuo planlntioti. II is In lieved that I hn first tieos of this kind in that slain pprouled fiom nuts brought from tlentral Annri ca nnd the West Indies by llio jrulf slrcam. At Key West ami nhout somn of the old foi Is cocoanuts wcio planted at an early day, us eerlain ancient trees now standing bear witness. In IK, 7 a batk fieiphtetl v. it It cis oitnuts was ciitiht in il storm oil' tho cojisf of l''lori (la nnd beaelied near Lake Worth. Sev eral thousands of tho nuts were saved nml planted, tho sal isfaclnry piowth of tho lecdlinps pivinjt an impelus to cul tivation. New Yoik World. COLLEGE GI1US AND MARHIAGE. llils of t'eiircssioii Tl.nt Throw a I.lRht u Die Oiu-hIIoii. I havo no (Inubt that tlio remaining ennsoof the low lnatriaKO vale is that many men dislike iiitollcclnal woiiu ii Whether because such women mo really ilisaprceaiiioor because men s. tasto is at. fault I hhall not try lo determine And even ntnou? thoso who liko them tis friends many feel as llio youngmun did wlin mado this confession: "I never expected to marry the sort of Kill I did. You know I always believed in intellectual niuulity nnd nil that and had podd friendships willi tli col lege fiirls. bat, you see, you girls hadn't nny illusions nhout us. After you had Bceu us 1 1 ; u i j; i 1 1 l; at the board on problems ynn could work aud hail taken thoKamo doprces yourselves, you couldn't imajjiuo us wonders just becaii'-'O wo had Kcno through coIIcko, uml when I met dear j littlo nil! that tlnuiK'lit I knew (ivory- ; thiuK why, it just keeled mn right over. It was n feelinp; I had no idea of. " And the collego woman answered : "I will betray something to you. Lots of lis aro just its iinrcformcd as you. Vo want just us much to look up to our hus bands ns you want to bo looked up tn. Only of corrrsn tho more wo know tho harder it is to find Fomchody to meet tho want. Probably tho npial inarriao is really tho ideal one, and everybody will ooino tn prefer 'it lioino day. Hut per Bonally I liko men lo bo superior tn mo. Only I'll tell you what I don't liko in them tho wish to keep ahead of us by holding us back, liko spoiled children that want to bo given tho Ramo, nnd then admired for thoir skill. If men would encourupo ns to tin onr very best, ami thou do still better themselves, it oupht to bo pood for civilization. " j Tho Slarriao Uato of Cullegn Wom en," by Milicent W. thinu, iu Century. No rrecedeut. DuriiiRa Eos.siou of tho territorial leg islaturo of Montana, held more than U0 years n;o. a measuro was introduced which appeared to fume people to iu- : t;lill nt-.c;e, in fact, possess a centaKious volve Forions constitutional questions. I nmvor as intIls0 llH lh:it f mi,.,.,,),,, Oiiommw who was supposed to possess : Nllt fl.,ir ,,,, t.,)llr.,,!e finly rn rontapi pient oratorical powers, declaimed llerco- I(k,.,s nro, too, on condition that ly nKumst tho moasure, clnimiiiR that it tl.v llr0 repeated often enough, was "clearly in opposition to tho preat Vviiou tho mechanism f contapion priuciplcs of MaBini Charta, which tho hlw i,,..,,,, , Wirk lll0 Mt.:l ,.. , n bravo barons iu days of old had wrested ; th ,,,,.,.. ,h;lt ,!-l(s to Slllv,,.s, , ,;,,. from King John, a blessed result of a j H1I1 m, 1( I.l,dit nt rnds by Llnody conflict." I tolera! in and then ne- ptin. it. Tlai "'. 4.in.u u. common senso than for erudition, rose immediately to reply to this burst of fiery eloquence, evidently bent on mak ing it clear that lie, for ouo was not to bo overenmo by high jouuding worils or ob.-curo alhisiiais. "It's of mighty littlo importance what the opinions, of King John and his lnuu McCaithy were," ho announced firmly, adding that it was high time fur legislative bodies of Montana to thiuk und act for themselves without any refer ence to the principles whit ll gnverued tho remote authorities quutcd by his colleague. The fust orator's speech had mado some impression, but the n-ti . i w as re ceived with the enthusiasm which it deserved, and it was owing tn his in fluence rather than that of his more brilliant predecessor that tho measure was defeated. Youth's Companion. Cuuaotinif lliin. Old Bullion It galls me to think that my money goca into your spend thrift bauds when I die. Young Bullion Never mind, gov ernor, it won't stay there lung. Iu dianapolU Journal. Ktritck acit KilUd by a Tr:i.lo Nkw Loiiiaiy, Conn., Oct. 28. Corns 1). AdauiBiiu, s'.iperiutendent of llriH,Ls' quarries ut MIIIbIouo point, was struck uy to Irani uu I ne v. cm I Ul 1 ormolu rail - ' , 11 - . ,v i i thu knee, and he died within an hour. lie luivus a wife and child. HABIT3 OF THE MAMATCE. A Harmless Mnnstrr Ttint lVcds I'.nlrr Water on Cirfls.cs. Tim manatee belongs to a ni.iiniitalian ai'ilcr calleil siienia, or s'-ae,,v,-i, which Contains only tliien speeo-s cur munit ion, that of west Africa nnd thn ilup"ir of Australia. As it s cluni- y f' l in hm p sts, it is nu nninial of (inii t ami cm ii eliiL'iiish haliits, rntiridy hainilc-s and rasi ly taken when ont o ils haunts a1 o known. When at homo, its food en.- i -ls vf Icniler niiialic plants and y.vi:- i 1 l.ays eaten unilcr wa!r r, a ltd il .i :'-ep( p Is gem rally revealed by Ibe l i;s i f 1 r i I en stems and pi;os bieh r-c:i,o mid 1'oat lo Ihotutlaia aliovo v.litro it is I'ldimr. In captivily il feels hi caMi i ji', "t Inco, tlio leav s of tho c:i:nia, clii y toi'S, waleinc-s, spiiiaeh, ami nl ei r lain kinds of t ceil si :t cd. In tb:' : t. Lui'it1 river its f.ivm ilo food i -a lii o:i !int, Irailinir lopiat io p';e .-, eu!';,d riino iitec jjiass, in which tbo lnannteo (iicls not only prml fo d, l.nt ( . hiding plltel'S flout ils hulliall ( til 'lib s. 'J hn 1i(.iies of lb is an i mill ai" niasivo, '(did nnd epi i t n heavy l-emo lmuteis will tell von its In .ties nti's dul iv i"), ! nnd its skin is as thick and tmili lis that of a hippopotami's. I have s-' n j very pood canes maiie of s.i i -i of m:"i nleo skin, twisted like a lii.blniii;: ioi ! and dried. Its llosli is vo y pi "d , arid, tome, it tastes i'li'o l:l.e an p- ' ;. I'uriouly (i'ion!i, this sli aii ;o co iluro ictnally sle'ds its outer skin cv iv vear, ns does n serpent, 'j'hn livinp; ff -i -i i r ; ns that from timo to time have b- e;i : ; i Inr' d and kept fi r ( hibil ii u in D ie", rara, I'liiladolphia, 7ev Yoilc and Lon don have in n II t ases been of small or medium size, vnr. infx in len;!i;i fn m 4 In 7 feet. 'I be one v hii h was sb. ''. n in i tho ( 'elitlal park lu( tiaperie in tsl:t ,"as j fl fee! !l'., inches in lenp'h and wciph'-d l'l) ouiiils. W. T. Ilornaday in tt. Nielli ibis. A FAMOUS rv'AM'3 MOTHER. Tlininas Wcntvorth llluclnsori'n llcailtiriil Trlloile to Ills Mot lor. I traco tn my mot her 's direel inflaeneo Ihri'O leadini; motives of tier yni:m:o t Sou's life tlio lovo ( f pi rsonal lib, i ly, of ielij.rion.s frt'cdom and of ti.i' oijualiiy of the sexes v tiles Tin inns , nt'.vi ,i I Ii Ilipyitison in The Lailii's' Hn'io Joiir nal. As tn tlio more sulil !o and in I i iii;:to influences, tlu-y onlitiari lv c-itoo by e n lael. not by jirc.ieliiiip;. Ma1 aiavs mainhiiiicd that the yi'iiupvr children of a lai pe f ami ly had a tin edi Is I lor i baie ii for di vidopini'iit lliati tlio e'di r b in. o they had mot o f rei ilmn to develop t heia-n-lve-i. With In r i l.h r ( liildvi n, she al ways said, oven en.-vieiil iou-oir-s alna st boro her tn the earth. . 'bo felt pel .-"U-ally n .poiisililo l'i r eveiveiiiid' di fault. Mm had been reared in the m-Ii.s.I of Locke, vhi( li regarded tbo hiiniaii nail ns blank paper, on which par. nt i mid teachers did nil Ihn w ril in;;. J!ut la r i children v.crn of slronantl v.u i d indi- yidm.Iily, mid Mi 1-arm d in timo In study the lomperament of each and bo patient witn lis niiioiiiniii Her v.ia.Io formula of trainiiisf ciai-isied intle -i! three things: Turelain the nil ire coiili d( in e of the child, to (in wbalevi r si i la rd wisest and tn bo !atii nt. Iter In; t in l'mvitlencn was absoluf n and cnntiol lini!. as was hor senseuf tho person. tlily nf tho Doily. Most valuable ( f all lirr trails to lir r phildieu next tn her rjualily i f sun hino V. as probaidy licr alwolnte n e! il uoo, tho plcvalion of la v who'.o t ::c, I hn coia- pleto unworlrllini i,,,rrt ,,Vl r i ...,,i , s i that n i i , ; 1,1 of hers cv, r Ik aid her K I'ef tn nnv s!uiid- nur r.n ., i,j.,i , r Willi ull'ihis v. a.-l ill ,, ;,., t, cuji-eieutious ac ina.-v iill'airs, 1 ho rxipii-ilo niei ly ia all hoii-o-hnld details, w hioh bclon'; tn tlui L, -t J tho traditions of New I '.m;!.ind. The CmtHRl'in of lileltr, A(Tii'inatinii, puvu and i implo, willi ant reasnniiiK n ml without piool', ia ,aui nf thn surest luciins ot planting an : ;i in tho popul v niiml. 'I be more con -j o j it. is, tho more free fr-nn every a;;n ,u' iinoo of laonl's and (h'monslral i' n, thn iinnro authority it has. Tlio lelj'ioiis i books and tho codes of all ii'cs hawi al ! ways priM'ecded by simple aniruiat i n. j Statesmen called upon tn flelend any i political causa and manufacturers cd ! vertisiiis; their gnods know what it is j wnrtli. Yet it lias nn real influence-, cx- Uept it is constant ly repealed mid so far aH possible in tho same tonus. Na- pili,.on v id that that repetition was tho only s'erious lipuire ill rhetoric. Ily lepetitinti nn nliirmation is incrustcd in the minds (if hearers, till they at last accept it, as a (lemonslrati (I truth. What is culled tlio current of opinion is formed, and then i tlio potent mechanism of contagion I monies in. Ideas that have rendu il n o r- i id a heiioeforwiird pains il Mint rat in' liial subtle force which sends it (.', - .', ! whilu at tlio same time creaf ini; a sort I 'jf sppciul utmo.-phcie, a pi-in v il way of .thinking. Popular Seicnco M,,iai,ly. Ono of llio Threo. A bold and fearless stalen.i nt was : niado in this column a few days ngo touching beauty. It was put. bath that ; there were only threo actror-cs on (anil j Who could lay ail honest claim to b ai.ty. "C'laiii M." writes that her ouiiu.-.iiy l is b (Ml aroused and wants tn know j t. hn tho three are. Now, it VoiiM La j Very un;;allaiit to say. The st.iu jut of : lias all the aetrcs.-i s in tl.o world gut ms j ing, and nut ,1 the n.im.'s of tl.j th-no lua moiiiioiicd cadi if our f.mi light ', tavoritea will beln :e she is one of ihciii. : Why spoil their fun? What is the imi i f culling nana s tn make peoi-le fi el in jured und slighti d and luisuiel. r. t ,d? I do imt doubt that Mi.-s CUu.i M.,if llio be an actress, could lay an Loue.-t claim to rocogniU' u as uiicof thu thiuo. New York PrtvjS. Tlioclit lo Have U.--n a Munlerer. PYliAol sk, Oct. 2'. Tho body of the unknown man found in hast r-yraeuso with n ballet bo'ai In tho head has be. n positively hU'iitiilsJ as that nf Sherd Walker, ono of the canall oat nit ti who, it Is supposid, was Implicated in the mur der of Captain Phillips at Tunnwanda on 1 tlui moi'liioa, of Oct. 7. 11a was btinj bimteil by tbo police, nnd it is sup posed ;,,, ,i ., , B . , , . , j t.tat hi) became desperate, ntl.l, lll,o James I In sou at Hurt u It la. t Thui'bii;.y, undLd I hU Iruubleij iu ath. i i:ou:l.e a III II l!ew llvor n ' . . ikc: walk. "''"'P.'m i'lTpCnlnri-d i'i'I i- s;:nt, .1., ih. Iiv Klvo pcr-i'n-l i. My fntnllr, ilur- M' aiic wnllc nt KcUnw- n thu nutflkirio of th" t' Wll. 't he !riiiM 1 r.r Mrs. HI'r. Vofir1i (ml nrc't, plmt in Ihv' lhi;:h, in.lrih!y fatally In nifi'f! ; i Iti'-'ii T(Ktn (cnlnrcdl. fIhjI Intlu'l'f.' AlliiJ Jt.m-1 KiiUiicih, shot tn I!,,. , ir; (-Jimm:. W. Cniknr (rolnrciit, nfmt ! thn Wu: .limit's llnrutt (roldrurt , slini in :hn I- ri hip. Ths- sltimilTir win d.iTio y Hnrnptt, who (-imp to this pin rt'c.iiilly fruni Nowbcrn, N. ('. Th- (Ml n w;t!k wni Itt'IJnt t he rtnt(.(np df r-'!;H Wi'c-'H. A liuiii iiiiinril IjcjihioI S. Ki' tur iN win iliiyini? n inuiitti nrrnn, n-iil li.-mr- tt, whu wh tun!. -r thn Inflnciico of I' 1'ictr, rMiiH' tip hih) ilinwtttti( Hip iti p.li'i.tMi'iit. Iiii h;K'iM f(Tusr(l to kIvo It lip, ru il UMii-it stntfk Mm in tho fnro. At t )( f-riMP' I inm hi ilrrw his rcvnlvrr nnd ('-.nniriK-ril liritHf. SM-vi nilif thn colored oriioni.rrrt witi' sii iiLrny with thn piiih ,,. ii, -' f"f of tho wcninn. 'j liui ini'l'ithly snvt'il t ii o lived of tho jmt r;i fiH iliot, in ilar)i-tt's tut ikI wns kpt tl'wu, ii-m! iii'tcml of thn hulls taking c i Vp i in tho h'tilirs cf hi would m viu (ion t h c -y tool; rlTret in thrir leys. hiln tln (llit wii in protfnws llarpctt v :m f-lmt from behind. Hy whom It Ih not i. i i n. M.'irjfeit sh flnii'ly (iiciurtit'd nTid nr- !id. lie win taken before Spiirn Pet- I l nnd eitoiiMiited to the Mount Holly j, ii I v ithoiit bail to await tho result of his vieiiMw' injuries It I paid that Harnett iii w intcd in North Cniolina for shooting lii.-t fntl.rr in-law in Mny last, 1citriM-tlvn firm nt Thtonnle. WAtiKi v, Ph., Oct. 17. Tho town of Tiduiuto. l.'i mili R below this plaen, wns vi-iirl by it ib-a-itroits lire. A load of hay in trie livery barn of llanyi tSr Hons (aiiht (Ire from a jrm jet, n,,,l tho (lames Rjin-tid with dm h rapidity that within nn ."Mir I :l building bad been totally do pirt ved A Ii i Lf Ii wind was blowing at tho time, ind it wns feared that thn entire bo.-iiM H, portion of tbo town would ho col. turned. 'I i.e flro department of thin riiv left for Title mto and rendered such niitaneo t bat t bo 4Jn was soon nftervard under control. The cleitroyeti tr'.Ti'turs were ft number of dwellings, tho Heseno I I ii-;" h Hire, the loekup nnd tho hrldgo uc-u-s t'i- Tin. -onto creek. Tho loss will not ox -eed . I'l.nou. A lil-y l"lr In New (Irlrnnn. N''.w Oi.it.vxs, Oct. pi. a riirumtroii (Ire of i-oi red here. All the buildings front iii the river on Ibo n((tiaro between Kly mh:i I ie!ds si rei't ami Knplanado avenim v--,e burned, iuelnding rioo mill Jl, for meily kimwn a- Pcrseveraneo rieo mill. '1 hW was uie of the linest nnd best eqnip j!' d mills tn tho country, having beon t h'iro:;yli'y e.!M'ped with tho newest nml iiin-i inipnived m.-o binery only i;i months m;."i. Il is said 'iiern was at lenst 9100,000 wort h of e'- ;i n rico in tho mill. Tho nmoiint- of tie could not be nseertnin od tonight, hut it Is probably :JOO, 000; pa.'tialiy in-onvd. Mint I ire nt Ilimnatonlo. Tfnt'S VT'ini.', Miih, Oct. 21. This villa-re Ftitli re-l a (o.oon lo-;s in tho destruc ti'u by (ire of the Central block, n threo rk.i v w.K.di n s.iij'fiiro in tho center of the town, own i liy 1 Monumental Mills company; origin of t t? iMuinknow. Tho li nn i ii j liii i ;d i Ui:i !in covtTcd by an in ;o; anee nf ; :', '.hi i, nnd tho balance of the is d vidid among merchants nnd (itiwi'-t who occupied apartinonts In the b.iiiding. DESTRUCTIVE FIRE. T'lico Ktorfi, Two Dwetltnc and Choroh I'.iiriiffl at I'oMter, I'tu SritAX lov, Pa., Oct. 21. A disastrous f'-o has occurred nt Foster, n villago on the Lackawanna railroad, X'O miles north of here. The Haines originated from tho rxplo-iimi of n lamp in I. W. TilTany'g Mi:o and con-jumed three stores, two dwellings, two burns and tho Mothodist ceuieli. A hi,di wind was blowing, and tlio Tesi.lo'iU wcro almost poworloss to cbrrk tho llaincs, as tho town has no flro deparinn nt. A telegram wns Ronfc to Hal steiid, l.'i mih-.-i tip tlio road, nnd a steam er and hoo cart, from that town wcro liur rii dly loaded on ft Hat car nnd sent by a Fp"f ial riigino to Fo.sti-r. Tho run wns luii lo in l.'i minutes, liy tiio uso of the npj.-irai us thn liro was soon under con 1 1 nl and thu d nu t ion of tho greater por ti'.n of tho viUiitfo averted. The damage In ? Hi,0C0. A DflliHTrttH Murtltr. Siiamokiv. Ph., 't. 1". Mrs. Anna Keishara was shot and fatally wounded by .Inim Justock, a neighbor, of Mount Carmel. Jiustfx k had beon on ft hunting expedition, and as ho emerged from tho woods ho met, Mrs. Ketsharn and deliber ately emptied the contents of his gun Into her breast, faeu nnd nrms. Ho escaped into tbo woods. No cftuao for the nhoot ing Is known. Struck ir Itafter nnd Killed. ('I-Iktun Si'i:i(,s, N. V., Oct. 18. While workmen were constructing tho new Catholic cliurch hero the wind blow down a mass of ;jrj pairs of rafters woigh Ing about l.'loo pounds per pair. Ono of thu rafters struck K C. Mattison, injur ing him m ba3!y that ho died shortly aft er. W. Ij. ;ase nnd S. K. intone wore also slightly injured. Fire In C1 MlittfU Wii.KKsi.AititR, Pn., Oct. 10. The Hoyt nhaft, of tint Peniihylvanln Coal compuny nr. Port (ri-iiiiih was seriously dumaged. Tao lire stalled in the red anh vein and w.t.s caused by theignitirtn of a largo feeder- I ? n bi.it. Tiio scene of '0 a lire wai 1. o i : t fi m t ho nioutli of the shaft, directly urnier t!m river. Inct uliHrie ttt Newtnwn. Nkvvto-.vv, Pa., Oct. 2 '3. A band of in cendiaries 1ms be n causing disaster in this vicinity during the past 21 hours. The b;r;e bu"ns of Amos Kuse and Stephen .latiii'.y, HtLoiiiiug, near here, were total ly de-t ro. ed. i"geiher with suitable ou li.ii.ding. The barn of Kdward X. Kly, n. ar Vanl'.ey, was consumed with his sea 64m i'h crop-, 'ilio losses will aggregate over i.M.ooo. Cii'(f the curiosities of the cuble ct tVi nn thixl i t H utliiiK iufuruiutiun is .ami in a i' 'int liK'.ae anmaiucing ti.t- l..-n by liit i t a thin ut eeo. The wiioio nu.-Kigc vus cuuveyed in three vriiiN of Scott's cable code : "Sinouhler- d , l.urnth ; hallelujah I" 'Siuuuldcred" pra xis f i u "the hhip bus bceu destroyed hy bie," "hunah" ft ;r 'orow saved by beat" und "haneUijah" for all haiids kaM'd inform wives uud sweethearts. " -1mv Vuik Tribune. AitwinptfJ lurdtir at a llu-kiug Bee. Il iVAi-rtiV, Mu.ii., Oct. 2;(. A deliber a to at i -in pt was made here to murder Ci.arle UaiYiug'on, aed lii. There was a husking ut- Uniringtou'a home, and while be was in the Uirn somo oue shot nt hiiii f:oni utitsido. The ball pusscd th r,.ii.rh his bat and lodged in a beam. T. u niL'iii ha slept will) a friend, and at nn itii 'iii Muiuo oue hurled au Iron bar thr.itiiK'h thu window. The bar struck on hit bid, bet he wus not iiijurcd. NEWS OF THE WEEK. Ttiar-ftnr, Oct. 17. A rompnny nf Irishmen Is being orgnn r.r In San Francisco to aid t'uba In nehlevlng Indcpeioleiteo. So far HI men hiivo enlisted. Tlllle Ktdl, a domestic, IH yonrft old, at tempted sttleidn by jumping from thn raof of her residence In New York, five stories, tn the ground. She received fatal Internal Injuries. Two men were killed, ono fatally, and several slightly lnjuiod In a wreck on tho Martlnsburg branch of tho Pennsylvania rnilrond near Altnonn, Pa. Tho dead are W. I". (iood of Honriettft, flromnn, and J, (J. Wotulring of Tyrone, brakemnu. A tnrrlflr gas explosion ocourred nnd.T tho sidewalk on Fifth avenue., New York rlty, and a five story brown mono front building, owned and oocupled by ('harbs II. 4'ontoit, a millionaire, wns part aiiy wrecked, the damage being ab'mt ' Ooo. Jeff Kills, the negro who roinmi 4k nn nfS'iult on Miss Prater ttear lo.,ie.i, Tenu., wan lynched by a mob of oitleiH, who formed a procession nnd escorted him to tho scone of hi1 crime. Mis ears nnd lingers wero out olT, and ho was otherwise Mutilated nnd then hanged to a telegraph polo. FrMny, Oct. IH, Tho vonovnMo Kdwln Palmer, I). I)., arc hdeacon of Oxford, Is dead. 'lite Angiema hotel at Anglesrn, N. .T., a Hummer renort near Cape May, was de stroyed by lire. Tho loss is Ta.oott. West Prothers' knitting mill nt New port, N. Y., was tlestioycd by flro. Tho loss Ih estimated at tli.OO.i; insurnnco, f:iS, lino. A heavy flurry of sn(w nml hall, tho first fall of tho scnton, accompanied by ft strong wind, visited Saratoga and the Adirondack foot hi ils. .lames Dixon, ono of tho men accused of murder in connection with tho boat men's riot in Tonawandn, N. Y.. a few days ago, committed suicido by bunging himself in jail. The Smith Wesson com puny of Springfield, Mas., has notified Its em ployees thnt on Nov. 1 it wilt discharge every man In its employ nnd turn tho worlc over to contractors. Aninqmwfcwas hold over tho Isidy of .TefT Kllis, who was lynched In Tennossoe, while It still hung to the telegraph polo. A verdict of denlh at tho hands of un known parties was returned. t-filnrdny, Or I, III. Muller, Schiill & Co. of New York ship pod $100,000 In gold to Ituenos Ayrcs. J)r. Abblo.L Seymour, tho most, promi nent profesionnl woman in ItufTalo, was killed by a West Shore railroad train. Prompted by unreciprocated affections Miss Nellie Kasloy, a hnndsoino and cul tured young holy, 21 years old, committed suicide at Mount Washington, Ky. Tbo steamer f-iilbort of Snglnnw, Mich., collided with and nnnk tho steamer Amer ica of PufTalo In Hay lake channel, near Sault Sto. Mario No lives were lost. H. d. Dun ife Co. of New York report that failures for the week havo been aJfiJt In tho I'nited States, against 2ott last year, and Irt in Canada, against 43 last yenr. Morris Schoenhol., tho notorious Incon dtnry, convicted of arson In tho first de gree in Now York, was sentenced to 4H yours' imprisonment in Sing Sing prisoji. At Detroit two cars on tho ltapld rail way collided. Oue car was crowded with members of tho Detroit Christian Kndenv or societies who had been holding n rally nt Mount Clemens, and a number sustain ed serious fnjurios. Monday, Ort, 91. Jdllinn Hut lex, a schoolteacher at Len ox, Mass., committed suieido by drown ing hernelf. David Oiuombnoh of New York was killed on the Ponnslyvania railroad tracks at Trenton. A 11 the mines but threo along the Yough rlvor in Pennsylvania aro closed by a strike against reduction In wages. Tho extensive wino vaults and residence of Herman Keyor at Kgg HarlMir, N. J., Wero destroyed by flro; loss, $20,000, John W. Mack ay, .?r., the elder of the two sons of John W. Mack ay, wns acci dentally killed In Paris by being thrown from his horse. Tho czar of Kussia hns granted a pen sion, of o, 000 rubles annually to Prince Lobnnoff- Hostovsky, minister of foreign ufTairs, for snrvlces rendered tho state dur ing liis recent visit to Franco. Tho newly constructed Ilritish battlo ship Victorious, 15,000 tons displacement, Was launched in tho presence of a largo crowd of spectators at Chatham. The war ship Is tlio third vessel of hor class pro vided for by thu naval defetuto act of lttOli to leave the stocks. Tunmley, Oct. S3. Tieorgo Winter wns burned to death tn his cottage at Sag Harbor, N. Y. William La mlcs, prompted by jealousy, shot his wife fatally and killed himself at Hagerstown, Md. Alfred Clyincr was sentenced to be hanged on Jan. 10, lHOn, for the murder of liridgot Doyle in Burlington, N. J., last Docember. . The Baltimore and Ohio Southwestern passenger train ran over and killed John Terlindo of Ivorydnle, O., and fatally mangled Knima Uurke. Destructive prairie fires have swept parts of four counties In western Kansas and a large scope of country in eastern Colorado, doing great damage. Dr. Henry Keese, C. Ii., D. C. L., the English historian, who wus for many years editor of tbo Kdinhurgh Review, died at Christ church, London, aged 82. A train on the Panhandle railroad ran into a wagon at Miller's Station, O., demolishing tho vehicle and killing the four occupants. Their names wero Kd ward Cogau, Samuel Cogan, Sr., Samuel Cogan, Jr., and John Campbell. Wednesday. Oct. S3. Andrew Jackson, a negro, killed Ma jor Campbell at Middlesboro, Ky. At Kl Menzuloh and In its vicinity in Kgypt there were 90 now cases of cholera and 12 deaths from that disease. Governor Worts appointed Charles D. Dishlor of New liruiiHwlck lay judge of Middlesex county, vice Matthew O'tior man, deceased. Miss Frances Willard was re-elected president of the National Women's Chris tian Temperance union at thu annual ses sion held in Baltimore. Cieorgo Harvey, aged 4a, the foreman of the scaffold builders on the 14 story Oiuamuty building in Buffalo, fell from the seventh story and was instantly killed. The Rev. Dr. Asa hoi Clark Kendrick, aged 80, ex-acting president and emeritus prufcitHirof the University of Rochester aud oue of the founders of thu institu tion, died in Rochester. The historic old Seven Stars tavern in Kat Vincent township, near Philadel phia, the frequent stopping place of Gen eral Washington and other Ruvoluliunary hruus, was destroyed by tiro. Steel Workers Uet as luore. pHiivkipsRnta, N. J., Oct. 18. The wages of the employees of the American sheet Iron mills at this place have been advanced 10 per oeut. A similar advance Wf made two mouths ago. A knife thai has beeu used fur cutting Onions should ut once be plunged two or three times into the earth to free it flow the Dupluosuut BurelL Kim SALE. A-snmll fnrtn fimu hnjtirrt nriir Miiiniunrim, luimvn hm tlio llcusi! or llrinlumlt phir '"ttf nininir ',M nrriM. Krdy l-K'ntcl. wvll wuN'nsl. If ni(l I n rf. Pi tlif f nil kind Purl improve 1. Till ilt:ir. Kuv T't'ntt.-i, I'fict. eli'., nddftv-t LmcI; Ikix (1. Mill-rd. IV. Voto Ut' st j'.ii'rht L'Mttliii"im yoeer l"nt About Air. Tho eelebi alrd chemist of t ho pix (rcntli ceiitmy who nrgued tlmt it wopld bo impo nible for lis tn live ti Ibo cnrlh'H Furfiico if Iho utmospbero should suddenly increase to twice Ps )roseiit thieUnoFs ctmld not ltuvn been far wnmjj, nfter nil that i, if tbo epei imcu!M of Dr. Arii'itt nrr fo bo taken ns com dn sivo. Itihis observations on at mospherio prosHurn nt thn bottom of tho dorp milling shafts of Lurupe, Profes--or Ar nott bits found that tb" change between thn readings of a ban ntider nt tho bot tom of a -1,000 foot shaft und ono at tho Ruifnco is groat Pnnue;h to warrant him in making tho statement that air til tiio bottom of n iduift 'JO miles deep would be ns dcno as wa'er. Figuring t n tin nmn ratio, ho fimN tltat if a hole con Id bo sunk -10 mill s into the bowels of the earth thn density of tho air ut the but tntii would bo as great ns that of quick silver. St. IjoniH Republic. Rltlrd hj t I rclglit Train. SotiKXKrTAPY. N. V.; Oct. is. John Colo, a farmer, wns struck by n Delaware and Hudson freight train in thin city while nttcmptlng tit drive in front of ir. Colo wns Instantly killed, his head being cleanly and entirely severed front his body For Cfinttl Imprnvrinf nts. RYItAcrsK, Oct. 19. Tho Central City Canal Improvement lenguo has Issued a call for a state canal convention to bo he'd at the city hall in thiscilyon Oct. ill. The object of the convention I to boom tho $0,000,000 appropriation bill. Dealers in Fancy & Staple Dry Goods, Provisions, Hardware, Crockery, Glassware, Boots, Shoe?, Etc. Corner Broad and Ann Streets. Headquarters for Gry Goods. Headquarters for Notions. and Headquarters for Boots & Shoes. Headquarters for Hardware. Headquarters Rubber Goods. Headquarters for Crockery. NEW GOODS. NEW GOODS. FOR FALL ArlD We can save yoi money in every depart nent of our two stores which are crowded with new Goods of every description for Fall and winter. Please give us a call, you will te more than satisfied. RYMAP4 & WELLS. DO YOU EXPECT TO BUILD ? THEN SEE A. D. BROWN & SON, Manufacturers and dealers in all kinds of Lumber, Contractors and Builders. Estimates made ; personal attention given and work guaranteed. OFFICE, Brown's Building, Mitford, Pa. What l-;ver lnuly Wnnl. YnU Viitif Hto Pitt Tll( PltKSH '.VfinN yon. Ktilniril; f'?' il nns , !i"in with flu fiisl inntilrr. Your liil lr. n pri't' if, jimiI yon will V lin);iy losny in t ihm p.nuiy; yvirs lt:if yotif s.th .i riptioit 1 tt with .li.'lit'M i,-und tliiJ you luivo inct ink it it c t t inimlly . No mnltor wlml yutr i 'i;i: s mv flio Pikk Ciii nty Pi:;;s will ho ; wrh'ottto rn" ; .of your homes. It will furnish you t ointly, sf;itc m d :m!ioi.t:l ttt'w.4. You win:! lo lioi-ji thr.'Mst of llio fijto'-i uud woil it. form d jren -iMily. Th ' Pi.ksm will kr:': y. m s . S iloni ni itiny hnvo ln -u Tiomlv ti-ht wlnMt ln s,iid "iNv-e iiioth i iir no v ui dor Iho -tin" (if ho is e o 1 . r H i-1; hut a Uojmhli en ii iiows;-nprr iu Pi';: ( 'i mtty co:nos vot-y iictr ton cotitradictioti of that saying. Wo would nof ask t- h ivo thai remark levi-tod hut wo ar' wiiliier to surpri-n those who lit'i-a-y iiifot pH t it . - - - - - - TrrHpiiMM Nut i-i'. Notice is liorehy .'iveii ihaf tl -l tssiu' on the iireniises of t lie ut dor ..i!rm d, sif ua te.l in 1 limrnur.i j toYii:;ji, f..r any ourpos whatever i-t sifieily rorl'iddett, a.d all of 1 f em lei s iii 1m' irnm tl v pnwetited . Oct. '.'I. IN'.).-.. lu l. Cask. '1 :-Hp-o1 at Nmck- .r (hr Tin -on, condtieted hy ('apt. Joel Vi' :on, wliich is attended ly sevri I ptij'ils f-o'ii Miliord, i-i dt s tvo ly in a hi'.rlily nourishing eotMlttion. D is otic of (1 o host in t he eountrv. I i ta S-a ii?" Groceri; I IT?. Haadquarters for Groceries. Headquarters for Provisions WliTER. 11 S B P