MOUNT STAR AND HEWS. MOUNT JOY PA. f x 7, Co-Operation, Not Competition Must Govern Business in| Future By GEORGE W. PERKINS, Business and Financia | ES WIFE ng by Gettin Pinkham’s Compound. g | Expert Americ » necessity of rdv face to face with tl lutionizir “For many months | : y ng her attitude toward busi 0 my work owing to | The events 0 ’SS. used by that weak- he past. All women the future, but the social status of our people as well. should try Lydia E. When war was declared this country was saddled w pble Compound.” of the lack of vision of our s Hed tical Ie: of the RG, 620 Knapp St., 2 1acK ; ] : Sion of our so-cailed poli ical I 3 : | Pa, years. Politicians had decreed that ruthless competition shog ' br from any form of ed by displacement htion, irregulari S, nervousness industry. We have had all the evils that flow from unrestric OX = B Yeauness which our first war your have demonstralled that we are as and headaches. A | unprepared for peace as we were un\prepared for war. Stiend called MY And Sth we learn the lessor} that this year your newspaper | events ought to have taught us, indfustrially and oco- ements an] nomically, the United States is an for § very sever f il husband bou ght not only during but after the close of, , Pe E Titles of The new principle of business that o i Vegetable Com- paredness has taught us is that co- itor 1d not Bound Jor ib competition is the life of trade. On our ace f£ bottles I felt fine | that principle depends not only the industrial welfare of thi: Quiet in Color, Simple in Design 37% More For Your Money I et the Genuine | | | | cold tablets now : Figured on propor tablet, you save 92 Eill's A ny pA % Yes gL" ro vy h $a athe iy angfid Lrvadiaell Jy, accept Mra. Rohr. costly trade wars between economic units that were 5 :, These pow ; . : . aTC and p! 1 tot and exc 2 and give Lydia E. | market; adulteration of product and bad trade practi ot font secilis nis © on} “th, Ladle “Compound a ae v. SE agreements, price cutting, low wages, child labor an i < C ; Q wv) \ years If lus been | evils. FREI en If you bes : Be rr. Heations yo for Have we profited by our mistake OLMSTED, LE ROY. N. Y. - Pinkham Medicine | Have we awakened to the necessities of the future? = Are we ready to prepare with all possible speed for tl Vv economic conditions that face us? | jo ! n al Are we ready to accept the new puinciple, viz, that’ co-op: ) te- a in. : : Hel RENEE henceforth to be the life of trade and that ruthless competition is y TREE ity the life of trade? b Since I P ae ted that the every- [the waistline and two large disks of i =X ion | To or 4 2 Vitor 2 inthe nits t : ay serviceable dress of today, will be | the gray cloth find the best of posie ! liver pills i fhe probe m, brought fully 1 efore us in the events of the p: ' quiet as to color and simple in con- s on it. The same odd applique } 1 iver heezing and sneoz- is the most import: int and also the most fascinatine of an iH 120 th id ron, gront 2 mands are Hage up. is stitched to ther. : d hawking you’ra try has ever solved. It calls for the most dupremely unselfish and p nthe ingenuity of designe I'heir ock is plaited across the front SL as kocd. Wwiing, ro ’ : 2 leverness must come to the rescue in rt portion and where it joing raf roposition. Handle 2ffort that the people of our land are capable of ) SE . ! 5 2 : andl peo} { to redeem frocks from somberness and | the bodice, small disks of the gray i l t 3 oneyo Horzhound rere ae I hem out of the commonplace. In| cloth answer to the roll call of the l relieves bad cases. ===) the face of these restrictions, they | plaits. There is a belt of the blue ts. a bottle. 1 one wonders with the me it | material, which is fastened to the front ! ie of your he 1d wealtr, : d h 3 W Will 13.: H nt ‘e are more charmed with their | of the bodice at each side with a large you. i id Tea P 2 it & ~ SPIT { : ) : A loothache Drops | History roves Lah ar VI rng i riginal ways of doing things than with | flat bone button. ine 4 — . T {{ any of their past a 1 A band of blue, piped with eray is ~ P ? 4 2 - ne o . i De 4 al 1 , pipec with gray 18 tn Clear Your Skin rospenty to United States , have thought out ways of c rapped about the sleeve at the wrist, ! : ER : black with gray or beige or any neu-; It is wide at one end and narrow at : Mant dQ LY Hai ; {tal eoloy | 28H Iy heu-, ¢ eer ar ¢ { ote TOU Hal Your Hair By RICHARD A. FOLEY {tral color, that more than reconcile | the other, the narrow end rounded and With Duticura y RIC . X { us to the absence of bright color. Oth- overlapping the other, is fastened F 1 ern- : { ==. er dark colors are managed with the | down with a button. This is a very 0ap 25¢ same cleverness im Aint apt : i y So ; lever simple finish for the sleeves, but ng , Ointment25and50¢ Any man who can read may learn for himself that history The dark blue, one-piece frock shown | one seems to have thought of it be Again a Wei : Lo: =. | avery war has stimulated trade. God knows we would be willing to h In the picture is a fine example of good | fore. Towle I meds aly : ; designing. Imagine it in velours onsiderine thi 5 dasirne ; ! ( s eighi Poetry. that stimulant aleng with the others by an act of congress, Bal the fact , 5 2 5 in velours or| Considering that the designer madg «l ; ey Re road Stake ee : ; Sa . ; Si : : : duvetyn with gray duvetyn providing | such a success of this use of gray with : i : : e e read Shake | remains that after the shock of 1861, the greatest years in business—the the needed contrgst. A band of the | blue he was justified it adding a Soff ERLE 0%, Lye redu Somes iis ype TRY Sat . | : TR : ® 5 » viel er Corntossel. “1 highest prices for stocks and bonds—came in ’62 and ’63. gray set in about the neck makes place | cape collar of gray cree georgette, als ; Si < ssel. . Sh : ' 5 1 only * a cut-out applique fi » The o rock i , } Lr io nice! 10u ino while rit And in 1864 and 1865 business had big vears. In 1861 New York's or 2 ¢ i i" t nh 1 in blue. The | though the frock would still be a suo ; ; : I ve A : A Foot ROH front of the bodice is extended below | cess without it. Biel he y taste for poetry pank clearings were $6,000,000,000. “In 1862 they were seven billions; i Rg It | fire made and tl : ) y We > | . . ~p 0 . . » a ee is i 1 v ley Men: 1 he 1863, fifteen billions; 1864, twenty-four billions; twenty-five billions in JOSII'S OW v . w beats all the 1865, and twenty-nine in 1867. A Nic -oading and Mare Antony's | In 1861, the ‘bad year of the Civil war—possibly corresponding to The Las et Hats of Winter I I NM the citizens’ ’ or wittion 5 An = iC Cl So U LU 1 ON \ id er Witten. the period we are now going through—there were $207,000,000 in fail Hi ork, said pies Ai < : : ar : RRR TR EAI WE ! GRAY HAIR ures in the United States, and this had dropped to only $23,000,000 in oy ; . ; : 2 R, and to seven and eight millions in and ’64 respectively, whil thpvias freon a ter add 1 oz. Bay bits Se : Siar ga Es i Y ( ' ! : Barbo Compound, | there was but little increase in the succeeding several years. To : f Anv druggist ca ’ x . : Toy > : . Wha 18 th £2 he father f aay druggist on The reason for this, according to Senator Theodore Burton, was that i isked l rl as hh oo | irections for “the great demand incident to the war, and the enormous employment i eachg®ox of ‘ e 1 . . ; | A eri ti = i fually labor, plus the withdrawal of a large body of men as soldiers, prevented shocked oS 0 a gy : 1 1 ' ! She 1, Abdomen, my i e it possibility of depression. We are in a better position today than 1 Tati 4 or the sc , 1S nol ¥ s “iss me : Lutie- s not rub off. Ady. | our country was during the Civil war, because, prior to our own entrance {i | Crm into the present war, Europe poured hundreds of millions into our busi- 5 i Sa se spit th : 3 § roditar inst eo Achior pation A Liste idea n Vi his satanic mal. ss treasuries, and we became a creditor instead of a debtor nation. A gl ve raged. yw all the money that has been loaned the allies being spent here in he holidays with I nose 1ddition to billions for our own military purposes. 1 at ng! Lor ree \ a ny J ; J i ¢ ister” LE It makes no difference what fallacies of economy may be enumerated econcitab ther 4 by men in high or low position, you cannot affect the un bl of that supply and demand, and men in business may eontidenily « count up y ! gan 1 { ! Ph not i growing demand for their products and upon growing prosperity wit! we,” said \ 11 nr should not be discouraged by small setbacks or by reactions that will occu ily | a lot of fime | in a sensitive country during a time of war. We will soon get used tut i ao yan ong of ma yy : . 1 ol td { 1 i done never happen. rumors, true and false, and our system nationally will become Immun meremane | £0 the shocks. | ! n't dono aj nn It's her f rr ree me ’ S rmany and ’ Ea er en « ization pa- rSwellen H Ton ahs y ve rr rt ETAT es ese ota on Was Criti- cur H » ded N IN] Bui Qu: I > Xd ae y Were Ustd Nation Has pon ed Nobly but Sti . . Jt ) - ara estored, Greater Sacrifices Must Be Made i | weldn tl Tas last hats of winter, like au- | bon, broeaded with gold, which covers Madara, 15 Mt 1 By CORA RIGBY | tumn leaves, herald their departure by | the top of the hat. The ribbon is ar- Grove, Camden, i { becoming more brilliant than at any | ranged in a bow with two loops at e me nearly wild | other time of the vear. They abdicate | the front. g Liberty and democracy! These have been the underlying words, the | 5 favor of spring millinery much ear- | It is noteworthy that euch of these| 4 { ler in the Year than they used to; | hats depends upon a single tri ing , TYE Q f£ \ h 10 . 1 ildren of the ap : i s > {2M ji upon a single trimming 3 basic principles, of the loans which the men, Won 1 and chil | for Fashion takes to satin or even | feature for its adornment, and that| & a have been asked to make to the United States government. straw ae Jeter the sow is off the | they bespeak variety in new millinery, i The magnificent response to the appeal has been due not only tolthof round. Auptung hop looks ike [ One carries a plume, one a flower, and | { : a ! . rs . | spr ing mal a strong appeal the | one contrives it Wvfie vi ! fact that the loans were the safest investment in the world but rather | lands of long winters, and furthergfbre, | ribbon. Hats SS ! Ry in yi i because, in this form, the people could show their faith, could participate | Northern tourists’ hats, display in | th vi and coat collars | | in toe war which is to end the slaughter of innocent noncombatants and | 5 ox L 2 jo Sromen July Do- | for st about all | | : : . | ink illogical. And there is no particu- | (j to be S« Tale 4% A 17 { Nr. Nadira ! the ruthless destruction homes and villages andthe laying waste of | | 3. wood reason why a flower hat, or | o Hox Seas a pit i howN.g@ffered Yared % : ; : of eyes, wher cuddles down | | ACL lar Q 1 ¢ £ MM ma *S, SNOW 10 De wor r 1 § 1 : pital, but when | Ir uitful lands. a hat of i , sho not be worn | i; her { 1a ; ed I would | The government of the United States will go on as in midwinter. 7 DD } | § : | reo af J vs isin ! Kidney Pillsi | to give its pennies, lollars, its thousands and the Jeebew Bitty discarded all is w 1 . 4 ‘ y war is won, v & x } | 1 1 3 ’ Yai he Ww } h easy, flowing = f on that 1 | make lovely © ition of the al New Blouses in S 3 i swell aays. pl¢ Zz Dit A handsome os i NY \ 5 ww trou- Th > done in the | trich feather ims the ret 1 P: d as weil Be AN + Fthe nlu ) of pl yy | first nine mon 2 for grati- | °° PH I e! i : ps i Public The » financial ’ : ; 8 i ruabic. x i t 3 ao. *° 1917 is 1 tl o I 1 3 ibed, not h he 1 and vi p 3 od i , 80c = Box effort op'J1¢ 18 1 : es : Ne . Ye : Nd “11: ously. and utn 1S1asm ¥ : ? - nd HIDNEY only willingly Dug ; : : is r becoming shape ft hie : 3 «PILLS ; A aecx 5} been the sa ind NONSES tl rican | | . Ait, BUFFALO, N.Y. ! Splendid ¢ . : § Zo : ~ : d | 1 er 1 ease their gen= | spr J ~ an w | hii 1. 0 OTS < ea neir ge | a ode AL eS neople, thes ; : P Py T} 1 must pay heavier taxes and lend more money to the | vel » GH G | erosity. lhe wd fb x A TC ' i ful frill fo ¢ puG i ament .. the wage earrer ¢ small salaried in must Manage | .. .¢ the 1 overnment, an the Wag . at at t . sist. Stop the | 8OVE : Lion The necessity for economy by everyone is making | small e and hoarse- | 4 give his proprtion. 1c n¢ * . . brilliant A eo \ hroat with | r Fad baad r sly Everyone must not give up s ymething Gist 5 featured, althe i itself feit s It surely. omni for the gov | un oo 13 the. wishes CF a i T sacl fic Ol £0 tl £ - . ican | that he really wo ts, but he*mus st m >. & : { to be becor Paris has sent | | . | ernment’s effic Ww s2ev in winning the ge for existenc uses 1 e the familiar V-pgck ous rib- | with the sailor or round collar.