The Mount Joy star and news. (Mount Joy, Pa.) 1878-1918, January 26, 1918, Image 4
s 1 i ¢ t 2 Ww eo “Tuke’s Lufesaza, “shurch: Superinten- | IS Lng Hayiostsi; © A, sistant super-|tween 9 a. m. and 3 p. m ove 3 Joseph Scharum and Al eel Finee the Red Cross Auxiliary has| Garrett, on South Market street, was | town; secretary, Henry S. Rich, Mari- | nora Hoover, Messrs. John Fletcher, | eropsen formed here, the following ag-|taken to the General Hospital at frow] ladies have been among the ] : evenst orate Those who have eontri- | for the removal of gall stones. He |Spangler, Amos M. Hiestand, Simon 'gj5.4, Clarence Smith. Oneuted are as follows: Mrs. Mary | > lispEngle, aged 78, 2 sweaters, 2 pairs [operation was deemed necessary as a forper of wash clothes; Mrs. Frank cessful, and he is getting along as Thaddeus Groff. This company has | goars held, which resulted in the fol- DY Groff, Sr., about 70 years old, 8 (well as can be expected, considering |one of the largest corns of agentsin || wins choice: President, George M. wis in tor, Rev. C. M. La , has at the Mennonite Home at Oreville. . J ra he Evie. yuo |" Rev. Downes visited Mr. J. 2Z.| Mr. and Mrs. Seitz spent Fundey ant hook and ladder director, George chs H. F. Hershey, wife and daughter, | Kline, who is ill, on Monday after- & Back Run in the home of Fran | Slond. The trustees were Gitgated to ha , of Gettysburg, were home noon. : : $id | audi e treasurer’s accounts and a Yi ory oy Mr. and| Mrs. Warner, mother of our neigh- |. Edward Miller, of Ohio, is spend- | committee consisting of Charles J. hors. H. S. Hershey, on Sunday. hos Latimer W., died at York, on| of 50 a among relatives and Bambert, John ERASTINN ad hic jes’ i iet, the | Sunday morning. 3 . eo! race was appointe col- pick, The Ladies” Aid Society o SE g Strickler and family spent| Miss Grace A. Holland, of Bare. eri dues of the members for the | déurinity Reformed church held their lar meeting at the home of Mr. [Sunday with his parents, Mr. and | and id i i i {A nkhouser. . d James Keller \d Mrs. Harry Biemesderfer on |Mrs. David Strickler. ol Henry Re vad Mrs, Ha my, [Grietin, Foray = Jes Rene: ey i AE laugh ling a few days with ker d ern on orney, butcher, slaugh- [spending a few days er dau ec o of tive red | two hogs Yor Samuel Shaub, ter, Mrs. F. S. Strickler. jhe home Ghat ig Lanpastor. 1a. a] Yitotetiing feaigey of i San- 3 3 3 iq 3 1 | A . . Oe FY 9! 0 e a 0 are 8 Neffsville, which weighed 422 an Samuel Eby visited his sister at] rant from Sutarday antl We or ay Son de ay ™ TM | yisitors with Mrs. Lavina Dombach , and Miss Mary Bassler a few days. \ | FOUR THE MT. JOY STAR AND NEWS SATURDAY, JANU f 10 Star and News ELIZABETHTOWN RHEEMS MAYTOWN : Hershey Car Service Was Tied Up—| Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Souders an- Red Cross Meote—Band and Fire MOUNT JOY, PA. A. L. Garrett's Operation Suc- / nounce the birth of a son. : Company’s New Officers—Big E. Schroll, Editor and Publisher cessful Mr. and Mrs. Harry Emenheiser Sleighing Party, Etc. Eh manne rms announce the birth of a son. ————— : . 'E Subgeribe for the Mt. Joy Rulletin Mr. and Mrs. David Rhen of Royal- Miss Mary Heisey visited in Colum- SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1 A YEAR Prof. H. K. Ober has returned |ton, Pa, were Sunday guests of Mr. pia, > : #6 Mos, 50c. 3 Mos, 25c¢ from a business trip to Goshen, Ind. |and Mrs. Victor Diebler last Sunday. Hiram Risser spent the day in Lan- RE - Roy Heisey has resigned his posi Mr. Paul B. Heisey, a P. R. R. caster. tion as engineer at the Rheems employee in the clerical department J. A. DeHoff made a business trip c ount he AR rotary. : . _ visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. to Lancaster. ’ ’ IL. C. Fisher is attending the Furni- | L.. Heisey. Charles Mayer of Middletown, : ture Dealers’ Convention in New Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shank, Post gpent the day in town. The consolidation of the entire sub York City. | master, spent last Sunday as guests ~~ Mrs. Melvin Fry underwent an op- Sion lists of He lovin “News, Mrs. Fannie Blecher of Falmouth, of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Risser of gration at the Columbia hospital, ¢ ndisville “Vigil” and the Mt. sent a few days with C. B. Peters Elizabethtown G. A. Harter and Albert Ris- y “Star and News” make this pa- und family. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bless, promi- a a business trip to Florin. er an excellent advertising medium. Mrs. Clayton Peters is ill with! nent agriculturists of East Donegal, = jacob B. Minnich of Philadelphia, + Rates on Request. pneumonia at her home on South spent last Sunday with Mr. H. H. gpent a few days here with his fam- 5 c —— Poplar street. {F Bard and tally. hn WW ily. ). dass Robert Becker of Harrisburg, was Mr. and Mrs. John M. eaver, Mrs. Howard Stauffer and daugh- ' BAINBRIDGE the guest of his parents, Reuben daughter Gladys and son, Henry ter, of Landisville, spent the day in ae Jecker and wife. spent last Sunday, as guests Met town. ; ; el ntzelman visited at Har- Mrs. David Witmer and daughter | parents, Mr. anc rs. Boll at May- = pgyl Sload of Elizabethtown, Vis- ; Md Re were the guests of relatives at Hills- Pe . 4 ited his parents Mr. and Mrs. Abram * Clarence Bryans and sister, Edna, dale for several days. Mrs. S J. King returned from goad. visited at Marietta. | An adjourned meeting of borough Elmira, N. Y., after spending several = Mrs Rebecca Saylor, of Lancaster,’ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kell announce | council was held in the council cham- weeks with her husband being called ig visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. the birth of a son, Harry Martin. |ber on Tuesday evening. home owing to the illness of her Henry Flick. Mr. and Mrs. Joe O'Conner, an- Rev. H. B. Pulsifer, rector of St. mother |" Captain and Mrs, William C. Hei- ‘pounce the birth of a son, Glen Le- | John’s P. E. church of Marietta, was One hundred empty coal and coke sey, of New York City, spent a few [among friends in the borough. cars were placed on the west bound days here with Mrs. Barbara Heisey. irs. Harry Brandt and niece, Miss; George D. Boggs, the burgess, has siding at this place, Monday morning Apram Sload is suffering from a Susan Forrey, spent some time at|been appointed local agent for is- owing to the congestion of cars in groke of apoplexy, he being confined { | suing licenses for the handling of ex- the west. to his bed in an unconscious condi- Lancaster. 0 : : : Raymond Leiby moved his house- | plosives in this borough. Be Patriotic is what prevails every- (ion. : hold goods from Lobata to one of the| Mrs. Mary Brandt, who is in her | where, so much so that even the Misses Marian and Laura Shire- new | } | | ouses owned by B. F. Hoffman | 81st year, can be seen daily with her | Rheems water works shut down for man of Lancaster, spent the day with | at Locust Grove. 1 5 Earnest E. Sheaffer, sergeant of |assists at light house work. were made. the U. S. A., stationed at Fort Leaven | worth, Kansas, accompanied by his | Garrett on South Market street on mother, from Dauphin, visited Rev.| Tuesday afternoon. A large number 19 with Rev. I 0 I and Mrs. I. P. Zimmerman. |of sportsmen were present. county in charge which will continue geeks with their parents Mr. and | Miller Grove has accepted a posi-| The Lutheran Sewing Circle met for an indefinite period. Mrs. William Roath. _ gion as clerk in the P. R. R. depot in at the home of Mrs. Frank Sweigert, | The scarcity of fuel has aroused = The following articles were made this place. He fills the vacancy caus- on Summit street, which proved athe citizens of this place to such an 44 the work rooms on Tuesday and ed by the resignation of Lawrence very profitable and enjoyable meet- | extent that wood saws and bucks Wednesday of this week: 1 sweater, Smith, who is now a private at Camp |ing. | prevail. A number of men are busily 500 4x8-inch compresses, 11 T ban- Meade. {" Mrs. C. P. Eshleman had the mis- engaged in cutting down the locust gapes 30 triangular bandages, 7 A spelling bee will be held by the | fortune while milking a cow to be | grove adjacent to the Church of the gphjrts’ 10 pajama suits and 24 and- students of the Bainbridge High kicked by the animal in the stomach Brethren. This grove was started by erchiefs. school, in the High school room, un- and side, sustaining very painful in-| the Ream family niore than “75 ~“mhae Junior class of the Maytown Shireman. der the direction of the teachers Prof. | juries. years ago. High School held a sleighing party I. J. Kreider and Miss Buelah Sheaff-| Drnsis the gd 2009 fers pels - to Elizabethtown, which proved Io er, on Saturday evening, Jan. 26. 73 births in the borough and 45 be a very enjoyable affair. Refresh- ‘At a meeting of the Board of Di-|deaths, four of them of citizens over MARIETTA ments were enjoyed at Elizabeth- rectors of the First National Bank, !80 years and nine between 70 and RT : . town. Those composing the pathy | The members of the alumni associ- ‘wore: Misses Margaret O’Brien, Al- nization was effected and these 80 years. : x officers elected: President, B. F.| Noah H. Gebhart and Joseph M. ation of the Marietta High School porta Boll, Miriam Keller, Helen Hoffman; first vice president, C. S.| McLaughlin, of this place, have been will hold a very important meeting Rhoads, Bertha Kuhn, Edith Witmer, Manning; second vice president, I. discharged from Camp Meade on ac- February 4, in the evening at 7:30 Rebecca Sload, Anna Myers, Nellie Scott Smith; cashier, I. Oliver Fry. count of physical disability and have o'clock in the public school b#tilding. gmith and Messrs Edward Baller, | The following is a report given by returned home. | John Haines, of East Marietta, §imon Nissley, Clarence Smith, Mrs. P. G. Engle, chairman of the| A largely attended euchre was held | who drives one of the dump carts at Richard Zook, Ralph Good. = Red Cross here, which is a branch of |at the Masonic Home on West High |the Marietta furnace, is off duty be- At the annual meeting of the Citi- the Columbia Chapter: January 11:!street on Friday evening when a {cause of an injury received while ' vc Band of Maytown, reports were 2 sweaters, 4 packages of triangular number of valuable prizes were | driving the cart. He slipped and fell, heard for the year 1917 and the fol- bandages, 33 pillow cases, 1 knit hot awarded to the lucky ones. and the animal accidentally trampled lowing officers” elected for the year water bottle cover, 2 knit wash cloths! J. E. Beiser has received a letter upon his right foot, badly lacerating 3918. President, North Loucks; vice 2 linen wash cloths, and 6 comfort from his son, Edward, who waslit. : . president, Frederick Peck; saerstary, kits equipped. {stationed at Camp Dix, that by the| Miss Emma Libhart, of this place, William Glattacker; treasurer, Dr. G. The following are the new officers time he receives it he will be on |while on her way to work, being em- 4 "Harter: trustees, Charles A. Stra- of St. Luke’s Lutheran Christian En-!board ship for somewhere in France. ployed as a weaver in the Dery silk joo A. R. Houseal, Ray F. Males: deavor: President, Ruth Zimmerman;| Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Ebersole en- | mill, made a misstep on the icy side- Advisory board, Frederick Peck: vice president, Ruth Cover; recording | tertained the pupils of the Cedar Hill jwalk, and fell upon her right side. North Loucks, George Glattacker; secretary, Ruth Cover; corresponding | School at a dinner on Friday evening In falling she threw out her right jooder of band, Irvin Masterson; as- secretary, P. R. R. Keenard; treas- which was highly appreciated and to |arm, causing her to suffer a fractured sistant leader, Harry P. Frank. urer, Charles Fahs; pianist, Ruth which ample justice was done to sat-|arm. . A surprise party was held at the Zimmerman; assistant pianist, Grace |isfy the inner men. Four Marietta lads are now known jo." ¢ Miss Elizabeth Fletcher in Smith; librarians, Helen Engle, Kath-| The annual election for eleven di-|to be in France. They are Lieuten- honor of her birthday. After an ant Frank McCloskey, Paul Stoner, evening spent in playing many in- The folloz:ng officers have been the ensuing year will be held at the | William Kiehl and George Stahl. In to octing games, a delicious luncheon elected by sareswnday School of St.|banking house on South Market |lattest reports to their parents, they oc served. After extending their ryn Keenard and Marion Smith. {rectors for the Exchange Bank for A fox chase was held at Hotel Church of the Brethren opened a " B. T. Sherbohn and sister, Anna c.!| series of evening meetings on Jan. weiser, have returned to their home | Patrick of Dauphin j, Towa after spending the past four | | knitting needle as of yore. She also several days until necessary repairs their parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. J. | CASTOR! NA A Children Cry for Fletchd i, The Kind You Have Always Bought, and/which: in use for over over 30 years, has borp€ the si has been ature of and has been ghade und{fl his per. i sonal supervifion since if infancy. Fl I Allow no op€ to deceive y fu in this. All Countertcits, Imitations and/"‘ Just-as-good ’} are but Experiments that trifle with afd endanger the fhealth of Infants and Children—Experi€nce against Exp&riment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Sysups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphjfie nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee,” For more than thirty years it has been in constant usefor the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishne§s arising therefrom, and hy regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s’ Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. / ceNUIN CASTORIA Always 9 Bears the Signature of FJ / ln Use For Over 30 Years / The Kind You Have Always Bought TH CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY, ast on Monday, January 21st, be-|are all well and happy, and like the p,q wishes to Miss Fletcher for many : service. Lieutenant McCloskey was oro happy birthdays, the guests re- B.\ scuth; secret~cy, | The first ions car on the Her-|the last to arrive on the Frenck soil. {turned to their homes at a late hour. As tddeus Groff; treasurer, Charles |shey line since Monday evening ar-| The following are the newly chosen tp,ce present were: Misses Elizabeth ‘estens; pianist, Ruth Zimmerman; as- rived on Wednesday evening at seven | directors of the Donegal! and Conoy | metcher, Alberta Boll, Miriam Kel-! cos ant pianist, Grace Smith; librar- o'clock. The trouble was caused by | Mutual Fire Insurance Company, jor Bertha Kuhn, Helen Rhoads, | loys Na-|the big cuts being filled with snow. with headquarters at Marietta; Presi- | yonnio Stultz, Nellie Smith, Anna | : assistant librarians, Grace Smith | There were many belated passangers. dent, Abram Grove, Maytown; vice | pfouers Sarah Hinkle, Mildred Engle, Helen Engle. A. L. Garrett, proprietor of Hotel | president, J. Frank Johnstin, May- | Marian Engle, Elizabeth Lindemuth, a, 2 a SiC end pit & etta; treasurer, First National Bank gir on Nissley, Edward Buller, Ray usi- | Lancaster where he was operated on |of Marietta. The directors are: Barr | pack, Harry Diaces Harold Rife, Ray | has been ill for some time and the|Ackerman, J. Frank Johnstin, Abram ~ A¢'the annual meeting of the May- Grove, R. E. Glenn, John W. Russel, | oo" ‘Fire Company, reports were of wristlets, one helmet, and a_num- |last resort. The operation was suc- John A. Mouk, Henry S. Rich and |paard and the annual election of of- sweaters; Mrs. C. Shank, aged 83 his age. [the state, and works within a radius | guntzinger; vice president, yours, ovatens | have chosen a slogan, Adjastments | Her oes Sk Henderson, A. | SALUNGA Made and Losses Paid Before the R iy Tsaae Carpenter; fore- EAST P ETERSBURG i a Sun Sets,” and follow it to the mark. | pn Christian Forrey; assistant rem Mr. William Morris called on Dr. | |foreman, Charles Houseal; hose di- | tor, Geo. D: s istant hose di- SPORTING HILL rector. Geo Diocn omon: hook and Revival services are being held in|B. E. Rodis, Monday. P. . ladder director, James Keller; assist- the Evangelical church every night.| Mr. John angler 18 now staying jae. spent Sunday in the home of [gear A committee consistin of | A + Ms. Derstler of Central Manor, js ler, of Landisville, spent Sunday in| improvements at the fire house. , respectively. They were [the St. Joseph Hospital on Monday : ’ BR i bid y y afternoon and found her improving. day in the homes of D. M. Nissley awarding of rewards for perfect at- Simple, Strong, Silent and Speedy ASK TO SEE THE 66. THE ONLY MACHINE WITH ALL THE ABOVE QUALITIES COMBINED. REPAIRS FOR ALL MAKES OF MACHINES. CALL OR ADDRESS. ¢ Singer Sewing Machine Co. 14 E. Orange Street, Lancaster or 410 Locust Street, Columbia \Clayton Shimp and daughter,| Mr. Samuel Heisey and family | and Harrison Miller. i tendance during the year 1917. In ss Crave Beagle, of Ephrata, |were the week-end visitors at the Mr. and iy Levi Fissel speat | recognition of the first year’s per-| and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Tawzer (home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, (Sunday in the home of William |gect attendance Miss Nancy Rife and and daughter, Teresa, of York, were |A. Deitrich. | Brehm at Central Rapho. | Master Abram Sload received hand- | i Miss Gramm, teacher of the Mus-, Mrs. Levi Fissel left on Wednesday | some leather bound copies of the |ser school, treated her school to a|Svening Or etalk here she |New Yestement | Vole, Houses] e oyster supper given by the sleigh ride on Thursday afternoon, | ens A h Davi we, Carl ouseal, arles Leas etary of he Peters- | visiting the school taught by Miss | Nise stella Nis and Master | gicks, Joseph Henderson and Misses burg Fire Company, No. 1, last Sat- | Martha Eby. i Bo : er o Lancaster, spent | Kathryn Eshleman, Ethel Sload and urday evening in the fire house Our weather men hereabouts pro- NM ay Tn M Sans ors ¢! Anna Sload received books as ved a success in every particular. nounced Monday a zero mong! ui t 4h gl VW randt, 4 awards for some; it being their | Khe total receipts Dyed to about Our boys at the front are still in JamLon ’ Spent last Wednesday in'gsecond and for others their fourth, $69. good spirits and we are hopeful that |* “ ome of Daniel Nissley. fifth or sixth year of perfect at-| On Saturday evening, January 18, all will end well. i ang Mrs. Frank Kulp and tendance. Each one of the above | the fifth and sixth grades of the East is Nisa. Jeader of fry Yale i fives 3 aren oro Wis, |also received 8 Robert Refken Jinde-} ool, taught by Miss school visited the Neffsville school, | y = - ma or a second year zeal for placing Potershie Sehooh z y {ble and wife. lon the diploma awarded them last 1 i ve an entertain- taught by Miss Mary Weaver, Thurs- | Ciara Charles, ive Dialogues, |day. That all had a good time is| John Sheaffer and son Emanuel, gear. The following adults also re- pent in the fife spent Sunday at Penryn in the home | ceived either diplomas or seals for | OTL coc 0 1 LD 1 I i HOTEL MARKERT B.D O'DONNELL, +Rorr ; 113-115 South Eighth-St., Philadelphy Especially recomended to the traveling public throughdt the state. Commodious rooms. Steam heat. Fine cuicine. Lowrates, Good Gerthan kitchen. Meals at all hours. V1 : recitati drills and music by the |needless to say. ] = Jations, - Misses By and Elizabeth Peifor| 3 re, former %, Sarenis, Mr. and gertect sfendente; We Te Wei u o knit blankets are on exhibi-|and Miriam Kendig took advantage ™"™ ™"_~ . ‘Miss M. Ethel Culp, Miss Anna M.|j : rm" Tig Do chnauer’s store, the |of the fine sleighing and visited the | ee Hoover, Miss Sallie Shireman, Mrs | LO pa—_ patches being knitted by the school [school of Alberta Peifer on the Fruit- Lawn Mutual Co. Elects William J. Lowe and Rev. William The Lawn Mutual Fire, Storm and J. Lowe. children of the third and fourth |ville pike on Monday afternoon. . 3 : des (from eight to ten years),| In order to conserve coal the | Lightning Insurance Company elect-| The monthly mzeting of the ex- ught by Miss Esther Hershey. They | Fourth Quarterly Conference of the [ed the following officers for the en- ecutive committee of the Maytown be for Belgian or French babies. | M. E. Church was held at the home |suing year: President, R. H. New- branch of the American Red Cross Last Saturday evening a piano re- | of Dr. B. E. Kendig. It was well | gard; vice president, C. H. Reed; was held in the directors’ room of! cital was given by the pupils of Miss | attended and the District Superin-|treasurer, H. G. Gibble; secretary, J. the Peoples’ Bank. The meeting was Miriam Gochnauer, music teacher, at |tendent who is ever popular at Sa- |B. Bradley; auditors, J. H. Brandt, well attended, seventeen officers and her home. Those who participated |lunga ingreciated himself more then Fredericksburg; E. E. Risser, Lawn; | committee chairman being present. were as follows: Sylvia Pierce, Kath- | ever to the people by giving a very 'N.E. Root, Elizabethtown; Directors, | Mrs. Charles C. Hicks presided and Swarr, Mary Koch, Hannah and | interesting talk after the business|M. R. Ebersole, Marietta; C. H. Miss Ethel Culp recorded the Room} Kauffman, Mary Miller, Her- | session. IOOOODOLDOU { Reed, Lawn; J. S. Bradley, Manheim; | minutes. Mrs. John R. Roath gave | rm A A Qe T. H. Geiss, Mount Joy; J. S. Reist, her report as treasurer which showed | ¥ Arthur and Ira Wagner, | i T The rendered ner : Elizabethtown; H. B. Gibble, Man- a nice balance on hand. Mrs. H. B.|& Charles e y p | You Are Invited i i i ice | solos, duets and trios. As hostess of prohibition prayer | Simi Ti alot, Lebanon; N B. Haings See TRI for Pe Service | § The Ladies Assit, of de Lan] ioeting on Thorolay afternoon oon | a PRa o D Te Rnorics for ree caste: A { A ’ i SHI SiH P-IrI@>@@>ii»b i 7 { monthly Seeting at the home of Mrs. | every member of our local W. e. T.} ; jes, Cus ann CR if 4 WD. Cake: he a foll nce |U., as well as every one interested Pennsylvania made an avera | Bistributed among the homes of the | the members. dt ®h 0 waing | 12 the prohibition movement, to at- | yield of 19.1 bushels of wheat to the| ~~. “np a reported 4 ee cers were electe p B Miller: | tend this meeting. Mrs. I. D. Steh- | acre while the average for the eoun- ig Fe 'o " 0" titee Rew Willi OT | 5¢ year: Prosident, Jin. Amelia Cn’ man. |rty is 15.2 bushels. |J. Lowe, chairman of the hit nin % ’ ——— Gr CR — |Z ’ - 18d vice presi : -—’8 {ship committee reported that thus|§ * Mrs. Albert Groff; assist- I Hotten-/ All the dealers at Lancaster are A new P. & R. freight depot is far 428 new members had been se-! » secretary, Mrs. H. W. ant Miss Anna Hershey. | selling coal in very small quantities being erected at Palmyra to cost cured and that the total membership | & Fhe barrel fund, which amounted to this week. about $10,000. now was 453. * AOCOOOOOOOO0OOCO0OOGOOOOOOCOODDOOOO0LDLDLLLLLVLLLG H.C. BRUNNER Good Furnitun: Is the only kind I sell—Furntufe that is Furniture Se ROCKERS, MIRRORS, HALL RACKS, EXTENSION T# CHINA CLOSETS, KITCHEN CABINETS J 03 WILOO0O00000000000000ON In fact anythipg and everything in the Furniture Li J Undertaking and Embalmin® \ oS 2 al RES