FAGE EIGHT THE MT. JOY STAR AND NEWS SATURDAY. MARCH COWS, BULLS AND SHOATS MOUNT JOY MARKETS ROHRERSTOWN 7 it S— Brandt & Stehman Sells: parcel post. Rev. Kunkle officiated. t of Holsteins, Lene | Bataan he hal ‘ Ete ra | oad OK., but with several hours of hard g i ! THE STAR & NEWS and earnest work located all the Wheat, per bu Bran, per 100 lbs, | Shipstuff, per 100 lbs, ! Mixed feed, per 100 Ib | Glutten, per 100 lbs.,. { Cotton Seed Meal “e tion eis Linseed Meal, per 100 lbs... Beef scrap & fish scrap. «*» noo WL N e i oOo UITIOQ TDD < oce BUBLIC SALE by The following prick § are paid todey / EE / 3 M. S. Bowman Est. Pays: val mM ¥, Charles Harris moved to town ON FRIDAY, APRIL gb, 1918 Butter, per © 30! Mr. Chester Patterson is very busy p t k HOTEL McGINNIS, MOUNT JOY | Lard, per 1b 28 1 1n his new Saruge inthis place. Ap 0s Qua BI aq a UA : Brandt & Stehman Pays: oo 00 ply at the Post Office. ; BR fe Gorn Flake NTP gan (Can |" Roy Flick moved into his new se SEC : hops last week. : ; 9c, Pkg Bright and early on Sunday Calf Meal, per 100 Ibs.,....... Wheat, per bu : I'he Pennsylvania Poultry Fan 1 i Corn, per bu ty coveens 18010 cending thousands of chicks by 04s 183 -~ J STORES CO 7 hve Nr . [ 4 Pk The funeral of Mrs. Emma Evans fi g, ; morning a young man of our town A LOT OF GOOD COWS Timothy Hay, per 100 a... vs are was held on Saturday at the Lutheran ) # church and was largely attended Mount Joy, Pa. # 2 | wanted to take a trip in his automo *® F = | bile, while preparing for this trip » 1 Straw, per 100 Ibs.,. | found his automobile to be far from ce ou aying or an ! bt pt a — one Fresh, Springers and a few ! Backwagd Cows. Extra big milkers | . . trouble and departed. and g butter cows. Statement Printed to Comply With Revival services are being held this ; vif | Recently Enacted Law of Con- [week in the Church of God. Ser A FEW STOCK BULLS gress {vices each week night at 7:30. Large Lot Home-Raised SHOATS re asp— | Services on Sunday will be i i & Thigis a fine lot of stock and the sale Statement of the ownership, man-| Sunday School at 9:30 followed by 2 shold not be overlooked. | agement, etc., of the Mount Joy Bul-la sermon to the children. ! : é . J. EL. Minnich, Auct. | letin, published Wesily at Mount Joy, | At 5:30 a meeting to organize a ; the Act of August{Junior Endeavor Society. 0 u oO ee ® JJH. Zeller, Clerk. Pa., required b) f C. S. FRANK & BRO. 24. 1912. | Endeavor 6 P. M. Known bondholders, mortgages; Preaching 7 P. M f M. 4 Any person having stock for sale, . . wl Sharan hold at Sandan o“ a . Jeall 129-12 Bell phone, or drop us a and other security holders, Rolfing 3) gy Dvices wil be held at Standard This Is Cur Price For Our Very Best d. | per cent. or more of total amount ¢ ime (new). : J (gar { bonds, mortgages or other securities Rev. F. W. McQuire preached at | Elizabethtown Wednesday evening of THOUSANDS THE "STAR & NEWS, this week. C. D. Miller of Laneaster Jno. E. Schroll, Owner. | pre: wched at the revival services in J Sworn to and subscribed before me | the absence of the pastor. ‘pe . . this 25th day of March, 1918. : Of Satisfied Customers Are Using It Daily Ww. M. Hollowbush, | Rohrerstown Lutheran Parish 7 Notary Public. | Rev. H. A. Kunkle, Pastor ] . ~§™ LL ji 1% Why Not Join The Crowd? 736 Columbia Ave., Lancaster, OUR CLASSIFIED COLUMN | March 31st—Easter Sunday. { Concordia, Chestaut Hill, Mountville ———— { d WANTEI | Sunday School at 8:45 A. M. A £ o i _— | ANTED-—A greenhouse man,| Easter Festival and program by Few M re Pr © not afraid to work. Good wage >. Sunday School and Congregation a 7 Cc S ON APRIL 1, 1918, THE KEY-I5 Box C., Spring Grove, Pa. : -2t.19:30 A.M. S ial STONE RAG COMPANY WILL RE-| 2 0% bo Nr Oe 9a A Pe Clits ab! I N . a ¢ MOVE FROM THEIR PRESENT, WANTED_ Old Pigeons in any|, Go! Friday. March 25, Class at 9 South American Narrow Beans. Se P T ENN- | quaatity from a pair to several hun-!’ dorvice 1 ser at 10 A. M. LOCATION OPPOSITE THE PEN Nr 38 Santen wap | Servic ind sermon at 10 A. AM. Campbells Soupg) per can.. diiniiiniinae an Qe SYLVANIA RAILROAD PASSEN. dred pairs i Bay co Ce. “ |, Class at 2 P. M. on Saturday, Mar. GER STATION FO THE FORMER = |30th. ; : 5 yveons in anv, Confirmation, Sunday April 7th at ou or ima eans er un BELONG waREnoUSEs Oreo. | WANTED OI Fem i uy, (rl Sn Beans, per pound... SITE BRANDT AND STEHMAN'S| i... 0% wil p on 25 cents a pair { English Communion, April 14th, y A MILL. SPRINGTIME IS COMING. Deliver any time ray office, 36-tF [9:30 A. M. ery oice Asparagus, per can . .Y5¢ BRING YOUR JUNK OR LET ME|™ =~, | Trinity Rohrerstown : P KNOW BY TELEPHONE. BELL | JANTED-A T: i Bole Sunday School at 9 A. ML Fine Fancy runes, per pound i eer 12, 15, 1% PHONE 67-R4. LET ME KNOW IF y : Caster program and service at 7 on “4 6 and not too far from Mount Joy. Ad M 3 Hershey s Locoa, per can Special Easter music and e YOU HAVE ANY SECOND-HAND gress, Bea} PE ate, Care Star ad | » BE Re ae te MOBILES TO SELL. News, Mount Joy. , {ercises by the Sunc 0 e a AUTOMO Oo public is invited. Old Dutch Cleanser, per can Ww ANTED Women tor home| Good Friday, March 29th, Con- work. Necessary to have tock stitch firmation at 7:30 P. M. Sermon on Large Bott! € Catsup ving » r lig ork Confirmata by the as . a KEYSTONE RAG CO. sewing machi ns efor J ht, Fork on € ew Aor y Apply by postal, 7th, at 9:30 A. M. Come and wor- Cur Bes’ Table Syrup, per can | ceptional prices. 9 : Max Brody, Prope. inn of and address to Follmer ship. Remember your duty to Synod Bell Phone 67-R4 MOUNT JOY. | Clogg & Co., Lancaster, Pa. 3-30-1t and missions. Choice} Pink S salmon per can i ) en DD. 2 Ruth Luella Murray, infant daugh- mar. .5-4% WANTED-—A middle-aged hus-|ter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Murray, B i d S 1 band and wife (white); good charac-| was baptized and made a, child of es Laun Y SOR § . . ter and disposition; neat and tidy. |grace, Sunday March 24th, at 10:15 = y oy P) per cade... ... The wife to cook, and the husband |A. M. in Trinity Lutheran church, L Just Received My Ling r ito be houseman and all around handy | Rohrerstown. Pastor Kunkle officia- arge Easter inggs man in a family consisting of two ting. The parents were sponsors. EASTER CANDIES | middle-aged persons. A good home;! Rev. H. A. Kunkle of 736 Colum- | fine location and all conveniences. |bia Ave., Lancaster, Pa., Pastor of 1 to | Good wages. Write at once P. O. Box the Rohrerstown Lutheran parish, REMEMBER--It Pays To Carry It Home ee C., Spring Grove, Pa. mar.23-2t | will assist the Rev. Dr. J. E. Whit- taker of Trinity Lutheran church GUTH CHOCOLATES, Fruit 22d | RAISE 95 TO 100 PER CENT. OF | Lancaster, on Thursday of Passion | | Nut Eggs. Something new. # Week (Mar. 28) in the administra. YOUR CHICKS # [tion of the Lord’s Supper, at 7:30 i vis gin bids og Jo le =, Ofhers 8, dolig it, 90 crgyon M. gn rniitivinineg il E g on’t let chicks die with wr ¥ diar-| ae you until Easter hen fare, Se ight, = f logs +3 wW.w. APBEL 4 SC 3 oh < —— stunted and not developingg®ive them STWRLDAG & GPTIOMANG JUST OUJT : { Brubaker’s old Origis i Poultry | ELIZABETHTOWN e Br 4 FOR OUR SPRING THE REXALL STORE Poa in wheat, bran#o ol aa i pater day puphely 5 past N. F. Heckler spent a few days in Jold S ’ J (ilasses E. Main St. MT. JOY, PA.|qatch them grow. #eed all the dry|Philadelphia this week. bran they can eat! all the fresh wa- Harry Felker and wife announce | ter they want t# drink and a good |the arrival of a daughter. $1.00 Almost daily we have customers who are vic- Chick Food several times a day, then | , Faul R. Haines and wife announce | , ithe arrival of a daughter, Alma E. tims of "the above head- line. BROWN PATENT LEATHER OXFORDS AT $6.00 ill 3 ! : Tou isfaiment Vrs Ds i] Albert E. Reber, of Chicago, is the I é healthy stgék use Brubaker’s Old I guest of Dr. D. C. Reber and family. Original Horse and Cattle Powders, | George Ebersole is auto driver for do not gxpect a substitute that js | the Klein chocolate factory on Brown claimed just as good. Guarantee on Street. > Royer Buch, of York, was the] SVEEY/ack Ash your desler for it dhe of his parents, Addison Buch f SAMUEL BRUBAKER, 136 East! i ife § New Street, Lancaster, Penna. Mrs. J. S. Gross and daughter Mijss 7 (Helen, spent Tuesday with relatives | £ COURT PROCLAMATION (at Harrisburg. = ; 5 1. A B. Rider, of Fort London, was Whereas the Hon. Charles 1. Lan- ify, guest of B. L. Geyer and wife on } dis, President, and the Hon. Aaron B.f xs : 5 Mount Jou, a. Hassler, Associate, Judges of a Noh Markot Sueel. hers. of Phila-| Court of Common Pleas in and T | delphia spent a few days with S. ci Both Phones the County of Lancaster, and Asgis St-) Hershey and family. | ant Justices of the Courts of Pyer | A B : te d 1 t held ini and Terminer, and General Jail De-| B Baster ance will Be hol fivery end. @unrier Bossions got the | Market Hall Monday evening. This MY MOTTO IS Peace in and for the County #f Lan- i ge joss Sines of he =o Noman i : ; a. alrested, Sein nd song Daniel Miller and family, of ie Not Pricé, But Quality ||ciher éhinis, co make bublic roc Son Wee" "1 M7) > ation throughout my bailiwick, that | nt. B. Hunt ital gg TE sughon m ies iit Joseph B Hunt rs jand son Gleim and Mrs. Sarah | ! i We are surprised sometimes to know that apparently intelligent pegple fall for such supposed inducements. SLIT L ITY P00 5000000000000000000000000000 0 aba Aaa RRR RI RRA RII E XIII wit NOT BE FIRST Cha. H. Fry's Shoe Store Store of Service EFIEEET LANCASTER, PENNA. J Why be a vietim of one of these—'‘here-for- ‘a-day—never see you {again fakers” when it costs you nothing to consult us? 22222222000¢ — rbd RR REE I EE ERE ERR RS ® oo, Se oid Ardt atl eR XXII > obbdbtdddiat dt lI RR IY esd ioddbdididididlsdde P9600 0000060060000 0600( } 2r0 1 1 General Jail Delivery, alfo a Court of | ervi 1 i % | Huntzberger of Bellaire, were the a c¢ & Satisfaction General Quarter’ Seagions of he | puests of Paul Reidenbaugh and wife. 331 NORTH QUEEN STREET ; A : . IY) . Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wiker of Lew- Seem——— mence in the Court/ House, in the { jstown, announce the arrival of a rR Bar ans in Musical Ingir uments § City of Lancaster, in the Common- | young’ daughter. Mrs. Wicker prior | 13880330008 00400008 449 Is there anything you need wealth of Pennsylvania. to her marriage was Miss Susan Buch | ——— for youf automobile, if I do not On the Third Mbnday in April | of this place. oe carry it in stock, I can supply (the 15th, 1918) |” Henry Weaver, one of our best] 21 Y CORNETS, TROMBONES, BUGLES, DRUMS, : In pursuance ‘of which precept known residents, celebrated his 78th! F | it as soon and as reasonable as public notice is hereby given to the | birthday. He is a Civil War veteran | ALL KINDS OF y 74! VIOLINS, MANDOLINS, UKALELES, GUI- anyone in the country. TRY }iMayor and Aldgrman of the city of and an active member of Christ] PLUMBIN a 8 || TARS, JEWS.-HARPS, MOUTH-ORGANS. ME. } Lancaster, in the said County, and | Lutheran church. i # ] all the Justices of the Peace, the! Russel Hoffman, of the Marine] CASES FOR ALL MUSICAL ISTRUMENIS. : ‘ C and s Portsmouth, N. H. and A Storage Batteries oroner and Constables of the said | C Jorps, or iy Bin. of Mood SPOUTING Sdn Aas pod XTX Ys vw & City and Cownty of Lancaster, that | mother, Mrs. i they be then’ and there in their own | hattan, Kan., are the guests of R. R. f ! f R h d proper persgns with their rolls, e-| Bronemyn and family. | HEATING H y eC arage cords and @xaminations and inquisi- | Rev. S. C. Enck, D.D., conference! 7 i > tions, and fheir remembrances, to do | superintendent of the United Breth- | TINNING H | those things which to the offices ap- ren church, occupied the pulpit of } pertain, iff their behalf to be done; IS Paul's U. B. church on Wednes- | / and also all those who will prosecute | ! day evening using as his theme | WORK GUARANTEED { T I RR Ee S f2 agains the pri isoners who ey, or Sen "Church La or ot th i : sha ed in the jail of said County o ev. Lh cQuire, pastor o el “ i b North Prince St Lancaster Pa f H ’ J) y Tl OPEN £VENINGS UNTIL 9 P. M. § | Lancaster are to be then and there | Church of God, at Rohrerstown, oc- { I have a large supply on hand |to progecute against them as shall be eupied. the Ruipls gt ine local Crurehl \ /n do tl ; {just. / of God on Wednesday evening, de-! y/ 4 Bisquen y San give Jou { Dated at Lancaster, Pa., the 14th [livering a fine sermon to a large | ) dl'le8 ) I( M0 OF yompt. service, prices are. llday of March, A.D. 1918: congregation. . vill ight. | C. G. GARBER, Sheriff. he J. G. Stauffer flour mill on West Main Street AND REPAIRING On Tuesday evening about 7:30 an | Shipments are being made to Phila- |automobile, driver unknown, going|delphia by th loads west ran into the team of Se Spa I a is Cit Sh D. D. o DONNELL. PROFR. Oberholtzer—Espenshade ig The horse Seared ong owe Mr. and Mrs. Phares Longenecker Re 1 Cem 113 116 South Eighth St. Phil. Eli D. Oberholtzer, son of Mr. and — St is on Deing ater hit announce the birth of a son. pairing - pany rE Mr Se Mre Simon Espen- tA son. B Wol h e, 0 iza wn, were ited , d Mrs," Pl t ere uni Mr. an Is ares Wolgemu 50 and 5¢ South Q Street Good Gorm | kitchen. Meals at all hours. | | South Market street & yorking day | : { and night in order to the large or- MOUNT AUTO HIRING Both Parties Escaped Luckily ders that are constantly arriving. y JOY, PENNA. TE Lk. \\ A R KERT Brubaker who was going east near John G. Keener's on West Main BORN Mrs. Abram Oberholtzer, of Hershey, Mr. and Mrs. Christian Simons of and Miss Alta N. Espenshade, daugh. | wes on then way romobile Party | is place, announce the birth of a OLD SHOES Especially recommeiiod to the traveling public throughout the state. rooms. Steam heat. Fine cuicine. Low rates. in marriage by Rev. F. G. Slabachat' Subscribe for the Star and News. of East Donegal, announce the birth his residence at Palmyra. Advertise in the Star and News. of a son. ! CASTER, PENNA. pa i" 0 A 5 SS ARRAS Eka me