The Mount Joy star and news. (Mount Joy, Pa.) 1878-1918, April 27, 1918, Image 1

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County Draft Board No.
send the
Camp Meade on April 26:
Clifton Scott, Billmyer.
Joseph Brown, Steelton.
Samuel Thos. Hargrove, Marietta.
LeRoy Jackson, Harrisburg.
Stafford Aquilla Howard, Phila.
These men will report on April 29
Camp Lee on
land will be sent to
I April 30:
| Jacob L. Suydam, Mount Joy.
William W. Duffy, Lancaster.
John A. McLaughlin, E’town.
Lloyd Henry Kautz, E’town.
John Huber Krady, Hershey.
| Irvin Hostetter Kauffman,
Elias L. Kreider, Landisville.
Harry K. Clausen, E’town.
John G. Bippus, R. D. No. 1, Ca.
I Carl Zeager, Mount Joy.
Eli W, Shreiner, Manheim.
! y. Scott Smith, Nesquehoning, Pa.
{ Guy M. Tweed, R. D. No. 2,
| Frank Joseph Zepnick, E’town, Ri
Samuel Cameron Johnstin, Mayt’n.
Joseph Chester, Idamay, W. Va.
Ivan R. Shellenberger, Mt. Joy.
{ Claude Seeman Zeller, Mt. Joy.
i Harvey John Spahr, Manheim.
| Pronh A. Shank Elizabethtown.
I John James Sweeney, Rheems.
John Weidman, Lancaster.
| Alfred Frey Baustie, Manheim.
| John E. Kitner, Salunga.
| James B. Sheetz, Elizabethtown.
Grant Carl Weaver, R.
Harry S. Blessing, Landisville.
v William Jack Whitlock, Richmond,
| Elmer Cooper Brosey, Mount Joy.
| John Hencelman, R. 1 Columbia.
William O. Chapman, E’town.
i Newpher—Mumma
i A very pretty wedding was held in
{ Rev . Dr. Keigman’s beautiful apart- |
ment, overlooking the Hudson river,
fat Riverside Drive and 103rd street,
Now York, on Friday evening, April
19 at 8 o’clock. The bride, Miss Ma-
| tilda H. Mumma, is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Mumma, of this
| place and the bridegroom, Lieutenant
James O. Newnber ie the son of Dr.
{and Mrs. J. J. Newpher also of this
| place.
The bride’s gown was of ocean
| blue Georgette crepe, and her bou-
| quet was of roses and sweet peas. Dr.
Keigman used his special ring cere-
mony, Which is most attractive in its
{lines. The bride’s aunt, Miss Eliza-
(beth N. Mumma, gave her away.
Lieutenant Jay Hostetter, of Lancas-
i ter, was best man. The Misses Miriam
land Nettie Hostetter, sisters of Lieut.
Hostetter, were among the guests;
also, D. J. Mangin, of New York City
and Mrs. Keigman.
Although the wedding party was
small, it lacked nothing in the way of
merriment and, after the ceremony,
| they
way restaurants, where a special wed- |
ding dinner was served. Lieutenant
| Newpher expects to be on his way to
| France in a very few days.
weet A —————
Our Patriotic Women
Mount Joy can well be proud of
{their women. The Red Cross has just
| completed a rush order of
work in time than was given
them to do it, and have now an order
lof 1,000 Compresses to be finished

this week.
There has also been organized a
Women’s Committee co-operating
with the Men’s Committee on the
| Liberty Loan with oe JE. Jay Nis-
i sly, Chairman; Mrs. H. Newcomer,
Mrs. Shearer, Misses Mor Detwiler,
uth Stoll, Mary Newpher and Edith
Bentzel as Captains. Although they
have just started the work they have
more than $4,000 to report. Be pre-
pared to meet any of them or their
RE ——
Committee Doing Good Work
The Florin District of the East
Donegal township Liberty Loan Com-
mittee is doing excellent work having
already turned in subscriptions to the
amount of $18,000. The members on
the committee are as follows: H. Roy
Nissly, Chairman; E. F. Heiner, J. N.
Hershey, J. W. Haldeman, J. T. Sny-
der, E. L. Nissly, E. Jay Nissly and

A. D. Garber. These men hope that
the farmers will turn in their very
[liberal subscriptions as they have
| done heretofore.
Noah J. Harmon, a member of the
IP. R. R. Keystone Rifle Club, at a
| clut » shoot, on the rifle range at Con-
| ewago, last Saturday received a val-
{uable sportsman pocket knife as first
Won a Valuable Prize
| prize for making a score of 47 out
of 50 points, fired from the two
hundred yard range, standing posi-
[tion and no rest.
| Postponed Meeting
The Patriotic Meeting scheduled to
{take place in the Presbyterian Church
|on Friday evening of this week has
{been postponed until Thursday even- |
ling, May 2nd. Dr. James S. Me-
|G: aw, of Pittsburgh, will be the!
speaker. Subject, “American’s Need |
the World War.”
A Talk on Music
Will be given by Miss Della G.
| Shank at the home of Harry M. See-
iman on Monday evening, April
129th. Miss Shank would like all to |
{be present who are interested in|
{music and especially the mothers o
i those pupils whom she now instructs |
music. -
Dr. and Mrs. W. R. Heilig an-
‘nounce the birth of a son.
Mr. and Mrs. George Brown, Jr.|
announce the birth of a son.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Nine students will graduate from Henry Meyers from Harrisburg,
FOR THE WEEK the Bainbridge High School this year,® was home over Sunday. FAR AND NEAR
the commencement exercises being The sewing cirele met at the home|
a held in the St. Luke's Lutheran! of Jno. Kreider on Tuesday. ——
LIST OF THOSE WHO HAVE RE- .1urch af Bainbridge, Tuesday even-| Mrs. Amos Kauffman spent several | A COLUMN TO KEEP YOU IN
CEIVED THEIR FINAL SUM. |ing, April 30. The speaker of the days in Chiladelphia last week. TOUCH WITH THOSE WHO
wvening will be Prof, H. M. J. Klein, 1€0 ill stationed at Camp Han-|
MONS TO THE GREAT |cjeuing willbe Prof H.W, J loin, 1 i Ga, 1s Tome on = Torro HAVE AND WERE VISIT-
: of Franklin and Marshall College. g
BEYOND. Instrumental music will be furnished | Rohrerstown’ § repair men the | ED LAST WEEK
rn by the Marietta orchestra, and Rev P. R. R. were working at ( hristiana | rere :
Mrs. Samuel M. Knieht 1. P. Zimmerman will give the bene- lag? week. ; Mr. Harry Wintermyer and family
Mrs. Barbara E. Knieht, wife of | diction. The program is as follows: Irs. Elmer Myers of Philadelphia | spent Sunday at Middletown.
Samuel M. Knieht, of East Peters-, Invocation, Rev. Geo. M. Landis, x nl Sunday with her sister, Mrs. F. | Mrs. B. F. Gerber and Miss Edna |
burg, died Wednesday morning at 11 Music by school, 1. A. Spring Song, 3 IeGuire. : : ; _.. (Hershey spent Saturday at Lancaster. |
o'clock aged sixty-five years. Death | Ciro Pinsuti; II. O Happy Hours of | Mrs. Martin Ringwalt is working | Sergeant Henry 0. O’Neill, of
was due to pneumonia. The deceased | Life’s Young Day, A. J. Perman; sa- Steadily on the Third Liberty Loan camp Meade, spent Tuesday here
was a member of the East Peters-|lutatory, Over the Top, Marie SUbSeripeion. : : | friends, : : :
burg Evangelical church. She is sur-| Charles; Humorous Monologue, A.J. liss Blanch Bushong has Quy Mr. H. G. Smoker of Columbia,
vived by her husband.and the follow-| Hershey, Lancaster; Class History, | sympathy as she is on the sick list, paid a friendly visit to this office
ing children: Samuel, of Rapho | Ethel McNelly, Susan Forrey; vocal ut hope she may soon recover. Tuesday. : : i
township; William D., of Manheim, |solo, Miss Esther Mueller, Lancaster; Ephraim Weaver and sister and | Mr. Earl White, who is stationed |
and Mrs. Ida Hermann, of East|oration, Mission of America, Eliza-| M: pi Cope and family were guests |at Norfolk, Va., is here on a nine-
Hempfield township. Mrs. Rebecca beth Snyder; class prophecy, Mary of Mrs. Lizzie Meyers on Sunday. day furlough. ri ol
Pickel, of Dauphin county, is a sis-| Demuth, Ethel Ely; humorous read-i _ Mrs. Baker, of Lancaster r, and Mrs.| Mr. C. G. Stoll left for Chicago,
ter. The funeral will be held onling, A. J. Hershey,® Lancaster; pre-|C. Kauffman from Millersville, were Monday, after spending some time
Saturday morning from the late home | sentation speeches, Helen Engle, | the guests of Mrs. Anna Dull on here with relatives.
at 10 o'clock, services at 10:30 | Grace Smith; valedictory, Tonight! Tuesday. J } : Miss Ellen Bolton of Linglestown, |
o'clock in the East Petersburg Men-| We Launch, Where Shall We Anchor, S. 0. Frantz is improving the strip is spending Sone time here with Mr.
nonite church. Interment in the ad-| Laura Kraybill; song reading, A.J. of road from the pike to his residence [and Mrs. P. E. Getz.
joining cemetery. | Hershey; presentation of diplomas, | With ashes from the Lancaster Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brown and
= re | Dir. Ephraim Brinser; class song; ad- Caramel Factory. "daughter Miss Anna of Media, are
Mrs. Elizal ~th Hipple i dress to the graduates, Dr. H. M. J. Hage Bros. are moving their pigery yisiting relatives here.
Mrs. Elizabeth Hipple, widow of | Klein; benediction, Rev. I. P. Zim-|t0 Harrisoire a shoul 3 Necks Ne ; ns J: H, Puleholn, whe spent |
Isaiah Hipple, died on Wednesday merman. are all sorry to depart wi he for- the Winter at Elizabethtown, has re-
evening at her home, No. 750 Pop-! The members of the class are: mer but indeed a relief is the latter. turned to her home here. i
lar street, York, from a complication | Laura R. Kraybill, Marie Charles, M. | _ Preaching at the Church of God, Mr. Tobias Gibble of Gibson City,
of diseases after a long illness. The Elizabeth Snyder, Ethel L. McNelly, [Sunday by the pastor, Rev. F. W. Mc- Illinois, is here on a visit to his cou-
deceased was born in Marietta, in| Helen S. Engle, Susan E. Forrey, Guire. Subject at 10:30 A. M. ‘The sin, Mrs. William Scholing.
1840 and was a daughter of Christian | Grace E. Smith, Mary P. Demuth, y nd of the World,” at 7 p. m., God’s Mr. and ig Loess Siler Bore
Intil 12 vears ago she re ‘the Dv rm. iguests of their daughter, Mrs, Pres- |
Bucher. Until 12 years ago she re- Ethel M. Ely. | a = guests aug Yi {
sided in Marietta, where she and her —— [ton Kilgore over the week-end.
husband conducted a confectionery | Yilevs Have Work MUSICAL WAS | Miss Elizabeth Heisey of Philadel-
store. Her husband who was a rafts-| «The best way to draft farm la WELL RENDERED | plia, Nox a Sanday gues of hor par-
man died 11 years ago. Mrs. Hipple | hop" Assistant Secretary of Agricul- - : is ] Ne anc - I Yoram gi
was a member of the Methodist tyre Clarence Ousley said not long A most enjoyable piano recital I wd Ohi ary 1 enpers: r of Seve:
church. She is survived by the fol-, 400 in an address before the Texas Was given by the advanced pupils of | and, : 10, Spe nt Fox ay, ) owh
lowing children: Mrs. Margie Miller, !jegislature, “is for you to amend your Miss T. Anna Welsh at the home of with the family of John Shellenber-
of St. Louis, Mo.; Miss Mary at home; | vaorancy law so as to include within Mr. H. S. Newcomer on Thursday ger. sie Mave Hil A
Christian B., of York and Miss, jts terms every able-bodied man who evening, April twenty-fifth at eight Misses Mary and Hilda Frank re-
Kathryn, at home. One brother, El-| joes not do six days’ work each week ©’clock. They were assisted by Miss turned Sunday to Philadelphia, after
wood, of Lancaster, survives, as do 5 |.5 a rule.” . Ruth Stoll, soprano; Miss Gunhilde spending a few days here with rela-
grandchildren, and 2 great grand- In many states of the union, either Jette, violinist; Miss Anna Martin, tives. “is [se
children. by state legislature or local action, accompanist and Miss Dorothy Corporal Omar G. Kramer of Camp |
ne, a DBE hay 4 / ans are Schock. The following program was Meade, Md., spent a few hours here
steps have been taken or plans are A 2 ! Boday with Bis fathe PD. WR
Simon A. Rutt |under way to require idle men to go rendered. : : wibiied dl Pa ay with his father, D. . Rra-
3 k ’ stired farmer. | % Farmers k : they can not 1e young pianists exhibited ski FL . :
Simon A. Rutt, a retired farmer, to worl Farmer TO acy. can BOL 9 thos piano playing and gave evi- Miss Catherine Myers of Lancaster
died Tuesday evening at his home, | increase their food-crop production |! ymg and g ] id y 3a
zo Tae BI a 7 Nias a Ve «Town dence of thorough training by their and Miss Minnie Wiebner of Steelton,
111 West High street, Elizabethtown, | unless they have more labor. Town ¢ A ya a ti IG dik Mes Fenony
after a short illness. He was aged people know they will suffer incon- teacher, Miss Welsh. The program Robt ie Week-ene, WIth MTS, Sanne
58 years. He was formerly a well venience or want and have to pay Was well balanced. The three solos Ko wi : :
23 Years > . Et vary det ha : > rq. of Miss Jette were thoroughly en- Miss Esther Bleigh of Harrisburg,
known farmer of West Donegal! very high prices for the reduced ra- ¢ roughl)
nk 4 “wt hoes. rH ep. joyved by the large audience. Her is spending a week here as the guest
ap CC Ole VE ope \ ns they are able } f the far- JO! ) 1
township, but several years ago he] tions they are able to buy, if the fa yo in yl h ante] of hor aide. Mr. A 7 Brammer ond
moved to the borough, where for the | mers do not increase production. And playing diverged from the mec saica LRH AL an anc
ot BY Oa > re Vo xd | Pa TMers : w : » k » which 1s so apparent in many o 1e Te Vv. )
past five years he had lived retired. | both farmers and tow n people know, I EE uy Miss Mr. ond Mrs Francis BenAawit of
He was a Democrat in politics, and |as all the world knows, that we wv. a 0181s ME RY, oral Lorca anol. Sa en
took an interest in all of the affairs|can’t win the war unless we have elsh has given many piano recitals Lancaster, s : aay 3
I : : 3 c . 3 S i : in our town but from comments parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Penny-
of his party. His wife, who was!ample food. So, state and counties ! HP e ron ne ehcr .
formerly Miss Catherine Buch, and aland towns and country over are de heard rom Ban Y of those present at 5 Gertrude Gieenawalt ot
sister Mary, wife of Democratic!termining that this is not a time, nor is was by\ ‘1 the best and every. © all Sb I oir] trios Lor Marictia
County Committeeman W. R. Sch- | theirs a place, for the toleration of one considered it a treat to be Cornwall ana gi iend of Ma a,
{tra urviv F ] rvices | idlers. present at the recital. Program: visited the former’s parents here
ae man, i Be at 0 | eel le Sonata, Op. 27, No. 2, (Moonlight) over the week-end.
will be held Saturday mo g i | . ; 2 Se ut ais
A : : S 3eethoven, Caroline Nissly: Horten- Mrs. Alex Kramer and daughter
o'clock at his late home. Rev. F1 rank | Deeds Recorded S us C Sil Lange Porc Mary and Mrs. Amanda Greenleaf!
Croman, pastor of Christ Lutheran | Amos Cooper to Anna N. Bender, T2, Valse de Convert, Lange, Doro Ry iz ar ron TS eal;
church, of that borough, will officiate. | pyoperty in Rapho township, $1. A Eman, BO | we or
Interment will be made in the Mount |" William McK. Eckert to Ira E. Ne sok Port * Bb) Rustle p of Mise: Esther: NM. Swaloert who |
Tunnel cemetery. | Mellinger, tract of land in Manheim gi. Qin Fives 7 AU ; ; OTR OW. 18
? Atk J Spring, Sinding, Emily Newcomer; taucht school at Byerstown, is now
Sesmenn z township, $1. Lo , Melody, Op. 3 No.” 1, Rubinstein, home with her parents having closed !
Adam Smith ) Ira E. Mellinger to William McK. Thomas Bennett: (a) Irish Love! her school year last week.
Adam Smith, a retired farmer, died | Eckert lot of ground = in Manheim oe 00 Tone (Bb) The Sommer Wind, Mrs. Susan K. Brady of Middle
at the home of his son Bryan, at No. township, $1. : Riso Yo ff, Miss Ruth Stoll: (a) Kam.|town, Pa, known to all as “Aunt
223 South Market street, Klizabeth- Anna N. Sender to Amos Cooper onGi Oc strow. Rubinstein. (b) Valse | Sue,” is visiting Mr. Mishey and sis-|
town, Thursday morning at 6 o'clock, ! acres and 19 perches of land in Caprice. Newlands, Mildred Fellen- | ters on West Donegal street.
from pneumonia, after a short illness. | Rapho township, $1. hanm: (a) Rondino. on an air by Miss Helen Banzhof of Lancaster,
The deceased was 76 years of age, Ottomer S. Eckert, Jr, et al, to p..thoven, Kreisler, (b) Spanish | and Mr. Herbert Frank of Philadel-|
was well-known in the upper part of|Ira E. Mellinger, tract of land in Serenade, Chaminade-Kreisler. Miss | phia, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. |
Lancaster county, having been a resi- | Manheim township, $2,685. Cunbilde. Jette: Song. “Keep the! Christian Walters on Sunday.
dent of that section all his life, and Elizabeth F. Moyer to Phares R. Qome Fires Butniney Novello,| Mrs. Edgar Bentzel and son|
noted as a very prosperous farmer.|Moyer, 10 acres and 122 perches of Dorothy Schock: Hunaarian Rhap. | Richard of Hampton, Virginia, are
He was a member and regular at-|land in Rapho township, 31. he No. 2, Liszt-Bendel, Caroline [spending several weeks here as the]
tendant of the Mennonite church, Amos R. Garber to Harry N. Nis- | guests of Mr. E. W. Bentzel and fam
taking an ardent interest in all itsjsly, executor of Daniel Hauenstein, rn A ann ily.
departments. His wife died shout one tlot of ground in Mount Joy, $975. | "Mrs. H. C. Schock and Miss Cath
year ago. The following sons sur-4 Benjamin R. Nissley to Jacob H. | PERSONAL MENTION erine Breneman returned home Sun
vive: Ryan, of Elizabethtown; Amos, | Shenk, 5 acres and 35 perches of ; : day after spending the past months
of Lancaster, and George and Nor-|woodland in Rapho township, $101.54. Mrs. H. G. Wa alters and son visited | i1"” California with the former's
man of Bainbridge. The funeral will Walter C. Lefevre to Andrew H. relatives in Mountville for several daughter.
be held from his late home on® Sun-|Degler, 3 acres and 111 perches of | days. i : Mrs. Harriet Blessing is moving
day morning at 9 o'clock. Services{land in Sporting Hill, Rapho town-| Miss Alta Sh is Shang 9 from the property on Lombard
wil i ite church |ship, $ leral weeks with Mr. and Mrs. J. H.|. 2oCoT stony 3 :
will be held in the Mennonite church |ship, $1,000. ral ek ! street to the second story of the
at 9:30 o'clock and interment will T_T [Glunrid At Reading . Clatad ’ building occupied by H. M. Seaman,
be made in Reich's cemetery. i i fo, Sy Ant ALTE. JOP Liatiackor ishoe vepalt shop.
a My 5 Quite 8 Gathering of Lom Steelton, were Ban Soests of Mr. The a, Ott of. town Dersons
. NE L Sek . Tc a ac - "Q Y ¥ > - . * ~ 1 :
Henry K. Barto isville. entertaine Ho ,p and Mrs. F. G. Pennell. attended the Miss Pauline Schneider
Henry K. Barto died Wednesday digville, ou ningd Site 2 nuber | D. K. Weidman and wife and Mrs. | fuera]: Frank Schneider, of Tren-
3 % 12 | of their friends at their home in that|n..v Hackenbereer f Elizabetl ,
night at 7:30 o’clock at his home, 812 ©, 5 Faw Yin honor of Mr. | Mary Hackenberger of Elizabeth-|¢on 'N, J; Mrs. Rachel Watson and
North Ann street of arterio-sclerosis and Mrs Rav Crotior. Tecantly sa town, were guests of relatives here. i mMps. Mary Lump, of Landisville; Mr.
after an illness of six months. He ed YAn olaborole AA rsiar ns served Ls Miss. Ethel Givens left Thursdaylgamuel Ebersole and son Ray and
was in his 63rd year and was born and all shesowt had 5 ory niaoantol LOX Middletown, where she will re-| [Lester of Elizabethtown.
May 29, 1855 in Womelsdorf, Berks]?n¢ ¢ Reese) nn 5 enjoyable | side with her parents in the future. errr Breen
county. His parents were the late] time: pse n attondance were:! 'Mys VW. M. Bleich and daughter
county. His parents were the late nj. =i Mrs. Hiram Strickler and | : : : A FAREWELL PARTY
Percival and Rebecca Klinger Barto. dancotiter Mies Rohavine Mo and | Anna Louise of Harrisburg, spent GIVEN AT FLORIN
Mr. Barto was a man of fine disposi- Sirs Rav Grcider Mr Tiarhy Hers. several hours in town visiting rela- a
tion and will be missed by his many Me ang: Mie a Gooden ond | tives. A Nir 1. DB. Gohan and On Wedhesdny evening a farewell
friends. He is survived by his wife} opens Misses Minnie Mary, Ruth! ya A ooh. | party was given to Clarence E. Mus-
; as Miss sndricks and | SHS x ’ + Mr. and Mrs. Z. W. Keller and daugh- J kad En sarees
who was Miss Addie Hendr and son Martin; Mr. and Mrs. Eli M h Chunk. |Selman, of Florin, who for several |
the following children: Frank Barto, Blostottor ond sons of Moant. J | ter Helen autoed to Mauch Chunk, vears has been the teacher of the!
raitville: Harvey, of Lancaster;]sooreter pn vount Joy; iihere they spent the week-end. Jeary has been. eae i
of Fruitville; Harvey, of ane! ors! Mr. and Mrs. Martzall and son, of} Mrs. Elvin Baker and dauchters young lodies Bible class of the Flor-
Annie, wife of Charles Shaub, of |p. ot" potershurg; Messrs. Harry Evilon and Dotothy: ‘of Elizabeth. in United Brethren: church. Mr.
Lancaster; Edith, wife of Lewis Po-1qp, Ga1ter and Robert Edwards, Mr. |, c.yn and Dorothy, 7 a ¥2R M "| Musselman left Friday for Camp |
well, Fruitville. Twelve grandchil- Rd Mrs Amos Charles and tots sous town, wore gRegs of Mr. and Mrs. Moai, ho cpair wus held ai the
» rs 3 > ¥ y= Sr mnt Amspacker. ; >
dren and the following brothers and| +" goof Petersburg; Mrs. Anna Quien An Jocker, and son of Her. |Parsonage and proved to be a very
sisters also survive: John Barto, of | trie kler and Mr. and Mrs. Amos ov and Mrs. Jacoh Brubaker and |pleasant event. Much regret was ex
of Strasburg; Walker, of Dayton,!a 0 shey and Mrs. Jacob Brubaker and Protsed of oho sada Semarture of
Ohio; William, Lancaster; Edwin, of | eee daughter Rush and Mrs. Eiler, of DE ey a os of Lie
this place; Mrs. Elizabeth Dattisman, ? : Enola, visited Mrs. Martin Garber on class, bat all wished him Godspeed
. isville: eK Kauff | Many Automobile Licenses Wednesday. a £ S
Landisville; Mrs. Emma Kauffman, : ] ) while in the service of our country.
Sporting Hill; Mrs. Margaret Def-| The State Highway. Department I Wee The evening was very enjoyabiy|
fandano, Donerville; Mrs. Sylvanus | announced he al Hote Vehicle license Very Proud of Them spent in a social way and light re-
Wagner, Newark, N. J., and Mrs. Lil-' receipts in enn vania for 1918 ran Former Co. K. of which some of |7roshments were served, The follow:
lian Collidge, Lancaster. The funeral five thousand dollars ahead of the to-| yr boys are members, came through |ine were present: Misses Mary Dyer,
will be held from his late home on|tal receipts for the entire year of (ihe first encounter with the Huns Mary re = Marv. Reincer, Stoll
Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock. | 1917 Ly hs Sloss of Dishes on And! without a single loss, and have again |Wachstetter, Miriam Guhl, Florence
Interment will be private at River- | 25 w Fo t Sy amounted to $3,217: *r-| taken their place in the line of bat-|Romig, Florence Espenshade, Estella
view Burial Park. | 444. or the entire year of 1917 tle. Capt. James N. Lightner of|Halde 5 Talde Xinha
eee ett eee {these funds amounted to $3,268.025 . / aldeman, Gertie S. 1ldeman, ne
| 50. , : © #9,208.059.| Lancaster is very proud of the boys|S Haldeman of Florin, Miller Her-
Not This Year i2 etl and writes a very interesting letter shey, of Elizabethtown; Harry Herr,
A proclamation informing the peo-! . to the mayor of Lancaster. of Lancaster; Mr. and Mrs. Grover
ple that because of the war there bi Sun Iegtue Monday = . Eichler and daughter Virgie, Clar-
would be no “good roads” day in; DY¢ i o e celebrated French CHURCH DEDICATION ence E. Musselman, Rev. and Mrs. |
Pennsylvania this year was issued by | Priest and eloquent army chaplain Dedication services will be held at|0. G. Romig also of Florin.
Governor Brumbaugh. Instead of Will be the war Joe turer in the Martin the United Evangelical church, Kin-
working as volunteers on the high- | Auditorium at Encasier on Monday | jerhook, Pa., Rev. Norman N. Lauer, We Don’t Doubt It
Ways the Governop Suggested that all Pe. A yo Bo large at-lpastor, Sunday, April 28, with exer-| A number of extensive improve-
men and women devote their time to , tendance 1s looked forward to. cises Saturday evening, Sunday ments are being made at the homes |
gardening in order to increase food-! - morning, afternoon and evening. ExX-|,f the late David M. Eyer and Amos
stuffs. | Flitted on Thursday cellent programs have been planned. |Shank, Rowenna, by Contractor Sny-
{ Mrs. Minnie Minnich flitted on der, of Florin, remodeling a portion
House Passes Measure Thursday from She property on East Local Notes of the home. While “cleaning
Washington, April 25— The House Main street to the property on Man- Mr. Christian Herr is ill at this|house an old army musket, over 100 |
ate today adopte e Senate resolu- writing. years old, was found, and is now in
late today adopted the Senat lu- heim street. tin; 1d, was found, and is no
tion for the registration for military Mr. R. F. Eshleman made a busi- {the possession of Charles Zigyel-
service of young men who have He Now Sells Them ness trip to Lancaster on Thursday. meyef, who is going to take it apart
reached the a of 21 years since Mr. H. S. Newcomer purchased an Thirty-nine U. S. Army trucks|to see the construction. Mr. Zink
ge y ] :
June 5 last. The measure now goes Oldsmobile Sedan and has also taken!stopped off here for a very short says he would like to load it and
to conference. the agency for same. time early Friday morning. just have one shot at old Kaiser Bill.

Bide ve es / Gl a=
jrounee the birth of a son on Sunday.
1 will
following colored men to
1 Windber
proceeded to one of the Broad-|
gauze |
Mumma an-
Letter From Edward Dyer
Our former townsman, Mr. Harry
‘Dyer, received a letter from his son
{Edward a few days ago in which he
isays: Altho I was only home three
East | weeks ago, I am pleased to report my
| safe arrival over the sea. Had a fine
| trip. If I see brother Carl over here
{I will tell him how Soo all are at
|boms. When I enlisted on Dee. 4,
1917, IT weighed 140 lbs. and now I
| scale’ 170, so you see this life agrees
jwith me. Will write you later.
! Your son,
Edward K. Dyer,
224 Aero Squadron,
A.E. F. viaN. Y.
Letter from Samuel Suydam
| England,
i Mar. 29, 1918.
| Dear Friend,
Am writing after quite
la delay and wish to beg your par-
jdon for the delay but really after ar-
jriving in England I just could not
{pull myself together to do anything.
This country certainly does give one
lthe blues, cloudy and damp or rain-
|ing nearly all the time.
I believe I have lost all the weight
iI gained at Oglethorpe, since coming
to this country. But we are certain-
| being fed great at the present time.
| Will write more later.
i A friend,
Samuel E. Suydam,
165th O. Aero Squadron,
Amel. Air Service,
A. E. F., London,
S. W. 1, Eng.
Med. Dept., via N. Y.

Letter From Carl Dyer
Following are extracts from
ter from a second son of Mr. Harry
Dyer, of Lancaster, formerly of this
place, also in France: ‘Have been in
France since November. We are soon
ready to go to the front line trenches.
We are so close at present that fre-
quently my bed fairly trembles from
(Continued on page 8)
rl rn
A Patriotic Rally
A union patriotic rally is to be
heid in the Presbyterian Church, F.
G. Bossert, pastor on Thursday even-
a let-

ing, May 2nd, at 7:45 to which the
i public is invited. All the churches
lare co-operating. Dr. James S. Me-

iGaw of Los Angeles, Calif., has been
secured as the speaker. For eight
years he has been the General Field
Secretary of the National Reform
Association, under whose auspices he
{ has spoken in almost every State in
| the Union to large and delighted
jaudiences. “America’s Nec .d in the
World War” is the subject of Dr.
McGaw’s address which he is deliver-
ing while he tours the eastern part
of Pennsylvania. In this address Dr.
McGaw reveals the real German men-
ace and what we must do to combat
it. It is full of humor, wisdom and
power, and never fails to make a. hit
with the audiences. No admission is
that a large
present at the meet-
charged to hear this
orator. It is probable
audience will be
rr RQ em re
Hail fell here on Sunday evening.
Mrs. Joseph Charles, Sr. is ill with
Mrs. Charles Wealand is on the
sick list.
Miss Clara Rahm is nursing a felon
on her thumb.
Miss Margaret Rahm has resumed
her duties at Geo. Brown's Sons
mills after being off duty since De-
Word was received here today,
saying Albert Walters left Camp
Meade Tuesday, April 16 and was
Sunday he
Camp Merritt.
now aboard
Hoboken and is
sent to
left for
iiiupessuusessseetttliff4 Aliens
The work of f the Third Liberty
Loan Committee of Mount Joy Boro
is still in progress. Up to the present
date the committee reports the
amount subscribed for Mount Joy
Borough $41,800 and our assessment
being $102,00. This means the
committee has still some subseriptions
to take and hopes all persons may
do their “bit.”” Mount Joy township
has subscribed $25,650.

A Double Header
Frank & Bro. will hold their

Lpet ly sale of live stock at their
yards here on Friday, May 3rd at
i Hotel McGinnis when they will sell,
ia lot of Lancaster and Perry county
| cows, stock bulls and home-raised
1shoats. Following this sale on the
!same day and date Mr. Ed. Ream will
hold his next sale of 20 head of aec-
climated horses. They range in age
from 3 to 8 years and are a very
{good lot.
Will Celebrate Anniversary
| On Saturday evening, May 4th,
|from 8 p. m. to 11:30 p. m. all mem-
bers in good standing are requested
to be at the Moose home at Eliza-
bethtown. This is the 7th anniversary
of the order. There will be music by
a full orchestra, male quartetts from
the Lebanon Moose and other forms
of entertainment.