Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, November 01, 1895, Image 1

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    msixiss (Ml DM.
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Dies of a Stroke of Apoplexy in
Washington, D. C.
A soldi i;r and statesman
Sii.1.1. ii l.n.IiiiK of H N.il.li- nrifr-III
W in- iinmiii r r tin- i-nii- .loim h.
lli.Klh.nil of Mliruril Hla liii-rl
II. 1. 1 hi tli In Town A Trilmlf ti tin
Memory of the lle.-rmril ' llev. lr.
Ex-Senator Charles Vim Wyck, of
Ncbraska.diod nt 4. 30 o'clock Thurs
ilny afternoon October 2-ltli ill
Washington, 1). ('. Ho wns stricken
willi sipil1'xy Monday iiftcrnoon
mid liis conilition since had liccn
very critical. IIo showed slight im
provement Wednesday morning, but
nt night grow steadily worst! and
since then his death had boon mo
mentarily expected. At his bedside
when the end came wore Mrs. Van
Wyek, a daughter, Miss Fannie. and
his wile's brother, Mark Brodhead.
Charles Henry Van Wyck was
lmrn at Poughkocpsio, N. Y., May
in, lS'.M. II. gradual 'd at Rutgers
in IMtland sixm afterwaid entered
upon the profession of law. From
1 sM) to 1 Soli he was District Attor
ney of Sullivan County, X. Y. lie
served in the Lower House two
terms from lsiiS to 1M53 as it Ropub
liean. B.-fore the close of his last
term in the House he was chosen
e ilonel of the Tenth Legion, or
Fifty--ith Regiment of New York
Volunteers. I7e went to tho front
and served with General Mct'lollim
in the Peninsular campaign. In
1S(')5 ho was breveted brigadier-general.
After tho war ho returned to
tho jmictieo of his profession and
was again elected to Congress in
lsfi7 and again served two terms.
In 171 ho removed from New
Y'ork to Nebraska and engaged in
fanning. But he soon drifted liack
into jiolitios and in lK7(i was a mom-Ix-r
of the Constitutional Conven
tion. He was then elected to the
Ptato Senate, where he served until
lss'O, when he was elected to the
United State Senate. Ke retired from
the Senate in 1NS7 and returned to
Nebraska, where lie was subse
quently twieo a candidate for re
election without success. Mr. Van
Wyck, although a very rich mini,
was an implacable foe of corpora
tions. Mr. Van Wyck married a daugh
ter of Col. Brodhead, of this place,
whose son.Kev. Augustus Brodhead,
was a well-known missionary in
India. The body accompanied by
the meuilters of the family was
brought here for burial. At Port
Jervis the Kid party was met by a
iiumlxr from Mil ford and tho re
mains wore convoyed to the Presby
terian church at Milford. The pro
cossio.i was led by Kev. Thonms
Nichols and Kev. Hindi Smith Car
lontcr, I). D., of Br.xiklyu, N. Y.
Then followed tho honorary pall
bearers : John C. Wesbrook, Hon.
J. J. Hart, It. C. Bull, Col. A. E.
Lewis, E. Wurner and W. II. Arm
strong. Tho aclivo bearers were A.
I). Brown, J. C. Wallace, Wm. All
ele, Win. Mitchell, H. T. Baker,
Esq. and J. II . Van Etten.
Tho body of tho Into general re
posed in a lutudsomo casket which
wun draped with a flag contributed
V "
by Comniander Mat. Van Akin of
Carr ill Post, G. A. R., of Port .Ter-
List cinne the wife, ilamrhtor, re
latives and friends of the deceased
Services at the church were
oNned by scripture reading and
prayer by the Rev. Thomas Nichols,
after which the choir c imposed of
Mrs. II. (J. Williamson, Mr. Wilfred
Brodhead. of Milford ; Hon. W. E.
McCormick and C. F. Van Inwoven.
of Port Jervis, rendered the hymn
"Nearer My (iod toThiv" by special
The funeral address was by Rev.
Dr. Carpenter, a brother-in-law of
the deceased, and was as follows:
1 am privileged to make this men
tion of a life just finished, just fin
ished ill its earth's stage, it has fin
ished what the good old Bible calls
"its course." A mere shadow of
its actual and absolute career, nev
ertheless symlHilical and significant
of much both as to character and to
destiny. Charles II. Van Wyck was
a public man and a person of very
strong and striking traits, I mis
speak when I say was for in such
cases what we must say as when
one goes on a journey, simply he is
departed he has not gone out he has
rone on anil what he was, in all
growth and cultuiv in all faith.holK'
and character. If he finds tho sal
vation of it in the sei'ond man who
is the Lord from heaven, he is and
will lie more than ever as time goes
on. Charles II. Van Wyck while
he was here evinced large and afllu
ent traits in which there intruded
nothing t:iat wan sovmil, moan or
small, whatever may have lxen his
faults and infirmities, such as all
men have. His disposition was al
ways large and full, and first of all
he was an honorable man, his in
togrity was an imperative instinct,
disclosing itself as well in matters
small and large, in matters.personal
and domestic, as well as social and
He never posed in heroics, but lie
was heroic all the same, candid.out
sMkon, brave, if sometimes impul
sive. It is lielieved that his politi
cal possibilities, opiKirtunities or as
pirations were always suhordinatiil
to his sense of duty and regard for
the rights of others. After serving
his state in civic functions ho en
tered Congress and essayed to re
present his constituents with much
assiduity. At tho coming on of tho
gre.it war ho at onco laid down his
eas.i, his personal interests, and
risked his life and enlisted. From
the time of his enlistment ho de
voted his whole energies to the ser
vice of the nation and was especially
ardent in that consideration for his
men in camp and in tho field which
of itself betokened at onco a strict
disciplinarian and a warm heartiMl
ottlcer. From the lips of those who
serve.l under him comes ample and
willing testimony that his bravery
was not rashness nor his ardor reck
lessness. If ever ho let himself
loose it was in the impulsiveness of
sp-ech, but in council and in action,
ho was always steady and deliber
ate. In that frame that lies there
now before us locked in the motion
less and spiM-chless rest that super
venes for every life on earth at last,
there lies a wound which through
all these years has caused him an
effort to suppress tho iiiii of it.
For tho first time now it lies quiet
and insensate, an emblem pledge
and token that there is a life, a land
in w hich there sliall lie. no pain, as
there is a laud, a life, in which
neither can they die any more. He
was entitled to tho compensation ot
a iH'iision, whatever that may lie,
hut to tho best of my knowledge
and belief ho never asked for nor re
ceived it. Returning Loin tho camp
ho entered again into tho luills of
Congress as re-elected by large
votes and sat himself somewhat
conspicuously and even aggressively
against tho usurpation of nionoio
lies. In after days ho was much
silken of and spoken to as a candi
date or propounded nominee for
higher public functions. Possibly
he might have conciliated opposition
I hut ho uever truckled and ho no
where trimmed. The office must
seek him, not lie the office. There
was already entered in his heart
and habit, of thought, the same im
pulse of retirement and agricultural
taste and content which swayed the
mind of such men as Lycurgus and
Ciiicinnatus, or George Washington,
ft id the life and sweets of domes
ticity liecame very precious to hiirt
He delighted in his Nebraska farm
and his home life became very dear
to his nature. That life had its own
enchantment but it was an enchant
ment which was due as much to his
own devoted tenderness as the con
stant affection of those who shariil
it with him. I am not so circum
stanced that it would lie allowable
for me to step across this threshold.
Always a domestic man, who always
clierislied and revered ins veneraiae
mother to her last days, his godly
mother also trained him in the liost
principles, and, in his maturer days
entering into the bonds of matri
mony he was the very model of n
lover and a husliand. Scarcely n
day passed without his cheery ques
tioning of his Moved whether her
happiness continued, ho forestalled
all her wishes and all her comforts.
Never for a moment did any cloud
of discord brood upon this lovely
home, clouds dill brood and tears of
sorrow did rain. Their three chil
dren sank away almost at onco.
They lie there side by side almost
of a size and that homestead fell in
sleep. I went with them to the
burial place and saw thorn laid to
rest here in this charming ceme
tery where wo lay his form to-day.
Afterwards the Lord was pleased
to bless them with another infant
who is living still to share her
mother's desolation and her father's
memory and honor. Thus now the
household is unbroken in tho unity
of the soul which connects this life
in its revelations to tho realm on
high, "Part of the host have crossed
the flood and jmrt are jmssing now.
Charles Van Wyck was never a
man to speak much of his religion,
I ficl sure that ho lived it. In his
homo the family altar could lie
raised, tho sanctuary ever had his
reverent regard and his lilieral sup
port, his gifts were general to the
churches and all lionevolent objects
without regard to sectarian dis
tinctions or lix-al limitations. His
plans wero enlarging for usefulness
and the happiness of others, even as
he sjient his last day and drew his
last breath. He was well honored
by the token and tribute bestowed
by his adopted state, bearing full
witness to his honor as a soldier, a
counsellor, a statesman and a man.
But perhais tho chief testimony
must bo the gratitude of the jxxir
whom ho lK'friendod so lilx'rally
and incessantly. Just a little while
lieforo his death a branch of the
Salvation Army came upon , his
homestead whom ho welcomed to
its fullest hospitality and when still
later a jxxir woman complained to
him that her children were destitute
of clothing he first fed them all and
then furnished each of them with
three suits of clothes. In consider
ing such a character wo can allow7
the words of tho gosixil to interpret
the prosjMX-t of higher life : " He
that giveth to the pixir lendeth to
the Lord." And again: "In as
much as ye have done it unto one of
the least of tlnse my brethernn ye
have done it unto mo."
Vote for Milton Armstrong,
Wo note that Frank Crissman,
the enterpising and jxipular land
lord of tho "Crissmnn House," finds
his accoiiimiKkitions txj limited for
his rapidly increasing business and
is tearing down and building larger.
An addition of 24x10 and a lean-to
l'2'H will Ixi enx'totl, Carixmter
George Smith dixs tho work.
Another prtxif of tho popularity
of Milford is that II. U. Wells is
making a largo a lilition to tho Bluff
One Cent a Word.
Fur r.li liiMrlluu. No auvertUeiueut
takell foi Its tlutll 15 ceuU,
1'A.btf imut twooiiiuttuy all ortler,
AtlilreM PI HI? iOlNTi I'HttsS,
iriMif, mott iirc.io.
H-il Willi llrmtirrlmirr In III" llfl
ll.Min. Hon. M. D. Mott, Associate Judge
of Pike county, Editor of the Mil
ford Disiwtch and Ex-memlKT of
the State Legislature, died suddenly
at a P. M. to-day of hemorrhage of
the lungs. Mr. Mott had lieon in ill
health for some time, and recently
visited the seashore where he
thought he might derive lionofit and
was contemplating a return. His
death was wholly unexH'cteil to his
family and friends. He leaves sur
viving a wife, the daughter of J. C.
Westhnxik, Prothonotary, thrii1
small children, a mother and one
brother, Hurry H. Mott of Washing
ton, D. C, and two sisters, Mrs.
Ann Wells, widow of the late Hon.
D. A. Wells, and B.-s-;ie, wife of C.
O. Armstrong.
Mr. Mott was widely known and
resjiocted in the community. He
was an honorable and just man, a
consistent Christian gentleman and
a memlM'f of the Presbyterian
Church of Milford. We tender to
his sorrowing family and friends
our sincere and heartfelt sympathy.
Funeral arrangements have not
yet lxx-n announced.
A more extended obituary will
apjx'ar in next week's issue.
Advertize in tho Pukss.
North British and' Mercantile
Insurance Co. of London and Edin-
burg. RYMAN & WELLS, Agents,
Miitord, III.
jnimi I'lenty.
Old hunters say that deer are
more numerous than for a nnnilx-r
of years past. This county seems
to bo paradise for game. Recently
a larty of Now York hunters who
had been sxnding a week at John
M. Huffman's in Ding-nan township
killed one dx and three fawns.
Ono of the kid fawns was nearly
devoured by dogs and tho Union
says all were killed in close vicinity
to the residence of ex-Sheriff Hoff
man. This must 1m( a mistake. Tho Act
of 1H78 provides that "no jiorson
sliall pursue at any time any door
with dogs, in any jiart of said
county. Dogs pursuing deer
may be killed by any person, etc."
Now the ex-Sherift' lias rejx'atedly
declared that he allowed no ono to
violate the game law' with his
knowledge and he keeps no dog but
a churner, hence there were no dogs
Years ago some evil minded med
dler informed a jmrty known as
"The Pike County Game Assix-ia-tion"
tliat the Sheriff pursued deer
with dogs and he was arrested. At
the trial he proved conclusively
that he did not run with the dogs,
hence ho was not pursuing de.-r
with dogs, and was triumphantly
The Union should lx careful how
it insinuates by innuendos. Sheriff
Hoffman is an ex-ix-aco officer of
the Commonwealth and he says ho
permits no infringement of the
game law by hunters staying at his
house. That settles it.
Siibscrilx! for the Phkss.
Voiiiik Kii-U lmirovlnif.
Frank Kirtis, who was so liadly
wounded last week by tho acci
dental discharge of a gun, the con
tents of both barrels entering his
Ixxly, is reported as doing well.
-- -The
American Fire Insurane i
Comiumv, Philadelphia. RYMAN
& WELLS, Agents, Milford, Pa,
AitmlllM1""' Nutii'v.
Letters of administration upon
tho estate of Soliastian Nowlmrgor,
late of Pulemyra township, deceased
have boon granted to tho under
signed. All persons having claims
against said estate will present
them, and those indebted to said
decedent wili please make inimcdi
ttto Jittyniont to
ILlHAl'K E, KicP,
Pi.upick, Oct. 24, lsaj.
The manager of Forest Park
Hotel died in New York City Oct,
Mr. Ottenheimcr, well known to
people of this county as a progres
sive and indefatigable citizen and
as one who made the wilderness
blossom as a rose, died in New York
on Friday morning last.
He gave employment, to many
men, was liberal and will be greatly
missed in fliiV. community. He was
aliout fifty-fiye years old and leaves
a wife, several dnnurhters and one
son. " ' '
, , JANli.UHlSOO.
Jane Brisco died Sunday, Oct.
27th. Surviving her are one daugh
ter, three sisjersan l one brother.
Vote for C. C. Shannon.
A .o.l Thing If l'mprriy ('mitltH'ti'ri.
The young men of Milford have
organized a scM'ial circle for literary
and general improvement. At a
meeting held Tuesday evening the
following officers were clictod :
President J. F. Terwilliger.
Vice-Presidents Charles Thorn
ton, Harry Reed, Horace Kipp.
Secretaries Ben Emery, Lewis
Treasurer John Aldrich.
Executive Committee II. Terwil
liger, Emile P. Bcrgot, George R.
Bull, Theo. H. Baker, F. B. Thrall
and Walter L. Angle.
The club has about fifteen inem
lxrs and will, when fully launched,
offer one evening every week to the
Vote for J. C. Westbrtxik, Jr.
Our t'MiHllrititert.
There are many excellent, reasons
why you should vote the Republi
can nominees this fall in this county.
Milton Armstrong, for sheriff, is a
man well-known, careful, capable,
pleasant in address, judicious in
temperament, fair-minded, eool in
deliberation and decided in action.
His wido acquaintance with the peo
ple would inspire confidence in his
faithful performance of the duties
of the office. His residence here at
the County seat where ho would al
ways lx! accessible to those having
business in his office, thus avoiding
the necessity of entrusting imixirt
ant matters in the lumds of a deputy,
is a decided advantage to all. If you
wish tho duties jxrtaining to the
sheriff's office faithfully and im
partially ix rfonnod vote for Milton
Armstrong. Mr. C. C. Shannon,
the nominee for coroner, is too well
known to need commendation. A
life-long resident of tho county, he
is identified with her interests. As
holding tho office of justice of the
peace and on several occasions hav
ing performed the duties of coroner
he is familiar with the deta ils and du
ties of the. position. His residence at
Lacka waxen on the lino of tho Erie,
where most of the cases requiring
the servii'es of a coroner arise, anil
where promptness of action is ne
cessary render it highly desirable
that he lx elected. These important
cases would then falls in tho hands
of a resxnsiblo official. They
would not Ixi managed by some jus
tice, who while desiring to do his
duty, by reason of inexperience,
might fail, and thus the interests of
the commonwealth suffer. Let us
have caimble, intelligent officials
and then hold them to strict ac
itmntability. In point of fitness for
the respective offices of sheriff and
coroner we submit our candidates
with confidence to the voters of Pike
Insure your property in the Fire
Association f Philadelphia,
RYMAX & WELLS, Agents, Mil
fold, Pa,
We are Here to Slay,
A man by the name of Van Etten
wants to start A Republican news
paper in Pike county. As a daring
adventurer he ranks with Peary.
Lansford Record and Milford Dis
patch. Well we havo lived tho life of a
consistent Republican among Pike
county Democrats, for twenty-five
years. In view of this does any one
question our political or moral cour
age? Wa do not caro to sock tho
polo or go to Africa, wo have work
enough right hero as an explorer in
to soino Doino.'ratio ways and a re
former of thoaj who still persist in
that lxOief,
The Regular Term Hcia C.n, 21,
No Civil Trinli-Si-v.Tiil f rlinlinil I'nwi
llispns. il of -Al. v. II.,,,,, r oiii
niltli'd l. .I;iil I'm- it-i,;iimnt of
The reguliir October term of courts
convened the 21st at 2 p. in. with
Hon. G. S. Purdy, President Judge,
and Ass.x'iafe Houck present. Hon.
M. D. Mott absent on account, of ill
The constables from the several
townships mad.- returns.
The grand jury was then given
the usual ehar.y and retired.
On motion of H. T. Baker, Esq.,
Henry A. Knapp, Esq., of Scran ton,
was admitted to practice in the sev
eral courts.
In the niatf.-r or the estate of C.
Ott, deceased, the heirs were called
to accept or refuse the real estate.
No bids being offered the court, on
motion of J. H. Van Etten, A. 1).
Brown was appointed trustee to
make sale and to give, bonds in
Marcus Kroger naturalized.
East. Stroudsburg Lumber Co. vs
J. Ottenheimcr, opinion and order
of court quashing writ filed.
Estate Peter Walter, deceased,
opinion dismissing exceptions to re
port confirmed.
Estate Abraham Cross, de
ceased, order and return of sale of
real estate filed, and ordered that
a deed he executed unless excep
tions be filed within one week.
Estate Mary A. Wise, deceased,
order of sale of real estate and re
turn filed and continued "ni. si."
And that deed be executed unless
exceptions are filed in one week.
Estate An ton Rentsche, called
Reinhardt. Petition of heirs for
sale of real estate, J. II. Van Etten,
Esq. appointed trustee to make said
sale and to give bond in 2,00il.
Reinhold Wenzel vs. Charlotte
Wenzel, divorce, order of publica
tion. Estate Peter Walter, deceased,
alias writ in partition and return of
jury of inquest filed and confirmed
" ni. si."
Common weal th vs. Frank Moras.
Indictment, larceny, true bill Di
fendant pleads guilty. Sentenced to
pay costs 1 fine and imprisonment in
county jail for :it) days.
Ella Gibbons vs. Ed. Gibbons. Devon-0
w- Bull, Esq. appointed
commissioner to take testimony
evidence filed and divorce decreed.
Hoffman vs. Hoffman, II. T. Baker,
Esq. appointi d commissioner to take
Phelps vs. Phelps, divonv, on
motion of J. II. Van Etten alias
writ ordered to issue.
Estate David Howell, deceased.
Petition of James N. Howell for
partition of real estate filed, and
writ awarded.
Court adjourned to U a. m. Oct.
Transfer of license of E. J. Den
ton in Shohola to L.Walter Sam
mis. Commonwealth vs. Podluski. In
dictment, as.-viult and battery
Quashed for reason that defendant
had plead guilty Jielore the justice
and should have lnvn sentenced
there under the Act of lMtl.
Commonwealth vs. Jenny Boni
clion and-Julius. li niich ai and same
against same, in case oi o ignora
mus as to Julius and true bill as to
Commonwealth vs. Thus. Heater.
Jury called and Commonwealth of
fering no evidence defendant ac
quitted and pros, for costs.
Assigned estate of Frank Deuegri.
In common pleas. Samuel Turn,
assignee. II. T. Bilker, E.q. ap
pointed auditor.
Estate Gottliel) Mulhoison. Re
port of If. T. Baker, auditor, filed
and continued March, ls.C, Oct 22,
samo auditor reappointed to take
further testimony, etc.
Commonwealth vs. Alexander
Gilpin. Indictment, assault and
H. E. Emerson, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon.
OFFICE in Drug Store on Broad
J. H. Van Etten,
OFFICE, Crown's Building,
j Mll.KOHIl, PlKK Co., Pa.
John A. Kipp,
OFFICE, opposite Court House,
Mll.KOI:!, PlKK CO., PA.
No. I.
1 lattery Trial and verdict not
guilty and prosecutor Alex P. Hoover
for costs.
Conunoinvei'lt'i vs. Charles S.
o. Indictment, assault and
battery ( ', intinued.
Viewers on bridge in Green town
ship, Bortreess Mills: John C.
West brook, Jr., Charles Frisbie,
lienj. C. Smith. Bridge in Ding
ni,iii township near Brown's
viewers: Frank Schorr, John M.
Hoffman, Charles Q-iinii.
Commonwealth vs. Haussman,
two indictnicnts.assaultaud battery
aud larceny, true bills.
Commonwealth vs. Jenny Boni
chon and Julius Bonihcon, Indict
ment assault and battery, true bill
Verdict defendants not guilty and
to pay all the cosbs.
Grand Jury report that iron work
in prisoners,! garters needs jiainting
and ceiling of same whitewashing
and that joints in stono work on
outside of Court House should lxi
C. li. Staples, receiver of Mon
roe Mutural Insurance Co., vs. Em
ily Cornelius, "et. al." Rule to
show cause why the summons
shall not be quasiied and time for
filing affidavit of defence extended
to I.". d:rys after determination of
Gehrig vs. Gehrig, divorce Sub
poena a warded.
Road from Wilson villo to Grist,
mills of Taft. and l'ierson Rule
granted to show cause why pro
ceedings shall not be set aside.
Estate Peter Walter, deceased,
Rule on heirs to accept, or refuse at,
valuation of jury, or to show cause
why projierty shall not be sold.
Court adjourned to Nov. 7, ls".)r.
lllli:." MENTION.
We are indebted to the Dispatch
for courtesy shown in this week's
The Town Council of Milford did
the right thing at. tho right time
cleaned out the street gutters.
Lnndelius, the artist of Port
Jervis, N. Y., designed tho heading
of the Pukss. It speaks for itself.
It will my y, u t. advertise in tho
Pkkss. We shall send out largo
editions. Your "ads." will reach
every home in Pike County.
The norforious If. H. Holmes is
on trial in Philadelphia before Judgo
Arnold and a. jury, for tho murder
of Benj. F. l'itezel to obtain an in
surance on his life in tho namo of
his wife as beneficiary..
Much local matter has lxien una
voidably omitted and tho correspon
dence which should appear is left
out, for the reason that want of
time aud delay in obtaining neces
sary articles prevented. Wo nro
novices and ask your forbearance
for this time.
I'KUSON r.s.
Mr. Thomas Rodman of Now
Hampton, Orange County, has tho
honor of paying tin-first subscrip
tion to tho Pukss.
Mr. Mark Brodhead and da lighter
Catharine and Mrs. C. II. Van
Wyck and daughter Happy returned
to Washington Tuesday. Mrs. Van
Wyck and Mr. Brodhead will go to
Nebraska on business.
Mr. George St. John of Port Jer
vis has accepted a position on tho
Eastern division of the Erie,
John C.Bcck is building a farm
house :;.'x:iil on his place in Sclux'O
pee. Frank Dewitt will ho tho car
penter. Thos. Armstrong is remodeling
his house on Catharine street, put
ting in hot water, etc., and when
completed it will be a model resi
dence. Mrs. Bcnsell is visiting in Phila
delphia. Mrs. Savaidge returned to Now
York in response to an urgent tele
gram. -Mrs, J. J. Hart, wife of our M. C.
entertained a juuty of guests con
sisting of Mrs. C. F. Van Inwegen,
and Mrs. J. W. Lyon of Port Jervis,
and Misiilluldah Bull, Miss Lizzio
Bull, Mrs. J. C. Bull and Mrs. C.
W. Bull of Milford at Newton on
Monday, this week.
At the Stauffer-Wallace wedding
which took place at East St roads
burg Oct. 21th Miss Lila Van Etten
was one of the bridesmaids.
John C.Warner and Robert Reid
when coming from Port Jervis oil
Sunday nu t with an accident by
reason of tho horse stumbling.
Both wei-o thrown out of tho car
riage and sustained slight injuries.