PAGE FOUR THE MT. JOY STAR AND NEWS SATURDAY, MARCH 23, 1918 | HAPPENINGS IN | | The Star and News | = 7] | Fresh Made wont sora | HUSTLING FLORIN wo vou cis ssa dorm | OM Deh os so . 02 : { {AND YOU CAN 1 F Jno. E. Schroll, Editor and Publisher | Gi . OBTAIN, BOTH IF [ |! # . YOU TAKE TONALLS SAYS UTR CORP" © i 'B T OU EPORTERS GATH- THE TONALL CHEMIST | Cleanser poaies SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1 A YEAR| WHAT OUR R L. CHEMIE J - . ERED IN AND AROUND THAT | — y / 6 Mos., 50c. 3 Mos., 25c. | . NITY | ? | -~ 3 ——— { THRIVING COMMU | You should protect/our health, as - [ Entered at the post office at Mount SINCE LAST {you would your pursgy Ww he n you | 1 i -~ - at] Brn . 2 J P: s second-class mail matter ee gin to notice pains gh your back, In { oo Oy; 1'a., as second.class : "I Mrs. Albert Fike spent Monday at |Somnia, Nervousnge Loss of Ap-/ « or [1 aneaster : ' | petite, Sour Stand ch, Shortness of | ree ab The consolidation of the entire sub| M x - em ¢ Mrecdaw at | Breath, No Ambi#fon, Poor Memory ¥ : Tat » | Mrs. Jacob Rider sper Muesday at | : bigton, I Ys 5 scription lists of the Florin “News, | Piipatotric sw, 3 [ Irritable and diglike for your sur- WHAT DO YOL) PAY ? oF the Landisville “Vigil” and the Mt. | ™ \/. ""cp to gpa pent Satur-!roundings, you should realize some- diiCy Ti viii So. 3 # ain ly Joy “Star and News’ make this pPa-| i. at Lane rete: thing must be} done, because your] I'his question is a real live issue to most house-keepers, # per an excellent advertising medium. | Miss Fr wmces Beatt confined to | Symptoms an an indication of | more so today than it has been in the last fifty years. Bg’ Rates on Request. I'the: 'hoase with moasle la disordered #omach, and your kid ONIONS grocery-wise. Every American Store stands as grocery ingfir- SOAP Mr. John Carson wade a business | NEVS are nol acting as they should ance against high prices. We say to you without fear of suc- [trip to Harrisburg on Saturday and your sy$tem is becoming poison- | 2 =a . gz. SALUNGA Mr. Mill . McKinley purchased an |ed, your lifer has become sluggish, | 1 cessful contradition—nowhere in four states, quality consider- etme A IT let als & sol and your Heart at times palpitates | ed, can goods be bought as low as in an American*store. If extra fine Holstein cow week. | pal} n Lak . i Mrs. Harry Lut Harrisburg, due to a eneral run down system. 2 you are not you should be an Americn Stores custémer. Roy Hoffman n fam visited friends in lage Satur FONABL, the Universal Tonic and | , . Sunday Howard P dav : : = System Builder is what you require : ——— : Mr. and Mrs. Metzger spent Sun : Mrs. Harriet Heise spending | to tone Mp your nerves, purifies your SHOEPEG SUGAR CORN, can 18c. PURE CODFISH, pkg. 6c, 9c. Who lay er th Mr. and Mrs. F. S.{¢ome time wit i it Mount blood, gfrengthens your digestive or-| Very tender, the kine you should al : SLICED DRIED BEEE Codfish Cakes easily prepared Stricl Pleasant gans, ahd enlivens your whole sys ways use for Corn Fritters. nd potatoes are cheap Mrs. Amand f Cenral|” "Miss Blla Gordo Lancaster, | tem. J - Per package 10c Manor, sp d with Mrs. | was a Sunday visitor to Mr. Samuel | Tomall contains more different] gp JCED PINEAPPLE, can 13c, SPAGHETTI, can 8c, 13c. Just Amanda Her Flowers and fi herbsy roots and barks than any|1gc. Delicious Hawaiian Pinapple, i... heat and serve, an Italian chef, who Paul Peif ist Frid to take Miss Jane yA 1a returned | othef proprietary medicine on the |, ceptional quality. ied RY - how” to make it. ished a nositior vchinist Wash- home fron : \ + to market and publishes the formula on ceipe ngton Ship Y : friends at Trenton, N. J phe iotes 30, You now What you arc| o,. Very Best Black or Mixed Tea NEW PACK’ SALMON - me ( ( 1 y ) | 1 tay La g. mn continue 0 aK eal . "T A RAT DIC 1 1 » 7 i! Al attis Yoved From| Mr S.A. Bark Fhe Manhattan | Sfilg. DEL Conte BE i susie | per pound 35c. Per ci 18c. 28¢ SOUTH AMERICAN MARROW he Koly V1 eist’s Vosrr ota and { ness | ces 11 oni) 1 yo system. y . . i Lok on BFANS ‘ Pema ) he house \ ia Garam y: Lan I ; Tonall is sold : Garber’s Drug Our Very Best Assam, India & BE ANS, I : 12 ol ; ow Mr. Ii ) ( last | 'M y Re Bak nted the | Store, Mount Joy, Pa. Ceylon Tea, per pound 45c. Lh [hese beans scep up, ou vee k into t ( cently bought ott m oy I v re of Mr. Wn re tll eee n rool ¢ them. £ el 1 a Tals crv ; EVAPORATED MILK, big can 13c a I ) Pa Henry rs Rov Her ROHRERSTOWN | Your choice of a rand in sto {| CALIFORNIA ASPARAGUS ‘ASCO” BUCKWHEAT, pkg. 12c 1 i * Messr Jo Klir I RO tie 1 J A sh A Yard - fast ust visite er-in-law, Dr. B. E.! ghey. of Camp Mi ent Sunda) 4 Per can 15 t ata : Ker friends over Sun-|.t their re Joseph Musser moved to Centr: HERSHEY'S COCOA, can 8c mix your batter and Ade day Miss Gertrud Roy Rider were | ville on Thursday A delightful, wholesome ben Slt on rr A ATRIID i Vi Vi : of Mount Joy, Sunday visitor heir paren Mi lara Good is visiting Mr. and | splendid for and icings. {nimmmmmm—————————————————— PURE TOMATO CATSUP, bottle E v I3¢ ! : ndlS- home in Mast " . Mr am Kauffman. 10c. B value 1e wored © » with Miss | Rev Mi ( R ft on Amelia Meyers received a number BEST BARLEY, per lb. 7c. v VES be ; . I : QUEEN O cn ra amt— } Wednesda 0 Pl hia, to at-!of beautiful cards on her birthday nourishing, 1 y ended highl § $o ‘der ind We ' tend the fu 1 f Ve Mrs. Joseph Evans died on Wed- | en wh Per Bottle 5 SCO” k , 3 armet ) beg 1 the Mr. Wm. Her ra Vv and sday morning very sudder 1y C { 31 a4 vee Up and do-| Miss Emily I eyelr E beth Mar persons are taking advar . ( r Lo na >CoONno- ii ent Sund Millersville tage of the fine Woniher he n os tre CAMPBELL’S SOUPS, cag 10c. J Mr. and Mr ht Groff spent A number of persons from this All kinds of these 1 ous sopns 7 David Raffensbergerigunday at Eli ie guests | place viewed the wreck near Eliza , : OFFFE SEEDED RAISINS, pke. 13c. Bi John Raffensberger | f their sor M1 Groff and!bethtown CANNED BEANS wjth tomato Our Very Best COFFE] neat : lov vith 20 1 Pe ut oe ent Sunday even- family. Rumor ha it that the Rohrers- sauce, 15c. Choice careifilly selec 1 Per Pound 21c¢ vou ide a raisin Die wtely ? e of their brother, R. Mrs. John Rafts berger was re- town piggery is to be moved to Har-|beans, coo ed ady tgfserve ms 1 moved to the St. J ph Hospital at risburg, Pa. ign iad - ICT 8a. 13c. For thousands nd and family who |] ancaster, where she underwent an Miss Amelia Gross of East Peters CHOICE PRUNES 12c, 15¢c. Very hes ih as: Het ho h Wf ded on the Heistand operation for gall stones burg, was the guest of Rev. and Mrs. | wholesome. Doctogs say, eat plenty ray lotic of the. earth mots on Thursday move Iles N. R. Bierly and H. R.IF. W. McQuire last Sunday “ASCO” CATS era] os Cad today than over whet Jr floistand Stockhouse and Misses Buller and H. C. Meyers has purchased the OLEOMARGARINE, Ib., 30c, 35c. oe > ; —— EE ——————— farm e wish them Martin of Hamburg, called on property lately vacated by Joseph |This wholesop#e butter sustitute Per Package 10c. 5 . ‘PE AL : i friends in our village sday. Musser from Henry Meyers, his sold in : 1 any our stores } EV APORATED PEACHES, Ib local manuf icturer 1s offering Mr. Joseph Witme oved from | father - If the ) e you trade does not i l4c, 1 c \ ery hne on Jorma Ir uit, Dutch and Wisconsin com-|the Abner Hershey to Lebanon On Tuesday Mr. E. King, of Mari- | sell it, « manager will be glad to i fully cured, delightful flavor. tion cigar that brings the _smile County on a farm re » purchased | etta moved into the H. M. Meyers | direct y Fu to the nearest Americar i » face of the smoker. Iry it and by Mr. Jno. Beame of Mount! house which was vacated by Litus! Store Wher: it is sold. BEST ROOLED OATS i NEW MACKERAL, each 10c, 13c. vour own conclusion in the mat- | joy, Brubaker last Fall. i lhe good old fashioned breakfast ter. A cigar of such fine quality is Miss Florence Romig, who has been Dr. Ambrose H. Stubbs from West CHOICE TOMATOES, can 13c, Per Pound 6c. ‘rybody likes to pick the bones of rare at about $2.30 per hundred. employed at the Hershey Chocolate |brook, spent Sunday with Mr. and | 1g.. Selected Red Ripe Tomatoes i a good Mackerel, particularly on Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ibach enter- Factory at Hershey for the past nine Mrs. A. B. Baer. Dr. Stubbs had and vac p in sanitary cans. ay morning tained on Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. W al-y ars, quit her job at that place and been in the General Hospital fori™ Ee : - ss ma— ter Ibach of Ephrata and Mr. and | started work at the Bachman Choco Iseven weeks. Mrs. George McClune of Neffsville,||ate Factory at this place on Monday.| The Red Cross Branch of this place both couples were recently married. The following guests were pleas-|are quite busy. The following is a Miss Nellie Oran of Landisville and !antly entertained at dinner at thelist of articles which have been sent Mr. Irvin Ginder of Mount Joy also Florin hotel on Sunday: Messrs. John [to the Red Cross House from the visited he Ibach home. 5 Miller, Earl Ressel, Homer W. Ressel, | Rohrerstown auxiliary: 16 H. W. B. | " Mrs. R. D. Raffensberger | james Worley, Paul Mimmel, Harry | covers, 12 operating caps, 10 tray A ente on Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. |Kendig, Samuel Brubaker, Benjamin | covers, 24 Hospital shirts, 24 opera ¥ Walter Snyder of Philadelphia, Mrs. Bowman, Misses Lela and Bertha [ting leggings, 12 handkerchiefs, 2 John Steve . of North ( arolina, | Kockel, Martha Wealmer, Emma | sweaters and 1 pair of wristlets. This Kacy and Miss Sara Braus, Ethel Ressel, Lydia Baxter, | work has all been accomplished dur- caster, Miss Mary Bow-| Sadie Hollingsworth, Alice Fausnacht, | ing the month of February. Chair- , Miss Amanda Shultz | Clara Seachrist all of Lancaster. PO — mor, Mrs. Amanda! erent | Mrs. John lady, Mrs. Sarah B. Meyers. g Orn: " LANDISVILLE Cheer up! Spring is here. A. M. Breneman bought Herr and ' ey v3 Ves GUESS WE HAVEN'T SOME | . Herr and family of HIGH SCHOOL TEAM, EH? Salunga. ha Twenty circle were er of Miss M Those in a Snyder of 1 daughter and Dora 1 memb of he sewing ! 2 at the homs| The Rothsville High School | on Saturday. ! players, who only last week won from | piano. ance were Mrs. Paris | the strong Akron High five, met de-| Elam Nissley bought a Buick tour- “Mrs. Willis Nolt and | feat Saturday evening in this place, | ino car. Elizabeth | When they met the High School team. | Miss Street, | The final score was 26 to 24 in favor | Victrola. of the home team, in whose favor it cage a new uaszs Or $109 Mit: Wobeclor ite We Pur'Your Roun Thip CAR FARe ON ALL Pure Rosine, Misses new Mayer of Willow 3 y Lo Mrs. Walter Herr of New Danville, In Ww : IL Henry Stehman purchased a new . Miss Ada Hess of Millersville, Miss alco stood at fhe end of the first half,| Dodge rondster OR More. IT Costs You NoTHING. Ask JOR Ir. Ella Habecker Wf Rohrerstown, | When it was 14 to 8. Samuel Heistand put a new slate : a — a o Misses Ruth Stoll, Anna Reist, Mrs. | In some sense of the word this bas- | roof on his stable. 1 Charles, Mrs. Clarence Reist | ketball game could be called freakish Mrs. Latimer Warner called on her ter Martha Jane of Mount as all the points of the winning team | friend at Woodbine on Monday. ay | were made by one man, DeLong, who,| Misses Mabel and Edna Strickler f | the majority of spectators stated, was | were week-end guests of Nellie Hoff- of Florin, Misses Alma Hershey and |the whole team himself. He made man. Ella Snyder, Mrs. John Herr of Lan- | eight field goals and 10 out of 18| Amos Cooper disville.. Miss Anna Herr of Lanecas-|foul goals. Stauffer was the high holiday to attend the Phares ter, and Miss Miriam Kendig of Sa- | scorer for the losers, having made 10 (ler sale. i Junga tout of 23 foul goals and three field | Simon Minnich has a new electric {goals. Keith was the next high man incubator and Brooder that works to las he landed three field goals. The! parfeection. [ Rothsville quintet only began to get| The Spelling Bee held in the High | together during the second half of | School building in this place was ithe game. The score: {largely attended. Landie. Bros codumed their | Mt Joy H. : Rothsville H. | Misses Mary and Martha Strickler 1 =r er shinmeonts of stone meal | Delong ,-.forward.... .. Keith | visited Amos Strickler and daughter, | usual Shns shipments ol i “| C. Eshleman. ..forward.... Stauffer | Miss Alice on Saturday. Tor a frijiigar. Victor Diebler spent |X: Dshleman....centre...... Risser| H.C. Greider attended the Lancas-| & + Mr : visti agonal Ie hn at Garber eoumrdiL lo, Reist | ter County Sunday School Associa- Evo re ane EY pe > “"|Dearbeck ......guard....... Huber |tion held in the Y. M. C. A. on Tues Ssoyadon, Fa. ash Wee th. i. ¢| Field goals: DeLong 8, Keith 3,|day evening. Henry Loose Is serving as eX-CUt stauffer 3, Risser. Foul goals: De-! Miss Alice Strickler, Rev. Martin watchman in tunnel cut east of Eliza-1y "16 Jut of 18; Stauffer 10 out|and H. C. Greider formed part of the | of 3. Referee, Resmet. Scorer, My-|delegation who called on the Hon. | NO CAR FARE REFUNDED ON PURCHASES OF VICTOR OR COLUMBIA PRODUCTS 32--38 East King Street Lancaster, Penna voted his men a o Metz- oo “HABGOOD AND HARMONY" seph and dau Joy, Mrs. H. Roy Nissly, Mrs. E. J Nissly and daughter Mary Elizabet IIE. RHEEMS have 11( IS V { | IN bethtown. successor to B. F. Wormley. THE REPUBLICAN PRIMARIES MAY 21 : Mr. Ezra Souders spent last Mon- |... Timor. Grol, IW W. Croist FO R GOV E R N O R SY ea, te Te 4 Wp | The Mount Joy Magnagia Comps: aa reds y {purchased the farm of Jacob Ha-! Aaron Groff and force of carpen-| NEWTOWN {Stone and tae tubaeis Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shire and son, | place. i | becker. They intenc to quarry 1 i ome and rate tobace ~The Republicans of Pennsylvania will stand by Republican ters put an addition to the grain and | feed elevator for D. G. Brinser last 1 | spent Sunday at the home of J. D. week. | 1 1 4 MY. and Mrs. B. H. Greider of the | Mumma. MILTON GROVE National Chairman Hays, who says: Rheems Poultry Farm spent one day| Mrs. Frysinger and children spent| My. Clayton Gibble was on the sick! at Harrisburg last week sombining| Junday aE the home of her sister, | list the several past days. > business with pleasure. | Mrs. Daniel Moore. { Mr. Albert Gingrich returned from | . . . . . ”» Mr. and Mrs, Lee Hassinger of| Mr. and Mrs. Amos Geltmacher of | philadelphia on eh Fotrneg In my 1. “Factionalism is the most destructive force in our party. Elizabethtown, spent last Sunday as; Kinderhook, visited his parents, Mr. Miss Alice Heisey entertained Miss | : gd > oe . the guests of Mr. and Mrs. N. N.)and Mrs. A. C. Geltmacher. | Lizzie Heistand on Sunday after 2. “The purpose of the Natiorial Committee and similar committees, is Greiner of this place. { Mr. Harry Nye and family of{noon. . Last Sunday the pike through this|Landisville, spent Sunday at the| Mr. and Mrs. Harry Koser wer » i » place was dedicated with automobiles home of Mr. Salem Gamber. .. visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. | to elect, and not to select candidates. of various kinds, stiring up the dust; Mr. and Mrs. Hesslet and family |jsaac Kopp. 3 : for the first nice day of 1918. |spent Sunday at the home of her| Mr and Mrs. Amos Good and fam-| John G. Reist, the extensive hog parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weaver. ! ily were visitors in the home of Mr. | raiser has a ready demand for his| Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fletcher and|and Mrs. John Rasp. | various grades of big, Hse and Small i Fanihe of i Tg Par-| Mr. and Mrs. Martin Greiner and | dq | hogs, suckers seven dollars each. | ents, Mr. and Mrs. Nehemia anes. | Mrs. John Gibble celled on Mr. and | ragaec The factional fight of Philadelphia and Harrisburg shall not be Hiram Shonk, the village black- Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mumma and | Mrs, Clayton Gibble on Saturday. into guery yoting precinct in the State, for the rank and smith and automobile painter hes | family of Mount Joy, were gesig in] The Baccalaureate sermon will be, S : . : . Ee nalice 1 hie Tevart 4nd Mr. Emanuel Myers over Satur | Soheel Gamer soinien Grove Een file, including the” vast body of independent Republicans, will upon which he applies all his leisure [and Mrs. Emanuel Myers over Satur-|gelical Church, Sunday evening, Mar. moments. iday and Sunday. | 24th, at 8:00 o’clock. : ' hY Church of the Brethren held their] and Mrs. Jacob Frey enter- | > d both f regular morning services at this place | He Sure is In Wrong {tained the following on Sunday: Mr. vote a ainst actions. last Sunday morning with the Rev. | Paul Shields of Marietta, aged 24 jand Mrs. Walter Daveler, Mr. and Kaylor, Shearer and Eshleman upon |years, is wanted by the authorities| Mrs. Samuel Heisey and Mr. and| the bench with a good attendance. |for paying no attention to his ques- | Mrs. Harvey Wittle. ' Habgzood —— Gees i. Mr, favors the National - ype os Gs 3 _!tionaire. Now he has been arrested ; remiss tell A Asm : # . a Ad Mrs Amos Gathely 8 Be lend is charged with assault and bat- | SPORTING HILL Habgoed is not” and will not be FACTIONALISM amendments for Prohibition and of West Donegal township flitted into | tery and desertion by his wife. | {the candidate of any faction, clique MEANS DEFEAT Woman's Suffrage; consistent with { Squire C. C. Hicks of Maytown, will his large brick house in this place last | Monday, and his son Jacob filled the | vacancy the same day. Ezra Souders, clerk Kraybill general store and accepted a position 4 Brinser feed warehouse where he in- hear him on the latter charges. | myra, spent Sunday in the home of . {Eli Gibble. in the S. S. Left for Washington | The Zion Children held dedication has resigned | _ Mr. Paul Peifer of Salunga, left | services on Sunday, at their church in the D. G.|Friday morning for the Navy Yard at | in this place. { Washington, where he has accepted a; Mrs. Daniel Nissley spent Saturday itiated a clean suit of over-alls last | position. and Sunday at Lancaster in the home Monday. His appearance in the even- of Andrew H. Degler. ing was a genuine miller. Subseribe for the Star and News. Pe spent Sunday at the same place. Henry Shenk and family, of Pal-! Harrison Mil-| lor leader. He has always been loyal his open and constant approval for the past twelve years of a nation- REPUBLICANISM OVER ALL MEANS VICTORY {to the party's candidates, regardless of factions, and he welcomes the sup- wide basis and is supporting in his home county for the Legi port of all Republicans from the most ® y : egislature, only - candidates who will vote to ratify dest to th t powerful. modest to the most powerfu them.