The Mount Joy star and news. (Mount Joy, Pa.) 1878-1918, March 23, 1918, Image 1

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omes to winning real games in the
cage. A year ago he made Tommy
LIST OF THOSE WHO HAVE RE. ! Ebersole and his pride five of Eliza
You've got to hand it to our owl
ul Moose Benny Groff, when it,
“hunt their holes” on this
MONS TO THE GREAT | same floor and on Wednesday even
BEYOND. | ing he done the same thing to the
| mighty Quinn and his followers from
! Columbia.
The issue between the members of
{ the Mount Joy and Columbia bor
ough’s all-town teams was definitely
settled when we beat the Columbia |
jgve or a neutral floor in the Central
————— | Hall, Marietta by a score of 41 to
Jacob Barr, a Civil War veteran,|38. Both of these teams had won on
died at Columbia aged 82 years. } their respective floors, and this
SE — | match at Marietta was played to de
Paul Rutherford | cide who was the better, as there was
Paul Rutherford died Wednesday | keen speculation among the basket
morning at the County Hospital, ball fans of the western section of
aged twenty-six years. Death was | Lancaster county regarding the mat
caused by gastritis and it was sudden. | ter of the Mt. Joy-Columbia teams
Undertaker Miller, of Elizabethtown, | The clash throughout was nip and
took charge of the body. i tuck, the being tied 13 times
tm——— during the Bame, seven times in the
Mrs. Anna E. Calhoon first half and six times during the
Mrs. Anna E. Calhoon died on latter period. The first point to be
Tuesday at the home of her daugh- scored by the Columbians was mad
ter, Mrs. C. F. Shade in Royersford, on a foul, while the first to be re
Pa., in her 89th year. Funeral services corded by a Mount Joy player was
were held Friday afternoon Mrs. made on a field goal During the lat
Mary, widow of Joseph Schlegel-
milch, died at Columbia.
Miss Rose Murphy, aged 86 years,
died at Columbia Thursday.


Calhoon is well known here as she ter part of the second half the Mount
spent the Summer annually in this Joy players manag to run away
place for many years. from their oppone
ese A large audience was present to
Mrs. Charles Simmers witness the game. The people came
The remains of Mrs. Charles Sim- from Columbia, Marietta

mers, for many years a resident of Joy, and the other neighboring town
Elizabethtown, who died at her home The neutral Mariettians seemed
in Philadelphia, were ‘brought to favor their neighbors, the Mount Jos
Elizabethtown on Tuesday evening team Miller of the winning m
and taken direct to Mt. Tunnel ceme- made two sensational shots fron




RAISE $150,000
COLLECT $100,000
That the Mennonites are doing ef- this town want another
| ficient war relief work is shown by
a report made recently by G.
derder of Elkhart, Ind.,, western time.
treasurer of the Mennonite Relief The men
Commission for War Sufferers.
“The committee at the first of the ance, free
year announced its intention of 1:
ing $100,000 for relief work,” said good proposition in our estimation.
Mr. Bender. “We supposed we They simply ask as follows:
would have to spend the better part
of the year raising this sum.
ready we have
building, water, light,

year up to $150,000, which we ex- 100 to 150 hands, mostly
pect to make with ease.”
Of the sum raised in the past two and
months, Mr. Bender in his district has the re
procured $33,500 and E. G. Reist of Joy?
near this place, eastern treasurer, The local Board of
expansion will be

THIS INDUSTRY! The handsome » new Chri of God |
If the citizens or business men of { With three panels graces the centre
here's one of the best propositions
I.. Ben- this town has been offered in a long |S¢ hool room in the rear.
at the head of this con- (pulpit in front of the ediffice and a|
cern do not ask for financial assist- | baptismal pool to
or | altar.
anything of that sort but have a very | the pulpit.
But al- able at this time with about 2,000 with a combined seating
raised $61,000, and square feet of floor space? We have
we have now moved our goal for the a hosiery factory that employs from | buildings in the
Business is an old established one
rapid. Are
union labor troubles in Mount | 1837 and was situated on
Trade now has
{of the two main entrances. There| Mrs. Henry Wittle spent Tuesday
are two side entrances to the Sunday {at Lancaster.
The church! Mrs. Simon Menaugh spent Satur
jauditorium is in the front with the |day at Lancaster.
Miss Lottie Eshleman spent Satur-
the rear of the |day at Lancaster.
The choir occupies the left of | Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Heisey
Saturday at Lancaster.
The Sunday School room : :
galleries all around and Mrs. Samuel Smeltzer is spending
recently completed at Elizabethtown
(0 be dedicated on Sunday, March |
[2 The building is of Gothic archi
Fale and is constructed of a gray
i mottled brick. It has a large eighty-
| foot tower with belfry and entrance
| A beautiful memorial art window

y spent

i contains
“Is [ closed class rooms. The dimensions |some time at Berwyn.
there a building in Mount Joy all) of the church are 120 by 60 feet,| Misses Helen and Margaret Krall

capacity of | spent Saturday at Lancaster.
800. It is one of the handsomest Mr. and Mrs. Ed.: Shires of Phila-
borough and was 'delphia, spent the week-end here.
erected at a cost of over $40,000. Mr. George Suydam of Lancaster,
The first church was organized by | visited his brother here on Tuesday.
{ Rev. David Maxwell in the Fall of | Mr. Henry G. Carpenter spent Sun-
Manheim | day at Hummelstown and Harrisburg.
Sweigert and daughter
street, the present site of the United | Mrs. A. M.
Saturday at Lancaster.
Brethren church. It was dedicated | Esther spent

has raised $28,500. the matter in charge and the Star & | October 1, 1843. The dedicatory ser Miss Esther Sweigert of Buyers-
The membership to draw from is News would suggest any of the follow- | mon was preached by Rev. John town, visited her parents here Sun=-
only 35.000. ing buildings as a suitable location | Weinbrenner, the founder of the de day >
The headquarters of the Relief for such an industry. Simon R. | nomination. In 1853 a plot of ground | _ Mrs. Amos Shickley and Mrs. Ella
Commission are at Scottdale, Pa. The Snyder's stone mill building, the | was purchased on South Market |S. Royer spent Saturday at Lancas-
money is to be used for reconstruc- ice plant, brewery and bottling works | street, the present site, on which a |ter. 3
tion work in France and for direct building of the A. Bube Estate re (new church was erected and dedi Miss Adelaide Roberts visited the
relief work in Armenia and Servia. modeled, the second floor of Mar-| cated December 18, 1853. Rev. John | Misses Posten at Elizabethtown Sun-
The Mennonites co-operate in their tin’s Clothing store and entire rear | Weinbrenner again preached the day.
work with the I nds. who have sev- buildings of D. H. Engle or the large | dedicatory sermon. This was one of J. Harve Gingrich of Reading,
eral units already in France. The coach works building of Mr. Wm. Ti. | the first churches of this denomina- spent the week-end here with rela-
men work without pay, and a dozen Schutte on West Main street [ tion. The pastor is Rev. H. F. [tives : : ig
SC of eerste. con { Hoover, D.D. During the construc Mrs. S. M. Witmer visiting her
udents at Goshen College have






tery where they were interred in the field. After throwing on fered their services and will go over- ARE WILLING TO SELL Hon ne al her, Mrs LE Fel
family plot. Rev. Croman, pastor of Miller turned a complete ci he seas to aid in the work if accepted, { worshiped in a tabernacle on the site date. 3
Christ Lutheran church, officiated at aj ho wed i on his feet. when the money being raised by the THE TURNPIKE THRU TOWN | {of the old Reformed church Mrs. J. Harry Miller is spending
the grave. Her husband died several For the winners, Miller was the Mennonites is obtained and work witl Saturday afternoon another tu r— some time w ith her parents at Har-
vears ago. but several children sur 3 ] star in the goal shooting. a t is started. nile i Lane tor cout RU va binant Quite a Large Funeral SOA : 2
vive. even fie 1d ¢ roals. On the The Mennonites are opposed to ac oh the : “fre oT Vi and. Gn | The following from out of town at- ,, Vn inna, Youtes V isiced ar and
ee the next highest scorel participation in actual warfare ,iher burden will eventua : + od | tended the funeral of Mrs. Charlotte yLrs nk RKlme at Harrisburg on
Mrs. Emma Evans nnett, who mad: ] oncentrat Yr energies on Ye- by the State and the C Ce Pennell on Saturday: Mrs. Bertha ©Y Y . : + Ens
Mrs. Emma Evans, wife of Joseph Garvey, of the sn ef work 3 & RUMDEr of Sic State any x ( om- | smmert and grandson, of Pittsburg: , N Haman Cunningham of Eliza-
Evans, at midnight Tuesday at was among the stellar } 1 me this section who be he a i) oh to [M Emma ne, Miss Mary Skane lethtown, pent Wednesday here with
her home in Rohrerstown, after an as he secured 11 points, havi i e ap “somewhere 1 . eit oh for o ymo¥ land Mrs. Geo. Arbaugh of Hart Irie : ; a
IIness of about two weeks of heart field goal and nine out of 21 al I ce” do their b Young pawn vebicl : ¥ Si burg; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Glattacke: Joe Cooper of Landisville,
and kidney trouble. She was in hei nen desi of entering this worl grawn venice S rniaziiemn | tof Steelton: Mrs Sue Frimd, Miss Visited M1 ind Mrs. Abram Heisey
51st year, was born Feb. 11, 1868 in = Quinn of the losers, was the strong can do so by applying to Eli G. Reist, et Torii Prind, Mir and Mrs, Charles St Jotuiiwy. :
Rohrerstown. Mrs. Evans has been man for his side, ade exactly Mount Joy, or John H. Mellinger, R ee . DD rT IP rimd, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Glattacker , Fran Rhine pay: pnd Miss
a resident of Rohrerstown her entire thirty of Col Ie 00 po ‘ He D 6, La r ating As : hold 2 1d daughter Miriam, Mr. Charles Be ssie Wi tic sited at Lancaster
life. She is survived by her husband landed three field go 9 and 24 out o ~-- stional Ba Fo 2 Lh Goddman and Paul Conley of La ..on_Saturday ‘aid . 1
and the following children: Arthur 32 foul throws. Kiteh and Goodwin, GAVE A BANQUET Weve 3 Od alter ~My. ond Ma 3. D. Vinaw, or Vis Joceb Gab of landisvile,
C Columbia; Bertha May, Cath- of the same team, made the other : THE ip TEES Sots the recent : tie £ Ephrata; Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Glat- SPel! Sungay with Mr. and Mi 2
arine L., John P., Martin V. and cight points, as they both secured FOR THE EMPLOYEES Bond. Deets es of S00 9% tocker, Miss Anna Roath and Mrs. | © Pennell. : :
Samuel L., all at home, and Emma J., four field goals. The score ya = : the Boar of 1 Tracts > of the Wr | Warren Sioad, of Maytown, and Mr Mrs. Christian Brinser is sp ding
wife of Edward Drace, Landisville Mount Joy Columbia ! i os on ne o ae or ; he Pi Sh. oe tv o a he {and Mrs. Levi Heisey of Landisville. Mr e Ww ame Rere | with her Stel
C. Bennett . forward. ... Kitch : Pos {eto 2 4, ES or ichi 7 rio of $6 he Te — Ra | Mrs. : i 20 ro os + SnaDirnn
~ Emmanuel Sahm R. Bennett £ - forward. Marley g for the employees of the Eisen Or Ber the Lancaster and Wil-]|MULES SELL AS HIGH Hr ine CA 4 Phila-
Emmanuel Sahm, a prominent citi F. Garvey . centre Quinn [10h Warehouse in this place. Mr, liamstown turnpike cons ented to sell AS $780 PER PAIR delphia on Sund y.
zen of Manheim, died early Thurs- Garber .guard. ... Musser! 7 anh’ Charic rn lnce has at the State and County’s offer of | pila on Suna }
day at the home of his son, Henry, at Miller cuard....... G nO es Of lS Re An 0 000 GREY on yo Re SS : Mrs. Charles Kipple and two
Manheim, from the effects of a para Field goals: C. Bennett. R. charge of the warehouse. imptu- JY, ua, ang, when these wo turn Che highest priees ever paid in this dren and Mrs. A. S. Shires spent
; ous banquet was given by him in pikes are taken over motorists and |vicinity for mules was realized at the Sunday at Hershey.

lytic stroke. The deceased was a well 6, F. Garvey, Miller 7, Kitch 2,
known resident of that part of the 3, Goodwin Foul goals, C. 1
country having been director of the nett 2 out of 3; Quinn 24 out of 32
Keystone National Bank for many Referee, Jones, F. and M. Timer, |;
years, and also a director of the Lit- Schrite, Mount Joy. Scorer, Villee
itz Agriculture and Fire Insurance Time of halves, 20 minutes.
Company. He was a member of the TE -_—rwy———— :
Church of the Brethren. He is sur-
vived only by his son Henry, with The
whom he resided. The funeral will ppp
be held on Sunday morning at 9 7
o'clock at the house. Services will
Their Annual Exercises
annual commencement of the
Grove High School will be I
held on Thursday evening, April 28th | [
be held at Kreider's church near P30 0 Sock Them Xo oo I
Manheim at 9:30 o'clock. Interment | 310 ders in this year's eluss, >
A i cellent program has been ar (
ill b ade i » adjoining ceme- | ; Tans
Fa e made in the adjoining ceme and promises to exceed that of for. |}
mer years. Dr. Chas. H.
{of the Millersville State Normal
Mrs. Benjamin Gochenaur { School, will deliver the address on the
Mrs. Benjamin Gochenaur died at|subject: “What is a Man Worth?” |
the home of her son David, at May-, The baccalaureate sermon will he
town, aged 84 years, from a compli- preached in the Evangelical church |
cation of diseases, from which she!on Sunday evening,
was a sufferer for a number of years. | 7:30 o’clock.

She is survived by two sons, David | — -—to
of Maytown, and Harry of Lancaster, t
besides a number of grandchildren. ‘ os a
esides a nun f gra Mr. George Neiss moved Thursday |
: Flittings
The following brothers and sisters]
also survive: Henry, John and Abram lately vacated by C.
Baker of Landisville; Martin Baker I Done al Sy
and Mrs. Kate Witmer of Lancaster, Mr. Harr Smith. up
and Mrs. John Lefever of Neffsville. Ly oo Wi ANA, BF. -
She was a member of the Lutheran | ie runner property on Henry
street = the Troutwine property,
S. Good on East |

Gordonier, | Son,
James Downey of Lanc
March 24th. at day at Lancaster.
| Kramer spent Wednesday at Lancas-
od ti | Salunga, were visitors Sunday at the
move from ifionte of Henry Grosh on West Main | Edward

re ll Gr eee
f Lancaster was present also to en-
joy the aff-ir. A wonderful menu P, R. R. SCHEDULE WILL
was served as only Mr.
able of giving.
Engle is cap-
present were®%
zarber, Christian Charles, Frank 3 ’
Jershey, George Myers, Frank Car- of the system, either east or west of
Joseph Charles of this place and
Mrs. Henry Garber spent Wednes
auguration of the daylight
| plan by the Federal Government. Al-
{teration of schedules will not be
{necessary as the hands of the clocks
!will simply be turned ahead one hour
{on the morning of March 31, and the
existing train schedules will auto-
matically apply to the new standard
er. time.
Mrs. Edmund Eibel of Ephrata, is

Mrs. S. S. Fasnacht and Mrs. A. Z.
: 4 spending sever: ays as > st of | ul i
from near Newtown to the property | Senin several days as the guest o | Celebrated her Twenty-first Birthday
. and Mrs. Christian Walters. iA
/ i birthday dinner was given in
Misses Sadie anc
Annie Hayes of (honor of Miss Miriam Chandler on
| Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Ream on East Main street.
treet. y The occasion being Miss Chandler's
church and was very highly esteemed |, S ) : Mrs. Benjamin Horst and daughter |} ay ¢ TSE The following
shy ay 5 % ally sxe Per ated by Frank Yost on Manheim | APinG of Suorting in. ana ain oY Jn eT The Bi lov ing
her quiet and unassuming manner | i cere | sever: il days here with Mrs. Martin | bright, Mrs. C. S. Martin and two
winning for her a large circle of | | Eshleman. | daughters, Blanche and Loretta; Mr.
friends. Funeral services were held | Girls Play Quarryville
Miss Barbara Miller of near this|Paul Wallace, of Harrisburg; Mr. and
(Continued on page 8) b The M..J. HI. S, girls will play a place, is much improved after under- | Mrs. George Ulrich, Miss Barbara
ei DS ee’ j game of Daiat ike i af-| going an operation at the St. Joseph | Bailor, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ream
{ternoon in e High School Gymna-| Hospital at Lancaster. and daughter Miss Viola and Miss
PHYSICIAN SUES FOR DAM- |sium with the Quarryville High The casualties of U. S. in Franee, | Miriam Chandler. A very excellent
AGING HIS AUTOMOBILE | School girls at 2:20 o’clock. The la

I benefit of the Junior Red Cross. A |h:
0. S. Scheaffer, attorney for Dr.
Asher F. Snyder, of this place, has!good game is expected.
entered suit in Common Pleas Courticents. Everybody welcome.
for damages against Elmer J. Eshle-
man. Dr. Snyder alleges that while | City 100 Years Old [1
recklessly conveying a wedding party | One hundred and seventy-eight ip
by automobile in turning the corner years ago Lancaster was founded. 2
in the public road, near the railroadione year after the establishment of |:
bridge at Salunga, the defendant ran|the county. Seventy-eight years la- | BE
into the plaintiff’s machine, damaging 'ter, on March 20, 1818, it Became & |}
it, for which he sues for redress. | city. Wednesday the citizens cele- |
C-ee ~——— | brated its one hundredth birthday |
New Storage Warehouse | anniversary as a city. | fc
The Grey Iron Casting Company! — TS. ld
has rented the large building from Burned Starting Fire
Geo. Brown’s Sons on East Done- Mr. Lewis Koch, an aged man of |se
gal street known as No. 2 mill and | this place, was badly burned about
will use it as a warehouse for their|the face and hand while trying to |
finished products. The stock from start a fire. Pouring oil o
the main building at the “Grey” is) wood, it took a sudden blaze a
now being placed therein. [was burned as a result.

The Initial Trip in . U. B. Conference is
A high powered automobile truck tev. S. C. Enk, D.D., superinte
of 1% tons capacity, left the post|ent of the East Peongvivanis Cor
office at Lane aster on Wednesday |ence of the United Brethren Churct
and will mal first
York City and return ving parcel
post. The distance is 174 miles one


ference on Thursday evening, March
28, at the Neffsville U. B. church

way. If the experiment proves good, | e found in our adve columns | : a short d
the work will be permanent Get it at “Pap’s” this week. I next Wedr
I'he large gasoline tank in front c EI IRR-A ES sob at 1 olclock
L. P. Heilig’s former place of
Was in Town Thursday BOSE. Wa fies Sriier Dace ol
Mr. Asa A. Weimer of Lebanon, at 55, was moved lo a new local
3 : “It will be placed under the sidew :
present a member of the
from that city, was ir
and made public the fact t
be a candidate for Governor, repre-
senting the Liquor League of the; The Liberty Bell is likely to be
State. | taken on tour to boost next loan.
in front of Mr. H. E. Klugh’s place
of business on East Main street.

| proceeds of the game will be for the 2,
Admission 15 | were killed in action.
upplied with sugar
trip to New will have he un of the quarterly con- | Nat

right shoulder.
s reports have it, have reached the | dinner was served and all had a|
000 mark, disease and accidents {lovely day.
aving claimed 849 lives and 163 | wr
| ~ :
Good Food for Chinks
The following persons visited Mrs. |
eah Miller the past week: Misses |
ee nd Sela Sroner, Sadie Zer- | meatless days. On Monday night Mr.
: Mrs. Pa isser anc TA arrenks auelit Twenty
ughters Dorothy and Anna, Mrs. H. A. Darrenkamp caug enty
? yo rats, all sizes, i » feed house
John Nissley, of Harrisburg; Mrs. 14 ruts, all sees, 1b thy fou!
. 3 aa at his poultry yards. Mr. Darren-|
phraim Shearer, of Elizabethtown. pe ¥
i i...
If we had a Chinese
in this town, he could laugh at our
kamp invented a trap of his own and
| this catch is good evidence that he
Need Not Fear should get it patented.
The Federal Food Administration
yr Pennsylvania, 'e assurance to-
ay that housewiv S 1 be amply Mr. C. 8 Good moved into the A.
OD for the canning |g Flowers property on Monday.
te Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Eaches on West
| Main street announce the birth of
Both Are Quite 1411 { daughter on Tuesday.


Mr. Benj. U. Ga farmer living| Mr. Howard Ar ishier at the
near town, is quite t this writing. | Penna. freight st € vas
A son of Ezra Wolgemuth, living | chief clerk at the tion at
ar the Iron Bridge, Mon-

south of here, | Landisville from Satu
| day.
seriously ill.
rr etl A AR. etl AI ————
The Bank Statements | A Tractor Demonsiration
The statements of both the First Mr. S. A. Barley ancaste
ional and h Union National | give : ractor
the First] field an
ville, may |H. Long,


( this plac
ional Bank f



Fell From Scaffold { page for p
Mr. Nathan Zink fell from a]
ffold while work at carpenter-
at the residence of H. G. Longen-|
causing the dislocation of h

Hand Badly Burned
Mr. Walter Derr of s place, had
‘his hand badly burned while carrying |
|a ladle of
{the Lancaster Malleable Iron Works, |
twhere he is employed.


Subscribe for the Star and News.
1onor of nployees, fourteen in others can go to either Philadelphia
umber. or Harrisbu without paying toll
The ral anager of Eisen- and they * feel assured that the
lohr’s warehouses. Mr. James Downey turnpikes be kept in repair
Pittsburgh, in connection with the in-)
laundryman |

| served, a
{wi as offered and all went home great-
| the M. E.
| delphia has been returned to his con-!yrdav
gregation here.
! Lancaster
land Rev.
all his friends are glad to have

sale of farm stock, ete., by Harry Mrs. Amanda Greenleaf visited Mr
Shearer, near Lawn. The sale rea- and Mrs. George Suydam at Lancas
lized about $8,200 and was well at- ter over the week-end.
tended by persons from all sections Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hershey and
of the county. A six mule team with son Paul spent the week-end visiting
a flat bottom wagon was driven her mother at Lancaster.
around the premises and later the Mrs. Sarah Brown and Miss Ruth
mules, harness and wagon realized Brown visited the former’s daughter


Messrs. John Shoemaker, Frank total price of $2,608.20. Four pairs at Elizabethtown on Sunday.
3rown, George Howard, Samuel Philadelphs Lo 19—Th of mules were sold at the following Mr. and Mrs. Francis Bennawit of
{rall, David Stoner, Harvey Stoner, aCe, oy are : € prices, $725, $705, $760 and $780. Lan sr, visited John Pennypacker
f Florin; LeRoy Wetter: Blrer Pennsylvania Railroad Company an- pric ie P05: 3760 and : by d 5 over tive sitll :
toy ne I ovat J lay that there will be no | hiss hathiie. Xr,
Jeisey, Monroe Kramer, Christian hounced today RL 17 be poy A Bi : Mr. and Mrs. James Shoop and
ys ' ; BH hanue of time tables on anv pont ig Show Coming Mr, & Vrs, James » Pp £
change of time tables on any portion | daughters Pauline and Iva visited
Beginning next Monday, Mar. 25, ¢ al ]
Vurpillat’s big show consisting of friends at Elizabethtown Sunday.
[high-clusy singing, dancing, acrobatic Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Geistweit and
acts, together with the great Helms two daughters and granddaughter
|in mystifying magic, will appear spent Sunday at Mount Pleasant.
nightly in Mount Joy Hall for one Mrs. B. 8. Gerber, Mrs. Abner Her-
week. This is an entertainment with shey and daughters, Anna and Miss
a blended variety that is sure to Edna Spas Saturday at Lancaster.

please everybody. On the opening, Miss Esther Wittle of Newtown,
hicht and as an introduction, the Who is attending Millersville Normal
Sschool, Tuesday here with
Mrs. Charles Dillinger and daugh-
show will be absolutely free to all spent
but children must be accompanied by
their parents. For particulars read ae AE ne
the advertisement on another page ters Maud and Elsie spent the week-
of this issue. end with Mrs. Joseph Droham at
— Er Elizabethtown.
: : : Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Geib and Mrs.
Save Bivijuey Surprise Dinner Minnie Minnich and children spent
JIT ane NTE dent oen eetz £aVe q.nday at Back Run visiting Henry
a birthday surprise dinner in honor - “inl :
Tyee sn > Zerphey and family.
of their son, Levi F. Sheetz at their Capt. J. W. Howe of the regular
home in Florin on Sunday. Those and stationed at Fort Huach
present were: Mr. and Mrs. Henry and stationed at Li ak Hos
A Shectz. Mr. and Mrs. Levi B 1 the guest of Jdeut. Arthur
on. } > 518 Ne re * Se "ho ek on Sunday.

Sheetz, Benjamin Franklin Sheetz T . : ; o
ay v ’ M. Seams: 2 p
Miriam H. Sheetz, Elizabeth H,| l= Lan Ypved Iron the
Sheetz, Rhoda H. Sheetz and Levi ] ‘property on the same

Paul Sheetz. After dinner was
number of songs and
| hymns were sung after which prayer
ated by Abram Welsh.
Anna M. Vogel of Marietta
as been spending some tims
with her son, George at Columbia

{1 pleased with the occasion. * spent Sunday here with her daughter
| Mrs. J. H. Cramer.
Rev. Roberts Returns Mrs. Lucy Stoler and Mr. Jr
| Rev. Thomas Roberts who attended Don: why attended the funeral of
Conference held at Phila- | James Warner at Harrisburg on Sat
Mr. Warner was a former
f this place.
ieutenant Arthur P. Schock, who
on a visit, will leave Thurs
Fort Sill, Oklahoma, ha
ransferred from Camp Mead
3 1 school of
at that plac

Rev. E. A. Bowden | resident
and Rev. J. L. Gensemer return to
while two new ones are
namely: Rev. A. S. Fike
Samuel Johnson.
Rev. Roberts is well liked here :

named also,




gee smennses
Books for Their Libraries - Celebrated Sixth Birthday
There is a drive on now to collect Miss Vivian Rinehart entertained a
{all books which persons have umber of friends in honor of t
longer use for and which w y on Saturday. The fol-
prov e valuable pass time for present Adelle, Dorothy
Sole rs and rs. This drive be zer, Maud Kipple,
Mar. 18th until Ma Joe Sc} Vern
Al persons wis o to give and V an Rine-
i the sold * and sailors’ libr. ! Y ts were served
kindl; them at the offi em——g i pnseeeeect——
A. ler
molten iron on Tuesday at | Samuel E. S

Entertained Sewing Circle

of the United
Home Guards Now at th me of
General Camere Council No on 1 ay af-
P. A., has started a hon vere
y one terested in the x as
y oO ting to @oin no SE
A. Mil ( n, East Don —
ree ll Ales Wants Everyone Present
The Sisterhood CI
1 day School will
s meeting and

Left for France
Word was received last week that

I is now on his way | isters Swords i Sch
to France, his brother, George of | Saturday evening. March 2
; Lancaster {ery member come
| er)