The Mount Joy star and news. (Mount Joy, Pa.) 1878-1918, April 06, 1918, Image 2

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“Our boys must have thele
smokes. Send them cigarettes!”
This is a familiar appeal now to
all of us.

Among those most In demand 18
the now famous “toasted” cigas
rette—LUCKY STRIKE, Thou-
gands of this favorite brand have
been shipped to France, There
{s something homelike and friend-
ly to the boys in the sight of the
familiar green packages with the
red circle.
©Ovurage is a matter of the blood. |
Without good red blood a man has a
weak heart and poor nerves. !
En the spring is the best time to
fake stock of one’s condition. If the
Blood is thin and watery, face pale or
guy, generally weak, tired and list-
one should take a spring tonic.
@ne that will do the spring house-
aleaning, an old-fashioned herbal rem-
ody that was used by everybody nearly
#® years ago is still safe and sane be-
This homelike, appetizing quale
ity of the LUCKY STRIKE ciga-
rotte is largely due to the fact
that the Burley tobacco used in
samse it contains no alcohol or narcot making It has been toasted, “It's
: 30k oF Dar toasted” was the “slogan” that
1 is made up of Blood root, Gold- | a Ent sucess of LUCKY
sa Seal root, Oregon Grape root, { A
Queen's root, Stone root, Black Cherry | STRIKE in less than a year. Now
mark—extracted with glycerine and; the American Tobacco Co. is mak.
ing 15 million LUCKY STRIKH
sade into liquid or tablets. This blood
| Cigarettes a day.
femie was first put out by Dr. Pierce
ia ready-to-use form and since then |
isas been sold by million bottles as Dr.
Wheree’s Golden Medical Discovery. If |
druggists do not keep this in tablet |
Horm, send 60 cents for a vial to Dr. |
Meree’s Invalids’ Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y.
Kidney disease carries away a large
pereemtage of our people, What is to
Bedone? The answer is easy. Eat less
A good part of this immense
production is making its way
across the water to cheer our

More Children in Court.
The annual report of the children's
court of New York city shows that
ment, eat coarse, plain food, with plenty | 14,519 children came before the court
off vegetables, drink plenty of water | [ast year, an increase of 2,004 over the
Between meals, and take an urle acid | ;
smlvent after meals for a while, such as
Asurie (double strength), obtainable at
mimost any drug store. It was first!
discovered by Dr. Pierce.
A= troubled with uric acid finds that
Stic dissolves the uric acid as hot |
does sugar. You can obtain a| Bears the
j- Wl package by sending ten cents to | Signature of
i;mor Plerce’s Invalids’ Hotel and | Isa rer 30 Years
Zrgieal Institute in Buffalo, N. Y. 1a Ye for Over 3 You's
previous year.
for infants and children, and see that it

y C fi 5 | Naturally.
“Can yo ell 1e ) hat li
' ut cura oap trains or DE es Be i he
“Certainly ; on head lines.
Is Ideal—
or the Hands
SET FORM AND PEP 00° nn en |
Sols aw. Sent for 81 bill by H. S. LOOMIS, Dept.
2, 8% Natual Life Building, Buffalo, New York

A good reputation is sometimes use-
ful as a parachute to the man whe
| rises rapidly in the world.

Where there's a will there's a dozen
waiting for it to be probated. |
BR.O00 Acres Michigza Hardwood Tand; good Judge not a ship as she lieth on the
wig Sera. Address B. W. Abbott, Boyne City, Mich. stocks—there will probably be a strike.
®er centuries GOLD MEDAL Haarlem | have been a standard household remedy. |
#33 b2s been a standard household remedy | They are the pure, original imported |
fiw kidoey, liver, bladder and stomach | Haarlem Oil your great-grandmother |
@remble, and all diseases connected with |used, and are perfectly harmless. The |
she wrinary organs. The kidneys and | healing, soothing oil soaks into the cells
fedder are the most important organs of | and lining of the kidneys and through |
$be Body. They are the filters, the puri- | the bladder, driving out the poisonous |
fens of your blood. If the poisons which | germs. New life, fresh strength and |
ames your system through the blood and | health will come as you continue this |
Awmach are not entirely thrown out by | treatment. When completely restored fof
tie kidneys and bladder you are doomed. | your usual vigor, continue taking a cap-
sule or two each day. They will keep |
Wearine ssness, yous : hs
Ry , sleeplessne Nervousness, | ..,, in condition and prevent a return of
{#spondency, backache, stomach trouble, the diverse
i che, pain in lo'ns, and lower abdo- SY
Do not delay a minute. Delays are
especially dangerous in kidney and blad- |
der trouble. All reliable druggists sell
GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules.
They will refund the monev if not as rep- |
resented. Tn three sizes, sealed packages. |
Ask for the original imported GOLD |
For 200 years they | MEDAL. Accept no substitutes.
Sap it or you never can keep well. If you wake with a bad taste in the
smanth, coated tongue, perhaps headache, your liver is torpid. A torpid liver
demanges the whole system, produces dyspepsia, costiveness and piles. There
is no better remedy for these disorders than DR. TUTT’S LIVER PILLS.
Try them just once and be eternally convinced For sale by all druggiste.
Dr. Tuit’s Liver Pills
Puts a ..
Stop to all
Zameen, gallstones, gravel, difficulty when
menting, cloudy and bloody urine, rheu-
meats, sciatica, lumbago, all warn you
fe ook after your kidneys and bladder.
BOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules are
abst you need.

They are not a “patent medicine” nor
a "sew discovery.”

And prevents others having the disease no matter how
exposed. 50 cents and $1 a bottle, $5 and $10 a dozem
bottles. All good druggists and turf goods houses.
Spohn Medical Co., Manufacturers, Goshen, Ind., U.S.A.
Win the War by Preparing the Land
Bowing the Seed and Producing Bigger Crops
$ark in Joint Effort the Soil of the United States and Canada
“The Food Controllers of the United States and Canada are asking for
mgeemer food production. Scarcely 100,000,000 bushels of wheat are avail-
alle 20 be sent to the allies overseas before the crop harvest. Upon the
axes of the United States and Canada rests the burden of supply.
mary Available Tillable Acre Must Contribute; Every Available
Farmer and Farm Hand Must Assist
Western Canada has an enormous acreage to be seeded, but man power
Fede, and an appeal to the United States allies is for more men for seed-
“zada’s Wheat Production Last Year was 225,000,000 Bushels; the
Bemand From Canada Alone for 1918 is 400,000,000 Bushels
“Fo secure this she must have assistance. She has the land but needs
#2 men. The Government of the United States wants every man who can
«Bxzerively help, to do farm work this year. It wants the land in the United
®aws developed first of course; but it also wants to help Canada. When-
=wer we find 2a man we can spare to Canada’s fields after ours are supplied,
wx want to direct him there.
Apply to our Employment Service, and we will tell you where you can
Se serve the combined interests.
Western Canada’s help will be required not later than April 5th. Wages
~~gampetent help, $50.00 a month and up, board and lodging.
Those who respond to this appeal will get a warm welcome, good wages,
of board and find comfortable homes. They will get a rate of one cent
=tiz from Canadian boundary points to destination and return
_ Fox particulars as to routes and places where employnrent may be had

important to Mothers |
Most every | Examine carefully every bottle of |
OSt every | ASTORIA, that famous old remedy
Tu |

President of Aero Club A
ica Explains Aircraft §

Failure of congress to appropriate
£3,000,000,000 was given as the direct
reason for the lack of American air-
planes in I'rance by Mr. Hawley.

Americans Credited With “Fight-
ing Like Veterans.”
Two Officers Who Were Hurt Receive
Decorations During the

Paris.—“Intirely new in this war-
fare, the Americans worked like the
battle of the
veterans in the
says a wounded French eap-
tain who has been brought back from
the front, according to La Liberte.
Two of the Americans, officers, who
were hrought back
were wounded,
with the French captain, a member of |
wore |
the Dragoons. Ilach American
a French war cross conferred on the |
battlefield. The French captain re-
fused to receive attention until the
Americans alongside him had first
been nursed,
“They are the ones who should be
congratulated,” he said, calling upon
the women of the Red Cross to look
after the Americans,
The presence of American auxi
troops on the fighting line in the
pattle was the subject of much favor-
able comment, and when it became
zenerally known that wounded Ameri-
can officers and men were being
brought back with the French wound- |
ed from the region of St. Quentin |
American stock rose high. The
effect was even
the supposition was that the number
of the American was
troops in line
not considerable.
The comforting thing to the I'rench |
is that recently, whenever there has
been hot fighting, the Americ have
had a share of it, even if a small one,

and have acquitted themselves

The women drivers of the Am in
I'und for French Wounded, true to
their tradition, have put their cars at
the disposal of the numerous refugees
who are arriving in Paris and
are |
tansporting them from station to sta- |
tion or to their friends in the city. At
the Northern Railway station the
American Red Cross found itself able

to give thousands of refugees the care
and comfort they needed after so |
many hours’ travel. Every few hours
a train would bring in a fresh lot of |
300 of these unfortunates, most of |
them little children, old women and
old men. They had been nearly three |
vears in German hands until relieved |
last spring, and now have been forced
to flee from the homes to which they
had returned.
Allies Winning, Says March.
Washington.—In a statement Major
General March, acting chief of staff,
assured the American people that there
is no cause for alarm in the advances
made by the Germans in the great bat-
tle now raging in Picardy and express- |
ed complete confidence in the triumph |
of the allied arms.
President Approves Commission to
Study Complex Meat Problem.
Washington. nent operation
of the big packing houses ol
try has become a strong pro


hie coun- |

Herbert C. Hoover, the food admin- |
istrator, announced that Pr nt Wil- |
son has approved the appeintmient of
a commission to study the entire com- |
plex meat problem, and that some dras- !
tie with respect to
meat and ibution
must be made immediately.
change of policy
conservation dist
Drive Compelied Abandonment of Sup-
plies; Appeal to United Stat

German » in

France has compelled the destruction
or abandonment of much of t food |
supply in the Oise and Aisn sions,
adding to the difficulties of food |
situation in France. The attention of
the: American government, it became |
known, has been called to the need for
additional food in France, where
fore the present battle the
iowances were low.

bread al- |

be- | &










d X
. — ae E> Dm aN
a no nn} Barnoy
McLaughlin, a chin tama |
[un 1s in nt Killed i
rey ony College, |
Collogevil wdulged i enteen -
’ Foliowing
Orosene i iiN-
v Esther Farrow, | : {
y eritacatiy 1e SU With
n region ate
3 Ww opotatoes |
wl $2.20 inst fall
was crushed to |
de Lar fell on him
t lyster Weiser
men aid condaictors of the
Montgomery Transit the {from Troop
er to Harleysville have had their
w raised to twenty-eight cents an
hour { tel J f Hi
fas tsttuitian naar trnden wine Vision for a moment, those far off ports
< s Gad 3 i) |
to hang himself {rom a rafter in the | 3 a
[ barn on his farm in Plainfield town- | bevond the trackless Seas
{ ship. He leaves a widow and six chil- ! . - yes -
drei, | From Arctic ice, to the torrid {ands
A letter received by Mrs. William |
Bridgen, of Mahanoy City, from Eng- beneath the Southern Cross—
land, tells of the death of an uncle, .
a nephew and a sister, and the per i 1
in oa crippling of a nephew Do From fowns tucked in the mountains, fo
rods : 9?
war, —
5 ti an cet ts ea roe] JPR DUSYTIVEP'S MOUND
leading an infected tonsil as a rea- ,
ison for not defending an action .
brought by his wife for non support, WRIGLEYS iS there!
Benjamin KF. Trout, Duncannon, was —
given by the court until April S to - WRAPPED
3 : : IN
have his tonsils removed, There, because men find
Churches of Chambersburg joined
in a meeting for prmyer for the allied | comfort and refreshment
| cause. The meeting was spontane- | sos *
ous, the progriun cons'sting of hynins | in its continued use.
and prayers for victory for the cause . .
| of righteousness and Lberty. Because of ifs benefits
Orders have been po 1 at the Ar- | and because
| my Ambulance camp at Allentown di- |
recting the soldiers to beware of lean |
sharks and especially not to fool away | e avor
their Liberty bonds. Instances have | E
heen newn where S160 bonds were |
hocked for as low as $50, at rates up |
to 10 per cent, |
The farm bureau of Lehigh esunty, |
in a few days secured 200 men and |
boys who wiil work on farms during | 825 >
the entire summer, |
Louis A. Sassaman, a Reading at- |
torney and one of the income tax in- |
vestigators of Berks county, has been i
found insane by a conunission, his | /
| breakdown being aseribed to excessive | 5
work. | A
While making his first trip in his | - =
automobile, which he had owned but |
one day, Thomas Collins, aged thirty- |
seven, a farmer near (re Delt, was Ol GIANQO’S €¢ iC ROP” EDS
; Be na id E
{instantly killed when his ear overturn- bi ce a a——
ed a mile east of Herman i 5
Beulah Kennedy, azed ten, davghier | § Planted for 100 Years by the Leading and Most Success-
ff I'rank Kennedy, a / . m .
IY = ful Market Gardeners, Truckers and Farmers
actory ol er uren-iickso | .
{ company, in Bast Butier, died in the | All Over the United States
| Butler hospital from burns received | Shines denan ; : oy
when her clothing caught five from Write for Bolgiano’s 100th Anniversary Seed Book and Guide to Garden Success
im open grate in her home in East Gives Lowest | »n a Complete List of Bolgiano's “Big Crop" Seeds; Beauti-
sutlor, fully iilustrated Biimful of Valuable Garden News.
Widen Schwartz, the / Berks Mailed Free fo All Interested.
| county nil, is ste o'.serving ‘ ~ »
oss and ome dees ona “John Baer” Tomato Big Boston Lettuce
Sroward Gr) of the edunty aims The E :t and Best Tomato on Earth Bolgiano’s Famous Stock
10USEe started a wl NSEC For years we have
house, has staried a lood conserva re-selected and im.
| tion movement, Dioved Gus sion of
A] ona v that aoe nated in this Wonderfu
Fhe go ge haul. n wlated in Lettuce until
Reading last winter, when lack of coal | believe re
made incineratior I be ipping to- fi Ruyos He
pread over the matoes in 30 the World. Big
: La 7 days from large Boston Lettuce
{land and plowed Strong well sthe most val- ”
A big booster measiing was | ¢ pants lettuce w
latte Ne Tet ame | Its excellent qualities have made
Columbia in the interes = SERA and most extensively used
serve militia company. | py ey 1. 1t produces grand, large,
bik | John Baer s, filled with sweet, crisp,
Christ Danner, a Lancaster carpen- s «crop of tomatoes Enthodleeves Bolgiano’s
fOr. Wils Jr onsl niured when he foll t. Entirely free ng withont going
er, was ser.ousiy mjured when he teil | y 8 of ahi up to the stem. Sina ccs a large
| from the roof of a high building No lis shapen fr Tild delicious flavor. stock is especially adapt-
Hazle mio Joetrieians asked Almost seedless. A perfect shipper, Growers gj {6 cool, open ground culture,
Iazleton union electric.ans asked | everywhere man tits extreme earliness, won- IR Gh : -
for a pay increase of from forty-eight | derful prolific nd the beauty of its fruit. Pkt. 10¢ Oz.15¢ 20zs. 25¢ % Lb. 35¢
om inv Joe 14 Oz. 50c_ Y; Oz. 9c Oz. 15 Lb. 60c Lb, $1.00. Postpaid
to sixty cents an hour, effective April | €1 50 20zs 0 1 Lb. $45) 14 Lb. $3.00
1 Lb. $15.00 We offer Veneer Bands 50c per 100 5 "
Caught between ears at the Vulean Bolgizng's New “Early Spring” Beet Bolgiano’s “Early Fortune
ollie ip avis vente a driv. i 3 d : .
colliery, Carl Wertz, seventeen, a driv Pw The First Rect jn Market White Spine Cucumber
er, died at the State hospital at Foun- Veo toa fietin shape
: Most perfectinshape and iy
tain Savings. ) fuldeepred color The Ideal Cucumber for Home or Market
The Alte hoard of education will | ery ETRE TE
erant furloughs to 150 s‘udents of | ag ee og ’
: ‘ . . 7 luc er .
the high school who will help farmers | Has a very small tap
this spring, ~ Sool sisdioprotbeiog
ie, > Wie rad ig as large as Crosby's The Earliest and by far the best Rich Dark
Caught in debris caused by a run- 7 1 gyptian. I Even In Mma- Green, White Spine Cucumber. he greatest
away pill Frank Yorsavaez, of turing. Can besown under producer of all varieties and at all stages of its
2 : pray Or han Yiass and iraiplanted out. growth, it is a model in shape, being the most
Aloun armel, was carried down a ors Sy cows int 2 open fel) handsome and attractive cucumber ever grown
breast and killed at Richard's colliery. a pnature much earler The quality it superb, flavor delicate, refreshing
mm vil , J RT “Early S ro an oroshy Se Dito New and delightful, entirely free from bitterness, fine
The will of the late John R. T. rary SoIne hat orem ob Yeuls of grained, flesh compact, exceedingly crisp and
Ryan, of Williamsport, included a he- oh bus : i Tink
test of £1000 to the board of minis- 20zs45¢ _% Lb. 75¢ Pkt. 10c Oz.15¢ 20zs. 25c % Lb. 45c
OS i 15 Q >
tal relief of tiB Predbyicrion 50 Postpaid. 12 Lb. 85c Lb. $1.50 Postpaid
church. To those not familiar with the superlority of Bolgiano’s “Big
11 ives naar hie tir sdiot: Offer Crop” Sceds, we will send for a trial, one large 10c package of
All principals under his jurisdiction A ah of the 2boye four Bolgiano’s Specials for 25¢ postpaid if you
have endorsed the candidacy of Pro- | ssn \yill mention this paper.
fessor J. C. Taylor for re-election as | °
sparintemiiont of schools fn Lacks wis J, Belgiano & Son 191s
wanna county.
A hoard of Viewers to detovmine WE HAVE WON CONFIDENCE FOR 100 YEARS
whether the bridge across onesta | : :
creck royed hy high water, she uld | Pratt and Light Sts. Baltimore, Md.
| be rej Iw appointed by the .
Daupl niy cour | MTSRE——T—— =
: 1 s B ede = TY ie tstee r os
Sh3; ana Mf ees 33 Hard | An Impossibility. PREVENT ABORTION IN COWS!
theil dows ! i ha, Mis. Ma raret | “Here's a woman wants. to be di- Jf 3P%0f pur cows, Belfer se the
( fn Wil Le 8il of Nor-{ e,.0eq hecause hor husband is £00 per- charge wash them out Xe ¥
nd, wer niured AN pai jis sii he. hc Dr. David Roberts’ sept
1, re i u : k | 1 {i and Flushing Gutfit, Prid $1
pet while turning a €or- | wyyell, do you suppose any woman calves in bo saved by this Simpl
ner. | eo he hi vith a husband who Rh Preventive. >
MM {oh bas heen anno.ited jus: a i Read the Practice! Home Veterinarisn
. 3 IK appoe.nled Jj 7 n wv gave her a chance to find ¢ Send tor free booklet on Abortion In Cows
| tice of the peace of the Wes: ward v fatal?” f no dealer in your town, writ
t ec 0 h i h ; Ne ( ro \ fault? Dr. David Roberts’ Yet. Co. 100 Grand Avenus, Waukecha Wis.
{om Jo Mille or | — EH
) horotel | Different. PARKER'S 1
Berl ‘ \ < hold over | “Jack seems melanchonly late- HAIR BALSAM
0.000 bushels of palo s. and nee | lv. Has 1 nd lost?” A toilet preparation of merit.”
@ " h ] Helps to eradicate dandruff, .
: 0) 1 jels “No 1 tand he loved and For Restoring Color and
| Son’ Beauty toGray or Faded Hair]
| won. 4 G0c. and $1.00 at Druggists,
‘ y hund i 1poks rrr ——r—————— .
11 = Ihe vl T¢ v men pray for the things SALESMEN-INAJIFFI AUTO FUEL—one-third
1: vd: i they ‘ Yar t ‘ ie Fp cheaper; non-injurious; 30% more power; no carbon
to wili ne 1o ird- | the I VOrK tor. troubles; long established repeat saller; 10 year ex-
a Frnt clusive contract. INAJIFFI FUEL CO., Akron, Ohio
oman, aged about 83500 to $1,000 a mor ariising Indi
«won, mized about) When Your Eves Need Care i or pe inaian Rem:
und dead in the Neshan- - fered. Write Anthony Fisher Co., Salt Lake, U
neck viver near the Mill street bridge, Try Murine Eve Remedy Se yuan
No Smarting — Inst Kye Comfort. 6) cents at
Droggists or mail. Write for Free Bye Book.
with mountain 3%
DECORATE 3igezosineyess
ery; 1
parcel post; grows 2 fi. high. J. N. Siders, Granite,


