EX-GOVERNOR AMES. Iath Rnd a ftiiceriarnl ftit)lnrM and Yn lltlml Career. NoitTH Rakto, Mum., Oct. S'.'. Kx (lovernor Oliver Amos died at. his homo In this vllbiKe tMlny. Kr thn Inst five year hi, health lad been ftrndnnll.r frilling, and for the oast three rear hn had had a med ical attendant almost continually nt his aide. A trip tn Knmp and upon hi return ft visit to Poland Spring, Mi., two years ngn, failed tn (rive him relief. Since thnt time he luicl fttmit south, wit h tho Intention of remaining a few in n n I h s If It should prove ben eficial, lint hl Ft ay wa phort. Hfs fair has been nt t.. ttmnu m n n h I n n thn renter portion nf t hit summer, nnd hit wife nnd sunn nnd d a u it h t e r n were with him when he passed OI..IV Fit AMKH. away, lie leave a widow, two Hons nnd four dmtuhters. Me was til years of age. Kx tSovernor Ames was widely known both In huJnc nnd pollttenl I if", hut !t In perhaps as a financier that Oliver Allied won lis widest reputation. Tin On ken A me estate wa. nt t he tlmr hi' as sinned Itn sett :emei,t, not only one in which Immcn-p nnd diversified interests were Involved, nc.itte ' I hrouuhoitt dlf ferent suite of the I , hut It wns also hnrdeind with ohilM -una to the extent of VUM),l!l-0. lie met nnd pnid ihe enormous Indebt ed ma restin-f upon It, pnld tl.OUU.ontl or more of letiehs nnd I .ml still n Inigo sur plus to divide among the heirs. In sl hp reeeived the Hepuhllenn unmlimtinn for lieutenant governor upon Mm tie;.. headed liy tho Hon. It. It. Itishop. Mr. Hirdiop wan defeated hy t-ieneriil liutler, hut Mr. Ames was elected hy n hnntlHimio plurality. He was n ejected In ls:i, nunln In 1ns.), the Hon. (-. I). Hnblnnon then being governor. In upon tho retirement of Movernor Kohinsnu. lieutenant (-inventor Amen was tidvnuced to the gubernatorial ehalr. HARRY RUSSELL CAUGHT. Tint Notorious l'itiHle llnrglnr In f'np ttirtMl In lifts I mn. Vsminn, Oet. 1. Harry Hussell, one of I ho notorious pototlico burglars who Htartled the country hy their nena tionnl efteape trnin the I.udlow Street jail In New York on duly 4. ha heen arrested In Unices, lii-iKlnin. Two other men and n woman were ar rested with hl:n( nnd these men are sup pos-'d t he doj Killoran nnd Charlie Al len, who were arrested with Hunsell nnd escaped from tliejnil with him. Secretary Olney dent n cahlecram to Minister Kwlnp In HrumeU dircrtina him to reiiie-4t tlie ite'utnu authorities to hold nil of (hi! nun until the arrival of an ofll cer from the Tolled Statu, who eon Id Identify them. Tho Delijinn authorities will douhtlcss comply with this renuest, nnd HiKvell and his companions. If they nre Killornn and Allen, will he liehind the liars In this country n train an so n as the lieecsmiry proceedinKs lor their extradition can he taken. Mltitna; VIIIubja le4trnyrrt by Flrt. Hazlkton, Pa., Oct. 21. Tho mining village. No. M, Stockton, ha- been praetl enily wiped out hy file. The Haines were fti't discovered in the house of Mts. Mi ehnel Met-iiory. There was n hi wind hlowltiK at the time, nnd he fore the fire was tinder control 12 dwellings had heen destroyed. The properties wore owned hy the Stockton Coal company nnd occupied hy these families: Thomas Hurgess, Pat rick Somers, Samuel MuYey, John Tay lor, dohn Mulhern, ThomnR Miller, H. M. Miller. Jncoh llownmn, Adams K. Luck. Paik Conoani nnd Mrs. McGiory. The los-t Is flH.tr K). Klllrd b)f n lrnnmlt Kxplnnlnti, SiiAurH.M i'd, Ky., nut, IS. lille a 1'irty of workmen wirv ciincil in huilil inn a tnrnpiku In tlie 1'lnt uriik ticlulihor hood n rlmrno of ilynitmllu tlitit hm h.-cn nrepariMl U)V a hlunt priMiuitun'ly oxplmh tt, killing three ntin nnd wounding flevoral nthtrs. Tim nnmra of the kilUd nml wont ul i'd ro unknown lu-ro. A Wcrtlthy CitlBfvn'it BulrUIs YtMtK, Pn., Oft. IS. (eorK Youiir, n wealthy eitiztn of Hanover, coimnftred miietdo hy nlntntinK- Mr. Young reenntly returned from bin farm In Vlrninla, inf fering from nmlarin, and de.tpondoney, cm wed hy til lionlth, la supposed to have prompted thu suieldu. cro Slmnta m White Woiivtiu liitooKkYM, Oct. 21. Heenuse a whlto woman nf whom he had Income enamored refused to reciprocate, hln passion .lames T. Smith, a tiern, shot her and then hlew Hit hlw liralim. Smith died Instantly. The woman whom ho bhot In mill alive and 1 may reeovor. tl 4.10 Fort anil Wu RHInil. Wll.KHs (AitHK, Pa., Oet. 1H. .lames Kitpntriek, apd lit, employed at tho New HIifk Hhaft, near Nantlcoke, fell from the top landing to the hotiom of the shaft, a di st an oo of 430 ftet, and va in tantly killeit. Cnt Ictd of Flrt Drgrat M order. Moi'XT HotKY, N. J., Oct. IS. Alfred Clymer, who stabbed nnd killed Mrs. Hridget Doyle tu Hurlii.wton last Decem ber, was convicted of murder in the first lepree. The case has beeu ou trial four lays. ipnral Msrkrtv Nkw Vomk. O.t. ia-KU)l'lt -Htate and WfHtern tjnlft nnd fciendy city in ilia ateiitn, H.-SKil.i.i wint r paieniB, :t..'0ii 3.7U: t-iiy mills alnans 4.l. winter otrnlvhlH, $.L:iU ::U WHKAT n. 3 ml ruled quiet but tinner on higher ruble, fnrt ittit bu our, divert ii by local shoi'taioid talknf dry ueutberweHt; May, '! ;i(f .; Xv III LiT. tkiMn. CiiUN-Na ii.it t, but .iBH.Iy; Way, 35.: DtN'enitier, ;74e. OATS No. t dull and fenturelpKs; track, white tatf, 4uhc; iriuk, while web urn, HOItK-guict: iirw ntvw. $10 a, 10.6; family, LAUl VuWt; irime wrftru ieiu, Wkeb iH TTF.lt - ball tt dairy, Ifi.t-lc: kluu nfaiutry, nfr'lc CliKK.-K-Smtw, Urue. 7a9lM itmll, T3 Kti(j8- 8tedy; rtate and Peaiisylvitniit, SU j webteru. IciiSk'. tl'tiAK Kw ute.wiy; fair rertiilmt. S'-e.. oentri uiil. Mi ti'hi. iV'.; rtnneit quiet; crush ed, ;!.: ptiwdertti, 6e. TL'KHfelNTlNkC-Uuiet and steady at Hu MULASSES-(Julet; New Orleans. ajj;ttc. Hit'iL-r'irm; tlomta-, uH-': Jpan H li ne. TAULOW-Steady: city. 4l4e.j country, 4Hc Thirty 1 Kpit OnwUd. HAUiiiKiurKO, Oct. 21. Albert W. Wood ley, who was to have been bauged in A I leghany county u it Tuesday for the mur der of Mra. Jennie Buchanan, haa been granted a rcsplUt of SO day by Governor Haiti ng-t. Col Ulasra Get m Advano. BAZkKrov, Pa , Oet. 18. A notioe has been posted in O. li. Markle & Co.' cob sratlnv that an advance of 10 per eeut Iu wage will take tdleot after da nvit. W1IF.HEAH, by net of Oi-nMl Ammlilr lit rionr1 In an-li " ntii.r-.vml l. With 1 Hllil). To piiMib iinliu-i) of the qtiiillflciilinud NOW, tlieri-fore, T, DAVID l. NEWMAN, High Sheriff of the (loniity of Plko, il i Ri-itiH tlie Any of the Oi-neml Kleetlon, the follonlng persons ro to ho voted for hy the frecnii'ii of the County of I'il ". h-'tw-eo t' One person fi r State Trenmirer. Seven perxoiis for JiuIk- r of the Superior Court. I rIho hereby make known iind give notiee that the following is n list of til! the nomin A cross (X) lnnrkeil in tlie square nt the rijrlit of tlie liiinic of cncli camli la'', in If n cro-w (X) In' niarkcd within the circle it will lie j nival en t- t a in i :k - i t must not mark a cms-; w ithin tli FJR A STRAIGHT TICKET o MARK WITHIN THE CIRCLE. REPUBLICAN. State Treasurer. Mark One. J Ueiij.iuiiu -f. Haywood Judges of the Superior Court. M irk Hit. .lames A. Uruver Edwiinl N. Willard John -I. Wiekhaui Cbai h s E. Kiee llonard -I. HeiiUr (It-orKe B. Oilndy Sheriff. Mark One. Milton Armstrong Coroner. Mink One Oalvin 0. Hliiinuon County Surveyor. Mark due. John C. Westhrook. Jr. The electors of the townBlilp nf Iltonming Irove to meet nt the house of Mown U. AVHthrook hi n:id towuship. Tim electoin of the township of Delawnre o meet nt the election house tn Ruid 'ownshtp. The electors of the township of Dingnmn 'o meet at the house ot K. O. ltoillotat iu aid township. The eleetors of the township of Oreene to "ueet at the hotme of Theodore Correll iu tuid township. Sheriff's Office. Milford, Pa., Oct. I I10UBLE A i . AKii VALK. In a Kow Ovrr h Mmu li Org-nit FlveCnlnrrd IVnpItt Were Shot. MooiiEftTowN, N. J., Oct. 1. Five per iono were rtliot, one probably fatally, dur ing the priHjiw of a cake walk at KkIIow hip. a Kinall village on the outskirts of thlF town. The injured are Mm. Siln Wesscla (col ored), shot In the thif.'h, probably fatally Injured; Char 'en MiKIn (colored), shot in the leff Allen Jones (colored), shot in the leg; Oeorge V. Croker (colored), shot In tho leg; .lame H argot t (colored), shot tn the left hip. The shooting was done by Harnett, who came to this place recently from Nuwliern, N. C The rake walk was held at the residence of Silas Weftsel. A until named Iemuel S, Kielmrds wan playing a mouth orgitn, and Hargett, who was under the influence of liquor, came up and demanded the in strument. Kiehards refused to give It up, and Hurgutt struck him in the face. At the iamo time he drew hi revolver and commenced tiring. IV vera I of tho colored onlooker were Ktrugilng with the enrng ed negro for possession of the weapon. This probably saved the Uvea of the per son shot, as Hargett' hand was kept down, and Instead of the balls taking etfeilinlhe bodies of bis would be vic tims thny took effect In their legs. YVhlle (he light was in progress Hargett was shot from behind, liy whom It is not known. Hargett was finally disarmed and ar rest id. He was taken before Spiire Pet tit and committed to the Mount Hollv Jail without bail to await the result of his victims' injuries. It Is said that Hargett 1 wanted in North Carolina forahooting hi lather in-law in May last. Rttrl Workiri tt an Inere, PiJlkLii'Mtritii, X. J Oct. 18. The waes of the employee of tlie American buet iron mill at this place have neon advanoed 10 por cent. A similar advance was made two months ago. Foundry Dtmi-cd by Firs. Amstkhdam, X. Y., Oct. lM.The Wemple foundry at Vultonville was par tial.y destroyed by fire. Ioss, ."t,0o0. The foundry waa In the bands of a receiver, who ha been engaged hi selling Ita eon tent. The building was tu lie occupied for the man nf act ure of hedge and wire fence. Kt Statu Comptroller Kdward Wemple waa oue of the firm formerly owning the foundry, which made an as signment several month) ago. Droppwd lnd Whll Hhupplns AMMTKttUAy, N. V., 0t. 1W. Mrs. Gtorge Stewart, a prominent resident of Perth and mother of Counselor bleorge C. Stewart of this city, dropped dead from heart disease while shopping in the dry goods store of Holzheiiuer & Shouliu. She vii titi years of age. Pi'od citation --- Ceiei"il Ivledtioq. nf tlm rinmmninvMllli nf lVnii.vlviniii, i-nlilli-1 "A-i m- I r .r i1 1 Hi 'i;n ili i ! ' .if .limn A. I 1 H.IS. It in iiimli Hip I lit V i I I li SI i i i IT : I'llMt'. r I 1 I I T it ' t I ' )i of oh-i-tion nfll it-M iu tint tminnnr mi l fur in pr FOR A STRAIGHT TICKET o MARK WITHIN THE CIRCLE. DEMOCRATIC. State Treasurer. Mark One. Benjamin F. Meyers Judges of the Superior Court. Mark Six llnrmnn Yeikes James S. Moorheiul Charles Henry Noyes Peter P. Smith Oliver P. Heeht-1 Christopher Mugee Sheriff. Mark One.l II. I. Conrtright Coroner. Murk One. Loreuz (Jeiger County Surveyor. Mark One. Johu C. Weslbrook, Jr. I also herehy make known and Rive notice that the places of holding tl The electors of the township of Lucka- wnxen to meet at the house of George H. Howlnud, dee'd, in said township. The electors of the township of Lehman to meet at the store house of Jacob Nyee .mil Oeorne Nyce, dee'd, iu sidd township. The electors of the horouh of Mtlford to meet at the new court house iu said bor- OULjll. Tlie eleetorRof the township nf Milford to meet at the house of Johu McCarty iu said township. 23, 1895. FiHElX NEW011LEANS THE HOMES OF A THOUSAND PEOPLE BURNED. No Water Con Id Ita Ohtminoi1f and tb Flames S (trend Owr l.arg Torrlttiry. Kl-.ty Hptotitora 1'rc cipltntad Into th Kivitr, but No I,lre lnt. NHW Oi:i,KA5is Oet. 21. A destructive, fire hns oeciu red at Anglers, a suburb of th city, sweeping over nine sipiares nnd destroying the homos of 1,000 people. The fire started a few minute after midnight in the shanty occupied by Paul HolTla. six lire have Ktarted In this place before the present one, and the facts sur rounding thl one indicate that he tUurlcd It f-r the luminance. Ho bought, six gal lon of coal nil Triilny, and those who at ilrst responded to tlie alarm eluiiu that they plaiiny smeiled binning oil. The. house burned a though it bail been suiu rated with oil. So plain did the citizens consldor his guiit that they mado an effort to lyn b him, and a stnmg cordon of police win all that saved him. The fire wiped out Hint' square, or I Ml house-i, and rendered boitielesH 1,000 pomons. Thene were mar ly all of the poorer etas, and the lluims destroyed all they potuteHaud. 1 hoconllagration started Severn 1 wiunrc" to the rear of the river bank and burned down tothoetlgouf the Mississippi. Tin re were no water mains in the portion of tho eity where the fire burned, and the flamed had to be fought by bucket brigade. This method availed nothing, owing to the hli' wind that prevailed. All the harbor tug steamed aero the river and oiier.nl their a-idistance, but could do noting, an they had no lines of hoe, and tin' were none to give thcra. Kpt'ctHtnr Precipitated Intutlia Minaiftxipni. The fire department waa sent over froiu this city, but the firemen were pnwerle, a they bad to depend on the lire wel -j for a wat jr supply. None of thce late 1 more than five minutes, a there was in water in them, owing to the low stagn n the river. The fire could not be hea l e i otT. It simply burucd it no If out. All th -furniture wan destroyed with the bulUl ing, and the occupant were virtually left destitute. A publio schoolhoiHe aiiil three public halls have been put ai the diuposa) of the homeless poopie. A re lief committee ha been appointed, and at a meeting held tonight $7,0U0 was raibe, for the liouie)e4. This is a mere bagatelle compared to what will be required. It is eHtimated that tho loss will be between :j."0,uoo and :ou,000. A suspicious fact, and one that goes far to confirm the belief that the tire w& of Incendiary orfgin. Is that Paul Bottiu, in whue place It started, took bis entire fam ily from home last evening and spent the . night on this side of the river. His excuse . v i - . i S Mi i M nnkn known hy tltis pr i -l i-n iM-i to II I I m n-rili -il liy th ) tliu I TUESDAY, H017EMBEI1 5, 1605, i n s itioi-.s ei-rtill'-l I i in l-y I't-' 'i' I " "f ' ' ' 1 i BiiiiiiwmocBg-si3gi- a--.-..J..cx-j-;g FOR A STRAIGHT TICI.'l'.T MARK WITHIN THE CIRCIE FRCHiriTICN. Sthto Treasurer. M. lli One. I William II. 1!. rry Judges of th? Superior Court. Mail: S i Ivlward Ciiin'ln ll I William W. ..ithrop'i j David Stern tt j Lewis Ii. Vail I I V. Harry H-ifT.-r I Ailie A. Stewtis I Sheiifr. Coroner. County Surveyor. Mink ( . ifMM The eleetors of th-' township nf I1 ,l:l( I I to meet at the house of Cwnn-iui-. I ' x i hi ui fluid tow tiship. The eleetors of the township of I' -tt-r t i meet at the Iimhkp nf (,'l.us. V. u ; ? -i ht in siiid towi.ship. The eleetoiH of tlie township of to inei-t at tint tioli'l lately o.vn- l -r.i.ii r. humour in sniil township. The electors of the township of to meet at the house of Ch.n ics dee'd, in said tmvnship. i'il 1 God Srwo t i n Is tb:it !ie nm' over to he trend d f o r;v u mat ism and w is alrnid to leave his fam ily alone in A Mi rs. An immen-'e emwd went aeros to Al gh ra to look nt t i : i I ulns. Tl ey were p-u ki d ko densely on the whavf, nwaii ins the ferry, thnt it (r.vo way, and over I " peri;i, ineludin;'; ni:iiiy wn:nen ai;d el.r'.lr.-n. Wife .i eei ju n' r 1 into the river. They were nil ren-ued. h.i seve'fil snstaiihd bioki-n liniii.4 and inter nal injuries. llciitruetlvn I he nt Tt?B(il!li. Wahi.hs. Pa., Oct. IT. Th. town o. Titb'oute, l.'i milH hi l'iwthis phn-e. w-. visitfd by a il'-;in-i:in f'.re. A ioa 1 of r. r. in the livery burn of Ila'-ii: - S i; oniu'hi (he from a (."i-t jet. i...-i thn llai e- spread wil.'i Hii'-h rap.'li.y that within ;i' 1our :i li-1 i tl bed bei n to;ai,y i! Htroyed. A ltinh wind was blowing at f' I hne, and i hltsMI'si p. consumed. w:is fr.m ii that tin cnii - ion ot' i he town would 'i'he fir:' di p ir! tnent of t h city left for 'i'idi .me and rendi-rrd hii; nsist n ii''e I hat the III o v as soon after war 1 nndrr control. '1 he de-trowd si i ii.-.i ui e were a nuuihM' of il e! linys. tlie lti ri;t I lose h'iii-e. th" ii.. Uil and t;ie b: i 1; . nuto., the T..i--n;i!e crecU. Tlu los; wni t.nt t'Xfi i il l.'i.U'ifi. A I i l.- I'ire In New (Jrlf-nim. N'.v Oci. If. A difi,n!rr.n- firr on nn i ;i i ere. Alt t lie Inn Idi n;!S i're -n l -ing the r!nr on ihe f p are I v. e.n I- iy siai. I i( mi s; i . d J S,i :i 0;:de n cm,' 5 4 i' mill t. inv t' t nt'co ri-'e liin ! were b,:r'i--l, in ln-1: inerl kim a ii P- 'J'liis wui t.f the 111. est ai:l Ik--i e.ii:p ped l.s in t!-e 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ry, having I i t boroii!ly e ;um p. d w;t h llu in i st ann liio.-t liitpf . ct . ii: i y only 1)1 nmiiilr- KL'O. It i.4 :i i In w;H at h-.ir, k! iii.!.i o wori b of cl -u v.- v, ill the mill. '1 i.e amount of i umld not !m- asr. rt,-;ir,-cd lonijfht, lu.t it i pint a'uiy ; ooi;fuuj ; I-;rtialiy ins.;i .1. Itd I' n Ht i; Miot'inlr, Hot's.To:r, :i-s, t l.-r. 'Jl. This vil bio iiIVi n ii a i I-'.1 lo -.in the destruc tion by lire i.f thi t ' t.a". i -U, H three story wvoden s:r;jc. i in tin center nf the town, own I y :i ' 'on-iisi-ntal yUA foiiipaiiy ; origin l W ' .i :t !-: nt .v. I'he loss on the ln:i d.f - .. -i red by an inauranieof i.u. '!', i'.i' ba.anee oi the lusi is tl' . id. '1 Ji.'.ini ;r i; . h.ints ar.i oihern whu occiipiLnl apurt m i.U iu ti;j building. InrfiiillHrlrN nt Newtuwn. Nkwtows, Pa., Oct. .-2. A l and of in cendiaries bus bet n taiisin di-a-ttur in this vicinity dnrni4 the p;ist l hours. The lare barns of A mn K usi and Stephen Janticy, adjoining, tuar hcie, were total ly destroyed. Ii rlur with suitable cut buiidings. The bun of Kdward X. Kly, Uear Ywrd'iy, was coiitjimud with his s. a sou's crops. Tho lo.e will argreuie over $l,uou. o f i'.I ., ;l i. r.. i-ti-i i.- -..i,iitl t - I mi I ivi- ii lint i-f .-II I .ic ix i' Kill ..f mi I .n.ity. that n i.f 7 i'YI.M-1: in Hi.' f'-ri'i ii an. I 7 nYl.irk In On,- W... .11 I,. ShrliU I.f ttic VlUlit V of I'liif. i Im- i-iiii for I '-iiii.lv Snrw-. i- i.f tin. (' iiii.l I in. pi t-.un lor I 'oi.'iier ol llif Count v of I'll,. ' ' 11 " .'. v mIi'i mi l th:. (' .f tin i -id tin- liin- cjido-iiii the coImiihi, in n im tit t iln in. cir !. at th" h vi I of th ! n 1 1 i. r.vrt. . . .. j;;a;i-.'i.-.w4.iir3SU-.5Jr a A 'STRAIGHT TICKET ptht: iriiciM the emoi.r,. I' l' -U ki M SI fi le Treasurer. M.ul; O.ie it ol L'C W. I l. H- n Jii(l;;ea el' Hot Siip--t ior Court. M.-tk S j I .lolili II. Kl v.-!.-, -,i 1. O. Con hhn Willi on ('. Kieim Eli"iir. C-.-i oin-r. Coiuity Sui voy ar. r.il "! '.'ti mi in th sc NOTICE 13 III r.il distri ts 'vit'.iin th i E2v givj?:j, it it is ju .v.-i .Im Vide 1 hy mi net of ,- eml.lv h. ISC,. '-That ev.rv . -.-ptiei J.istieej (f the iV.iee, ill h il I any nlVi '. or iipjiointiii-ht 'r h u-t nn-h r thn y vriniii"!it of thf 1 States, or .if thi- Si.ite, or of any or iiii-orp i it-1 dist rict, wh- t lit-r a 0 - j.rxriiLOxa - woiltla. L'(iLANlS I (KM AM). jRCAT BRITAIN SUBMITS AN ULTIMA TUM TO VENEZUELA. I'iirh ivi-rn II--;r: t Tlmt l'nuliinl In Cul tiv it lug ti.n "I :i in. inn If.-htt ' - It U Iff I red Hutt (ha Vno-zuelun Will Niit Aotiln;'.ti or Pay Indriimiiy. LovpfiN. Oet The dohn pi:U:st;; a ;i tiiite saving t h:.r i.s the liriti-h n!tim; mip to Yine'ielu li.is not nnehed bs de-: enntinu ii is no considered ilc'irnhiu to I uhl sli tiny of it d1 tails. It is i-ru;er to :iy, l.owev! r, thai the document iswoii! ' .1 in terms ef iii ini'fis and force. Tl;e i !iimuhiejttioii w is tint tlim-liiiMt il i : r uh any r' pfesi ti'at lv; of Yeneucla 'I i'a ;;.niulf ttiph.matic rr'nt b- t wecii the two countries bavhig been broken oil' :iei:'.e yi -rs en'. '1 lie ui; im.it inn If.forina Venezuela that i he (ioeei i.iia'llt of dnat I ,'i a! n w i . I l.ol ; c -in.t any overtefipiii-r by Yeni tie!a of :io I 'i.iiuiaries marki d by the eonr-e of i he ( 'livuiM aid A in at u. a ri rs. lirt.it iii'it'im, liowevt-r, cipr. es willii:;:ness to oi It i o a; hi: r:i! inn tlie i( uen; ion of o: h i r t . rr.tci '.ry- in d spnte hi ni.d t hat limit. The I ail -N.r'tl iaette asserts that tho m!t n'at uni wdi be preent' d t iironh S n ' r iiiidrigue, eiieiu lan coii:-ui in I.oti ! ;i. 'l'lie a I'lioenrcim-r.t of 1 he ul: i mat inn ( iiMjiiiH':! in th;; im'e puhlihh.ed in 'i'he I ol e i- oI":i . ally auihi-rieil, Tli . Pa:l .xbili tiaette says that fbould it be de-itled by the governn-cnt to lake ik.v.I i.e'.ii n reja'nst. 'i iteiie'.: the move io: nt woiiUl be i -nnlided to 'i,-e Admiral i .iitJixs I . j;h ;ii-;oiie K'.-kui". in command ' of the No. tli American and He-t lad. an ! vijiMiir ju. Tlie disj ositioti of the vosels i ..f lii-; t:i (-t at the tune of his In-t (onunii i iiie,;!iuii w.th I admiralty naval depurt 1 Ji:ei t w:r a-; loilows: I t i' - i.i, at HaiUax; Ciinada. at Par ! hade, s; .Y;trii lenne, Tai tar ami Kambler, at lb - Ki i niinla.i; Mohawk and Tourma line, at .iamali n; Part ridge, at tin' itaha inns, and t h -npi.tta. Pel can and liti.urd in Newfoundland w iter. Will VruhiUlf rruve t. li Hmall lE-rr, The WestmiTi-iter iuizetfe i-ays: "Yene j ue'a, IIUj Niiai.iL'tia, a'ur much fu-s, ' will proi-a'-iy piove to be email Peer. No j doubt the Uv-i scrupulous of the New York ! papeia will ta -k big about what tbi-y are i going to do with th i lion tail, but (iivat iiritaiu and the I nittd Mates are not go ing to bo sec by the ear by a pack or ; N'tinezue aiu. " , Tlie tiiolie i-ays: "Kvenif the Monroe t doctrine ..t.i an axiom of internal ioiial j law, ic co:)id hmc iij b ning upon our i dinpuie with Yejezmia. lis wide-t appie ! cation can only be held to insist thai lm i Kuropeau pwcr shall effect a fresh lodg ment in Am riea, so it do.. not affect the I ' i-xiiii h im-i..iit Jln-r-lo to l ikiM Ii ti novrnil rotintli-n nml pnnitihinR enrinln nffi-nocn - tit i mi ; i ni. SI'.Ci INI). To di sigimto Hie pluccs Hie ufli moon nf iil iluy. lo wit: y of I'iKt-. - . f omity, to wil : iiniiratrs a vote for cncli eaiuliilato thus liiarkcd. Tli-we who do not le-ire to vote n straight ticket -v. tirTgOM FOB A STRAIGHT TICKET J'1 ARK WITHIN THE CIRCLE. :::iatmIct lasor. St.itd Treasurer. V:,,il, O,,,.. O.oitt" Anion Jiidj;c-3 of tht? Superior Court. Sheriff. Coroner. County Surveyor. o i!tiy nf I'ili'i are as f.iHinvs, to wit : iifniinin d i.ili er or otherwise, n sutor- I 'list rict, is, by law, incapable of holding or ide o lt -. r or aetit who is or shall be I exorcising at the same time the oflic or np iph.yed under thn Legislative, Executive pointment of judge, inspector or clerk of In ..r .1 n Iviary l"p.irtmeiit of this State, or of t int.-1 St,d nr of any city or incorpo. i .li h i tnd also that every member tlx r-.t of C and eil v. and of the St ite iKiKuurP if t t or cnininon council of any r emii'i-i-sioii'-rs of any incorporated I ) A V II) IX KWMA.lSr, SIIKItlFir. decision of Fnland not to allow Venezue la to occupy part of tho colony of Hrttiah tiiiiana." '1 he St.. James Gazctto flays: "The ITnited Stiitrs government ha serious grievances of its own against Venezuela, and it would best become it position as a grent civilized power to join in bringing these Spanish-Indian barbarians to order. A good h Hson given to Venezuela would bn fijiiiilly profitable to tmth tlie I'nited rnffS and Kngland. Tho oo-operatlon of the I 'nited State would also be humane, since it would have a tendency to make the lesson bloodless, convincing the Vene zuelans of the folly of resistance." VnEiiiit's Position. Wahhivgtom, Oct. 212. If Vonozuela doe imt immediately acquaint the I'nited Sinies with the full text of thn ultimatum, il will he the first exception she ha mado B.nce ht r long standing trouble with Great Jti itain hcan. It is contended that Vene zuela cun neither apologize nor pay an in demnity for the arrest of Sergeant Hen ri ns. 'In do so would be, it is asserted, a I;;- it admission that the Hritish function al, v and his a-soclates were seized on Kng 1 jsh Mil. Thnt they were not on Knglish -oil is mIiowu by tint fact that the point of their arrest was fully 50 miles west of the Schoinherg line. Kntjtnrtn ntlmiituin Hitblt. P.':is tier. - J. The Figaro, alluding to l he Yeneiielan matter, expresses the opitKoii that- ihcfiysicm of Issuing ultl inattiins is now becoming a habit of Great iiritaiu and n ay be greatly prejudicial to t ho general peace. AttfMiptfd Murder at a Hopkins; B. K'.VA!ii'V, .Mass., Oet. IM. A dellber ii to atti iii;t was mado here to murder diaries Harrington, aged 10. There was a husking uc liarringtou's home, and while lie was in the barn some one shot at him from outside. The twill passed through his hat and lodged in a beam. Thar night ho slept with a friend, and at midnihi some one hurled an Iron bar through the, window. The bar struck on hid bed, but ho was not injured. HurgUrlxHd and Iturned. liKTMi i MKM. Pa., Oct. W. The general stiire u( the I'iKciuine Iron com)Mtny at iud.iutui, a few miles from here, was i iitcrc-t by burglars and afterward set on tlie. It w.tt well stocked with goods of owry c.'uirucrer, ami t tie entire stock was d si r-.ynl. The loss is cstiiuutud at over ? 10, iiuo. Mrunh n.l Kilted bj a Train. Xmv hn kihjx, Conn., Oct. 23. (ieorge 1J. A.'luiiisiih cii-rinteudei)t of Brooks' .lUKi-ricd ut Minstoiiu point, was struck y a tr:iiu oil tfie Cc-ntml Vermont rail-rt-uii. liuth ut bin l.-us were out off below t bo knee, and be died within an hour. He liuvea tt wife and child. (it wbich tlio elections ro to he bold, nnd THE VOTER MAT INSERT IN THE COLUMN BELOW, THE NAME OF ANY PERSON WHOSE NAME IS NOT PRINTED ON THE BALLOT FOR WHOM HE DESIRES TO VOTE 7hl. column Is f.tr the ie of voter, ite.trlnir t 'nte fur I'liiniiilnies oth.'r Minn those whose name. i.(H-nr nrlnteil on this luillnt. State Treasurer. Insert One. Judges of the Superior Court. Insert Six. Sheriff. Insert One. Coroner. Insert One. County Surveyor. Insert One. j rt,,y el'wlion of this Commonwealth, and that no inspector, judge or othor officer of I Mi Bnch e,wtion "hwU e eligible to any office to be then voteil fur except that of an election officer.' DESTRUCTIVE FIRE. Thre Storm. Two Dwftlllng. and m Chnrch Horned Bt Foater, Fa. Kchamtox, Pa., Oct. 21. A dlfuwtrouii Are hiM occurred at Foster, a village on the Larknwnnnn rallrniu, 20 mllofl north of hero. Tho (Initio nrlglnntod from the explosion of a Inmp In I. W. TlfTiiny's tore and consumed throe itoros, two dwellings, two barns and the Methodist church. A high wind was blowing, and the rnsldonts were almost powerless to chock tho flames, as tho town has no fire department. A tolnnim was sent to Hal stwtd, 15 miles up the road, and a steam er and hone cart from that town were hur riedly loaded on a flat oar and sent by a special engine to Foster. The run was made In IS minutes. By the use of the appnrntus tho fire was soon unior con trol and thedi-structlon of the greater por tion of the village averted. The damage Is 140,000. Thonght to Have Bern Murderar. SVBACCRB, Oct. 22. The body of the unknown man found In Kast Syraouso with a bullet hole In the head has been poHltlvely Identlflod as that ot Sherd Walker, one of tho canalboatmen who, it la supposed, was Implicated In the mur der ot Captain Phillips at Tonawanda on the morning of Oct. 7. He was being hunted hy the police, and it Is supposed that ho bcoame desperate, and, like James UiliiD at iiulTalo last Thursday, ended his troubles In death. Fourteen Chinese Pot to Death. Fmx:how, China, O-Jt. 22. Mabel Hart ford's assailant and 13 others, convicted of taking part In the H warning- massacre were put to death at Kucheng. The execution was witnessed hy the foreign consular commission, the Chinese prefect, the dis trict magistrate and a great crowd. There was no disturbance. Drought la Cawberlaod Taller. Cahlisle, Pa., Oct. 23. A serious drought prevails In tho Cumberland val ley. Wells have run dry, and the pastures are suffering much damage. Farmers are obliged to haul wnter and drive their cat tle a distance of five miles to and from the nearest streams. Looking For Bis Yoang Wife. ' HtvKiuiiii, Mi:.. Oct. 23 Hiram O. llunsur, 00 years old, a farmer living just otilulde of Nashua, N. H , Is In this city looking for his young wifa, who, he says, , desert-id him over a month ago after sell ing some of his property and collecting $i0 i in money. Destructive Gas Explosion. WiiiKsBAitRK, Pa., Oct. 19. An ex plosion of gas badly wrecked a portion of the Buttonwood colliery ot the Parrish Coal oompany and fatally Injured Joseph rjweitzer, a miner, and seriously burned a i Polish laborer.