The Mount Joy star and news. (Mount Joy, Pa.) 1878-1918, March 01, 1918, Image 4

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SATURDAY, MARCH 2nd, 1918. 5

The Star and News
Jno. E. Schroll, Editor and Publisher
6 Mos, 50¢ 3 Mos., 25¢
Entered at the post office at Mount
Joy, Pa., as second-class mail matter.
The consolidation of the entire sub
scription lists of the Florin “News,”
the Landisville “Vigil” and the Mt,
Joy “Star and News” make this pa-
per an excellent advertising medium.
Rates on Request


Funeral directo Var
was in the borough y DEY
Walter Snyder, Camp Meade,
Md., spent few day vith } ar
Mrs. D. F Stautter, no 1S in-
jured rh Co ent 3 In

among relatives and
Mr. and Mrs. |
parents on East Te
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sha
children sitin I
ents, Mr
few of her
South Market

spent sevel

Norman S. Grimm employed by J.
K. Freymeyer, on Market
street, resigned to accept position
in Ohio.
Richard Leber has been appointed
assistant agent of the P. R. R. at
Conewago, and Tillman Ebersole fills
the Leber vacancy.
Earl Heisey of Palmyra, spent
Saturday and Sunday with his par- |
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Eli eisey on |
Washington street.
Messrs. Fred. Deimler and John
Heisey and Jacob Fetrow of Fal-
mouth, were Tuesday visitors among
friends in the borough.
Norman Good and passenger agent,
C. J. McLaughlin, Sr, of this
borough, attended a banquet on Sat-
urday at Hotel Brunswick
Mr. Rufus Hipple is very ill with |
dropsy of the heart. {
Mr. J. D. Mumma was in Lancas-
ter, on Saturday on a business trip.
Mr. Cyrus Nissley, a farmer, near |
this place went to Ohio, on a busi- |
ness trip.
Mr. Percy Fuhrman and family left
for Florida, on Sunday where the |
plumber is going to work at his trade.
Mr. and Mrs. George Moore and |
family of Columbia, were guests of |
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Resh |
on Sunday.
Mr. George Reigel of this place
received a card from their son,
George stating that he arrived safe |
on the other side of the Pond.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Resh and |
daughter and her husband of Balti-
more, were at this place on Saturday
attending the funeral of Mr. Resh’s
father, John Resh
mm —
Car Burned Up
An automobile owned by Mr. |
Howard Landis was burned up on |
Monday evening about 12 o’clock on
the pike, east of town. The cause
being probably due to a short circuit
in the wires of the car. It being a
dreadful night, raining very hard, |
Mr. Landis was running the car at a|
lively speed in order to arrive home|
as soon as possible. Dr. E. W. New- |
comer was called to his assistance,


Children Cry for Fletcher's

The Kind You Have Always Bought, gnd which has been
in use for over over 30 years, has Worne the signature of
AT Er and has be¢n made under his pers
x I & Jp sonal supervision since its infancy.
AY Lhe Allow noone to deceive you in this,
All Countertcits, Imitations apd * Just-as-good ” are but
Experiments that trifle with/and endanger the health of
Infants and tis CAS against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless gubstitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric,

Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains
neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its
age is guarantee, For more than thirty years it has
been in constant uge for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency,
Wind ind/ Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising
theref ind by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids
sn of Food; giving healthy and natural sleeps
Js Panacea—The Mother’s Friend.
the assimi!
The Child
cars the Signature of


300000000 Q

3 ©0000


! ERI *
Mrs. Roy Schroll spent last Mon m : 3 Ww. Ww. APPEL & SON *
: . The ice broke and passed off very *
day assisting her sister to move, In nicely last Friday Midd SEWELERE Hh OPTIOIANS
¢ abe nm pe » ye rg ey . x x
Blaabethtown. = © larble cutter of | Mrs. Alice Ziegler of Lititz, spent [SS3SSSIITTIIRRITRRITIRIEES
cener, ¢ Marble cut 0 ave 2 EX ayseplat
Maytown, transacted business in this bwo days at D. a. PE es ughiin and se T Hi o .
place, one « las ol Mr 4 MTS, + J. Mel ¥ é ‘
' The ~ 12Y Jast f Spr n (ther | Son Edward spent Saturday and 133: e ng :
{ ow 10Urs Ol , ! + ¢ ! 3 ay « » « > ie w -
has induced the Black bird ven- | Sunday at Philadelphia. 3 Time N
tie ron Nae f Rhcen Walter Davis of Middletown, now 2 19515 *
ure up north as tar as R D TH vor of | Yesiding with his sister, Grace, visited Hod The a nts tol we KN
Miss Mary and Lizzie Hollinger of |, 00 per ™ Mrs. A. Sweigert last | Pd |
Neffsville, were Sunday guests off rook. IE eae » i 13 ean !
their rother S » ollinger and “RA: : x D We
their brother, Isaac Hollinger and |" yee pr day Egan was unable to [4 e ‘
family ’ ) Md how many
“Mr H. G. Thompson attended the | teach school at Franklin last week | [98d ...., eal
2% Ey OIMDSON RS lf because she scalded her foot with | PH H Ions
P. R. R. banquet held by the Freight | bolline water 11 hens duo
{ Pasgsengor ron t t ,ancaster | pee ) ‘ u 1501
fact J asss ier pen 8 Lancaster) “gq "(i Engle’s first sale at the farm Jog tn} Heer:
as NACUICDY. 4 vie Dopamal country Lad largely attended. Things sold 133: ol ; were Er
Vout hor cloths aad a ane for | well. I'he mules were all bought by 123 half i ited
butcher slaughtered a fine pozker Jor Joseph Kendig of York 44 half ;
A einer ast onde that * 1 . . ! 4 nuf 1 h
N. N as ” M lay that," “mys. Egan of Lancaster accom- 133: dai ws
aressed oo poundas a 'd her daughter Harri »t back to yO pad oe
gssed pou . handev. gra {panied he aughte arriet back shas 2h rh Perfect
: The : followers of hu bandry hl her boarding place on Sunday. Miss }Seq ' Ww, thE very
tept juite Jusy aleendmg = Ls Egan uses a crutch to walk. ! 133! owe of Eloi
Implement sae we. are nih : Mrs. Mabel Ziegler will sell her | 3384 v1 farittor
Good Drie Sy i a ng Toa rt ! reight I household goods on Saturday, March 133! i : ha is-Spring
Milton Shan th Ie RR. 2nd. After which she will vacate | [384 BE Aon
nd passenger agent of the 2% 8. Bn 1,1nd go to her home at Conestoga | po84 ©
va nfined to his ( v days | contre pod § bod
{ of h & ack of Practass 1 . pO 4 Pat Har mat > 94
i k Private Douglas Longenecker of ' pod ire the ati » 4
ri M a} He and | Camp Meade, Co. 1, 316th U. S. Inf. eo 4 a ae ’3!
ay 1 inc x 1 as b! SO 1 eno is a pleasant caller to his friend rh ord oe
Mr. a Mrs. [ wl Hernley, wh No {at Marietta and vieinity He also +e { ri 28
! ’ Pri nay sited his parents at Manheim, and | fe ith Shi bd
Drie ster, Mrs. Gres sohic) car ped y vb
st r, Ix Grant Cohick, nea 330! ty +3
Frank S 0 E ' HL a ARs oH > 4
{ the M | C. Smith of Medico rey TTI STI TITS
3 I Philadelphia ; MLE 0940000 00000000000 00009 4
wy Sir. : Irs. J. A. K 1334 }31 NORTH QUEEN STREET $84
7 ’ 3 vn; Mr. I. S Sed LANCASTER, PA. b
Bari Spangler 1 pd ¢rITTITITY rey p
: Ir. David I [eeeresedee BRRRRITY
i . 1¢
hi ¢
A Ln?
'V/ I 3
i i
\ i’
Vi &
’ ss
1d BF
1 H. K 1 A I'l q
\ J, { c 1
1 ur n ry
( Woodbine } ht
. ind Philadelphia I
W h I t 1177 iP ' .
o ; Y ) y VI. Bq al family of Lan \
rt) Pn ster, spent the 22nd at Mr. and ®
rd es she | Mrs. P. Bowman’s. 3
: 2st of o H. H. Shenk and family of Lime |
? Rock spent Sunday Mr. and | i —— .
Joseph Tuck of Log |Mrs. Reuben Shearer.
reo OF LO%I"TMr. Wenger and Mr. Myers.of

s, Cal., arrived here Monday at
home of her parents, Mr. and
.. A. B. Kreider.
visited their son, Russel
training Camp in T
Kind Providence has
ing hand to the Farmers when he
covered the Earth a few days ago
with a few inches of the beautiful
snow, saving many a bushel of grain
for our consumption during these
troublesome times.
Rev. Seabar of the Water Street
Mission at Lancaster, accompanied
Rev. Downs to his church last Sun-
day. He relieved him of the labor of
preaching by taking up the work and
preaching a very
pleasing sermon. Come again
who is in a

lent a help-

Mr. Christian Good is on the sick
list for several past weeks.
The sales of Jacob Frey and Mary
Koser were well attended.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wittle were
in Elizabethtown on Saturday
Mr. Harvey Wittle slaughtered a
beef for I. P. Eshleman on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Tillman Zook called
on Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah Zook on Sun-
j day.
Mr. Ezra Frey spent Sunday with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Grosh trans
acted business at Lancaster on Wed-
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Gibble called
on Mr. and Mrs. John Geib on Sun-
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Koser spent
Sunday and Monday with Mrs. Mary
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shelley called
on Mr. and Mrs. Christian Good on
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Kulp attend-
|ed the sale of Mrs. Samuel Risser on
Messrs. Monroe Lane and Martin
Greiner called on Mr. Clayton Gib-
ble on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Gibble at-
tended the funeral of Mr. Amos Bru-
baker on Sunday.
Rev. C. C. Speicher preached his
farewell sermon in the Evangelical
i church on Sunday evening.
Mr. Albert Gingrich was home
from Philadelphia, on Sunday. He
returned on Monday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wittle were
visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Elvin Baker in Elizabethtown, on
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Geib enter-
tained the following on Sunday: Mr.
and Mrs. John Koser, Mr. nad Mrs.
Hany Geib, and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey
Enroute they |
instructive and |
Franklin County, spent a few days|
visiting at Landisville. |
{| Mr. and Mrs. Peters, a newly mar- |
ried couple spent Sunday at the]
{home of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Shear- |
| er.
| Mrs. Pearl Stauffer of Woodbine |
| Heights held a dime social on Wash- |
ington’s Birthday and it was well at-|
| Mr. Christian Blottenberger re- |
Isigned his position at the Keystone |
| Boiler works and has accepted a po- |
[sition with the Kennedy hol
| . |
| The coal situation at this place was |
very serious. At Salunga the coal]
idealers did not receive a car of coal]
i this month. J. C. Snavely & Son re-|
|ceived a car on Saturday that'will re- |
|lieve the situation for a few days. |
{ re A Arn |

| The Boy Scouts of America are |
| making a great effort to raise $600,- |
1000 within the next three years, said |
‘money to be used for instituting new
troops and getting new boys into the |
| folds of the Boy Scouts of America |
on account of the extensive war work |
now being carried on by these young |
men. |
Troop No. 2 of the Mount Joy B.|
S. A.,, has pledged $45.00 to this
cause and the young men are now ac-!
tive in their effort to raise that!
amount for this worthy cause. |
At no time in all the world’s his- |
tory have boys—just boys—had such |
|an opportunity as they now have for |
{ helping their country. Never before
| were boys asked by their Government
{to do such big things for it as have |
| the Boy Scouts of America.
| Never before have men—real men |
{who want to be at the front, but!
can’t—had the chance for service!
that is now presented to meet their!
duty as leaders to this tremendous |
army of boys ready to play the part
i that Uncle Sam has put upon them. |
{ In a recent letter President Wilson |
| said: “Anything that is done or given |
to increase the war efficiency of the |
{ Boy Scouts of America will be a real |

conditions are right.
What You Can Do
Get out all your implements, place them
where inspection is easy. Parts that must be
replaced note down and send us your repair
parts demand. We will then mass the or-
ders, saving express and shipping, and your
implement will be ready. Week, March 4-9.
Will You Help ? Thank You
Our Country Calls
The need of the World is for the largest crop in our
history. We want no delay to ensue when implements
are needed, and so our efforts will be to help the
farmer to be in shape for work when the weather =
During the first week in
ment dealers generally and the undersigned
specially, will endeavor to find out from
farmers what repair parts will be needed to
make every farm implement sufficient.
March the imple-

contribution to the nation and will
{ help win the war.” |
| Persons desirous of contributing |
can do so by seeing Scout Master P. |
Franck Schock or Assistant Scout |
Master Howard Arntz. |

A Special Meeting
There was a special meeting of |
Mount Joy Boro Council on Monday |
evening for the purpose of placing |
j3L000 to the sinking fund account
and also paying the interest on the
bonds which come due Mar. 1st. i

H. S. Newcomer
Mount Joy, Pa.