The Mount Joy star and news. (Mount Joy, Pa.) 1878-1918, April 06, 1918, Image 6

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mt ———————————————————
terest Caught From the Wires
and Boiled Down.
Impcrtant Happenings Ir the Forty-
eight States of the Union—Occur-
rences at the Capital—Latest
Cable Condensations.


Germany's supreme drive on the
western front has been halted at all
points except in the sector due east of
Amiens, where fierce fighting contin-
in Picardy.
The British lines are holding brave-
ly, an. with the appointment of the he-
roie General Foch as generalissimo
will turn and a great allied smash will
thoroughly enevelop the weary Huns.
There was a general feeling of relief
in the de
their forces under one head, and big

The Associated Press learns the ene-
my has used 87 divisions and still has
40 more which might be thrown in.
The German line outside the offensive
front is being held by mediocre troops.
The I'rench took the most important
part in the terrific fighting Thursday,
smashing the German flank in what
” possibly may be the opening of the
great allied counter thrust at the in-
vading Huns.
Argentina is on the eve of another
diplematic and more critical crisis
with Germany. This is the general
opinion in political circles, and it is
tine steamer Ministro-Irriendo in the
Mediterranean on Januarqy 26.


after a
conte Washington,
ban strikes or leckouts during the war
through settlement of industrial
cs by a federal mediation body.
United States Shipping Board
ited permission to private builders
ft in Ameri-

rence in agree 10

» coustrucet weoden cr

can shipyards, a privilege that has
been refused them since the war be-

Mr. Hoover, virtually declari
thod of handling meat situation
g pres-

lure, recommends naming of a
i which would take
packing industry.
Wilson congratulated
General Foch on his appointment as
commander in chief of the ar-
mies. Wasl ton has no news of the
reported offer of G-n.ral Pershing of
the entire American arm; for service

al co ission

charge of

in the counter offensive against the
Germans, but believes that the report
is true.
James E. Kepperley, manager of the |
Curtiss Aeroplane and Motor Corpora-
tion, answering the sensational charges
by Senator Overma:, denies that Ger-
spies infest the airplane plant.
nator Overman declared the
breakdown in America’s great aviation
program due to German spies,
whose number in this country he esti-
mated at 400,000.
The Japanese, by an agreement just
concluded, will supply Anierica with
12 large ships, representing a tonnage
of 200,000. In exchange they are to
receive steel.
The American Federation of Labor |
announced the selection of a
of nine members to assure British and |
that the workers {


French labor of |


nt of the Marine Cot
of the proposal for a big
dirydock at

the Charleston (8S. C.)
rd will be urged by house Re-
J |
» designed the Con-
and other public
his home at Wash-
ed 16 homes in Coshocton, Olio,

an flag.
Ame |
By vote of the Executive Committee |
f the United Mine Workers at Spring-
t in |
id, HL, $155,000 will be invested
Liberty Bonds.
A movement wa
4 Mich., to have tlie
Pershing. The town I
hundred and fifty residents,
Scoteh and Irish.
Draft age men
again eligible for
Corps. |
Gov. A. O. Stanley of Kentucky ve- |
teed a Lill prohibiting the use of Ger- |
man language in publie schools.
Senator Overman announced that the |
death ill be given in many |
gases for violations of the espionage |
The Labor Planning Board has
bt'ought about an agreement between |
capital and labor for the duration of |
the we which will prevent strikes in
any industvies engaged in government |
work. !

begun at Berlin, |
rame changed to |
about four
mostly |


penalty w

E, Flotsam and Jetsam of Live In- |
The allies have taken the offensive |
there is reason to believe that the tide !
ion of the allies to place |
vesults are expected from the agree- |
based on the torpedoing of the Argen- |
h I ‘ bers of the
National Siol e club own-
| ers of I I'l 0 Le ue failed
I ( 11¢ lHKees are
| likely to lose lire 1 draft is
“Bob” Shawkey, who has been placed
1 3
mission |
America are squarely behind the war. | ao immediately rganized, with seve
j eral of t ( ciubs forming a nu-
| cleus.
reed 30 pro-Geynans to kiss the |

Citizens of Hammond, Ind, built &
“Liberty” temple in nine hours. They
contributed the material and 500 car-
| penters worked,
| Lieut, Marty McHale, former pitcher
of the New York Americans, Is signing
up athletes all over the country for a
the United
| bombing for
The National Association of Credit
Men will wage a nation wide cam-
paign against fraudulent business en-
Adeption of the
scheme effected
railroads in particular
little delay in schedules,
Food Administrator Hoover announe-
ed a complete suspension of “meatless
days” for a period of 30 days.
Major General Wood the
sical examination and will continue
daylight saving
without trouble,

in active service,
Pieces of glass discovered by a wo-
wrapped bread led to
Federal Food Ad-
Williams of New

man in a loaf of
the questioning by
ministrator Arthur
{ York of the a large baking
| company. Tt admitted there
i had been other complaints, but said he

i had been unable to detect the guilty
party. lle promised to employ detec-
| tives.
| The New York Federal Reserve dis-
trict’s allotment for the third Liberty
1 } t 30 per cent, of the
oan has beer

issue, or

German-American War


x] in Newark, N, J.,

oyee asserted
ants were
Airplane designs

were found in their roon.n
| Many American troops
thousands of

are ac ing to take part in the
| 1 1 " .
{ great battle in Pic I'he men sing

the front,
trucks loaded with
{ joyously as they go toward
The lines of motor
the columns of marching

| soldiers and
men are miles long,

Arne ps abroad as
| fast as the response to
the allies’ appeal, ton says,
ilable will be put to
and every ton as

transporting men
bonds and
far au-
imimously passed

house un:


thorized for wi
of bonds so


of five men cap-
d killed two oth-
me German
r made a pri
An Amer

tured foul

ission to go
I patrol
» German

1 Sf rit ke vet-
0 stem e German offensive
Nt ue ( ! 10 a

1 it wo wounded ofli-
eived the French w Cross on
the batt
Amer A I Page left
Ron 1 a] e¢ front to
1 I
Te «


Turned Over to the Allies
Under Foch.
Great Activity in American Zone—
Troops in Lines Miles Long Plcd
Over Muddy Roads—Men De-
termined, But Cheerful.
—The acceptance by France of Gen
material for the
unified army command, so
men and
sulted in «
far as the French army and American
forces are concerned,
has in
This is shown
by the fact that the orders issued to the
American troops are of French origin.
All the American troops have been
turned over to the allies for such use
as they see fit to mu
American troops may scon he fighting
ie of

side by side with their British and
French allies in the battle which is
raging in northern France.
It is enough to say that great ae-

tivity of many kinds is in progress in
the entire American zone. Miles of
motor trucks loaded with Americans
have passed through the towns, some
going in one direction, some in anocth-
trucks plowed their way along muddy
roads, the Americans singing. Many
of the trucks had American flags
fastened to their tailboards,
On other mile after
marching Americans splashed through
the mud which came over their ankles,

The horses were steaming from the
work they had to do.
All the men are working as
as pos with the realization that

they are to be of service in the com-

four o'clock in wien
Lhieavily loaded
rumbling through the streets and over
the roads, which by noen were crowd- |
camions began
ed with eamions, both motor
horse drawn, 1
and artillery,
‘ching men, horses

As on wturday, som
going in ene directi
another, The Ameri
were cheered by others
along the roads watching the virtually

procession, sc
were miles long.
Out on the
the camming
“The Battle Hymn of the
to “Tipperary.” They exhibited the
greatest enthusiasm for
have in hand and
ious to get it started.
Frequently during
motor trucks skidded
into ditches,
open roads, the men in
everything from
the work the)
seemed to be anx
day heavy
the muddy
roads but they were |

liss Molla 1 rstedt won the na-
tion: n¢ I singles tem champion-
ship ai Miss Eleanor Goss Murs
IS [ e les title aft
t h Regime irmory, New |
H u s settled his bi wl
bi t NS oin the Bos- |
t |
4 \ iu < |
ed the Joliets, leads ro |
Socker League, by 2 goals t
T1¢( ( 1
€ (ie net

a decision


National |
their |
to live up to the rules of
reeliient and therel ted

1tS to the plavers ho become free |

n Class aft
seball League
a new league
The International
decided to dishar


The Lt Racing Association of
(0 revive racing


ts of John Lavan and
owner of
r $50,000,

Os !
i Ne ol
ssembly, in an i
Ww osays 4,500,000 Jews have beer
or driven into exile, He de-
clares ther en i
sia st I > and that
Lerauchi promised Japa
1 ed mnterests in the far


t Ge encroach-
cl red,
ris by inge guns
same time ord
d that the shells are
fired with two fuses m a gun ap


proxin ¢ 60 fee (
az 1
S f s Russian
ster sa Rus-
i es the hands
hat under German
tpire would be abso-
lately lost and ruined.
quickly literally picked
Americans as could
them and set back on the ro
started again toward their destii
A little thing like lifting the end of
five ton motor truck ]
means nothing to Americans who are
in & hurry to get into the fight.

get on: 3

from a «
Quebec Anti-Draft Riot.
Quebec.—Quebec had a taste of re:
re when it w
charge and
mob of 10,000
district, the lower town,
of the trouble Ss originated,
marched in military fo
barracks with the avowed intentio
liberating the
there, |
Fortunately the had an- |
nounced their plans and the military |

nessed a cavair


hullets ;
the Stroch
in which most
assembled in |

and |

ation to the

conscripts quart

was well prepared. When the first President of the United States I woud
showers of missiles rattled on the drill | commandeer the Curtiss plant, where
hall windows the gates opened and a | these machines are made, tt out
squadron of cavalry charged the mob, | every suspicious man and hire only
which scattered. | loyal Americans. Some of the lead-
| ing men in the plant have German
! names. I make no charges =gainst
thiese men. They may be innocent, |
38 rer er

The battle is slackening, according to
news reaching Paris. The attacis
of the Germans have keen less vic
lent and iess numerous, and it has
been observed that the enemy is fe-
verishly digging himself in, particu
larly in the neighborhood of Las
signy. The general impression
that the situation is most satisfac.
A German attempt to cross the Oise |
near Chauny ended disastrous!
The entire battalion was either
killed or captured.
On southern battleofront the French
recaptured Ayencourt and Monchel.
The German drive has been checled,
and the Huns have been hurled back |
in several places on the western
and southern edges of the salient. |
East of Arras the British have ad-
vanced and taken prisoners and

guns. South of the Somme the ai.
fies have blocked the ath to
Amiens, recapturing Demuin and
Moreuil cn either side of
Amiens road.
Allied troops are now co-operating
with the Bolisheviki in stem
the invasion of Finnish WwW 3
Guards, who have Germany's back.
the Roye-

United States Forces Are All
100,000 FOR DRIVE.
With the American Army in France,
eral Pershing's offer of all American |
present |
virtually re-
them. |
er. Through a driving rain the motor |
mile of
| ernment
{ them over,
was tried out it
| delayed the


Reserves of Allies Being Man.
| dled According to Bliss’ Plans.


4 There 1s more Catarrh In this secricn ot
the country than all ol'ir 4 3 uses v
| together, and until the last I ov
was supposed to be incusfible. Tt a

reat many years doctors. pronounce
ocal disease and prescyfbod local
dies, and by constant
with local treatment, pronounced b
Science has preven Catarrh to

r to cu
od it Incur-

able, at] tore: Fo
{ — constitutional disease, and therel Hall's
| uires constitu afin! re Mm Rte B
i atarrh Cure, anufactured b .
German Offensive Regarded as | Sntarth Cure. ghinutacinid, Pine only
Constitutional fure on the market. It 1
rectly the
taken internafly. It ects directly on
blood and cous surfaces of the ystem.
They offerfone hundred dollars for Any
case it fafls to curo. Send for circ
and testihonlals. a “,
Adar : F, J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, ¥
Bold Drugglists, 75¢ .
Talké Hall's Family Pil for conatipatiof V4
More Proof.
I wil you accept the advice of other city
gens of Lancaster County who tell whi
Pioncer Health Herbs has done for theshb
Mr. W. S. Mur, Christiana, Pa., sfys:
Failure Through Inabiiity
to Break the Line.


Somme — Teutons Are Now
Within Eleven Miles
of Amiens,
| i.
A British Hold Firm North of the

The enemies of Germany ["""""""""] “Pioneer Health Herbs hat
{ In France are, for the first time dur- given me a new stomech
| ng the war, fighting under the con- Jy trouble wes indipesior
y i v { n its .
trol of a single commander, General | was pain, gas and vomiting
| Foch, the great strategist, to whom : and my liver 8 Sowed
3 were inactive,
has been accorded much of the credit Health Herbs changed all.
| “for the victory of the Marne in Sep- 7 cen even eat Doiled cabbage
| tember, 1914. is generalissi of the - whereas before I could noy
{ ember, 1014, is generalissimo o 1e even take soup with cab
bege init. My general health has never bees
entente allied armies in France, This
report was received in the form of an
unoflicial dispatch from London, but it
Mr. Frank E. Witmer, Lampeter, Pa., saw

[ was officially confirmed by advices to since using Pioneer Health Herbs his bowely
Washington from Paris, i move like clock work.
| { President Wilson sent a personal | Mr. F. G. Slick, Ephrata, Pa., says he has
i | cablegram of cougra ion to Gener- | enjoyed the best of health for over two years
| ! 3 : . | all due to Pioneer Health Herbs.
| 4 al Foch, and General Pershing placed |
i ? at the disposal of the French com- |' Nothin like Pioneer Health Herbs in all
& | mander the American forces now on | the world of medicine. Best for blood,
| ~The great reserve army of the al- French soil. General Foch has su aon pss, Mdvern pin
lies, in which American soldiers are preme commend over all the men op | 200 Tablets $1.00 and 80 Tablets 50 cents
carrying the Stars and Stripes into | the battle lines, and, in addition, has | Money back if not satisfied. Ask fora 1913
the most momentous battle of all his- | a strategic reserve force, the s and | Pioneer Almanac. Read in it about Indias
tory, it is declared, is in motion. The | location of which is not known, but Corn Leaf the common-sense corn remover,
news means the “brilliant American | which, judging from reports, is very | Price 20 cents. Both remedies made by E
plan,” credited to Gen. Tasker H.| large. | C. Totten, W ashington, D. C.
Bliss by Premier Lloyd Gecrge in Jan-! The German offensive has slowed ! ‘Samuel Austin, 361 South Ann Street,
uary, is in actual operation. | down. Instead of a sweeping advance | Lancaster, Penna. is sole agent for Pion
to Work Like This.”


North Caroli
ice of the a

a exhibited in the senate
aircraft plants in ited States,
He showed a bracket which is used in

on April 1. They were not
because of Germar
the steel in the
them with lead, painted
and when the first machine
fell to the grourd. A
British officer, «n inspector of the Cur-
found that this plant of
been tampered with, That
building of the
than two months,
for every machine had to be examined
and all the pieces found changed .e-
who had cut

tiss plant,
Steel had
chines for more

placed by others.
“Jf 1

were Secreta of war or the

but they have strange names to me.
“We know that spies a

and they have delayed the
of the machines, or
prevented their

fighting and
delivery on time.”

Propels Four Persons From Hampton
to Annapolis and Back.
Hampton, Va.—A Liberty motor in-
stalled in a Curtiss machine was used
by Maj. Roy L. Brown, chief
ficer at Langley Field, in a
Annapolis, Md., and Major
Brown was accompanied by three pas-

fiving of-
1d trip,
officers said

| and splendid time was made.
No other details were given out,
Merchants Demand Commerce With
United States Be Resumed.
Madrid. — Ten large transatlantic
steamships have canceled their sailings
for America and are lying idle in vari- |

ous hz

sand tons is lying on the
‘a Barcelona and Corunna

"20 Space and heavy losses

sustained in
Merchants demand that commerce with
ing. ee LR i the United States be resumed
‘bors of Spain on account of the |

hard | “400,000 Germans in U. S. Up ; to AL |
mon cause and used in the present!
conflict, { Fatal Accidents on Our Aviation |
Great activity continued Sur 73 Fields Are Dus to Such
throughout the zone where the Ameri- | .
. , adv | Tampering.
can troops are quartered, It began at
Overman of |
of snies in
spies, |
Bristol |
» in the Cur-
flight to |
| hardware store to obtain fir
the seizure of Dutch ships in Ameri-
| can ports to be “an act of violence, us the next time you need
| which it will oprose with all the ener- something in the printing line.
| gv of its conviction and its wounded
| national feelings.”
| were
| eer Health Herbs and Indan Corn Lea’
Both Phones. Mail or Phone order
| its progress has heen checked at all
but one sector of the front, and there
has been merely creeping for the
| last two days—this fact ever admitted
| by the German war office, which usual
ly concedes nothing


From Arleux, north of Arr:
{ bert, on the Somme, the Bi

h lines

have been holding stubbornly and | ot Rey
| : i " | ot . “Tug,
| have thrust tack the Germans at a 00 ote"? Stay? ay
number of points. Irom Albert south cov

i Tet v ; an a slow | f
to Montdidietr the re has been a slow LADIES 1 4
| movement to the west, but the hills fox your Druggist for CHI-CHES.-TER S
west of Montdidier still being held | PramMonD BRAND PILLS in RED and
y i | GoLD wetallic es, sealed with Blue
by the French. No ground has been | Ribbon. TAzm#Ro OTHER. Tuy of Yous
made against the French along the | Druselet ande ask for CHI.CHES-TERS

DIAMONW BRAND PILLS, for twenty-five
iven into | gears th B as Best, Safest, Always Reliable,

southern side of the
the allied lines, while it is asserted Sot BY ALL DRUGGISTS
that the French counter attack from | ME or VORTH
Lassigny to Noyon is still ing on. 4k St EVERYWHFRE ATED)







lie plane and declared | phe extrenc of ti German |v—
the steel Lad been removed and re- | wedge is no 37 i ! —e
: : : : i
placed by lead, which was so com- Meanwhile ied is wait- TS The Treatment You F
y : 1 | .
pletely covered that it requiiva $n ex- | ing for the entente to back at | OLD DR.THEE Tr
: y : he Germans When this blow, if it 1719 Spring Garde, te
pert to find it the Germal Vien this blow, if it | PHIL'A., PA. Only one gi 50 yrs
L . in the minds the men directing the RORS, VARICOCELE (no cutting® EpHeosy (Fits). Inface
al » doctored bracket caused quite : .. | | tions sver for life in 10 dayal Ell, Hiadgar & Kidner me.
a its i > 1 progress of matte but seemingly it | ses. Most remarkaele resgis in **BLOOD POISON'’ for
2 ti . nator cathering o : CEA | | over 40 years (no deadly r-eTocts trom Mercy
a ition, the senators gathering must come soon if S to he effective. | ]sanic) Worn eases Bolicigll, After al men mag oid
11 ; at i 3 at Poo 3 | fail, my own origlaal od, art-r 80 years stu
around him to get a at the lead | The German advance is now converg Ai Satent] fo Quiche rivet LEG
i > acke ine 1} ol oad center Results. L —Take »
put in the bracket, ing on Amiens, the railroad center of | [Results DON'T SPECULATE WITH os Tift, Gt ook
I'here came into my office yester- | northern France vhich is known to | PULL onl de endable bide for Ang Mam:
i ; I be the ganglion run the les: : 9-4, 6-9, Sun. 8-2. Success by Mail.
day a very prominent in the ; be the ganglion run tn ,000 restored In 50 years practice 8
United States, who is a detective in | main communic: British | URED] Ad: Echetze godor oath:
3 *" : I ArmMmv i v p > The rail- | wed e
the government service,” said Senator | army in nort France. The rail | : hissed .
ey Youy { : ; ; wreck uncle Fre
Overman, “He brought this bracket, | road from Par 0 Amiens was cut | gel who sored him fr tho worst 3
$ g Y 5 ok ets a | od Poison, General Weakness
which holds the radiator rod that goes by the Gern at Maontdi hie ne but | EAE IEC. Tea
on the Bristol fighting machine, He | this would not bi if Amiens it- Ie TR I AAA A
brought it to show what German spies self is held by the allies. ! g
had done. I believe there are in this | : = Po
country 400,000 German spies up to | FOR $7,500,000 TO FARMERS. rE =
work like this all the time. | . vis
“wp : i undred Bri 1 v ‘ PILE
WO ( re hundred Bristol ma- | 4 |
“TW or three hundred Bristol wa. | yy, 00 Amendment May Nuliify Baer S rt.
i chines were to be furnished the gov- YD My
Graded Schools, Statesvill
say they doall you cla
vore, Raven Rock, W
vorsal satisfaction.’
burg, Tenn. writes
have found no r


oan $7,-
North. Da-
Washington The
500,000 to grain farme

ledy to equal yours.’
by Representative Baer of

| cents. Samp) Free. Sold by Druggists,
| ota, nonpacti wis pressed to final : nF
| passage in the house, 251 to 67, but | 58 ye J hs
! ; : | Sold in MW Joy by E. W. Garber and

its enemies had
whi + \
which they cont

pect will nullify it,
Another day's
vith bitter assaults
partisan League, of
| Cell for Free Sample
os Baer is the sole re]
serted a
16Y OX-

the Non-


ET withoutincon- §
send them on trial
when relieved. Sol
ruggistsor sent prepaid
resentative in 3 1
venience, W
Just before the bill passed an
amendment by Representative Garrett
of Tennessee wa opted, which pro-
vides that the President must investi-
gate the food situation ana determine J
the appropriation necessary before any
funds can be paid out,

United Medical Company,
74 Pi
Box caster, Pa. 5

"in Mt. Joy by E. W. Garber and Chandler & Co

a a a


NEW YORK.—Mme. Despina
doviteh Storch, one of the
| man spy here on
| March 18, died Ellis
| Island, where she was held for depor-
| tation to France.
TOKYO.—Japan has made no move
to intervene in Riberia, but stands
| ready to take up the matter when the
minister of
| Japan Japan re-
| gards Germany's influence in Siberia
{ with grave apprehension,
Joard announced that
turned out in March,
QUEBEC. — Antidraft"
resumed, and a



mysteriously on


agree, the foreign



36 ships were


ecked a
PHILADELFHIA.—Mayor of Phila-
delphia and governor of Pennsylvania
are warned by navy department that
unless vice cenditions in Philadelphia
are cleaned up the city will be declar-
ed “out of so far as permit-
ting men on leave to go there.
THE HAGUE. — Holland declared

® .
Sticking Type
is one thing and
Artistically Designed
is another. We specialize in
the latter —the kind that will
make your letterheads, station-
ery and advertising matter a
credit to your business. { See

