The Mount Joy star and news. (Mount Joy, Pa.) 1878-1918, May 11, 1918, Image 4

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os., 25¢c.
pb mail matter
left for h

pf Manheim
ome of H.
lier and chil
ly and Mabe
[ * his brother
de, spent Sun
os Sumpman
'zzie and Mr
10other, Mrs.
y ais
be ;
aorst, of this
Jirsi Benjamin
jlene of near
_ i) the home
Mr, Mrs. Levi
7 entertained
.: Mrs. Katie
nd Chester,
ch, and Mr.
- and family,

Sunday: Mr.
of Union
Pi Mrs. David

Linday in the
;ohn K. Cas-
ser Junction;

an Weidman
yy with Ran-
nt Malvern,
122 miles
ows how
! on Sunday:
Chl and son,
“Vrs. Phares

oconfined to
Vv some time
on Sunday:
ckhart and
“e and son,
oil, H.
VDegler, of
Grday. Mr
e iterer and
ed Stoll and
rs. John
[nt Sunday

pod Publisher | j, ready to cross bats with other
' $1 A YEAR
fice at Mount
orin “News,”
and the Mt.
make this pa-' Mrs. Monroe Zeager last Sunday.
ising medium. {
y putting up
er | tho guest of the Prof. W. B.
caster, spent |
Sunday in the
vre spent the

his parents at
flay with Miss
PC family spent
g Stauffer and
Stumpf, Eva
ler of Mount
he of D. Dis-
bount Gretna,
3 the home of
0! 02 Philadel
n unday
ed Mrs. Rein-
ts Rice and
d Mrs. John
sorathryn and
—ay at Cole-
h {and daugh-
§ »f Manheim,
«bury, spent
fhe home of
i | family en-
V ron Sunday:
erstler and
=Howard and
Ianor town-
V¢ Columbia,
Smith, who
©, his grand-

“amily enter-|

ace of near
and Wal-
near Eris-
el and sons,
family en-
1 Mrs. Wil-
: Hartford Conn., spent the past week
peyille, 2nd with the former's parents, J. W. At-
; |been granted a leave of absence and
_ | sales for this toothsome food.
| Four
| ing at the same place.
{ The Newtown base ball team
‘played the Kinderhook team on Sat-
'urday and the score was 2 to 0 in fa-
vor of the Newtown team. This team
steams. Let us hear from you or
some other teams.
i RE a | ———————

| Mrs. P. BE. Bowman of Landisville,
| was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John
the entire sub | Hershey last Sunday.
| Mr. and Mrs. John Fry, of Done-
{ gal were Sunday guests of Mr. and
Miss Martha Oberholtzer of Eliza-
bethtown, was the guest of her class-
| mate, Miss Miriam K. Bard last Sun-
| day.
{| Messrs. Ira Frank and brother John
| of near Strasburg, were guests of
| their sister, Mrs. Frank Pierce and
family on Sunday.
Mr. J. K. Bard
| spent one day as
and family at Mountain View,
N. J., last week.
Mr. S. S. Kraybill sold his horse
one day last week and now has two
automobiles to do his necessary dray
{ baker

{ work at his general merchandise
store. 5
’ Mr. Henry Weaver, 4 civil war
veteran, is suffering with a severe at-
tack of rheumatism, causing him to
be confined to the house under a
physician's care.
Mr. Phares E. Groff and family, a
U. 8. foreman mechanic at League
Island, spent Saturday and Sunday
visiting relatives and friends in this
place and Elizabethtown.
chant, purchased a carload of Done-
gal potatoes last week at the famous
old price, fifty cents per bushel.. The
tubers should be like old wheat.
Christian L. Heisey


at Mount Joy last Friday for his
mountain farm near Hyner, Pa.,
where he expects to go in the near
future. :
This vicinity was well represented
at the Daveler household sale last
Saturday afternon, where the quan-
tity was too great for the time, mak-
ing it necessary to hold the second
sale next Saturday afternoon.
Messrs. Harry Gish and Hiram Nis-
sley, ex-postmaster of Elizabethtown,
canvassed this section one day last
upon those who had refused to re-
spond to the first call and meeting
with success in general.
gal farmer who purchased the Long-
enecker mansion in Elizabethtown,
passed through this place Monday af-
ternoon with a load of shrubbery

tify the rew home.
Mr. E. H. Hersh, the Rheems me-
chanie, who has a reputation known
as an engine doctor throughout Lan-
caster county had a narrow escape
from lock jaw caused by being burnt
on the second finger of his left hand.
He suffered very little pain in the
finger, in a few days he noticed a
stinging pain up the arm to the
shoulder where it formed an absess,
making incission necessary which re-
lieved the intense pain. Dr. Simons
and wife performed the operation;
present indications are a speedy re-
Albert Caslow is on the sick list.
Joseph Eckinger is recovering from
a severe spell of sickness.
Mrs. Joseph Dibler, of Royalton,
was the guest of her son, L. V. Dibler
and family.
Mrs. David Espenshade and daugh-
ter, Edith were the guests of rela-
tives at York.
John Hoover and wife of Mount-
ville, were the guests of Frank Shank
and family.
Chas. Griffith while hunting mush-
rooms killed a black snake seven feet
long on Friday afternoon.
Misses Anna Olweiler, of Allen-
wn, and Grace Cocher, of North-
npton, spent the past week with the
ers parents, J. N. Olweiler and
Miss Florence Atkins, of Irvin
College, and Miss Beatrice Elway, o

kins and wife.
Howard Meashey, son of Norman
Meashey and wife, aged five years,
while playing see-saw with several
Sompanions had his left arm fractured.
Dr. H. K. Blough rendered the neces-
sry medical attention.
ather Joseph Stumpf, pastor of
St. Peter’s Catholic church, who has
been in ill health for some time has

has gone to a sanitorium for treat-
ment. Father Pohl, of St. Joseph’s
church at Lancaster, will have charge
of his parish duties during his ab-
In order to be better prepared to
fill their large orders the Klein
Chocolate Company is contemplating
utting into service several auto de-
ivery trucks between this place and
Philadelphia and New York, which
will greatly improve their service and
keep their increased trade steadily on
the move and be a great help to their
numerous patrons who have large

Red Cross News
The tremendous activity along the
battle front will mean a greeny in-
creased demand for surgical dressings
which must come in large measure
from America. The help of every
Red Cross member is needed to meet
this demand.
The local rooms can accomodate
many more workers. The room is
now open again every Tuesday even-
ing as well as Tuesday and Wednes-
day afternoons. Every one is welcome.
he following supplies have been
sent to the Lancaster chapter within
the last month. 1,025 Gauze Com-
presses 8x4 in.; 60 Gauze Com-
presses 4x4 in.; 20 Gauze Compress-
es 9x9 in.; 700 Gauze Wipes, 4in.;
20 Gauze Strips, 40 Gauze Sponges,
40 T Ban 60 Triangular Band-
s, 15 Abdominal Bandages, 24

Mr. J. Miller, a Harrisburg mer-|
purchased a |
heavy draft horse at the public sale |
week soliciting Liberty Bonds, calling |
Mr. Clement Brubaker, the Done- |
which he contemplates using to beau- |

Mrs. H. Roy Nissly
mother at Lancaster on Saturday.
Mr. Roy Brown of Camp M
spent several days here with his
Mr. Thomas McKinley of Ph
phia, spent Sunday with his fa
Mr. John Wittle moved int
property vacated by Mr. Esben
spent several days
visitor to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Eich-
Mrs. Elmer Schlegelmilch visited
friends at the County Seat on Thurs-
Mr. Victor Haldeman of Philadel-
phia, spent Friday here with his par-
Mr. Frances Neidig has purchased
a Reo touring car from Mr. Walter
Miss Myrtle Groff of Rheems,
a guest of Mr.
on Tuesday.
Mr. James Schatz of Coatesville
near town.
Messrs. John Kline and
in our village.
former’s parents.
Miss Stella Wachstetter spent from
at the County Seat.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Koser of Man
heim, were Sunday visitors to Mr.
Paul Koser and family.
{ Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rutherford
lof Marietta, spent Sunday with the
i former’s brother, Jacob.
{ Mr. and Mrs. John Eichler and
daughter visited Mr. Jacob Inners and
| family at Anchor on Sunday.
| Miss Edith Fair of Harrisburg, is
there on a visit to her grandparents
i 2 parents,
{ Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kottler.
! Rev. and Mrs. John Kline of Eliz-
labethtown, spent Sunday with her
[ mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Baker.
Miss Edna Koser and Mr. Alvin
{ Heisey visited the former’s bro
| Mr. Paul Koser and family o
| day.
{ Messrs. S. A. Barley, J. He:
and Mr. Myers of Lancaster, ma
business trip to our village on ’
Mr. and Mrs. George Wagenbach
of Silver Springs, spent Sunday at
pe home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Eich-
Miss Nellie Vogle is attending the
Woman's Missionary Convention of
the United Brethren church at Read-
ing this week.
Messrs. S. A. Byram, Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. B. Stewart, Mrs. J. F. Stewart,
of Philadeplhia visited friends in the
village on Sunday.
Messrs. Lloyd and Walter Nissly
and Mr. Shertzer of West Philadel-
phia, were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
E. L. Nissly and family.
Mr. and Mrs. John Boyer and dau-
ghter Helen, of Marietta, were pleas-
antly entertained at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Jacob Boyer on Sunday.
Mr. Clark, superintendent of the
Hershey United Brethren Sunday
School, made a very good address in
the United Brethren church here on
Sunday evening.
C. S. Wachstetter’s entertained the
following guests on Sunday: Mr. and
Mrs. Christian Herr and sons, Harry,
Arthur and Lloyd and Mr. John Af-
flebach, all of Lancaster.
Messrs. H. Griffith and G. R. Seif-
fert, two prominent business men of
the City of Brotherly Love, are spend
ing several days with Mr. Thomas Me-
Kinley and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Young of Lan-
caster, Mrs. Harvey Frank of Lancas-
ter, Mrs. Samuel Miller of near Eliz-
abethtown spent Sunday with their

Fannie Kline attended the wedding
of Miss Kathryn Link and Mr. Wm.
Shillet of Columbia last Tuesday.
The ceremony was performed at 8 a.
m. in Holy Trinity Catholic church
in that place.
mr — ssn
Boiled grain will quickly sour in
hot weather and in this condition can
never be safely fed to chickens.
The State Livestock Sanitary
Board agents tested 1,232 herds to-
taling 17,394 cattle for tuberculosis
last year.
visited her |
Mr. H. S. Godshalk of Milton, Fa., |
at the Florin Inn. |
Mr. Warren Heisey was a Sunday |
was |
and Mrs. Jacob Shires |, |
spent Sunday here with his mother |an
Harry |
Grosh of Camp Meade, spent Sunday |
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Perris spent last |
Sunday at Steelton as guests of the!
Tuesday to Wednesday with friends
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel
Mrs. John Shoemaker and Miss!

{ Church of God
i Rev. I. A. MacDannald
{Sabbath School at 9:30 A. M.
{Preaching 11 A. M.
Junior Endeavor 6:30 P. M
Senior Endeavor 7 P. M.
Preaching at 8 P. M.

Both Ends
The Middle
(The Packer)




The consumer wants to pay a ow
price for meat. >
The farmer wants to get a’ high
price for cattle.
The packer stands between these
conflicting demands, and figds it im-
possible to completely satisfy both.

United Brethren Church
Rev. D. E. Long, Pastor
9:00 A. M. Sunday School.
Y.0:15 A. M. Preaching by Geo. C.
| Kl Sample, Gen Secretary of the R.
{R}Y. M. C..A. of Columbia, Pa.
5:30 Junior C. E.
| %6:30 Intermediate C. E.
| K7:30 Preaching by Pastor.

The packer has no conffol over the
prices of live stock or meat, and the
most that can be expegted of him is
that he keep the difference between
the two as low as posible. He does
evening Prayer Meet- |

St. Luke's Episcopal Church
ev. Henry D. Speakman, Rector
The services for the Sunday after |
Ascension, will be Morning|


[Player ahd sermon af 10:30 A M. | this successfully by converting animals
a mvening service at (:oVU. : . Se .
Church School at $5 A.M. into meat and distfibuting the meat
at a minimum of jexpense, and at a
profit too small tose noticeable in the
farmer’s returns for live stock or in the
meat bill of the gonsumer.
Swift & Company's 1917 transac-
Tomorrow (Thursday) being As-
{ consion Day, there will be a celebra-
tion of the Holy Communion at 7:30
A. M.



Methodist Episcopal Church
Rev. Thomas Roberts, Pastor
| | Sunday School at 9:15 A. M. J !
{ Preaching Service at 10:30 A. M. tions in Cattle'were as follows:
Junior League at 2 P. M 5 orca aisitaa
{ at 6:30 I . M. § i
at 6:30 P. M Sold Meat to Retailer for





Epworth League | ©RR 07
| Preaching Service at 7:30 P. M. : Pob.od
| Mid-week prayer service cn Wed- Sold By-products for ie 24.09
{ nesday evening. ! Total Receipts 93.06
{ ible S r Class on Friday even-| : 2 ie le, .0
a Study Class on Friday even Paid to Caftle Raiser : 84.45
—_— Balance (abt paid to Cattle Raiser) 8.61
| United Evangelical Church | Paid for dabor and expenses at
d Rev. A a Swaigert, Pastor Packing House, Freight on Meat,
{ Sunday School at 9:: . M. veel bd
Preaching at 10:30 A. M. and at and Copt of operating Branch
7:15 k. M. | distributing houses ‘ie 2.32
Teadher training Monday evening. | Remaifiing in Packer's hands as
Chorus practice Friday evening. Retughs on investment . $ 1.29


Friday evening at 7 o’clock Junior
chorus practice.
Sunday will be observed
thers’ and Fathers’ day.

The net profit was $1.29 per head, or
about one-fourth of a cent per pound
of beef.
Bi, what other method can the dif-

Florin United Brethren Church
Rev. O. G. Romig, Pastor


The pastor announces the follow- | .
Ing services for Snaday: fergnice between cattle prices and beef
Bible School at 9:30 A. M. pries be made smaller, and how can
Preaching at Eby’s at 10 A. M.
the conflicting demands of producer
Junior C. E. at 1:30 P. M. ? ¢
apd consumer be better satisfied ?
Senior C. E. at 6:15 P. M.
Preaching at 7:15 P. M.
Mothers’ Day will be observed. In|
the forenoon the pastor will preach]
a special sermon on “The Influence |
of a Christian Mother” and in the|
evening the theme will be ‘Mother
the Angel of the Hearthstone.” There |
will be special music and a number of |
recitations in the evening. |


1918 Year Book of interesting and
instructive facts sent on request.
Address Swift & Company,
Union Stock Yards, Chicago, Illinois




Ready to Sail for France i
Nora M. Shearer of Elizabethtown, |
a nurse connected with the Jefferson |
Hospital unit of the war hospital |
corps, is at Lakewood, N. J., where |
the unit is being equipped for service



It pays to advertise in the Bulletin |






We Pxr'Y6ur Rous Ther CAR Fare On ALL Purciases
. IrCosts You NoTHING.
32--38 East King Street



Lancaster, Penna.

NOMINATE the only candidate who
mittee from his home County.
laws, Child Labor bill and
Woman's Suffrage.

Tailed Bandages, 19 Hospital
Shirts, 11 pr. Pajamas, 5 pr. Wrist

lets, 10 pr. Socks, 4 Sweaters.

Against which the whole world now is up in arms, in
REBUKE the assertion that “Politics now is just a sypbine for the rich.”
@ not a factige candidate.
NOMINATE the only candidate who has the engdfsement of the County Com-
NOMINATE the only candidate who yo##d for the Workmen's Compensation
now and always did favor ONJ& NATION-WIDE BASIS Prohibition and
oT ““Habgood and Harmony” Will Sweep the State
sm is a Species of Autocraey
cluding the
voters of Pennsylvania.
Robert Patton Habgood For Governor
On May 21st," 1918, and Thereby
NOMINATE the only candidate who can bring unity and harmony after the
MAKE your vote count for Republicanism over and above Factionalism.
RECOGNIZE a large section of the State which had a Governor— the
northwest and the northern tier.
RECOGNIZE the interior of the State which had not had a Governor since
REFUSE to be dragged into the factional fights of Philadelphia.
oo never
n's Suffrage referendum; also who favors
