The Mount Joy star and news. (Mount Joy, Pa.) 1878-1918, January 26, 1918, Image 8
/ PAGE EIGHT THE DOINGS AROUND FLORIN ALL THE UP.TO-DATE HAPPEN. INGS FROM THAT THRIVING AND BUSY VILLAGE Services will be held at the Cross Roads church on Sunday. Mr. Irvin Aungst of Hershey, spent Sunday in the village. Mr. Jno. Stoll of Ephrata, spent Sunday at his parental home. 8S. C. Anks of the County Seat Sundayed in the village. Mr. Harry iller of visited town friends on Monday. Mr. C. L. Bookmyer of Minneapo- | is here on a visit to friends. lis, : Mi 3 | this week. Florence Romig of Hershey, | Mr. Samuel Heisey took a load of is here on a visit to her parents. Mr. I. W. Hershey of Elizabeth- town, spent Monday in the village. Mr. omas McKinley of Philadel- phia, spent Sunday with his family. Mr. George Howard spent Sunday and Monday at York, visiting rela- tives. Messrs. Roy Perris and Emanuel Brown spent Tuesday at the Capital City. Ent + Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Geib visited latives at Elizabethtown on Sun- day. Fir. Wm, Freyberge " made a business trip to town Tues- ay ; r. S. H. Keefer of Dillsburg, was a welcome visitor to our town Sun- day, r. Harry Houck ; { Grass, Md., visited Florin friends Sunday. Mr. Applebaugh of Lancaster, spent Sunday in the family of C. S. achstetter. Prayer meeting was held at the home of Mr. Albert Walters on Tues- day evening. Mr. Jno. Eyer Friday visitors Christian Groff. ; Mr. J. K. Freymeyer and family of Elizabethtown, visited H. L. Stoll and family on Sunday. . Mr. Leo Smith of Philadelphia, of Havre-de- and family were to Mr. and Mrs. spent Sunday here with his mother, Mrs. Albert Fike. A number of local sportsmen at- tended the big fox chase at Eliza- bethtown on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Steele of Harrisburg, are visiting friends in our village this week. Mr. Paul Koser has accepted a osition in the Long & Taylor ware- ouse at Landisville. ; Mr. F. J. Benjamin of Philadelphia, was a Sunday visitor at the home of Mr. Thomas McKinley. : Ty Mr. Wm. Henry and family visited the former's parents at Manheim, on Saturday and Sunday. Rev. O. G. Romig, pastor of the U. B. church here, transacted business at Hershey on Saturday. : Mrs. Martin Force of Harrisburg, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. Mrg E. S. Weaver. MILTON GROVE Subscribe for the Star and News. Messrs. William Brosey and Abram Ginder delivered tobacco to Mount- ville on Friday. Mr. Jacob Galebach of Elizabeth- town, was stripping tobacco for Samuel Heisey on Friday. Mr. Harvey Geib is the new em- ploye working for John Koser. Mr. John w is busy stripping his tobacco with Phares Ginder. Mr. Albert Gingrich transacted business at Lebanon on Wednesday. Mr. Jacob Heisey is critically ill with pneumonia, at his residence in ncaster, | r of Hershey, |fenderfer were in Elizabethtown on | | Miss Annie this place. Dr. A. J. Thome was on the sick | list the past week. | Harvey Wittle slaughtered a steer | and four hogs for Mrs. Samuel Koser milk to Elizabethtown on Saturday | morning. {| Mr. Samuel Geib purchased a new | { Saxon automobile from John Enter-| | line, of Rheems. | Mr. and Mrs. Eiven Brosey and THE MT. JOY STAR AND NEWS Good Over | daughter Orlena, spent Saturday and Sunday at Mount Hope. | Mr. William Diffenderfer bought a | | sleigh from William Brosey. White helped Amos | Risser to butcher last week. | Mr. William and Miss Fannie Dif-| | Thursday. . Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Gibble were in town on Saturday. | Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wittle and son Alvin, spent Sunday with Mr. {and Mrs. Oscar Koppenheaver. | Miss Stella Geib called on Mrs. | [Harvey Geib on Sunday afternoon. | { Mr. and Mrs. Henry Greiner were | visitors in the home of Jacob Heisey | on Sunday. { Mr. and Mrs. Levi Kopp spent Sun- | day with Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Kopp. | | Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wittle called on Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Grosh on Sun- | day evening. { | Messrs. Blaine Heisey and Ezra! Frey called on Mr. John Kauffman | on Sunday afternoon. { Messrs. William Diffenderfer and | LeRoy Wittle were in Elizabethtown | on Saturday. Mr. Henry Geib called Cyrus Geib on Sunday. | Miss Louisa Thome called on Miss Mary Koser on Sunday afternoon. | Jacob Frey will have sale of house- | hold goods and farming implements | | on Mr | f | lon Monday, February 18th. |S. | L Koser and children of | ere Friday visitors to | ul Koser and family. Sides and daughter, unday with the fam- sh at Elizabethtown. Pp ily of Abraxd ood and daughter, Mrs. Josefa Melva of M bed visitors to NM ily. Mrs. ul Koser and fam- sto! Marti» ®iggins and daughter of Harrisburg, Sundayed at the home | of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Eichler. Miss Sue Brandt and Mr. Henry Gingrich were entertained at dinner { caster, were the guests of Mr. were Saturday | 1 at the home of Mr. Paul Koser on| Monday. The funeral services of Mrs. Me- { Garvey were held at the home of her :- gon, Mr. Joseph McGarvey on Tues- day evening. Reise Dora Wagner and Mr, Cover of Palmyra, are spending several days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Hertzler. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Walters and gon will leave today to visit relatives through out the west. They will be gone several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Crowl enter- tained Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Raffens- berger and daughter of Elizabeth- town, Mr. and Mrs. John Stehman of Florin, Mr. and Mrs. John Raffens- berger, Misses Mary Rineer and Anna Stoner on Sunday. The many friends of Mrs. Breineisen of Rohrerstown Gertie Gingrich) daughter of Mrs. Katie Gingrich of this place, will be S0ITY Ray formed. ’ 7 COUNTY TROLLEY LINES ASK PERMISSION TO MERGE Harrisburg, Pa. Jan. 23—Applica- tion has been filed with the Public Service Commission for approval of merger of seven Lancaster county street railways into a new corpora-! tion to be known as the Conestoga Traction Company. The companies to be merged are Lancaster Traction, Lancaster Rail- way, Lancaster City, Lancaster and Lititz, Columbia and Ironville, Co- Jumbia and Donegal and the present Conestoga Traction. General Manager Hull, of the Con- estoga Traction Company, in ex- planation of the merger said this af- ternoon that the procedure is for the purpose of eliminating red tape in the making out of reports for the] various lines. The companies in- cluded, he stated, are some of the underlying lines in which the Cones- toga Company owns all of the stock, and the merger is simply for the pur- ose of “avoiding complications.” e other lines operated by the com- pany in which it does not own all of the stock are not included. nes ne: Why Not Try It? Fifty years ago an attempt was made to mine coal along the Chiques Creek, near Milton Grove. was given up in dismay as it losing job to the projectors. there is considerable talk of again opening the long abandoned mines a are many people who believe | corrected. All were helpful and in- that with a little more work the | spired. (nee! to learn that she was taken to the General Hospital at Lancaster on | Tuesday to have an operation per- As very | general little coal was produced the venture Misses E. Erb and F. Hershey. Dr. was a |J. F. Herr, Of late | ful discussion on his work as Medical on account of the scarcity of coal | Inspector and the many defects and { this town for the present. Mr. M. H. Randler called on Mr. A_ | Holwager on Sunday afternoon. | Mr. Oliver Rasp purchased a talk-| ing machine from Harvey Geib. i eR GU 7 ROHRERSTOWN Miss Sarah Frantz is slowly reecov- ering. 4 Postmaster A. B. Baer is rapidly improving. Mr. J. H. Nissley, the assessor, was in town on Tuesday. Mr. John M. Myers fell down the steps at his home but fortunately he was not hurt much. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Myers of Lan- and Mrs. A. B. Baer on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Ambrose Stubbs and son Charles, spent the afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Baer. Mr. and Mrs. J. Homsher of Route 1, Lancaster, are moving into the house vacated by Mr. and Mrs. J. sauders, who now lives at Lancaster. Miss Elsie Worrall, who was un- forunate several weeks ago and sprained her ankle while coasting, is improving slowly and expects to be out again in the near future. Mr. Jessie Ney, who makes his home with Miller & Bushonp, is a very handy man about the town. His sympathies are with those who are sick and he will lend a hand to help them out in many ways and it is sure- ly appreciated by those who are not able to go out. Miss Kathryn F. Stauffer, of No. 340 Nevin street, Lancaster, announ- ced the marriage of her niece, Miss | i Mary Stauffer Strickler, of this place, to Earl F. Lefevre, of Quarryville, on Dec. 26, at Niagara Falls, N. Y. Rev. i John E. Manning, pastor of St. Paul’s | 'M. E. church, of that place, officiated. Both bride and groom are graduates l of Millersville S. N. S. Both are also ' teachers in the public schools in this | place. They will make their home in | FARMERS WANTING NITRATE CAN NOW PURCHASE IT In order to give farmers a liberal supply of nitrate of soda at cost, the U. S. Department of Agriculture has undertaken the sale and distribution of 100,000 tons. The nitrate can be | purchased only by farmers for | | present needs and cannot be resold. | In Lancaster County, the sale of | nitrate of soda will be handled thru |the Lancaster County Farm Bureau | office and through a small committee to be announced later. The nitrate of soda will cost about $77.50 per ton delivered to Lancas- [ter freight rates. This price is de- cided lower than ordinary commercial ! prices charged and should be reason- | ! able enough for use on some of our |crops. No orders will be accepted !later than February 4. Any farmers desiring some of this government nitrate should get in touch with the | Farm Bureau or the local committee at once. | meet p—— ‘held in the Sabbath school room dur-: ing the next ten weeks, the time spec- | ified by our government for the sav- | Rohrerstown P. T. A. | Thursday, January 17th, was a| red letter day for the Parent) Teachers Association. The meeting | was called to order by Vice Presi- dent, Ex-Sheriff Landis; Musical Selections by several pupils; Discus- sion, “Why Support the P. T. A.” Mr. Earl Warfel; Music; Discussion, “The Problem of Home Work and | Helping Pupils out of School Hours,” (Mr. M. N. Davis. Both subjects were {well presented. Mr. LeFever and | Rev. H. A. Kunkle participated in the discussions. Piano duett, M.D., gave a very help- J paBygionje conditions he finds. How |these defects should be and can be Prof. and Mrs. E. Lefever mines might be put on a paying basis. received congratulations. | i Copyright Hart Schainer & Marx P. E. GETZ Mount Jo RELIGIOUS NEWS IN OUR CHURCHES NEWS PERTAINING TO ALL THE CHURCHES IN MOUNT JOY BORO AND THE ENTIRE SURROUNDING COM- MUNITY St. Luke’s Episcopal Church Rev. H. D. Speakman, Rector The services on Septuamagesima Sunday, will be at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday School 9:15. Subject for the day, “God’s Calls.” United Brethren Church Rev. D. E. Long, Pastor 9:00 A. M. Sunday School. 10:15 A. M. Preaching. 6:00 P. M. Junior C. E. 6:00 P. M. Intermediate C. E. 7:00 P. M. Revival Services. Wednesday night cottage prayer | meetings. Church of God Rev. I. A. MacDannald, Pastor Sabbath school 9:30. Preaching 10:30. Jr. Y. P. S. C. E. 5:45. Senior Endeavor 6:30. Preaching 7:30. Prayer meeting night. on Wednesday Florin United Brethren Church Rev. O. G. Romig, Pastor The services for the coming Sab- bath are as follows: Bible School at 9:30 A. M. Preaching at 10.30 a. m. and 7.15 m " Junior C. E. Service at 1 o'clock. Senicr C. E. Service at 6:15 P. M. Methodist Episcopal Church Rev. Thomas Roberts, Pastor Sunday School at 9:15 A. M. Preaching Service at 10:30 A. M. Junior League at 2 P. M. Epworth League at 6:30 P. M. Preaching Service at 7:30 P. M. Mid-week prayer service on Wed- | nesday evening. Bible study class on Friday even- ing. Presbyterian Church Rev. F. G. Bossert, Pastor Morning worship at 10.30 a. m,, subject, “The Ministry of Courage.” Evening worship at 7.30 p. m., sub- ject, “The Wonder Working Christ.” » Syayer Meeting this evening at All services of the church will be ing of coal. Breaks Wrist Cranking Car Daniel Albright, of Rowenna, known as the grand old man of Schock’s Mills, is nursing a very sore right arm, having broken a bone in the wrist while cranking his automo- bile. Mr. Albright is perhaps one of the oldest drivers of automobiles in Lancaster county, and for several years has driven without an accident or an injury. Several days ago while getting ready to take a spin to Mari- etta, the crank slipped and caught him on the wrist, fracturing it. Big Horse At the various Ephrata, more than mules were sold in Business sale stables at 8,000 horses and 1917. | \ { @OOO0OOOOOO® coats ani This is r{ 8 and just th save mone Hart S¢ $20.00 for $25.00 values $18.00 for $22.50 values $16.50 for $20 00 values $15.00 for $18.50 values $13.50 fo: $16.50 values $12.00 for $15.00 values $10.00 for $12.50 values a We Pay'Your Round Ther CAR FARE On ALL Pure Es Or$10.% OR MORE. IT Costs You NoTHING. ASK FoR [T. : NO CAR FARE REFUNDED ON PURCHASES OF VICTOR OR COLU ivibiA PRODUCTS 32-- 38 East King Street Lancaster, Penna. 0000000 PPOPPPREPRCRRRROE Your Health Depends Upon Your __BOTH TELEPHONES If The§ Need Attentfon See pt DR-FRED P. AUTEN, Dentist 3 EAST ORANGE STREET OPE EVENINGS 25 - COWS +25 PUBLIC SALL At Mount Joy, Pa. AT THE STOCK YARDS AT HOTEL Mg¢GINNIS Friday, Feb. 1, ’18 This l¢t consists of Holsteins, Dur- | hams afd Jerseys, fresh and close CLEAN SHAVE springefs and a few backward cows. Good milkers and butter cows. Also a few fat and bologna cows. Any | person in need of cows should not | fail fo attend this sale. Sale at 1:30 | sharp. ’ | C. S. Frank, Auct. C F. Greider! Jae. H. Zeller, Clk. Salesman. 0000 OCOO0PROPOOOOOPOOOOIOOOG XEXXX Xd ZEEE R qq W. W Rlbert Strickler Dealer In EAE A} TEX ERE] TIX TE EEE LEAL S 9 ETC. Both Phones MOUNT JOY, PA. C0009 004000000900%009 hd THE BEST PLACE TO GEF p94 And a | NEAT HAIR CUT —I8 AT— JOS. "HERSHEY'S FONSORIAL PARLORS MOUNT JOY, PA. LEA 29006