Flotsam and Jetsam *, Norwegian # ene war department's conduct of reL wv (ling the allies’ a vr terest Caught From and Boiled Down. GREAT CONFLICT EPITOMIZED important Happenings In the Forty. eight States of the Union—Occur fences at the Capital—Latzst Cable Condensaticns. WAR BULLETINS OC A separate peace agreement S$ been signed:by Ru: and Bulgaria, the Berne Bund reports. General expectation of a Teuton of fensive in the west was heightened by the report from Switzerland that the Germans have again closed the Swiss and Dutch frontier will be virtually for 20 day The British hospital ship Lew: torpedoed and sunk without warning in Bristol channel. All of the wound: borders. These hermetically seaied ed were saved, but three men in the crew perished. Political chaos cngulfs Berlin, A gap apparently yawns between the militarists and the anti-annexationists 80 wide and so deep that it secms ub- bridgzable, German troops which attempted to | advance on the Verdun front after a bombardment were driven back by the French fire, it is announced oflicially., British aeros on the front in the course of the destroyed eight Austro-Ger: north Italian weer an mna- chines and forced two others to the ground, Great Britain’s war aims were set forth by Premier Lloyd George in the broadest and most specific manner, Supporters of allied cause probably will head the new Mexican ci Germany haughtily refused Russia's request for the transfer of the peace conference to Stockholm, and the im perial chancellor told the Reichstag Main Committee thar Germany not permit Russia to prescribe det: or make demands in Russia's condition, net. could pres tonna totaling 56GC,000 Yeur, x3 WASHINGTON | ge nag lost fuse Nay » fl MWithout a vote to spare, the fe Sinman suffrage resolution passed The vote was 274 to 136. Secretary Baker CRlouse. defended warmly war. ‘The personnel of the army now is 1,536,500, he s All of the 1,600,0 ees of the United States are « tain wage increases. The Swit Union is the first of numerous broth hoods to state its demands to Dir Genera! of Railroads McAdoo, President Wilson unexpectedly went before Cengress and made a concise statement of Amer in the war. He demarled, among oth- er things, the evacuation of all Rus sian territory by the evacuation and restoration of Yleigium, a free Poland and the returr of Al- sace-Lorraine te France, Orders issued by he war depart- ment will permi wounded to wear ribbons of red, white and blue. Washington unofiicially agrees with the statement of the Dritish premier war aims, consid- &, it with President Wilson's views, «- McAdoo, d W railway « nmen's clear, ca's aims Gerniaus, éctor genera. of rail- i rouds, innounced a scale of heavy de- murrage rates for the purpose of free- tng loaded freight curs for new uses. “All private interests must for the present give way to the public neces sity. That dominant of resident Lress, recommending ic wus the Wilson's note address to Con- ation (0 cur- ry out the control already by the government over the Request for in of n ST00.000,G00 reveals two bill shipbuilding program, The war departiaent has approved of the orgat tion of an in ry unit of the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps ut Amnberst College, 1 > gy > x a ! GiiNii AL | — J The food administration fngton is preparing tov send Bo, UL, U0 the us 50 critical, bushels wheat situation 1 itesirictions fer enemy aliens are to Le extended to apply to women, Leg- isialion to that cifect is now being araried, with assurances that it wiki be enacted. An American cavalry deta Douglas, Ariz, clashieq with dians at Bear valley, capturing nine. Vostipaster: General Burleson gut into unified operation a somprehenusive scheme of y C ent at Yaqui In- killing oue and he nation: automobile post deliveries that will pe potential the greatest step yet taken to reduce the cost of living and at the same time | relieve the freight targe extent, The German casualties on the west- ern front for 1917 totaled 1,750,000 wen, according to the Britush war oi- Bice. congestion to u the | ol over « a | tts wel 9 eed th 8 e. | The pork pa pl of John J. 1 kley t Clie Pa. was burned, | vith a loss es wed at $200,000, | Coal priority for New York city was | denied by Dr. Garfield, leaving the sit ation more acute than ever. Predic and in Mean s of fuel are being tions w at schools to close, nour New England to ‘keep the to munition plants in operation. Secretary McAdoo to all ratlroad offic loyal co-operation to help win the war and declared they virtually were in the federal service. verted appeal an ¢ men fol issued s and H. Smith, Repor of railroads, showed an 738 erst ant director cumulation 11 Ul, was being made to re ation, public that books bt it of ordered York cit) ypaganda in torn out. Y J German-American War O | 9 Senate inquiry witness charged wis, . I SRN ET TINT SUE TINGS SER ET att Aka § EE Rd LTA A mnTIn Bl Be f h "ik Re 8 1G J 4 : g : i : by iaiiea $ to German i'.0 | | 5 al WAY TO PARLEY | STYLTS SOME FRIVOLOUS. — | re | Sounds Ivew Mcte in Demanding Asso- | Power Given to Congress to Declare { ciation of Nations for Guarantees | War Includes Authority to Com- | of Political Independence and pel Citizens to Join the Colors { Territorial Integrity. | Both Here and Abroad. | Husa | ovo ed, 00 — | Waushineton,—President Wilson an- Washington, — The Supreme Court I od to all the world those things | i upheld a§ constitutional the selective : for which Aine y fights and the con- | service act, the court sustaining the | (1s upon which she will discuss | covernment's contention that the pow. : r given to Congress to declare war in- Poi | 1 with searce- | | eludes power to compel citizens to | Mien Sn ; De Tee: render military service both at home | Ivan he ‘qe notice before the LW : he i 8% Ci ngeress, he read @ escage ! pnd abroad. J de = Se ; \ ‘hich t { A I'he unanimous opin.on of the court | one piv ae] - for Walfh Ihe tha was delivered bv Chief Justice White, { U1 | States entered the war and the aig, former soy - A A IE . er Sh ust betudibestra to assist Secreta after considering the various conten- Be 5 ir pari in Trade 4 Te al “wil tions, the conclusion bad been i ’ TEI : : : public on the comm I that most of them were imaginary | ¢ bot of hig epochal address Set | ide also two representatives ¢ «bor, | rather than re orth his tern Upon their accept- | of commerce and industry and one The. decision resulted from the ap | “oO 'g DOW- e is y # 0 central pow- | economist. peals of 13 cases growing out of con- AAA AAAAAAAAALAAAAAS ASIA GERMAN PEOPLE IN PROTEST, reject the the question as to how long President victions under tne selective service act, five coming from New York, three from Ohio, four from Minnesota and one ‘rom Georgia. | rs hangs last. America, ave warning, will fight to the “steel trust” men on the defense coun- | very end that the aims he outlines are cil with having rejected independent | yo | nike anid ie x rid C5 on shes NF tetova offers to manufacture steel tp plate | aa the Lloyd George speech | PUBLIC OPINION FORCES AUTO- et BY Tan at reduced prices. of last week before the labor unions | CRATS TO RENEW PARLEY. Emma Goldman, "Alexander Barkman | Both Protestant and Catholic chup: | of Great Britain, President Wiison Fr and Meyer Graubard. The first four | fains report that the morals of the } Wout uel cl ther than the British | Sudden Upheaval of the Masses Com- were convicted of attempting to induce | American troops in France are excei- | pren er. : ; Ie J els Militarists to Resume Nego- others of draft age not to register, | lent, i Plac Americu squarely beside | pels. +i | and an additional charge of failure to | Washington views President Will Sues ont Wie on peel tations al Bestel. itoven, register was made against Kramer, | son's war speeci an offer of peace | fo all nations that the future peace of | me , who was sentenced {o two years’ in- | to the Germal le bui a declara- | the world must rest upoi foundations | London.—In an effort to check the ' prisoament.” Becker was sentenced to | tion of war on the Kaiser. | Boyar vefore Burked out in diplomacy. | rising tide of antagonism toward the one year and eight months in Jail, | France sent thanks te the American | He de lared {pore most be tice nigh saan. Das po while Emma Goldman and Berkman | Red Cross. tn the world, with the | military autocracy Germany were ordered imprisoned for two years | wtions, large and smal, | sumed her peace negotiations with and dned $10,000 apiece. A one year | nationa at the Develus w Hyat at, Camp s for I«¢ years the was regarded as a cement of American d first Ameri the internal affairs speech the time of Lurope. ‘uments reveal that Ger- warfare Captured d is preparing for aerial order to cope with ge scale in the States service. Cong s virtualiy demandea a whole- | sale reory Za of war agencies, and it seemed certain that President Wilson would heed this demand. government has re- permit the of 1S HOW the British Per Ss urmy. The American transier in fused 0,000 to Americ: General to oO J ast seman, of Connie Mack's noted world baseball ions, has been traded by Phila- a to the Boston Red Box, delphi Jurleigh Grimes, and Chuck Ward mbers of the Brooklyn team wl :reby Cutshaw Casey Stengel go to Pittsburgh. Al Mamaux and pitchers, in a George aren’t waxing very over Connie Mack's plan The Athletics siastie ¢ the players work on a profit Ss next Profits thier scarce in the Athletic enth season, ell I camp for the past few years, ee Grand Circuit stewards Columbus, announced officially ilu 8 racing season will be opened at Nor Randal track at Cleveiand ‘he : ramatic effect by the unprepar SS the week of July 8. | Cone Test 37 Ing Linnie pRrcdnoss,L ouiging Ii wos iy al | Washing‘on to remove from : Chattos Hottod.. camntte. of athe | of Congress hear him, | inkling. It wasnot a newspaper clam- Wi "unity of leasing or buying Against the resolution were 10% aa 3 liel'Zud, captal i | 2s the fill effec a of si gtd an. 517 ilo inanitoachnts | 1e yp 1 h thn os o . e “- ee ie aN RE Boker | As the f il effect of at the Presi- | of, but an almost silent manifestation | al at + sas deloated: | Democrats, 33 Republicans 1 iy er Wary A] dent was saying bore in upon the sen- | of popular opinion from the reichstag, | oR li made allowing in dependent for boyle ant itcher | ators . ' : + 1 v i £ iments were made al 3 ’ : A 2 Doyle and Piicher | ators ssmen before him the | from the business world and from the! Amd uncnis ¥ ish combi A majority of two-thirds ! in v 1 Yi asantry axe for I rR : dividu lessees to establish combina- 4 jor] { § of foider. Binaed 11! zrew in volun and the cli- | peasantry. ixcept for reports receiv- | 1d eect thelr own refineries | 1s shown for the adoption « ’ fetder, signed 1918 | reached when the President | ed through ‘Amsterdam that proces- | Hons iu, = | lution. 1 sw York Nationais, German Tob eierk Ye IONS f an and wom a : and pipe lines. { ' {a ; " : | jermany must right the | sions of men and women are going | The bill must now £0 to the house. | Recent elaborate polls of the sor 1'ed nderson the iunts © | ‘ ow - vw af 3, set Ss > S est 4 > ke Anderson, the ants’ rel to France 90 years ngo it the streets of some cities crying, | ie lly similar measures have been | Show that four converts mgs tag plichier, really wus the mast effective | in the matter of Alsace-Lorraine, Ve want peace!” no physical demon- | FT i ic twice before | to insure victory. At presi I ‘1h I aM PiO11: i ne ls 2 EO re > . Yy. ; Crate pitcher in Ae National League | AAR A A AAAI re strations have been reported. assed jthere | of the equal ballot are s she eason 50 far as earned runs were cou- > wr Yael sile rimant thot { 2 : ) « ; 5 as ealled runs were cous | It § the silent sentiment that has AAAI AAA AAAS Nf VW NSS of two-thirds. The poll : 5 cerned. i brought about the render of the | O— O | ators Curtis and Holli Y ell ) ye ot Vale neyvive 1 ora ev arr oo & 3 o | | a : Cornell, I Facet, Yale, Pennsyliva- autocracy—the strong conviction of an | yORLD’S NEWS IN | For the resolution rats, 25: in 1 . 21 arr 11 1 . . I = 1 : . i 3 | ™ nia, Colunbia and Duruuouth quogule. slow moving people that the imperial- | WORL | Republicans, 31. Total : ed dutes for intereoiientute busket istic overlords of the nation have sac- CONDENSED FORM | Against the resolutfn { ball champioushi} rificed enough blood and treasure for | | 26; Republicans, 10. dota i 5 their pan-German ambitions. | CG => | Doubtful Bepubtichs, ( ert | WASHINGTON.—-That the express | = ra TATNE 7A HePENDS DIV 3 \ i Te : FOREIGN SUSPENDS DIVIDENDS IN RUSSIA | companies of the United States will | ARMY RAISED IN 'ECORD TIME ’ ——— | . l ¢ ; «ailroads under govern- | : ss tne railroads under g | wet Bolshevik Government Preven ay- | follow 3 3 | 4 : : / aks Am ever te Pay-3 ntrol seems likely. Executive | Secretary Baker Gr by Senate’ A of ili wiaters have ! t. by ments by Private Companies ment co | tos te's left Bulgaria's al- London. — The Boishevik govern- | officials of the four big companies Military Cof(Ttee. : & % y. Lo 3 Tachi — OH a rv . y fhe Gi s offered BS mpact. ments, says a dispatch fr i d, spent several hours in conterence Washingion. Sefggary of War » in & galley MVE 5 h2ygeam, + 3 . ‘ . . at¥yere s daker ro Q ale o to pay i t Spunisi | I'he an Jen milezzo, the has issued a decree suspending all with Director General of Railroads Baker yas on : ack by mem- ( St Granados, 666,000 pesetas ght vessel in the world, | payments of dividends by private | McAdoo and his advisory committee. bers of the Senate Cg ittee on Milj- fo s death on the British cross- nk by a submarine. companies. | NEW YORK. — Uncle Sam’s new | tary Affairs. He sai Tr =k nfitar (- roatanit - . " Yh > > . - : : channel %; torpedoed. | TIolzZRY] nites threatening a renswal The government also has forbidden Liberty motor for airplanes is all to “No army of sin size in ‘he { i. Of peac ca | iansaet in stocks pendij tha te To 0 3 3 : : : : peace conference | transactions in stocks pending the is- | The automotive engineers | history of the world masqueraded before a he Boishevik government intends to issue a decree to have all the debts the llussian government annulled. 1gists win a victory in the Brit- House of Lor's vote of to 9. ish s are Terry scarce in Flan- performed Anesthetic ders, operatious are without using then. uese mutineers seize a battle- ana Port shell a fort at Lisbon, but sur- render after the firing of a few shots. The casualties of the biggest Amer- ican flying school in Paris for six weeks totaled one split lip and ope vked elbow, ship and the | became | | Russia. i sentence was given Gravtard for fai i i 2 In the face of the official announce- ind that the pitiless light shall play constantly upon tandings. ing to register. In holding the law constitutional the | | | | | ents and unders | ment of Saturday that since the Bol- ident spoke not alone for | . court took no action in those cases in- | but for the allies. With | sheviki had insisted upon transferring (ooo charges of conspiracy to pre- | House advising him, it is 18- | the conference to Stockholm the Ger-' vent the carrying out of the purposes | ned that he spoke by some i of | on government had suspended all of the law, These, it was understood, | nt reached = "es to Allied 1 3 1 ah i ont Tama Be eo | parleys Foreign Minister von Kuehl- i be taken Ap Wy ne roury lager. | i , . ‘ : ) iat question is involved in the cases { not longer be a hesitancy about an- | mann, Count Czernin, Austrian 10T- | oe pojonan and Goldman, Kramer and | nouiicing war aims. | eign minister; Talaat Bey, Turkish L _Iwostens must be taken by the | ...hq vizier, and the official repre- The government's motion to pest- | | German people. ‘before poact megotin- sentatives of Bulgaria and Roumania pone, because of the war. further con- | | tions can be started. Silvie Gn : sideration of several important anti- and 1LOVSK { have returned to Brest Su- | 1.—Through a responsible majority trust suits w granted by the in the Reichstag they must affirmative- ly d re for the principles set forth | in the latest statement of American and allied war aims, announced by President Wilson. [ 2.—They must retire from public life like Ludendorff, brains of the mil- have started discussions anew. This time they are not only meeting Leon Trotzky, Lenine's foreign minis- ter, but representatives of Finland and | ward. preme Court, with the exception of the case against the United Shoe Ma- | ¢hinery Company, which will go for- The decision resulted from the | _ both of whom insist upon in- appeals of 13 cases growing out of | convictions under the selective service | Ukran dependence, act, | men | itary party in Germany, who has di- There appears to be no doubt that {io 1 the stn Eianshi _ | only the sudden and unexpected up- rected the statesrmanship of the Teu- | only the sutde expect 1 LAND AND LEASE BILL PASSED. | tonic empire teward the heights of | heaval of the masses in Germany com- conquest and world dominion. sents as nearly in Washington the address of President Wilson, pelled the military autocrats to con- sent to have Dr. re- turn to the Polish city and debate the Senate Measure Permits Private Ex- ploitation on Reserves. Washington.—In face of an appeal by Senator Borah of Idaho that the sovernment itself develop and operate | public ‘oil, coal, potash and other | as possible Kuehlmunn following This repre von the opinion fy : ; 3 di German position that her troops should | I'he forces of public opinion in Ger- ' supervise the “self determination” of Wilson re- many upon which President A } in other about a responsive and the Russian Baltic provinces the i to bring ! $ { ponsible zovernment and to over- words, to control the referendum in: mineral resources, the senate by the which the diversified races of those narrow margin of 37 to 32 passed the | throw the military caste now running 3 Ape . 3 agai i 1 a It was to mineral lands leasing bill. Under the terms of the measure private interests | will be permitted to exploit the re- I serves. Just before the measure passed Sen- ator Kirby of Arkansas offered a sub- stitute bill authorizing the President to operate the lands through the sec- retary of the interior. In a viva voce vote Senator Kirby and Senator Borah were among the very few who voted for this. An amendment by Senator Poindexter of the bill territories should choose the form of are already at work. { government under which they should npetus to them as much as any- live. When the German attitude was first announced General von Ludéndortt and | the German declared it ad- mitted of argument, and when Trotzky was quoted as declaring that he would prefer war to that humilia- | tion a war council at Berlin at once suspended all negotiations. | Then came the reaction of which the | world received only an thing else, oflicials believe, that led the Preside He took this action, it became defi- nitely known, on the advice of Colonel House. House arrived here | secretly and at once went to the White Hou went at once into conference with the President. Tl the President lost nothing of their tremendous import or it to go before Congress. niilitarist Colonel 110 e, where he e ‘utterances of outside has T warfare if the ¢ { the good. . To ere not arre oki 0. | p i i i the Polish regency coun- | were not transferrca to Stockholm, | sue of ordinances relating to the fur- { hav said so, and they know better s the « of peace and the | yielded to the Germans and agreed | ther nationalization of production and re be 3 a They are the as gt WH , ntint Stith : : Tis nh than any, one else. a og} rests of oppressed nationalities, as- | fo continue negotiations at Brest- | determining the amount of interest tok I ox \utomobile, motor boat and ‘ : oi £1 ¥ : : itovek | ; ; priv i Bembiad he delegation of his support, : ayable by vate companies : ‘ni States < 2 of | pport | yable by private companies. airplane makers of the United States. French troongmade a surprise attack | on the German trenches east of &t.| Mihiei, demolishing the defenses | and shelters on a front of nearly a| mile, and brought back 178 prisoners and a large number of machine guns and hand grenades. ND 70 CED J J N.—London newspapers ex- NEW ENGLAND TO BED AT 10. LONDO 0 I press the greatest admiration for Pres- ident Wilson's address on war aims, praising particularly his offer of sup- port to Russia. The French press is delighted at his insistence of the res- toration of Alsace-Lorraine as one of the conditions of peace. WASHINGTON. — Secretary Wilson says the supply of labor in America is adequate to meet demands and that all it needs is readjustment. Orly about 3 per cent. of the workers, he says, will be taken bY the war in the first onee. i ear. Director Orders All Close Then. Boston.— Drastic uieasures ; : | fuel and light are provided in an order ftalian artillery harassed the enemy | jecgued by James J. Storrow, fuel ad- by lively firing across the Brenta | mjnistrator for New wxngland, applica- and the Piave, while the American | ple throughout Massachusetts. consul at Venice made a trip to the | They include the opening of business Asiago plateau and :rom a height | houses at 9 a. m. and the closing at 5 saw the Austrian positions covered | p. m. and the closing of theaters. bars with now, < | and all places of amusement at 10 The Italian government has prohibited | p. m. The order is to take effect at | the making of any pastry. | i Fuel Business to 10 save IN ACRE TET RG LAN yp IN Wr — has RR \ HRI EY Bill house prayer | thank | first For the time in history the applauded a prayemn The in such phrase “We as ibounded thee, O Lord, that we have never gone to bed hungry;” “We thank thee that we never scraped the bottom of our flour bar- rel.” day. Sun It was delivered by Rev. Billy ved, “Thou knowest, O Lord,” hep “that no nation so infamous, vile, gree uous and bloodthirsty has ever dis- ced the pages of history. Make bare £ | Thy mighty arm, O Lord, and smite the hungry, with blood, faces in thy praise.’ Hun, whose fangs drip will forever raise our wolfish and w did | fraction. HOUSE PASSES SUFFRAGE BILL CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT | ADOPTED 274 TO 126. rt Unexpected Opposition Develops De- spite President's Eleventh Hour Speech. Washington.—The Woman Suffrage Constitutional Amendment bill passed the house by a vote of 274 to 136. Only the bare two-thirds majority was obe tained, Speaker Clark not voting. J The result was so close that the vie tors had actually not a single vote to 410 votes (the 136 “Nays”) spare. Two-thirds of a —— -— total of 274 “Ayes” and makes 2731-3, but the house purlia- mentarian ruled that you can “not split a man” into one-third or any Had not Representatives Mann and Sims both risen from their sick beds in order to vote “Aye” the result would have been in jeopardy. The only thing that could have saved the suffrage day would have been that with only one of these men present, there still Speaker Clark to be counted upon. The suffragists had him in “an ace in the hole,” for he was scheduled to vote was “Aye.” The resolution must be adopted by the senate to become effective. Ilecent elaborate polls of the senate show that four converts must be made to insure victory. Unexpected opposition to t i- / ment bill, which developed di he J day in spite of the Presiden enth hour declaration in favor of the measure, kept the result uncertain up to the very last checking up of the final roll call. On a final roll call the division was: For the resolution, 274; against it, 136; absent and paired, 13; vaca: cies, 6. Of those supporting the resolution, 104 were Democrats, 165 Republicans and 5 independents. raised, equipped or ly. No such provisi made for the comfer eral well being of ar 18 BRITISH SHIPS 748 Large Vessels Since Last | London.—The Brit ports the sinking in 18 merchantmen, eac| over, by mines or si merchantmen under were sunk. Four fis were sunk. During submarine warfare sij 748 vessels over 1,600 der were destroyed.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers