Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, November 01, 1895, Image 2

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Fltlt'AY, NoVKMMKH 1, IKilii.
okkii'K, hhdwn'h lu n.niNd, nit" i sr.
Advertising Rates.
Onesqiinivtelglit lines). one Insert Ion -tM .1 m
r.noti siniscqiiciit ihoriitin .at
Reduced tut''- will he furnished on np
pllcnt Ion, will Ih' ullowcd yenrly nilvcr
in '
Legal Advertising.
Court Proclninntioti. Jury nml Trial
List inr scvernl courts per term. -1.00
Administrator's nnd Kxis'ittor's
nut Ill's :i no
Auditor's notices I mi
Dlvnive titit iii's ri.tm
Shel'i IT'S sales. Orphans' eolirt sales.
County Treasurer's Miles, ('minly state
nicnt nnil election pris-lumnt inn clmi-giil
liy t llr sqlinlv.
.1. II. Vim Kit I'll, M lil.lsllKlt.
.Milfiird. Pike County. Pn.
Ill I I 111 l AN HTATK Tll llIT,
.lodges nf tllf Superior Court.
of Luzerne County.
K. X. WlLLAHl).
of Liiokiiwimim County.
Howard J. i;ei:ii:k.
of Northiiniptim County.
of Cent re County.
of lleMver County.
of lltiiitiii.mhm County.
I'nr State Tmisurcr.
15 E N.I A MIX .1. 11AYWI (!,
of Mercer ( 'ounty.
Ill NTV Til KI T,
Knr Slii'i'lIT.
Vol' ( 'iil-uller.
For County Suicyor,
It is with a profound sense of the
responsibility which attaches to the
position tlmt we assume the editorial
immurement and direction of this
new venture. In so iloinir. we are
also a ware of the delicate and ilill!
cult problems which may arise and
the complex situations which sur
round any one who endeavors to
keep abreast of the times. It is the
duty of a newspaper to so present the
current events of the day that read
ers may be well informed, and also
to comment on the various ipies
tions, and to so collate the many
items of news that the reading pub
lie may readily absorb and quickly
comprehend the local and general
information it seeks. Necessarily
the newspaper becomes to a Ki'eater
or less extent a inolder of the opin
ions, and a suester of the ideas of
the coinmunit3'. Its influence is sub
tle and far roachin";. It is rend by
the younger ns well as the older
members of the family. It lias its
place aloiiff with the ttpcHiiiK hook
the reader and the history in form
inn; the youthful mind. In morals
its should Ih1 chaste, in virtue aliove
Mispieion, in politics clean and con
sistent and in religion devoutly re
spectful. With these cardinal prin
ciples in view it will lie our aim to
so conduct the Piikss that it may en
tor your homes as a welcome and
trusted friend, and while in many
lvspivts our opinions may not coin
cide with yours wo shall endeavor
to so present them as not to olTend
the taste of a dispassionate reader.
In politics this jiapor will lie Re
publican lxvauso we believe that
the principles of that party as con
templated by its founders, and as
steadily developed and maintained
by its noblest and purest men are
liest calculated to secure America
for Americans in the highest sense
of those words. YS'e would welcome
the immigrant from whatever coun
try who comes here intending to
conform to our laws and lx-como
one of our citizens attached to the!
Drinoinles of our Constitution, but
we believe that stringent laws i
should be enacted to shut out that I
vicious n nil ignorant class which!
Kimjily coiniH'tcs with American
workiiiinicn, anil lx-cnuso of their
non-assimilation -with our laws are
ilangvrouH to American institutions.
In local isiliticH we shall uvii the
selection of those who in our judg
ment are. lx-st fitted to inlminister
tlio duties of tho positions to le
filled, We do not think any com
munity will progress or prosis-r
when its affairs are entrusted to in- j
I'oinpetcnt and improper men. There
lire such in lmtli of tho j,'reat ixilitl-
-ul parties.
Our object will lie. to present the
jiews of our county in ucli manner,
t t its. citizens mii.v Iss'iunc fi in Inr
with its weekly history. And t
this cml we cnnl'mlly invite chitim
li inilenee from nil nrl smell loenl
happening's ns umy In1 of interest,
wlietlier tliey ierlilin purely to seen
lnr iilTnirs, or to tin social e-iluon-timiitl
or religious interests of the
coniumnity will be gratefully re-
reived. Our coluiims will lie o p i to
(livtiiideil discussion of jiiujmt qtios
tions of n-eni'iMl interest nnd wo iv
vite nil tlc.ise wlm linve anything; of
sucli cliMTiicter to coniniunirntp with
We lielieve (lie te;icliers nnd jh-o-Jile
of this county could derive
licnclit from n eulumn devoted to
oi'iiontimnil mutters, nnd nsk nil
1 1 ! interested to contrilnite tlieir
mite so tluit it may lie lvith inter
esting; nml iirnfitiilnV. If tlie fnrmers
Imve matters of intercut to tlieir
follows we will cheerfully necord
them n place fur the discussion of
new methods of agriculture or im
provements of thi old. If the Indies
desire to oxi-linnm' their receipts or
even their " compliment inn; trndes"
they shnll hnve n plnce.
All reliirious news nnd notices of
religious meetings will he nceepted
with plensure und given proMr
pn iminence.
While we in iv not nlwnys he nlile
to discriniinnte il will he our enre to
e ;cluile from the l'lil'.ss everything;
of n chnr.-icter which might tenil in
my mimiier to hriiiLt , blush to the
die. ; cf purity, shock the mornl
sensibilities or wound the religious
proclivities or imy pel-sun. Wo de
sire with your niil to publish n live
nnd helpful pnper nnd to that end
solicit your food will nnd patron
age for the 1'ikk Cni'NTY I'kkss.
Wk runic on every llepublicnn the
duty of fohifi to the iiolls on Tues
tiny next nnd enstiuu' his httllot for
the straight ticket, liecnuse it is
nn olT yi nr there limy be n tendency
to be cureless. Ivet there 1m1 nostny-nt-hoines.
l!cnli.e the full import
mice of whnt is to come. Although
the Democrntie mnjority hits been
driven out of Congress n result
tlmt bus restored business confid
ence nil over the country this will
prove but a temporary benefit un
less u Jtepublicnn President nnd
Congress is elected next year. The
Itepublienn pnrty must wholly
dominate in the legislative nnd tiil-
miiiisrativi' power to establish en
tire confidence in all departments of
trade, business and niniiufactures.
This is nn nxiomntie truth. Denic
crntic dominntion is n nightmare to
tin country's interest. Clevelnnd
liimself has asserted that the Demo
cratic fiarty is incaiuible. Let Penn
sylvania show an increased Repub
lican majority Nov. ft.
Ad Afcml Colored Mnn Kicked to Death bf
lSiiflnlo Tough.
HiWVko, Oct. 9. A peculiarly brutal
ami iii'rovokiul mimlur was committed
In thu rpen court In tho rear of US and 70
Fycnir.oru Rtruut. The vltrthn was Mtahnel
Johnson, an ngt tl colored man and a vet
eran of thu rlvil war.
The iminlrrer wan Frank Gordon, an
all round lough. Johnnon had lifted the
Hiimll son uf Gordon from a riekoty old
hogshead, whore ho whk In danger ot
hurting hlmsolf, and thla provoked the
attack. Johnson was kicked viciously In
the Rtomach hy hU brutal assailant and
died almost lmmudlatuly. Tho murderer
was taken Into custody. Jnhmum was a
nativu of Brooklyn. Ho leaves a wife.
A Southern Olilo Vtltiitfft Almmit Complet
ly Ientrny-d I17 Fire.
Cixcinxati, Oi't. 111. Tho town ot
Illnnclii'stiT, on thu Ilulllmoru and Ohio
Nuithwi:stw-n rtiilway, 15 nillt'H from Wil
mington and 4ii milt'H from ClnrinuHti,
wan almoHt wipi'd out hy llrti.
Thu whnlo of tho IjuhIiu'M part of the
villno in In ashen, isoiue rPHidimcon on
the ouiskirtH wt-ro navt'd, and some goods
from utori's aro pili'd up tn tho tU'ldn. The
drought li ft all tho oistir:is nsi'd hy the
tiro di'partiiu'nt dry, and then was uo
wutor to use, whilu tho Humus hud their
No lives wcro lout.
Hh Will on W indow SHU
Am kxtowv, Va., Out. 81. Two jean
aiI11 Saimml Sch.'nuk cniumlltcil miieidn.
f "'U"d and disposing
mind vvht'U iiu mmlo his firnt will, April
l- 13, wm triud In court the hut few
diou, and the jury decided that he was of
sound mind. The estate is appraised at
$l,umi, though Schom-k hud beeu reputed
worth l,oou when he moved to A lien
town, sevou yi'nrs ago. The testator's eo
ceiitrlultlts were brought out at the trial,
lie wus said to have made halt a dozen
wills, two lu three days, one being writ
ten ou the window sill of his house on the
duy be tried to hung himself. Neighbors
and aciiuaiutuucus testillixl to many idlo
syncracius. 1 tul Aucldsut With a dun.
Sckavtok, Pa., Oct. St. Hugh Arch
bald, son of President Judas Aruhbald.
with two cjiuimnlons, while hunting,
stopped at the farmhouse of James Green
at Wuvuiiey, Pa., nnd asked for a driuk
of wuter. While Mrs. Green was handing
young An h luil J a glass of water, bis riile,
whh b wai cocked, slipped from his knee
and was discharged. The bull entered Mrs.
Urceu's right side below the ribs aud took
nu upward course, hlucethon Mrs. Green's
life has bten banging by a thread. It is
said she eauuot recover. N
Million In thu Trllnw Mrlltl liprovrrvit
by rerenlatlnn A Rlmptfi but Intrrrnt
ln( Prorrsa, With Rrnnlts Wlilrli Are
Nothing Lm Than AlArrrloim.
It ill lint Rdiprnlly kiuiwn, rven in
Cnlifnrnin, that millions of dollars in
plitti'riiitf Rdd are ninmiillv taken from
tmlo henpn of trnse lookiiiK qnartx hy
t lie (fcntlo flowiiiR of crystal water ovrr
Initio pile ot liroki a rin ks lliat ronlaia
the prpiiiun niotal, lint cncli iH tho fact.
"The prixfcH of robbing flip rartli of
Its Rolil linn now 1itii rirtncoil to Ktii'li n
finp point," paid PtofpBsor Prico, "that
the pentle flowing of wntpr over the ore
rIpuhr it nf its guidon trpusnroH, and
tliis works well ill casus wliorp the old
chloride and other methodx nid lint fu
nspfnl. "
But the water of which Professor
Prire spoke is not so pnio ns it looks,
though the eye could never distinguish
it from that which is dipped by the old
oaken bucket from 11 well in the deep
tangled wildwood. The water used by
miners in bringing gold from piles of
mineral bearing ipiin Iz is charged with n
simple chemical which has the potenry
tn dissolve sold and hold it in solution.
Ill truth, the sparkling liquid which
flows over hundreds of tons of quartz,
trickles through the mines and seeks its
level, laden with gold, iH charged with
a deadly poison, cyanide of potassium,
n drug which ferrets out the minutest
pnt Holes of the jellow metal, dissolves
them and brings the precious burden tn
the vats for couversion into refined gold
The cyanide process is as noiseless nnd
unerring as the laws of gravitation, do
ing itswork as quietly as "the majestic
dance, of the bonis," unhindered by
darkness or weather, by disasters of field
or flood.
The state mining bureau of California
w as one of tho first in the United States
to investigate the merits of the cyanide
process, and sineo the earliest investiga
tions the method has found extensive
application. It is so interesting that its
results nro nothing less than marvelous.
This met hod of extracting both gold and
silver from ores is based on the fact that
even n very weak solution of cyanide of
potassium dissolves gold mid silver,
forming respectively "nuro - potnssic
cyanide" and "urgonto-potassio cyan
ide," in the language of the chemists.
This interesting process consists of
treating the ores with a weak solution
of potassium cyanide, usually by allow
ing the solution tn percolate through the
ore, or by agitating a mixture of the
ore and solution. When this part of the
operation is completed, the solution is
separated from tho solid material, and
tho gold and silver nro precipitated in a
metallic form. The process is modem
in its application, though it lias long
been known that cyanide of potassium
would "eat gold." During the last five
years, however, the process has been
introduced into almost every goldficld
in Calfomiit and elsewhere, and more
than $-'0,0110,000 hnve been recovered
by the gentle flowing of waters charged
with the magical chemical over heaps of
ore. Aside from the thoroughness of the
permeating water method, its economy
is 11 marked feature in mining. It is in
grent favor with the gold mining com
panies of New Zealand und at Johannes
burg, Africa, ns well as 111 California.
One of the most advantageous features
of the cyanide method is that it can be
applied to many gold and silver ores gen
erally called "rebellious" or "refrac
tory. " The rebellious ore is placed in n
vat for percolation, unci the solutionis
tun preferably from the bottom by a
pipe, rising slowly through the ore. The
solution containing gold is carried
through precipitating appliances into
the final reservoir, where, robbed of its
wealth of metal, it may be repninped
into ore vuts und again used for search
ing out the coveted metal.
One of the curious things about tho
solution is that a total percentage not
stronger than an eighth of 1 per cent
will curry away the gold almost as well
as fluid of greater strength.
Preeipitution is effected by the use of
fine pieces of zinc, so uiranged that
when the rich waters flow over them the
flue gold clusters in rich deposits over
the zinc, for which it has an utllnily.
Tho gold which thus deserts the waters
of cyanide deposits itself iu the form of
fine dust on the plates of zinc. The per
centage of gold extracted by this process
is very larga A large parcel of fine
sulpliurets from the Utica mines yielded
au average of BS. 18 per cent of the gold
vulue under the cyanide treatment, and
similar results have, boeu experienced
elsewhere ill the state. The cyanide
plants are being extended, and the
noiseless process is everywhere becoming
popular. Suu Francisco Chronicle.
Tbe Nut Diet.
It is evident by umny straws noticed
in a general reading of wriudicul und
newspaper literature thut the next fad
of the dietitts is to be nuts. All the
scientific cooking and heulth food au
thorities are Uigiug with increasing per
sistence the value of this natural food
and giving receipts fur various nut
flours, from which different varieties of
bread cuke may be mude thut are nutri
tious and of medicinal vulue iu certain
ailments. And now we learn thut "Miss
Elleu fci. Atkins, a talented Loudon wo
man who lost a tquHidid contralto voice
four years ago from ao attack of grip,
l.us completely recovered her vocal pow
ers through persisting iu a fruit aud nut
diet for a ycuruud u half. "New Yolk
It is said that the blind never dream
of visible objects, and a mute bus been
observed when dreaming to curry ou a
conversation by means of his lingers or
iu writing.
Women on the Bicycle.
What a pretty thing a wouiun on i
bicycle is I Her pose is good, bhe sits
?rect and rides easily, gracefully. Most
men stoop while rilling. Women sit
u'ect. Meu always seem tq be ou basi
uess bent und in a hurry. Women appear
to ride for pleasure aud iu uo hurry.
Meu have the bicycle face, arising, it is
aid, fioiu the care they huve to bestow
to avoid accideut. Women huve the air
,t easy indifference, unconsciousness of
tisk They ride as the true goddess
walked. Ciuciuuati Couiuierciul Uu-felta.
Inctlculten Thl 1 li l Mi-nlo-y T KnilnTTi'tl
With a Mmre of Kixh.
"Tlmt the monkey possesses intelli
gnnce to n ronsiderabln ih gn e Is proba
bly tine," said n b ill 1 .iroprietor wl..i !
lias n small monngoi in on bis premises. '
"I believe, however, inn h i f the intel
ligence with which that annual is mi
lled is due to his love of mimicry.
"The other day two young men with
twn girls were at tlie monkey s cage
leening mm peiiiiuis. wun m megiris
was chewing gum, und one of the men
Suggested that she give the monkey
some, expecting (hat if lie took it in his
mouth it would stick to his teeth, and ;
ho would make sorry wink of trying to
chew it. The girl at oneo parted with I
the sweet mor:-cl she was so industrious
)y chewing, extending it toward the
cage. The monkey grubbed it instantly
and pnt it into bis mouth, but instead
of chewing it, or nttcinptii g tn, Ingiia ;
pulling it out in small ribbons, as ehil- j
dren me frequent ly seen to do. When;
lie hud it all out of his mouth, he rolled I
it into n compact bull between his !
hands, threw it into bis mouth und be- 1
gun the operation again. He appeared
to enjoy the performance as much as his J
visitors. That wus imitation. "
"That's nil right," rejoined another,
"but, I had an experience wilh that ;
same monkey wherein be displayed in-
telligeneo. I was by the cage smoking ;
one day, and I thought to annoy him by
blowing smoke in his face. I was much
surprised to find that, insteud of lioing j
annoyed, he enjoyed it, us wus evi- i
deuced by his edging np us near me us
possible to receive the smoke in larger
volumes. Soon he begun scrntching '
himself lit t lie point win te most i f the I
smoke came against him. When I hud '
smoked one side for u few minutes, be !
would turn squarely round to huve the
olhpr side treated in tho sumo way. j
Then he sat np directly in front of me
and received the smoke sqnaiely iu Ibn j
face and neck. I don't know whether
he held his breath, but be did uotcouuh, !
sneeze or wince u purticle. To complete 1
tho job be then sut with bis back toward
me, and it would have done yon good
to have seen him throw bis hind feet
over Ins ImcK anil scratch. It made me
think of tho kickers of a hay tedder. in
motion. Now that monkey knew, i
through some sort of intelligence, that
nothing will send fleas and other insects
to the surface or stupefy them as cfTcct- 1
ively as tobacco snioke." Utica Ob
Bits of CniifeKMloii Tlmt Throw a J-lRlit on '
the tjiifntlon.
I have no doubt that the remaining
cause of the low marriage rate is that,
many men dislike intellectual women '
whether because such women ale l cully
d isngrei nble or because men's tusto is ut
fault I shall not try to determine. Anil .
even among those wlm like them as
friends many ft el ns tho young man did
who mude this confi ssion :
"I never expected to marry the sort of i
girl I did. You know I always believed
in intellectual equality and all tlmt
and had good frieinU hips with tlie col- j
lege girls. But, you see, you gii Is hadn't i
uny illusions about us. After you hud j
seen usjianging ut tlie board on problems j
yon etui Id work und hud taken the same
degrees yourselves, ynu couldn't imagine I
us wonders just because we hu.i gone
through college, anil when I met a dear
little girl that thought I knew every
thing why, it just keeled mn ri(:ht
over. It was a feeling I had no idea of. "
And the college woman answered :
"Iwill betray something to yon. Lots
of us are just ns unrefoi nied as yon. We
want just as much to look up to our hus
bands ns you want to bo looked up to.
Only of course the more wo know tho
harder it is to find somebody to meet tlie
want. Probably tlie equal murriuge is
reully the ideal one, anil everybody will
come to prefer it some day. Dut iier
sonally I like men to be superior to nio
Only I'll tell yon what I don't like in
them the wisli to keep ahead of ns by
holding us buck, like spoiled children
that want to bo given the game and
then admired for their skill. If men
would encourage us to do our very best,
and then do still better themselves, it
ought to lie good for civilization."
"The Marriage Hate of College Wom
en," by Milicent W. .Sliinu, iu Century.
No I'rerertpnt.
During a session of the territorial leg
islature of Montana, held inoio than 80
years ago, a measure was introduced
which appeared to some people to in
volve serions constitutional questions.
One man, w ho wus supposed to possess
great oratorical powers, declaimed fierce
ly against the measure, claiming that it
was "clearly iu npptiNitinu to the great
principles of Magna Churta, w hich the
brave barons iu duvs of old hud wrestijd
from King John, u blessed result of a
bloody conflict."
A lawyer, liioie famed fur his sturdy
common sense than for erudition, rose
immediately to reply to this burst of
fiery eloquence, evidently bent on mak
ing it clear that he for one was not to
be overcomo by high -.onnding words or
obscuro (illusions.
"It's of mighty little importance
what the opinions of King John and his
man McCaitliy were," he anii iun'pd
firmly, adding that it was high time for
legislative bodies of Montana to think
und act f ir themselves without any rt fur
enee to the principles which governed
the remote authorities quotid by his
The first orator's speech had mado
gome iuipiPrsn.n, but the retort was re
ceiveil with the enthusiasm which it
deserved, and it was owing to his in
fluence rather than that of his mor'j
brilliant predecessor that tho measure
was deflated. Youth's Companion.
ru"iius Him.
old Uallioii It galls mo to thii.k
that my ineuey gi into your speuil.
thrift bunds wlicu I die.
Young liuliiou Never mind, gov
ernor, it won't stay there long. In
dianapolis Journal.
The world of reality has its limils.
Vhe world of imagination is boundless.
Not being able to eulaige the one, let us
ttontract- the other, for it is from their
difference that all the evils urise which
render us unhappy. Hoiuseau.
Iu Holland aud Delgium to kill a
stoik is considered me of the great.t,t
misfortunes that can happen to a man.
Ill luck is ceit. on to follow him through
nn: KociAnu; (iamki
Ii ft. of Pl-cty Cnriln mi'l
Anint g tho New Tnitiirpii Syinimttiy
I nr Loflrm anil I.unrlii'iin Willi "A H're :
Nli" l-'or All-Thp I.lttta lilllv.
Cou'dthe late Minister Hehenek, who
g ive to the world during his diplomatic
life a treatise on tlie fascinating Allien- j
can game, at lend a modern poker party
lie wi aid ceituinly declare that the'
Win Id hull moved buekwaid, in one re-j
I pvet at least. '
Vety few people tmtside certain cir-
I li s of the Hack Hay have uny conception
of the exletit to which poker playing is 1
e.itrii'i in that section, 'j lie whole lo
cally is divided into "sets," und it is
"ustoomry for eudi one to hold u session '
at h '-- or her house nearly every night t
in the week.
The usual honr for beginning play is4
S o'clock, and it is customary for tlie
ladies to dress for the occasion, while
the gentlemen not infrequent ly array!
themselves in frill evening costume. 1
Tho standard limit is 1(1 cents, one j
reason for making it so stunli being thut
the conscientious shell not feel that they
lire gambling. It is In qui in ly remarked i
by this one and that one that they huve
not come out for the purpo e of making
uti'-thiiig only to have a social I inie. '
This statement appears somewhat iueoii '
gi lions when placed side by side with j
the look of satisfaction that is notice
able when a good sized jackpot is tnk
i ii in. ,
Another feattuo of society poker is
the great amount of sympathy expressed '
for the players when the cards are inn- !
ning badlv and they have been called
upon to interview til" bank for the fifth
or sixth time. The heaviest dealers in
sympathy are those who have the largest :
stack of chips before them. It does not
cost nnythini.', und it is believed hy the i
ones who piddle it out that it will im
press tlie others Willi a belief that they
are real generous. Hut n careful observ
er will notice us tho game progresses
that the unlucky one is nlwnys raised
by tleiso who hel'ovp they have the best
builds, not withstanding tlie size of their
This is culled poker table sympathy
nil' I is ns shallow ami meaningless as
mui h of the tulle heaid among society
pe pie.
Cenevally thero me three hours of
piny, after which the lio.-tess asks her
gm sis to a l.ght repast, consisting of
sardines, crackers, cheese and sweet
meals. Bottled brer is the favorite bev
erage, but there me instances on record
whole something stronger has been in
ilulgt d in. A great muny society people
of both se-( s drink linn punch, lemon
ade dashed with whisky and plain gin.
The usual tin o devnt'd to refresh
men's i i 1.") minutes, ns all lire anxious
to get ut tiie cards again.
Nov.' the peculiar features, of swiety
linker, wli ch ion eoittiaiy to the "for
mula'' presented by the lamented
hehegi'k, are novel und numerous, and
while fhey arc readily accepted by nine
tenths of llui.-e who play just, for the
fun i f the th ug, yet the ether tenth is
unalterably opposed to them, but, act
ing in accordance with tho principle
thar tho Mgjorily should rule, all efi'ortfl
to havo tlio game rid of tliem have been
The most pain that tho small minor
ity experiences in playing the evoltited
game is when the lit! card decks are
brought in. It frequently happens that
seven and eight players are present at a
sitting, nnd when everybody "Mays"
the cards fall t hurt, which necessitates
gathering tip the "dead wood" and fill
ing oiit the bunds from it. There is a
well grounded superstition that these
discaids huve been robbed of everything
of value, and that to draw from them is
equivalent to throwing tlie chips into a
rcilln t stove. To in a measure meet
these e.vgenoies 1 1 nnd 13 spot cards
huve been added, making tlie pack coil
sist of (10 cards insteud nf frj. Thos'j
who have l i en accustomed to piny at tin
clubs, where the game still retains all
its t'chcMokian purity, huve a chill
when they find these obtrusive cards uri
to confront them.
.Another innovation is the "ringdoC
die." Where the word originated is a
my tory fully as deep as tho practice it
des gnatea.
A lingdoodlo is declared when a hand
has been called and fours are shown.
Tl.ci follows a round of jack pots,
the Molderof tho winning hand starting
then. Blue chips are put up to corre
spord with the numlier of players. Of
coins,) this makes u heavy drain on tho
Rtacks which huve been lowered through
the vening by ill luck, und if tlio owu
er u:' one of thee happens to be an op
ponent of the ringdoi die, he goes i ff cu
a long dissi rlntion nu how tlie game was
once played. (If cour-.e j round of jack
pots v'onld bo equivalent to a riugdoo
die, hilt it comes easier to some players
to i ay on the intaliuient plan.
It has vow become the cm torn to
ike a ili--
1 led chip for ev-
cry jack pot. Although this is a pretty
heavy lake o!T, yet it all comes back to
the players ju-t before the wind up for
the py oiling.
Whi u time bus crept on toward mid
night, the keeper of the kit ty aiiiiuunceH
that a round of ci.usclaliuu j acks will
be pk:yid. The chips are divided into a
number of piles coiro-p. .nd.ng wilh tlie
nun, !i.- of players, and the extras are
placid in the ci liter of the table with
the individual contributions.
Wlie.i s:;iety plays poker, there is al
ways u big supply of cards un hand. If
luck runs badly tor a player u new puck
is ih iu -uided, but it is rarely foil line
change, her plans Hie names tlie unfor
tunate ut.e- bel'i .in the game starts, und
no form of di vice w ill le-ing about an
alteiato.'U ill lur programme. klostou
A strenuous soul hates cheap success.
It is t io ledor uf tlio ussuikmt that
maker, the vigor of tlie ilct'LUdaut.
Kmor am.
lue luble luilM
Oue i f the curio; ilics of the cable
code nu i lio.l of M-ndliig informutiou is
phoM u i:i a ricent message uunouueing
the loss by tiie i f u ship ut sea. The
whole message v;ts conveyed in three
words of t-cotl's cable code: ", Smoulder
ed ; bun. ill ; hallelujah !" "Hnuuldereil"
tluuds fur "the fchip has been destroyed
by tire," "huiiah ' fur "crew saved by
boats" i.ud "hiillehijah" fur "all hands
tuved inform wives uud sweethearts."
New Yolk Tribune.
habits : manatee-
A IlnrmlPM Monntrr Thut Fords t7.ior
Watrr on tlriwnos.
Tho manatee belongs to a mammalian
nr.lor culled sirenia, or reueows, which
on'alns only t lirf spec es our mana
tee, that of west Africa and the clugong
of Anstralin. As its clumsy form sug
gests, it is tin miimitl of quiet and even
sluggish liubtts, entirely harmless nnd
msily taken win n onco its haunts are
known. When at home, its food consists
if tenth r aquatic plants and grasses, al
t. nys eaten unilf r water, nnd its presence
l generally revealed by the bits of bro-
I nn stems nnd grass which eseniie and
I I mt to the surf nee above where it is
I eding.
In captivity it feeds on cnbbage, let
I'lee, the leaves of the canna, celery
leps, watercress, spinach, and also cer
tain kinds of reenii seaweed. In the t-q.
Lucie liver its favorite f.xsl is a luxuri
ant, trailing aquatic grass, called man
atee gne-s, in which tho manatee finds
not only good food, but good hiding
places from its human enemies.
The bones of this animal are massive,
wdid and quite heavy (some hunters
will tell you its bones me "solid ivory" ),
and its skin is as thick and tough ns
thut of a hippopotamus. I have sii n
very go's! canes mude of sirips of luan
iiteo skin, twisted like n lightning rod
and dried. Its flesh is very good, and,
to me, it tastes quite like lean pork.
' nriomly enough, this strange creature
iictuallv sheds ils oilier skin every year,
us does a seipcnt. Tho living s-pcciiiicus
thut ftoni time to time huve been cap
tun d end ki pt for exhibition ill Deine
rui'a, I'liiladclphiii, New York and Lon
don huve in nil cases been of small or
uiiiliutu size, varying in length from 4
to 7 feet. The one which was shown in
tlie Ceiitial park menagerie in ISTtf was
II feet ill,, inches in length and weighed
l."i() pounds. W. T. Ilornadny in St.
rhninnN YVrntworth lllg;fflnionft Britutlfiil
Trlh'.lte to Ills Mothrr.
I trace to my mother 's direct influence
three lending motives of her youngest
sou's life tbe love of personal liberty,
of leligions freedom nnd of the equality
of the sexes writes Thomus Weiitworl II
Higginsoii iu The Ludies' Home Jour
ii.i 1. As to the more subtle and intimate
influences, they ordinarily cumo by con
tact, not by preaching. She always
maintained that the younger children of
s large family hud a much better chance
fur development than the elder because
they hud more freedom to develop I heni
p el vps. With her elder children, she al
ways said, overcoiisi'ientionsni".-s nlmost
bore her to the earlh. Hie felt person
ally responsible fur every childish fault.
She bad been reared in the school of
Locke, which regarded the human soul
as blank paper, on which parents and
teachers did all the writing. Hut her
children were of strong und varied indi
viduality, nml she learned iu time to
study the teinporami lit of each nnd be
patient with its micnMing. Her whole
formula of training consisted in these
three things: To retain Ihe entire confi
dent e of the child, to do whatever seem
ed wisest and tube patient. Her trust
in Providence was absolu'o and control
ling, as was her sense of the personality
of the Deity.
Most valuable of nil her traits to her
'.'hilihon next to her quality of sunshine
was probably her absolute rectitude, the
elevation nf In k' whole tone, tho com
plete nnworldliness, so thut no child of
hers ever heard her refer to any stand
ard hut the highest. With all Ibis was
fomliiiiod the conscientious accuracy in
iilTaii'-s, Ihe exquisite nicety in all house
hold details, which belong to the best
af the traditions of New England.
The ContMfflon of IilrM.
Affirmation, pnro anil simple, with
out reasoning nnd withont proof, is one
if the surest menus of planting nn idea
in the popular mind. The more concise
it is, Iho more free from every appear
ance of proofs and demonstration, the
more authority it has. The religions
books and the codes of ull ages have al
ways proceeded by simple affirmation,
r-tntesmen called upon to defend any
political cause and manufacturers inl
vertising their goods know what, it is
worth. Yet it has no real influence, ex
sept it is constantly repeated und so
far ns possible in the same terms. Na
poleon said that repetition wus tho only
'erions figure in rhetoric. By repetition
jn aliirmatioii is incrusted iu tlie minds
if hearers till they at last uccept it as a
demonstrated truth. What is called the
3urrcnt of opinion is formed, and then
the potent mechanism of contagion
;oines in. Ideas that have reached a cer
tain stage, in fact, possess a contagious
power us intense us that of microbes.
Nut fear und courage only are (out agi
iuh. Ideas are, too, on condition that
they are repeated often enough.
When tho mechanism of contagion
has begun to work, the idea enters upon
the phase that leads to success. Opin
ion, which repelled it ut first, ends by
tolerating and then accepting it. The
idea henceforward gains a penetrating
iii:d subtle force which sends it onward,
while ut tho same time creating u sort
! if special atmosphere, it general way of
. thinking. Popuiar Science Monthly.
! One of tlie Three.
i A bold and fearless statement was
j made in this column a few days ago
, touching beauty. It wus put forth thut
' there were only three uctre.-ses on earth
who could lay an honest claim to beauty.
"Clara M. " writes that her curiosity
I as been aroused and wants to know
f. ho the 1 hrce are. Now, it would bo
very ungallant to say. The statement
has ull the uclresses in the world guess
ing;, and until the nuuieh of the three
Mt) mentioned each of our footlight
favorites will believe she is one of thcin.
Why spoil their fun? What is the use of
ailing names to make people, feel in
jured and slighted und misuiiderstooilt'
I do not doubt that Miss Clum M .lf
klie be au actress, could lay an honest
Blaim to recognition us one of the three.
New York Press.
A kuife that has been used for cutting
unions shuuld ut once be plunged two or
three times into thu earth tufreeit front
the unpleasant smell,
Iu a volume of sermons by A well
know ii but turgid preacher the follow
ing hues were tound written upon the
flyleaf :
If thero should bu unotucr flood,
for rt-fugo lulucr tly.
Though nil tin world should be submerged,
This book would still be dry.
fcrnictlmr my needle stops with hntf ilrnwn
(Not often, thnnirh. Esh ninmctit w.-mto
menus hrriut,
Anit ntls-ins; rtitchc leave the little mnuthn '
niifiil. I
t look ilown on the illney rnnrt View.
A tuft of prim is nil It lins tn show,
A tin, ken pump where thirsty cliili'nn pu.
Almvi' there shines n tilt uf sliy S'l anillll
Thut It nitiiht tie a pn"iiiif lileel Iril'" v h-.t?.
One tree Icons up niriiinit the liiirh lirleli wail,
Ami there the spiirniWM twitter of the sorin
t'ntil tliey waken in my heiirt n cry
lif banner that no brend eiin satisfy.
Always before when Mny time took her wny
,t rts the Acids I followed close. Torloy
I run lmt dream of nil her liriirht iirrny.
I y work drops down. Across tho stll I lean
.' ml lenir with tiitter lontrinir for ntiieen
l.nln lrri-hpned mths where hndtlini; woods
row icriTn.
Tlie water trlchlcB from the pump tn-t-iw
t'lioii Ihe stone. With eyes half shut I herir
It f-illiiiK In n iool wherp ruhc prow
And feel n pooling presence drnwini.' nrnr.
And T;nv the spnrrows chirp ntrnln. No, Imrk
A stn'iiitf ns of some fnr meadow lark.
tt ! the same old mlrrwlo npplti'rt
t'nto myself, that on the mountain side
The few small loaves and fishes multiplied.
It, held how Htrnnile and nwu't the mysteri I
I'll" liirdi, the liriiki-n piiriiii. the gnarled trei
Hnve hruuiflit the fntlneHu of the spring to n,i
K- r in tin leans that rustle hy the wall
All forei-ts (tnd a tongue. And so that grass
I', n with its struguling I nit of green recall
Wide lib Mim tllli-d IlieillloWS where the ruttK
(tow it can tie hut dimly I divine.
I lie-p crumps, (lod givi li. make the whole loaf
- Annie F. Johnston In Youth's Comp'tniun
And Why Slip find flood ItrfMon For Br
ine Inrpnnrd Against It.
A suburban woman not long since
ptnohnsed an alarm clock. It was it fat
nickel plated little ntVair with the cus
tomary gong atop. The woman got the
:'loi k because she felt an overwhelmintf
iles'ro to play the role of the curly bird
That night, therefore, she set tho time
piece according to the specified dirtv
lions. Hut fot some reason or other Ihe
L'lock failed to go off. Tlie womun gave
it a second trial. Again it played her
faho. She took it to the suburban jew
eler. He said the disk was ontrageons
ly cut of order, hinted darkly at the dis
honesty of uny individual who would
palinofT such an article as perfect goods
and proscribed a course uf treatment
which he would be gracious enough to
administer for the sum of Ta cents. The
clock's original cost hud been $1.00.
Tlio night thut it came buck from the
suburban jeweler the woman wound it
np with a feeling of unassailable secur
ity. This time the rule of the early bird
would be hers for certain. Tho next
morning, however, it failed to go off,
just us before. Tho woman took it back
to the suburban jeweler, who received
it with an "I told yon that clock was
terribly out of order. " Kncore, 7") cents.
Time passed, tho clock, like the cat
in the canticle, "came back," and the
woman woke np (some hours later than
sho had intended ) only to find that it
lu.dn't "gone off" ngnin. She now took
the troublesome timepiece to the cily
jeweler from whom sho had first pur
chased it. IIo declared the clock to have
In en all right until "ruined" by the
suburban jeweler, but consented to re
pair it also to charge $1 for so doing.
Tho woman then boro it homo in tri- f
Next morning, though, the same old
ilvama was enacted, and the woman was
onco more nimble to assume tho rolo of
I ho curly bird. Had she been a man she
might hnve sworn. As it was, sho con
fided her woes to tho breakfast tableful.
"Why, that clock's been going off all the
lime," observed the woman who oecn
pied the neighboring room to the clock
owner. "It's waked inn up every luurn
ing regularly. The trouble is it hasn't
waked yon. "
Whereupon the woman felt more in
ct used against the clock than ever. To
think of ils having so little discrimina
tion and discretion as to wake up the
wrong person ! New York Sun.
fined In IllnVrrnt Forms liy Lincoln, The
odore Pmrker nnd Webnter.
In a letter headed "Not Lincoln's
Own Words," a correspondent points
out that the words "government of the
people, by the ppoplp, for the people, "
in the famous Gettysburg address were
not original with Lincoln. He attempts
to further show that they were original
with Henry Wilson, und were quoted by
Lincoln from a letter written in 1WI0
hy Wilson to certain persons in Boston.
In a speech delivered at the New
England antislavery convention, Huston,
May 2it, lf-ad, by Theodoie Parker, may
be found the expression "a government
if all the people, by ull the people, for
ill the people," the exact language,
with the exception of one word, of that
ascribed to Wilson and employodby
Lincoln. But still furthei back hitrTThe
sump idea been expressed in srosiiintial
ly the sume way by DnnicL'Vchster in
ono of his most splendijlTirutorical ef
forts, whose every photse was familiar
to ull patriotic Americans long before
Parker Dtterud his speech or Wilson
wrote his letter. Iu his second speech
on Foot's resolution, Jan. 2(1, lKllo,
Webster used these words, "Tlio people's
government, made for iho people, made
by tho people uud answerable to the
people. "
The phrase discussed belongs no more
to Wilson than to Lincoln. The words
cull no more he said to hnve been
"quoted" by Lincoln from Wilson thiui
from Parker or Webster. Lincoln wus
familiar with the writings aud speeches
of Pinker. He had probably nihvr seen
this particular letter of Wilson'k Thut
his language should he exactly the same
us that of the latter wus a coincidence,
but probably nothing more. The phrase
was merely the expression, iu the sim
plest, most direct language, of the glo
rious yet popular und familiar idea of
the constitution and object of cur form
of government. The expression eunnot
be ascribed to uny oue man. Lincoln
does not give tho statement us a positive
declaration us a new coined phrase in
tended to add to his laurels us a public
aixiuker, hut uses the words as descrip.
tive of our government in uttering the
resolve tbut it "shall not perish from
the earth."
Thut some words of the iiieoeh had
been suit! before does not detract from
tho beauty or grandeur of Lincoln's ad
dress us a whole. His speech, which has
been declared to be the greutest iu the
records of oratory of our own or any
other country, was so not Wicuuse it was
the labored and polished effort of a
pruoticed oratur, but becuuse of the
greatuesa uf the man, an a muu, who
nttcied it, Washington Btar,